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Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending 11/23/05. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any medications. Leading Osteoporosis Experts Reach Consensus on Role of Vitamin D in Bone Health in Americans Over 50 - Doctor's Guide, 11/22/05 - "over 70% of women ages 51-70 and nearly 90% of women over 70 are not getting the recommended adequate intake of vitamin D ... The roundtable panelists expressed concern that current recommendations do not provide for optimal bone health and recommended that intake levels be increased to 800-1,000 IU per day for patients over age 50" - See iHerb vitamin D products. Vitamin D may cut falls in elderly, further evidence - Nutra USA, 11/22/05 - "According to the report in this month's issue of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (vol 53, issue 11, pp1881-8), the vitamin D group were between 27-37 per cent less likely to experience a fall compared with the placebo group after two years" Fatty Acids May Protect against Cardiovascular Disease - Doctor's Guide, 11/21/05 - "After 4.5 years of follow-up, patients taking EPA were 19% less likely to have adverse coronary events compared to controls" - See Mega Twin EPA at iHerb. Low Selenium Levels Might Raise Odds of Knee Osteoarthritis - Doctor's Guide, 11/21/05 - "low toenail selenium levels correlated positively to increased risk of radiographic knee osteoarthritis" - See iHerb selenium products. Men With Diabetes Have Less Testosterone? - Physician's Weekly, 11/21/05 - "free testosterone levels below normal were strongly connected to diabetes, and low total testosterone levels were more commonly associated with obesity and central adiposity rather than diabetes" Do you get enough vitamin B-12? - MSNBC, 11/18/05 - "Now, a new concern about vitamin B-12 has arisen. It seems that adults over the age of 50 may have a reduced ability to absorb it ... A high intake of folate from fortified grains can hide the changes in red blood cells that show a lack of vitamin B-12" - See iHerb vitamin B12 products. Older People Need More Vitamin D, U.S. Group Says - Medscape, 11/17/05 - "In order to improve bone strength, men and women age 50 and older should take about 800 to 1,000 international units of vitamin D each day - more than the 400 to 600 units daily the Institute of Medicine recommends" - See iHerb vitamin D products. Cholesterol Drugs May Slow Alzheimer's - WebMD, 11/17/05 - "Those taking cholesterol drugs had the smallest drop in test scores ... No one was assigned to take any drug. The researchers just tracked the patients' medications and test scores" - See Lipitor or Zocor at OffshoreRx1.com or SuperSaverMeds.com. The Grocery List for Cancer Prevention? - ABC News, 11/17/05 - "A garlic, broccoli sprout and sauerkraut sandwich? It sounds gross, but in fact, this may be one way to prevent some common forms of cancer" More Dairy, Less Metabolic Syndrome? - WebMD, 11/17/05 - "skim milk or other low-fat dairy products are the best route to go ... the group with the highest dairy consumption was 40% less likely to have metabolic syndrome, compared with the group of men with the lowest dairy consumption" Aspirin May Be a Lifesaver for Women - WebMD, 11/17/05 - "During a six-and-a half year period, women taking aspirin were 17% less likely to die from any cause and 25% less likely to die from heart disease, compared with nonusers ... Among the women, the use of aspirin was associated with a 17% reduction in the risk of stroke" Combination Treatment Shown for First Time to Cause Regression of Atherosclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 11/16/05 - "reversal of atherosclerosis - a primary cause of stroke and heart attacks - can be achieved with a combination of Niaspan (prolonged-release nicotinic acid) and a statin ... ARBITER 2 clearly showed that statins alone are not enough to halt the progression of atherosclerosis even when the LDL-C target is met. However, the addition of Niaspan 1000 mg stopped the progression of atherosclerosis in 12 months ... a further 12 months of treatment with Niaspan and a statin actually achieves regression of atherosclerosis" New NIH Study Confirms that Chondroitin and Glucosamine Are Effective Against Osteoarthritis - Doctor's Guide, 11/16/05 - "the combination of chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine is effective in treating moderate to severe knee pain due to ostearthritis" Long-term Consequences of the Aromatase Inhibitors - Medscape, 11/16/05 - "The "short-term toxicities," such as vasomotor symptoms, venothromboemboli, and gynecologic complications, favor the use of AIs. However, long-term bone loss, altered lipid profiles, and possible compromise in sexual functioning appear to be adversely affected by the AIs" - Note: Some males take AIs to prevent aromatization. Low-carb Diet Better Than Low-fat Diet At Improving Metabolic Syndrome - Science Daily, 11/16/05 - "the features of metabolic syndrome are precisely those that are improved by reducing carbohydrates in the diet"
Abstracts from this week's Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics: Vitamin E Supplementation in Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, Tardive Dyskinesia, and Cataract: Part 2 (December) - Ann Pharmacother. 2005 Nov 15 - "We encourage patients to supplement with vitamin E-rich foods. The use of a daily multivitamin, which usually contains 30 IU of alpha-tocopherol, may be beneficial; however, we discourage individual vitamin E supplements that usually contain 400 IU of alpha-tocopherol" Affiliates (I could sure use some sales. Click here for more stores): |