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Alternative News:
DHA and EPA Prevent Seizure
and Depression-Like Behavior by Inhibiting Ferroptosis and Neuroinflammation via
Different Mode-of-actions in a Pentylenetetrazole-Induced Kindling Model in Mice
- Mol Nutr Food Res 2022 Sep 13 - "The administration of
EPA and DHA at a dose of 1% (w/w) significantly inhibited PTZ-induced seizures
and depressive-like behavior, whereas EPA outcompetes DHA" - See
omega-3 supplements at Amazon.com.
The effect of omega-3 fatty
acid supplementation on seizure frequency in individuals with epilepsy: a
systematic review and meta-analysis - Nutr Neurosci 2021 Jul 30;1-10 -
"In order, the duration of the intervention and dosage
of omega-3 fatty acid supplement of the included studies ranged from 12 to 42
weeks and 1000-2880 mg/day. Pooled results from the random-effects model
indicated that seizure frequency following supplementation of omega-3 fatty acid
decreased significantly (WMD: -6.15, 95% CI: -7.78, -4.53, P < 0.001).
Furthermore, the results of the subgroup analysis revealed that seizure
frequency was more alleviated in studies that used a daily dose of 1500 mg or
less of omega-3 fatty acids as well as studies that had an intervention duration
of more than 16 weeks. More importantly, our findings also showed that the
effect of omega-3 intervention was greater in adults than in children with
epilepsy" - See omega-3 supplements at Amazon.com and
Curcumin in epilepsy
disorders - Phytother Res. 2018 Jun 19 - "The molecule has an anti-seizure
potential in preclinical studies, including chemical and electrical models of
acute and chronic epilepsy. Curcumin also possesses an anti-epileptogenic
activity as it reduces spontaneous recurrent seizures severity in a kainate
model of temporal lobe epilepsy. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nature of
curcumin might be responsible for its observed anti-seizure effects;
nevertheless, the exact mechanism is not yet clear. The poor availability of
curcumin to the brain limits its use in clinics. The application of nanoliposome
and liposome technologies has been tested to enhance its brain availability and
penetrability. Unfortunately, there are no randomized, double-blinded controlled
clinical trials validating the use of curcumin in epilepsy. The present article
analyzes different preclinical evidence illustrating the effect of curcumin in
seizure models. The review encourages carrying out clinical trials in this
important area of research. In conclusion, curcumin might be beneficial in
patients with epilepsy disorders, if its bioavailability issues are resolved"
- See
curcumin products at Amazon.com
Distinct effects of
resveratrol on seizures and hyperexcitability induced by NMDA and
4-aminopyridine - Nutr Neurosci. 2018 Apr 12:1-11 -
"These findings suggest that resveratrol might be capable of protecting against
the seizure types related to neuronal excitability and progression mediated by
NMDA receptor activation, but not suitable for the seizures caused by
disturbance of the voltage-dependent potassium channels" - See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com
Docosahexaenoic acid
prevents resistance to antiepileptic drugs in two animal models of
drug-resistant epilepsy - Nutr Neurosci. 2018 Jan 16:1-9 -
(LTG) ... phenytoin (PHT) ... DHA removes the 'inherent resistance' of 6-Hz
seizures to PHT and LTG, and prevents the development of pharmacodynamic
tolerance to LTG in LTG-resistant kindled rats. DHA might have potential to be
used as add-on therapy in patients with refractory epilepsy" - See
docosahexaenoic acid at Amazon.com
Huperzine A provides seizure protection in genetic epilepsy models - Science
Daily, 11/10/16 - "In particular, huperzine A shows
potential for protecting against febrile seizures, which are a feature of both
Dravet syndrome, a severe form of childhood epilepsy, and a related condition,
GEFS+ (genetic epilepsy with febrile seizures plus ... The protection observed
in normal mice suggest huperzine A might also increase seizure resistance in
other forms of treatment-resistant epilepsy. While these results are
encouraging, further research will be required to determine suitability of using
huperzine A as a clinical treatment for epilepsy ... Huperzine A is thought to
work, in part, by inhibiting the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, which breaks down
the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Thus, huperzine A can increase the levels of
acetylcholine in the brain" - See
Huperzine at Amazon.com
Scientists identify amino acid that stops seizures in mice: Finding suggests
novel mechanism for treating epilepsy - Science Daily, 6/19/15 -
"researchers pre-treated mice with the amino acid
L-leucine and another one, called D-leucine, which has a nearly identical
structure to L-leucine and is essentially its biochemical mirror image ... When
researchers induced seizures with shock therapy, animals pre-treated with either
amino acid fared better, developing seizures at notably higher electric currents
than mice that received placebo, a sign of greater seizure resistance ...
L-leucine failed to abort ongoing seizures, while D-leucine effectively
interrupted convulsions" - See
leucine products at Amazon.com
and Core Nutritionals Hmb Dietary Supplement, 90 Gram .
I doubt if you'll find the "D" form. However, my mother had epilepsy so
I'm very familiar with it and it doesn't make sense that you could give someone
a supplement while they are having a seizure.
Low-Dose Fish Oil Shows
Reduced Seizures in Epilepsy - Medscape, 9/9/14 -
"the previous studies tested a dose of fish oil containing 1700 to 2000 mg of
omega-3 fatty acids per day ... But the lower dose in this study — 1000 mg of
omega-3 fatty acids per day — showed a reduction in seizure frequency of about
one third. "This is quite remarkable given that the patients included all had
intractable epilepsy," ... In the low-dose group, 2 patients (10%) actually
achieved seizure-free status" - See
fish oil supplements at Amazon.com
Scientists discover new role for vitamin C in the eye and the brain -
Science Daily, 7/15/11 - "cells in the retina need to be
'bathed' in relatively high doses of vitamin C, inside and out, to function
properly ... Because the retina is part of the central nervous system, this
suggests there's likely an important role for vitamin C throughout our brains,
to a degree we had not realized before ... The findings could have implications
for other diseases, like glaucoma and epilepsy. Both conditions are caused by
the dysfunction of nerve cells in the retina and brain that become over excited
in part because GABA receptors may not be functioning properly" - See
vitamin C products at Amazon.com
Intake of
marine n-3 fatty acids during pregnancy and risk for epilepsy in the offspring:
A population-based cohort study - Epilepsy Res. 2010 Aug 24 -
"Children born to mothers in the lowest (IRR=1.28,
95% CI: 0.98, 1.67) and highest (IRR=1.33, 95% CI: 1.02, 1.74) quintile of n-3
LCPUFA intake had an increased risk of epilepsy after adjustment for potential
confounders compared to children born to mothers with an average intake ...
Maternal deficiency of n-3 LCPUFA and a high intake of n-3 LCPUFA perhaps
related to a high consumption of contaminated fish may be associated with an
increased risk of epilepsy in early childhood" - Note: See my
Toxins in fish oil/fish page. Contamination with the higher end omega-3
supplements has not been a problem. - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
New Finding Adds Weight
to Ketogenic Diet for Childhood Seizures - Medscape, 5/27/10
High-fat ketogenic diet effectively treats persistent childhood seizures,
study finds - Science Daily, 5/17/10
High-fat ketogenic diet to control seizures is safe over long term, study
suggests - Science Daily, 2/16/10
Taurine: Key To The Visual Toxicity Of An Anti-epileptic Drug For Children?
- Science Daily, 2/17/09 - "Vigabatrin (Sabril),
first intention molecule for the treatment of epilepsy in children, in many
cases produces secondary effects that lead to an irreversible loss of vision
... vigabatrin provokes a marked decrease in the blood level in an amino
acid, taurine, resulting in a degeneration of the retina cells induced by
light. The researchers therefore suggest that exposure to light should be
reduced and a taurine-rich diet introduced in order to curb immediately
these secondary effects in children undergoing treatment" - See
taurine at Amazon.com
Vitamin D Deficiency Highly Prevalent Among Epilepsy Patients -
Medscape, 12/6/07 - "the study showed 44.5% of
epilepsy patients — 45.3% of men and 43.7% of women — were vitamin D
deficient, putting these patients at potential increased risk for a wide
variety of conditions, including osteoporosis, autoimmune disease, cancer,
cardiovascular disease, and infectious disease, among others" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
A Prospective Study of the Modified Atkins Diet for Intractable Epilepsy in
Adults - Epilepsia. 2007 Oct 5 - "A modified
Atkins diet appears to demonstrate preliminary efficacy for adults with
intractable epilepsy, especially in those who lost weight. Considering the
rapid response in those who improved, but somewhat high discontinuation
rate, a 2-month trial period may be adequate to assess for efficacy"
Two randomized vitamin D trials in ambulatory patients on anticonvulsants:
Impact on bone - Neurology. 2006 Dec 12;67(11):2005-14 -
"In ambulatory adults on antiepileptic drugs,
high-dose vitamin D therapy substantially increased bone mineral density at
several skeletal sites"
Asymptomatic carnitine depletion on ketogenic diet in patients with
pharmacoresistant epilepsies - Klin Padiatr. 2006 Sep-Oct;218(5):260-3 -
"Regular controls of carnitine levels should be
performed during the treatment with ketogenic diet, both at the beginning
and during longterm-therapy"
Modified Atkins Diet Effective in Children with Intractable Epilepsy -
Doctor's Guide, 12/8/05
Modified Atkins Diet Effectively Treats Childhood Seizures - Science
Daily, 12/6/05
Ketogenic Diet Prevents Seizures By Enhancing Brain Energy Production,
Increasing Neuron Stability - Science Daily, 11/15/05
Ketogenic Diet OK at Home for Epileptic Kids - WebMD, 10/22/04
Mayo Clinic Finds Ketogenic Diet May Be Started As An Outpatient Treatment
For Children With Epilepsy - Science Daily, 10/20/04
- The Atkins Diet:
Possible Treatment for Epilepsy - Healthwell Exchange Daily News, 2/5/04
- Can Atkins Help
Kids With Epilepsy? - WebMD, 12/9/03
High-Fat Ketogenic Diet Significantly Increases Atherogenic Values in
Children with Intractable Seizures - Doctor's Guide, 8/19/03
- Ketogenic Diet
Raises Cholesterol in Kids - WebMD, 8/19/03
The ketogenic diet: adolescents can do it, too - Epilepsia. 2003
B-vitamins Attenuate Changes in Cardiovascular Risk Markers Linked with
Antiepileptic Drugs - Doctor's Guide, 11/15/02
High-Fat, Low-Carb Diet Reduces Seizures In Children
- Intelihealth, 10/11/01
- Long-Term
Results: Some Kids Do Great, but Keto Diet No Cure-All
- WebMD, 10/2/01
- Ketogenic Diet Reduces
Current/Future Seizures in Many Children
- Doctor's Guide, 10/1/01
- Movement Disorder Ascribed
To Ketogenic Diet - Doctor's Guide, 5/8/01
General Information:
Epilepsy - American Academy of Family Physicians
Epilepsy - emedicine.com
Epilepsy - familydoctor.org
Epilepsy - Intelihealth
Treatments for epilepsy
- Medifocus.com
Other News:
Benefits of Medical
Cannabis for Resistant Epilepsy Time-Limited? - Medscape, 12/13/18 -
"Long-term exposure may produce a different picture.
With time, efficacy may decrease, resulting in a need to increase the dose.
This suggests the development of tolerance ... We know marijuana may have
cognitive consequences with long-term, chronic recreational use. I think we
need to be a little more cautious on our expectations of this therapy"
People at highest risk of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy - Science
Daily, 12/7/10
Twelve new epilepsy drugs usher in 'era of abundance' - Science Daily,
Epilepsy surgery can have beneficial effect on memory, research suggests
- Science Daily, 5/31/10
Of Whipping Cream, Butter, Vegetable Oil Can Help Control Epileptic Seizures
In Many Children - Science Daily, 4/6/09
Early Treatment Stops Epilepsy In Its Tracks, Study Suggests - Science
Daily, 12/13/07
Epilepsy Drugs May Cause Sexual Disorders - Science Daily, 10/29/07
Epileptic Seizures Affected By Estrogen - Science Daily, 4/30/07
Best First-Choice Drugs for Epilepsy ID'd - WebMD, 3/22/07
Epilepsy Medication Proving Ineffective Over Time; Patients Showing
Tolerance To Traditional Drugs - Science Daily, 9/13/06
Epilepsy Surgery Successful For Alleviating Seizures Over The Long Term
- Science Daily, 4/4/06
Flexible Doses Help With Epilepsy Drug - WebMD, 12/29/05
Flexible Drug Dosing Produces Less Side Effects in People with Epilepsy
- Doctor's Guide, 12/29/05
Less Depression After Epilepsy Surgery - WebMD, 12/12/05
Computer Monitors Do Not Trigger Epileptic Seizures - Doctor's Guide,
Children Treated for Epilepsy Have Significant Bone Loss - Doctor's
Guide, 12/9/05
Cost of Newer Epilepsy Drugs Prove Worth in Cutting Overall Health Resource
Use - Doctor's Guide, 12/8/05
Review Finds Ativan (Lorazepam) Best for Treating Severe Epilepsy -
Doctor's Guide, 10/28/05
Epilepsy in the Elderly: Considerations for Drug Treatment Options -
Doctor's Guide, 10/24/05
New Guideline: Blood Test Can Help Determine Type of Seizure - Doctor's
Guide, 9/14/05
Vagus Nerve Stimulation Is Effective in Treating Children with Epilepsy
- Doctor's Guide, 8/31/05
New Emergency Seizure Treatment for Children - WebMD, 7/14/05
When It Comes to Sedation, Antiepileptics Not Created Equal - Clinical
Psychiatry News, 7/05
Study Links Epilepsy and Schizophrenia Risk - WebMD, 6/16/05
Epilepsy Surgery Brings Long-Term Results - WebMD, 6/14/05
Scientists Advocate Delaying Medication for Early Epilepsy - Doctor's
Guide, 6/10/05
Breakthrough For Kids With Epilepsy: Surgery Reduces Seizures And Increases
IQ - Science Daily, 4/24/05
- Epilepsy Study
Gives Insight to Mood Disorders - WebMD, 1/5/05
Fracture Risk Increases With Antiepileptics, Especially in Women
- Doctor's Guide, 12/13/04
- Epilepsy,
Alternative Medicine May Not Mix - WebMD, 12/6/04
- Generic Epilepsy
Drug Switch Tied to Seizures - WebMD, 12/6/04
- Epilepsy
Affects Learning Disabilities Risk - WebMD, 10/14/04
Epilepsy Associated With Higher Risk for Learning Disabilities
- Doctor's Guide, 10/13/04
Some Patients Show Memory Loss Following Surgery for Epilepsy
- Doctor's Guide, 10/13/04
- Depression
Often Accompanies Epilepsy - WebMD, 10/1/04
- Dogs
Anticipate Epileptic Seizures - WebMD, 6/21/04
- Older Epilepsy
Drugs Promote Bone Loss - WebMD, 6/8/04
- Full Moon
Doesn't Bring On Epilepsy Seizures - WebMD, 5/28/04
Epilepsy patients advised to check out newer treatments
- USA Today, 5/24/04
- New Treatment
Guidelines for Epilepsy - Medscape, 4/27/04
New Guidelines Released for Management of Epilepsy
- Doctor's Guide, 4/26/04
Monotherapy May Be Best For Some Patients With Refractory Epilepsy
- Doctor's Guide, 12/15/03
PET May Predict Which Epilepsy Patients Will Benefit from Surgery
- Doctor's Guide, 12/8/03
Need Identified to Screen Epileptics for Depression
- Doctor's Guide, 11/6/03
Long-Term Outcome Of Epilepsy Surgery Favorable For Many
- Doctor's Guide, 8/26/03
- Epilepsy
Surgery Works For Many - WebMD, 8/25/03
Further Study Needed on Cognitive Effects of New Antiepileptic Drugs
- Doctor's Guide, 7/9/03
- Driving With
Epilepsy Safe for Many - WebMD, 7/9/03
Patients with Epilepsy More Vulnerable to Behavioral Side Effects Than
People with Other Brain Disorders - Doctor's Guide, 5/29/03
- Epilepsy
Treatments' Failure: Gene Link? - WebMD, 4/9/03
More Pregnant Women With Epilepsy Having Healthy Births
- Doctor's Guide, 4/7/03
Left Temporal Lobe Resection For Epilepsy Linked To Drop In Verbal Memory
Over Many Years - Doctor's Guide, 4/1/03
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Provides Reliable Results Regarding
Brain Mapping For Language - Doctor's Guide, 3/31/03
Alpha-methyl-L-tryptophan Positron Emission Tomography Can Help Localize
Epileptogenic Regions In Tuberous Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 3/31/03
Idiopathic Partial Epilepsy In Left Temporal Lobe Linked To Increased Risk
Of Cognitive Dysfunction - Doctor's Guide, 3/23/03
Wide Interreader Variability Limits Utility Of Electroencephalogram For
Predicting Seizure Risk - Doctor's Guide, 3/10/03
Surgery A Reasonable Option In Focal Cortical Dysplasia
- Doctor's Guide, 3/10/03
Specific Clinical Features Help Identify Patients With Non-Convulsive Status
Epilepticus - Doctor's Guide, 3/10/03
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Identifies Smaller Amygdala On Side Of Brain
Affected By Epilepsy - Doctor's Guide, 3/3/03
Vagus Nerve Stimulation Limited With Respect To Controlling Surgically
Intractable Epilepsy - Doctor's Guide, 2/25/03
Hemispherectomy Appears Safe And Effective For Children With Epilepsy
- Doctor's Guide, 2/18/03
High Frequency Stimulation Of The Subthalamic Nucleus Reduces Seizure
Frequency In Intractable Epilepsy - Doctor's Guide, 1/31/03
Vagal Nerve Stimulation Inhibits Seizures In Patients With Bitemporal
Epilepsy - Doctor's Guide, 1/31/03
Radiotherapy Reduces Seizure Activity In Drug-Resistant Epilepsy
- Doctor's Guide, 1/31/03
- Good Seizure
Control Now May Turn Bad - WebMD, 1/28/03
Positive Response To Epilepsy Medication Does Not Ensure Good Prognosis
- Doctor's Guide, 1/28/03
Child's First Unprovoked Seizure Should Not Be Treated As Epilepsy
- Doctor's Guide, 1/28/03
Drug-Resistant Seizures Often Take Years To Develop
- Doctor's Guide, 1/28/03
- Guidance Change
for First Seizure in Kids - WebMD, 1/27/03
Psychogenic Pseudoepileptic Seizures Linked to High Anxiety Scores
- Doctor's Guide, 1/24/03
Rapid Infusions Of Valproate Sodium Appear Safe, Well Tolerated
- Doctor's Guide, 1/24/03
Non-Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Promotes Seizure Activity In Epileptics
- Doctor's Guide, 1/17/03
Epilepsy Surgery May Impair Visual Field Enough To Prevent Driving
- Doctor's Guide, 1/9/03
Inattention, Hyperactivity Common in Children with Newly Diagnosed Epilepsy
- Doctor's Guide, 1/3/03
SPECT May Improve Epilepsy Surgery by Identifying Areas of Increased Ictal
Perfusion - Doctor's Guide, 12/27/02
Vagus Nerve Stimulation Shows Promise for Intractable Epilepsy
- Doctor's Guide, 12/27/02
Seizures in Childhood Linked to Behaviour Problems Early in Disease
Progression - Doctor's Guide, 12/11/02
Epilepsy Aid [vagus nerve stimulation] May Ease Depression, Alzheimer's
- Intelihealth, 12/9/02
Ictal Magnetoencephalography May Be Useful For Ictal Localization In
Epilepsy - Doctor's Guide, 12/6/02
One-year Outcome Predicts Long-Term Outcome Following Surgery for Refractory
Epilepsy - Doctor's Guide, 11/29/02
Dedicated Epilepsy Magnetic Resonance Imaging Required to Adequately
Identify Focal Lesions in Epilepsy - Doctor's Guide, 11/29/02
Outpatient Electroencephalogram As Good as Inpatient Procedure for
Monitoring Temporal Lobe Epilepsy - Doctor's Guide, 11/29/02
Antiepileptic Use Linked To Reduced Ocular Perfusion
- Doctor's Guide, 11/25/02
Left Temporal Lobe Surgery Linked to Temporary Learning Problems in Children
with Epilepsy - Doctor's Guide, 11/15/02
Patients Taking Vigabatrin Require Rigorous Visual Function Testing
- Doctor's Guide, 11/15/02
Occasional Partial Seizures May Be Clinical Sign Of Slow Growing Cerebral
Tumour - Doctor's Guide, 11/7/02
Non-Epileptic Seizures Have Root In Abusive Past - Doctor's Guide,
UC Davis Study Identifies Promising Epilepsy Treatment
- Doctor's Guide, 10/30/02
Vigabatrin With Valproate Causes More Visual Field Constriction Than With
Carbamazepine - Doctor's Guide, 10/25/02
Vagus Nerve Stimulation Reduces Seizures in Children with Epilepsy
- Doctor's Guide, 10/9/02
Men With Focal Temporal Disease Have Highest Relapse Risk After Stopping
Treatment - Doctor's Guide, 10/9/02
Re-operations Successful in Epilepsy Patients With Identifiable Lesions
- Doctor's Guide, 10/9/02
Vagus Nerve Stimulation May Allow For Reductions In Antiepileptic Use While
Maintaining Seizure Control - Doctor's Guide, 10/8/02
Epilepsy Patients Have Greater Risk of Other Conditions than General
Population - Doctor's Guide, 10/8/02
Depression In Epilepsy Linked To Multiple Factors
- Doctor's Guide, 9/26/02
Seizure Alert® Dogs Reduce Seizure Frequency - Doctor's Guide, 9/13/02
Remacemide Shows Promise In Refractory Epilepsy - Doctor's Guide,
Double Or Triple Anti-Epileptic Regimens May Control Seizures When
Monotherapy Fails - Doctor's Guide, 9/10/02
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Fails to Control Seizures
- Doctor's Guide, 9/4/02
Surgical Outcomes Improving For Adult Focal Frontal Lobe Epilepsy
- Doctor's Guide, 9/3/02
Vigabatrin-Induced Visual Field Constriction Is Irreversible
- Doctor's Guide, 9/3/02
Epilepsy Associated with Increased Risk of Fracture
- Doctor's Guide, 8/16/02
Ictal SPECT Not Accurate for Seizure Lateralisation in Patients with
Bilateral Interictal Spikes - Doctor's Guide, 8/16/02
Iron insufficiency linked to first febrile seizure
- Doctor's Guide, 8/16/02
Acetazolamide May Prove Useful Adjunct To Other Antiepileptic Medications
- Doctor's Guide, 8/2/02
Specialist Clinical Setting Can Provide Seamless Transition For Adolescents
With Epilepsy - Doctor's Guide, 8/2/02
Cost-Effective Interictal Tests Predict Qualification For Surgical Treatment
For Epilepsy - Doctor's Guide, 7/22/02
Test Reliably Assesses Cognitive Disorders in Children With Epilepsy
- Doctor's Guide, 7/12/02
Memory Prognosis May Be Advisable Before Epilepsy Surgery
- Doctor's Guide, 7/12/02
Aggravation Of Partial Seizures By Antiepileptics No Greater Than With
Placebo - Doctor's Guide, 7/12/02
Complementary Roles for Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Imaging in
Temporal Lobe Epilepsy - Doctor's Guide, 7/5/02
Epileptics Not At Higher Risk Of Emotional And Affective Disturbances
- Doctor's Guide, 6/25/02
Epilepsy Drugs Are Risk Factors For Osteoporosis - Doctor's Guide,
6/20/02 - "Epilepsy and its therapies - older or
modern - are both risk factors for
low bone density, irrespective of vitamin D
Evidence Of Damage From Epileptic Seizures Pushes Research
- Doctor's Guide, 6/20/02
Applied Therapies May Improve The Daily Lives Of People With Epilepsy
- Doctor's Guide, 6/14/02
Some Epilepsy May Benefit From Surgery - Doctor's Guide, 6/12/02
Neurological Problems May Cause Behaviour Problems And New-Onset Seizures In
Children - Doctor's Guide, 6/12/02
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Useful In Classification Of Epilepsy And Epilepsy
Syndromes - Doctor's Guide, 6/6/02
Young Men On Anti-Epileptics May Lose Bone Mass - Doctor's Guide, 6/5/02
- Epilepsy Is Not
Likely to Be Teratogenic - Medscape, 5/10/02
- Epileptic Women
Can Have Normal Babies - WebMD, 5/8/02
Anticonvulsant Drugs Impact On Epileptic Children's Ability To Recall
Information - Doctor's Guide, 4/22/02
Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Epilepsy More Effective When Used Early
- Doctor's Guide, 4/18/02
Reducing Antiepileptic Drugs Used with Vagus Nerve Stimulation Does Not
Cause Increase in Seizure Rates - Doctor's Guide, 4/18/02
Implantable Devices To Control Epileptic Seizures May be Near Reality
- Doctor's Guide, 4/17/02
Congenital Malformation Risk Tripled By Epilepsy Therapy During Pregnancy
- Doctor's Guide, 4/11/02
Memory Deteriorates After Selective Amygdalohippocampectomy For Temporal
Lobe Epilepsy - Doctor's Guide, 4/10/02
Outpatient Diagnosis Of Non-Epileptic Seizures - Doctor's Guide, 4/3/02
Cognitive and Quality of Life Impairments in Patients with Partial Epilepsy
- Doctor's Guide, 3/22/02
Enzyme-Inducing Antiepileptics Do Not Raise Neonate Bleeding Risk
- Doctor's Guide, 3/8/02
Driving Performance Unaffected By Anti-Epileptic Remacemide
- Doctor's Guide, 1/30/02
American Epilepsy Society and The American Clinical Neurophysiology Society
Joint Meeting - Medscape, 12/5/01
- Many Women Know
Little About Their Epilepsy - WebMD, 12/5/01
- New Epilepsy Treatment
Guidelines Reflect Significant Changes in Drug Choices
- Doctor's Guide, 11/26/01
Study Shows Surgery Is Most Effective Treatment For Epilepsy -
Intelihealth, 8/2/01
- Study Helps Predict
Children With Difficult-To-Treat Epilepsy - Doctor's Guide, 6/12/01
- FDA Approves Oral
Suspension of Trileptal (Oxcarbazepine) For Epilepsy
- Doctor's Guide, 5/31/01
- Lamictal (Lamotrigine)
Desirable Treatment Option For Women With Epilepsy - Doctor's Guide,
Anti-Epilepsy Drug, Lamictal (Lamotrigine), Has Few Cognitive Side Effects
- Doctor's Guide, 5/14/01
- Children With Generalized
Seizures Improve With Zonegran (Zonisamide) - Doctor's Guide, 5/10/01
Partial-Onset Seizures Improve With Levetiracetam - Doctor's Guide,
Seizure Drugs Linked to Birth Defects, Newer Drugs May Reduce Risk of
Defects - WebMD, 4/11/01 - "21% who took one
antiseizure drug and 28% who took two antiseizure drugs had babies born with
a major or minor birth defect, compared with 8.5% of women who did not have
epilepsy. On the other hand, mothers who had epilepsy but took no
antiseizure drugs had a rate of birth defects similar to that of women who
did not have epilepsy"
- Vagus Nerve Stimulation
May Be Good Treatment Option For Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome
- Doctor's Guide, 3/29/01
- 'Brain Pacemaker' For
Epilepsy May Affect Breathing During Sleep
- Doctor's Guide, 11/28/00
- Vagus Nerve Stimulation
Effective For Children With Epilepsy - Doctor's Guide, 11/2/00
- Vagus Nerve Stimulation
Effective Long-Term For Refractory Epilepsy - Doctor's Guide, 10/12/00
- One Third Of Epilepsy
Patients May Have Sleep Apnea - Doctor's Guide, 10/10/00
Implant Device Helps Many Untreatable Epilepsy Patients - WebMD, 9/27/00
- Keppra (Levetiracetam)
Reduces Frequency Of Partial Onset Seizures In Adults
- Doctor's Guide, 7/25/00
- Treatment Resistant
Seizures May Have Cardiovascular Causes - Doctor's Guide, 7/3/00
Oxcarbazepine Monotherapy Safe And Effective In Difficult-To-Treat Epilepsy
- Doctor's Guide, 6/27/00
- Trileptal (Oxcarbazepine)
Safe In Children With Inadequately Controlled Seizures - Doctor's Guide,
Epilepsy Surgery May Be Best Bet When Medications Fail - WebMD, 6/19/00
- Zonisamide effective for
partial or generalized epilepsy - Doctor's Guide, 5/4/00
- FDA Approves Zonegran
(Zonisamide) For Epilepsy - Doctor's Guide, 3/28/00
- Many Epileptics Live With
Uncontrolled Seizures Despite Available Treatments
- Doctor's Guide, 3/14/00
- Magnetic Fields Decrease
Seizure Frequency In Some Patients - Doctor's Guide, 2/17/00
- FDA Approves Keppra,
Adjunctive Therapy For Epilepsy - Doctor's Guide, 12/1/99
- Lamotrigine May Give
Children With Epilepsy More Seizure-Free Days - Doctor's Guide, 11/10/99
- FDA Approves Topamax
(topiramate) For Combo Treatment Of Seizures - Doctor's Guide, 10/5/99
- FDA Sends Approvable
Letter For Epilepsy Tablet, Trileptal - Doctor's Guide, 9/27/99
- Vagus Nerve Stimulation,
Safe And Effective For Epilepsy Patients - Doctor's Guide, 9/13/99
Brain 'pacemaker' may prevent epileptic seizures - CNN, 8/25/99
- New Guidance Points Way To
Better Treatment For Women With Epilepsy
- Doctor's Guide, 8/13/99
- FDA Approves Topamax For
Pediatric - Doctor's Guide, 7/26/99
- Colour Changes In TV
Cartoons Cause Seizures - Doctor's Guide, 5/28/99
- Many Patients May Be
Wrongly Diagnosed With Epilepsy - Doctor's Guide, 5/13/99
- Folate May Not Be
Recommended In Women Taking Anti-Epileptics - Doctor's Guide, 4/23/99
- Gabatril Benefits Children
With Untreatable Spasticity And Epilepsy
- Doctor's Guide, 4/21/99
- New Driving Criteria For
People With Epilepsy - Doctor's Guide, 4/20/99
- Oral Midazolam As Effective
As Rectal Diazepam In Acute Treatment Of Seizures
- Doctor's Guide, 2/19/99
- Study Shows Some Seizures
Can Cause Brain Damage - Doctor's Guide, 1/21/99
- Mesial Temporal Lobe
Epilepsy More Common Than Suspected - Doctor's Guide, 11/20/98
- Surgery Can Cure Some
Severe Childhood Epilepsy - Doctor's Guide, 11/10/98
- Women Of Childbearing Age
Should Take Only One Antiepileptic - Doctor's Guide, 10/20/98
- Rapid Clinical Assessment
Aids Epilepsy Diagnosis And Treatment - Doctor's Guide, 9/25/98
- Fertility Not Affected By
Epilepsy - Doctor's Guide, 7/21/98
- Long-Term Nerve Stimulation
Reduces Epileptic Seizures - Doctor's Guide, 4/29/98
- Researchers Establish
Parameters In Epilepsy Diagnosis - Doctor's Guide, 2/12/98
- Giving Increased Attention
To Unique Concerns Of Women With Epilepsy - Doctor's Guide, 12/3/97
- Research Shows Removal Of
Half A Brain Improves Epileptic's Quality Of Life - Doctor's Guide,
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