Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending
10/30/13. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any
Supplement cuts muscle loss in knee replacements - Science Daily, 10/25/13 -
"Twenty grams of essential amino acids taken twice daily
for a week before and for two weeks after
knee-replacement surgeries helped 16 patients, mean age 69, recover faster
and with much less muscle atrophy than a control group ... 12 members of a
control group receiving 40 grams a day of a non-essential amino acid supplement,
a placebo, averaged an 18.4 loss in quadriceps muscle mass in their operated leg
six weeks after surgery; those getting the supplement of eight essential amino
acids (EEA) averaged a 6.2 percent loss. Eighty percent of atrophy occurred in
the first two weeks after surgery. Atrophy in non-operative legs was about 50
percent of that in the operative leg in both groups ... The functional measures
that we looked at -- getting up out of a chair, going up a flight of stairs and
going back down the stairs -- were all back to baseline in the treatment group
... a mix of histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine,
threonine and valine"
Preventive effect of plant sterols in Alzheimer’s disease - Science Daily,
10/24/13 - "It's no secret that many of the
phytochemicals in fruit and vegetables have a positive effect on our health. For
instance, plant sterols (also known as
phytosterols) help to lower cholesterol levels. According to a new study by
researchers at Saarland University, they also appear to prevent the onset of
Alzheimer's disease ... one sterol in particular, stigmasterol, actually
inhibited protein formation ... Stigmasterol has an effect on a variety of
molecular processes: it lowers enzyme activity, it inhibits the formation of
proteins implicated in the development of Alzheimer's disease, and it alters the
structure of the cell membrane ... Together, these effects synergistically
reduce the production of beta-amyloid proteins" - See
phytosterols products
at iHerb.
drug with chemo, radiation may improve outcomes for lung cancer - Science
Daily, 10/23/13 - "Treating aggressive
lung cancer with the diabetes drug
metformin along with radiation and
chemotherapy may slow tumor growth and recurrence ... Metformin, the most-widely
used drug for type-2 diabetes, has been shown to have anti-cancer effects on a
number of cancers, including prostate and colon" - See
metformin at The Antiaging Store.
High Glucose Linked to
Poorer Memory, Even Without Diabetes - Medscape, 10/23/13 -
"lowering blood glucose levels, possibly even to
relatively low levels, might help preserve
cognition ... Strategies that help lower blood glucose levels include a
healthy Mediterranean-type diet and regular physical activity ...
cross-sectional study included 141 healthy persons (mean age, 63.1 years) ...
lower performance on 3 memory tasks (delayed
recall, learning ability, and consolidation) was associated with higher levels
of both the long-term marker of glucose control (HbA1c) and the short-term
glucose marker ... For insulin, there was
a "general trend going in the same direction" but correlations were less clear,
and without the same direct relationship ... How low is it safe to go in terms
of blood glucose levels? ... If you're used to low blood sugar levels, you can
go quite low ... The idea is that the lower the A1c the better your brain
function" - [Science
Flu shot may cut risk of heart problems, analysis finds - NBC News.com,
10/22/13 - "of the 6,700 patients, half got the flu
vaccine and half the placebo or standard care, only a third of patients had a
history of heart disease. But among
those who got the flu shot, we saw a 36 percent lower risk of a major cardiac
consumption reduces risk of liver cancer, analysis suggests - Science Daily,
10/22/13 - "Coffee consumption reduces risk of
hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the most common type of liver cancer, by about
40 percent ... some data indicate that three cups of coffee per day reduce liver
cancer risk by more than 50 percent ... The favorable effect of coffee on liver
cancer might be mediated by coffee's proven prevention of diabetes, a known risk
factor for the disease, or for its beneficial effects on cirrhosis and liver
enzymes ... a meta-analysis of articles published from 1996 through September
2012, ultimately studying 16 high-quality studies and a total of 3,153 cases"
5 ways to flatten your belly (no crunches needed) - CNN.com, 10/22/13 -
"Lower your stress ... Get more sleep ... Eat foods that
contain probiotics ... Skip belly-bloating beverages ... Avoid salt and sneaky
high-sodium foods"
Abstracts from this week's
Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics
plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here
for the journals, the PubMed ones at the top):
therapy and risk of colorectal cancer: An updated meta-analysis of
epidemiological studies - Curr Med Res Opin. 2013 Oct 25 -
"compared with non-insulin or metformin treatment,
insulin treatment was associated with an increase of 37% in the risk of
colorectal neoplasm among patients with type 2
diabetes" - Note: Just one more study supporting the long list on
my insulin and aging page.
Anti-inflammatory effects of fish oil in ovaries of laying hens target
prostaglandin pathways - Lipids Health Dis. 2013 Oct 24;12(1):152 -
"The domestic hens spontaneously develop
ovarian adenocarcinomas that share
similar histological appearance and symptoms such as ascites and metastasis with
humans. There is a link between chronic
inflammation and cancer ... Our findings suggest that the lower doses of
fish oil reduce inflammatory PG and may be an
effective approach in preventing ovarian carcinogenesis. These findings may
provide the basis for clinical trials utilizing fish oil as a dietary
intervention targeting prostaglandin biosynthesis for the prevention and
treatment of ovarian cancer" -
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Activation of P53-Dependent DNA Repair Is Modified by Mediterranean Diet
Supplemented With Coenzyme Q10 in Elderly Subjects - J Gerontol A Biol Sci
Med Sci. 2013 Oct 24 - "Our results support a beneficial
effect of Mediterranean diet and Mediterranean diet supplemented with
Coenzyme Q10 on DNA damage as compared to the
detrimental action of a saturated fatty acid-rich diet, which triggers the
p53-dependent DNA repair machinery" - See
ubiquinol products at Amazon.com .
Supplementation Protects against Memory Dysfunction after Heart Surgery: A Pilot
Study - Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013;2013:932401 -
"Patients undergoing elective coronary artery bypass
graft and/or valve surgery were given either 2 g
of pomegranate extract (in 2 POMx pills) or
placebo (pills containing no pomegranate ingredients) per day from one week
before surgery to 6 weeks after surgery. The patients were also administered a
battery of neuropsychological tests to assess memory
function at 1 week before surgery (baseline), 2 weeks after surgery, and 6
weeks after surgery. The placebo group had significant deficits in postsurgery
memory retention, and the pomegranate treatment not only protected against this
effect, but also actually improved memory retention performance for up to 6
weeks after surgery as compared to presurgery baseline performance" - See
pomegranate at Amazon.com .
Lycopene supplement and
blood pressure: an updated meta-analysis of intervention trials - Nutrients.
2013 Sep 18;5(9):3696-712 - "Six studies met our
inclusion criteria, and the pooled analysis demonstrated a significant reduction
of systolic blood pressure (SBP) (mean SBP =
-4.953 [-8.820, -1.086], p = 0.012) with obvious heterogeneity (p = 0.034, I2 =
58.5%). Subgroup analysis results showed that higher dosage of
lycopene supplement (>12 mg/day) could lower
SBP more significantly, especially for participants with baseline SBP >120 mmHg,
or Asians, while lycopene intervention had no statistical effect on diastolic
blood pressure (DBP) (mean DBP = -3.809 [-8.177, 0.560], p = 0.087), and obvious
heterogeneity was also observed (p = 0.074, I2 = 53.1%). Our present study
suggests that lycopene supplement >12 mg/day might effectively decrease SBP,
particularly among Asians or population with higher baseline SBP" - See
Jarrow Lyco-Sorb (contains Lyco-O-Mato) at Amazon.com .
Pyrroloquinoline quinone prevents MK-801-induced stereotypical behavior and
cognitive deficits in mice - Behav Brain Res. 2013 Oct 19 -
quinone (PQQ), an essential nutrient, antioxidant, redox modulator, and
nerve growth factor, prevents cognitive deficits associated with oxidative
stress-induced neurodegeneration ... PQQ administration significantly attenuated
MK-801-induced increases in stereotypical behavior and ataxia, suggesting a
protective role of PQQ against MK-801-induced neuronal dysfunction and
psychiatric disorders" - See
pyrroloquinoline at iHerb.
Pregnenolone sulphate enhances spatial orientation and object discrimination
in adult male rats: evidence from a behavioural and electrophysiological study
- Behav Brain Res. 2013 Oct 19 - "In this study we
investigated, in adult male rats, the effects of the acute administration of
pregnenolone-sulfate (PREGS) (10mg/Kg, s.c.) on cognitive processes using
the Can test, a non aversive spatial/visual task which allows the assessment of
both spatial orientation-acquisition and object discrimination in a simple and
in a complex version of the visual task ... Our results indicate that, PREGS
induces an improvement in spatial orientation-acquisition and in object
discrimination in the simple and in the complex visual task; the behavioural
responses were also confirmed by electrophysiological recordings showing a
potentiation in the neuronal activity of the hippocampus and the perirhinal
cortex" - See
pregnenolone products
at iHerb.
Men (Aged
40-49 Years) With a Single Baseline Prostate-specific Antigen Below 1.0 ng/mL
Have a Very Low Long-term Risk of Prostate Cancer: Results From a Prospectively
Screened Population Cohort - Urology. 2013 Oct 19 -
"Men (aged 40-49 years) can be stratified with a baseline
PSA. If it is below 1.0 ng/mL, there is very
little risk for developing a lethal CaP, and as many as 75% of men might be able
to avoid additional PSA screening until 55 years. Conversely, men aged 40-49
years with a baseline PSA level >1.0 ng/mL had a significant risk of CaP
diagnosis and should be monitored more closely"
between zinc intake and risk of digestive tract cancers: A systematic review and
meta-analysis - Clin Nutr. 2013 Oct 10 - "PUBMED and
EMBASE were searched up to April 2013 ... The pooled relative risk (RR) of
overall digestive tract cancers for the highest versus lowest categories of
zinc intake was 0.82 (95% CI: 0.70-0.96; p =
0.013). Comparing the highest with lowest categories, higher zinc intake was
significantly associated with reduced colorectal
cancer risk (pooled RR = 0.80, 95% CI: 0.70-0.92; p = 0.002), while zinc
intake was not statistically associated with gastric cancer risk (pooled RR =
0.91, 95% CI: 0.64-1.29; p = 0.581) or esophageal cancer risk (pooled RR = 0.72,
95% CI: 0.44-1.17; p = 0.187). However, subgroup analyses showed that zinc
intake was significantly associated with esophageal cancer risk and gastric
cancer risk in Asia, but not in America and Europe" - See
Jarrow Zinc Balance at Amazon.com .
A role for
the macular carotenoids in visual motor response - Nutr Neurosci. 2013
Nov;16(6):262-8 - "Lutein (L), zeaxanthin (Z), and
meso-zeaxanthin are the dominant carotenoids
within the central retina (there, termed macular pigment, MP). L is also the
dominant carotenoid in the brain ... Balance ability (measured via the Standing
Leg Test) and simple reaction time (measured via a stimulus appearing in one of
four quadrants of a computer monitor) were measured in 49 subjects (mean age =
54.8 years). Fixed and variable reaction time, and coincidence anticipation
ability (estimating the arrival of the stimulus at a target location moving at
four velocities) were assessed in 106 younger subjects (mean age = 23 years)
using a customized device ... MP optical density was significantly (P < 0.05)
related to reaction time and to balance ability for the older subjects. Even for
the younger group, MP optical density was significantly (P < 0.05) related to
fixed and variable position reaction time, as well as coincidence anticipation
errors, at high speed" - See
Jarrow Formulas, CarotenALL at Amazon.com .
Oleic acid
increases hepatic sex hormone binding globulin production in men - Mol Nutr
Food Res. 2013 Oct 20 - "Low circulating
sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) is an
independent risk factor for
cardiovascular disease ... A total of 315 men were included. In these
patients, nutrition data and plasma samples for SHBG assessment were obtained.
In vitro studies to examine the effects of oleic and linoleic acid on SHBG
production using HepG2 cells were performed. We provided evidence that SHBG
serum levels were significantly higher in subjects using
olive oil for cooking in comparison with
subjects using sunflower oil ... MUFA were
independently associated with SHBG levels and accounted for the 20.4% of SHBG
variance ... Olive oil consumption is associated with elevated SHBG serum
levels" - Note: I think most men want to decrease SHBG though, not
increase it. The way I understand it, SHBG decreases free testosterone
which you want to be above something like 2%.
Click here
to see what muscle head sites are saying.
notoginseng Attenuates Experimental Colitis in the Azoxymethane/Dextran Sulfate
Sodium Mouse Model - Phytother Res. 2013 Oct 21 -
"Our data suggest that P. notoginseng is a
promising candidate in preventing and treating colitis
and inflammation-associated colon carcinogenesis"
- See
ginseng at Amazon.com .
Rg3 improves cardiac mitochondrial population quality:mimetic exercise training
- Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2013 Oct 15 - "Ginsenoside
Rg3 (Rg3), one of the active ingredients in Panax
ginseng, is well known in herbal medicine as a tonic and restorative agent
... In the present study, we compared the effects of Rg3 administration with
aerobic exercise on mitochondrial adaptation in cardiac muscle tissue of
Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. Three groups of SD rats were studied 1) sedentary
control, 2) Rg3-treated and 3) aerobic exercise trained ... Rg3 mimics improved
cardiac adaptations to exercise by regulating mitochondria dynamic remodeling
and enhancing the quantity and quality of mitochondria" - See
ginseng at Amazon.com .
Neat Tech Stuff / "How To's":
Extend your Wi-Fi network throughout the house - PCWorld, 10/24/13 -
"The best one I've tested (and I haven't tested all
that many) was the Amped Wireless REC10" - See
Amped Wireless High Power 600mW Compact Wi-Fi Range Extender (REC10) at
Merkur Model 180 Long Handled Safety Razor
- I see where that pawn shop guy on the Discovery Channel or the channel
next to it is doing a commercial
for these razors. At the same time, the commissary was out of Gillett
Sensor blades and I was worried that they might stop selling them. As far
as the Mach3 and Fusion blades, it shows that you can sell people on
anything with the right advertisements. Not only are they about $3 per blade
but they aren’t maneuverable such as the area under your nose. They’re a
rip-off. I researched the top ratings of all shavers on Amazon (highest to
lowest rating).
Click here
then select "Sort by: Avg. Customer Review" in the upper right and this beat
them all plus if you categorize type razors it's not even a contest. It
pays for itself in that it’s about 20 cents per blade plus the shave is as
good if not better. It takes getting used to. You have to keep it at a 30
degree angle like shown in the video on this Amazon site. I keep it in an
Activia yogurt container soaking in olive oil which helps it glide and
preserves the blade. The top rated blades are made in Japan and sent from
Feather Hi-Stainless Platinum Double Edge Razor Blades 30 Ct
Health Focus (Depression):
Popular Supplements:
Neurotransmitters in Various Disorders: |
Alternative News:
Consumption and Depressive Symptoms in Older People in Rural China - J Am
Geriatr Soc. 2013 Oct 1 - "Compared with no or irregular
tea consumption, controlling for age, sex, education, leisure activities, number
of comorbidities, and Mini-Mental State Examination score, the odds ratios of
having high depressive symptoms were 0.86 (95% confidence interval (CI) =
0.56-1.32) for weekly and 0.59 (95% CI = 0.43-0.81) for daily tea consumption (P
for linear trend = .001); the linear trend of the association remained
statistically significant when further controlling for history of stroke,
transient ischemic attacks, and presence of carotid plaques" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
acid offers potential therapeutic alternative in psychiatric disorders -
Science Daily, 10/8/13 - "drug discovery is at a near
standstill for treating psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar
disorder, depression and common forms of autism ... According to Professor Berk,
there is now an incontrovertible evidence base that these disorders share
inflammation and oxidative stress as part of their disease physiology ... The
amino acid, NAC, seems to have multiple effects on all these pathways: it boosts
glutathione, which is the body’s major antioxidant defence; has
anti-inflammatory properties; enhances levels of nerve cell growth proteins and
the growth of new neurons; and reduces cell death pathways. It also appears to
reduce dysfunction of mitochondria ... NAC reduces the core symptoms of
schizophrenia including negative symptoms such as improved apathy, social
interaction and motivation. It also appears to reduce depression in people with
bipolar disorder and at this meeting ... there is intriguing evidence that it
reduces cravings in a number of addictions including cocaine, cannabis and
cigarette smoking" - See
n-acetyl cysteine at Amazon.com
Fatty Acid Intakes Are Inversely Related to Elevated Depressive Symptoms among
United States Women - J Nutr. 2013 Sep 4 - "assessed
whether self-reported depressive symptoms were inversely associated with n-3
fatty acid intakes by using a cross-sectional study in 1746 adults (aged 30-65
y) in Baltimore City, MD (2004-2009). The 20-item Center for Epidemiologic
Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D) was used, with a CES-D score ≥16 suggestive of
elevated depressive symptoms (EDS) ... In sum, among United States women, higher
intakes of n-3 fatty acids [absolute (n-3) and relative to n-6 fatty acids
(n-3:n-6)] were associated with lower risk of elevated depressive symptoms,
specifically in domains of somatic complaints (mainly n-3 PUFAs) and positive
affect (mainly n-3 HUFAs)" -
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Effect of
Magnolia officinalis and Phellodendron amurense (Relora(R)) on cortisol and
psychological mood state in moderately stressed subjects - J Int Soc Sports
Nutr. 2013 Aug 7;10(1):37 - "Magnolia (Magnolia
officinalis) and Phellodendron (Phellodendron amurense) barks are medicinal
plants commonly used as traditional remedies for reducing stress and anxiety ...
assessed salivary cortisol exposure and psychological mood state in 56 subjects
(35 men and 21 women) screened for moderate stress and supplemented with a
standardized/patented MP combination (Relora(R), Next Pharmaceuticals) or
Placebo for 4 weeks ... After 4 weeks of supplementation, salivary cortisol
exposure was significantly (p<0.05) lower (-18%) in the Relora group compared to
Placebo. Compared to Placebo, the Relora group had significantly better (p<0.05)
mood state parameters, including lower indices of Overall Stress (-11%), Tension
(-13%), Depression (-20%), Anger (-42%), Fatigue (-31%), and Confusion (-27%),
and higher indices of Global Mood State (+11%) and Vigor (+18%)" - Note:
The biggest affect was on anger (-42%). - See
Relora at Amazon.com
Efficacy and
Safety of Curcumin in Major Depressive Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial
- Phytother Res. 2013 Jul 6 - "60 patients diagnosed
with MDD were randomized in a 1:1:1 ratio for six weeks observer-masked
treatment with fluoxetine (20 mg) and curcumin (1000 mg) individually or their
combination ... curcumin was well tolerated by all the patients. The proportion
of responders as measured by the HAM-D17 scale was higher in the combination
group (77.8%) than in the fluoxetine (64.7%) and the curcumin (62.5%) groups;
however, these data were not statistically significant (P = 0.58).
Interestingly, the mean change in HAM-D17 score at the end of six weeks was
comparable in all three groups (P = 0.77). This study provides first clinical
evidence that curcumin may be used as an effective and safe modality for
treatment in patients with MDD without concurrent suicidal ideation or other
psychotic disorders" - See
curcumin products at Amazon.com
D improves mood and blood pressure in women with diabetes - Science Daily,
6/25/13 - "The pilot study included 46 women who were an
average age of 55 years, had diabetes an average of 8 years and insufficient
blood levels of vitamin D (18 ng/ml). They took a weekly dose (50,000
International Units) of vitamin D ... After six months, their vitamin D blood
levels reached sufficient levels (average 38 ng/ml) and their moods improved
significantly. For example, in a 20-question depression symptom survey, scores
decreased from 26.8 at the beginning of the study (indicating moderate
depression) to 12.2 at six months (indicating no depression. (The depression
scale ranges from 0 to 60, with higher numbers indicating more symptoms of
depression.) ... Blood pressure also improved, with the upper number decreasing
from 140.4 mm Hg to 132.5 mm Hg. And their weight dropped from an average of
226.1 pounds to 223.6 pounds" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Effect of
green tea on reward learning in healthy individuals: a randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled pilot study - Nutr J. 2013 Jun 18;12(1):84 -
"Seventy-four healthy subjects participated in a
double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled study with oral administration of
green tea or placebo for 5weeks. We used the monetary incentive delay task to
evaluate the reward learning by measurement of the response to reward trial or
no-reward trial. We compared the reaction time of reward responsiveness between
green tea and placebo treatment. Furthermore, we selected Montgomery-Asberg
depression rating scale (MADRS) and 17-item Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression
(HRSD-17) to estimate the depressive symptoms in these two groups ... The
results showed chronic treatment of green tea increased reward learning compared
with placebo by decreasing the reaction time in monetary incentive delay task.
Moreover, participants treated with green tea showed reduced scores measured in
MADRS and HRSD-17 compared with participants treated with placebo" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Mediterranean Diet and Depressive Symptoms among Older Adults over Time - J
Nutr Health Aging. 2013;17(5):441-5 -
"Community-dwelling participants (n=3502) of the Chicago Health and Aging
Project aged 65+ years (59% African American) who had no evidence of depression
at the baseline ... Our results support the hypothesis that adherence to a diet
comprised of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fish, and legumes may protect
against the development of depressive symptoms in older age"
25-hydroxyvitamin d levels and the risk of depression: a systematic review and
meta-analysis - J Nutr Health Aging. 2013;17(5):447-55 -
"Relevant studies were identified by systematically
searching the PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, and PsycINFO databases ... Our
results indicate an inverse association between serum 25(OH)D levels and the
risk of depression" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Green tea
and coffee consumption is inversely associated with depressive symptoms in a
Japanese working population - Public Health Nutr. 2013 Mar 4:1-9 -
"Higher green tea consumption was associated with a
lower prevalence of depressive symptoms. Compared with participants consuming ≤1
cup/d, those consuming ≥4 cups green tea/d had a 51 % significantly lower
prevalence odds of having depressive symptoms ... Coffee consumption was also
inversely associated with depressive symptoms (≥2 cups/d v. <1 cup/d: OR = 0.61;
95 % CI 0.38, 0.98). Multiple-adjusted odds for depressive symptoms comparing
the highest with the lowest quartile of caffeine consumption was OR = 0.57 (95 %
CI 0.30, 1.05; P for trend = 0.02)" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Vitamin D deficiency and
depression in adults: systematic review and meta-analysis - Br J Psychiatry.
2013 Feb;202:100-7 - "One case-control study, ten
cross-sectional studies and three cohort studies with a total of 31 424
participants were analysed. Lower vitamin D levels were found in people with
depression compared with controls (SMD = 0.60, 95% CI 0.23-0.97) and there was
an increased odds ratio of depression for the lowest v. highest vitamin D
categories in the cross-sectional studies (OR = 1.31, 95% CI 1.0-1.71). The
cohort studies showed a significantly increased hazard ratio of depression for
the lowest v. highest vitamin D categories (HR = 2.21, 95% CI 1.40-3.49)"
- See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Hold the
diet soda? Sweetened drinks linked to depression, coffee tied to lower risk
- Science Daily, 1/8/13 - "The study involved 263,925
people between the ages of 50 and 71 at enrollment. From 1995 to 1996,
consumption of drinks such as soda, tea, fruit punch and coffee was evaluated.
About 10 years later, researchers asked the participants whether they had been
diagnosed with depression since the year 2000 ... People who drank more than
four cans or cups per day of soda were 30 percent more likely to develop
depression than those who drank no soda. Those who drank four cans of fruit
punch per day were about 38 percent more likely to develop depression than those
who did not drink sweetened drinks. People who drank four cups of coffee per day
were about 10 percent less likely to develop depression than those who drank no
coffee. The risk appeared to be greater for people who drank diet than regular
soda, diet than regular fruit punches and for diet than regular iced tea"
Lack of
nutrients and metabolic syndrome linked to different subtypes of depression
- Science Daily, 11/26/12 - "Melancholic depression
involves typical depressive symptoms, such as a depressed mood. Non-melancholic
depression is characterized by other types of symptoms, such as low self-esteem
and feelings of worry and anxiety ... Among subjects with the highest folate
intake, the risk for melancholic depressive symptoms was almost 50 per cent
lower than among those with the lowest intake. In addition, among those with the
highest vitamin B12 levels, the risk for melancholic depressive symptoms was
almost three times lower than among those with the lowest levels. Both findings
are new. A similar association with non-melancholic depressive symptoms was not
observed ... Another novel observation is that the risk for the metabolic
syndrome was twofold among those with non-melancholic depressive symptoms, as
compared to those with melancholic symptoms or those with no depressive
symptoms" - See
folic acid products at Amazon.com
vitamin B12 at Amazon.com .
of post-myocardial infarction depression in rats by n-3 fatty acids or
probiotics starting after the onset of reperfusion - Br J Nutr. 2012 Oct
15:1-7 - "Proinflammatory cytokines play a central role
in depression-like behaviour and apoptosis in the limbic system after myocardial
infarction (MI). A PUFA n-3 diet or the combination of Lactobacillus helveticus
R0052 and Bifidobacterium longum R0175 probiotics, when given before the
ischaemic period, reduce circulating proinflammatory cytokines as well as
apoptosis in the limbic system ... These results indicate that a high-PUFA n-3
diet or the administration of probiotics, starting after the onset of
reperfusion, are beneficial to attenuate apoptosis in the limbic system and
post-MI depression in the rat" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
probiotic products at Amazon.com .
intake of fish and PUFA, and clinical depressive and anxiety disorders in women
- Br J Nutr. 2012 Oct 10:1-8 - "The present study
analysed data from a sample of 935 randomly selected, population-based women
aged 20-93 years. A validated and comprehensive dietary questionnaire
ascertained the consumption of n-3 and n-6 PUFA. Another assessed fish and
energy intake and provided data for a dietary quality score. The General Health
Questionnaire-12 (GHQ-12) measured psychological symptoms and a clinical
interview (Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR Research Version,
Non-patient edition) assessed depressive and anxiety disorders ... The only PUFA
related to categorical depressive and anxiety disorders was DHA. There was a
non-linear relationship between DHA intake and depression; those in the second
tertile of DHA intake were nearly 70 % less likely to report a current
depressive disorder compared to those in the first tertile. The relationship of
DHA to anxiety disorders was linear; for those in the highest tertile of DHA
intake, the odds for anxiety disorders were reduced by nearly 50 % after
adjustments, including adjustment for diet quality scores, compared to the
lowest tertile. Those who ate fish less than once per week had higher GHQ-12
scores, and this relationship was particularly obvious in smokers" - See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
Rhodiola rosea: Nature’s antidepressant - Fox News, 9/10/12 -
"Over 300 human studies on Rhodiola rosea show that the
plant has anti-stress, anti-anxiety, and anti-depressant properties, and that
taking the extract of the root produces no significant negative effects ...
Overall, Rhodiola rosea demonstrates greater effectiveness and safety than
pharmaceutical drugs for anxiety, depression and fatigue. So why don’t more
doctors recommend Rhodiola to their patients? They don’t know about it. For many
medical doctors, the herbal world is still a dark green jungle of uncertainty"
- See
Rhodiola rosea at Amazon.com
Eicosapentaenoic acid versus docosahexaenoic acid in mild-to-moderate
depression: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial - Eur
Neuropsychopharmacol. 2012 Aug 18 - "Eighty-one
mild-to-moderately depressed outpatients were randomly assigned to receive
either 1g/d of EPA or DHA or placebo (coconut oil) for 12 weeks ... Although
there was no significant difference between groups at baseline, patients in the
EPA group showed a significantly lower mean HDRS score at study endpoint
compared with those in the DHA (p<0.001) or placebo (p=0.002) groups.
Furthermore, response to treatment (defined as a ≥50% decrease from the baseline
HDRS score) was only observed in 6 patients receiving EPA, while no one in any
of DHA or placebo groups responded to treatment" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Outmuscling major depression with creatine - Science Daily, 8/7/12 -
"women with major depressive disorder (MDD) who
augmented their daily antidepressant with 5 grams of creatine responded twice as
fast and experienced remission of the illness at twice the rate of women who
took the antidepressant alone ... Creatine is an amino acid made in the human
liver, kidneys, and pancreas. It also is found in meat and fish. Inside the body
it is converted into phosphocreatine and stored in muscle. During high-intensity
exercise, phosphocreatine is converted into ATP, an important energy source for
cells. For this reason, creatine has become a popular supplement among
bodybuilders and athletes who are trying to add muscle mass or improve athletic
ability ... The group that received creatine showed significantly higher
improvement rates on the HDRS at two and four weeks (32 percent and 68 percent)
compared to the placebo group (3.7 percent and 29 percent). At the end of eight
weeks, half of those in the creatine group showed no signs of depression
compared with one-quarter in the placebo group. There were no significant
adverse side effects associated with creatine" - See
creatine at Amazon.com
Randomized, Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial of Oral Creatine Monohydrate
Augmentation for Enhanced Response to a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor
in Women With Major Depressive Disorder - Am J Psychiatry. 2012 Aug 1 -
"Fifty-two women with major depressive disorder were
enrolled in an 8-week double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial and
randomly assigned to receive escitalopram in addition to either creatine (5
g/day, N=25) or placebo (N=27) ... In comparison to the placebo augmentation
group, patients receiving creatine augmentation showed significantly greater
improvements in HAM-D score, as early as week 2 of treatment. This differential
improvement favoring creatine was maintained at weeks 4 and 8" - See
creatine at Amazon.com
n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid and Seafood Intake Decrease the Risk of
Depression: Case-Control Study in Korea - Ann Nutr Metab. 2012 Jul
6;61(1):25-31 - "Multivariate-adjusted regression
analysis showed that the risk of depression was significantly and negatively
associated with erythrocyte levels of 20:5 n-3, 22:6 n-3, 16:0 and 18:0, but
positively associated with erythrocyte levels of 18:2t and 16:1 after adjusting
for confounding factors. In addition, the risk of depression was negatively
associated with the intake of energy, carbohydrate, seafood and grains, but
positively with the intake of fat and meat after adjustment for confounding
factors. Conclusions: The risk of depression could be decreased with increased
erythrocyte levels of n-3 PUFA and saturated fatty acids, as well as seafood
intake, but decreased erythrocyte levels of trans fatty acids in Koreans"
- See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
curbs depressive-like symptoms in stressed mice - Science Daily, 7/9/12 -
"A hormone with anti-diabetic properties also reduces
depression-like symptoms in mice ... The hormone, called adiponectin, is
secreted by adipose tissue and sensitizes the body to the action of insulin, a
hormone that lowers blood sugar ... So far, only about half of the patients
suffering from major depressive disorders are treated to the point of remission
with antidepressant drugs ... The prevalence of depression in the diabetic
population is two to three times higher than in the non-diabetic population.
Unfortunately, the use of current antidepressants can worsen the control of
diabetic patients. Adiponectin, with its anti-diabetic activity, would serve as
an innovative therapeutic target for depression treatments, especially for those
individuals with diabetes or prediabetes and perhaps those who fail to respond
to currently available antidepressants" - [Abstract]
- See my
adiponectin page for ways to raise it.
vitamin D deficiency may improve depression - Science Daily, 6/25/12 -
"Women with moderate to severe depression had
substantial improvement in their symptoms of depression after they received
treatment for their vitamin D deficiency ... Vitamin D may have an
as-yet-unproven effect on mood, and its deficiency may exacerbate depression ...
Pathak presented the research findings in three women, who ranged in age from 42
to 66. All had previously diagnosed major depressive disorder, also called
clinical depression, and were receiving antidepressant therapy ... After
treatment, all three women reported significant improvement in their depression,
as found using the Beck Depression Inventory" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Rhodiola rosea: Nature’s anti-depressant - Fox News, 3/7/12 -
"Many studies support what even the ancient Chinese
emperors knew - that Rhodiola rosea gives a terrific lift to body and mind. In
one study of people with stress-related fatigue conducted in Sweden, the
Rhodiola exerted an anti-fatigue effect, increased mental performance, decreased
the stress hormone cortisol in the blood, and reduced stress overall ... In
another study reported in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine,
Rhodiola rosea caused improvement in patients with generalized anxiety disorder.
Yet another study of depressed people in Armenia showed significant improvement
in overall mood as a result of taking Rhodiola rosea extract" - See
Rhodiola rosea at Amazon.com
More Evidence Links Low
Vitamin D to Depression - Medscape, 2/13/12 - "One
thing that complicates trials is that if you give someone vitamin D, it takes a
long time for it to have much effect, as vitamin D levels go up and down very
slowly; it probably wouldn't be a fast antidepressant"
- See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
A link
between oxytocin and serotonin in humans: Supporting evidence from peripheral
markers - Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2012 Jan 30 -
"Pharmacological studies indicate a functional interaction between the
serotonergic and oxytocinergic systems. In particular, some selective serotonin
(5-HT) reuptake inhibitors, such as citalopram and fluvoxamine, seem to exert
part of their antidepressant effects through oxytocin (OT) release. Further, the
administration of fenfluramine, a serotonergic agonist, to healthy subjects
increases plasma OT levels. Interestingly, immunocytochemical and
double-immunofluorescent techniques revealed a high degree of overlap between
5-HT transporter (SERT)-labeled fibers and OT-containing cells ... This result
represents the first evidence of an interaction between OT and SERT, as measured
by [(3)H]-Par binding, at peripheral levels in humans. Given the several
activities mediated by both OT and 5-HT, such a relationship might provide new
perspectives and insights into psychiatric disorders and/or social relationship
disturbances, as well as novel treatment strategies overcoming and/or
integrating the serotonergic paradigm"
- See
oxytocin 6x5iu tablets at International Antiaging Systems or
Oxytocin Factor.
vitamin D levels linked to depression, psychiatrists report - Science Daily,
1/5/12 - "UT Southwestern researchers examined the
results of almost 12,600 participants from late 2006 to late 2010. Dr. Brown and
colleagues from The Cooper Institute found that higher vitamin D levels were
associated with a significantly decreased risk of current depression,
particularly among people with a prior history of depression. Low vitamin D
levels were associated with depressive symptoms, particularly those with a
history of depression, so primary care patients with a history of depression may
be an important target for assessing vitamin D levels. The study did not address
whether increasing vitamin D levels reduced depressive symptoms" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
between n-3 PUFA concentrations and cognitive function after recovery from
late-life depression - Am J Clin Nutr. 2012 Jan 4 -
"sample of 132 eligible participants who had recovered from major depression
(mean +/- SD age: 67.8 +/- 6.6 y) were enrolled from outpatient psychiatric
services. A series of cognitive tests and a structured questionnaire were
administered. Fasting blood samples were collected for n-3 PUFA measurements ...
the strongest and most consistent correlations were found between immediate
recall and concentrations of total n-3 PUFAs and α-linolenic acid (ALA) in
erythrocytes, which were observed only in participants with recurrent depression
... Total erythrocyte n-3 PUFA concentrations are positively associated with
cognitive function, particularly immediate recall, in older people with previous
depression. Lower concentrations of n-3 PUFAs or ALA in erythrocyte membranes
may be good predictors for cognitive impairment in older people with previous
recurrent depression" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
consumption of vegetables predicts lower risk of depression in older Taiwanese -
results of a prospective population-based study - Public Health Nutr. 2011
Dec 16:1-6 - "In a regression model that controlled for
demographic, socio-economic, lifestyle and disease/health-related variables but
not cognitive status, both fruits (OR = 0.66, 95 % CI 0.45, 0.98, P = 0.038) and
vegetables (OR = 0.38, 95 % CI 0.17, 0.86, P = 0.021) were protective against
depressive symptoms 4 years later. However, when the same regression model was
also adjusted for cognitive status, only vegetables (OR = 0.40, 95 % CI 0.17,
0.95, P = 0.039) were protective against depressive symptoms. Higher consumption
of eggs was close to being significant in both regression models (P = 0.087 and
0.069, respectively). Other food categories including meat/poultry, fish,
seafood, dairy, legumes, grains and tea showed no significant associations"
Increased caffeinated coffee consumption associated with decreased risk of
depression in women, study finds - Science Daily, 9/26/11 -
"During the 10-year follow-up period from 1996 to 2006, researchers identified
2,607 incident (new-onset) cases of depression. When compared with women who
consumed one cup of caffeinated coffee or less per week, those who consumed two
to three cups per day had a 15 percent decrease in relative risk for depression,
and those consuming four cups or more per day had a 20 percent decrease in
relative risk. Compared with women in the lowest (less than 100 milligrams [mg]
per day) categories of caffeine consumption, those in the highest category (550
mg per day or more) had a 20 percent decrease in relative risk of depression. No
association was found between intake of decaffeinated coffee and depression
ffects of
n-3 fatty acids, EPA v. DHA, on depressive symptoms, quality of life, memory and
executive function in older adults with mild cognitive impairment: a 6-month
randomised controlled trial - Br J Nutr. 2011 Sep 20:1-12 -
"Depressive symptoms may increase the risk of
progressing from mild cognitive impairment (MCI) to dementia. Consumption of n-3
PUFA may alleviate both cognitive decline and depression ... A total of fifty
people aged >65 years with MCI were allocated to receive a supplement rich in
EPA (1.67 g EPA+0.16 g DHA/d; n 17), DHA (1.55 g DHA+0.40 g EPA/d; n 18) or the
n-6 PUFA linoleic acid (LA; 2.2 g/d; n 15). Treatment allocation was by
minimisation based on age, sex and depressive symptoms (Geriatric Depression
Scale, GDS). Physiological and cognitive assessments, questionnaires and fatty
acid composition of erythrocytes were obtained at baseline and 6 months
(completers: n 40; EPA n 13, DHA n 16, LA n 11). Compared with the LA group, GDS
scores improved in the EPA (P = 0.04) and DHA (P = 0.01) groups and verbal
fluency (Initial Letter Fluency) in the DHA group (P = 0.04). Improved GDS
scores were correlated with increased DHA plus EPA (r 0.39, P = 0.02). Improved
self-reported physical health was associated with increased DHA. There were no
treatment effects on other cognitive or QOL parameters. Increased intakes of DHA
and EPA benefited mental health in older people with MCI. Increasing n-3 PUFA
intakes may reduce depressive symptoms and the risk of progressing to dementia.
This needs to be investigated in larger, depressed samples with MCI" -
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Mind-altering microbes: Probiotic bacteria may lessen anxiety and depression
- Science Daily, 8/29/11 - "Probiotic bacteria have the
potential to alter brain neurochemistry and treat anxiety and depression-related
disorders ... mice fed with Lactobacillus rhamnosus JB-1 showed significantly
fewer stress, anxiety and depression-related behaviours than those fed with just
broth. Moreover, ingestion of the bacteria resulted in significantly lower
levels of the stress-induced hormone, corticosterone ... regular feeding with
the Lactobacillus strain caused changes in the expression of receptors for the
neurotransmitter GABA in the mouse brain, which is the first time that it has
been demonstrated that potential probiotics have a direct effect on brain
chemistry in normal situations" - See
probiotics at Amazon.com

Vitamin D
intake from foods and supplements and depressive symptoms in a diverse
population of older women - Am J Clin Nutr. 2011 Aug 24 -
"After age, physical activity, and other factors were
controlled for, women who reported a total intake of ≥800 IU vitamin D/d had a
prevalence OR for depressive symptoms of 0.79 (95% CI: 0.71, 0.89; P-trend <
0.001) compared with women who reported a total intake of <100 IU vitamin D/d.
In analyses limited to women without evidence of depression at baseline, an
intake of ≥400 compared with <100 IU vitamin D/d from food sources was
associated with 20% lower risk of depressive symptoms at year 3 (OR: 0.80; 95%
CI: 0.67, 0.95; P-trend = 0.001). The results for supplemental vitamin D were
less consistent, as were the results from secondary analyses that included as
cases women who were currently using antidepressant medications ... Overall, our
findings support a potential inverse association of vitamin D, primarily from
food sources, and depressive symptoms in postmenopausal women" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
gut-full of probiotics for your neurological well-being - Science Daily,
7/5/11 - "A recent study in mice, for example, showed
that the presence of neurochemicals such a serotonin in the bloodstream was due
to direct uptake from the gut ... Until recently the idea that probiotic
bacteria administered to the intestine could influence the brain seemed almost
surreal ... Yet in Lyte's paper the concept is supported by studies showing that
microbes can produce and respond to neurochemicals, which can induce
neurological and immunological effects on the host ... The research presents an
idea for selecting probiotic strains with neurological applications and linking
this with immune-modulatory effects, while highlighting the fact that microbial
strains already being widely ingested in fermented food can produce
neurochemicals" - See
Garden of Life, Primal Defense at Amazon.com
Omega-3 may reduce depression symptoms in the elderly: Study - Nutra USA,
5/18/11 - "According to findings published in The
Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, depressed women who received daily
supplements containing 2.5 grams of omega-3 experienced significant reductions
in their symptoms ... In addition, researchers from the University of Pavia also
report that omega-3 supplements providing a daily EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid)
dose of 1.67 grams and a daily DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) dose of 0.83 grams
reported improvements in the ‘quality of life’" - [Abstract]
- See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Deficiency of dietary omega-3 may explain depressive behaviors - Science
Daily, 1/30/11 - "The dietary ratio between omega-6
polyunsaturated fatty acid and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid omega-3
increased continuously over the course of the 20th century. These fatty acids
are "essential" lipids because the body cannot synthesize them from new ... the
researchers studied mice fed a life-long diet imbalanced in omega-3 and omega-6
fatty acids. They found that omega-3 deficiency disturbed neuronal communication
specifically. The researchers observed that only the cannabinoid receptors,
which play a strategic role in neurotransmission, suffer a complete loss of
function. This neuronal dysfunction was accompanied by depressive behaviours
among the malnourished mice" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
poorly can make you blue: Trans-fats increase risk of depression, while olive
oil helps avoid risk - Science Daily, 1/26/11 - "the
participants with an elevated consumption of trans-fats (fats present in
artificial form in industrially-produced pastries and fast food, and naturally
present in certain whole milk products) "presented up to a 48% increase in the
risk of depression when they were compared to participants who did not consume
these fats," ... In addition, the study demonstrated a dose-response
relationship, "whereby the more trans-fats were consumed, the greater the
harmful effect they produced in the volunteers," ...Furthermore, the team, ...
also analyzed the influence of polyunsaturated fats (abundant in fish and
vegetable oils) and of olive oil on the occurrence of depression. "In fact, we
discovered that this type of healthier fats, together with olive oil, are
associated with a lower risk of suffering depression,""
All Omega-3s Equal When It Comes to Antidepressant Effects - Medscape,
12/8/10 - "In fact, only eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) —
and not docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) — is associated with mood improvement in
patients with depression" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
fatty acids for major depressive disorder associated with the menopausal
transition: a preliminary open trial - Menopause. 2010 Oct 27 - "The
pretreatment and final mean MADRS scores were 24.2 and 10.7, respectively,
reflecting a significant decrease in MADRS scores (P < 0.0001). The response
rate was 70% (MADRS score decrease of ≥50%), and the remission rate was 45%
(final MADRS score of ≤7). Responders had significantly lower pretreatment
docosahexaenoic acid levels than nonresponders did (P = 0.03). Hot flashes were
present in 15 (75%) participants. Among those with hot flashes at baseline, the
number of hot flashes per day improved significantly from baseline (P = 0.02)
and Hot Flash Related Daily Interference Scale scores decreased significantly
... These data support further study of omega-3 fatty acids for major depressive
disorder and hot flashes in women during the menopausal transition" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Probiotics show potential against stress-related conditions - Nutra USA
10/29/10 - "Results showed that levels of
psychological distress, including measures of depression, anger-hostility,
anxiety, and problem solving, were significantly improved in the probiotic
group, compared with placebo" - [Abstract]
- See
probiotics at Amazon.com
Assessment of psychotropic-like properties of a probiotic formulation (
Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 and Bifidobacterium longum R0175) in rats and
human subjects - Br J Nutr. 2010 Oct 26:1-9 - "In
the preclinical study, rats were daily administered PF
for 2 weeks and subsequently tested in the conditioned defensive burying test, a
screening model for anti-anxiety agents. In the clinical trial, volunteers
participated in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised parallel group
study with PF administered for 30 d and assessed with the Hopkins Symptom
Checklist (HSCL-90), the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), the
Perceived Stress Scale, the Coping Checklist (CCL) and 24 h urinary free
cortisol (UFC). Daily subchronic administration of PF significantly reduced
anxiety-like behaviour in rats (P < 0.05) and alleviated psychological distress
in volunteers, as measured particularly by the HSCL-90 scale (global severity
index, P < 0.05; somatisation, P < 0.05; depression, P < 0.05; and
anger-hostility, P < 0.05), the HADS (HADS global score, P < 0.05; and
HADS-anxiety, P < 0.06), and by the CCL (problem solving, P < 0.05) and the UFC
level (P < 0.05). L. helveticus R0052 and B. longum R0175 taken in combination
display anxiolytic-like activity in rats and beneficial psychological effects in
healthy human volunteers" - Note, in case you missed it, it's saying that
it also reduced cortisol. See
probiotics at Amazon.com
Fish and n-3
Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Intake and Depressive Symptoms: Ryukyus Child Health
Study - Pediatrics. 2010 Aug 16 - "The prevalence of
depressive symptoms was 22.5% for boys and 31.2% for girls. For boys, fish
intake was inversely associated with depressive symptoms (adjusted odds ratio
[OR] for depressive symptoms in the highest [compared with the lowest] quintile
of intake: 0.73 [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.55-0.97]; P for trend = .04).
EPA intake showed an inverse association with depressive symptoms (OR: 0.71 [95%
CI: 0.54-0.94]; P = .04). DHA intake also showed a similar inverse, albeit
nonsignificant, association (OR: 0.79 [95% CI: 0.59-1.05]; P = .11). In
addition, intake of EPA plus DHA was inversely associated with depressive
symptoms (OR: 0.72 [95% CI: 0.55-0.96]; P = .08). Conversely, no such
associations were observed among girls" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Adding Nutritional Supplement to Antidepressant Therapy May Boost Response
in Refractory Depression - Medscape, 8/18/10 -
"significantly more SAMe-treated than placebo-treated patients (36.1% vs
17.6%) experienced a clinical response on the 17-item Hamilton Depression
Rating Scale (HAM-D), which was the primary study outcome. Remission rates
(ie, HAM-D score of ≤7) were also higher with SAMe than with placebo (25.8%
vs 11.7%)" - See
SAM-e at Amazon.com
Role of zinc
in the development and treatment of mood disorders - Curr Opin Clin Nutr
Metab Care. 2010 Aug 4 - "Not only has zinc deficiency
been shown to induce depression-like and anxiety-like behaviors, supplementation
has been used as a treatment for major depression. Zinc administration improves
the efficacy of antidepressant drugs in depressed patients and may have a
particular role to play in treatment-resistant patients. Recent investigations
into the molecular mechanisms responsible for these observations suggest a role
for zinc in the regulation of neurotransmitter systems, antioxidant mechanisms,
neurotrophic factors, and neuronal precursor cells" - See
Jarrow Zinc Balance at Amazon.com
(too much zinc can cause a copper difficiency).
Effect of
Omega-3 Fatty Acids Supplementation on Depressive Symptoms and on Health-Related
Quality of Life in the Treatment of Elderly Women with Depression: A
Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized Clinical Trial - J Am Coll
Nutr. 2010 Feb;29(1):55-64 - "Supplementation with n-3
LCPUFA is efficacious in the amelioration of depressive symptoms and quality of
life in the treatment of depressed elderly female patients" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Methionine (SAMe) Augmentation of Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors for
Antidepressant Nonresponders With Major Depressive Disorder: A Double-Blind,
Randomized Clinical Trial - Am J Psychiatry. 2010 Jul 1 -
"These preliminary results suggest that SAMe can be
an effective, well-tolerated, and safe adjunctive treatment strategy for SRI
nonresponders with major depressive disorder and warrant replication" -
SAM-e at Amazon.com
Vitamins B6, B12 May Protect Against Depression in Older Adults -
Medscape, 7/1/10 - "Odds of depressive symptoms were
2% lower per year for each additional 10 mg of vitamin B6 and an additional
10 μg of vitamin B12"
depression with Omega-3: Encouraging results from largest clinical study
- Science Daily, 6/21/10 - "Initial analyses failed
to clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of Omega-3 for all patients taking
part in the study. Other analyses, however, revealed that Omega-3 improved
depression symptoms in patients diagnosed with depression unaccompanied by
an anxiety disorder. Efficacy for these patients was comparable to that
generally observed with conventional antidepressant treatment" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Exercise the Best Drug for Depression - Time Magazine, 6/19/10 -
"depressed adults who participated in an aerobic
exercise plan improved as much as those treated with sertraline, the drug
that was marketed as Zoloft ... Subsequent trials have repeated these
results, showing again and again that patients who undergo aerobic exercise
regimens see comparable improvement in their depression as those treated
with medication, and that both groups do better than patients given only a
placebo ... exercise may alter brain chemistry in much the same way that
antidepressant drugs do — regulating the key neurotransmitters serotonin and
25-Hydroxyvitamin D and Depressive Symptoms in Older Women and Men - J Clin
Endocrinol Metab. 2010 May 5 - "Center for
Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D). Depressed mood was defined as
CES-D of 16 or higher ... Women with 25(OH)D less than 50 nmol/liter compared
with those with higher levels experienced increases in CES-D scores of 2.1 (P =
0.02) and 2.2 (P = 0.04) points higher at, respectively, 3- and 6-yr follow-up.
Women with low vitamin D (Vit-D) had also significantly higher risk of
developing depressive mood over the follow-up (hazard ratio = 2.0; 95%
confidence interval = 1.2-3.2; P = 0.005). In parallel models, men with 25(OH)D
less than 50 nmol/liter compared with those with higher levels experienced
increases in CES-D scores of 1.9 (P = 0.01) and 1.1 (P = 0.20) points higher at
3- and 6-yr follow-up. Men with low Vit- D tended to have higher risk of
developing depressed mood (hazard ratio = 1.6; 95% confidence interval =
0.9-2.8; P = 0.1). Conclusion: Our findings suggest that hypovitaminosis D is a
risk factor for the development of depressive symptoms in older persons. The
strength of the prospective association is higher in women than in men"
EPA but not
DHA appears to be responsible for the efficacy of omega-3 long chain
polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation in depression: evidence from a
meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials - J Am Coll Nutr. 2009
Oct;28(5):525-42 - "Meta-regression studies showed a
significant effect of higher levels of baseline depression and lower supplement
DHAEPA ratio on therapeutic efficacy. Subgroup analyses showed significant
effects for: (1) diagnostic category (bipolar disorder and major depression
showing significant improvement with omega3 LC-PUFA supplementation versus
mild-to-moderate depression, chronic fatigue and non-clinical populations not
showing significant improvement); (2) therapeutic as opposed to preventive
intervention; (3) adjunctive treatment as opposed to monotherapy; and (4)
supplement type. Symptoms of depression were not significantly reduced in 3
studies using pure DHA (standardized mean difference 0.001, 95% CI -0.330 to
0.332, z = 0.004, p = 0.997) or in 4 studies using supplements containing
greater than 50% DHA (standardized mean difference = 0.141, 95% CI = -0.195 to
0.477, z = 0.821, p = 0.417). In contrast, symptoms of depression were
significantly reduced in 13 studies using supplements containing greater than
50% EPA (standardized mean difference = -0.446, 95% CI = -0.753 to -0.138, z =
-2.843, p = 0.005) and in 8 studies using pure ethyl-EPA (standardized mean
difference = -0.396, 95% CI = -0.650 to -0.141, z = -3.051, p = 0.002). However,
further meta-regression studies showed significant inverse associations between
efficacy and study methodological quality, study sample size, and duration, thus
limiting the confidence of these findings. CONCLUSIONS: The current
meta-analysis provides evidence that EPA may be more efficacious than DHA in
treating depression. However, owing to the identified limitations of the
included studies, larger, well-designed, randomized controlled trials of
sufficient duration are needed to confirm these findings" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Red clover may counter depressive symptoms in older women - Nutra USA,
3/4/10 - "Symptoms of depression and anxiety were
reduced by about 80 per cent following 90 days of supplements containing 80
milligrams of red clover isoflavones" - [Abstract]
- See
Trinovin (for men), Promensil (for women) at Amazon.com
red clover at Amazon.com .
Improvement of postmenopausal depressive and anxiety symptoms after treatment
with isoflavones derived from red clover extracts - Maturitas. 2010
Mar;65(3):258-61 - "assigned to receive two daily
capsules of MF11RCE (80mg red clover isoflavones, Group A) or placebo of equal
appearance (Group B) for a 90-day period ... After receiving the MF11RCE
compound the total HADS (anxiety and depression subscale scores also) and the
total SDS scores decreased significantly. This effect was equivalent to a 76.9%
reduction in the total HADS score (76% for anxiety and 78.3% for depression) and
an 80.6% reduction in the total SDS score. After placebo, total HADS (anxiety
and depression subscale also) and total SDS scores also decreased significantly
in comparison to baseline but only equivalent to an average 21.7% decline.
CONCLUSION: Red clover derived isoflavones (MF11RCE) were effective in reducing
depressive and anxiety symptoms among postmenopausal women" - See
Trinovin at Amazon.com
red clover at Amazon.com .
More folate may mean less depression: Study - Nutra USA, 1/27/10 -
"Men with the highest blood levels of folate were50 per
cent less likely to have symptoms of depression, compared to men with the
lowest levels" - [Abstract]
- See
folic acid products at Amazon.com
folate and homocysteine and depressive symptoms among Japanese men and women
- Eur J Clin Nutr. 2010 Jan 20 - "The
multivariate-adjusted odds ratios (95% confidence interval) of depressive
symptoms for the lowest to highest quartiles of serum folate were 1.00
(reference), 0.53 (0.27-1.03), 0.33 (0.16-0.68) and 0.51 (0.25-1.03),
respectively" - See
folic acid products at Amazon.com
Green Tea Drinking in Elderly Linked to Lower Risk for Depression -
Medscape, 12/29/09 - "Compared with green tea
consumption of 1 or less cup per day, odds ratios for mild and severe
depressive symptoms were 0.96 for 2 to 3 cups (95% confidence interval [CI],
0.66 - 1.42) and 0.56 for 4 or more cups of green tea per day (95% CI, 0.39
- 0.81; P for trend = .001), after adjustment for confounding factors.
Similar associations were seen for severe depressive symptoms" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Improves On Low-fat, But Not Low-carb, Diet Plan - Science Daily,
11/10/09 - "After one year, a low-calorie, low-fat
diet appears more beneficial to dieters' mood than a low-carbohydrate plan
with the same number of calories"
tea consumption is associated with depressive symptoms in the elderly -
Am J Clin Nutr. 2009 Oct 14 - "A more frequent
consumption of green tea was associated with a lower prevalence of
depressive symptoms in the community-dwelling older population" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Omega-3 Supplements Provide Mixed Results as Antidepressant - Medscape,
7/8/09 - "There is a large body of epidemiological
data to support a link between omega-3 and depression ... For example, 8 of
11 epidemiological studies evaluating the association between depression and
fish consumption report a statistically significant inverse association. In
other words, less fish means more depression" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Omega-3 Fatty Acids Prevent Depression In Coronary Heart Disease? -
Science Daily, 6/9/09 - "The prevalence of
depression ranged from 23% in participants in the lowest tertile of omega –3
fatty acids (< 3.1% of total blood fatty acids) to 13% in participants in
the highest tertile ( >4.3% of total blood fatty acids; p for trend =
0.004). Each unit decrease in EPA + DHA was inversely associated with
depressive symptoms as a continuous variable, and these associations
persisted after adjustment for age, sex and race. Similarly, each SD
decrease in EPA + DHA was associated with significantly greater odds of
depression as a dichotomous variable (Patient Health Questionnaire score
- See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Kava for Anxiety: Is Short-Term Use Safe? - WebMD, 5/14/09 -
"the WHO report suggested that liver toxicity may be
limited to kava formulations that used the whole kava plant, instead of just
the root, or used acetone and ethanol to extract the active ingredient from
the plant instead of water ... As measured by standardized anxiety and
depression questionnaires, the participants reported much less anxiety when
they were taking the kava than when they took placebo pills ... Depression
levels also dropped among many patients who reported depression and no
serious side effects were associated with kava use" - See
kava at Amazon.com
Omega-3 Fatty Acids Ease Depressive Symptoms Related To Menopause -
Science Daily, 1/28/09 - "Their study, published in
the February issue of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, presents
the first evidence that omega-3 supplements are effective for treating
common menopause-related mental health problems ... Test results before and
after the eight-week period indicate that omega-3s significantly improved
the condition of women suffering symptoms of psychological distress and mild
depression ... Women with hot flashes also noted that their condition
improved after consuming omega-3s. At baseline, the number of daily hot
flashes was 2.8 and dropped by an average of 1.6 in the group taking
omega-3s and by 0.5 in the control group"
- See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
St. John's Wort for Depression - Clinical Psychology News, 12/08 -
"The best available evidence suggests that St.
John's wort is better than placebo for treating major depressive disorder,
is as effective as some synthetic antidepressants when used in low to
moderate dosing ranges, and has fewer side effects than do synthetic
Symptoms Of Depression Associated With Increase In Abdominal Fat -
Science Daily, 12/1/08 - "There are several
mechanisms by which depression might increase abdominal fat, they note.
Chronic stress and depression may activate certain brain areas and lead to
increased levels of the hormone cortisol, which promotes the accumulation of
visceral fat. Individuals with depression may have unhealthier lifestyles,
including a poor diet, that could interact with other physiological factors
to produce an increase in abdominal obesity" - See my
cortisol page for ways to reduce it.
Cortisol is like the chicken and the egg with depression. They don't seem
to know whether it is the cause or result.
St. John's Wort Holds Its Own in Meta-Analysis - Clinical Psychology
News, 11/08 - "St. John's wort was more effective
than placebo and just as effective as standard antidepressants in treating
depression, a Cochrane analysis of 29 studies of almost 5,500 adults with
major depression shows" - See
St. John's wort at Amazon.com
Magnetic Relief For Depression? - washingtonpost.com, 11/11/08
John's Wort Relieves Symptoms Of Major Depression, Study Shows - Science
Daily, 10/13/08 - "Cochrane Researchers reviewed 29
trials which together included 5,489 patients with symptoms of major
depression. All trials employed the commonly used Hamilton Rating Scale for
Depression to assess the severity of depression. In trials comparing St.
John's wort to other remedies, not only were the plant extracts considered
to be equally effective, but fewer patients dropped out of trials due to
adverse effects" - See
St. John's wort at Amazon.com
St. John's wort at Amazon.com .
St. John’s Wort for Major Depression? - WebMD, 10/10/08 -
"Can taking an herbal supplement be as good as a
prescription medication for people who are severely depressed? ...
Researchers in Germany think so" - See
St. John's wort at Amazon.com
St. John's wort at Amazon.com .
Taking herb 'helps depression' - BBC News, 10/8/08 -
"Overall, the St John's Wort extracts tested in the
trials were superior to placebo, similarly effective as standard
anti-depressants, and had fewer side effects ... Doctors think it works
because the herb keeps serotonin, a chemical which makes you happy, in the
brain for longer" - See
St. John's wort at Amazon.com
St. John's wort at Amazon.com .
Add-On Therapy Improves Depressive Symptoms In Bipolar Disorder -
Science Daily, 9/2/08 - "sought to evaluate whether
N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), an over-the-counter supplement that increases brain
glutathione, might help alleviate depressive symptoms ... Glutathione is the
brain’s primary antioxidant defense, and there is evidence of increased
oxidative stress in bipolar disorder. Therefore, we studied the potential
benefit of NAC treatment in bipolar disorder and found that it impressively
remedied residual depressive symptoms" - See
n-acetyl cysteine at Amazon.com
St. John's Wort and Duloxetine Equally Effective in Mild to Moderate
Depression - Doctor's Guide, 9/1/08 - "Twenty
patients received St. John's Wort at a
dosage of 900 mg QD, whereas the remaining 20 participants were treated with
duloxetine 60 ��� 30 mg QD ... In the group of patients suffering from
moderate depression, we did not find any statistically significant
differences between the 2 treatment groups" - See
St. John's wort at Amazon.com
Continuation and long-term maintenance treatment with Hypericum extract
WS((R)) 5570 after recovery from an acute episode of moderate depression - A
double-blind, randomized, placebo controlled long-term trial - Eur
Neuropsychopharmacol. 2008 Aug 9 - "3x300 mg/day
WS((R)) 5570 or placebo for 26 weeks. 426 patients were evaluated for
efficacy. Relapse rates during continuation treatment were 51/282 (18.1%)
for WS((R)) 5570 and 37/144 (25.7%) for placebo. Average time to relapse was
177+/-2.8 and 163+/-4.4 days for WS((R)) 5570 and placebo, respectively
(time-to-event analysis; p=0.034; alpha=0.025 one-sided). Patients treated
with WS((R)) 5570 showed more favorable HAMD and Beck Depression Inventory
time courses and greater over-all improvement (CGI) than those randomized to
placebo. In long-term maintenance treatment a pronounced prophylactic effect
of WS((R)) 5570 was observed in patients with an early onset of depression
as well as in those with a high degree of chronicity. Adverse event rates
under WS((R)) 5570 were comparable to placebo. WS((R)) 5570 showed a
beneficial effect in preventing relapse after recovery from acute
depression. Tolerability in continuation and long-term maintenance treatment
was on the placebo level" - Note: The 5570 extract is the Perika
Brand. See
St. John's wort at Amazon.com
double-blind dose-finding pilot study of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) for
major depressive disorder - Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2008 Jun 5 -
"Group A (n=14): 1 g/day of oral DHA; Group B
(n=11): 2 g/day; and Group C (n=10): 4 g/day. We measured HAM-D-17 scores,
plasma DHA, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and n-6/n-3 ratio. Completer
response rates (>/=50% decrease in HAM-D-17 score) were 83% for Group A, 40%
for Group B, and 0% for Group C; Groups A and B had significant decreases in
HAM-D-17 scores" - See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
Rhodiola for What Ails You? - Dr. Weil, 5/15/08 -
"A 2002 review in Herbalgram, the Journal of the
American Botanical Council, reported that over the years, numerous studies
of rhodiola in humans and animals have shown that it helps prevent fatigue,
stress and the damaging effects of oxygen deprivation. Evidence also
suggests that it has an antioxidant effect, enhances immune system function
and can increase sexual energy ... A study published in 2007 in the Nordic
Journal of Psychiatry showed that patients with mild-to-moderate depression
who took a rhodiola extract reported fewer symptoms than those who took a
placebo. And a study by researchers at the University of California at
Irvine found that fruit flies that ate a diet supplemented with rhodiola
lived an average of 10 percent longer than flies that didn't eat this herb"
- See
Rhodiola rosea at Amazon.com
Plasma eicosapentaenoic acid is inversely associated with severity of
depressive symptomatology in the elderly: data from the Bordeaux sample of
the Three-City Study - Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 May;87(5):1156-62 -
"Higher plasma EPA was associated with a lower
severity of DS in elderly subjects, especially those taking antidepressants"
- See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Many Depressed Older Adults Lack Vitamin D - WebMD, 5/6/08 -
"Researchers reporting in the May issue of Archives
of General Psychiatry have linked low blood levels of vitamin D -- the
"sunshine vitamin" -- and increased parathyroid hormone levels to depression
among older adults" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Diets With High Omega-6:Omega-3 Ratios Enhance Risk for Depression,
Inflammatory Disease - Medscape, 4/25/08 -
"Whereas the early hunter-gatherers had a dietary omega-6:omega-3 ratio of
2:1 to 3:1, this ratio is now 15:1 to 17:1 in North America today ... It is
believed that these dietary changes might be related to increases in
inflammatory-related diseases, including depression and cardiovascular
disease ... at higher levels of depressive symptoms, as the omega-6:omega-3
ratio increased, there was a marked increase in proinflammatory cytokine
levels ... compared with the study participants who did not have syndromal
depression, the 6 participants who had depression had significantly higher
omega-6:omega-3 ratios and higher levels of proinflammatory cytokines"
- See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Omega-3 EPA may benefit depressives, says study - Nutra USA, 4/7/08 - [Abstract]
- "were randomly assigned to receive a daily EPA
supplement (1000 mg, supplied by Minami Nutrition, Belgium), or 20 mg
fluoxetine daily, or a combination of the two for two months ... At the end
of the study, data from the 48 people who finished the study showed a 50 per
cent reduction in HDRS scores for people in the EPA group, a 56 per cent
reduction in people in the fluoxetin group, and a 81 per cent reduction in
people in the combined intervention group" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Major Depressive Disorder During Pregnancy: Results
From a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial - J Clin
Psychiatry. 2008 Mar 18;:e1-e8 - "As compared to the
placebo group, subjects in the omega-3 group had significantly lower HAM-D
scores at weeks 6 (p = .001) and 8 (p = .019), a significantly higher
response rate (62% vs. 27%, p = .03), and a higher remission rate, although
the latter did not reach statistical significance (38% vs. 18%" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Comparison of therapeutic effects of omega-3 fatty acid eicosapentaenoic
acid and fluoxetine, separately and in combination, in major depressive
disorder - Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2008 Mar;42(3):192-8 -
"EPA + fluoxetine combination was significantly
better than fluoxetine or EPA alone from the fourth week of treatment.
Fluoxetine and EPA appear to be equally effective in controlling depressive
symptoms. Response rates (>/=50% decrease in baseline HDRS) were 50%, 56%
and 81% in the fluoxetine, EPA and combination groups, respectively"
- See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Association of folate intake with the occurrence of depressive episodes in
middle-aged French men and women - Br J Nutr. 2007 Dec 6;:1-5 -
"the risk of experiencing recurrent depressive
episodes (two or more) during the follow-up was strongly reduced in men with
high folate intake (OR 0.25 (95 % CI 0.06, 0.98) for the highest tertile v.
the lowest" - See
folic acid at Amazon.com
Folate may reduce depression symptoms for men, says study - Nutra USA,
12/7/07 - "male subjects with the highest average
intake (235 micrograms per 100 kcal) were 50 per cent less likely to have
depressive symptoms than men with the lowest average intake (119 micrograms
per 100 kcal)" - [Abstract]
- See
folic acid at Amazon.com
High {omega}-6 and Low {omega}-3 Fatty Acids are Associated With Depressive
Symptoms and Neuroticism - Psychosom Med. 2007 Nov 8 -
"Lower EPA, and higher AA, AA:EPA ratio and AA:DHA
ratio were associated with greater NEO-PI-R Neuroticism" - See Mega
Twinlab Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Low Omega-3s in Diet Linked to Higher Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms in
Heart Failure Patients - Doctor's Guide, 11/7/07 -
"Heart Failure patients who were prone to depressive
symptoms ate 15% fewer omega-3 fatty acids and those with anxiety consumed
14% fewer omega-3 fatty acids than heart failure patients without symptoms"
Augmenting antidepressants with folate: a clinical perspective - J Clin
Psychiatry. 2007;68 Suppl 10:4-7 - "Folate in
particular has been found to further reduce symptoms in patients with
depression when used in conjunction with an antidepressant, and because
folate is a water-soluble B vitamin, its safety and tolerability are well
established. This strategy would typically be used in patients with low
plasma or red blood cell folate levels. Folate augmentation may be used (1)
to enhance the efficacy of antidepressants in nonresponders, (2) to enable
those who partially respond to antidepressant monotherapy to achieve
remission, and (3) to alleviate residual symptoms during antidepressant
treatment" - See
folic acid at Amazon.com
The role of folate in depression and dementia - J Clin Psychiatry.
2007;68 Suppl 10:28-33 - "folate deficiencies may be
caused by improper absorption and utilization, often due to genetic
polymorphisms. Individuals, therefore, can have insufficient levels or lack
needed forms of folate, despite adequate intake. Supplementation with the
active form of folate, methyltetrahydrofolate, which is more readily
absorbed, may be effective in the prevention and treatment of both
depression and dementia" -
folic acid at Amazon.com
Antidepressant-Like Effect of Cordyceps sinensis in the Mouse Tail
Suspension Test - Biol Pharm Bull. 2007 Sep;30(9):1758-62 -
"Cordyceps sinensis (CS) has been known as a
component of traditional medicines that elicit various biological effects
such as anti-fatigue, immunomodulatory, and hypoglycemic actions. Since it
has been well-established that fatigue is closely related to depression, we
used the tail suspension test (TST) in mice to examine the
antidepressant-like effects of hot water extract (HWCS) and supercritical
fluid extract (SCCS) of CS ... these results suggest that SCCS may elicit an
antidepressant-like effect by affecting the adrenergic and dopaminergic
systems, but not by affecting the serotonergic system" - See
cordyceps at Amazon.com
Dehydroepiandrosterone and monoamines in the limbic system of a genetic
animal model of childhood depression - Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2007
Aug 20 - "The results from the current study may
imply that treatment with DHEA could be a promising novel therapeutic option
for depressed children and adolescents that fail to respond to common
(monoaminergic) antidepressant treatments"
Diets With High
Omega-6:Omega-3 Ratios Enhance Risk for Depression, Inflammatory Disease
- Medscape, 4/26/07 - "Whereas the early
hunter-gatherers had a dietary omega-6:omega-3 ratio of 2:1 to 3:1, this
ratio is now 15:1 to 17:1 in North America today ... compared with the study
participants who did not have syndromal depression, the 6 participants who
had depression had significantly higher omega-6:omega-3 ratios and higher
levels of proinflammatory cytokines"
Depressive Symptoms, omega-6:omega-3 Fatty Acids, and Inflammation in Older
Adults - Psychosom Med. 2007 Mar 30 -
"Diets with high n-6:n-3 PUFA ratios may enhance the
risk for both depression and inflammatory diseases"
Omega 3 fatty acids and the brain: review of studies in depression -
Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2007;16 Suppl:391-7 -
"Experimental studies in animals have shown that
diets lacking omega 3 PUFA lead to substantial disturbances in neural
function, which in most circumstances can be restored by the inclusion of
omega 3 PUFA in the diet ... It is clear from the literature that DHA is
involved in a variety of processes in neural cells and that its role is far
more complex than simply influencing cell membrane properties"
l-thyroxine augmentation of serotonergic antidepressants in female patients
with refractory depression - J Affect Disord. 2007 Feb 6 -
"Triiodothyronine (T3) augmentation in
treatment-resistant depression had been successfully performed with both
tricyclic as well as with SSRI antidepressants. In this paper, the efficacy
of addition of moderate dose of l-thyroxine (T4) to serotonergic
antidepressants in refractory depression was evaluated ... four weeks of
l-thyroxine augmentation, the remission, assessed as 7 or less points on
Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) was obtained in eleven patients
(64.7%). Five other patients (29.5%) had responded (reduction>50% on HDRS)
and one patient did not show an improvement"
Omega-3 in fish oils might ease depression - USA Today, 3/6/07 -
"The more DHA a person consumed, the more gray
matter there was in three areas of the brain linked to mood: the amygdala,
the hippocampus and the cingulate, Conklin says. Seriously depressed people
tend to have less gray matter in these areas" - See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
Vascular Nutritional Correlates of Late-Life Depression - Am J Geriatr
Psychiatry. 2006 Sep;14(9):787-795 - "The depression
group had higher intake of saturated fat and cholesterol, higher body mass
indices, lower alcohol intake, and higher Keys score than the comparison
Omega-3s may help depressive kids - pilot study - Nutra USA, 6/23/06 -
"seven out of ten children in the omega-3 group and
none of the children in the placebo group had depression score reductions of
50 per cent or more"
Omega-3 treatment of childhood depression: a controlled, double-blind pilot
study - Am J Psychiatry. 2006 Jun;163(6):1098-100 -
"Analysis of variance showed highly significant
effects of omega-3 on symptoms using the CDRS, CDI, and CGI ... Omega-3
fatty acids may have therapeutic benefits in childhood depression"
Melatonin Improves Mood In Winter Depression - Science Daily, 5/2/06 -
"melatonin, a
naturally occurring brain substance, can relieve the doldrums of winter
depression, also known as seasonal affective disorder, or SAD"
Depression and Endocrinology:
depression contribute to the aging process? - Science Daily, 2/21/12 -
"telomere length was shorter in the depressed
patients, which confirmed prior findings. Importantly, they also discovered
that shorter telomere length was associated with a low cortisol state in
both the depressed and healthy groups ... stress plays an important role in
depression, as telomere length was especially shortened in patients
exhibiting an overly sensitive HPA axis. This HPA axis response is something
which has been linked to chronic stress and with poor ability to cope with
stress" - Note: I'm not sure if that's correct because depressed
people usually have high cortisol, not low cortisol. I read somewhere that
PTSD was associated with low cortisol.
between depression, abdominal obesity confirmed by new study - Science
Daily, 6/9/10 - "cortisol, a stress hormone, is
related to depression and abdominal obesity. "So, there is reason to suspect
that people who are depressed would have higher levels of abdominal obesity
versus other parts of the body because of elevated cortisol,""
Symptoms Of Depression In Obese Children Linked To Elevated Cortisol -
Science Daily, 6/11/09 - "There is evidence in
adults that abnormal regulation of cortisol plays a role in both obesity and
depression ... Cortisol levels in the saliva in the afternoon and evening
correlated positively with symptoms of depression ... The more depressive
symptoms that subjects reported, the higher the cortisol levels at those
Neurogenesis In Adult Brain: Association With Stress And Depression -
Science Daily, 8/31/08 - "Chronic stress can affect
the brain and lead into depression"
Depression can trigger diabetes, study suggests - MSNBC, 6/17/08 -
"Depressed people were 42 percent more likely to
develop diabetes ... depression also pushes up the levels of stress hormones
such as cortisol ... Elevated cortisol levels can impair insulin sensitivity
in the body and encourage belly fat, a risk factor for diabetes"
Associated With Low Bone Mineral Density - Medscape, 12/3/07 -
"The novelty of this study is the fact that these
women were not severely depressed ... Depression is considered a disease of
chronic stress, Dr. Cizza said, with attendant increases in the stress
hormone cortisol, and cytokines produced by the immune system. "Those
substances are helpful to fight stress, but if there is too much cortisol or
cytokines, there are side effects," he said. "One of the side effects is
bone loss, so it was obvious to ask the question, 'do women with depression
have low bone mass?'""
l-thyroxine augmentation of serotonergic antidepressants in female patients
with refractory depression - J Affect Disord. 2007 Feb 6 -
"The study included 17 female patients ... After
four weeks of l-thyroxine augmentation, the remission, assessed as 7 or less
points on Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) was obtained in eleven
patients (64.7%). Five other patients (29.5%) had responded (reduction>50%
on HDRS) and one patient did not show an improvement"
- Use OF T3 Thyroid
Hormone to Treat Depression - DrMirkin.com -
"some people become depressed when they take just T4 and their depression
can be cured when they take both thyroid hormones, T3 and T4"
Thyroid Supplementation Enhances Antidepressant Response - Medscape,
9/21/06 - "Remission occurred in 31 patients (58.5%)
receiving T3 compared with 19 patients (38%) in the placebo group" -
T3 at International Anti-aging Systems
but check with your doctor first.
Salivary Cortisol Response to Prednisolone Challenge Helps Understand
Treatment-Resistant Depression - Doctor's Guide, 9/19/06 -
"prednisolone is a better corticosteroid than
dexamethasone to assess the HPA axis because it binds to 2 different
receptors, not only the glucocorticoid receptors but also the
mineralocorticoid receptors, providing a more physiological approach"
A Comparison of Lithium and T3 Augmentation Following Two Failed Medication
Treatments for Depression: A STAR*D Report - Am J Psychiatry. 2006
Sep;163(9):1519-30 - "After a mean of 9.6 weeks
(SD=5.2) of treatment, remission rates were 15.9% with lithium augmentation
and 24.7% with T(3) augmentation" - See
T3 at International Anti-aging Systems.
Chronic Exposure To Stress Hormone Causes Anxious Behavior In Mice -
Science Daily, 4/17/06 - "Scientists already knew
that many people with depression have high levels of cortisol, a human
stress hormone, but it wasn't clear whether that was a cause or effect. Now
it appears likely that long-term exposure to cortisol actually contributes
to the symptoms of depression" - See my
cortisol page for ways to reduce it.
T3 augmentation of SSRI resistant depression - J Affect Disord. 2006 Feb
14 - "T3 augmentation was associated with a
statistically significant drop (p<.003) in the mean HAMD at end of the three
weeks compared to baseline scores ... T3 augmentation resulted in
improvement of mood scores"
- Depression May
Raise Women's Diabetes Risk - WebMD, 12/22/04 -
"symptoms of depression were linked to greater
levels of insulin resistance among the women ... depression can alter
hormones relating to how the body handles stress. This in turn can affect
body fat distribution and how it handles blood sugar metabolism"
- Atypical
Depression: Thyroid Link Still Alive - WebMD, 3/15/04
Algorithm-Based Treatment Shows High Lack Of Response To Selective Serotonin
Reuptake Inhibitors - Doctor's Guide, 4/17/03 -
"When the clinicians added
T3, they found it was effective among 10 out of 16
women patients (62.5%), but was not effective in any of the 9 male patients
who received it. Although values were within the normal range, patients who
responded to T3 had higher serum thyroid-stimulating hormone levels than
those who did not ... The effect of T3 may be related to thyroid function
even within the normal range"
Mirtazapine Attenuates Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical Axis
Hyperactivity in Depressed Patients - Doctor's Guide, 4/17/03 -
"it has been shown to have an acute inhibiting effect on
secretion in healthy subjects ... Apparently,
mirtazapine rapidly attenuates HPA axis hyperactivity in depressed
patients via direct pharmaco-endocrinological effects. However, this
amelioration of HPA system dysregulation is not necessarily related to
clinical improvement" -
Click here for a previous study.
Treatment of Subclinical Hypothyroidism Advocated
- Doctor's Guide, 4/7/03 - "Adverse effects fall
into four general categories, according to Dr. Gardner -- neuropsychiatric
symptoms, abnormal lipids, altered myocardial function, and greater risk of
atherosclerotic heart disease ... Adding to the controversy, he added, is
growing evidence that the upper limit of normal serum TSH concentration
should be less than 2.5-3.0 U/mL and not the current levels of 5.0-5.5 U/mL"
Sleep-Endocrine Changes Could Be Most Prominent In Postmenopausal Major
Depression Patients - Doctor's Guide, 3/7/03
Testosterone Gel Could Help Depressed Men With Low Testosterone Levels
- Doctor's Guide, 1/8/03
- Testosterone
May Help Depressed Men - WebMD, 1/3/03 -
"nearly half of the men who had not responded to
conventional depression treatment had low or low-to-normal
testosterone levels. And several showed dramatic improvement when the
male hormone was given along with antidepressants"
Depression Management - ContinuingEducation.com, exp. 12/31/02 - See
table six, recommends 5 - 50 mcg T3, 100 mcg (.1 mg) T4
- New Vistas in
Antidepressant Development - Medscape, 11/21/02 -
"The evidence for corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) hypersecretion in
depression and certain anxiety disorders is compelling ... CRF is
transported to the anterior pituitary via the hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal
system where it promotes the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
into the general circulation, which in turn stimulates the production and
release of cortisol from the adrenal cortex
... Numerous studies have revealed that the direct injection of CRF into the
CNS of laboratory animals produces effects reminiscent of the cardinal
symptoms of depression, including decreased libido"
Bipolar Patients Sensitive to Thyroid Function Variations
- Doctor's Guide, 1/8/02 - "They studied 65 patients
in the depressed phase of bipolar I disorder to test the hypothesis that
patients with lower thyroid function, even within the normal range, might
have a poorer response to treatment initially ... Outcomes were relatively
poor unless patients had FTI [free thyroxine index] values above the median
and TSH values below the median"
Cortisol Feedback Could Be Normal in Major Depression Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 1/2/02
Thyroid Hormones Accelerate Depressive Response to Drug Therapy
- Doctor's Guide, 10/30/01 -
"Five of the six studies found T3 to be
significantly more effective than placebo in accelerating clinical response
... Investigators say they found that the average effect was highly
Researchers Explore New Meds for Mood Disorders - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 10/01 - "Another approach being developed for
patients with high levels of circulating cortisol involves the abortion pill
mifepristone ... The findings, to be published this month in the Journal
of Clinical Psychopharmacology, suggest that a rapid antidepressant response
(approximately 7 days) may occur in some patients"
Researchers Hopeful Antidepressant Augmentation Will Improve Remission -
Clinical Psychiatry News, 9/01 - "In psychotic
depression, a corticosteroid antagonist looks most promising.
Mifepristone, which is used to induce abortions but was originally
designed as treatment for Cushing's disease, has achieved rapid reversal of
symptoms in some 30 psychotically depressed patients, ostensibly by blocking
cortisol receptors. The drug is now being investigated in a large
double-blind trial, he said"
Major Depression: Tianeptine At Least Halves Relapse And Recurrence Rates
- Doctor's Guide, 3/29/01 - "A smaller proportion of
tianeptine group experienced either relapses or recurrences compared to
placebo (16 and 36 percent, respectively) ... events related to treatment
were rare and mild in both arms of the study ... The rates of relapse and
recurrence decreased between two- and three-fold among tianeptine users
compared to placebo. However, the treatments were equally well accepted by
the two groups" - note: tianeptine is believed to inhibit cortisol -
Depressed Patients Show Thyroid Resistance To Thyrotropin Action -
Doctor's Guide, 2/6/01
Serum Thyrotropin Concentrations and Bioactivity During Sleep Deprivation in
Depression - AMA, 1/01
- Mirtazapine Regulates
Stress Hormones, Improves Sleep In Depressed Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 8/8/01 - "Mirtazipine
might be the best option for depressed patients with sleep disturbance and
irregularities in stress hormone function ... Depression is often
accompanied by sleep disturbance -- subjective and objective -- as well as
[hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal] HPA-axis dysregulation ... Mirtazapine is a
treatment that [profoundly affects] the HPA-axis within hours and promotes
sleep within days ... They tested the 24-hour urinary free cortisol (UFC)
levels of 16 healthy men and 20 men and women with major depression ...
mirtazipne significantly reduced UFC concentrations, which is often elevated
in depressed patients"
Effects of thyroxine as compared with thyroxine plus triiodothyronine in
patients with hypothyroidism - N Engl J Med. 1999 Feb 11;340(6):469-70 -
"among 15 visual-analogue scales used to indicate
mood and physical status, the results for 10 were significantly better after
treatment with thyroxine [t4] plus triiodothyronine [t3]"
- Study Supports Role Of
Anticort In Treating Alzheimer's, HIV - Doctor's Guide, 4/17/98 -
"Cortisol's role as a cause of disease is most recently confirmed in a study
to be published in the May issue of the journal Nature Neuroscience.
Authored by Dr. Sonia Lupien of McGill University, the study reports that
high levels of cortisol play a key role in Alzheimer's, memory loss,
shrinkage of the brain and aging. Dr. Lupien also states that such illnesses
might be prevented with medications to reduce elevated cortisol levels."
- RU-486 could aid variety of ills -
MSNBC, 11/2/00 - "RU-486’s ability to block the
action of a different hormone — cortisol — has prompted doctors to try it
for psychotic depression. In addition to feeling sad and worthless, people
with this devastating condition have distorted thinking and often suffer
delusions or hallucinations. Many
become suicidal.
“They have very, very disturbing and crazy thoughts ... and they have no
ability to suppress them,” said Joseph K. Belanoff, a California
psychiatrist who is chief executive officer of Corcept Therapeutics Inc., a
small pharmaceutical company. Corcept is sponsoring a study of RU-486 for
psychotic depression.
Several lines of evidence have led researchers to suspect that some of the
symptoms of psychotic depression are caused by an excess of cortisol in the
brain. Cortisol levels rise in response to stress and may be abnormally
elevated in depressed individuals. Similar symptoms can occur in patients
with Cushing’s syndrome, an overabundance of cortisol usually caused by a
tumor, and RU-486 has cured the mental disturbance in some
such cases.
“Our feeling has been that a lot of the cognitive problems and delusions that
you see in some of the patients are due to the [cortisol],” said Alan F.
Schatzberg, chairman of the psychiatry department at Stanford University
School of Medicine, where researchers are conducting a study that will test
RU-486 on 30 patients with psychotic depression.
RU-486 or other cortisol-blocking drugs ��may be better alternatives than ...
some of the typical treatments” such as antipsychotic drugs or electric
shock therapy, he said."
- Two studies implying that cortisol is the cause, not the result of
Other News:
Elevated CRP
Linked to Depression, Psychological Distress - Medscape, 12/27/12 -
"those who had the highest levels of CRP were more
than twice as likely to have psychological distress and depression than
those with normal levels of CRP ... more research is now needed "to
establish the direction of the association between CRP and depression" —
especially because these studies were primarily cross-sectional ...
evaluated data from 73,131 adults between the ages of 20 and 100 years from
the Copenhagen General Population study and the Copenhagen City Heart study
... the age- and sex-adjusted odds ratio (OR) was 1.11 when CRP levels were
between 1.01 and 3.00 mg/L compared with the lowest levels of 0.01 to 1.00
mg/L. The ORs increased to 1.80 for CRP levels of 3.01 to 10.00 mg/L and to
2.61 for levels greater than 10.00 mg/L"
Obesity, depression found to be root causes of daytime sleepiness -
Science Daily, 6/13/12 - "Three studies being
presented June 13 at sleep 2012 conclude that obesity and depression are the
two main culprits making us excessively sleepy while awake ... Insufficient
sleep and obstructive sleep apnea also play a role; both have been linked to
high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, depression, diabetes, obesity
and accidents"
Anti-depressants likely do more harm than good, study suggests - Science
Daily, 4/25/12 - "Andrews and his colleagues
examined previous patient studies into the effects of anti-depressants and
determined that the benefits of most anti-depressants, even taken at their
best, compare poorly to the risks, which include premature death in elderly
patients ... The findings include these elevated risks: ... developmental
problems in infants ... problems with sexual stimulation and function and
sperm development in adults ... digestive problems such as diarrhea,
constipation, indigestion and bloating ... abnormal bleeding and stroke in
the elderly ... You've got a minimal benefit, a laundry list of negative
effects -- some small, some rare and some not so rare. The issue is: does
the list of negative effects outweigh the minimal benefit?"
between fast food and depression confirmed - Science Daily, 3/30/12 -
"consumers of fast food, compared to those who eat
little or none, are 51% more likely to develop depression ... a
dose-response relationship was observed"
False promise - The Daily, 3/13/12 -
"Antidepressants help only a small fraction of the people who take them, but
that didn’t stop Reuters from running an article that carried the headline:
“Study suggests overall benefit from antidepressants.” ... Much of the
Reuters article ... contradicts its own headline. It explains that about one
in three adults who received a placebo recovered from his or her depression.
Only one in five people who popped Prozac recovered from his or her
depression because of the chemical’s effects of the drug on the brain. The
numbers are even worse for seniors ... To make matters worse, the article
only makes a passing mention of the downsides of antidepressants. Effexor
can make people nauseous, dizzy, drowsy and even anorexic. Prozac can also
cause problems with sleep and digestion"
Depressive symptoms, antidepressant use, and future cognitive health in
postmenopausal women: the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study - Int
Psychogeriatr. 2012 Feb 3:1-13 - "mild cognitive
impairment (MCI) ... Antidepressant use was associated with a 70% increased
risk of MCI, after controlling for potential covariates including the degree
of depressive symptom severity. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
(SSRIs) and tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) were both associated with MCI
(SSRIs: hazard ratios (HR), 1.78 [95% CI, 1.01-3.13]; TCAs: HR, 1.78 [95%
CI, 0.99-3.21]). Depressed users (HR, 2.44 [95% CI, 1.24-4.80]),
non-depressed users (HR, 1.79 [95% CI, 1.13-2.85]), and depressed non-users
(HR, 1.62 [95% CI, 1.13-2.32]) had increased risk of incident MCI.
Similarly, all three groups had increased risk of either MCI or dementia,
relative to the control cohort"
Working too much is correlated with two-fold increase in likelihood of
depression - Science Daily, 1/25/12 - "The odds
of a major depressive episode are more than double for those working 11 or
more hours a day compared to those working seven to eight hours a day"
Depression and chronic stress accelerates aging - Science Daily, 11/9/11
- "The telomere is the outermost part of the
chromosome. With increasing age, telomeres shorten, and studies have shown
that oxidative stress and inflammation accelerates this shortening. On this
basis it has been suggested that telomere length is a measure of biological
aging, and telomere length has subsequently been linked to age-related
diseases, unhealthy lifestyle, and longevity. The research team shows that
shorter telomere length is associated with both recurrent depression and
cortisol levels indicative of exposure to chronic stress"
bacteria linked to behavior: That anxiety may be in your gut, not in your
head - Science Daily, 5/17/11 - "For each
person, the gut is home to about 1,000 trillium bacteria with which we live
in harmony. These bacteria perform a number of functions vital to health:
They harvest energy from the diet, protect against infections and provide
nutrition to cells in the gut. Any disruption can result in life-threatening
conditions, such as antibiotic-induced colitis from infection with the
"superbug" Clostridium difficile ... Working with healthy adult mice, the
researchers showed that disrupting the normal bacterial content of the gut
with antibiotics produced changes in behaviour; the mice became less
cautious or anxious. This change was accompanied by an increase in brain
derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which has been linked, to depression and
anxiety ... When oral antibiotics were discontinued, bacteria in the gut
returned to normal. "This was accompanied by restoration of normal behaviour
and brain chemistry,""
medications for depression increases costs, side effects with no benefit to
patients, study suggests - Science Daily, 5/2/11 -
"One group received escitalopram (a selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitor, or SSRI) and a placebo; the second group
received the same SSRI paired with bupropion (a non-tricyclic
antidepressant); and a third group took different antidepressants:
venlafaxine (a tetracyclic antidepressant) and mirtazapine (a serotonin
norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor) ... After 12 weeks of treatment,
remission and response rates were similar across the three groups: 39
percent, 39 percent and 38 percent, respectively, for remission, and about
52 percent in all three groups for response. After seven months of
treatment, remission and response rates across the three groups remained
similar, but side effects were more frequent in the third group ... Only
about 33 percent of depressed patients go into remission in the first 12
weeks of treatment with antidepressant medication" - Note:
Considering that most know that they are getting the real drug because of
the side effects, it makes you wonder how much of the 33% are from the
placebo effect.
between chronic depression and accelerated immune cell aging - Science
Daily, 4/5/11
than half of depression patients give up their treatment - Science
Daily, 11/22/10 - "Most patients who take
anti-depressants give up their treatment in less than six months, the
minimum period recommended for treating severe depression and other derived
pathologies ... only 25% continue their treatment for more than 11 month"
Immune system involved in depression, animal study suggests - Science
Daily, 11/16/10
