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> Autism
Alternative News:
Ketamine Promising for
Rare Condition Linked to Autism - Medscape, 9/12/22 -
"Using parent-report instruments to assess
treatment effects, ketamine was associated with "nominally significant"
improvement in a variety of domains, including social behavior,
attention-deficit and hyperactivity, restricted and repetitive behaviors, and
sensory sensitivities"
Fish oil supplementation may
improve attention, working memory, and ADHD symptoms in adults with autism
spectrum disorder: A randomized crossover trial - Br J Nutr 2022 Feb 11 -
"Our results did not show any effects on ASD symptoms,
but suggest that FO may improve attention and working memory in adults with ASD
and ameliorate ADHD symptoms in those with comorbid ADHD" - See
omega-3 supplements at Amazon.com.
Prenatal Vitamins May Lower 2nd Child Autism Risk - WebMD, 2/27/19 -
"Whereas other studies have shown that prenatal vitamins
reduce the overall likelihood of having a first child with ASD, this new study
suggests that mothers who already have a child with ASD can reduce their risk of
having another, similarly affected child," he said ... "Although there are
already many good reasons for women to begin taking prenatal vitamins … this
study lends further support to their potential benefits for women already at
increased risk for having another child with ASD," Adesman added ... "If the
findings from this study are replicated by other researchers, then something as
simple and inexpensive as taking prenatal vitamins prior to conception can
significantly reduce the likelihood of a woman having a second child with ASD,"
- See prenatal vitamins with dha and folic
acid at Amazon.com.
and zinc deficiency in early development - Science Daily, 11/9/18 -
"This suggests that a lack of zinc during early
development might contribute to autism through impaired synaptic maturation and
neuronal circuit formation"
Vitamin A and vitamin D
deficiencies exacerbate symptoms in children with autism spectrum disorders
- Nutr Neurosci. 2018 Jan 16:1-11 - "We found that
children with autism have more VA and VD deficiencies than control children, and
VA and VD co-deficiency may exacerbate the symptoms of children with ASD"
vitamin D levels at birth linked to higher autism risk - Science Daily,
11/29/17 - "When the 310 children with ASDs were
compared with 1,240 control subjects, the risk of ASDs was significantly
increased in each of the three lower quartiles of vitamin D level at birth, when
compared with the highest quartile: an increased risk of ASDs by 260 percent in
the lowest quartile, 150 percent in the second quartile, and 90 percent in the
third quartile"
between Vitamin D treatment and autism prevention - Science Daily, 3/17/17 -
"We found that pregnant females treated with active
vitamin D in the equivalent of the first trimester of pregnancy produced
offspring that did not develop these deficits"
Treatment restores sociability in autism mouse model - Science Daily,
1/22/15 - "Now researchers at UCLA have treated ASD mice
with a neuropeptide--molecules used by neurons to communicate with each
other--called oxytocin, and have found that it restores normal social behavior.
In addition, the findings suggest that giving oxytocin as early as possible in
the animal's life leads to more lasting effects in adults and adolescents ... In
the ASD mice, the researchers found a decrease in the number of oxytocin neurons
in the hypothalamus and, overall, a decrease in oxytocin levels throughout the
brain. But when they administered oxytocin to the ASD mice, sociability, defined
as time spent interacting normally with other mice, was restored" - See
Oxy Pro (Oxytocin) Nasal Spray at International Anti-aging Systems.
Broccoli Compound Shows Promise for Autism Symptoms in Small Study - WebMD,
10/13/14 - "recruited 44 boys and young men, aged 13 to
27, with moderate to severe autism. They were randomly assigned to take either
sulforaphane capsules or identical-looking placebo capsules every day for 18
weeks ... Based on parents' reports, many of the boys taking the extract started
showing improvements in irritability, repetitive behaviors, hyperactivity and
communication by the fourth week ... 46 percent of the sulforaphane group were
showing improved social interactions by week 18. Another 42 percent were faring
better with verbal communication, and 54 percent were reining in various
"aberrant" behaviors ... None of those taking the placebo had improvements in
social interactions or verbal communications" - [Science
Daily] - [Abstract]
- See
sulforaphane at Amazon.com
of children with autism less likely to have taken iron supplements in pregnancy,
study shows -- ScienceDaily - Science Daily, 9/22/14 -
"Low iron intake was associated with a five-fold greater
risk of autism in the child if the mother was 35 or older at the time of the
child's birth or if she suffered from metabolic conditions such as obesity
hypertension or diabetes ... The association between lower maternal iron intake
and increased ASD risk was strongest during breastfeeding, after adjustment for
folic acid intake ... Iron deficiency, and its resultant anemia, is the most
common nutrient deficiency, especially during pregnancy, affecting 40 to 50
percent of women and their infants ... Iron is crucial to early brain
development, contributing to neurotransmitter production, myelination and immune
function. All three of these pathways have been associated with autism"
- See
iron supplements at Amazon.com
folic acid products at Amazon.com .
link found between vitamin D, serotonin synthesis and autism in new study -
Science Daily, 2/26/14 - "serotonin, oxytocin, and
vasopressin, three brain hormones that affect social behavior, are all activated
by vitamin D hormone ... adequate levels of vitamin D may be required to produce
serotonin in the brain where it shapes the structure and wiring of the brain,
acts as a neurotransmitter, and affects social behavior ... The current
guidelines for adequate vitamin D levels are concentrations above 30 ng/ml ...
greater than 70% of U.S. population does not meet this requirement and that
adequate vitamin D levels have plummeted over the last couple of decades. This
precipitous drop in adequate levels of vitamin D in the US is concurrent with
the rise in autism ... dietary intervention with vitamin D, tryptophan and omega
3 fatty acids would boost brain serotonin concentrations and help prevent and
possibly ameliorate some of the symptoms associated with ASD without side
effects" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Probiotic therapy alleviates autism-like behaviors in mice - Science Daily,
12/5/13 - "the researchers treated the mice with
Bacteroides fragilis, a bacterium that has been used as an experimental
probiotic therapy in animal models of GI disorders ... The result? The leaky gut
was corrected ... In addition, observations of the treated mice showed that
their behavior had changed. In particular, they were more likely to communicate
with other mice, had reduced anxiety, and were less likely to engage in a
repetitive digging behavior ... The B. fragilis treatment alleviates GI problems
in the mouse model and also improves some of the main behavioral symptoms ...
This suggests that GI problems could contribute to particular symptoms in
neurodevelopmental disorders" - See
probiotic products at Amazon.com
Oxytocin Found to Stimulate Social Brain Regions in Children With Autism
- NYTimes.com, 12/2/13 - "the first study of how
oxytocin affects the brains of children with autism finds hints of promise —
and also suggestions of what its limitations might be ... the hormone, given
as an inhalant, generated increased activity in parts of the brain involved
in social connection. This suggests not only that oxytocin can stimulate
social brain areas, but also that in children with autism these brain
regions are not irrevocably damaged but are plastic enough to be influenced"
- See
Oxy Pro (Oxytocin) Nasal Spray at International Anti-aging Systems.
Amino acid offers potential therapeutic alternative in psychiatric disorders
- Science Daily, 10/8/13 - "drug discovery is at a
near standstill for treating psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia,
bipolar disorder, depression and common forms of autism ... According to
Professor Berk, there is now an incontrovertible evidence base that these
disorders share inflammation and oxidative stress as part of their disease
physiology ... The amino acid, NAC, seems to have multiple effects on all
these pathways: it boosts glutathione, which is the body’s major antioxidant
defence; has anti-inflammatory properties; enhances levels of nerve cell
growth proteins and the growth of new neurons; and reduces cell death
pathways. It also appears to reduce dysfunction of mitochondria ... NAC
reduces the core symptoms of schizophrenia including negative symptoms such
as improved apathy, social interaction and motivation. It also appears to
reduce depression in people with bipolar disorder and at this meeting ...
there is intriguing evidence that it reduces cravings in a number of
addictions including cocaine, cannabis and cigarette smoking" - See
n-acetyl cysteine at Amazon.com
'Love Hormone' May Play Wider Role in Social Interaction Than Previously
Thought - Science Daily, 9/11/13 - "The new
study suggests that oxytocin's role in one-on-one bonding probably evolved
from an existing, broader affinity for group living ... The new study,
published Sept. 12 in Nature, pinpoints a unique way in which oxytocin
alters activity in a part of the brain that is crucial to experiencing the
pleasant sensation neuroscientists call "reward." The findings not only
provide validity for ongoing trials of oxytocin in autistic patients, but
also suggest possible new treatments for neuropsychiatric conditions in
which social activity is impaired ... The new discovery shows that mice do
indeed have oxytocin receptors at a key location in the nucleus accumbens
and, importantly, that blocking oxytocin's activity there significantly
diminishes these animals' appetite for socializing" - Note: Way too
much detail in that article. A good read for insomnia. See
Oxy Pro (Oxytocin) Nasal Spray at International Anti-aging Systems.
- Intranasal Oxytocin
Normalizes Core ASD Deficit - Medscape, 5/10/13 -
"In autism, there are 3 basic deficits — social
communication, repetitive behavior, and fixated or restricted interest,
where children get fixated on a particular pattern or sensory stimulation
and have difficulty paying attention to other, more socially relevant cues
... oxytocin has some effect on all 3 aspects of autism behavior, including
now fixated interest ... ASD children process facial emotions differently
from typically developing children, and if they are missing out on
information about facial emotion, "that is a lot of information they're not
able to take in, so this may have a cascading effect on developing
appropriate emotional responses,"" - See
Oxy Pro (Oxytocin) Nasal Spray at International Anti-aging Systems.
- Autism and Folic
Acid in Pregnancy - Medscape, 5/7/13 - "The
investigators concluded that maternal use of folic acid from 4 weeks before
conception through 8 weeks after conception was associated with a lower odds
of the offspring being diagnosed with ASD" - See
folic acid products at Amazon.com
Other News:
Study looks at ability to identify anger in facial expressions - Science
Daily, 6/2/21
levels of several toxic metals found in children with autism - Science
Daily, 2/25/13 - "The autism group had significantly
higher levels of lead in their red blood cells (+41 percent) and significantly
higher urinary levels of lead (+74 percent), thallium (+77 percent), tin (+115
percent), and tungsten (+44 percent) ... Adams previously published a study on
the use of DMSA, an FDA-approved medication for removing toxic metals. The
open-label study found that DMSA was generally safe and effective at removing
some toxic metals. It also found that DMSA therapy improved some symptoms of
Dimercaptosuccinic acid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
"Meso 2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid binds to
"soft" heavy metals such as Hg2+ and Pb2+, mobilizing these ions for
excretion. It binds to metal cations through the thiol groups, which
ionize upon complexation ... Dimercaptosuccinic acid (CHEMET) is
indicated for the treatment of lead poisoning in children with blood
level measured above 45 µg/dL. The use of DMSA is not approved for
prophylactic/prevention of lead poisoning in anticipation of exposure in
known lead contaminated environments. Its elimination half-life is
2.5-3.5 h. DMSA can cross the blood–brain barrier of mice,[5] but not
that of humans, limiting its use to extracting heavy metals from parts
of the body other than the central nervous system"