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> Aggression
Popular Medications (I add them as on run across
articles on them):
Alternative News:
Curcuma longa extract
improves serum inflammatory markers and mental health in healthy participants
who are overweight: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial -
Nutr J 2021 Nov 13 - "We performed a randomized,
double-blind, placebo-controlled study in healthy subjects aged 50 to 69 years
with overweight. Participants took two capsules containing
CLE (CLE group, n =
45) or two placebo capsules (placebo group, n = 45) daily for 12 weeks, and
serum inflammatory markers were measured ... After the intervention, the CLE
group had a significantly lower body weight (p < 0.05) and body mass index (p <
0.05) than the placebo group and significantly lower serum levels of C-reactive
protein (p < 0.05) and complement component 3 (p < 0.05). In addition, the CLE
group showed significant improvement of the MOS SF-36 mental health score (p <
0.05) and POMS anger-hostility score" - See
curcumin at Amazon.com.
Magnesium intake was
inversely associated with hostility among American young adults - Nutr Res
2021 May;89:35-44 - "We hypothesize that high total
magnesium intake is associated with lower levels of hostility because of its
putative antidepressant mechanisms. To test the hypothesis, we prospectively
analyzed data in 4,716 young adults aged 18-30 years at baseline (1985-1986)
from four U.S. cities over five years of follow-up using data from the Coronary
Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study ... After adjustment for
socio-demographic and major lifestyle factors, a significant inverse association
was observed between magnesium intake and hostility level over 5 years of
follow-up. Beta coefficients (95% CI) across higher quintiles of magnesium
intake were 0 (reference), -1.28 (-1.92, -0.65), -1.45 (-2.09, -0.81), -1.41
(-2.08, -0.75) and -2.16 (-2.85, -1.47), respectively (Plinear-trend<.01). The
inverse association was independent of socio-demographic and major lifestyle
factors, supplement use, and depression status at year 5. This prospective study
provides evidence that in young adults, high magnesium intake was inversely
associated with hostility level independent of socio-demographic and major
lifestyle factors" - [Nutra
USA] - See magnesium supplements at Amazon.com.
Omega-3s help keep kids out of trouble - Science Daily, 7/24/18 -
"Giving children omega-3 fatty acid supplements
reduces disruptive behavior, which in turn had a positive effect on their
parents, making them less likely to argue with each other and engage in
other verbal abuse ... That work takes Portnoy into the heart of the "nature
versus nurture" debate -- whether people who commit crimes have something in
their physiological makeup that predisposes them to doing so or if social
factors like abusive family situations lead them to it" - See
omega-3 supplements at Amazon.com
- Reductions of
intimate partner violence resulting from supplementing children with omega-3
fatty acids: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, stratified,
parallel-group trial - Aggress Behav. 2018 May 20 -
"a community sample of children were randomized to
receive either a fruit drink containing 1 gm of omega-3 fats (Smartfish
Recharge; Omega-3 group, n = 100) or the same fruit drink without omega-3's
(Placebo group, n = 100) ... Caregivers of children in the omega-3 group
reported long-term reductions in psychological aggression in a group × time
interaction. Improvements in adult psychological aggression were correlated
with improvements in child externalizing behavior scores. No differences
were reported for child maltreatment. This study is the first to show that
omega-3 supplementation in children can reduce inter-partner psychological
aggression among adult caregivers not receiving supplements. Findings
suggest that improving child behavior through omega-3 supplementation could
have long-term benefits to the family system as a whole" - [Nutra
USA] - See
fish oil supplements at Amazon.com
Omega-3, vitamins, minerals may reduce aggressive behaviour - Nutra USA,
Other News:
People with rage disorder twice as likely to have latent toxoplasmosis
parasite infection - Science Daily, 3/23/16 -
"It will take experimental studies to see if treating a latent toxoplasmosis
infection with medication reduces aggressiveness ... If we can learn more,
it could provide rational to treat IED in toxoplasmosis-positive patients by
first treating the latent infection"
More trans fat consumption linked to greater aggression, researchers find
- Science Daily, 3/13/12 - "The study of nearly
1,000 men and women provides the first evidence linking dTFAs with adverse
behaviors that impacted others, ranging from impatience to overt aggression
... We found that greater trans fatty acids were significantly associated
with greater aggression, and were more consistently predictive of aggression
and irritability, across the measures tested, than the other known
aggression predictors that were assessed"
- What Is the Best
Approach for Managing Aggression in Older Adults? - Medscape, 2/18/10
Angry Faces: Facial Structure Linked To Aggression - Science Daily,
- Don't Blame
Testosterone for Aggression - WebMD, 11/11/03
- Aripiprazole Reduces
Aggressive Behavior in Children - Medscape, 11/11/03
- Risperidone Reduces
Aggression in Children With Disruptive Behavior Disorder - Medscape,
Quetiapine Holds Promise for Management of Aggressive Psychosis -
Doctor's Guide, 11/3/03
Aggression Less Common in Girls, but Follows Same Arc as Boys When Present
- Clinical Psychiatry News Online, 11/03
Antipsychotics Effective for Elderly Patients With Dementia -
Psychiatric News, 4/18/03
- Seroquel Reduces Aggression
And Is Well Tolerated - Doctor's Guide, 3/16/98