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Home > Health Conditions > Radioactive Fallout

Radioactive Fallout

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Risk of Nuclear Attack on Rise - washingtonpost.com, 4/16/08 - "the risk of such an attack on U.S. cities has grown in the past five years because of the spread of nuclear technology and the growth of a global terrorist movement ... the threat is greater and is increasing every year with the march of technology ... A 1-kiloton device, which could fit into a suitcase, could kill about 25,000 people ... A 10-kiloton explosive, which could be hidden in a van, could kill about 100,000 ... the amount of burn victims that you're going to have would stress any system" - This article was in the health section.  I guess nukes are unhealthy especially the nuclear fallout if you live.  I'll never figure out why the majority of people consider the economy more important than preventing this.  We're only talking 1940's technology for the fission models and 1950's technology for the fusion models (over a thousand times more powerful) plus most of what they need to know is on the Internet (fission / fusion (2) - fusion requires a fission reaction to generate the heat to start the fusion).  That article is fission figures so multiply by 1000 for fusion. If that happens there ain't going to be an economy.  What's really scary is that it's the Washington Compost as Ollie North calls them because of their liberal bias saying that.  What more of a perfect storm could you have than a free haven for Al Qaeda if we pull out of Iraq and a psycho with unlimited oil money making nukes next door in Iran.  If it happens the Monday morning quarterbacks will be asking why we didn't see that one coming for ages.  Instead of oversimplified, inaccurate to say the least one liner campaign rhetoric that most people fall for it's too bad they can't find a way to educate the voters.  The liberal bias in the media doesn't help.  It's serious stuff and people just ignore the problem.  I would think that the 52 suitcase nukes that they've been taking about for years that Russia might be missing are fusion.  They had the technology so why would they go fission.  So picture some insider letting the suitcase passed x-ray at the departure end then someone coming through customs at LAX or JFK and they open the suitcase latch and 250,000 people get fried.  That's just one of thousands of possible easy scenarios.  If 3,400 9/11 deaths caused the economy to crash, what's 250,000 going to do and that's assuming only one suitcase bomb.  It's not even a big banger.

Study Details Catastrophic Impact Of Nuclear Attack On US Cities - Science Daily, 3/20/07 - "The likelihood of a nuclear weapon attack in an American city is steadily increasing, and the consequences will be overwhelming ... modeled the effects of a 20 kiloton nuclear detonation and a 550 kiloton detonation. (For comparison, the nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were in the 12 to 20 kiloton range). Bell explained that a 20 kiloton weapon could be manufactured by terrorists and fledgling nuclear countries such as North Korea and Iran, while a 550 kiloton device is commonly found in the arsenal of the former Soviet Union and therefore is the most likely to be stolen by terrorists"
