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Gray Hair
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Alternative News:
- Stress May Turn Hair
Gray, but Calm May Reverse It - Medscape, 7/8/21 -
"They developed a mathematical model to predict what
might happen to human hair over time and suggest there is a point in a
person's life when stress can temporarily induce loss of color, but that can
be reversed if tensions ease"
Antiaging Products for Skin, Hair and Nails - Nutrition Science News,
Hair Graying and Loss - Nutrition Science News, 10/00
Other News:
true: Stress does turn hair gray (and it's reversible) - Science Daily,
6/22/21 - "Hair re-pigmentation only possible for
some ... Reducing stress in your life is a good goal, but it won't necessarily
turn your hair to a normal color"
The Grayer His Hair, the Higher His Heart Risk? - WebMD, 4/10/17 -
"graying hair may also go hand-in-hand with
unhealthy "biological aging," since both unfold along similar lines ... The
upshot, he said, is that while graying hair may turn out to be an indicator
of risk, most of the focus to date has stayed centered around clearly
"modifiable" risk factors, meaning behaviors that patients can change. Those
include shedding weight, quitting smoking, and taking steps to reduce high
blood pressure and cholesterol"
hair and vitiligo reversed at the root - Science Daily, 5/3/13 -
"people who are going gray develop massive oxidative
stress via accumulation of hydrogen peroxide in the hair follicle, which
causes our hair to bleach itself from the inside out, and most importantly,
the report shows that this massive accumulation of hydrogen peroxide can be
remedied with a proprietary treatment developed by the researchers described
as a topical, UVB-activated compound called PC-KUS (a modified
pseudocatalase). What's more, the study also shows that the same treatment
works for the skin condition, vitiligo"
hair turns gray: Communication between hair follicles and melanocyte stem
cells key to mystery - Science Daily, 6/14/11
Stress Makes Your Hair Go Gray - Science Daily, 6/11/09 -
"Those pesky graying hairs that tend to crop up with
age really are signs of stress, reveals a new report in the journal Cell"
Going gray? Scientists
uncover the root cause - MSNBC, 3/2/09
Why Hair Goes Gray - WebMD, 2/25/09
Why Hair Turns Gray Is No Longer A Gray Area: Our Hair Bleaches Itself As We
Grow Older - Science Daily, 2/23/09
Scientists Discover The Cellular Roots Of Graying Hair - Science Daily,
- Research yields clues to why
hair turns gray - MSNBC, 12/23/04
- Graying Hair
Yields Skin Cancer Clue - WebMD, 12/23/04
New Leukemia Drug Appears To Restore Color To Gray Hair - Intelihealth,
Premature Graying not a Marker of Osteoporosis - Doctor's Guide, 5/13/02
- Premature
Graying: Usually No Cause for Alarm - WebMD
Premature graying: Usually no cause for alarm - CNN, 11/10/99
Premature grey hair and hair loss among smokers: a new opportunity for
health education? - BMJ, 12/21/96