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Organic Foods
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study finds clear differences between organic and non-organic milk and meat
- Science Daily, 2/15/16 - "both organic milk and
meat contain around 50% more beneficial omega-3 fatty acids than
conventionally produced products ... Other positive changes in fat profiles
included lower levels of myristic and palmitic acid in organic meat and a
lower omega-3/omega-6 ratio in organic milk. Higher levels of fat soluble
vitamins such as vitamin E and carotenoids and 40% more CLA in organic milk
were also observed"
Fears, Not Facts, Support G.M.O.-Free Food - NYTimes.com, 6/8/15 -
"The often-voiced concern that introducing genes
from different species is unnatural and potentially dangerous ignores the
fact that all living organisms, including humans, share thousands, even
millions of genes with other species"
Study sees no nutritional edge in organic food – USATODAY.com, 9/3/12
Organic food sweetener may be a hidden source of dietary arsenic -
Science Daily, 2/16/12 - "Of the 17 toddler milk
formulas tested, only two had listed organic brown rice syrup as the primary
ingredient. These two formulas, one dairy-based and one soy-based, were
extremely high in arsenic, more than 20 times greater than the other
formulas. The amount of inorganic arsenic, the most toxic form, averaged 8.6
ppb for the dairy based formula and 21.4 ppb for the soy formula"
Protection of Organic Products taken to Next Level - Science Daily,
Four Reasons to Grow and Eat Organic? - Dr. Weil, 4/22/08
Local or Organic? -
Dr. Weil, 8/9/07
Eating Better Than Organic - Time, 3/12/07
Organic Farming Has Little, If Any, Effect On Nutritional Content Of Wheat,
Study Concludes - Science Daily, 10/16/06
- Organic milk: Are the
benefits worth the cost? - MSNBC, 8/25/06
Organics Lower Children's Dietary Exposure to Organophosporus -
Medscape, 3/8/06
Organic Diets Lower Children's Exposure To Two Common Pesticides -
Doctor's Guide, 2/21/06
Organic Food: Worth the Money? - WebMD, 1/10/06
When to Buy
Organic, and When to Pass - ABC News, 1/8/06
Organic Diet Makes Rats Healthier - Science Daily, 3/29/05 -
"the organically-fed rats enjoyed several health
benefits, in that they slept better, had stronger immune systems and were
slimmer than rats fed conventional diets"
- Confused by ‘organic’ labels?
Here’s a 101 - MSNBC, 3/16/04
- Organic Standard: Already
in Danger? - Dr. Weil, 3/21/03
Disease-Fighting Benefits of Organic Foods - WebMD, 3/6/03 -
"Recent evidence suggests that these micronutrients
play important roles in preventing cancer and heart disease ... organic
berries and corn had significantly more flavonoids
than those grown by conventional methods. And a third method -- called
sustainable farming -- yielded even higher flavonoid levels"
Organic, Unwrapped - Natural Grocery Buyer, 1/03
- New reasons for eating
organic? - MSNBC, 12/18/02 -
"The study by researchers at the University of
Washington concluded that children fed a diet of organic foods were exposed
to far fewer — six to nine times less — toxic
pesticides than children fed a conventional diet ... What we do know is
that chronic exposures to low levels of pesticides could very well be
significant ... Children exposed to high levels of organophosphate
pesticides are at risk for bone and brain cancer, neuroblastoma and
childhood leukemia"
Organic Produce Has Pesticides, Too, But Far Less Than Conventional Food,
Study Finds - Intelihealth, 5/8/02 -
"A Consumers Union-led study of government data
found pesticide residue on 23 percent of organic fruits and vegetables and
on nearly 75 percent of conventionally grown produce"
Organic Food Is More Nutritious - Nutrition Science News, 9/01
Federal organic rules become effective - CNN, 2/20/01
- New USDA Label
Will Clearly Identify 'Organic' Foods, Final Standards End Decade-Long
Stalemate - WebMD, 12/21/00