Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending
10/24/12. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any
may slow the decline in mental capacity among elderly patients, Swedish study
suggests - Science Daily, 10/22/12 - "Of the 681
women, 129 received a low daily dose of
acetylsalicylic acid, equivalent to a fourth of an aspirin, to prevent heart
disease. The Gothenburg study shows that acetylsalicylic acid also slowed
decline in brain capacity among the elderly
women ... At the end of the five year examination period mental capacity had
declined among all the women and the portion that suffered from dementia was
equally large in the entire group. However, the decline in brain capacity was
significantly less and occurred at a slower pace among the women who received
acetylsalicylic acid"
foods may worsen heart problems associated with diabetes - Science Daily,
10/22/12 - "We see evidence that cooking methods that
create a crust -- think the edge of a brownie or the crispy borders of meats
prepared at very high temperatures -- produce
advanced glycation end
products (AGEs). And AGEs are associated with plaque formation, the kind we
see in cardiovascular disease ... people with higher rates of cardiovascular
complications ate more of these glycated products. For each unit increase in
AGEs intake, a study participant was 3.7 times more likely to have moderate to
high risk for cardiovascular disease ... Boiling or stewing meat would reduce
your AGEs intake further. And scrambling an egg with cooking spray instead of
frying it leads to a significant reduction in AGEs"
Probiotics are secret weapon for fighting symptoms of the common cold in college
students, study suggests - Science Daily, 10/22/12 -
"randomized 198 college students aged 18 to 25 and living on-campus in residence
halls at Framingham State University in Massachusetts. Groups received either a
placebo (97 students) or a powder blend containing Chr. Hansen's probiotic
strains BB-12® and LGG® (101 students) for 12 weeks. Each day, students
completed a survey to assess the effect of the
probiotic supplementation ... The study found that while all students caught
colds at roughly the same rate, the students who
took the probiotic supplementation experienced: ... A duration of colds that was
two days shorter (four days vs. six days) ... Symptoms that were 34% less severe
and ... A higher quality of life that resulted in fewer missed school days (15
vs. 34 missed by students taking the placebo) ... consumers need to read the
label to be sure that the product contains Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG [LGG] and
Bifidobacterium animalis lactis BB12 [BB12]. There also are some yogurts that
contain LGG and/or BB12 but check the labels, since companies change the
probiotics strains often" - See
probiotic products at Amazon.com .
Exercise Protects Aging Brains Better - WebMD, 10/22/12 -
"The new research included about 700 people living in
the United Kingdom who all had brain scans when they reached the age of 73 ...
Three years earlier, at age 70, the study participants were questioned about the
leisure and physical activities they engaged in ... People in the study who
reported being the most physically active tended to have larger brain volumes of
gray and normal white matter, and physical activity was linked to less
brain atrophy ... Regular
exercise also appeared to protect against the
formation of white matter lesions, which are linked to thinking and memory
may reduce risk of esophageal cancer - Science Daily, 10/22/12 -
"Only 1 in 5 patients with this cancer will still be
alive five years after diagnosis ... The Mayo study combined data from 13
studies that included over 1.1 million patients, of which 9,285 had
esophageal cancer. The analysis found
statins lowered cancer risk by nearly one-third; the longer a patient was on
statins, the greater the protective effect ... When researchers looked
specifically at Barrett's esophagus, patients taking a statin and aspirin
reduced their risk of esophageal cancer by 72 percent"
Metabolic factors may increase men's risk of dying from prostate cancer -
Science Daily, 10/22/12 - "Umeå University in Sweden,
and their colleagues analyzed information from 289,866 men enrolled in a study
called the Metabolic syndrome and Cancer
project ... average follow-up time of 12 years ... Men in the highest categories
of body mass index and blood pressure had a 36 percent and 62 percent increased
risk of dying from prostate cancer, respectively. Also, when comparing a
composite score of all metabolic factors, men with a high score were more likely
to die from prostate cancer ... The study found no evidence for a link between
high levels of metabolic factors and a man's risk of developing prostate cancer
but revealed a link between these factors and his risk of dying from the
Diet soda is doing these 7 awful things to your body - Today Health,
10/18/12 - "even just one diet soda a day is linked to a
34% higher risk of metabolic syndrome ... the more diet sodas a person drank,
the greater their risk of becoming overweight. Downing just two or more cans a
day increased waistlines by 500% ... Cell Damage Diet sodas contain something
many regular sodas don't: mold inhibitors. They go by the names sodium benzoate
or potassium benzoate, and they're in nearly all diet sodas"
hormone levels predicted long-term breast cancer risk for postmenopausal women
- Science Daily, 10/18/12 - "Women with hormone levels
in the highest 25 percent for estradiol,
testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) had a 50 percent to 107
percent greater chance for developing
breast cancer compared with women in the lowest
25 percent. Relative risks for developing breast cancer were similar at one to
10 years versus 11 to 20 years (also 16 to 20 years) after blood collection ...
Women in the highest 25 percent of SHBG levels had a
30 percent lower risk for breast cancer compared with women in the lowest 25
percent for SHBG levels"
tea reduced inflammation, may inhibit prostate cancer tumor growth, research
finds - Science Daily, 10/18/12 - "researchers
randomly assigned the men to either six cups of brewed
green tea or water daily for three to eight
weeks, depending on the timing of their surgery ... The data showed that
serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA)
concentrations were significantly lower at the end of the study compared with
baseline levels in men consuming green tea. In addition, prostate tissue PSA
protein expression was lower in men assigned to green tea consumption compared
with the control group at the end of the study ... Further, immunostaining
analysis revealed that nuclear factor kappa B, a marker of inflammation, was
significantly reduced in those men assigned to green tea compared with those in
the control group" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com .
Increased flavonoid intake reduced risk for aggressive prostate cancer -
Science Daily, 10/17/12 - "Men with the highest total
intake of flavonoids had a 25 percent lower
risk for aggressive prostate cancer compared
with those men with the lowest flavonoid intake ... higher total flavonoid
intake was associated with reduced odds for aggressive prostate cancer in both
African-American and European-American men, but no individual subclass of
flavonoids appeared to be protective independently, suggesting that it is
important to consume a variety of plant-based foods in the diet, rather than to
focus on one specific type of flavonoid or flavonoid-rich food" - See
Garden of Life, Radical Fruits Antioxidant Complex at Amazon.com .
Vegetable-derived compound effective in treating triple-negative breast cancer,
research suggests - Science Daily, 10/17/12 - "TNBC
accounts for approximately 15-20 percent of all
breast cancer cases in the U.S. It is one of the most aggressive forms of
breast cancer; it grows faster, spreads to other parts of the body earlier, is
harder to detect on a mammogram and recurs more often ... Sachdeva's study
reveals that these synthetic compounds derived from
diindolylmethane (DIM), commonly found in various types of cruciferous
vegetables, can be used to treat several types of cancer, including
triple-negative breast cancer. C-DIMs are also being investigated for their
cancer prevention activity" - See
diindolylmethane at Amazon.com .
Multivitamins Cut Cancer Risk in Men, Study Finds - ABC News, 10/17/12 -
"a new study of almost 15,000 men over 50 suggests
popping that daily supplement could cut cancer rates by 8 percent ... It's
unclear whether the results apply to women or men under 50 ... First, the new
study randomly assigned men to two groups, one of which took a daily Centrum
Silver® while the other took a placebo pill ... Second, it followed the men, who
were 65 years old on average, over 11 years – a longer follow-up than previous
studies and sufficient time for cancer to develop ...Other trials have tested a
single vitamin such as calcium or vitamin A, E or D in large doses, which is
very different from how people normally get the vitamins and minerals they need
from food" - Yeah but I wouldn't call Centrum Silver a top of the line
Click here and click on "Product Labeling" for incredients. Some
examples; it's only has the synthetic dl-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate form of
vitamin E plus there are 8 forms of that vitamin. There are over 600
carotenoids and some claim taking just one of those can cause a deficiency of
the others, etc. See
Garden of Life, Vitamin Code, 50 & Wiser Men, 240 UltraZorbe Veggie Caps
and Garden of Life, Vitamin
Code, 50 & Wiser Women, 240 UltraZorbe Veggie Caps.
dependence seems to shorten life more than smoking, especially among women -
Science Daily, 10/16/12 - "alcohol
dependent (AD) ... John and his colleagues used registration data to gather
a random sample of 4,070 respondents between the ages of 18 and 64 years from a
region in Germany ... First, we found that annualized death rates were 4.6-fold
higher for females and 1.9-fold higher for males compared to the age- and
gender-specific general population ... Second, we found that the mean age at
death was 60 for females and 58 for males, both of which are about 20 years
lower than the mean age at death among the general population. None of those
deceased had reached the age of life expectancy"
Abstracts from this week's
Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics
plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here
for the journals, the PubMed ones at the top):
The use of
dehydroepiandrosterone in the treatment of hypoactive sexual desire disorder: A
report of gender differences - Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2012 Oct 17 -
"Data regarding the efficacy of
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in the treatment of
hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD)
are scarce and inconsistent. We aimed to determine possible gender differences
in the efficacy of DHEA as a treatment for HDSS. Postmenopausal women (n=27),
and men (n=21) with HSDD, were randomized to receive either DHEA 100mg daily or
placebo for 6 weeks in a controlled, double blind study ... In women only,
significant interaction effects were observed for sexual arousal (p<0.05),
satisfaction (p<0.05), and cognition (trend; p=0.06). For arousal, a significant
improvement was observed for the DHEA treated group at 6 weeks (p=0.001).
Significant correlations were observed between bioavailable T and sexual
cognitions, arousal and orgasm, while DHEAS was correlated with satisfaction. In
the men, significant correlations were observed between testosterone and arousal
(r=.45), sexual drive (r=.50) and orgasm
(r=.55). In women with HSDD, DHEA treatment had a significant beneficial effect
on arousal, whereas no efficacy was demonstrated in men, indicating a possible
gender difference. This improvement seems to be mediated via DHEA's metabolism
to testosterone. Our positive results suggest that the neurosteroid DHEA may be
effective as a treatment for women with HSDD if administered at a dose of at
least 100mg per day" - See
DHEA at Amazon.com .
of brown adipose tissue development and white fat reduction by L-arginine -
Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2012 Nov;15(6):529-38 -
"Brown adipose tissue (BAT), which is present in humans, plays an important role
in oxidation of fatty acids and glucose ...
L-arginine increases mammalian BAT growth and development via mechanisms
involving gene expression, nitric oxide signaling, and protein synthesis. This
enhances the oxidation of energy substrates and, thus, reduces white fat
accretion in the body. L-arginine holds great promise in
preventing and treating obesity in humans"
- See
L-arginine products at Amazon.com .
What Next
after Metformin? A Retrospective Evaluation of the Outcome of Second-Line,
Glucose-Lowering Therapies in People with Type 2 Diabetes - J Clin
Endocrinol Metab. 2012 Oct 17 - "Sulfonylurea
monotherapy had significantly higher hazard ratios (HRs) for all-cause mortality
(HR 1.459, 1.207-1.763); MACE (HR 1.578, 1.187-2.099); stroke (HR 1.444,
1.050-1.987); and the combined end point (HR 1.381, 1.194-1.597).
Metformin plus
pioglitazone had
significantly lower adjusted HRs for all-cause mortality (HR 0.707, 0.515-0.970)
and the combined end point (HR 0.747, 0.612-0.911)"
flavonoid and lignan intake and gastric adenocarcinoma risk in the European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study - Am J Clin
Nutr. 2012 Oct 17 - "gastric
cancer (GC) ...followed 477,312 subjects (29.8% men) aged 35-70 y from 10
European countries who participated in the European Prospective Investigation
into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study. Validated dietary questionnaires and
lifestyle information were collected at baseline ... average follow-up of 11 y
... We observed a significant inverse association between total
flavonoid intake and GC risk in women (HR:
0.81; 95% CI: 0.70, 0.94; for the continuous variable after log(2)
transformation) but not in men (HR: 0.97; 95% CI: 0.85, 1.09). In women,
significant inverse associations with GC risk were also observed for intakes of
some flavonoid subgroups (anthocyanidins, flavonols, flavones, and flavanols),
particularly with intestinal type tumors for total flavonoid and flavanol
intakes" - See
Garden of Life, Radical Fruits Antioxidant Complex at Amazon.com .
from Mild Cognitive Impairment to Dementia: Influence of Folic Acid and Vitamin
B12 Use in the VITA Cohort - J Nutr Health Aging. 2012;16(8):687-94 -
"Increased serum homocysteine and low folate levels are
associated with a higher rate of conversion to dementia ... The self-reported
combined use of folic acid and vitamin B12 for
more than one year was associated with a lower conversion rate to
dementia. Serum levels of homocysteine and
vitamin B12 as measured at baseline or at five years were not associated with
conversion. Higher folate levels at baseline in females predicted a lower
conversion rate to dementia. The assessment of brain morphological parameters by
magnetic resonance imaging revealed higher serum folate at baseline, predicting
lower medial temporal lobe atrophy and higher levels of homocysteine at
baseline, predicting moderate/severe global brain atrophy at five years. Users
of vitamin B12 or folate, independent of time and pattern of use, had lower
grades of periventricular hyperintensities and lower grades of deep white matter
lesions as compared to non-users" - See
folic acid products at Amazon.com
vitamin B12 at Amazon.com .
fiber intake and stroke risk: a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies
- Eur J Clin Nutr. 2012 Oct 17 - "We performed a
literature search on PubMed database through July 2012 to indentify prospective
studies of dietary fiber intake in relation to
risk of stroke ... The dose-response analysis
suggested a 12% (RR=0.88; 95% CI, 0.79-0.97) reduction in risk of stroke for
each 10 g per day increment in dietary fiber intake ... Findings of this
meta-analysis indicate a significant inverse dose-response relationship between
dietary fiber intake and risk of stroke" - See
Garden of Life, RAW Fiber at Amazon.com .
telomere length and its relation to food and nutrient intake in an elderly
population - Eur J Clin Nutr. 2012 Oct 17 - "LTL
was measured by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction in 1942 men and
women aged 57-70 years from the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study. We assessed the
whole diet by a validated semiquantitative 128-item food-frequency questionnaire
... In general, there were only a few significant results. However, total fat
and SFA intake (P=0.04 and 0.01, respectively) were inversely associated with
LTL in men adjusting for age and energy intake. In women, vegetable intake was
positively associated with LTL (P=0.05). Men consuming the most butter and least
fruits had significantly shorter telomeres than those consuming the lowest
amounts of butter and highest amounts of fruits (P=0.05). We found no
association between LTL and body mass index, waist-hip ratio, smoking, physical
activity or educational attainment"
facilitates protective responses to aversive social stimuli in males - Proc
Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Oct 16 - "Our results
therefore show that OXT can potentiate the
protective and mnemonic impact of aversive social information despite reducing
amygdala activity, and suggest that the insula may play a role in emotional
modulation of memory" - See
Oxy Pro (Oxytocin) Nasal Spray at International Anti-aging Systems
and Oxytocin Factor.
A 5-year
retrospective analysis of 5α-reductase inhibitors in men with benign prostatic
hyperplasia: finasteride has comparable urinary symptom efficacy and prostate
volume reduction, but less sexual side effects and breast complications than
dutasteride - Int J Clin Pract. 2012 Nov;66(11):1052-5. doi -
"The incidence of erectile dysfunction, ejaculatory
dysfunction and decreased libido resulting in discontinuation from therapy was
significantly (p<0.01) higher in the
dutasteride (5.1%, 2.4%, 2.7%
respectively) compared with the
finasteride (2.1%,
1.8%, 1.4% respectively) group. In addition, the incidence of self-reported
breast tenderness and/or enlargement was significantly (p<0.01) greater in the
dutasteride (3.5%) compared with the finasteride (1.2%) group. Conclusions: In
this retrospective analysis of data from consecutive patients treated at a
single clinic, both finasteride and dutasteride were effective therapies for the
management of lower urinary tract symptoms. However, dutasteride resulted in
significantly more sexual side effects and breast complications than
finasteride" - Note: I'm not sure that makes sense. The first
sentence says "resulting in discontinuation from therapy"
Blood Pressure Values in the Ongoing Telmisartan Alone and in Combination with
Ramipril Global Endpoint Trial (ONTARGET) - Hypertension. 2012 Oct 15 -
"Twenty-four-hour systolic BP was similarly reduced by R
(-2.0 mm Hg) and T (-2.1 mm Hg), whereas the reduction was more than twice as
large in the T+R group (-5.3 mm Hg), which showed a lower on-treatment 24-hour
BP also in additional patients (n=408) in whom ambulatory BP was performed only
on-treatment. Twenty-four-hour systolic BP was ≈14 mm Hg lower than clinic
systolic BP at baseline, whereas during treatment the 2 values became
progressively closer as clinic systolic BP was more tightly controlled and
superimposable when clinic systolic BP was <120 mm Hg. Similar results were
obtained for diastolic BP. These findings provide evidence on the relationship
of clinic and ambulatory BP target drug treatment. They also show that in the
Ongoing Telmisartan Alone and in Combination with Ramipril Global Endpoint
Trial, failure of the R+T combination to enhance cardiovascular and renal
protection was not because of inability to more effectively control daily life
BP" - See my
combining ARB
with ACE inhibitor section.
Resistance, Brain Atrophy, and Cognitive Performance in Late Middle-Aged Adults
- Diabetes Care. 2012 Oct 15 - "Insulin
resistance dysregulates glucose uptake and other functions in brain areas
affected by Alzheimer disease. Insulin
resistance may play a role in Alzheimer disease etiopathogenesis. This
longitudinal study examined whether insulin resistance among late middle-aged,
cognitively healthy individuals was associated with 1) less gray matter in
Alzheimer disease-sensitive brain regions and 2) worse cognitive performance ...
higher insulin resistance was related to medial temporal lobe atrophy. Atrophy
itself corresponded to cognitive deficits in the RAVLT. Temporal lobe atrophy
that was predicted by higher insulin resistance significantly mediated worse
RAVLT encoding performance ... These results suggest that insulin resistance in
an asymptomatic, late middle-aged cohort is associated with progressive atrophy
in regions affected by early Alzheimer disease. Insulin resistance may also
affect the ability to encode episodic information by negatively influencing gray
matter volume in medial temporal lobe"
of post-myocardial infarction depression in rats by n-3 fatty acids or
probiotics starting after the onset of reperfusion - Br J Nutr. 2012 Oct
15:1-7 - "Proinflammatory cytokines play a central role
in depression-like behaviour and apoptosis in
the limbic system after myocardial infarction (MI). A
PUFA n-3 diet or the combination of
Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 and Bifidobacterium longum R0175
probiotics, when given before the ischaemic
period, reduce circulating proinflammatory cytokines as well as apoptosis in the
limbic system ... These results indicate that a high-PUFA n-3 diet or the
administration of probiotics, starting after the onset of reperfusion, are
beneficial to attenuate apoptosis in the limbic system and post-MI depression in
the rat" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
probiotic products at Amazon.com .
Neat Tech Stuff / "How To's":
Microsoft Windows 8 Pro at Amazon.com, October 26, 2012 release

Hands-on with Google's $249, ARM-based Chromebook (update: video) -
Engadget, 10/21/12
Listing reveals 3G version of new Chromebook on the way for $329.99 -
Engadget, 10/21/12 - "Neither site mentions network
options, so presumably you get the same 100MB a month for two years Verizon
data that its brethren receive -- and given that we described it as being
"80 percent of the MacBook Air experience for a quarter of the price," the
3G version seems well worth the extra $80"
ARM-powered Chromebook lands at Play store for $249 - Engadget, 10/22/12
Samsung Chromebook (Wi-Fi, 11.6-Inch) at Amazon (#1 in laptops)

Health Focus (Olive
Specific Recommendations:
News and Research:
Olive oil’s health benefits? It’s a slippery question - The Washington Post,
9/11/12 - "The health benefits of olive oil are 99
percent related to the presence of the phenolic compounds, not the oil itself
... Malik is referring to the polyphenols in olive oil, nutrients also found in
wine, tea, cocoa and many fruits and vegetables that have been discovered over
the past decade to be the substances responsible for the bulk of olive oil’s
health benefits, without which “you might as well use canola oil,” ... when
tested, polyphenols were surprisingly low in most commercially available olive
oils ... Any exposure of the harvested olives or the oil to heat, light or air
will reduce polyphenol content"
Olive extract shows benefits for inflammatory bowel disease - Nutra USA,
9/12/11 - "Olive oil and the hydroxytyrosol it contains
may reduce inflammation linked with the development of colitis ...
Hydroxytyrosol is thought to be the main antioxidant compound in olives, and
believed to play a significant role in the many health benefits attributed to
olive oil. Previous research has linked the compound to cardiovascular benefits,
with reductions in LDL or 'bad' cholesterol. Data has also suggested the
compound may boost eye health and reduce the risk of against macular
degeneration ... the olive oil-fed animals had an attenuation of the colonic
damage, as well as a 50% reduction in the mortality rate caused by DSS. The
results were improved further by hydroxytyrosol supplement ... levels of the
pro-inflammatory compound interleuking-10 (IL-10) were “significantly improved”
in both olive oil-fed groups" - [Abstract]
Hydroxytyrosol is key anti-inflammatory compound in olive: DSM study - Nutra
USA, 8/25/11 - "Hydroxytyrosol, an ingredient to watch,
has been identified as the main anti-inflammatory compound in olives ...
hydroxytyrosol was found to inhibit both nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E2
(PGE2), both are pro-inflammatory compounds ... The effects of hydroxytyrosol on
NO and chemokine production point to their impact on chronic inflammatory
processes in endothelium or arthritis ... Hydroxytyrosol is thought to be the
main antioxidant compound in olives, and believed to play a significant role in
the many health benefits attributed to olive oil ... Data has also suggested the
compound may boost eye health and reduce the risk of against macular
degeneration ... Several companies already offer the compound for nutraceutical
applications ... Results showed that hydroxytyrosol inhibited the production of
both NO and PGE2 in mouse cells, "reflecting strong anti-inflammatory activity""
- [Abstract] - Note:
Trouble is, you usually don't want to inhibit nitric oxide.
Olive Oil Linked to Reduced Stroke Risk - WebMD. 6/15/11 -
"seniors who regularly used this healthy monounsaturated
fat had a 41% lower risk of stroke compared to their counterparts who never used
olive oil ... So what exactly is it about olive oil that may lower stroke risk?
There are several theories, she says. It may be that people choose olive oil
over saturated, artery-clogging fats. “Moreover, previous research found that
the polyphenols from virgin olive oil account specifically for its ability to
lower oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL)” or bad cholesterol. High
cholesterol levels are a known risk factor for stroke ... Olive oil is a healthy
fat and it can reduce cholesterol and inflammation, and has been shown to help
reduce the incidence of heart disease" -
Click here for my olive oil mayonnaise recipe. See
olive leaf extract at Amazon.com
DSM builds olive extract IP with energy & exercise performance patent -
Nutra USA, 4/7/11 - "According to European Patent
EP2009/063492, the invention refers to hydroxytyrosol in combination with at
least one other ingredient, including the likes of CoQ10, resveratrol, B
vitamins, and EGCG from green tea ... Hydroxytyrosol is thought to be the main
antioxidant compound in olives, and believed to play a significant role in the
many health benefits attributed to olive oil. Previous research has linked the
compound to cardiovascular benefits, with reductions in LDL or 'bad'
cholesterol. Data has also suggested the compound may boost eye health and
reduce the risk of against macular degeneration ... Hydroxytyrosol significantly
increased the running distance to exhaustion in mice and so improved endurance
in prolonged exercise ... hydroxytyrosol promotes mitochondrial activity and
mitochondrial biogenesis leading to an enhancement of mitochondrial function and
cellular defense system" - See
olive leaf extract at Amazon.com
. As far as the synergy, I would think that
most would be already taking the CoQ-10, resveratrol, B-vitamins and green tea.
Olive leaf extract may help hypertension: Frutarom study - Nutra USA, 3/9/11
- "Olive leaf extract, at the dosage regimen of 500 mg
twice daily, was similarly effective in lowering systolic and diastolic blood
pressures in subjects with stage-1 hypertension as Captopril, given at its
effective dose of 12.5–25 mg twice daily ... after eight weeks of treatment,
both treatment groups experienced significant reductions in systolic and
diastolic blood pressure from baseline. They added that such reductions were not
significantly different between groups ... However, they reported that a
significant reduction of triglyceride level was observed for the group receiving
olive leaf extract, but not in Captopril group ... the anti-hypertensive
activity “lies probably in its content of oleuropein acting synergistically with
other active substances to exert both ACE inhibitory and calcium channel
blocking activities."" - [Abstract]
- See
olive leaf extract at Amazon.com
oil protects liver from oxidative stress, rat study finds - Science Daily,
10/29/10 - "researchers separated the rats into a
control group, an olive oil group, and 6 groups that were exposed to the
herbicide '2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid' with or without either whole olive
oil, or one of two oil extracts -- the hydrophilic fraction or the lipophilic
fraction. All rats given the herbicide showed signs of significant liver damage.
However, extra virgin olive oil and hydrophilic fraction intake induced a
significant increase in antioxidant enzyme activity and a decrease in markers of
liver damage ... The hydrophilic fraction of olive oil seems to be the effective
one in reducing toxin-induced oxidative stress, indicating that hydrophilic
extract may exert a direct antioxidant effect on hepatic cells"
Olive oil compounds may boost cardiac fat oxidation: Study - Nutra USA,
10/21/10 - "Obese rats supplemented with olive oil,
oleuropein, and cafeic acid had higher oxygen consumption, increased
fat-oxidation, and lower carbon dioxide production than non supplemented obese
rats" - [Abstract]
Science strengthens for olive extract’s bone benefits - Nutra USA, 9/14/10 -
“Our data suggest that oleuropein, highly abundant in
olive tree products included in the traditional Mediterranean diet, could
prevent age-related bone loss and osteoporosis" - [Abstract]
Olive oil extract shows brain protecting benefits - Nutra USA, 8/3/10 -
"the olive oil compound reduced the cell damaging
effects of the oxidative and nitrosative stress in a dose-dependent manner, with
higher doses providing increased protection" - [Abstract]
mechanism links virgin olive oil to protection against breast cancer -
Science Daily, 6/30/10 - "virgin olive oil is
associated with higher incidences of benign breast tumours and at the same
time with a decrease in the activity of the p21Ras oncogene, which spurs
uncontrolled cell proliferation and stimulates the growth of tumours. In
addition, olive oil suppresses the activity of some proteins, such as the
AKT, essential for the survival of cells since they prevent apoptosis, the
cell's "suicide" programme. Between proliferation and apoptosis in tumour
cells, these effects tip the balance towards cell death, thereby slowing the
growth of tumours"
Virgin olive oil and a Mediterranean diet fight heart disease by changing
how our genes function - Science Daily, 6/30/10 -
"The first group consumed a traditional Mediterranean diet with virgin olive
oil rich in polyphenols. The second group consumed a traditional
Mediterranean diet with an olive oil low in polyphenols. The third group
followed their habitual diet. After three months, the first group had a
down-regulation in the expression of atherosclerosis-related genes in their
peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Additionally, the olive oil polyphenols
made a significant impact on the expression of genetic changes influencing
coronary heart disease. Results also showed that the consumption of virgin
olive oil in conjunction with a Mediterranean diet can positively impact
lipid and DNA oxidation, insulin resistance, inflammation, carcinogenesis,
and tumor suppression ... olive oil and a Mediterranean diet affect our
bodies in a far more significant way than previously believed"
Olive-oil enriched diet helps breast cancer survivors lose more weight -
Science Daily, 6/3/10
Olive oil component could avert Alzheimer’s - Nutra USA, 10/20/09 -
"ADDLs bind within the neural synapses of the brains
of Alzheimer's patients and are believed to directly disrupt nerve cell
function, eventually leading to memory loss, cell death and global
disruption of brain function ... incubation with oleocanthal changed the
structure of ADDLs by increasing the protein's size" - [Abstract]
Natural Compound In Extra-virgin Olive Oil -- Oleocanthal -- May Help
Prevent, Treat Alzheimer's - Science Daily, 9/29/09 -
"Measuring ADDL binding with and without
oleocanthal, they discovered that small amounts of oleocanthal effectively
reduced binding of ADDLs to hippocampal synapses. Additional studies
revealed that oleocanthal can protect synapses from structural damage caused
by ADDLs ... An unexpected finding was that oleocanthal makes ADDLs into
stronger targets for antibodies. This action establishes an opportunity for
creating more effective immunotherapy treatments, which use antibodies to
bind to and attack ADDLs"
Source Of Major Health Benefits In Olive Oil Revealed - Science Daily,
4/1/09 - "Scientists have pinned down the
constituent of olive oil that gives greatest protection from heart attack
and stroke. In a study of the major antioxidants in olive oil, Portuguese
researchers showed that one, DHPEA-EDA, protects red blood cells from damage
more than any other part of olive oil"
Extra Virgin Olive Oil May Help To Combat Breast Cancer - Science Daily,
2/5/09 - "this study confirms the potentiality of
polyphenols to inhibit HER2 activity and to promote its degradation"
Anti-cancer Components Of Extra-virgin Olive Oil Revealed - Science
Daily, 12/17/08 - "Extra-virgin olive oil is the oil
that results from pressing olives without the use of heat or chemical
treatments. It contains phytochemicals that are otherwise lost in the
refining process. Menendez and colleagues separated the oil into fractions
and tested these against breast cancer cells in lab experiments. All the
fractions containing the major extra-virgin phytochemical polyphenols
(lignans and secoiridoids) were found to effectively inhibit HER2"
Olive Leaf Extract Can Help Tackle High Blood Pressure And Cholesterol -
Science Daily, 8/27/08 - "This works showed that
taking a 1000mg dose has substantial effects in people with borderline
Olive oil
intake and CHD in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and
Nutrition Spanish cohort - Br J Nutr. 2012 Sep 25:1-8 -
"we studied the association between olive oil and CHD in
the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) Spanish
cohort study. The analysis included 40,142 participants (38 % male), free of CHD
events at baseline, recruited from five EPIC-Spain centres from 1992 to 1996 and
followed up until 2004 ... Cox proportional regression models were used to
assess the relationship between validated incident CHD events and olive oil
intake (energy-adjusted quartiles and each 10 g/d per 8368 kJ (2000 kcal)
increment), while adjusting for potential confounders. During a 10.4-year
follow-up, 587 (79 % male) CHD events were recorded. Olive oil intake was
negatively associated with CHD risk after excluding dietary mis-reporters
(hazard ratio (HR) 0.93; 95 % CI 0.87, 1.00 for each 10 g/d per 8368 kJ (2000
kcal) and HR 0.78; 95 % CI 0.59, 1.03 for upper v. lower quartile). The inverse
association between olive oil intake (per 10 g/d per 8368 kJ (2000 kcal)) and
CHD was more pronounced in never smokers (11 % reduced CHD risk (P = 0.048)), in
never/low alcohol drinkers (25 % reduced CHD risk (P < 0.001)) and in virgin
olive oil consumers (14 % reduced CHD risk (P = 0.072)). In conclusion, olive
oil consumption was related to a reduced risk of incident CHD events"
Olive Oil
Polyphenols Decrease Blood Pressure and Improve Endothelial Function in Young
Women with Mild Hypertension - Am J Hypertens. 2012 Aug 23 -
"We conducted a double-blind, randomized, crossover
dietary-intervention study. After a run-in period of 4 months (baseline values),
two diets were used, one with polyphenol-rich olive oil (~30 mg/day), the other
with polyphenol-free olive oil. Each dietary period lasted 2 months with a
4-week washout between diets ... When compared to baseline values, only the
polyphenol-rich olive oil diet led to a significant (P < 0.01) decrease of 7.91
mm Hg in systolic and 6.65 mm Hg of diastolic BP. A similar finding was found
for serum asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) (-0.09 +- 0.01 µmol/l, P < 0.01),
oxidized low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL) (-28.2 +-28.5 µg/l, P < 0.01), and
plasma C-reactive protein (CRP) (-1.9 +- 1.3 mg/l, P < 0.001). The
polyphenol-rich olive oil diet also elicited an increase in plasma
nitrites/nitrates (+4.7 +- 6.6 µmol/l, P < 0.001) and hyperemic area after
ischemia (+345 +- 386 perfusion units (PU)/sec, P < 0.001)" - Note: It
goes back to whether it's the polyphenols or the omega-9 or both. This implies
the polyphenols. See
olive leaf extract at Amazon.com
. To me it's a lot better than putting up with the taste of the
dark olive oil.
Beneficial effects of
polyphenol-rich olive oil in patients with early atherosclerosis - Eur J
Nutr. 2012 Aug 8 - "Eighty-two patients with early
atherosclerosis (presence of
endothelial dysfunction) were enrolled in this double-blind, randomized trial
with 52 completing the study. The aim of the study was to compare the effect of
a daily intake of 30 ml simple OO, with 30 ml of EGCG-supplemented OO, on
endothelial function as well as on inflammation and oxidative stress after a
period of 4 months ... After 4 months, when OO and EGCG-supplemented OO groups
were combined, OO significantly improved endothelial function (RHI, 1.59 +/-
0.25-1.75 +/- 0.45; p < 0.05). However, there were no significant differences in
results between the two olive oil groups. Interestingly, with OO supplementation
there was a significant reduction in inflammatory parameters: sICAM (196 to 183
ng/mL, p = < 0.001); white blood cells (WBCs) (6.0 × 10(9)/L-5.8 × 10(9)/L, p <
0.05); monocytes (0.48 × 10(9)/L to 0.44 × 10(9)/L, p = 0.05); lymphocytes (1.85
× 10(9)/L to 1.6 × 10(9)/L, p = 0.01); and platelets (242-229 × 10(9)/L, p =
0.047)" - [Nutra
USA] - Click here for my method of making
olive oil mayonnaise. Make sure all the ingredients are at room temperature.
Note: The so called olive oil mayonnaise you see in the store is mostly
omega-6. If you read the ingredients, it might have olive oil near the beginning
but then you see about three omega-6 oils after it. For example, if it contained
1/3 cup of olive oil and 1/4 cup soy oil and 1/4 cup of palm oil and 1/4 cup of
corn oil you’d have over a cup of oil consisting of 1/3 cup omega-9 oils and 3/4
cup of omega-6 oils. The omega-9 is still the top one.
Olive oil
intake and mortality within the Spanish population (EPIC-Spain) - Am J Clin
Nutr. 2012 May 30 - "In comparison with nonconsumers,
the highest quartile of olive oil consumption was associated with a 26% (95% CI:
13%, 36%) reduction in risk of overall mortality and a 44% (95% CI: 21%, 60%)
reduction in CVD mortality. For each increase in olive oil of 10 g ⋅ 2000
kcal(-1) ⋅ d(-1), there was a 7% (95% CI: 3%, 10%) decreased risk of overall
mortality and a 13% (95% CI: 6%, 20%) decreased risk of CVD mortality. No
significant association was observed between olive oil and cancer mortality"
of LDL from oxidation by olive oil polyphenols is associated with a
downregulation of CD40-ligand expression and its downstream products in vivo in
humans - Am J Clin Nutr. 2012 Mar 21 - "Polyphenols
could exert health benefits not only by scavenging free radicals but also by
modulating gene expression ... a randomized, crossover, controlled trial, 18
healthy European volunteers daily received 25 mL olive oil with a low polyphenol
content (LPC: 2.7 mg/kg) or a high polyphenol content (HPC: 366 mg/kg) in
intervention periods of 3 wk separated by 2-wk washout periods ... In addition
to reducing LDL oxidation, the intake of polyphenol-rich olive oil reduces CD40L
gene expression, its downstream products, and related genes involved in
atherogenic and inflammatory processes in vivo in humans. These findings provide
evidence that polyphenol-rich olive oil can act through molecular mechanisms to
provide cardiovascular health benefits"
effects of combined olive oil ingestion and acute exercise on postprandial TAG
concentrations in healthy young women - Br J Nutr. 2012 Jan 23:1-7 -
"Foods high in monounsaturated fat, such as olive oil,
and endurance exercise are both known to independently reduce postprandial TAG
concentrations. We examined the combined effects of exercise and dietary fat
composition on postprandial TAG concentrations in nine healthy pre-menopausal
females (age 26.8 (sd 3.3) years, BMI 22.3 (sd 2.0) kg/m2). Each participant
completed four, 2 d trials in a randomised order: (1) butter-no exercise, (2)
olive oil-no exercise, (3) butter-exercise, (4) olive oil-exercise. On day 1 of
the exercise trials, participants walked or ran on a treadmill for 60 min. On
the no-exercise trials, participants rested on day 1. On day 2 of each trial,
participants rested and consumed an olive oil meal (saturated fat 15 % and
unsaturated fat 85 %) or a butter meal (saturated fat 71 % and unsaturated fat
29 %) for breakfast ... A significant main effect on physical activity (exercise
or control) was obtained for plasma TAG concentration (three-way ANOVA, P =
0.043), and the total area under the concentration v. time curve for TAG was 26
% lower on the olive oil-exercise trial (4.40 (sd 0.40) mmol × 6 h/l) than the
butter-no exercise trial (5.91 (sd 1.01) mmol × 6 h/l) (one-way ANOVA, P =
0.029). These findings suggest that the combination of exercise and a preference
for monounsaturated dietary fat intake in the form of olive oil may be most
beneficial for reducing postprandial TAG concentrations"
Olive oil,
an essential component of the Mediterranean diet, and breast cancer - Public
Health Nutr. 2011 Dec;14(12):2323-32 - "Diets rich in
extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) exert a negative modulatory effect on experimental
breast cancer to a weak promoting effect, much lower than that obtained with a
high-corn oil diet. EVOO confers to the mammary adenocarcinomas a clinical
behaviour and morphological features compatible with low tumour aggressiveness.
This differential effect, in relation to other dietary lipids, may be related to
a lower effect on body weight and sexual maturation. In addition, EVOO induced
different molecular changes in tumours, such as in the composition of cell
membranes, activity of signalling proteins and gene expression. All these
modifications could induce lower proliferation, higher apoptosis and lower DNA
damage. These results, together with the favourable effect of olive oil reported
in the literature when it is consumed in moderate quantities, suggest a
beneficial influence of EVOO on breast cancer risk"
Olive oil
intake is inversely related to cancer prevalence: A systematic review and a
meta-analysis of 13800 patients and 23340 controls in 19 observational studies
- Lipids Health Dis. 2011 Jul 30;10(1):127 - "Dietary
fat, both in terms of quantity and quality, has been implicated to cancer
development, either positively or negatively. The aim of this work was to
evaluate whether olive oil or monounsaturated fat intake was associated with the
development of cancer. A systematic search of relevant studies, published in
English, between 1990 and March 1, 2011, was performed through a
computer-assisted literature tool (i.e., Pubmed). In total 38 studies were
initially allocated; of them 19 case-control studies were finally studied (13800
cancer patients and 23340 controls were included). Random effects meta-analysis
was applied in order to evaluate the research hypothesis. It was found that
compared with the lowest, the highest category of olive oil consumption was
associated with lower odds of having any type of cancer (log odds ratio = -0.41,
95%CI -0.53, -0.29, Cohran's Q=47.52, p=0.0002, I-sq=62%); the latter was
irrespective of the country of origin (Mediterranean or non-Mediterranean).
Moreover, olive oil consumption was associated with lower odds of developing
breast cancer (logOR=-0,45 95%CI -0.78 to -0.12), and a cancer of the digestive
system (logOR=-0,36 95%CI -0.50 to -0.21), compared with the lowest intake.The
strength and consistency of the findings states a hypothesis about the
protective role of olive oil intake on cancer risk. However, it is still unclear
whether olive oil's monounsaturated fatty acid content or its antioxidant
components are responsible for its beneficial effects" - Note: That last
sentence has been my question on many of the olive oil studies. I still use my
olive oil mayonnaise made with the extra light plus I take the olive oil extract
capsules. I'm not going to suffer through the taste of the extra virgin olive
oil. See
olive leaf extract at Amazon.com
of Olive Leaf Extract-Ameliorated Rat Arthritis Caused by Kaolin and Carrageenan
- Phytother Res. 2011 Jul 27 - "Olive leaf extract (OLE)
has antioxidant and antiinflammatory actions. However, the role of OLE in
mechanical inflammatory arthritis (osteoarthritis, OA) is unclear. This study
investigated the effect of OLE on the development of kaolin and
carrageenan-induced arthritis, a murine model of OA. Administration of OLE
significantly ameliorated paw swelling, the paw Evans blue content and the
histopathological scores. In the human monocyte cell line, THP-1, the OLE
reduced the LPS-induced TNF-α production and was dose dependent. Croton
oil-induced ear edema in mice also revealed that treatment with OLE suppressed
ear edema, myeloperoxidase (MPO) production and was dose dependent. These
results indicated that OLE is an effective antiarthritis agent through an
antiinflammation mechanism. Also OLE may be beneficial for the treatment of OA
in humans"
Adherence to
the Mediterranean diet reduces mortality in the Spanish cohort of the European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC-Spain) - Br J
Nutr. 2011 May 17:1-11 - "Epidemiological studies show
that adherence to a Mediterranean diet (MD) increases longevity; however, few
studies are restricted to Mediterranean populations or explore the effect of a
MD pattern that directly incorporates olive oil. Therefore the relationship
between adherence to the MD and mortality was studied within the the Spanish
cohort of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
(EPIC-Spain) ... Risk of all-cause and cause-specific mortality was assessed
according to the level of adherence to a relative MD (rMED) score, measured
using an 18-unit scale incorporating nine selected dietary components. A high
compared with a low rMED score was associated with a significant reduction in
mortality from all causes (hazard ratio (HR) 0.79; 95 % CI 0.69, 0.91), from CVD
(HR 0.66; 95 % CI 0.49, 0.89), but not from overall cancer (HR 0.92; 95 % CI
0.75, 1.12). A 2-unit increase in rMED score was associated with a 6 % (P <
0.001) decreased risk of all-cause mortality. A high olive oil intake and
moderate alcohol consumption contributed most to this association. In this
Spanish cohort, following an olive oil-rich MD was related to a significant
reduction in all-cause mortality, and reduced the risk of mortality from CVD.
These results support the important role that the MD pattern has on reducing
mortality in Mediterranean countries" -
Click here for my olive oil mayonnaise recipe.
Effect of a
traditional Mediterranean diet on apolipoproteins B, A-I, and their ratio: A
randomized, controlled trial - Atherosclerosis. 2011 May 6 -
"Apolipoprotein (Apo)B,
ApoA-I, and their ratio could predict
coronary heart disease (CHD) risk more accurately than conventional lipid
measurements. Our aim was to assess the effect of a traditional
Mediterranean diet (TMD) on
apolipoproteins ... Participants assigned to a low-fat diet (control) (n=177),
or TMDs (TMD+virgin olive oil (VOO), n=181 or TMD+nuts, n=193) received
nutritional education and either free VOO (ad libitum) or nuts (dose: 30g/day).
A 3-month evaluation was performed ... Both TMDs promoted beneficial changes on
classical cardiovascular risk factors. ApoA-I increased, and ApoB and
ApoB/ApoA-I ratio decreased after TMD+VOO, the changes promoting a lower
cardiometabolic risk. Changes in TMD+VOO versus low-fat diet were -2.9mg/dL (95%
CI, -5.6 to -0.08), 3.3mg/dL (95% CI, 0.84 to 5.8), and -0.03mg/dL (-0.05 to
-0.01) for ApoB, ApoA-I, and ApoB/ApoA-I ratio, respectively ... Individuals at
high-cardiovascular risk who improved their diet toward a TMD pattern rich in
virgin olive oil, reduced their Apo B and ApoB/ApoA-I ratio and improved ApoA-I
concentrations" - The question is; is it the polyphenols or the omega-9
or both in the virgin olive oil responsible for the benefit? See
olive leaf extract at Amazon.com
(Olea europaea) leaf extract effective in patients with stage-1 hypertension:
Comparison with Captopril - Phytomedicine. 2011 Feb 15;18(4):251-8 -
"Mean SBP at baseline was 149.3+/-5.58mmHg in Olive
group and 148.4+/-5.56mmHg in Captopril group; and mean DBPs were 93.9+/-4.51
and 93.8+/-4.88mmHg, respectively. After 8 weeks of treatment, both groups
experienced a significant reduction of SBP as well as DBP from baseline; while
such reductions were not significantly different between groups. Means of SBP
reduction from baseline to the end of study were -11.5+/-8.5 and -13.7+/-7.6mmHg
in Olive and Captopril groups, respectively; and those of DBP were -4.8+/-5.5
and -6.4+/-5.2mmHg, respectively. A significant reduction of triglyceride level
was observed in Olive group, but not in Captopril group. In conclusion, Olive
(Olea europaea) leaf extract, at the dosage regimen of 500mg twice daily, was
similarly effective in lowering systolic and diastolic blood pressures in
subjects with stage-1 hypertension as Captopril, given at its effective dose of
12.5-25mg twice daily"
vegetables, and olive oil and risk of coronary heart disease in Italian women:
the EPICOR Study - Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 Dec 22 -
"aimed to investigate the association between consumption of fruit, vegetables,
and olive oil and the incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD) in 29,689 women
enrolled between 1993 and 1998 ... A strong reduction in CHD risk among women in
the highest quartile of consumption of leafy vegetables (hazard ratio: 0.54; 95%
CI: 0.33, 0.90; P for trend = 0.03) and olive oil (hazard ratio: 0.56; 95% CI:
0.31, 0.99; P for trend = 0.04) was found. In contrast, no association emerged
between fruit consumption and CHD risk"
Effects of olive oil and its minor phenolic constituents on obesity-induced
cardiac metabolic changes Nutr J. 2010 Oct 19;9(1):46 -
"The present study demonstrated for the first time that olive-oil, oleuropein
and cafeic-acid enhanced fat-oxidation and optimized cardiac energy metabolism
in obesity conditions. Olive oil and its phenolic compounds improved myocardial
oxidative stress in standard-fed conditions"
of Extra Virgin Olive Oil Varieties through Their Phenolic Profile. Potential
Cytotoxic Activity against Human Breast Cancer Cells - J Agric Food Chem.
2010 Aug 26 - "extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) varieties
...Five different Spanish EVOO varieties were analyzed, and RRLC-ESI-TOF-MS
method was applied for qualitative and quantitative identification of most
important phenolic compounds. We finally employed MTT-based cell viability
protocol to assess the effects of crude EVOO phenolic extracts (PEs) on the
metabolic status of cultured SKBR3 human breast cancer cells. MTT-based cell
viability assays revealed a wide range of breast cancer cytotoxic potencies
among individual crude PE obtained from EVOO monovarietals. Remarkably, breast
cancer cell sensitivity to crude EVOO-PEs was up to 12 times higher in
secoiridoids enriched-PE than in secoiridoids-low/null EVOO-PE"
Cytoprotective effects of olive mill wastewater extract and its main constituent
hydroxytyrosol in PC12 cells - Pharmacol Res. 2010 Jun 16 -
"Following a short-term exposure (30min) to the
compounds of interest, cells were subjected to oxidative or nitrosative stress
by adding either ferrous iron or sodium nitroprusside to the cell culture medium
for 18h, respectively. Cytotoxicity was assessed by measuring MTT reduction,
cellular ATP levels and mitochondrial membrane potential in the absence and
presence of HT or HT-rich olive mill wastewater extract. The results we obtained
mainly confirm our previous observation of promising cytoprotection of brain
cells by HT-rich olive mill wastewater extract in different stressor paradigms"
antimelanoma potential of dry olive leaf extract - Int J Cancer. 2010 Jun 21
- "dry olive leaf extract (DOLE) ... Taken together, the
results of this study indicate that DOLE possesses strong anti-melanoma
potential. When DOLE was applied in combination with different
chemotherapeutics, various outcomes, including synergy and antagonism were
Oleuropein enhances osteoblastogenesis and inhibits adipogenesis: the effect on
differentiation in stem cells derived from bone marrow - Osteoporos Int.
2010 May 21 - "Our data suggest that oleuropein, highly
abundant in olive tree products included in the traditional Mediterranean diet,
could prevent age-related bone loss and osteoporosis"
Exclusive Olive Oil Consumption Is Associated with Lower Likelihood of
Developing Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction in Acute Coronary Syndrome
Patients: The Hellenic Heart Failure Study - Ann Nutr Metab. 2009 Nov
27;56(1):9-15 - "70% of the LVSD patients and 76% of
the non-LVSD patients reported exclusive olive oil consumption.
Multi-adjusted analysis revealed that exclusive olive oil consumption in
post-ACS patients with a first cardiac episode was associated with a 65%
(95% confidence interval 0.14-0.87) lower likelihood of developing LVSD
after adjusting for various confounders. No significant association was
observed among participants with a previous history of ACS. Conclusions:
Exclusive, long-term olive oil consumption seems to offer significant
protection against the development of LVSD in post-ACS patients"
Oil and Cognition: Results from the Three-City Study - Dement Geriatr
Cogn Disord. 2009 Oct 30;28(4):357-36 -
"Participants with moderate or intensive use of olive oil compared to those
who never used olive oil showed lower odds of cognitive deficit for verbal
fluency and visual memory. For cognitive decline during the 4-year
follow-up, the association with intensive use was significant for visual
memory (adjusted OR = 0.83, 95% CI: 0.69-0.99) but not for verbal fluency
(OR = 0.85, 95% CI: 0.70-1.03) in multivariate analysis"
Abeta oligomers show altered structure, immunoreactivity and synaptotoxicity
with low doses of oleocanthal - Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2009 Oct
15;240(2):189-97 - "results indicate oleocanthal is
capable of altering the oligomerization state of ADDLs while protecting
neurons from the synaptopathological effects of ADDLs and suggest OC as a
lead compound for development in AD therapeutics"