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Anti-aging Research > Sports Drinks & Energy Bars
Sports Drinks & Energy Bars
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News & Research:
A Randomized Placebo
Controlled Clinical Trial Demonstrating Safety & Efficacy of EnXtra ® in Healthy
Adults - J Am Coll Nutr 2020 May 15 - "Study
participants were administered EnXtra® with or without caffeine for a period of
12 weeks ... None of the study group showed any significant change in the ECG or
haemodynamic parameters as compared to baseline (p > 0.05). Post consumption,
alertness and calmness scores were significantly increased in the EnXtra®, and
EnXtra® plus caffeine group (p < 0.001) as compared to placebo. Daytime sleep
scores decreased in the EnXtra® group however change was not significant. Sleep
quality remained undisturbed in all three arms" - Note: I Googled
it and don't see where anyone is selling it.
Their website
offers a free sample. It's at the bottom of the page. Personally,
I'm hooked on Genius Consciousness - Super
Nootropic Brain Booster Supplement - Enhance Focus, Boost Concentration &
Improve Memory | Mind Enhancement with Alpha GPC & Lions Mane Mushroom for Neuro
Energy & IQ. I do seven miles on my treadmill in the morning then
usually do some work on my house or in the yard, then take a power nap.
When I get up, I have a cup of coffee then I put about 4 ounces of orange juice
in a small jar and add then Nootropic Brain Booster and shake it and drink it.
Puts you in overdrive for about six hours.
Bananas vs. Sports Drinks? Bananas Win in Study - NYT, 4/4/18 -
"It found that a banana, with its all-natural
package, provides comparable or greater anti-inflammatory and other benefits
for athletes than sports drinks. But there may be a downside, and it
involves bloating"
Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Effects in Response to Red Bull
Consumption Combined With Mental Stress - Am J Cardiol. 2014 Oct 29 -
"Red Bull and mental stress increased systolic BP by
about 10 mm Hg, diastolic BP by 7 mm Hg, and heart rate by 20 beats/min and
decreased cerebral blood flow velocity by -7 cm/s"
5-Hour Energy’s ‘No Crash Later’ Claim Is Disputed - NYTimes.com, 1/2/13
- "An article on Wednesday in The New York Times
reported that the study had shown that 24 percent of those who used 5-Hour
Energy suffered a “moderately severe” crash hours after consuming it. The
study reported higher crash rates for Red Bull and Monster Energy ... When
asked how those findings squared with the company’s “no crash” claim, Elaine
Lutz, a spokeswoman for Living Essentials, said the company had amended the
claim after the 2007 review by the National Advertising Division. In doing
so, it added an asterisklike mark after the claim on product labels and in
promotions. The mark referred to additional labeling language stating that
“no crash means no sugar crash.” Unlike Red Bull and Monster Energy, 5-Hour
Energy does not contain sugar ... Living Essentials had apparently decided
to use the parts of the group’s report that it liked and ignore other"
Improvements in quantitative EEG following consumption of a natural
citicoline-enhanced beverage - Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2012 Jun;63(4):421-5
- "Ten healthy adult participants enrolled in a
double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study and were randomized to
receive either placebo or the citicoline supplement on the first visit.
Measures of electrical brain activity using electroencephalogram (EEG) were
collected 30 min after consuming the beverage. Seven days after the initial
assessment participants completed the alternative condition (placebo or
citicoline beverage). Compared to placebo, significant improvements were
found in frontal alpha EEG and N100 event related potentials (ERP)
associated with the citicoline-enhanced supplement. These preliminary
findings suggest that a novel brain drink containing compounds known to
increase choline in the brain significantly improved attention as measured
by ERP and EEG. These findings suggest that a viable and alternative brain
supplement without potential compounds such as taurine may augment
attentional mechanisms in healthy individuals" - See
citicholine at Amazon.com
Protein drinks after exercise help maintain aging muscles - Science
Daily, 5/26/11 - "protein drinks after aerobic
activity increases the training effect after six weeks, when compared to
carbohydrate drinks. Additionally, this study suggests that this effect can
be seen using as little as 20 grams of protein"
Excessive Cola Consumption Can Lead To Super-sized Muscle Problems, Warn
Doctors - Science Daily, 5/19/09 - "We are
consuming more soft drinks than ever before and a number of health issues
have already been identified including tooth problems, bone demineralisation
and the development of metabolic syndrome and diabetes ... Evidence is
increasing to suggest that excessive cola consumption can also lead to
hypokalaemia, in which the blood potassium levels fall, causing an adverse
effect on vital muscle functions ... It appears that hypokalaemia can be
caused by excessive consumption of three of the most common ingredients in
cola drinks – glucose, fructose and caffeine"
Protein Sports Drinks Proven To Give Best Performance - Science Daily,
12/23/08 - "Both formulas had the same energy
content ... Both formulas had the same energy content. After their six-hour
rest, the athletes did another virtual cycle race. According to Berardi,
"Both groups showed a reduction in performance in the afternoon session.
However, the reduction in distance traveled and power output during the
afternoon exercise was significantly less among those who had the protein
and carbs drink, relative those who just had the carbs ... The subjects'
self-reported fatigue levels were lower in the protein group and increases
in fat oxidation were also seen"
Energy Drinks May Pose Risks For People With High Blood Pressure, Heart
Disease - Science Daily, 11/6/07 - "Over the
duration of the study, heart rates increased five to seven beats per minute
and systolic blood pressure increased 10 millimeters of mercury (mmHg) after
energy drink consumption, the researchers reported. No significant ECG
changes were observed"
Chocolate Milk May Improve Recovery After Exercise - Medscape, 2/27/06 -
"Low-fat chocolate milk and FR ingestion as recovery
fluids are associated with greater endurance in terms of time to exhaustion
vs a CR for cycling in male endurance athletes"
Key Sugar Sweetens Athletic Performance - HealthDay, 1/12/06 -
"The women were tracked on how they performed on
2,000-meter rowing time trials over eight weeks ... The women who took the
dextrose drink showed a median improvement of 15.2 seconds over eight weeks,
compared to a median improvement of 5.2 seconds among the women who took the
ribose drink" - See
dextrose at Amazon.com
. By my calculations, 10 grams would be 3.125
teaspoons or about a tablespoon and would be 37.5 calories. It's worth a
try to see if it makes my jogging and swimming easier. - Ben
Study Finds Inaccurate Labels On Health Bars - Intelihealth, 10/30/01 -
"18 of the 30 nutrition bars it tested were
improperly labeled ... many of the bars underreported the carbohydrates they