Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending
11/14/12. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any
Time to break the beta blocker habit? - Science Daily, 11/12/12 -
"Studies show that older
beta blockers can increase
a patient's risk of diabetes by more than 25 percent ... The newer classes of
beta blockers seem to reduce those risks" - Note: I've done a lot
of reading over the years and this is the first time I've see where there's a
difference between beta-blockers as far as the increased risk of diabetes.
It would have been helpful if the listed the new and old beta blockers they
refer to.
Fasting May Not Be Needed Before Cholesterol Test - WebMD, 11/12/12 -
"results for more than 200,000 people ... When
researchers broke down the results by fasting time, they found little change.
Overall, total cholesterol and HDL "good" cholesterol varied by less than 2%,
depending on when a person had last eaten ... LDL "bad" cholesterol was less
than 10% different in people who'd recently eaten compared to those who had been
fasting for at least eight hours ... Triglycerides, or blood fats, were the most
sensitive to food. They varied by no more than 20% between people who had fasted
and those who had not" - Note: I’ve been vindicated. I’m one of
those who always ignored fasting. I remember in the navy driving through
McDonald’s for an Egg McMuffin on the way to my annual flight physical.
soft drink consumption bubbles up knee osteoarthritis; especially in men -
Science Daily, 11/11/12 - "men who consumed more
soft drinks per week had worse knee
OA progression. The joint space became
narrower by an average of 0.29 millimeters in men who drank no soft drinks to
0.59 millimeters in men who drank more than five soft drinks a week.
Interestingly, men with lower BMI, less than 27.5 kg/m2, showed more knee OA
progression with increased soft-drink consumption than men who had higher BMI
scores. By contrast, only women in the lowest BMI segment of the study, less
than 27.3kg/m2, showed an association between more soft-drink consumption and
knee OA progression"
research: Limiting carbs to dinner-time increases satiety, reduces risk for
diabetes and cardiovascular disease - Science Daily, 11/11/12 -
"randomly assigned 78 police officers to either the
experimental diet (carbohydrates at
dinner) or a control weight loss diet
(carbohydrates throughout the day). 63 subjects finished the six-month program
... researchers examined the experimental diet's effect on the secretion of
three hormones: leptin, considered to be the
satiety hormone, whose level in the blood is usually low during the day and high
during the night; ghrelin, considered the hunger
hormone, whose level in the blood is usually high during the day and low during
the night; and adiponectin, considered the link between obesity, insulin
resistance and the metabolic syndrome, whose curve is low and flat in obese
people ... the innovative dietary manipulation led to changes in daylight
hormonal profiles in favor of the dieters: the satiety hormone leptin's
secretion curve became convex during daylight hours with a nadir in the late
day; the hunger hormone ghrelin's secretion curve became concave, peaking only
in the evening hours; and the curve of
adiponectin, considered the link between obesity, insulin resistance and the
metabolic syndrome, was elevated. At the same time this dietary pattern led to
lower hunger scores, and better anthropometric (weight, abdominal circumference
and body fat), biochemical (blood sugar, blood lipids) and inflammatory outcomes
compared to the control group"
in grapes, red wine could be key to fighting prostate cancer - Science
Daily, 11/9/12 - "Prostate tumor cells contain very low
levels of two proteins, perforin and granzyme B, which can function together to
kill cells. However, both proteins need to be highly "expressed" to kill tumor
cells. In his study, when Nicholl introduced resveratrol into the prostate tumor
cells, the activity of the two proteins increased greatly. Following radiation
treatment, Nicholl found that up to 97 percent of the tumor cells died, which is
a much higher percentage than treatment with radiation alone" - See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com .
seed extract bollixes norovirus - Science Daily, 11/8/12 -
"Norovirus causes more than half of all food-born
illnesses in the United States ... A recent study found that
grape seed extract
could reduce the infectivity of Norovirus surrogates (Norovirus surrogates are
viruses that share pathological and/or biological features with human norovirus)
... grape seed extract does so by denaturing the capsid protein, which is the
coat of the virus, thereby disabling the virus" - See Jarrow Formulas, OPCs + 95 at Amazon.com .
Antioxidants may ease peripheral arterial disease (PAD) blood pressure increase,
study suggests - Science Daily, 11/8/12 - "Low
antioxidant levels contribute to increased blood pressure during exercise for
people with peripheral arterial disease ...
Antioxidants prevent the reactive oxygen
species from damaging cells ... "This indicates that during normal, everyday
activities such as walking, an impaired antioxidant system -- as well as other
factors -- plays a role in the increased blood pressure response to exercise,"
Muller said. "Therefore, supplementing the diet with antioxidants may help these
patients, but more studies are needed to confirm this concept."" - See
Garden of Life, Radical Fruits Antioxidant Complex at Amazon.com .
D could hold vital key to arresting development of Alzheimer’s disease -
Science Daily, 11/8/12 - "Alzheimer's
patients who were not using medication had very poor stores of
vitamin D2 -- the type originating from food
such as oily fish, rather than that obtained from exposure to the sun. "The
vitamin was either non-existent or in such low quantities that it could barely
be measured," he explained. "In comparison, people in the study who were either
being treated with drugs to control their Alzheimer's or who didn't have the
condition at all showed far higher levels."" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
More Evidence
Cannabis Use Linked to Schizophrenia - Medscape, 11/8/12 -
"Cannabis use causes a
temporary cognitive breakdown in nonpsychotic individuals, leading to long-term
psychosis ... patients with no history of
cannabis use had more normal activation patterns during rest, which is actually
a good thing in that this mode has been shown to be important for learning in
healthy individuals"
Significant relationship between mortality and telomere length discovered -
Science Daily, 11/8/12 - "In their prospective study of
100,000 multi-ethnic individuals whose average age was 63 years, the researchers
determined that an association between telomere
length and mortality existed and persisted even after the data were adjusted
for such demographic and behavioral factors as education, smoking and alcohol
consumption ... he and the other scientists expected to and did find that
telomere length was inversely correlated with age, and women had longer
telomeres than men except as young adults. All analyses controlled for age and
gender ... telomere length was positively correlated with such factors as level
of education and body mass index (BMI), and negatively correlated with cigarette
smoking and alcohol consumption. However, telomere length was not associated
with major depression or stress-related disorders, although other studies have
reported an association between telomere length and depression and stressful
Feel-good hormone helps jog memory, finds study of seniors - Science Daily,
11/8/12 - "Half of the test participants had first taken
a placebo and the remainder had taken Levodopa. This substance, also known as
L-DOPA, is able to reach the brain from the
bloodstream, and there it is converted into dopamine
... after six hours memory performance changed.
Test subjects with Levodopa recognized up to 20 per cent more photos than the
members of the comparison group. The ratio between the amount of Levodopa taken
and the body weight of the test subjects proved to be decisive for an optimal
dose" - Yeah but I think if I remember correctly, you buildup a tolerance
to Levodopa and it no longer works.
IAS sells it.
Vitamin D as an
Adjunct Therapy for Patients With T2DM: Abstract and Introduction -
Medscape, 11/8/12 - "In summary, the present
interventional study performed in an Arab population suggests that daily 2000 IU
vitamin D3 supplementation in a vitamin D
deficient T2DM population is associated with
measurable cardioprotective indices. Supplementation to achieve higher levels of
vitamin D remains a promising adjuvant therapy for T2DM patients" - See
Figure 1 in
that article. See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
high carbohydrate diet associated with recurrence of colon cancer - Science
Daily, 11/7/12 - "Recent studies have shown that
colorectal cancer survivors whose diet and
activity patterns lead to excess amounts of
insulin in the blood have a higher risk of cancer recurrence and death from
the disease. High insulin levels can be produced by eating too many starchy and
sugar-laden foods ... They found that participants with the highest dietary
levels of glycemic load and carbohydrate intake
had an 80 percent increased risk of colon cancer recurrence or death compared
with those who had the lowest levels ... we theorize that factors including a
high glycemic load may stimulate the body's production of insulin"
Metformin offers cardio benefits over Sulfonylureas in diabetes, study suggests
- Science Daily, 11/7/12 - "We demonstrated that for
every 1,000 patients who are using metformin
for a year there are two fewer heart attacks, strokes or deaths compared with
patients who use sulfonylureas. I think this reinforces the recommendation that
metformin should be used as the first medication to treat diabetes" - See
metformin at The Antiaging Store.
Lack of
vitamin D contributes to pain in black Americans with knee osteoarthritis -
Science Daily, 11/7/12 - "vitamin
D deficiency may be one of many factors that account for increased
pain in older black Americans with knee
osteoarthritis (OA) ... During the last decade medical evidence has uncovered
the importance of vitamin D, not only as a vitamin that aids in calcium
absorption, but as a powerful hormone with numerous functions throughout the
body. In fact, studies have found that a decreased vitamin D level reduces
immunity and may contribute to diseases such as cancer and diabetes ... not
everyone is aware of what factors decrease vitamin D and how low levels could
contribute to health issues, including chronic pain" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Metabolic Diseases
and Pro- and Prebiotics - Medscape, 11/7/12 -
"Recent findings that support the idea of the involvement of intestinal bacteria
in the development of obesity and diabetes include: 1) the resistance to
high-fat diet-induced obesity in germ-free mice,[64] 2) antibiotic-induced
reduction of plasma LPS levels in obese mice fed a high-fat diet,[65] and 3)
delayed onset and development of type 1 diabetes by use of antibiotics in a
diabetes-prone rat model ... The control of intestinal microbial composition by
use of probiotics and prebiotics is likely to
impact the development of metabolic diseases
through modulation of immune responses/inflammation and metabolism.
Supplementation of probiotics and prebiotics may delay and/or reverse the
progression of metabolic diseases" - See
probiotic products at Amazon.com .
New Arthritis Drug Xeljanz Gets FDA Approval - WebMD, 11/6/12 -
"In clinical trials, patients taking Xeljanz had better
physical functioning than patients taking an inactive placebo pill. But because
it inhibits immune responses, Xeljanz adds to a person's risk of serious
infections, cancers, and lymphoma. The drug will carry a "black box" warning
about these risks ... People taking Xeljanz also had higher cholesterol levels,
lower blood counts, and increased liver enzyme levels ... More common side
effects associated with Xeljanz are upper respiratory tract infections,
headache, diarrhea, and inflammation of the nasal passage and the upper part of
the throat"
Impressive Antihypertensive
Effect With Flaxseed - Medscape, 11/6/12 - "Adding
flaxseed to the diets of patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD)
resulted in large drops in blood pressure (BP) of around 10 mm Hg systolic and 7
mm Hg diastolic after six months ... Such reductions would be expected to result
in around a 50% fall in the incidence of stroke and a 30% reduction in MI ...
They randomized 110 patients with PAD and an ankle-brachial index (ABI) <0.9 to
milled flaxseed (30 g/day) in the form of bagels, muffins, and buns (n=58) or
placebo products (n=52), made from wheat with a similar flavor, for one year"
- See flax seed at Amazon.com .
Abstracts from this week's
Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics
plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here
for the journals, the PubMed ones at the top):
A Randomized
Double-Blinded Placebo-Controlled Trial on the Effect of Dehydroepiandrosterone
for 16 Weeks on Ovarian Response Markers in Women with Primary Ovarian
Insufficiency - J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2012 Nov 8 -
"Preliminary reports have shown encouraging effects of
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in women with poor
ovarian reserve undergoing assisted reproduction and primary ovarian
insufficiency (POI), although data from randomized controlled trials are limited
... Eligible subjects were randomized into the DHEA group (n = 10), who received
DHEA (LiveWell, 25 mg three times a day), or the placebo group (n = 12), who
received placebo for 16 wk according to a computer-generated randomization list
... No significant change in serum AMH and FSH levels had been detected
throughout the study. AFC and ovarian volume were significantly higher at wk 12
and 20, respectively, in the DHEA group. Significantly more women having at
least one follicle of 10 mm or greater at wk 12, 16, and 20 were found in the
DHEA group. Serum testosterone and DHEA sulfate levels along with higher
estradiol levels were significantly higher in the DHEA group" - See
DHEA at Amazon.com .
of menaquinone-4 and menaquinone-7 bioavailability in healthy women - Nutr
J. 2012 Nov 12;11(1):93 - "Consecutive administration of
MK-4 (60 mug; 135 nmol) or MK-7 (60 mug; 92 nmol) for 7 days demonstrated that
MK-4 supplementation did not increase serum MK-4 levels. However, consecutive
administration of MK-7 increased serum MK-7 levels significantly in all subjects
... We conclude that MK-4 present in food does not contribute to the
vitamin K status as measured by serum vitamin K
levels. MK-7, however significantly increases serum MK-7 levels and therefore
may be of particular importance for extrahepatic tissues" - See
vitamin K at Amazon.com .
Metformin or Sulfonylurea Exposure and Cancer Occurrence among Patients with
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus - Diabetes Obes Metab. 2012 Nov 8 -
"The age standardized incidences of cancer were 7.5 and
8.5 per 1000 person-years for the metformin
and sulfonylurea exposure groups, respectively ... This study provides evidence
that cancer incidence in the first few years after starting metformin or
sulfonylurea therapy in type 2 diabetes patients is not much affected by choice
of hypoglycemic drug class" - Note: It doesn't seem like they can
justify that conclusion. 1 / 7.5 = 13.3% reduced risk with metformin over
sulfonylurea therapy.
Statin use
and reduced cancer-related mortality - N Engl J Med. 2012 Nov 8 -
"Multivariable-adjusted hazard ratios for statin users,
as compared with patients who had never used statins,
were 0.85 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.83 to 0.87) for death from any cause
and 0.85 (95% CI, 0.82 to 0.87) for death from cancer"
Prevention and Immuno-Enhancement Mediated by Daily Consumption of a Proprietary
Extract from North American Ginseng by Elderly Mice of a Cancer-Prone Strain
- Phytother Res. 2012 Nov 7 - "We have previously shown
in a
leukemia-induced tumor model (mouse) that a
proprietary extract (CVT-E002), of North American
ginseng, administered in the diet, significantly
increased the absolute numbers of NK cells, significantly decreased leukemia
cells and significantly increased the life span of CVT-E002-fed leukemic mice.
In the present study, we assessed the efficacy of this extract to inhibit the
spontaneous development of tumors in elderly mice of the cancer-prone C3H
strain. Dietary CVT-E002 was fed for approximately a year beginning when mice
were almost 2 years of age. Control mice, consuming the same chow without
CVT-E002, all developed assorted, palpable tumors between 22 and 33 months,
while all mice consuming CVT-E002 remained alive and tumor-free until they were
purposely euthanized as healthy animals. The absolute numbers of NK cells at
euthanasia, in CVT-E002-consuming mice, were significantly elevated in both the
spleen and bone marrow. Given these profoundly positive results and the fact
that CVT-E002 already exists in the marketplace under the label Cold-fX®, the
potential for cancer prevention in humans becomes apparent" - See
Cold FX, 300mg 168 Capsules
and ginseng at Amazon.com .
Effect of
green tea (camellia sinensis) consumption on the components of metabolic
syndrome in elderly - J Nutr Health Aging. 2012;16(9):738-42 -
"The consumption of green
tea was effective in inducing
weight loss, reducing BMI and
waist circumference in the elderly with
MS" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com .
protective effect of calcium on bone mass in postmenopausal women with high
selenium intake - J Nutr Health Aging. 2012;16(9):743-8 -
"Elevated selenium
intake negatively affects
bone mass
measurements in postmenopausal women over the age of 51 but only if calcium
intake is also less than 800 mg / day. When calcium intake is greater than 800
mg/day, selenium did not appear to affect bone mass"
Tea drinking
and cognitive function in oldest-old Chinese - J Nutr Health Aging.
2012;16(9):754-8 - "Regular
tea drinking is associated with better cognitive
function in oldest-old Chinese"
protein and beef consumption predict for markers of muscle mass and nutrition
status in older adults - J Nutr Health Aging. 2012;16(9):784-90 -
"Beef intake was positively
associated with mid-arm muscle area, and protein intake was positively
associated with nutrition status, calf circumference, and BMI in older adults.
Consuming lean cuts of beef in moderation may be a healthy way in which
older adults can increase protein intake, preserve muscle mass and improve
nutrition status"
effects of low calcium intake and low calcium absorption vitamin D receptor
genotype in the California Collaborative Prostate Cancer Study - Cancer
Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2012 Nov 5 - "High
calcium intake is consistently associated with
increased prostate cancer risk in epidemiologic
studies ... Among both Blacks and Whites, we observed a threshold for calcium
intake (604 mg/day) below which prostate cancer risk declined sharply ... Our
findings support the hypothesis that genetic determinants of calcium absorption
influence prostate cancer risk and may contribute to racial disparities in
prostate cancer incidence and mortality rates"
Neat Tech Stuff / "How To's":
LaCie PetiteKey USB flash drive: slim and discreet, for files of the private
variety - engadget.com, 11/8/12 - See
iamKey products at Amazon.com.
Samsung Chromebook review (2012) - Engadget, 11/7/12 -
"Whenever we review Chromebooks, we always come to
more or less the same conclusion: it's a neat idea, a computer where
everything is done online, but it's not worth the money. That was back when
Chrome OS devices were priced at $500, competing with netbooks that could
run not just the Chrome browser, but all manner of Windows apps ... You
simply won't find a netbook this nice for that little money [$249]"
Health Focus (Ginseng):
Specific Recommendations:
News & Research:
Ginseng May Banish Cancer Fatigue, New Study Finds - ABC News, 6/4/12 -
"Researchers gave 2,000 milligrams of pure ground
American ginseng or a placebo pill to 340 patients being treated for cancer
and cancer survivors who had finished their treatment. After four weeks,
patients reported little change in their cancer-related fatigue. But after
eight weeks, the patients taking ginseng reported feeling generally more
energized than their sugar pill-popping peers. The response was particularly
strong among patients who were currently undergoing cancer treatment ...
Some studies have shown that ginseng decreases inflammation and the stress
hormone cortisol, both of which may be contributing factors to
cancer-related fatigue ... Extracts of ginseng that are alcohol based change
a characteristic of the ginseng to be somewhat estrogenic ... Stay with very
reputable companies"
Natural aphrodisiacs: 'Spicing' up your love life possible, finds study of
ginseng and saffron - Science Daily, 3/28/11 -
"Ours is the most thorough scientific review to date. Nothing has been done
on this level of detail before now ... They found that panax ginseng,
saffron and yohimbine, a natural chemical from yohimbe trees in West Africa,
improved human sexual function ... People report increased sexual desire
after eating muira puama"
Best Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction? - Dr. Weil, 11/30/09 -
"Ginkgo ... Ashwaganda ... Asian ginseng
Ginseng: Nature's Anti-inflammatory? - Science Daily, 5/13/09 -
"The anti-inflammatory role of ginseng may be due to
the combined effects of these ginsenosides, targeting different levels of
immunological activity, and so contributing to the diverse actions of
ginseng in humans"
Ginseng May Help Treat Schizophrenia - WebMD, 5/8/08 -
"In a small study, patients had fewer negative
symptoms -- such as lack of motivation and a severe reduction in emotional
expression known as "flat affect" -- when they took Panax ginseng than when
they took a placebo ... patients were 50% less likely to have flat affect
when taking the higher, 200-milligram dose of ginseng than when taking
Ginseng May Relieve Cancer Fatigue - WebMD, 6/4/07
Shows Potential To Reduce Cancer-related Fatigue - Science Daily, 6/3/07
- "Of the four treatment arms, patients receiving
the placebo and the lowest dose of ginseng reported very little improvement
in fatigue or other areas of physical or psychological well-being. The
patients receiving the larger doses showed improvements in overall energy
levels, reporting higher vitality levels and less interference with activity
from fatigue. They also reported an improvement in overall mental, physical,
spiritual and emotional well-being"
Ginseng, Ginko Biloba Do Not Interfere With Drug Absorption If Taken At
Recommended Doses - Science Daily, 5/1/07 -
"found daily use of ginseng or ginkgo biloba
supplements at the recommended doses, or the combination of both
supplements, are unlikely to alter the pharmacokinetics - by which drugs are
absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and eliminated by the body - of the
majority of prescription or over-the counter drugs"
Ginseng linked to improved breast cancer outcomes - Nutra USA, 8/17/06
Product Review of Ginseng Supplements - ConsumerLab.com, 5/12/06
Researchers Find Ginseng May Improve Breast Cancer Outcomes - Science
Daily, 3/16/06 - "They also found significant
improvements in both survival and quality of life measures in patients who
used ginseng"
Cortisol, Stress, and Health
- Life Extension Magazine, 12/05 -
"Supplements to reduce high
cortisol levels secondary to stress ...
Vitamin C: 1000-3000 mg/day ... Fish oil (omega-3
fatty acids):1-4 gm/day ... Phosphatidylserine:
300-800 mg/day ... Rhodiola rosea:
100-200 mg/day, standardized extract ... Ginseng: 100-300 mg/day,
standardized extract ... Ginkgo biloba:
100-200 mg/day, standardized extract ... DHEA:
25-50 mg/day (any hormone supplementation should be monitored by your
Ginseng May
Reduce Number and Severity of Colds - New York Times, 11/1/05
Ginseng for Gesundheit? Latest Study on Colds - WebMD, 10/24/05 -
"one in 10 people in the ginseng group reported
having two or more colds that winter, compared with about 23% of those
taking the placebo ... Colds lasted about 11 days for the ginseng group and
16.5 days for the placebo group"
MIT Team Explains Yin-yang Of Ginseng; Work Emphasizes Need For Stronger
Regulations Of Herbal Drugs - Science Daily, 9/1/04
- Ginseng a
No-No for Patients on Coumadin - WebMD, 7/6/04
Herbal Supplement Ginseng Reduces Effects Of Warfarin
- Doctor's Guide, 7/6/04
Natural Sex Boosters Gaining Ground - WebMD, 5/5/04
- Early Pregnancy
Risk With Ginseng - WebMD, 9/24/03
- Ginseng review
- ConsumerLab.com, 8/29/03 -
"A high amount of the pesticide hexachlorobenzene —
a potential human carcinogen — was found in one of five products labeled as
containing "Korean Ginseng." Levels of two other pesticides, quintozene and
lindane — were also above acceptable levels. Another product that failed the
new testing was a liquid "Chinese Ginseng" sold in single-dose bottles.
Despite being labeled "EXTRA STRENGTH" this product contained less than 10%
of the expected ginsenosides"
Ginseng May Improve Glucose Control - Doctor's Guide, 6/18/03
- Ginseng May
Help Treat Diabetes - WebMD, 6/16/03 -
"There are two reasons blood sugar can be out of
control in [people with
diabetes] ... Your body's tissues are not responsive enough to insulin
so they don't process it properly and/or you don't make enough insulin to
begin with ... Ginseng, he said, appears to help the patients both to
secrete more insulin and to process better the insulin they have" -
ginseng at Amazon.com
American ginseng products.
- Korean Red Ginseng
Benefits Men with Impotence - New Hope Natural Media, 1/2/03 -
"Men experiencing sexual difficulties due
to inability to achieve erection may be helped by Korean red ginseng (Panax
ginseng), according to a study published in the Journal of Urology ... It is
a problem that affects nearly half of men over age forty worldwide ... Some
60% of participants reported improved erections while receiving ginseng.
Improved sexual desire was also reported during ginseng treatment.
Testosterone levels did not change with treatment, leading the
researchers to conclude that improvements observed with ginseng are not due
to hormonal effects" - See
ginseng at Amazon.com
Ginseng May Help Regulate Blood Glucose - Natural Foods Merchandiser,
8/02 - "Three new studies, performed jointly by
researchers at the University of Toronto, St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto
and the University of Ottawa, show that American ginseng can lower
blood-sugar levels in diabetic and
nondiabetic patients" - See
ginseng at Amazon.com
Ginseng's New Powers - HealthScout, 5/24/02
- Ginseng Berry
Shows Promise for Diabetes - WebMD, 5/24/02
Ginseng: Fewer Adverse Events if Used Alone - Clinical Psychiatry News,
Ginseng Helps Regulate Blood Glucose - Nutrition Science News, Spring
'02 - "Three new studies, performed jointly by
researchers at the University of Toronto, St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto,
and the University of Ottawa, show that American ginseng can lower
blood-sugar levels in
diabetic and nondiabetic patients ... They found no significant
differences between the three doses—each lowered postprandial glucose levels
an average of 11.4 percent"
- Some Herbs Boost
Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 3/26/02 - "Our
studies show that dong quai and ginseng stimulate the growth of [breast
cancer] cells"
Notoginseng Cuts Bleeding Time in Half - Nutrition Science News, 12/01
Bright Future For Chinese Mountain Herb - Natural Foods Merchandiser,
Ginseng Lowers Blood Glucose - Nutrition Science News, 7/01
- Not All Ginseng
Supplements Are Alike - WebMD, 6/26/01 - "a new
analysis of 25 commercial ginseng products suggests that the actual
concentration of ginseng is lower than the label says about half the time
and in six products the concentration was only 1%"
Study: Supplement Can Help Take the 'Dys' Out of Female Sexual Dysfunction,
Researchers Promote Idea of 'Sexual Wellness' - WebMD, 6/5/01 -
"ArginMax -- a
dietary cocktail consisting of ginseng, ginkgo, B vitamins, calcium, folic
acid, and other vitamins and minerals -- is being heralded as one component
of a lifestyle that improves sexual performance and helps prevent problems
associated with intimacy"
Effects of
Sun Ginseng on Memory Enhancement and Hippocampal Neurogenesis - Phytother
Res. 2012 Oct 29 - "Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer has been
used in traditional herb prescriptions for thousands of years. A heat-processing
method has been used to increase the efficacy of ginseng, yielding what is known
as red ginseng. In addition, recently, a slightly modified heat-processing
method was applied to ginseng, to obtain a new type of processed ginseng with
increased biological activity; this new form of ginseng is referred to as Sun
ginseng (SG) ... These results suggest that SG has memory-enhancing activities
and that these effects are mediated, in part, by the increase in the levels of
pERK and pAkt and by the increases in cell proliferation and cell survival"
effects of Korean red ginseng on lymphocyte DNA damage, antioxidant enzyme
activity, and LDL oxidation in healthy participants: a randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled trial - Nutr J. 2012 Jul 17;11(1):47 -
"KRG supplementation may attenuate lymphocyte DNA damage
and LDL oxidation by upregulating antioxidant enzyme activity"
Re rapidly reverses insulin resistance in muscles of high-fat diet fed rats
- Metabolism. 2012 May 7 - "Our results show that the
ginsenoside Re induces a remarkably rapid reversal of high-fat diet-induced
insulin resistance of muscle glucose transport by reversing the impairment of
insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation to the cell surface"
Synergistic Apoptotic Interaction of Panaxadiol and Epigallocatechin Gallate in
Human Colorectal Cancer Cells - Phytother Res. 2012 May 8 -
"Panaxadiol (PD) is a purified sapogenin of ginseng
saponins, which exhibits anticancer activity. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a
major catechin in green tea, is a strong botanical antioxidant ... Cell growth
was suppressed after treatment with PD (10 and 20 µm) for 48 h. When PD (10 and
20 µm) was combined with EGCG (10, 20, and 30 µm), significantly enhanced
antiproliferative effects were observed in both cell lines. Combining 20 µm of
PD with 20 and 30 µm of EGCG significantly decreased S-phase fractions of cells.
In the apoptotic assay, the combination of PD and EGCG significantly increased
the percentage of apoptotic cells compared with PD alone (p < 0.01). The
synergistic apoptotic effects were also supported by docking analysis, which
demonstrated that PD and EGCG bound in two different sites of the annexin V
protein. Data from this study suggested that apoptosis might play an important
role in the EGCG-enhanced antiproliferative effects of PD on human colorectal
cancer cells"
Ginseng as a
Potential Novel Addition to the Antikeloid Weaponry - Phytother Res. 2012
Feb 8 - "Keloid scars are large protruding claw-shaped
lesions that develop beyond the confines of the wound and uniquely appears only
in humans. For thousands of years ginseng has been used in the traditional
medicine in oriental countries. It occupies a prominent position in the list of
the best-selling medicinal herbs in the world. Panax ginseng often called Asian
or Korean ginseng, is the most extensively used and the best grade of ginseng
and the term of 'ginseng' generally refers to Panax ginseng. Previous studies
have revealed that ginseng inhibits NF-kappa B, TGF-β, IL-6, ACE and MMP-2 and
these factors play a pivotal role in keloid formation pathogenesis. Therefore it
could be reasoned that ginseng could be effective for the treatment of the
keloid scars. Clinical studies by topical applications of iPanax notoginseng
(800 µg/ml) are warranted"
Rg1 Promotes Glucose Uptake Through Activated AMPK Pathway in Insulin-resistant
Muscle Cells - Phytother Res. 2011 Dec 15 -
"Ginsenoside Rg1, a protopanaxatriols saponin, is one of the major active
constituents from Panax ginseng and possesses various biological activities ...
chronic treatment of insulin resulted in reduced glucose uptake in the muscle
cells. The treatment of ginsenoside Rg1 significantly enhanced glucose uptake in
the differentiated muscle cells and the relative abundance of GLUT4 through the
adenosine-monophosphate-activated protein kinase pathway. These results suggest
that ginsenoside Rg1 improved the insulin resistance in C2C12 muscle cells,
which might be useful for prevention of T2DM and metabolic syndromes" -
ginseng at Amazon.com
Korean Red
Ginseng (Panax ginseng) Improves Insulin Sensitivity in High Fat Fed
Sprague-Dawley Rats - Phytother Res. 2011 Oct 28 -
"Many studies have documented that ginseng has antidiabetic and antiobesity
effects, but the mechanism of the effects has not been elucidated. The aim of
this study was to determine the effect of Korean red ginseng (KRG, Panax
ginseng) and investigate the mechanism of antidiabetic and antiobesity effects
in obese insulin resistant animal models. Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were divided
into three groups: a control group (group I) fed a normal diet, another group
(group II) fed only high fat diet (HFD) and a third group (group III) fed HFD
with KRG (200 mg/kg, oral) for 18 weeks ... A significant weight reduction,
especially fat mass reduction, was observed in the KRG treated group. Increased
insulin sensitivity was found in the KRG treated group. We observed increased
insulin signalling, increased phosphorylation of IR, IRS-1, Akt, and membranous
GLUT4 in muscle by Western blotting assay. In conclusion, KRG may have
antidiabetic and antiobesity effects due to partly increased insulin sensitivity
by increased adipokine and partly enhanced insulin signalling" - See
ginseng at Amazon.com
Effects of
red ginseng supplementation on menopausal symptoms and cardiovascular risk
factors in postmenopausal women: a double-blind randomized controlled trial
- Menopause. 2011 Oct 24 - "The aim of this study was to
evaluate the effects of red ginseng (RG) on menopausal symptoms and
cardiovascular risk factors in postmenopausal women ... either an RG group
(supplemented with 3 g of RG, including 60 mg of ginsenosides, per day) or a
placebo group for 12 weeks ... Significant improvements in the Kupperman index
(P = 0.032) and in the menopause rating scale (P = 0.035) scores were observed
in the RG group compared with the placebo group. Total cholesterol (P = 0.009)
and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (P = 0.015) significantly decreased in
the group receiving RG. The RG group also showed a significant decrease in
carotid intima-media thickness (P = 0.049). Serum estradiol levels were not
influenced by RG supplementation"
- See
ginseng at Amazon.com
Action of Panax ginseng Roots in Hypercortisolism-induced Impairment of
Hippocampal Neurons in Male C57BL/6N Mice - Phytother Res. 2011
Aug;25(8):1242-5 - "An increasing number of people
suffering from hypercortisolism are at risk of developing hippocampus impairment
and mental disorders. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the water
extract of Panax ginseng roots (GWE) could prevent hypercortisolism-induced
adverse consequences. Hypercortisolism was experimentally induced by repeated
corticosterone injection in male mice. Treatment with corticosterone alone
resulted in a significant decrease in hippocampus neurofilament light chain
(NF-L) protein expression and induced depression-like behavior. Serum
corticosterone was significantly increased in the corticosterone-treated mice.
Treatment with GWE (800 and 400 mg/kg) during corticosterone treatment reduced
or partially antagonized the effects induced by corticosterone toward the normal
values of the controls; however, it failed to normalize increased corticosterone
levels in corticosterone-treated mice. Overall, ginseng conclusively exhibited a
protective action against hypercortisolism-induced impairment of hippocampal
Effects of
Ginseng Rhizome and Ginsenoside Ro on Testosterone 5α-Reductase and Hair
Re-growth in Testosterone-treated Mice - Phytother Res. 2011 May 2 -
"Extracts of red ginseng rhizome showed greater
dose-dependent inhibitory effects against testosterone 5α-reductase (5αR) when
compared with extracts of the main root. Ginsenoside Ro, the predominant
ginsenoside in the rhizome, and ginsenoside Rg(3) , a unique ginsenoside in red
ginseng, showed inhibitory activity against 5αR with IC(50) values of 259.4 and
86.1 µm, respectively. The rhizome of P. japonicus, which contains larger
amounts of ginsenoside Ro, also inhibited 5αR. Topical administration of
extracts of red ginseng rhizomes (2 mg/mouse) and ginsenoside Ro (0.2 mg/mouse)
to shaved skin inhibited hair re-growth suppression after shaving in the
testosterone-treated C57BL/6 mice. These results suggest that red ginseng
rhizomes containing both oleanane- and dammarane-type ginsenosides are a
promising raw material for cosmetic use. This is the first report that
ginsenoside Ro enhances in vivo hair re-growth based on their inhibitory
activity against 5αR in the androgenetic alopecia model"
Effects of
Korean Red Ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Mayer) and Its Isolated Ginsenosides and
Polysaccharides on Arterial Stiffness in Healthy Individuals - Am J
Hypertens. 2010 Feb 4 - "Although preliminary, this
study is the first to demonstrate that KRG may improve arterial stiffness as
measured by AI"
A new
herbal combination, Etana, for enhancing erectile function: an efficacy and
safety study in animals - Int J Impot Res. 2009 Jun 4 -
"a new herbal combination called Etana that is
composed of five herbal extracts including Panax quinquelotius (Ginseng),
Eurycoma longifolia (Tongkat Ali), Epimedium grandiflorum (Horny goat weed),
Centella asiatica (Gotu Kola) and flower pollen extracts. Most of the
above-mentioned extracts have a long historical and traditional use for
erectile dysfunction (ED) ... penile erection index (PEI) ... At a 7.5 mg
kg(-1) single dose, the percentage of responding rats was 53+/-7 with a PEI
of 337+/-72 compared with 17+/-6 with a PEI of 30+/-10 for control animals.
This PEI was significantly (P<0.001) higher than each single component and
than the sum of any two herbal components of Etana. When compared with
sildenafil citrate, Etana induced more pronounced PEI than 0.36 mg kg(-1),
but similar to 0.71 mg kg(-1) of sildenafil. Furthermore, full acute and
sub-acute toxicity studies showed no toxic effects of Etana. In conclusion,
this study describes a new and safe combination of herbal components that
enhance erectile function in male rats"
of ginsam, a vinegar extract from Panax ginseng, on body weight and glucose
homeostasis in an obese insulin-resistant rat model - Metabolism. 2009
Jan;58(1):8-15 - "We evaluated the antihyperglycemic
and antiobesity effects of ginsam, a component of Panax ginseng produced by
vinegar extraction, which is enriched in the ginsenoside Rg3 ...
Insulin-resistant rats treated with ginsam had lower fasting and
postprandial glucose concentrations compared with vehicle-treated rats.
Importantly, overall glucose excursion during the intraperitoneal 2-hour
glucose tolerance test decreased by 21.5% (P < .01) in the treated rats,
indicating improved glucose tolerance. Plasma insulin concentration was
significantly lower in ginsam-treated rats. These changes may be related to
increased glucose transporter 4 expression in skeletal muscle.
Interestingly, when the data from both ginsam-treated groups were combined,
body weight was 60% lower in the ginsam-treated rats than in the controls (P
< .01). Liver weight and serum alanine aminotransferase concentrations were
also lower in the ginsam-treated rats. These effects were associated with
increased peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma expression and
adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase phosphorylation in liver
and muscle. Our data suggest that ginsam has distinct beneficial effects on
glucose metabolism and body weight control in an obese animal model of
insulin resistance by changing the expression of genes involved in glucose
and fatty acid metabolism" - See
ginseng at Amazon.com
Panax Ginseng Enhances
Cognitive Performance in Alzheimer Disease - Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord.
2008 Jun 17 - "ginseng group was treated with Panax
ginseng powder (4.5 g/d) for 12 weeks ... After ginseng treatment, the
cognitive subscale of ADAS and the MMSE score began to show improvements and
continued up to 12 weeks (P=0.029 and P=0.009 vs. baseline, respectively).
After discontinuing ginseng, the improved ADAS and MMSE scores declined to
the levels of the control group. These results suggest that Panax ginseng is
clinically effective in the cognitive performance of AD patients" -
ginseng at Amazon.com
Combined effects of swim training and ginseng supplementation on exercise
performance time, ROS, lymphocyte proliferation, and DNA damage following
exhaustive exercise stress - Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 2007 Jul;77(4):289-96
- "These findings suggest that the combined effect
of swim training and ginseng supplementation sustain lymphocyte function in
the presence of reduced ROS production and DNA damage following acute
exercise stress"
Botanical and dietary supplements for mood and anxiety in menopausal women
- Menopause. 2006 Dec 28 - "The one randomized,
controlled trial of ginseng in postmenopausal women reported improvements in
mood and anxiety"