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Urine pH
Alternative News:
Alkaline-Forming Food Chart - Bone Health - betterbones.com - I was
surprised to see apple cider vinegar on it.
Low Calcium, Potassium Key
Risk Factors for Kidney Stones - Medscape, 8/1/22 -
"A higher calcium diet is associated with a higher urinary pH, and citrate
confers an alkali load which helps protect against the formation of calcium
oxalate stones. Foods that are high in potassium also contain more fluid,
citrate, and phytate, which, again, have been reported to be protective against
kidney stones" - See potassium citrate at Amazon.com.
Over-the-counter alkali
agents to raise urine pH and citrate excretion: a prospective crossover study in
healthy adults - Urology 2022 Jul 14 - "In healthy participants without a
history of kidney stones, LithoLyte® and KSPtabsTM are effective
over-the-counter alkali supplements, with a similar side effect profile to
prescription potassium citrate" - See
LithoLyte® at Amazon.com and KSPtabsTM at
Amazon.com. Related Study.
Potassium Citrate is Better in Reducing Salt and Increasing
Urine pH than Oral Intake of Lemonade: A Cross-Over Study
- Med Sci Monit. 2018 - "Potassium
citrate supplementation improves pH of urine, decreases
urine sodium level, and increases the risk of gastric
discomfort and oropharyngeal discomfort. Potassium citrate
binds with sodium in urine and decreases sodium level in
urine, increases pH of urine, and ultimately reduces stone
formation" - See
potassium citrate at Amazon.com.
The effect of
supplementation with alkaline potassium salts on bone metabolism: a
meta-analysis - Osteoporos Int. 2015 Jan 9 - "The
objective of this study was, therefore, to conduct a meta-analysis to assess the
effects of supplemental potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3) and potassium citrate (KCitr)
on urinary calcium and acid excretion, markers of bone turnover and bone mineral
density (BMD) and to compare their effects with that of potassium chloride (KCl)
... Urinary calcium excretion was lowered by intervention with both KHCO3
(P = 0.04) and KCitr (P = 0.01), as was net acid excretion (NAE) (P = 0.002 for
KHCO3 and P = 0.0008 for KCitr). Both salts significantly lowered the bone
resorption marker NTX (P < 0.00001). There was no effect on bone formation
markers or BMD. KHCO3 and KCitr lowered calcium excretion to a greater extent
than did KCl" - [Nutra
USA] - Note: I take 1100 mg of potassium citrate per day
with food to raise my acidic urine PH closer to neutral. You shouldn't
take that much with being under the supervision of a doctor though. See
potassium citrate at Amazon.com
Alkalization - .cystinuria.com - "Human urine can have pH ranging from about
4 (acid) to about 8 (alkaline). When urine pH rises above 7, cystine becomes
much more soluble, so achieving a urine pH of 7.5-8 for a good part of the day
is desirable ... For most people adequate alkalization does not occur without
taking in extra base. It comes in many preparations. Potassium (K) citrate is
preferable to sodium citrate preparations because sodium may increase cystine
excretion" - See potassium citrate at Amazon.com
The James Buchanan
Brady Urological - Kidney stone - jhu.edu - "Citrate
is a molecule that binds to calcium in the urine, preventing calcium from
binding to oxalate or phosphate and forming a stone. If your potassium level is
low or normal, your doctor may prescribe potassium citrate supplement. If you
have high blood potassium levels, your doctor may prescribe a sodium citrate
supplement, such as Bicitra or sodium bicarbonate ... There is some evidence
that citrus juices, such as orange juice or lemonade may increase urinary
citrate levels, so these fluids would be particularly good for patients with
High-Protein Diets, Like the Popular Dr. Dukan Diet, Increase the Risk of
Developing Kidney Disease in Rats, Study Suggests - Science Daily, 1/21/14 -
"researchers studied 20 Wistar rats, divided into two
groups of 10. The first group were fed a high-protein diet of commercial
hydrolysed protein supplements with a 45% protein level. The control group were
fed a normal protein diet. The experiment lasted 12 weeks, which is the
equivalent of 9 years in human terms ... the rats on a high-protein diet lost up
to 10% of their body weight over the 12 weeks with no improvement in their
plasma lipid profile. Moreover, urinary citrate in these rats was 88% lower and
urinary pH was 15% more acidic. In the animals fed a high-protein diet, kidney
weight increased by 22%, glomerular area -- the network of capillaries that
filter blood in the kidneys -- by 13%, and the mesangium -- a collagen structure
surrounded by these capillaries -- by 32% ... Eating large amounts of fruit and
vegetables reduces the risk of kidney stones forming -- probably due to their
high potassium and magnesium content, which compensates for the acidity of the
high-protein diet"
Effects of
potassium chloride and potassium bicarbonate in the diet on urinary pH and
mineral excretion of adult cats - Br J Nutr. 2013 Nov 14:1-13 -
"Low dietary K levels have been associated with
increasing renal Ca excretion in humans, indicating a higher risk of calcium
oxalate (CaOx) urolith formation. Therefore, the present study aimed to
investigate whether dietary K also affects the urine composition of cats ...
Fasting urine pH increased with higher dietary K levels (P= 0.022), reaching
values of 6.38 (1.00 % KCl) and 7.65 (1.00 % KHCO3) ... In conclusion, the
dietary inclusion of KHCO3 instead of KCl as K source could be beneficial for
the prevention of CaOx urolith formation in cats, since there is an association
between a lower renal Ca excretion and a generally higher urine pH. The
utilisation of K is distinctly influenced by the K salt, which may be especially
practically relevant when using diets with low K levels" - Note: I
mentioned in the past about yogurt having a pH of about 4.3 and how that might
effect urine pH and that potassium supplements might bring that closer to a
neutral pH of 7.0. This study seems to support it.
Comparison between
lemonade and potassium citrate and impact on urine pH and 24-hour urine
parameters in patients with kidney stone formation - Urology. 2007
Jun;69(6):1013-6 - "Potassium citrate, but not lemonade,
improved citrate levels and urinary ph to a significant degree"
Other News:
Is alkaline water really better for you? - Washington Post, 8/28/19 -
"Though enhanced water may have some minerals or other
nutrients added to it, ionized or processed alkaline water that has been
distilled or filtered via reverse osmosis may not contain any minerals, making
it less nutritious; the World Health Organization advises against regularly
consuming water that has low mineral content because it could negatively affect
your digestive system and cause mineral loss. Naturally alkaline water or spring
water are better choices because they typically contain minerals ... Alkaline
water isn’t necessarily better. Instead, you should focus on consuming water
that’s filtered and contains minerals and making sure you’re getting enough of
it. According to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine,
healthy sedentary men need about 15.5 cups of fluid and women need 11.5 cups of
fluid each day — and you get only about 20 percent of that from food"
Population-based studies
of relationships between dietary acidity load, insulin resistance and incident
diabetes in Danes - Nutr J. 2018 Oct 6;17(1):91 - "It has been suggested
that the acidity of the diet may be related to increased risk of type 2
diabetes. To investigate this hypothesis, we tested if the acidity of the diet,
measured as the Potential Renal Acid Load (PRAL) score, was associated with
incident diabetes and diabetes-related intermediary traits ... A high dietary
acidity load is associated with a higher risk of diabetes among middle-aged
Danes. Although adjustment for BMI attenuated the effect sizes the association
remained significant. The increased risk of diabetes may be related to our
finding that a high dietary acidity load associates with impaired insulin
imbalance in brain cells may contribute to Alzheimer's disease - Science
Daily, 8/2/18 - "one root of Alzheimer's disease may be
a simple imbalance in acid-alkaline -- or pH -- chemistry inside endosomes, the
nutrient and chemical cargo shuttles in cells ... the scientists gave drugs
called histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors to pH-imbalanced mice cells
engineered with a common Alzheimer's gene variant. The experiment successfully
reversed the pH problem and improved the capacity for amyloid beta clearance ...
mouse cell lines containing the Alzheimer's disease gene variant had more acidic
endosomes (average of 5.37 pH) than cell lines without the gene variant (average
of 6.21 pH)"
Is Alkaline Water Really Better for You? - NYT, 4/27/18 -
"Blood is tightly regulated at around pH 7.4, while the
stomach, which secretes hydrochloric acid to digest proteins and kill food-borne
pathogens, is very acidic, with a pH of 1.5 to 3.5. If you drink water that is
slightly alkaline, Dr. Fenton said, the hydrochloric acid in the stomach quickly
neutralizes it before it’s absorbed into the blood"
Influence of Urinary pH on Antibiotic Efficacy Against Bacterial Uropathogens
- Urology. 2014 Sep;84(3):731.e1-7 - "Because human
urine can substantially vary from acidic (pH 4.5) to alkaline (pH 8) conditions
and can be easily clinically manipulated, it would be a great advantage to
better understand the role of pH in antibiotic treatment of urinary tract
infection ... The fluoroquinolones, co-trimoxazole, aminoglycosides, and
macrolides all functioned optimally at alkaline pH, whereas the tetracyclines,
nitrofurantoin, and many of the β-lactams tested exhibited their highest
activity under more acidic conditions. Sulfamethoxazole, oxacillin, amoxicillin
and clavulanic acid, vancomycin, imipenem, and clindamycin were largely
unaffected by pH"
extracellular pH is involved in the pathogenesis of skeletal muscle insulin
resistance - Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2014 Feb 3 -
"Insulin resistance in the skeletal muscle is manifested
by diminished insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and is a core factor in the
pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM), but the mechanism causing insulin
resistance is still unknown ... Our present study suggests that lowered
extracellular pH conditions may produce the pathogenesis of insulin resistance
in skeletal muscle cells"
dietary acid load increases risk of diabetes, study says - Science Daily,
11/11/13 - "A western diet rich in animal products and
other acidogenic foods can induce an acid load that
is not compensated for by fruit and vegetables; this can cause chronic metabolic
acidosis and lead to metabolic complications. Most importantly from a
blood-sugar control perspective, increasing acidosis can reduce the ability of
insulin to bind at appropriate receptors in the body, and reduce insulin
sensitivity ... potential renal acid load (PRAL) ... In the overall population,
those in the top 25% (quartile) for PRAL had a 56% increased risk of developing
type 2 diabetes compared with the bottom quartile
... A diet rich in animal protein may favour net acid intake, while most fruits
and vegetables form alkaline precursors that neutralise the acidity. Contrary to
what is generally believed, most fruits such as peaches, apples, pears, bananas
and even lemons and oranges actually reduce dietary acid load once the body has
processed them" - Note: Yogurt has a pH of 4.5 (7 is neutral). I'm
hoping that the seven potassium capsules I take per day will counter some of
How to Correct High Acid pH With High Alkali Foods - .wikihow.com -
"If your body's pH is highly acidic most of the
time, you can increase your risk for a variety of diseases. A pH balance of
0 to 6 is acid, a pH balance of 7 is neutral, and a pH balance of 8 to 14 is
alkaline ... your urine pH should be between 6.0 and 6.5 when you test in
the morning, and between 6.5 and 7.0 when you test in the evening"
The pH of
soda pop - quittingsoda.com - "Pepsi - 2.530"
pH - wikipedia.org -
"Battery acid ... 1.0"