Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending
12/26/12. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any
Under Laser Procedure, Face Renews Itself With Younger-Looking Skin -
CBS Chicago, 12/24/12 - "A newer Erbium
laser helps patients heal more quickly, with
less down time — about three to four weeks instead of three months ... The
procedure costs anywhere from $1,200 to $4,000. The Erbium laser can also be
used for burns and severe acne, laser hair removal and for full-face laser
Mistletoe as medicine - Fox News Video, 12/21/12 - It's a six minute video.
See my mistletoe page.
Cholesterol boosts the memory of the immune system - Science Daily, 12/21/12
- "They discovered that the composition of the lipids of
a membrane is responsible for the clustering of the receptors. The lipid
composition of a naive cell differs from that of a memory cell.
Cholesterol is the key factor in this
process, as it is present in higher concentrations in a memory cell. This higher
concentration of cholesterol leads to the aggregation of receptors, because the
cholesterol joins them together like glue"
Melatonin Secretion May Play a Role in Premenstrual Syndrome - Science
Daily, 12/20/12 - "PMDD
sufferers can experience depression, tension, and irritability of sufficient
intensity to interfere with daily activities and relationships. Disturbed sleep
is also a common symptom of the disorder, with up to 70% of patients frequently
reporting either poor sleep quality with increased awakenings or excessive
sleepiness during the symptomatic phase ... compared to healthy controls, PMDD
women had significantly decreased melatonin
secretion levels during the night-time hours ... Clinical implications of
reduced melatonin in PMDD The prevalence of insomnia and depression are both
about twice as high in women than in men" - See
melatonin at Amazon.com .
Marijuana Use by Teens Continues to Be a Concern - Science Daily, 12/19/12 -
"Only 41.7 percent of eighth graders see occasional use
of marijuana as harmful; 66.9 percent see
regular use as harmful. Both rates are at the lowest since the survey began
tracking risk perception for this age group in 1991. As teens get older, their
perception of risk diminishes. Only 20.6 percent of 12th graders see occasional
use as harmful (the lowest since 1983), and 44.1 percent see regular use as
harmful, the lowest since 1979 ... A 38-year NIH-funded study, published this
year in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, showed that people
who used cannabis heavily in their teens and continued through adulthood showed
a significant drop in IQ between the ages of 13 and 38 -- an average of eight
points for those who met criteria for cannabis dependence. Those who used
marijuana heavily before age 18 (when the brain is still developing) showed
impaired mental abilities even after they quit taking the drug ... The risk of
addiction goes from about 1 in 11 overall to about 1 in 6 for those who start
using in their teens, and even higher among daily smokers"
Why being tired makes us look ugly - nbcnews.com, 12/19/12 -
"Stress causes a drop in
the skin’s ability to protect itself ... And stress can also lead to less
melanin, causing that jaundiced, haggard look. Melanin pigments the skin, giving
humans their complexion ... Not sleeping causes us to accumulate water under our
eyes, giving us that extra "baggage" ... What you get from stress is the
wrinkles of aging .. Stress causes you to age
... stress not only causes wrinkles on the face but wrinkles in your arteries,
as well, which can cause serious problems at an earlier age ... Your cells are
biologically 10 to 15 years older … if you are chronically stressed ... If you
are 45, the cells signal as if they are 60 years old"
Babies' Vision
Improves With Fatty Acid Formula Supplements - Medscape, 12/18/12 -
"from the Department of Pediatrics at the Children's
Hospital of Michigan in Detroit, and colleagues found that long-chain
polyunsaturated fatty acid (LCPUFA) supplementation started within 1 month of
birth significantly improved infants' visual
acuity at 2, 4, and 12 months of age ... "[R]etinal cells have the highest
concentration of [docosahexaenoic acid] in the human
body ... the fatty acid is necessary not only for optimal retinal function but
also for the proper function of the visual processing centers, optic tract, and
optic nerve" - See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Need for Iodine Supplements During Pregnancy and While Nursing - Science
Daily, 12/18/12 - "Iodine
levels in the US have been decreasing, which has the potential to negatively
impact the mother and unborn child ... Iodine, which is not naturally made in
the human body, must be consumed through foods rich in the element or through
supplements. Iodine is required for the production of thyroid hormone, and
adequate thyroid hormone levels are critical for normal fetal neurodevelopment.
National and international health organizations currently recommend that
pregnant women take at least 150 µg of potassium iodide daily ... There is
concern that even mild iodine deficiency in
pregnant women could lead to children with lower IQ's" - See
iodine at Amazon.com .
Aspirin Use 10 or More Years Ago Associated With Increased Risk of Type of
Age-Related Macular Degeneration - Science Daily, 12/18/12 -
"data from the Beaver Dam Eye Study, a longitudinal
population-based study of age-related eye diseases conducted in Wisconsin ...
The average duration of follow-up was 14.8 years ... regular use of
aspirin use 10 years prior to the retinal
examination was associated with late AMD (age-
and sex-adjusted incidence, 1.8 percent for users vs. 1.0 percent for nonusers)"
Oxytocin, Social Sharing and Recovery from Trauma - Science Daily, 12/18/12
- "'social sharing of emotions' (SSE) ... SSE, like the
neuropeptide oxytocin (OT) -- known variously as
'the hug hormone', 'the moral molecule' and 'the natural love drug' -- has a
calming and bonding function in humans. So a team of researchers decided to
examine whether it followed that administering oxytocin might ease this
therapeutic and powerful 'social sharing of emotions' ... What they found was
that OT did not make people more talkative -- the word counts in the letters
were the same -- but it did increase the participants' willingness to share the
specific component that is responsible for the therapeutic effects of social
sharing: emotions. As the researchers note, "the findings are the more
remarkable because they were obtained among men, who may be less inclined than
women to express their emotions." ... there may be further implications for
human health, related to OT's antagonistic effect on the stress hormone
cortisol" - See
Oxytocin Factor
Oxy Pro (Oxytocin) Nasal Spray at International Anti-aging Systems.
Abstracts from this week's
Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics
plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here
for the journals, the PubMed ones at the top):
Vitamin D
and risk of death from vascular and non-vascular causes in the Whitehall study
and meta-analyses of 12 000 deaths - Eur Heart J. 2012 Dec 20 -
"examined associations of plasma concentrations of
25(OH)D and cause-specific mortality in a prospective study of older men living
in the UK and included findings in meta-analyses of similar studies identified
by a systematic search reporting on vascular and all-cause mortality ... 13-year
follow-up ... After adjustment for age and seasonality, higher concentrations of
25(OH)D were inversely and approximately linearly (log-log scale) associated
with vascular and non-vascular mortality throughout the range 40-90 nmol/L.
After additional adjustment for prior disease and cardiovascular risk factors, a
doubling in 25(OH)D concentration was associated with 20% [95% confidence
interval (CI): 9-30%] lower vascular and 23% (95% CI: 14-31%) lower non-vascular
mortality. In meta-analyses of prospective studies, individuals in the top vs.
bottom quarter of 25(OH)D concentrations had 21% (95% CI: 13-28%) lower vascular
and 28% (95% CI: 24-32%) lower all-cause mortality" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Effects of
Korean ginseng berry extract on sexual function in men with erectile
dysfunction: a multicenter, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical study
- Int J Impot Res. 2012 Dec 20 - "Ginseng
is beneficial for many aspects of human physiology, including
sexual function ... administered 4 tablets of
either standardized Korean ginseng berry (SKGB, 350 mg ginseng berry extract per
tablet), or placebo, daily, for 8 weeks. Efficacy was assessed with the
International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF)-15 and premature ejaculation
diagnostic tool (PEDT) at the end of the 4th and 8th week. We observed that the
total and each of the individual domain scores of IIEF-15 increased from
40.95+/-7.05 to 46.19+/-12.69 significantly in the SKGB by the 8th week
- See ginseng at Amazon.com .
modulates mitochondrial function in vascular smooth muscle cells - Hypertens
Res. 2012 Dec 20 - "These findings demonstrate that
telmisartan can have significant effects on mitochondrial metabolism in VSMC
that are potentially relevant to the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease and
that involve more than just angiotensin receptor blockade and activation of
PPARγ" - See telmisartan at
OffshoreRx1.com .
of different oral iron supplements: a systematic review - Curr Med Res Opin.
2012 Dec 20 - "Extended-release ferrous sulphate with
mucoproteose appears to be the best tolerated of the different oral
iron supplements evaluated"
Whole Milk
Intake Is Associated with Prostate Cancer-Specific Mortality among U.S. Male
Physicians - J Nutr. 2012 Dec 19 - "28-y follow-up
... Physicians' Health Study ... The intake of total
dairy products was associated with increased
PCa incidence [HR = 1.12 (95% CI: 0.93, 1.35); >2.5 servings/d vs. ≤0.5
servings/d]. Skim/low-fat milk intake was positively associated with risk of
low-grade, early stage, and screen-detected cancers, whereas whole milk intake
was associated only with fatal PCa [HR = 1.49 (95% CI: 0.97, 2.28); ≥237 mL/d (1
serving/d) vs. rarely consumed]. In the survival analysis, whole milk intake
remained associated with risk of progression to fatal disease after diagnosis
[HR = 2.17 (95% CI: 1.34, 3.51)]"
B vitamin
intakes and incidence of colorectal cancer: results from the Women's Health
Initiative Observational Study cohort - Am J Clin Nutr. 2012 Dec 19 -
"Women's Health Initiative Observational Study ...
Vitamin B-6 and riboflavin intakes from diet and supplements were associated
with a decreased risk of CRC in postmenopausal
women. Associations of B vitamin intake were
particularly strong for regional disease and among women drinkers who consumed
alcohol infrequently. Our study provides new evidence that the increased folate
intake during the early postfortification period may have been associated with a
transient increase in CRC risk"
cholesterol-lowering effects of grape extract used as a dietary supplement on
healthy volunteers - Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2012 Dec 19 -
"A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical
trial was performed over 56 days and included 60 volunteers. Thirty volunteers
took 700 mg of the grape extract, Eminol® (E),
and 30 took the placebo (P). On comparison of the results, a decrease in total
cholesterol (E: 213.77 +/- 4.1 mg/dl and P:
245.57 +/- 4.1 mg/dl; p = 0.01) and LDL cholesterol (E: 142.17 +/- 3.1 mg/dl and
P: 165.13 +/- 3.1 mg/dl; p = 0.02) levels as well as an increase in antioxidant
capacity (E: 65.63 +/- 5.8 μmol TE/mg and P: 57.80 +/- 7.7 μmol TE/mg; p < 0.01)
and vitamin E (E: 11.46 +/- 0.5 μg/ml and P: 9.06 +/- 0.5 μg/ml; p = 0.018) was
observed. This result indicates that the grape extract Eminol® modulated the
lipid profile in terms of cardiovascular risk indicators, lowering total blood
cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels" - See Jarrow Formulas, OPCs + 95 at Amazon.com .
Neat Tech Stuff / "How To's":
Oasis Mouth Moisturizing Spray, Mild Mint, 1 Fl oz (Pack of 3)
- I was using this stuff for dry throat at night probably caused by snoring
but it's expensive. I found a solution using the empty sprayers. Use maple
syrup but it's too thick for the sprayer so you have to mix it with about
25% vodka.
Carhartt Women's Relaxed Fit Jean/Straight Leg

Health Focus (Niacin):
Related Topics:
Specific Recommendations:
Related products that also may increase HDL:
General Information:
Extended-Release Niacin and Hyperlipidemia Management - November 15, 2000 -
American Academy of Family Physicians - aafp.org -
"Niacin can lower LDL cholesterol by 10 to 25
percent and triglyceride levels by 20 to 50 percent, and can raise levels of
high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol by 15 to 35 percent ... The daily
niacin dosage was started at 375 mg taken nightly and slowly increased, to a
maximum of 3,000 mg per day, at four-week intervals for a total of 25 weeks.
Patients were permitted to take 325 mg of aspirin before taking the study
medication if they wished to prevent flushing ... The dose response
demonstrates a linear effect, with maximal benefit at a dosage of
approximately 2,500 mg, although the maximum recommended dosage of
extended-release niacin is 2,000 mg"
Niacin - A New Look at an Old Drug - U.S. Pharmacist, 10/15/03 -
"In one study, up to 53% of patients treated with IR
niacin reported flushing, compared with 22% in the SR niacin group; four of
the 23 IR-treated patients (17%) withdrew because of flushing. However, 67%
of patients discontinued SR niacin therapy because of liver enzyme
elevations (three times the upper limit of normal), and 52% of patients
developed hepatotoxic symptoms; however, no patients treated with IR niacin
developed significant changes in liver enzymes ... Because the incidence and
severity of flushing often decreases with continued use—sometimes
dissipating altogether—stress that any interruptions in therapy may lead to
losing any tolerance" - Note: I've been taking two grams of the
TwinLab immediate release niacin for years and I don't get any flush from it
if I take it with a little food. - Ben
A comparison of the efficacy and toxic effects of sustained- vs
immediate-release niacin in hypercholesterolemic patients - JAMA. 1994
Mar 2;271(9):672-7 -
"None of the patients taking IR niacin developed
hepatotoxic effects, while 12 (52%) of the 23 patients taking SR niacin did"
News & Research:
Raising HDL Levels May Not Lower Heart Attack Risk - WebMD, 5/16/12 -
"Many clinicians still prescribe the vitamin niacin
to help raise HDL levels, even though a government-funded trial proved
disappointing ... The trial was halted early a year ago when it was
determined that people with heart disease who had low HDL levels did not
benefit from the treatment ... The drug company Pfizer abandoned its
experimental HDL-boosting drug torcetrapib in 2006 when trials showed an
increase in heart attack and stroke risk among users ... the new research
casts even more doubt on the strategy of raising HDL to lower heart and
stroke risk ... HDL levels are related to risk, but that doesn't mean that
raising HDL is beneficial ... What we do know is that lowering LDL has a big
impact on risk, so the take-home message remains, 'Get those LDL numbers
Niacin doesn't stop heart attacks, major study finds - Health - Heart health
- msnbc.com - MSNBC, 5/26/11 - "The newest study
tested Abbott Laboratories' Niaspan, an extended-release form of niacin that
is a far higher dose than is found in dietary supplements ... the Niaspan
users saw their HDL levels rise, and their levels of risky triglycerides
drop, more than people who took a statin alone. But the combination
treatment didn't reduce heart attacks, strokes or the need for
artery-clearing procedures such as angioplasty ... That finding "is
unexpected and a striking contrast to the results of previous trials," ...
Also, there was a small increase in strokes in the high-dose niacin users —
28 among those 1,718 people given Niaspan compared with 12 among the 1,696
placebo users. The NIH said it was not clear if that small difference was
merely a coincidence, as previous studies have shown no stroke risk from
niacin. In fact, some of the strokes occurred after the Niaspan users quit
taking that drug" - See my niacin and
HDL pages for many more studies. For one thing,
there are waaaay more arguments for raising HDL than just heart disease.
Things such as centurions having unusually high HDL, prostate cancer, bowel
cancer, impotence, Alzheimer's, etc., not to mention that it conflicts with
other studies.
Concepts of the Role of High-Density Lipoprotein in Protection from
Atherosclerosis - Curr Atheroscler Rep. 2011 Mar -
"HDL is able to interact with and remove cholesterol
from the lipid-laden foam cells in the peripheral vasculature with
subsequent transportation to the liver for excretion. However, HDL has
multiple other physiologic effects that may play a significant role in
protection from atherosclerosis. HDL has been demonstrated to exhibit
multiple beneficial effects on the coagulation system. Platelet function is
improved by both direct and indirect mechanisms. HDL has a complex
interaction with the protein C and protein S system. Thrombolytic balance is
also improved by HDL. HDL has been demonstrated to have a significant
natural antioxidant effect that inhibits the oxidative step required for
low-density lipoprotein uptake by the macrophage. Additionally, HDL has also
been demonstrated to exert multiple beneficial effects on endothelial
function, including decreased apoptosis and endothelial repair" - See
niacin at Amazon.com
(niacin increases HDL).
Preventing heart problems while keeping a cool head: Cause of flushing
effect arising from cholesterol treatment with nicotinic acid - Science
Daily, 7/26/10 - "The opposite approach, which
involves increasing the concentration of "good" HDL cholesterol using
nicotinic acid, has proven unpopular among patients up to now. The reason
for this is that treatment with nicotinic acid has an unpleasant but
harmless side-effect: the drug makes patients turn quite red in the face ...
the higher an individual's level of HDL cholesterol, the lower his or her
risk of contracting these diseases. For this reason, the strategy of
increasing HDL plasma concentration through medication has become more
prevalent of late. The drug on which most hopes are pinned here is nicotinic
acid ... The flushing phenomenon can be prevented by inhibiting
prostaglandin formation or blocking the prostaglandin receptors in the skin,
while the desired effects of the nicotinic acid on lipid metabolism remain
Vitamin B3 shows early promise in treatment of stroke - Science Daily,
2/24/10 -
"An early study suggests that vitamin B3 or niacin,
a common water-soluble vitamin, may help improve neurological function after
stroke ... Niacin is known to be the most effective medicine in current
clinical use for increasing high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C),
which helps those fatty deposits ... Niacin essentially re-wires the brain
which has very exciting potential for use in humans"
Quality of HDL Differs in Diabetics But Improves With Niacin Therapy -
Medscape, 12/22/09 - "HDL cholesterol in individuals
with diabetes has impaired endothelial protective functions compared with
the HDL from healthy subjects, although treatment with extended-release
niacin can improve these endothelial protective effects"
Adding Niacin Boosts Effectiveness of Simvastatin/ezetimibe - Medscape,
12/16/09 - "In high-risk patients with
hyperlipidemia, the addition of extended-release niacin provides superior
results to therapy with simvastatin and ezetimibe alone ... At 64 weeks,
compared with simvastatin and ezetimibe alone, the triple combination
significantly improved HDL cholesterol (+21.5%), triglycerides (-17.6%),
non-HDL cholesterol (-7.3%), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol,
apolipoprotein B and A-I, and lipoprotein ratios"
B niacin offers no extra benefit to statin therapy in seniors already diagnosed
with coronary artery disease, study suggests - Science Daily, 11/18/09 -
"This does not mean that niacin therapy may not have
other cardiovascular benefits, but any such benefits are independent of reducing
the amount of plaque buildup and patients should be aware of that ... Lima
cautions that an ongoing national study of the long-term vascular benefits of
dual therapy and whether extended-release niacin,
also known as nicotinic acid, lowers death rates from heart disease should
provide more definitive data" - Note: The article implies that
prescription Niaspan works better than immediate release niacin. See
which implies the opposite. The prescription might have less flush but I
couldn't tell the difference. Like I've said in the past, the flush gets
less the longer you use it and is practically non-existent after you taken it
for several months if you take it with food. Also, the slow release may
produce liver damages. See:
A comparison of the efficacy and toxic effects of sustained- vs
immediate-release niacin in hypercholesterolemic patients - JAMA. 1994
Mar 2;271(9):672-7 -
"None of the patients taking IR niacin developed
hepatotoxic effects, while 12 (52%) of the 23 patients taking SR niacin did"
Niacin Tops Zetia in Cutting Artery Plaque - WebMD, 11/16/09 -
"The question is whether ezetimibe works at all ...
Niacin has been around for 50 years. It's a well-understood drug, and in
this trial it was clearly superior ... Ultrasound images of neck arteries
showed that Niaspan reduced artery plaque by about 2%. Zetia did not slow
plaque buildup, although it did lower cholesterol"
ARBITER 6-HALTS: HDL Raising With Niacin Superior to Ezetimibe -
Medscape, 11/16/09 - "Adding extended-release niacin
(Niaspan, Abbott) to statin therapy results in a significant regression of
atherosclerosis as measured by carotid intima-media thickness (IMT), whereas
the addition of ezetimibe (Zetia, Merck/Schering-Plough) to statin therapy
did not, according to an eagerly anticipated study"
Raising 'Good' Cholesterol Levels May Benefit Clogged Arteries - Science
Daily, 11/6/09 - "Using MRI scans, we have shown a
reduction in the size of artery walls in patients after a year of treatment
with nicotinic acid ... Nicotinic acid, sometimes known as niacin, is one of
the oldest drugs used for atherosclerosis and only fell out of favour as
statins came to prominence. It is known to raise levels of good cholesterol
in the blood"
MRI study: Reduced carotid wall area with Niaspan - theheart.org,
10/30/09 -
"So, in terms of relieving a stenosis, for example,
it is not clinically relevant. The point is the direction of change.
Atherosclerosis has, for years, been considered a relentlessly progressive
disease process. To bring about a demonstrable reversal, however small, in
only 12 months is mechanistically significant," he said. "Furthermore,
remember that the plaque is heterogeneous. We don't know what compositional
changes have been induced, but if, for example, the lipid component had been
reduced—and there are data from other studies to suggest this happens—then
even a small change in total size could be very relevant to plaque
cholesterol blamed for heart attacks - MSNBC, 6/9/09 -
"Statins — taken by millions to cut heart attack and
stroke risk — do not affect lipoprotein (a) ... people with the highest
liporotein (a) levels were two to three times more likely to have a heart
attack than those with the lowest levels ... Niacin, a vitamin often
prescribed generically to lower cholesterol, also lowers lipoprotein (a)
levels. It can cause uncomfortable flushing, however. Aspirin can also lower
lipoprotein (a) levels" - [WebMD]
Biology Of Flushing Could Renew Niacin As Cholesterol Drug - Science
Daily, 4/6/09 - "Niacin, also known as nicotinic
acid or vitamin B3, has long been regarded as one of the most effective
weapons in managing cholesterol. It can lower levels of triglycerides, fatty
acids and to a lesser extent, the "bad" kind of cholesterol (LDL) while at
the same time powerfully increasing the "good" kind (HDL). But there's a
catch – a big one. Patients don't like to take niacin because in most of
them, it causes embarrassing, uncontrollable intense flushing, a rush of
blood to the face and other skin surfaces accompanied by a prickling
sensation ... One particular protein in that group, beta-arrestin1, was
found to trigger the chemical reaction that led to flushing ...
beta-arrestin1 plays no role whatsoever in niacin's ability to lower
cholesterol and fatty acids ... the discovery opens the door to the
possibility of developing a "biased ligand," a drug that would trigger
GP109A, but not the beta-arrestins"
Levels Of Good Cholesterol Linked To Memory Loss, Dementia Risk -
Science Daily, 6/30/08 - "Researchers defined low
HDL as less than 40 mg/dL ... At age 60, participants with low HDL had a 53
percent increased risk of memory loss compared to the high HDL group"
- [WebMD]
- The best way to increase HDL is niacin. See
niacin at Amazon.com
. Start slow maybe even with the 100 mg capsules. It took me
about three months to get immune to the flush from 2000 mg per day. Taking
it with soup seems to be the best.
Niacin's Role In Maintaining Good Cholesterol - Science Daily, 6/5/08
Combination Niacin-Laropiprant Plus Simvastatin Reduces Cholesterol by
Almost 50% - Doctor's Guide, 11/6/07 - "When
patients with dyslipidemia added simvastatin to their experimental
combination of extended-release niacin and laropiprant -- a novel
anti-flushing agent -- they reported reductions in low density lipoprotein
cholesterol (LDL-C) of as much as 48% from baseline ... high density
liopoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) was increased by 28% and triglycerides
decreased by 33%"
New Combination Drug Improves Multiple Cholesterol Disorders in Single Pill
- Doctor's Guide, 11/5/07 - "Simcor combines
prescription niacin and simvastatin, two FDA-approved medications with
established safety profiles, to target good cholesterol (HDL), bad
cholesterol (LDL), and triglycerides in a single pill" - Sounds
stupid to me. Why would you pay prescription drug prices for something that
is dirt cheap like niacin. It is the Niaspan form of niacin, which they
claim has less flush. I tried Niaspan and couldn't tell any difference in
the flush plus the flush eventually stopped even with immediate release
niacin. Plus I worry about increased liver damage with Niaspan.
Click here for the study that concerns me which was sustained release
niacin, not Niaspan but it would seem to be similar. Plus immediate release
niacin is about 20% more effective at raising HDL than Niaspan.
Click here and note where Niaspan is on the graph. I'm just eye balling
the 20%.
Merck Niacin Drug Controls Cholesterol - Intelihealth, 9/5/07 -
"The drug, called Cordaptive, can both raise good
cholesterol and lower bad cholesterol. It combines an extended-release form
of the B vitamin niacin with a chemical to inhibit an often intolerable
niacin side effect called flushing -- redness, burning and tingling of the
face ... compared with dummy pills, Cordaptive produced an 18 percent drop
in levels of LDL-C, or "bad" cholesterol; a 26 percent drop in another type
of blood fat called triglycerides, and a 20 percent increase in levels of
HDL-C, or "good" cholesterol"
Niacin (Nicotinic
Acid) -- The Old Drug Is Making a Comeback With A New Act - Medscape,
6/11/07 - "Niacin (nicotinic acid) is well known as
the most effective drug currently available for raising levels of
high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, raising it by 25% to 35% at the
highest doses"
FDA Approvals: Veramyst, Niaspan, and HepaGam B - Medscape, 5/9/07 -
"Film-Coated Niacin Extended-Release Caplets
(Niaspan) May Reduce Flushing ... use of the new orange-coated formulation
significantly reduced the incidence of flushing by 9%"
Combining Agents Leads to Safe Treatment of Lipid Abnormalities -
Physician's Weekly, 5/7/07 - "Combining the use of statins and niacin should
be encouraged because it appears to safely treat multiple lipid
abnormalities in appropriate high-risk patients"
Improving Outcomes With HDL Cholesterol - Physician's Weekly, 4/9/07 -
"Patients who have high HDL levels appear to have
better protection against vascular disease than others and some variants of
HDL may actually reduce plaque in the coronary arteries. Essentially, HDL
acts as a scavenger compound; it moves the lipids from the blood vessel to
the liver, where they are then excreted from the body ... Currently, in the
United States, the only medication other than statins designed specifically
to help physicians raise the HDL cholesterol levels in their patients is
An Old Cholesterol Remedy Is New Again - New York Times, 1/23/07 -
"In its therapeutic form, nicotinic acid, niacin can
increase HDL as much as 35 percent when taken in high doses, usually about
2,000 milligrams per day. It also lowers LDL, though not as sharply as
statins do, and it has been shown to reduce serum levels of artery-clogging
triglycerides as much as 50 percent ... There’s a great unfilled need for
something that raises HDL ... Right now, in the wake of the failure of
torcetrapib, niacin is really it. Nothing else available is that effective"
- See
niacin at Amazon.com
Gene Tied To Longevity Also Preserves Ability To Think Clearly - Science
Daily, 12/26/06 - "Centenarians were three times
likelier to possess CETP VV compared with a control group representative of
the general population and also had significantly larger HDL and LDL
lipoproteins than people in the control group ... Researchers believe that
larger cholesterol particles are less likely to lodge themselves in blood
vessels" - Could niacin do the same thing? See:
Prolonged-Release Nicotinic Acid Combined With a Statin in NAUTILUS -
Medscape, 10/19/06 - "The safety and tolerability
profiles of prolonged-release nicotinic acid did not differ in patients who
were and were not taking a statin. In particular, there was no sign of
serious hepatic or muscle toxicity in patients receiving prolonged-release
nicotinic acid with a statin. The addition of prolonged-release nicotinic
acid to a statin raised levels of HDL cholesterol"
Comparative Effects on Lipid Levels of Niaspan and Statins - Medscape,
7/28/06 - "Niacin is the best HDL-cholesterol
raising drug right now"
Niacin Extended-Release Tablets Combined With Low/Moderate Dosed Statin
Achieves Better Total Lipid Control Versus Higher Dose Statin Monotherapy or
Simvastatin and Ezetimibe - Doctor's Guide, 6/22/06 -
"patients given Niaspan in combination with a low to
moderate dose of Lipitor or Crestor achieved equivalent reduction in LDL-C
(51-58%), 1.2 to 1.9-fold greater decreases in triglycerides and 2.5 to 3.5
fold greater increases in HDL-C, than patients who received high-dose
Crestor or Zocor/Zetia"
Aspirin for Preventing Flushing from Niacin - Medscape, 6/13/06 -
"the impact of flushing can be minimised by careful
dose escalation, administering 'extended-release' NA at bedtime,
administering ASA 30 min before 'extended-release' NA and avoiding alcohol
or hot drinks near the timeof administration"
Hypertriglyceridemia - Medscape, 6/1/06 -
"ER niacin has been shown to lower the triglyceride
level by ~25% and raise the HDL level by almost 30%"
About 5% of Long-term Niacin Users Evolve Into HDL Hyperresponders -
Doctor's Guide, 3/14/06 - "about 5% of patients on
long-term therapy become hyperresponders, increasing their HDL levels by 50%
or more ... Overall, these patients lost 4% of body weight while on niacin
Combination Treatment Shown for First Time to Cause Regression of
Atherosclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 11/16/05 -
"reversal of atherosclerosis - a primary cause of
stroke and heart attacks - can be achieved with a combination of Niaspan
(prolonged-release nicotinic acid) and a statin ... ARBITER 2 clearly showed
that statins alone are not enough to halt the progression of atherosclerosis
even when the LDL-C target is met. However, the addition of Niaspan 1000 mg
stopped the progression of atherosclerosis in 12 months ... a further 12
months of treatment with Niaspan and a statin actually achieves regression
of atherosclerosis"
Adding Niacin to Lovastatin Therapy Might Improve Efficacy for Dyslipidemia
- Doctor's Guide, 10/5/05 - "Niacin has been shown
to be one of the most effective drugs for improving levels of high-density
lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, or good cholesterol ... Combining the best
LDL lowering and best HDL raising drugs makes sense"
Can Niacin Slow the Development of Atherosclerosis - Medscape, 5/20/05 -
"Extended-release niacin slowed the development of
atherosclerosis in adults with coronary artery disease, independently from
statin therapy"
The Effects of Niacin on Lipoprotein Subclass Distribution - Medscape,
1/19/05 -
"the combination of niacin and a statin may be among
the best available treatment options for many patients with complex forms of
dyslipidemia ... Niacin effectively modifies all major lipids and
lipoproteins with respect to both their quantity and quality. It is the most
effective agent currently available for raising low levels of HDL
Two-Pronged Cholesterol Approach Works - HealthDay, 11/11/04 -
"Niacin is the most effective treatment to treat low
... Overall, combining niacin with a statin
slowed disease progression 68 percent more than a statin alone. The
combination treatment also resulted in a 60 percent reduction in heart
attacks, deaths, strokes, and other coronary events"
Niacin in Diet May Prevent Alzheimer's - WebMD, 7/14/04 -
"those who got the least niacin were 70% more likely
to develop Alzheimer's disease than those who got higher amounts ... Those
at the study's highest niacin level were getting 45 mg per day in diet and
Niacin Extended-Release/ Lovastatin Combination Effective in Patients with
Multiple Lipid Disorders - Doctor's Guide, 4/23/03 -
"Treatment by niacin ER/lovastatin
was found to be more effective than each of its components, showing improved
levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), high-density
lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and triglycerides (TG)" - Note:
Niacin usually increases HDL (the good cholesterol) much more than statins.
From my own experience and from taking to others, it seems like many
physician's may ignore low HDL.
Statins May Cut Alzheimer's Risk - HealthDay, 4/21/03 -
"extended-release niacin reduced brain cholesterol
levels by 10 percent" - Note:
Red yeast rice
is a non-prescription statin but you should still check with your
physician. See
red yeast rice at Amazon.com
- Raising HDL-C Levels
Slows CAD Progression and Reduces Mortality - Medscape, 4/3/04 -
"Results of two studies of
high-density lipoprotein
cholesterol (HDL-C)-targeted therapies indicate that attacking heart disease
by increasing HDL-C levels appears to slow progression of atherosclerosis
and reduce mortality ... Although the protective effect of HDL-C is well
known, "most researchers ignore this fact," said Henrietta Reicher-Reiss,
MD, from Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer, Israel. It is a costly
oversight since "about half of heart attack victims have normal [low-density
liprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels]," ... drugs designed to target HDL-C
have a number of adverse effects. Niacin, for example, causes flushing, and
fibrates are associated with gastrointestinal side effects. That side-effect
profile might be a factor against this approach. Statins, on the other hand,
tend to be very well tolerated"
Vitamin K and niacin good for complexion, experts say - HealthDay,
3/26/03 -
"Vitamin K was
found to be successful in treating dark circles under the eyes. It's also
been found effective for treating bruising on the face following
dermatologic procedures such as laser treatment for spider veins ... Niacin
shows promise as an over-the-counter ingredient in anti-aging products"
Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia: Vitamins Can Help Prevent - WebMD,
2/28/03 -
"High levels of a substance in the blood called
homocysteine tops the list of
potentially new risk factors for
heart disease,
stroke, and now
dementia. A new study suggests that high
homocysteine levels are linked with mental declines associated with
Alzheimer's disease in elderly people ... High homocysteine levels can be
treated very easily with vitamins, including folate, niacin, and
Statin-Niacin Combination Counters Dyslipidaemic Cardiovascular Risk -
Doctor's Guide, 12/20/02 -
statin-niacin is a safe, tolerated therapy
that lowers low density lipoprotein cholesterol and raises
high density lipoprotein cholesterol ... At
niacin doses of at least 1000 (mean 1480) mg/day added to a constant statin
regimen in 29 patients, high density lipoprotein cholesterol rose
significantly (by 20 percent)"
Niacin Appears Safe for Treating Patients Who Have Diabetes and High
Cholesterol - Doctor's Guide, 11/21/02
- Extended-Release
Niacin Safe, Effective in Type 2 Diabetes - Medscape, 7/26/02
Niacin May Be Effective Therapy For Broad Range Of Diabetes-Associated
Dyslipidaemias - Doctor's Guide, 7/25/02 -
niacin treatment, the patients' LDL peak
particle diameter increased from 252 +/- 7 Å to 263 +/- 7, the researchers
reported. Their small, dense LDLc particle mass decreased from 27 +/- 11
mg/dL to 15 +/- 4 mg/dL. Total
HDLc increased
from 39 +/- 7 mg/dL to 51 +/- 11 mg/dL. Their HDL2, as the percentage of
total HDLc mass, increased from 29 +/- 8 percent to 45 +/- 10 percent, and
their Lp(a) decreased from 43 +/- 17 mg/dL to 25 +/- 10 mg/dL ... Twenty-one
percent of the patients were unable to tolerate niacin because of reversible
adverse effects. Another 14 percent were unable to adhere to the niacin
dosing regimen of three times daily"
'Advent' Study Highlights Safety And Efficacy Of Niaspan (Niacin) In
Diabetic Patients - Doctor's Guide, 7/22/02
Niacin Helps Hearts - Nutrition Science News, 11/01
question regarding your new cholesterol-lowering supplement, Policosanol
- Life Extension Magazine, 11/01 -
"Studies show that niacin (B3) in doses of 1.5 grams
to 3 grams lower
triglycerides levels and raise
concentrations. Those who tolerated higher doses of niacin (nicotinic acid)
showed even more improvement in lipid levels. Some people taking just 1000
mg of
flush-free niacin see an
elevation in beneficial HDL. Green tea also has been shown to elevate levels
of HDL while lowering serum triglyceride levels. In the Journal of Molecular
Cell Biochemistry,
curcumin has been demonstrated, in vivo, to
decrease triglycerides and increase HDL. In a study published in 1989 by the
Journal of Associated Physicians-India, 125 patients receiving
showed a drop of 16.8% in triglycerides, and a 60% increase in HDL
cholesterol within three to four weeks. Make sure you are taking at least
Mega EPA fish oil capsules daily, as low
dose fish oil may not adequately suppress triglycerides. Finally, there are
some lifestyle changes you may wish to consider. If you are overweight,
weight loss would be recommended, as it would help to lower triglycerides
and raise HDL. Also, try reducing carbohydrates, which can raise
Laboratory Investigations of Erectile Dysfunction - WebMD -
"men with erectile dysfunction frequently have low
levels of high-density lipoproteins, the good form of cholesterol."
(niacin raises HDL)
- Antioxidant Supplements
Lessen Response To Cholesterol Drugs - Doctor's Guide, 8/10/01
- Baycol (Cerivastatin) Not
To Be Used In Combination With Gemfibrozil, Says Bayer - Doctor's Guide,
7/25/01 -
"Statins are known to cause a rare side effect of
muscle breakdown ... In a very small percentage of patients, there is a risk
of muscle breakdown resulting in kidney damage, which in rare instances can
lead to life-threatening kidney failure ... The risk of muscle breakdown is
greater in patients taking gemfibrozil as well as other fibric acid
derivatives (a group of cholesterol-lowering drugs), cyclosporine (an
immunosuppressant), erythromycin (an antibiotic), azole antifungals, or
lipid-lowering doses of niacin (nicotinic acid) together with statins
including cerivastatin."
- Niaspan (Niacin Extended
Release) Superior To Gemfibrozil in Raising "Good" Cholesterol -
Doctor's Guide, 5/15/00
Integrated Health Care: Applying Best Practices From Two Medical Models
- Nutrition Science News, 5/01 -
"Many alternative care practitioners utilize a
"non-flush" version of niacin, called
inositol hexaniacinate,
instead of regular niacin. This form of niacin does not have the flushing
side effect of regular niacin (which can force patients to discontinue use)
and is considered safer than niacin"
Parkinson's Defense - Nutrition Science News, 5/01
- Niacin Reduces
Triglycerides, Increases Good Cholesterol In Diabetics - Doctor's Guide,
3/20/01 -
"There had been concern that niacin use in diabetic
patients might increase blood sugar levels ... but we didn't see that in our
study ... Patients were randomised to receive placebo, 1,000 mg of niacin or
1,500 mg of prescription niacin ... Patients taking the active agent
increased high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol by 20 to 24 percent
compared with a 4 percent increase among the placebo patients. At the same
time, triglycerides were reduced 15 to 29 percent in the patients on niacin
compared with a 5 percent reduction among patients taking placebo"
- Nicostatin
(Niacin/Lovastatin) Reduces Cholesterol, Triglyceride Levels - Doctor's
Guide, 3/16/00
At the Counter with Dan Lukaczer, N.D., Niacin Good for Diabetics -
Nutrition Science News, 3/01
- Niaspan (Niacin Extended
Release Tablets) Safe And Effective For Diabetics - Doctor's Guide,
- Statin Plus Niacin Reduces
Heart Attack Risk, Reverses Arterial Build-up - Doctor's Guide, 11/13/00
Research Reveals Soy, Niacin, and Tea Offer Protection From Heart Attack and
Stroke - WebMD, 11/13/00
- Niacin Safe And Effective
For Cholesterol Lowering In Diabetics - Doctor's Guide, 9/14/00
Niacin Is Safe for Diabetics With High Cholesterol, Study Shows - WebMD,
- Niaspan (Niacin Extended
Release) Superior To Gemfibrozil in Raising "Good" Cholesterol -
Doctor's Guide, 11/15/00
- Nicostatin
(Niacin/Lovastatin) Reduces Cholesterol, Triglyceride Levels - Doctor's
Guide, 3/16/00
- Niaspan (Niacin
Extended-Release) Raises HDL Twice As Much as Gemfibrozil - Doctor's
Guide, 3/14/00
- Gemfibrozil-Niacin
Combination Greatly Increases Good Cholesterol - Doctor's Guide, 3/10/00
Niacin for Achy Joints - Nutrition Science News, 11/99 -
"niacinamide at 3 g/day reduced overall disease
severity by 29 percent, inflammation by 22 percent and use of
anti-inflammatory medication by 13 percent."
Sidestep Heart Disease - Nutrition Science News, 5/99
Administration Significantly Reduces Oxidative Stress in Patients with
Hypercholesterolemia and Low Levels of High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol
- Am J Med Sci. 2012 Sep 17 - "Oxidative stress has been
implicated in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disorders, including
atherosclerosis. In pharmacological doses, niacin (vitamin B3) was proven to
reduce total cholesterol, triglyceride, very-low-density lipoprotein, and
low-density lipoprotein levels, and to increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
levels ... Subjects with lower HDL-C levels exhibited higher oxidative stress
compared with subjects with normal HDL-C levels. Niacin treatment in
hypercholesterolemic patients caused a significant increase in HDL-C and
apolipoprotein A1 levels, and a decrease in triglyceride levels. Niacin also
significantly reduced oxidative stress ... These results indicate an additional
beneficial effect of niacin beyond its ability to affect the lipid profile"
Propionyl-L-carnitine, L-arginine and niacin in sexual medicine: a nutraceutical
approach for erectile dysfunction - Andrologia. 2011 Oct 4 -
"In a group of 54 unselected men (35-75 years), consecutively presenting to our
ED clinic and naive to other ED treatments, we carried out a single-blind,
one-arm study to evaluate the effects of a 3-month supplementation with
propionyl-L-carnitine, L-arginine and niacin on their sexual performance ...
Analyses on GAQs revealed that treatment improved erections in 40% of cases,
with a partial response occurring in up to 77% of enrolled subjects. These
preliminary findings indicate that the favourable cardiovascular effects of
nutraceuticals might also reflect on male sexual function with possible
implication in the treatment and prevention of ED. This study documents a
considerable patients' interest toward nutritional supplementation - as
first-line or adjunctive treatment to PDE5 inhibitors - that goes beyond the
measurable increment in penile rigidity" - See
propionyl-l-carnitine products at Amazon.com
niacin at Amazon.com
L-arginine products at Amazon.com .
Between High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol and Survival to Age 85 Years in Men
(from the VA Normative Aging Study) - Am J Cardiol. 2011 Feb 4 - "We
categorized initial HDL cholesterol into <40 mg/dl (reference group), 40 to 49
mg/dl, or ≥50 mg/dl ... Treating HDL cholesterol as a continuous predictor, we
also determined the HR for each 10-mg/dl increment in HDL cholesterol. Fully
adjusted HR (95% confidence interval) for survival to 85 years of age for
participants with an initial HDL cholesterol level ≥50 mg/dl compared to the
reference was 0.72 (0.53 to 0.98). Each 10-mg/dl increment in HDL cholesterol
was associated with a 14% (HR 0.86, 0.78 to 0.96) decrease in risk of mortality
before 85 years of age. In conclusion, after adjusting for other factors
associated with longevity, higher HDL cholesterol levels were significantly
associated with survival to 85 years of age" - See
niacin at Amazon.com
(niacin increases HDL).
results in reduced monocyte adhesion in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
- Atherosclerosis. 2010 Dec 25 - "Patients with type 2
diabetes have increased expression of cell adhesion molecules (CAMs). CAMs and
monocyte adhesion mediate essential processes in atherogenesis ... Niacin 1500mg
daily raised HDL-cholesterol from 0.8mmol/l (95% CI: 0.7-0.9) to 0.9mmol/l (95%
CI: 0.8-1.1), p=0.10, and significantly reduced PECAM-1 by 24.9% (95% CI:
10.9-39.0; p<0.05), increased adiponectin by 30.5% (95% CI: 14.1-47.0; p<0.05),
with monocyte adhesion reduced by 9.2% (95%CI: 0.7-17.7; p<0.05) in endothelial
cells treated in basal conditions, and 7.8% (95% CI: 3.1-12.5; p<0.05) after
TNF-α stimulation ... Monocytes isolated from patients on niacin had reduced
adhesion to endothelial cells. Our findings suggest niacin has broad range of
effects apart from lipid-modification, and these could be important in
cardiovascular risk reduction"
Combination of niacin extended-release and simvastatin results in a less
atherogenic lipid profile than atorvastatin monotherapy - Vasc Health Risk
Manag. 2010 Nov 24;6:1065-75 - "niacin extended-release
+ simvastatin (NER/S) ... NER/S treatment significantly improved apo A-I levels
and the apo B:A-I ratio, significantly lowered the number of atherogenic LDL
particles and VLDL and chylomicron particles, and increased the mean size of LDL
and VLDL particles, compared with atorvastatin"
between extended-release niacin treatment and glycemic control in patients with
type 2 diabetes mellitus: analysis of an administrative-claims database -
Metabolism. 2010 Dec 23 - "antihyperglycemic agents
(AHAs) ... extended-release niacin (ERN) compared with other lipid-modifying
therapy (LMT) ... In the ERN cohort, 82.1% of patients experienced no change in
AHA prescriptions between baseline and follow-up compared with 79.4% of patients
in the LMT cohort (P = .20); 13% of the ERN cohort and 16% of the LMT cohort (P
= .17) experienced a dose increase or the addition of another AHA; and 5% of
both cohorts were prescribed fewer AHAs or switched to a lower dose (P = .92).
Treatment with ERN (vs other types of LMT) did not significantly increase AHA
use, implying that T2DM status did not worsen in this cohort"
New evidence
for nicotinic acid treatment to reduce atherosclerosis - Expert Rev
Cardiovasc Ther. 2010 Oct;8(10):1457-1467 - "Emerging
evidence from clinical and basic research studies indicates that novel direct
antiatherosclerotic properties might mediate nicotinic acid-induced
cardiovascular protection. Despite some limitations in its clinical use (mainly
due to the incidence of adverse events, such as cutaneous flushing and
hepatotoxicity), nicotinic acid should be considered as a very potent
therapeutic approach to reduce atherosclerosis. Promising research developments
are warranted in the near future" - See
niacin at Amazon.com
High dietary
niacin intake is associated with decreased chromosome translocation frequency in
airline pilots - Br J Nutr. 2010 Oct 8:1-9 -
"Experimental studies suggest that B vitamins such as niacin, folate,
riboflavin, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 may protect against DNA damage induced by
ionising radiation (IR) ... We observed a significant inverse association
between translocation frequency and dietary intake of niacin (P = 0.02):
adjusted rate ratio for subjects in the highest tertile compared with the lowest
tertile was 0.58 (95 % CI 0.40, 0.83). Translocation frequency was not
associated with total niacin intake from food and supplements as well as dietary
or total intake of folate, riboflavin or vitamin B6 or B12. However, the
adjusted rate ratios were significant for subjects with ≥ median compared with <
median intake of whole grains (P = 0.03) and red and processed meat (P = 0.01):
0.69 (95 % CI 0.50, 0.96) and 1.56 (95 % CI 1.13, 2.16), respectively. Our data
suggest that a high intake of niacin from food or a diet high in whole grains
but low in red and processed meat may protect against cumulative DNA damage in
IR-exposed persons"
Airplane Radiation Exposure Protection - "During
a cross country flight from NY to LA you are subjected to more radiation
from the plane then you are during a chest X-ray" - Note:. Think
about it, if a pilot were to average two round trips per week (very
reasonable), that's 4 chest x-rays per week or 208 chest x-rays per year.
Extended-Release Niacin Lowers Serum Phosphorus Concentrations in Patients With
Metabolic Syndrome Dyslipidemia - Am J Kidney Dis. 2010 Sep 29 - Note: It
doesn't have the abstract, just the title but it's something I didn't know.
Most people get too much phosphorus.
Effect of niacin therapy
on cardiovascular outcomes in patients with coronary artery disease - J
Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2010 Jun;15(2):158-66 -
"Compared to placebo group, niacin therapy significantly reduced coronary artery
revascularization (RR [relative risk]: 0.307 with 95% CI: 0.150-0.628; P =
.001), nonfatal myocardial infarction ([MI]; RR: 0.719; 95% CI: 0.603-0.856; P =
.000), stroke, and TIA ([transient ischemic attack] RR: 0.759; 95%CI:
0.613-0.940; P = .012), as well as a possible but nonsignificant decrease in
cardiac mortality (RR: 0.883: 95% CI: 0.773-1.008; p= 0.066) ... In a
meta-analysis of seven trials of secondary prevention, niacin was associated
with a significant reduction in cardiovascular events and possible small but
non-significant decreases in coronary and cardiovascular mortality"
A "Hot"
Topic in Dyslipidemia Management--"How to Beat a Flush": Optimizing Niacin
Tolerability to Promote Long-term Treatment Adherence and Coronary Disease
Prevention - Mayo Clin Proc. 2010 Apr;85(4):365-79 -
"Approximately 5% to 20% of patients discontinued treatment because of flushing.
Flushing may be minimized by taking niacin with meals (or at bedtime with a
low-fat snack), avoiding exacerbating factors (alcohol or hot beverages), and
taking 325 mg of aspirin 30 minutes before niacin dosing. The current review
advocates an initially slow niacin dose escalation from 0.5 to 1.0 g/d during 8
weeks and then from 1.0 to 2.0 g in a single titration step (if tolerated).
Through effective counseling, treatment prophylaxis with aspirin, and careful
dose escalation, adherence to niacin treatment can be improved significantly"
Effect of
Niacin Therapy on Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients With Coronary Artery
Disease - J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2010 Mar 5 -
"Compared to placebo group, niacin therapy significantly reduced coronary artery
revascularization (RR [relative risk]: 0.307 with 95% CI: 0.150-0.628; P =
.001), nonfatal myocardial infarction ([MI]; RR: 0.719; 95% CI: 0.603-0.856; P =
.000), stroke, and TIA ([transient ischemic attack] RR: 0.759; 95%CI:
0.613-0.940; P = .012), as well as a possible but nonsignificant decrease in
cardiac mortality (RR: 0.883: 95% CI: 0.773-1.008; p= 0.066). CONCLUSIONS: In a
meta-analysis of seven trials of secondary prevention, niacin was associated
with a significant reduction in cardiovascular events and possible small but
non-significant decreases in coronary and cardiovascular mortality"
Endothelial-Vasoprotective Effects of High-Density Lipoprotein Are Impaired
in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus but Are Improved After
Extended-Release Niacin Therapy - Circulation. 2009 Dec 21 -
"Patients with diabetes were randomized to a 3-month
therapy with ER niacin (1500 mg/d) or placebo ... HDL from healthy subjects
stimulated endothelial nitric oxide production, reduced endothelial oxidant
stress, and improved endothelium-dependent vasodilation and early
endothelial progenitor cell-mediated endothelial repair. In contrast, these
beneficial endothelial effects of HDL were not observed in HDL from diabetic
patients, which suggests markedly impaired endothelial-protective properties
of HDL. ER niacin therapy improved the capacity of HDL to stimulate
endothelial nitric oxide, to reduce superoxide production, and to promote
endothelial progenitor cell-mediated endothelial repair. Further
measurements suggested increased lipid oxidation of HDL in diabetic
patients, and a reduction after ER niacin therapy ... HDL from patients with
type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome has substantially impaired
endothelial-protective effects compared with HDL from healthy subjects. ER
niacin therapy not only increases HDL plasma levels but markedly improves
endothelial-protective functions of HDL in these patients, which is
potentially more important" - See
niacin at Amazon.com
Extended-Release Niacin or Ezetimibe and Carotid Intima-Media Thickness
- N Engl J Med. 2009 Nov 15 - "This
comparative-effectiveness trial shows that the use of extended-release
niacin causes a significant regression of carotid intima-media thickness
when combined with a statin and that niacin is superior to ezetimibe"
and fibrate use among patients with high triglycerides and low high-density
lipoprotein cholesterol - Curr Med Res Opin. 2009 May 8 -
"among patients with 4 risk factors, <20% of
patients with low HDL/high TG received niacin and/or a fibrate post-index
date ... Our results indicate that in actual clinical practice, niacin and
fibrates are underutilized in the treatment of low HDL and high TG" -
niacin at Amazon.com
Leukocyte telomere length is associated with HDL cholesterol levels: The
Bogalusa heart study - Atherosclerosis. 2009 Jan 24 -
"Diminished levels of HDL-C are associated with an
increased risk for atherosclerosis. Shortened leukocyte telomere length
(LTL) also entails an increased atherosclerotic risk ... Multivariate
regression analyses showed that LTL was positively associated with HDL-C in
childhood (regression coefficient (bp per mg/dL) beta=3.1, p=0.024),
adulthood (beta=4.4, p=0.058) and AUC from childhood to adulthood ... A
slower rate of LTL shortening per year was associated with higher HDL-C AUC
in the total sample (p=0.033), adjusting for baseline LTL ... As HDL-C
exerts anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and LTL registers the
accruing burden of oxidative stress and inflammation, the association
between HDL-C and LTL might be explained by the lifelong status of oxidative
stress and inflammation" - Note: Telomere length is associated with
longer lifespan. Niacin increases HDL. See
niacin at Amazon.com
comparison of the pharmacokinetics of two different formulations of
extended-release niacin - Curr Med Res Opin. 2009 Jan;25(1):15-22
Comparison of the Safety and Efficacy of a Combination Tablet of Niacin
Extended Release and Simvastatin vs Simvastatin Monotherapy in Patients With
Increased Non-HDL Cholesterol (from the SEACOAST I Study) - Am J
Cardiol. 2008 May 15;101(10):1428-36 - "The efficacy
and safety of 2 regimens of a combination of a proprietary niacin extended
release plus simvastatin (NER/S; 1,000/20 and 2,000/20 mg/day) were compared
with simvastatin monotherapy (20 mg/day) for 24 weeks ... The safety of
NER/S was consistent with the safety profile of each individual component.
In conclusion, this study showed that NER/S provided additional clinically
relevant improvements in multiple lipid parameters and was safe and well
Effects of niacin on glucose control in patients with dyslipidemia -
Mayo Clin Proc. 2008 Apr;83(4):470-8 - "the effects
of niacin (</=2.5 g/d), alone or in combination with statins, on fasting
glucose (an increase of 4%-5%) and hemoglobin A1c levels (an increase of
</=0.3%) are modest, transient or reversible, and typically amenable to
adjustments in oral hypoglycemic regimens without discontinuing niacin.
Niacin therapy was infrequently associated with incident diabetes or the
need for new insulin prescriptions. Studies showed important clinical
benefits of niacin or niacin-statin regimens despite modest effects on
glucose control. On a population basis, significant reductions in incidences
of cardiovascular events and the degree of atherosclerotic progression
associated with long-term niacin (or niacin-statin) therapy in patients with
diabetic dyslipidemia outweigh the typically mild effects of this therapy on
glycemic regulation"
The flavonoid luteolin inhibits niacin-induced flush - Br J Pharmacol.
2008 Jan 28 - "Sustained release niacin effectively
lowers serum cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides, while raising HDL. However,
75% of patients experience cutaneous warmth and itching known as flush,
leading to discontinuation. Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) reduces this
flush only by about 30% ... Quercetin and luteolin (4.3 mg per rat; 1000 mg
per human), administered i.p. 45 min prior to niacin, inhibited the niacin
effect by 96 and 88%, respectively. Aspirin (1.22 mg per rat; 325 mg per
human) inhibited the niacin effect by only 30%. Niacin almost doubled plasma
PGD(2) and 5-HT, but aspirin reduced only PGD(2) by 86%. In contrast,
luteolin inhibited both plasma PGD(2) and 5-HT levels by 100 and 67%,
respectively" - See
quercetin at Amazon.com
Increased total and high-molecular weight adiponectin after extended-release
niacin - Metabolism. 2008 Mar;57(3):404-9 - "at
least part of the cardioprotective benefits of niacin may be attributed to a
shift in the HMW/LMW adiponectin ratio in
obese men with the metabolic syndrome"
Preferential increase in high-molecular weight adiponectin after niacin
- Atherosclerosis. 2007 Nov 7 - "treatment with
niacin raises adiponectin between 52% and 95% in patients with the metabolic
Adiponectin definition - medterms.com -
"High blood levels of adiponectin are associated with a reduced risk of
heart attack. Low levels of adiponectin are found in people who are
obese (and who are at increased risk of a heart attack)."
The effects of extended-release niacin on carotid intimal media thickness,
endothelial function and inflammatory markers in patients with the metabolic
syndrome - Int J Clin Pract. 2007 Nov;61(11):1942-8 - "After
52 weeks of treatment, there was a change of carotid IMT of +0.009 +/- 0.003
mm in the placebo group and -0.005 +/- 0.002 mm in the niacin group (p =
0.021 between groups). Endothelial function improved by 22% in the group
treated with niacin (p < 0.001), whereas no significant changes were seen in
the placebo group. High sensitivity C-reactive protein decreased by 20% in
the group treated with niacin for 52 weeks (p = 0.013). Niacin increased
HDL-C (p < 0.001) and decreased low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and
triglycerides (p < 0.001) significantly, and there were no adverse effects
on fasting glucose levels after 52 weeks of treatment" - See
niacin at Amazon.com
niacin at Amazon.com .
Safety considerations with niacin therapy - Am J Cardiol. 2007 Mar
19;99(6A):S22-31 - "Overall, the perception of
niacin side effects is often greater than the reality. As a result, a
valuable medication for cardiovascular risk is underused"
Aspirin reduces cutaneous flushing after administration of an optimized
extended-release niacin formulation - Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2007
Feb;45(2):78-88 - "Aspirin significantly reduced the
incidence, intensity and duration of flushing associated with reformulated
niacin ER"
Effects of extended-release niacin on lipoprotein particle size,
distribution, and inflammatory markers in patients with coronary artery
disease - Am J Cardiol. 2006 Sep 15;98(6):743-5 -
"Addition of niacin resulted in a 32% increase
in large-particle HDL (p <0.001), an 8% decrease in small-particle HDL
(p = 0.0032), an 82% increase in large-particle LDL (p = 0.09), and a
12% decrease in small-particle LDL (p = 0.008)"
Benefits of Niacin in Patients With Versus Without the Metabolic Syndrome
and Healed Myocardial Infarction (from the Coronary Drug Project) - Am J
Cardiol. 2006 Feb 15;97(4):477-9 - "Niacin decreased
the occurrence of 6-year MI and 15-year total mortality similarly among
patients with or without the MS. For example, in the total population,
15-year total mortality rates were 60% and 64% (hazard ratio 0.86) in
patients with the MS treated with niacin and placebo, respectively, and 50%
and 57% (hazard ratio 0.86) in those without the MS ... these results
support the use of niacin in postinfarction patients with and without the
Effect of niacin on lipid and lipoprotein levels and glycemic control in
patients with diabetes and peripheral arterial disease: the ADMIT study: A
randomized trial. Arterial Disease Multiple Intervention Trial - JAMA.
2000 Sep 13;284(10):1263-70 -
"After an active run-in period, participants were
randomly assigned to receive niacin (crystalline nicotinic acid), 3000 mg/d
or maximum tolerated dosage (n = 64 with diabetes; n = 173 without
diabetes), or placebo ... Niacin use significantly increased HDL-C by 29%
and 29% and decreased triglycerides by 23% and 28% and low-density
lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) by 8% and 9% ... Glucose levels were
modestly increased by niacin (8.7 and 6.3 mg/dL [0.4 and 0.3 mmol/L]; P =.04
and P<.001) in participants with and without diabetes, respectively ... Our
study suggests that lipid-modifying dosages of niacin can be safely used in
patients with diabetes"
New Perspectives on the Use of Niacin in the Treatment of Lipid Disorders
- Arch Intern Med, 4/12/04
A randomized trial of the effects of atorvastatin and niacin in patients
with combined hyperlipidemia or isolated hypertriglyceridemia - Am J
Med. 1998 Feb;104(2):137-43
Prolonged treatment with slow release nicotinic acid in patients with type
II hyperlipidemia - Pol Arch Med Wewn. 1997 Nov;98(11):391-9
Dose-response characteristics of cholesterol-lowering drug therapies:
implications for treatment - Ann Intern Med. 1996 Dec
The effect of long-term Enduracin monotherapy on the clinical and
biochemical status of patients with ischemic heart disease - Ter Arkh.
A comparison of the efficacy and toxic effects of sustained- vs
immediate-release niacin in hypercholesterolemic patients - JAMA. 1994
Mar 2;271(9):672-7 -
"None of the patients taking IR niacin developed
hepatotoxic effects, while 12 (52%) of the 23 patients taking SR niacin did.
CONCLUSION--The SR form of niacin is hepatotoxic and should be restricted
from use. The IR niacin is preferred for the management of
hypercholesterolemia but can also cause significant adverse effects and
should be given only to patients who can be carefully monitored by
experienced health professionals."
- Fifteen year
mortality in Coronary Drug Project patients: long-term benefit with niacin
- J Am Coll Cardiol. 1986 Dec;8(6):1245-55 -
"Mortality in the niacin group was 11% lower than in the placebo group"