Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending
5/1/13. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any medications.
Marijuana Not Medicine,
Addiction Experts Say - Medscape, 4/29/13 -
"Illinois should not legalize cannabis, and
physicians should not write recommendations for patients to use marijuana for
medical purposes, because it is a dangerous, addictive drug and is not approved
by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a group of addiction medicine
physicians said during a press conference here ... For every disease and
disorder for which marijuana has been recommended, there is a better,
FDA-approved medication ... There are probably very few patients for whom
marijuana is the only drug that makes them feel better. Is it worth the risk to
our society to give one person an intoxicant to help them feel better — while
not getting better — and put our entire society at risk by making that
intoxicant available to all?"
Oxytocin Makes
Schizophrenia Patients More Socially Savvy - Medscape, 4/29/13 -
"oxytocin, delivered as
an intranasal spray, significantly improved the ability of patients with
schizophrenia to tell when people were being sarcastic or lying ... oxytocin
significantly improved the ability of the
schizophrenia patients to interpret paralinguistic cues and to understand
the different mental states" - See
Oxy Pro (Oxytocin) Nasal Spray at International Anti-aging Systems.
Mediterranean Diet Might Help Stave Off Dementia - WebMD, 4/29/13 -
"Eating fish, chicken, olive oil and other foods rich in
omega-3 fatty acids while staying away from meats and dairy -- the so-called
Mediterranean diet -- may help older
adults keep their memory and thinking skills sharp ... those who followed the
Mediterranean diet were 19 percent less likely to develop thinking and memory
problems" - [Science
green tea help you lose weight? - Science Daily, 4/29/13 -
"Results showed that green
tea extract in isolation did not give any improvements in body weight and
glucose intolerance. However, when green tea extract was given with polyethylene
glycol, there was a significant reduction in body weight gain, insulin
resistance and glucose intolerance in both normal mice on a high fat diet and
diabetic mice"
may influence heart function through sex hormones - Science Daily, 4/27/13 -
"suggests effects on
heart function in healthy men with
artificially raised estrogen levels and artificially lowered testosterone levels
to mimic an obese state ... Estradiol, an estrogen, is primarily known as a
female hormone but it also circulates at very low levels in men. Testosterone is
converted to estradiol by the enzyme aromatase,
the activity of which might be increased in obesity
leading to raised estradiol and reduced testosterone ... The men with
obesity-related changes in sex hormones exhibited altered heart function ... We
found that after increasing the estrogen levels and decreasing the testosterone
levels in men for one week the deformation of the left heart chamber was
significantly altered"
Cannabis Use in Teens
Linked to Irreparable Drop in IQ - Medscape, 4/26/13 -
"Cannabis users who
start smoking the drug as adolescents show an irreparable decline in IQ, with
more persistent use linked to a greater decline ... Case-control studies show
that light to heavy cannabis use can cause enduring neuropsychological problems,
but they are retrospective and there are no tests of premorbid functioning ...
Between the ages of 8 and 38 years, individuals who began using cannabis in
adolescence and continued to use it for years thereafter lost an average of 8 IQ
points. In contrast, IQ among individuals who never used cannabis actually rose
slightly ... Cessation of cannabis did not restore IQ among teen-onset cannabis
hormone, vitamin D, may offer hope for treating liver fibrosis - Science
Daily, 4/25/13 - "The Evans lab discovered a genetic
switch through which vitamin D-related ligands
such as calcitriol, a hormonally active form of the vitamin, can put the brakes
on fibrosis. "Preclinical results suggest the 'vitamin D brake' is highly
efficacious and led us to believe that the time is right to consider a trial in
the context of chronic liver disease,""
- See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
levels and sexual motivation among young women - Science Daily, 4/25/13 -
"Estrogen was having a
positive effect, but with a two-day lag.
Progesterone was having a persistent negative effect, both for current day,
day before, and two days earlier ... There's a common belief in the medical
literature that testosterone is the main regulator of
women's libido ... Doctors tend to
believe that, though the evidence isn't that strong in humans. In the natural
cycles, we weren't finding effects of testosterone. It wasn't significantly
predicting outcomes"
Therapeutic Applications of
Melatonin - Medscape, 4/25/13 - "Melatonin
is a hormone with multiple actions. It is involved in the regulation of
biological rhythms, in sleep regulation, it has potent antioxidant action and
protects the organism from carcinogenesis and neurodegenerative disorders. The
hormone possesses immune-enhancing activity. Therapeutically, it may be used for
the management of insomnia, jet lag, the resynchronization of circadian rhythms,
as an adjuvant in cancer therapy and in the inhibition of disease progression in
Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders" - See
melatonin at Amazon.com .
may help prevent breast cancer returning, study finds - Science Daily,
4/25/13 - "Patients who took the pill, along with two or
more cups of coffee daily, reported less than
half the rate of cancer recurrence, compared with
their Tamoxifen-taking counterparts who drank one cup or less ... One theory we
are working with is that coffee 'activates'
Tamoxifen and makes
it more efficient"
Melatonin Delays ALS Symptom Onset and Death in Mice - Science Daily,
4/25/13 - "Melatonin
is a naturally occurring hormone that is best known for its role in sleep
regulation. After screening more than a thousand FDA-approved drugs several
years ago, the research team determined that melatonin is a powerful antioxidant
that blocks the release of enzymes that activate apoptosis, or programmed cell
death ... Our experiments show for the first time that a lack of melatonin and
melatonin receptor 1, or MT1, is associated with the progression of
ALS ... We saw similar results in a
Huntington's disease model in an earlier project, suggesting similar biochemical
pathways are disrupted in these challenging neurologic diseases" - See
melatonin at Amazon.com .
Metabolic Disorders Predict the Hardening of the Arterial Walls Already in
Childhood - Science Daily, 4/25/13 - "Metabolic
disorders, such as excess abdominal fat, raised blood pressure, higher
levels of insulin, glucose and triglycerides and lower levels of the beneficial
HDL cholesterol can be found in children as young as 6 to 8 years of age ...
Arterial stiffness and reduced arterial dilation predict atherosclerosis, i..e.
the hardening of the arteries, and resulting vascular diseases such as coronary
artery disease, cerebral infarctions and lower extremity arterial disease. The
newly published results are scientifically significant, as they suggest that
metabolic disorders developing already in childhood could cause mild arterial
stiffness, thus impairing vascular health"
Probiotics found to reduce hepatic encephalopathy - Science Daily, 4/25/13 -
"Ammonia, produced by
gut bacteria, is thought to be one of the main mediators of cerebral dysfunction
in HE. Probiotics work by enriching the gut flora with a non-urease producing
microorganisms, which decrease ammonia production ... Twice as many patients
taking a placebo developed overt HE (the study's primary endpoint) compared to
patients taking probiotics in the form of a
capsule ... Hepatic encephalopathy is an insidious disease that's caused by an
accumulation of toxins in the blood that are normally removed by the liver ...
Hepatic encephalopathy is a spectrum of neuropsychiatric abnormalities including
personality changes, intellectual impairment and reduced levels of consciousness
in patients with liver failure, after exclusion of other known brain disease"
- See
Garden of Life, Primal Defense at Amazon.com . Note:
Maybe it will work for ammonia accumulation due to endurance exercise:
Ammonia accumulation during highly intensive long-lasting cycling:
individual observations - Int J Sports Med. 1990 May;11 Suppl 2:S78-84 -
"Acute quantitative ammonia production during
intensive endurance exercise may be enhanced by a reduced glycogen
availability in muscle. However, adequate amounts of glycogen itself do not
prevent ammonia production when exercise is at high intensity and
long-lasting. The continuous ammonia accumulation in blood during endurance
exercise in trained individuals may be the result of a relatively low blood
flow to the liver and thereby low clearance in contrast to lactate which may
not accumulate due to a high clearance rate in both active and nonactive
oxidative muscle fibers. In a number of subjects it was observed that
exhaustion, when performing endurance exercise at high exercise intensities,
occurred when plasma ammonia levels were high. Muscle cramps occurred in
subjects who reached their highest individual ammonia values and seemed not
to be related to serum potassium, plasma lactate, or muscle glycogen. These
individual observations give rise to the hypothesis that high intramuscular
ammonia levels may be related to the etiology of muscle exhaustion and
muscle cramping during highly intensive endurance exercise"
E identified as potential weapon against obesity - Science Daily, 4/23/13 -
"The collaborators, from Case Western Reserve
University, the Cleveland Clinic Foundation and Cornell University, discovered
the essential nutrient vitamin E can alleviate symptoms of liver disease brought
on by obesity ... These findings may have a significant impact on public health
... as the vast majority of adults in the United States do not consume the
amount of vitamin E recommended by the National Institute of Medicine ... There
is currently no treatment for NASH, making it one of the most common reasons for
liver transplantation. Manor also points out that "NASH piggybacks on the two
great epidemics of our time: obesity and Type 2 diabetes."" - See
Jarrow FamilE (contains all eight members of the vitamin E family, includes
Tocomin) at Amazon.com .
Hair Cortisol Reveals
Stress, Predicts CVD in Seniors - Medscape, 4/23/13 -
"We found a 2.7-times increased risk of
cardiovascular disease in our
participants in the highest hair cortisol
quartile compared to participants in the lowest quartile"
Abstracts from this week's
Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics
plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here
for the journals, the PubMed ones at the top):
Intake of
whole grains from different cereal and food sources and incidence of colorectal
cancer in the Scandinavian HELGA cohort - Cancer Causes Control. 2013 Apr 30
- "We used data from the large population-based
Scandinavian cohort HELGA consisting of 108,000 Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian
persons, of whom 1,123 developed colorectal cancer
during a median of 11 years of follow-up. Detailed information on daily intake
of whole-grain products, including whole-grain
bread, crispbread, and breakfast cereals, was available, and intakes of total
whole grains and specific whole-grain species (wheat, rye, and oats) were
estimated ... Intake of whole-grain products was associated with a lower
incidence of colorectal cancer per 50-g increment (incidence rate ratio [IRR],
0.94; 95 % confidence interval [CI], 0.89, 0.99), and the same tendency was
found for total whole-grain intake (IRR pr. 25-g increment, 0.94; 95 % CI, 0.88,
1.01). Intake of whole-grain wheat was associated with a lower incidence of
colorectal cancer (IRR for highest versus lowest quartile of intake, 0.66; 95 %
CI, 0.51, 0.85), but no statistical significant linear trend was observed (p for
trend: 0.18). No significant association was found for whole-grain rye or oats"
25-Hydroxyvitamin D Deficiency and the 5-Year Incidence of CKD - Am J Kidney
Dis. 2013 Apr 23 - "Our prospective cohort study shows
that vitamin D deficiency is associated with a
higher annual incidence of albuminuria and reduced eGFR and independently
predicts the 5-year incidence of albuminuria"
- See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Saw Palmetto
Extract Enhances Erectile Responses by Inhibition of Phosphodiesterase 5
Activity and Increase in Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Messenger Ribonucleic
Acid Expression in Rat and Rabbit Corpus Cavernosum - Urology. 2013 Apr 23 -
"The results suggest that SPE
may have potential application value for the prevention or treatment of
erectile dysfunction through an increase in
iNOS mRNA expression and inhibition of PDE5 activity in corpus cavernosum smooth
muscles" - See
palmetto products at iHerb.
Indole-3-carbinol protects against pressure overload induced cardiac remodeling
via activating AMPK-α - Mol Nutr Food Res. 2013 Apr 27 -
"Indole-3-carbinol (I3C), a
monomer component extracted from leaves and stems of cruciferous vegetables, has
inhibitory effects on tumors, obesity, and liver fibrosis ... We determined the
effects of I3C on cardiac remodeling and heart function using an aortic banding
(AB) mouse model ... I3C both prevents and reverses cardiac remodeling by
activating AMPK-α signaling. I3C is a potential therapeutic drug for heart
failure" - See
indole 3 carbinol at Amazon.com .
Dietary Isoflavone Intake Is Associated with Decreased C-Reactive Protein
Concentrations among Healthy Premenopausal Women - J Nutr. 2013 Apr 24 -
"Between 2005 and 2007, 259 healthy, regularly
menstruating women were enrolled in the BioCycle Study, and followed for up to 2
menstrual cycles ... Diet was assessed up to 4 times per cycle by using 24-h
recalls ... Compared with the lowest quartile of total
isoflavone intake, women in the highest
quartile had, on average, 27% lower serum
CRP concentrations"
Intake of
Small-to-Medium-Chain Saturated Fatty Acids Is Associated with Peripheral
Leukocyte Telomere Length in Postmenopausal Women - J Nutr. 2013 Apr 24 -
"Intake of short-to-medium-chain
saturated fatty acids (SMSFAs; aliphatic
tails of ≤12 carbons) was inversely associated with
Effect of
Lactobacillus gasseri SBT2055 in fermented milk on abdominal adiposity in adults
in a randomised controlled trial - Br J Nutr. 2013 Apr 25:1-8 -
"Lactobacillus gasseri SBT2055
(LG2055) ... A multi-centre, double-blind, parallel-group RCT was conducted
using 210 healthy Japanese adults with large
visceral fat areas ... These findings demonstrate that consumption of LG2055
at doses as low as the order of 108cfu/d exhibited a significant lowering effect
on abdominal adiposity, and suggest that constant consumption might be needed to
maintain the effect" - See
Lactobacillus gasseri at Amazon.com .
Effects of
watermelon supplementation on arterial stiffness and wave reflection amplitude
in postmenopausal women - Menopause. 2013 May;20(5):573-7 -
"In a randomized cross-over study, 12 postmenopausal
women (mean [SE] age, 57 [1] y; mean [SE] body mass index, 38.1 [2.1] kg/m; mean
[SE] SBP, 153 [4] mm Hg) were assigned to watermelon supplementation (L-citrulline/L-arginine
6 g/d) or placebo supplementation for 6 weeks ... baPWV (-1.2 [0.3] m/s, P <
0.001), aortic SBP (-10 [3] mm Hg, P < 0.01), and aortic diastolic
blood pressure (-7 [1] mm Hg, P < 0.001)
decreased after watermelon supplementation compared with placebo ... Watermelon
supplementation reduces arterial
stiffness and aortic SBP by reducing pressure wave reflection amplitude in
obese postmenopausal women with hypertension" - Note: A -10 on the
systolic is about what you'd get with prescription medications. - See
Stimulin at Amazon.com
(1,875 mg of L-citrulline) and
L-arginine products at Amazon.com .
Serum uric
acid and metabolic risk - Curr Med Res Opin. 2013 Apr 24 -
"Key papers for inclusion were identified by a PubMed
search ... An elevated UA is both strongly
associated and predictive of the metabolic syndrome, and increasing evidence
suggests that UA may have a causal role. The classical viewpoint that UA is
simply an innocuous marker of metabolic syndrome that should not even be
measured will likely have to be modified. Lowering UA may be a novel treatment
target for preventing diabetes and justify prospective clinical trials on the
possible benefits of the measurement and lowering of serum UA on multiple
chronic disease end points"
25-Hydroxy Vitamin D Levels and Incident Type 2 Diabetes: A meta-analysis of
prospective studies - Diabetes Care. 2013 May;36(5):1422-8 -
"A linear trend analysis showed that each 10 nmol/L
increment in 25(OH)D levels was associated with
a 4% lower risk of type 2 diabetes" -
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
selenium supplementation modifies breast tumor growth and metastasis - Int J
Cancer. 2013 Apr 23 - "Three diets supplemented with
sodium selenite, methylseleninic acid (MSA) or selenomethionine (SeMet), as well
as a Se-deficient and a Se-adequate diet were fed to mice before mammary gland
inoculation of 4T1.2 cells ... Our data suggest that organic
Se supplementation may reduce/delay
breast cancer metastasis while selenite may
exacerbate it" - See
se-methylselenocysteine at Amazon.com .
Soy Milk Consumption and Blood Pressure Among Type 2 Diabetic Patients With
Nephropathy - J Ren Nutr. 2013 Mar 13 - "randomized,
crossover, controlled clinical trial was conducted in 29 type 2 diabetic
patients with nephropathy. Participants were randomly assigned to consume a diet
containing soy milk, or a diet containing cow's
milk, each for 4 weeks ... Consumption of soy milk resulted in a significant
reduction in systolic blood pressure compared with consumption of cow's milk
(percent change: -4.50 vs. 5.89%; P = .03). Serum triglyceride levels decreased
significantly after soy milk consumption (percent change: -15.22 vs. 2.37%; P =
.02). After adjustment for carbohydrate intake, the effect of soy milk on
triglyceride level was not significant. There were no significant differences
between soy milk and cow's milk consumption in terms of their effect on
cardiovascular risks and markers of kidney function"
Neat Tech Stuff / "How To's":
FreedomPop announces $40 hotspot with access to Sprint's 3G network -
engadget.com, 4/24/13 - I’ve been watching this company over the years. For
a one-time fee of $40 you get 500 megabytes per months. I think AT&T has the
cheapest option for the iPad at $15 per month for 250 megabytes. If you
don’t subscribe to 3G for your iPad or you have a Wi-Fi only iPad and want
something to put in your car so you can log in in emergencies this might be
a great option. The downside is that you have to carry around and extra
device with your iPad. I assume it uses 4G when available and 4G is about
three times faster than 3G so an added benefit is the speed. 3G is about 1.4
mbps, 4G about 3 to 6 mbps and LTE about 5 to 12 mbps.
- I took and classic
Macaroni and Cheese recipe at allrecipes.com and kept modifying it to
make it healthier and easier to make. I think I’ve got it.
One and a third 16 ounce packages of
Brown Rice Noodles One 16 ounce package of cooked chicken breast
strips from Costco
One 16 ounce package of
shredded mozzarella and provolone One 8 ounce package of shredded
mild cheddar cheese 18 ounces of soy milk 1/3 cup of
Smart Balance Omega-3 margarine Macaron 1/3 cup olive oil – Note:
I just eyeball the third cup margarine then top it to 2/3 cup with the olive
oil. You might want to melt it for 12 seconds in the microwave.
Two 10 ounce packages of
Steam’ables Broccoli Cuts Two teaspoons of
Lite Salt
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Cook the
brown rice noodles for seven minutes in salted water which is about a minute
undercooked. Cut the chicken strips into small pieces. Drain the
noodles and combine everything except the soy milk and cheese and stir it
all together. Add the cheese last because if you add it to the hot
noodles it melts making it hard to stir. Throw it all into a
four quart baking dish (I use two
Pyrex Easy Grab 2 quart casserole with glass cover ).
Pour the soy milk on top. Bake for 55 minutes.
Health Focus (Hip
Related Topics:
Alternative News:
Hip bone
loss is attenuated with 1000 IU but not 400 IU daily vitamin D3: a 1 year
double-blind RCT in postmenopausal women - J Bone Miner Res. 2013 Apr 13 -
"Caucasian women aged 60-70 y (n = 305) were randomized
to one of two doses of vitamin D or placebo ... Mean BMD loss at the hip was
significantly less for the 1000 IU vitamin D group (0.05 +/- 1.46%), compared to
the 400 IU vitamin D or placebo groups (0.57 +/- 1.33% and 0.60 +/- 1.67%,
respectively) (p < 0.05). Mean(+/- SD) baseline 25(OH)D was 33.8 +/- 14.6
nmol/L; comparative 25(OH)D change for the placebo, 400 IU and 1000 IU vitamin D
groups was: -4.1 +/- 11.5 nmol/L, +31. 6 +/- 19.8 nmol/L and +42.6 +/- 18.9
nmol/L respectively" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
patterns and the risk of hip fractures in elderly Chinese: A matched
case-control study - J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013 Apr 12 -
"Face-to-face interviews were conducted to assess
dietary intake using a 79-item food frequency questionnaire ... We identified
four dietary patterns: healthy, prudent, traditional, and high fat.
Dose-dependent lower risks of hip fracture were observed in relation to higher
scores in the healthy dietary pattern related to high fruit and vegetable
intake, and in the prudent pattern typified by a higher intake of nuts,
mushrooms, algae, and seafood but lower in grains, whereas the same were
associated with lower scores in the high fat dietary pattern (all P trend
<0.05). The adjusted ORs (95% CIs) for hip fractures, comparing the extreme
tertiles of the three patterns, were 0.42 (0.24-0.73) for healthy, 0.51
(0.28-0.90) for prudent, and 2.25 (1.38-3.69) for high fat"
Cartenoids found to reduce hip fracture risk in lean men - Science Daily,
12/16/12 - "Elderly who are lean (BMI <20 kg/m2) are at
higher risk of hip fracture compared to those with higher BMI ... researchers
examined the association between dietary antioxidant carotenoids and hip
fracture risk across a range of BMI in elderly Chinese men and women using data
from the Singapore Chinese Health Study ... low BMI is a stronger risk factor
for hip fracture risk among elderly men compared to women ... Also, in men, hip
fracture risk decreased with increasing intakes of total vegetables and of total
carotenoids, particularly β-carotene" - See
Jarrow Formulas, CarotenALL at Amazon.com
physical fitness in young adulthood reduces the risk of fractures later in life
in men: A nationwide cohort study - J Bone Miner Res. 2012 Nov 26 -
"Aerobic capacity and isometric muscle strength were
measured in 435445 Swedish men that conscripted for military service from
1969-1978 ... When comparing men in the lowest and highest decile of physical
fitness, the risk of a fracture was 1.8 times higher (95% CI = 1.6-2.1) and that
of hip fracture was 2.7 times higher (95% CI = 1.6-4.7). The risk of fracture
was also 1.4-1.5 times higher when comparing the extreme deciles of muscle
strength (p < 0.001 for all). In a subcohort of 1009 twin pairs, up to 22% of
the variation in physical fitness and 27-39% of the variation in muscle strength
was attributable to environmental factors unique to one twin, e.g. physical
activity. In conclusion, low aerobic capacity and muscle strength in young
adulthood are associated with an increased risk of low-energy fractures later in
life, while a low-energy fracture is associated with an increased risk of death
already in middle-aged men"
failures potentially linked to oral bacteria - Science Daily, 4/18/12 -
"The culprit behind a failed hip or knee replacements
might be found in the mouth. DNA testing of bacteria from the fluid that
lubricates hip and knee joints had bacteria with the same DNA as the plaque from
patients with gum disease and in need of a joint replacement ... it might be the
reason why aseptic loosening or prosthetic wear of the artificial joints fail
within 10 years when no infection appears to be present ... For a long time,
we've suspected that these bacteria were causing problems in arthritis patients,
but never had the scientific evidence to support it" - See
Xlear Spry Peppermint Gum, 600-Count (Made with 100% xylitol)
at Amazon.com.
A Randomized
Controlled Trial of Vitamin D Dosing Strategies After Acute Hip Fracture -
Medscape, 9/12/11 - "Our findings reveal that a simple
daily 1,000 IU vitamin D3 dosing regimen may be as effective as a regimen that
adds a loading dose of vitamin D2 to daily vitamin D3 for increasing 25-OHD
levels as early as 4-weeks. However, more than 25% of all study patients taking
1,000 IU vitamin D3 (with or without the loading dose) still did not achieve the
target 25-OHD level of at least 75 nmol/L. Future studies should examine higher
daily doses of vitamin D3 (i.e. 2,000 IU) as well as the benefits of an
additional loading dose in patients who are severely deficient" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
you start bone-building meds, try dietary calcium and supplements, experts urge
- Science Daily, 5/2/11 - "For many people, prescription
bone-building medicines should be a last resort ... adults who increase their
intake of calcium and vitamin D usually increase bone mineral density and reduce
the risk for hip fracture significantly ... I suspect that many doctors reach
for their prescription pads because they believe it's unlikely that people will
change their diets ... prescription bone-building medications are expensive, and
many have side effects, including ironically an increase in hip fractures and
jaw necrosis. They should be used only if diet and supplements don't do the
trick ... For bone health, the researchers also encourage consuming adequate
protein, less sodium, and more magnesium and potassium"
Intakes of Arachidonic Acid and {alpha}-Linolenic Acid Are Associated with
Reduced Risk of Hip Fracture in Older Adults - J Nutr. 2011 Apr 20 - "arachidonic
acid (AA) ... Participants in the highest quartile of ALA intake had a 54% lower
risk of hip fracture than those in the lowest quartile (Q4 vs. Q1: HR = 0.46;
95% CI = 0.26-0.83). Men in the highest quartile of AA intake had an 80% lower
risk of hip fracture than those in the lowest quartile (Q4 vs. Q1: HR = 0.20;
95% CI = 0.04-0.96). No significant associations were observed among intakes of
EPA, DHA, EPA+DHA, or fish. These findings suggest dietary ALA may reduce hip
fracture risk in women and men and dietary AA may reduce hip fracture risk in
men" - See
alpha lipoic acid products at Amazon.com
. Note
that arachidonic acid is in the omega-6 category.
Arachidonic acid
- Wikipedia - "Arachidonic acid in the human body
usually comes from dietary animal sources—meat, eggs, dairy—or is
synthesized from linoleic acid"
Three-quarters of hip fracture patients are vitamin D deficient, Indian
study reveals - Science Daily, 12/12/10 - "Of
the patients who had suffered hip fractures, 76.7% were shown to be vitamin
D deficient as measured by serum 25(OH)D levels of less than 20 ng/ml"
- See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Vitamin D
Treatment for the Prevention of Falls in Older Adults - Medscape,
9/30/10 - "In summary, vitamin D supplementation is
an effective strategy for reducing falls in older adults and should probably
be incorporated into the clinical practice of providers caring for older
adults, especially those at risk for falling. Although the effect appears to
be modest, possibly because of inadequate dosing, vitamin D is inexpensive
and well tolerated; a slight reduction in falls with vitamin D
supplementation might lead to a significant decrease in the costs associated
with fall morbidity and mortality" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Dietary protein may reduce hip fractures in the elderly - Science Daily,
5/5/10 - "individuals who were in the lowest 25
percent of dietary protein intake had approximately 50 percent more hip
fractures than those who consumed greater amounts of dietary protein (all
within normal intakes). Those who suffered hip fractures consumed less than
the 46 grams of dietary protein per day recommended for adults"
Vitamin D May Help Prevent Falls - WebMD, 10/2/09 - "Taking
vitamin D supplements, at a dose of 700-1,000 international units per day,
may make falling 19% less likely for people aged 65 and older" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
High-Dose Vitamin D Supplement May Reduce Risk of Falling Among Older People
- Medscape, 10/1/09 - "Supplemental vitamin D in a
dose of 700-1000 IU a day reduced the risk of falling among older
individuals by 19% and to a similar degree as active forms of vitamin D"
- See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Carotenoids linked to fewer hip fractures - Nutra USA, 3/26/09 -
"higher lycopene intake was associated with a lower
risk of hip fracture, and non-vertebral fracture ... a weak but
statistically un-significant protective trend was recorded total
beta-carotene, but only for hip fractures ... No protective effects were
observed for the other carotenoids" - [Abstract]
- See
lycopene at Amazon.com
Protective Effect of
Total Carotenoid and Lycopene Intake on the Risk of Hip Fracture: A 17-Year
Follow-Up From the Framingham Osteoporosis Study - J Bone Miner Res.
2009 Jan 12 - "Subjects with higher lycopene intake
had lower risk of hip fracture (P trend=0.01), and non-vertebral fracture (P
trend=0.02). A weak protective trend was observed for total beta-carotene
for hip fracture alone but associations did not reach statistical
significance (P trend=0.10). No significant associations were observed with
alpha-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin or lutein plus zeaxanthin. These results
suggest a protective role of several carotenoids for bone health in older
adults" - See
lycopene at Amazon.com
Vitamin D Supplements Associated With Reduced Fracture Risk in Older Adults
- Doctor's Guide, 3/23/09 - "The authors then pooled
the results of only the 9 trials in which participants received doses of
more than 400 international units per day. At this dosage, vitamin D
supplements reduced non-vertebral fractures by 20% and hip fractures by 18%
... A greater reduction in risk was also seen among trial participants whose
blood levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D achieved a greater increase"
- [Science
Daily] - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Tea Drinking May Help Preserve Hip Structure in Elderly Women -
Medscape, 10/29/08 - "The cross-sectional analysis
revealed that mean total hip aBMD was 2.8% greater in tea drinkers ...
Compared with non–tea drinkers, tea drinkers had a significantly higher aBMD
at the total hip and trochanter sites but not at the femoral neck and
intertrochanter sites" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Vitamin C Intake May Reduce Fracture Risk - Medscape, 9/15/08 -
"Basically, people who had higher levels of vitamin
C intake had half the rate of hip fractures as people who had the lowest
vitamin C [levels]"
Vitamin D deficiency increases hip fracture risk: researchers - Nutra
USA, 8/20/08 - "women with the lowest 25(OH) vitamin
D concentrations (47.6 nmol/L) at study entry had a significantly greater
increased risk for subsequent hip fracture during the next seven years than
did women with the highest concentrations (70.7 nmol/L)" - [Abstract]
- See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
- Serum
25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations and risk for hip fractures - Ann
Intern Med. 2008 Aug 19;149(4):242-50 - "Low serum
25(OH) vitamin D concentrations are associated with a higher risk for hip
fracture" - [Nutra
USA] - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Vitamin D Linked To Higher Risk Of Hip Fracture - Science Daily, 9/20/07
- "The risk of hip fractures was 77 percent higher
among women whose 25 hydroxyvitamin D levels were at the lowest
concentrations ... most experts think that people need at least 800 to 1,000
international units a day" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Physical Fitness More Important Than Nutrition to Prevent Hip Fracture -
Medscape, 9/27/05 - "women who lacked mobility and
strength were more apt to fall and fracture their hips"
- Folate and Vitamin
B12 Prevent Hip Fracture in Stroke Patients - Medscape, 3/25/05 -
"The magnitude of benefit is similar to that found in trials of alendronate
and raloxifene, with considerably less potential risk. The fact that BMD did
not change suggests the benefit derives from quality, rather than quantity,
of bone"
Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 Decrease Risk of Hip Fracture in Stroke Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 3/1/05 -
"Patients who took folic acid and vitamin B12 after
their stroke had a reduced risk of hip fracture compared to patients who
took placebo"
Vitamin A Levels Affect Hip Fracture Risk - Physician's Weekly, 10/4/04
"women with the lowest concentrations of
vitamin A had a 90% higher risk of hip
fracture. Those with the highest concentrations were twice as likely as
those with normal levels to sustain a hip fracture"
- Carpeted Wood
Floors Reduce Hip Fracture Risk - WebMD, 4/30/04
- Vitamin D and Calcium
Increase Bone Density and Reduce Falls After Hip Fracture - Healthwell
Exchange Daily News, 2/19/04
- Hoping to Avoid Hip
Replacement? - Dr. Weil, 12/4/03
Prevalence of hypovitaminosis D in elderly women in Italy: clinical
consequences and risk factors - Osteoporos Int. 2003 Jul 11 -
"Vitamin D
deficiency is extremely common among elderly Italian women ...
Hypovitaminosis D is associated with worsening of the ability to perform
activities of daily living and higher hip fracture prevalence. This finding
should lead to an urgent population-based strategy to remedy this condition"
Other News:
Maker Aware of 40% Failure in Hip Implant - NYTimes.com, 1/23/13 -
"An internal analysis conducted by Johnson & Johnson
in 2011 not long after it recalled a troubled hip implant estimated that the
all-metal device would fail within five years in nearly 40 percent of
patients who received it, newly disclosed court records show"
implant for long-term use - Science Daily, 5/4/12
coating for hip implants could prevent premature failure - Science
Daily, 4/19/12
Metal-on-Metal Hip Implants Have Higher Fail Rates - WebMD. 3/12/12
Public Kept in Dark
About Hip-Replacement Risks, Says BMJ - Medscape, 2/28/12 -
"The wear and tear of metal on metal releases metal
ions that can seep into local tissue, destroy muscle and bone, and leave
patients with long-term disabilities ... These metal ions, which may be
carcinogenic, also can become blood-borne and spread to the lymph nodes,
spleen, liver, and kidneys"
Knee Replacement Can
Lead to Longer Life - Medscape, 2/10/12 -
"Patients with severe osteoarthritis of the knee who undergo knee
replacement have a 7-year mortality rate that is half that of those who
don't undergo the procedure ... Also, those with knee replacements had a
slightly lower rate of heart failure at 3 years (21.1%; HR, 0.89; P < .001)
and at 7 years (40.9%; HR, 0.93; P < .001)"
Complaints Soar on Hip Implants as Dangers Are Studied - NYTimes.com,
8/23/11 - "the Food and Drug Administration has
received more than 5,000 reports since January about several widely used
devices known as metal-on-metal hips, more than the agency had received
about those devices in the previous four years combined ... Though immediate
problems with the hip implants are not life-threatening, some patients have
suffered crippling injuries caused by tiny particles of cobalt and chromium
that the metal devices shed as they wear ... As problems and questions grow,
most surgeons are abandoning the all-metal hips, saying they are unwilling
to expose new patients to potential dangers when safer alternatives — mainly
replacements that combine metal and plastic components — are available"
Heavy metal: Titanium implant safety under scrutiny - Science Daily,
7/25/11 - "Titanium implants are routinely used for
bone fractures as well as dental work. It has recently been shown that
titanium-based implants both corrode and degrade, generating metallic
debris. There is some concern over the increased concentrations of
circulating metal-degradation products derived from these implants, and
their potential harmful biological effects over a period of time, including
hepatic injury and renal lesions"