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Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending 3/20/13. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any medications.
D replacement improves muscle efficiency - Science Daily, 3/18/13 -
"Researchers from Newcastle University ... investigated
phosphocreatine recovery times in patients with
vitamin D deficiency. They employed a non-invasive magnetic resonance scan
to measure phosphocreatine dynamics in response to exercise in the calf muscles
of 12 patients with severe vitamin D deficiency before and after treatment with
vitamin D ... phosphocreatine recovery significantly improved after the patients
took a fixed dose of oral vitamin D for 10-12 weeks (average phosphocreatine
recovery half time decreased from 34.4sec to 27.8sec, p<0.001). All patients
reported an improvement in symptoms of fatigue following supplementation. In a
parallel study, the group demonstrated that low Vitamin D levels were associated
with reduced mitochondrial function" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com New study on UTIs suggests flagellin is key in stimulating body's natural defenses - Science Daily, 3/17/13 - "There is rapidly growing resistance exhibited by organisms, especially E. coli, to conventional antimicrobials which makes infections potentially more and more difficult to treat ... This is confounded by the fact that there have been no new classes of antibiotics to treat Gram-negative bacilli like E. coli for more than 40 years. It is amazing that the fluoroquinolones were the last new class of antibiotics to treat Gram-negative bacilli! Our ultimate aim is to develop agents that enhance the immune response and help the body defend itself better as an alternative to conventional antibiotics which work against the pathogen alone"
vitamin E can help prevent cancer - Science Daily, 3/16/13 -
"In this new work, researchers showed in
prostate cancer cells that one form of
vitamin E inhibits the activation of an enzyme
that is essential for cancer cell survival. The loss of the enzyme, called Akt,
led to tumor cell death. The vitamin had no negative effect on normal cells ...
Vitamin E occurs in numerous forms based on their chemical structure, and the
most commonly known form belongs to a variety called tocopherols. In this study,
researchers showed that, of the tocopherols tested, the gamma form of tocopherol
was the most potent anti-cancer form of the vitamin ... The researchers began
the work with both alpha and gamma forms of the vitamin E molecule. Both
inhibited the enzyme called Akt in very targeted ways, but the gamma structure
emerged as the more powerful form of the vitamin" - See
Jarrow FamilE (contains all eight members of the vitamin E family, includes
Tocomin) at Amazon.com No clear evidence that decline in hormone replacement therapy use linked to fall in breast cancer - Science Daily, 3/14/13 - "In the SEER study, the declines in breast cancer were similar for both early stage and advanced cancers. This suggests that advanced cancers would have rapidly shrunk very soon after HRT discontinuation, which is "unlikely," say the authors ... DNA damage to breast tissue takes at least a decade before cancer becomes detectable, say the authors, and if there was a causal link, HRT discontinuation would be expected to have conferred a reduction in new cases of cancer over a period of several years. But this is not what the data show, say the authors ... In the meantime, he says, many women who could benefit from HRT are not using it. "If there is a risk, the risk is small, and the benefits of HRT can be life altering; it is vital that we keep this in perspective," he concludes" - Note: I suspected something like this. I take a lot of hits because I think for myself and don't believe media hype which comes with accusations that I'm brain washed when I feel it's the other way around.
Vitamin D Supplements Tied to Lower Blood Pressure in Blacks - WebMD,
3/15/13 -"vitamin D may
lower blood pressure by causing blood vessels
to relax, allowing for more and easier blood flow ... Forman's team randomly
assigned 250 black participants to one of three doses of vitamin D supplements
or an inactive placebo ... those taking 1,000 international units (IU) of
vitamin D a day saw their systolic blood pressure drop by 0.7 mm Hg. For those
taking 2,000 IU, the drop was 3.4 mm Hg, and for those taking 4,000 IU, systolic
pressure dropped by 4 mm Hg ... those receiving the placebo saw their systolic
blood pressure rise by 1.7 mm Hg, the researchers noted ... Endocrine Society
committee guidelines recommend that adults take 1,500 to 2,000 units of vitamin
D daily" - [Abstract]
- See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Coffee and Green Tea May Help Lower Stroke Risk - WebMD, 3/15/13 -
"The study looked at the
green tea and coffee drinking habits of more
than 82,000 Japanese adults, ages 45 to 74, for an average of 13 years ...
People who drank at least 1 cup of coffee daily had about a 20% lower risk of
stroke compared to those who rarely drank it ...
People who drank 2 to 3 cups of green tea daily had a 14% lower risk of stroke,
and those who had at least 4 cups had a 20% lower risk, compared to those who
rarely drank it ... People who drank at least 1 cup of coffee or 2 cups of green
tea daily had a 32% lower risk of intracerebral hemorrhage, compared to those
who rarely drank either beverage. Intracerebral hemorrhage happens when a blood
vessel bursts and bleeds inside the brain. About 13% of strokes are due to this
condition ... Some chemicals in coffee include chlorogenic acid, which is
thought to cut stroke risks by lowering the chances of developing type 2
diabetes" - [Abstract]
- Note: Chlorogenic acid is in fruit extracts such as blueberry extract.
Garden of Life, Radical Fruits Antioxidant Complex at Amazon.com
Probiotics reduce stress-induced intestinal flare-ups, study finds - Science
Daily, 3/14/13 - "while stress does not cause
IBS, it does alter brain-gut interactions and
induces the intestinal inflammation that often leads to severe or chronic belly
pain, loss of appetite and diarrhea ... Stress has
a way of suppressing an important component called an inflammasome which is
needed to maintain normal gut microbiota, but
probiotics reversed the effect in animal models ... The effect of stress
could be protected with probiotics which reversed the inhibition of the
inflammasome" - See
probiotic products at Amazon.com Olive Oil Makes You Feel Full - Science Daily, 3/14/13 - "While it is true that they contain fewer calories, people tend to overcompensate by eating more if they do not feel full. Now a study has shown how "natural" oils and fats regulate the sensation of feeling full after eating, with olive oil leading the way ...Over a period of three months, the study participants ate 500 grams of low-fat yoghurt enriched with one of the four fats or oils every day -- as a supplement to their normal diet ... The olive oil group showed a higher concentration of the satiety hormone serotonin in their blood. Subjectively speaking, these participants also reported that they found the olive oil yoghurt very filling ... During the study period, no member of this group recorded an increase in their body fat percentage or their weight ... How long the feeling of satiety lasts after eating depends on a number of factors, but blood sugar level is particularly significant. The faster it falls, that is to say, the faster the somatic cells absorb glucose from the blood, the sooner the person will start to feel hungry again"
loss in schizophrenia and depression could be prevented, study suggests -
Science Daily, 3/13/13 - "It now appears that
parvalbumin neurons are particularly vulnerable to oxidative stress, a factor
that may emerge commonly in development, particularly in the context of
psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia
or bipolar disorder, where compromised
mitochondrial function plays a role. Parvalbumin neurons may be protected from
this effect by N-acetylcysteine, also known as
Mucomyst, a medication commonly prescribed to protect the liver against the
toxic effects of acetaminophen (Tylenol) overdose ... This study raises the
possibility that GABA neuronal deficits in psychiatric disorder may be
preventable using a drug, N-acetylcysteine, which is quite safe to administer to
humans" - See
n-acetyl cysteine at Amazon.com Fungus-infested bagpipes sicken lifelong player, 78 - Vitals, 3/13/13 - "He got so sick and weak he couldn’t walk and lost more than a stone in weight -- or about 14 pounds ... When they learned he was a bagpiper, the medical crew asked to test the instrument – and found the culprit ... Apparently the synthetic bags favored by modern pipers are an ideal environment for bacteria, mold and fungus that can grow in saliva that gets into the bags during playing. Old-time pipers used hide bags that required regular maintenance, procedures that probably kept them clean and safe ... A 35-year-old man suffered from so-called “trombone player’s lung,” or hypersensitivity pneumonia triggered by bugs including the same Fusarium fungi that affected Shone. The trombone player had a bad cough that lasted for 15 years, according to a 2010 article in the journal Chest. His cough stopped once he started disinfecting it with rubbing alcohol. Another musician, a 48-year-old saxophone player, also suffered from lung problems triggered by molds until he started washing his mouthpiece" - Note: I'm betting swimming snorkels are the same way. Using hansfree kit or sending texts behind the wheel is as dangerous as being twice over legal alcohol limit, study suggests - Science Daily, 3/13/13 - "When the conversation using the handsfree was simple, the effects were comparable to a BAC level of 0.04 g/l, which is below the legal limit of 0.5 g/l in countries like Spain and Australia. However, when more attention was required, their alcohol level analogue shot up to 0.7 g/l, which is above the legal limit in both countries yet below in other countries, like the USA or the UK where up to 0.8 g/l is allowed. When answering text messages, the rate stood at 1 g/l, which is illegal in any of all of these countries" Bitter melon juice prevents pancreatic cancer in mouse models - Science Daily, 3/12/13 - "Three years ago researchers showed the effect of bitter melon extract on breast cancer cells only in a Petri dish. This study goes much, much farther. We used the juice -- people especially in Asian countries are already consuming it in quantity. We show that it affects the glucose metabolism pathway to restrict energy and kill pancreatic cancer cells" - See bitter melon extracts at iHerb. Abstracts from this week's Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here for the journals, the PubMed ones at the top): Uric Acid Measurement Improves Prediction of Cardiovascular Mortality in Later Life - J Am Geriatr Soc. 2013 Mar 15 - "In individuals aged 70 and older without overt CVD, renal dysfunction, or diuretic use, serum uric acid greater than 7.0 mg/dL was associated with greater CVD mortality independent of classic CVD risk factors"
Effect of
different dietary omega-3/omega-6 fatty acid ratios on reproduction in male rats
- Lipids Health Dis. 2013 Mar 13;12(1):33 - "These
findings demonstrated that a balanced n-3/n-6
ratio was important in male rat reproduction.
Therefore there is a necessity to determine an appropriate n-3/n-6 PUFA ratio in
man and different male animals in the future" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
supplement alleviates hepatic triglyceride accumulation of apolipoprotein E
deficient mice via reducing methylation of peroxisomal proliferator-activated
receptor alpha promoter - Lipids Health Dis. 2013 Mar 13;12(1):34 -
"Our findings indicate that
betaine supplement could alleviate hepatic
triglyceride accumulation and improve antioxidant capacity by decreasing
PPAR alpha promoter methylation and upregulating PPAR alpha and its target genes
mRNA expression" - See
TMG at Amazon.com
Omega 3
fatty acids increase the chemo-sensitivity of B-CLL-derived cell lines EHEB and
MEC-2 and of B-PLL-derived cell line JVM-2 to anti-cancer drugs doxorubicin,
vincristine and fludarabine - Lipids Health Dis. 2013 Mar 16;12(1):36 -
"N-3's are promising
chemo-sensitizing agents for the treatment of CLL.
Selective enhancement of chemo-sensitivity
of EHEB, JVM-2 and MEC-2 to drugs by n-3 that is not dependent on increased
lipid peroxidation and ROS generation indicates alternative mechanisms by which
n-3 enhances chemo-sensitivity" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
supplementation in overweight and obesity: a systematic review and meta-analysis
of randomized clinical trials - Obes Rev. 2013 Mar 18 -
"Electronic searches were conducted in Medline, Embase,
Amed and The Cochrane Library ... A meta-analysis of 11 studies showed a
statistically significant difference in weight
loss favouring chromium over placebo (mean
difference (MD): -0.50 kg; 95% confidence interval (CI): -0.97, -0.03). There
was a high statistical heterogeneity. Adverse events included watery stools,
vertigo, headaches and urticaria. The evidence from available RCTs shows that
chromium supplementation generates statistically significant reductions in body
weight" - See
chromium supplements at Amazon.com
Urinary and
plasma magnesium and risk of ischemic heart disease - Am J Clin Nutr. 2013
Mar 13 - "Urinary excretion of
magnesium, an indicator of dietary magnesium
uptake, might provide more consistent results ... examined 7664 adult
participants free of known cardiovascular disease in the Prevention of Renal and
Vascular End-Stage Disease (PREVEND) study-a prospective population-based cohort
study ... median follow-up of 10.5 y ... urinary magnesium excretion had a
nonlinear relation with IHD risk (P-curvature =
0.01). The lowest sex-specific quintile (men: <2.93 mmol/24 h; women: <2.45
mmol/24 h) had an increased risk of fatal and nonfatal IHD (multivariable HR:
1.60; 95% CI: 1.28, 2.00) compared with the upper 4 quintiles of urinary
magnesium excretion. A similar increase in risk of the lowest quintile was
observed for mortality related to IHD (HR: 1.70; 95% CI: 1.10, 2.61) ... Low
urinary magnesium excretion was independently associated with a higher risk of
IHD incidence. An increased dietary intake of magnesium, particularly in those
with the lowest urinary magnesium, could reduce the risk of IHD" - See magnesium supplements at Amazon.com trans Fatty Acid Intake Is Associated with Increased Risk and n3 Fatty Acid Intake with Reduced Risk of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma - J Nutr. 2013 Mar 13 - "diets high in TFAs, processed meats, and higher fat dairy products were positively associated with NHL risk, whereas diets high in n3 fatty acids and total seafood were inversely associated with risk"
fatty acids lower blood pressure by directly activating large-conductance
Ca2+-dependent K+ channels - Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Mar 4 -
"This finding has practical implications for the use of
omega-3 fatty acids as nutraceuticals for the
general public and also for the critically ill receiving omega-3-enriched
formulas" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com Lactobacilli versus antibiotics to prevent urinary tract infections: a randomized, double-blind, noninferiority trial in postmenopausal women - Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2013;157(7):A5674 - "In postmenopausal women with recurrent UTIs, L. rhamnosus GR-1 and L. reuteri RC-14 do not meet the noninferiority criteria in the prevention of UTIs when compared with CTX. However, unlike CTX, lactobacilli do not increase antibiotic resistance" - See lactobacillus products at iHerb.
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