Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending
7/27/11. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any medications.
I finally got around to updating my olive oil mayonnaise
video. Click here.
10 Top-Selling Drugs Coming Off Patent - ABC News, 7/25/11 -
"could cost up to 80 percent less ... Plavix ... Lipitor
... Seroquel ... Actos ... Enbrel ... Levaquin ... Zyprexa ...Concerta ...
metal: Titanium implant safety under scrutiny - Science Daily, 7/25/11 -
"Titanium implants are routinely used for bone fractures
as well as dental work. It has recently been shown that titanium-based implants
both corrode and degrade, generating metallic debris. There is some concern over
the increased concentrations of circulating metal-degradation products derived
from these implants, and their potential harmful biological effects over a
period of time, including hepatic injury and renal lesions"
has numerous beneficial effects on brain health and cognition, review suggests
- Science Daily, 7/25/11 - "In a new review article
highlighting the results of more than a hundred recent human and animal studies
on this topic, Michelle W. Voss, of the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, and her colleagues show that both aerobic
exercise and strength training play a vital
role in maintaining brain and cognitive health
throughout life ... The review suggests that aerobic exercise is important for
getting a head start during childhood on cognitive abilities that are important
throughout life. For example, physical inactivity is associated with poorer
academic performance and results on standard neuropsychological tests, while
exercise programs appear to improve memory, attention, and decision-making.
These effects also extend to young and elderly adults, with solid evidence for
aerobic training benefiting executive functions, including multi-tasking,
planning, and inhibition, and increasing the volume of brain structures
important for memory"
Bathing water at Vegas ‘dayclubs’ has ‘a lot of urine,’ some bacteria - The
Daily, 7/24/11 - "Pee in the pool is bad, but germs are
worse, and that’s what our testers found at Rehab at the Hard Rock Hotel, where
water samples tested positive for a bacterium called acintobacter. While not
usually considered to be dangerous, strains of the organism can cause pneumonia,
urinary tract infections, and skin infections" - Note: Below the
first picture is an icon to go to the second picture which has a graph of the
pee factor.
Omega-3 Supplements May Lower Anxiety - Medscape, 7/22/11 -
"In a small randomized controlled trial of medical
students, those who received omega-3
supplements for 3 months showed a 20% reduction in
anxiety scores and a 14% reduction in stimulated interleukin 6 (IL-6)
production ... Chronic inflammation has been linked to a broad spectrum of
health problems, including cardiovascular disease, stroke, and rheumatoid
arthritis ... A total of 68 first- and second-year medical students (56% male;
mean age, 23.65 years) were enrolled and randomized to receive 3 times daily
either omega-3 supplement capsules (consisting of 2085 mg of EPA and 348 mg of
DHA, n = 34) or fish-flavored placebo capsules (n = 34) for 12 weeks ... We
chose the 7:1 EPA/DHA balance because of evidence that EPA has relatively
stronger anti-inflammatory and antidepressant effects than DHA" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
A novel
and potent antioxidant found in tomato plants, initial results suggest -
Science Daily, 7/22/11 - "A team of researchers from the
Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IBMCP) -a joint centre of the
Universitat Politècnica de València and CSIC, the Spanish National Research
Council- have identified a novel and potent natural
antioxidant occurring in tomato plants. It
is a phenolic substance that is synthesised by the tomato plant when it is
subjected to biotic stress. Until now, it was completely unknown ... The UPV and
CSIC have registered the national and international patents of the new
antioxidant and the laboratory procedures used to isolate and synthesise it
chemically ... the antioxidant power of the new compound is much higher -14
times higher, to be precise- than, for example, that of resveratrol, a
well-known antioxidant, found in red wine, which can delay cellular aging. In
addition, it is 4.5 times more potent than vitamin E and 10 times more potent
than vitamin C" - Note: The patent thing makes you wonder if the
claims are overblown though.
The Body Odd - Creative types are full of themselves, study confirms -
MSNBC, 7/21/11 - "While the creative personality has
many appealing traits -- being curious, broad-minded, and open to new
experiences -- it has a few unappealing ones, like less modesty and more
Metabolic syndrome increases risk of both major types of primary liver cancer
- Science Daily, 7/21/11 - "metabolic syndrome was
present in 37% of persons who subsequently developed HCC and 30% of persons who
developed ICC, compared to 17% of persons who didn't develop either cancer.
Analyses showed metabolic syndrome was significantly associated with increased
risk of HCC (odds ratio=2.13) and ICC (odds ratio=1.56). Individual components
of metabolic syndrome -- impaired fasting glucose level, dyslipoproteinemia,
obesity and hypertension -- were more common among persons who developed either
HCC or ICC patients than among persons who did not"
consumption linked to female infertility, study suggests - Science Daily,
7/20/11 - "By studying tubes from mice, Ward and his
team discovered that caffeine stops the actions
of specialized pacemaker cells in the wall of the tubes. These cells coordinate
tube contractions so that when they are inhibited, eggs can't move down the
tubes. In fact these muscle contractions play a bigger role than the beating
cilia in moving the egg towards the womb ... This provides an intriguing
explanation as to why women with high caffeine consumption often take
longer to conceive than women who do not
consume caffeine"
Exercise Sharpens Older Minds - WebMD, 7/20/11 -
"Two new studies add to growing evidence that
physical activity helps to keep older people's brains sharp ... women in the
highest two-fifths of physical activity had substantially lower rates of
cognitive decline than women in the lowest
exercise bracket ... In the second study, researchers used a more objective
measure of energy expended during physical activity, employing the so-called
doubly labeled water technique to determine how much water a person loses ...
Over the next two to five years, those in the highest third of energy
expenditure were substantially less likely to develop clinical cognitive
impairment than those in the lowest third ... About 2% of people in the highest
third suffered declines in cognitive function, compared with 5% in the middle
third and 17% in the lowest third"
Listen up! Antioxidants may slash risk of hearing loss, says study - Nutra
USA, 7/19/11 - "People with the highest average intakes
of vitamin A had a 47 percent reduced risk of
moderate or greater hearing loss, compared to
people with the lowest average intakes ... In addition, increasing dietary
vitamin E intakes were linked with a 14 percent
reduction in hearing loss"
Abstracts from this week's
Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics
plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here
for the journals, the PubMed ones at the top):
Consumption of Dairy Foods and Protein during Diet- and Exercise-Induced Weight
Loss Promotes Fat Mass Loss and Lean Mass Gain in Overweight and Obese
Premenopausal Women - J Nutr. 2011 Jul 20 - "Weight
loss can have substantial health benefits for overweight or obese persons;
however, the ratio of fat:lean tissue loss may be more important. We aimed to
determine how daily exercise (resistance and/or aerobic) and a hypoenergetic
diet varying in protein and calcium content from dairy
foods would affect the composition of weight lost in otherwise healthy,
premenopausal, overweight, and obese women.
Ninety participants were randomized to 3 groups (n = 30/group): high protein,
high dairy (HPHD), adequate protein, medium dairy (APMD), and adequate protein,
low dairy (APLD) differing in the quantity of total dietary protein and dairy
food-source protein consumed: 30 and 15%, 15 and 7.5%, or 15 and <2% of energy,
respectively. Body composition was measured by DXA at 0, 8, and 16 wk and MRI (n
= 39) to assess visceral adipose tissue (VAT)
volume at 0 and 16 wk. All groups lost body weight (P < 0.05) and fat (P <
0.01); however, fat loss during wk 8-16 was greater in the HPHD group than in
the APMD and APLD groups (P < 0.05). The HPHD group gained lean tissue with a
greater increase during 8-16 wk than the APMD group, which maintained lean mass
and the APLD group, which lost lean mass (P < 0.05). The HPHD group also lost
more VAT as assessed by MRI (P < 0.05) and trunk fat as assessed by DXA (P <
0.005) than the APLD group. The reduction in VAT in all groups was correlated
with intakes of calcium (r = 0.40; P < 0.05) and protein (r = 0.32; P < 0.05).
Therefore, diet- and exercise-induced weight loss with higher protein and
increased dairy product intakes promotes more favorable body composition changes
in women characterized by greater total and visceral fat loss and lean mass
gain" - Note: See the yogurt recipe on
my yogurt page.
Improves Outcomes of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia When Evaluated for Prostate
Cancer Risk Reduction: Secondary Analysis of the REduction by Dutasteride of
Prostate Cancer Events (REDUCE) Trial - Urology. 2011 Jul 14 -
"During the 4-year study, the International Prostate
Symptom Score increased in placebo-treated patients, while
dutasteride-treated patients had a stabilized or decreased International
Prostate Symptom Score and improved
BPH Impact Index and quality of life due to
urinary symptom scores across all prostate volume quintiles (including prostate
glands smaller than those studied in previous dutasteride trials). 48 months,
the incidence of acute urinary retention or BPH-related surgery was
significantly less in the dutasteride group (2.5%) than in the placebo group
(9%) overall (P < .001) and in each baseline prostate volume quintile (P < .01)"
- See dutasteride at
Consumption and Risk of Lung Cancer Among Never-Smoking Women - Nutr Cancer.
2011 Jul 20 - "Among these never smokers, fruit and
vegetable intake were inversely associated with
lung cancer risk. Seventy-two percent of meat consumed was white
meat (chicken or fish). Meat consumption overall was
inversely associated with lung cancer [adjusted odds ratio (OR), 0.88, 0.59 for
second, third tertiles, P (trend) = .012]. An inverse relationship between fish
consumption and lung cancer (adjusted OR, 0.81, 0.47 for 2nd, 3rd tertiles, P
(trend) < .001) was observed. No association was seen between consumption of
processed meats and lung cancer, nor between dietary heterocyclic amines and
lung cancer. Our data suggest that fish consumption may be protective against
lung cancer in never smokers"
Impact of
Consumption of Vegetable, Fruit, Grain, and High Glycemic Index Foods on
Aggressive Prostate Cancer Risk - Nutr Cancer. 2011 Jul 20 -
"Here we further investigate such potential
relationships with a case-control study of 982 men (470 more aggressive
prostate cancer cases and 512 control
subjects). Comparing the highest to lowest quartiles of intake, we found that
increasing intakes of leafy vegetables were
inversely associated with risk of aggressive prostate cancer [adjusted odds
ratio (OR) = 0.66, 95% CI: 0.46, 0.96; P trend = 0.02], as was higher
consumption of high carotenoid vegetables
(OR = 0.71, 95% CI: 0.48, 1.04; P trend = 0.04). Conversely, increased
consumption of high glycemic index foods were
positively associated with risk of aggressive disease (OR = 1.64, 95% CI: 1.05,
2.57; P trend = 0.02). These results were driven by a number of specific foods
within the food groups. Our findings support the hypothesis that diets high in
vegetables and low in high glycemic index foods decrease risk of aggressive
prostate cancer"
Effect of
valerian on sleep quality in postmenopausal women: a randomized
placebo-controlled clinical trial - Menopause. 2011 Jul 14 -
"About 50% of
postmenopausal women experience sleep
disturbances such as
insomnia ... A randomized, triple-blind,
controlled trial design was used for this study. Participants consisted of 100
postmenopausal women aged 50 to 60 years who were experiencing insomnia. A
demographic data form and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index were used to
collect data. The women were randomly divided into two groups. Each group
received either 530 mg of concentrated
valerian extract or a placebo twice a day for 4
weeks. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data ...
A statistically significant change was reported in the quality of sleep of the
intervention group in comparison with the placebo group (P < 0.001). Also, 30%
of the participants in the intervention group and 4% in the placebo group showed
an improvement in the quality of sleep" - Note: My sleep combo is
two Nature's Way, Valerian
Nighttime, Odor Free, 100 Tablets, one Jarrow
Formulas, Theanine 200, 200 mg, 60 Capsules
and three Source Naturals,
Melatonin, Peppermint Flavored Sublingual, 1 mg, 300 Tablets.
vitamins A, C, and E and breast cancer risk: a meta-analysis and meta-regression
- Cancer Causes Control. 2011 Jul 15 - "Overall, 51
studies met the inclusion criteria. Comparing the highest with the lowest
intake, total vitamin A intake reduced the
breast cancer risk by 17% (pooled OR = 0.83, 95%
CI: 0.78-0.88). Further subgroup analysis based on study design did not change
the significant reduction. Although the dietary vitamin A, dietary vitamin E,
and total vitamin E intake all reduced breast cancer risk significantly when
data from all studies were pooled, the results became nonsignificant when data
from cohort studies were pooled. The significant association between total
retinol intake and breast cancer in all studies became nonsignificant in
case-control studies but remain significant in cohort studies. No significant
dose-response relationship was observed in the higher intake of these vitamins
with reduced breast cancer risk"
association between height and prostate cancer grade in the Early Stage Prostate
Cancer Cohort Study - Causes Control. 2011 Jul 20 -
"Overall, participants in the highest quartile of height were more than twice as
likely to have a Gleason score ≥ 7 (4 + 3) than participants in the lowest
quartile of height, OR 2.14 (95% CI 1.11, 4.14), after multivariate adjustment.
Participants in the highest quartile of height were more likely to be diagnosed
with high-grade prostate cancer than
participants in the lowest quartile of height among participants who were black,
OR 8.00 (95% CI 1.99, 32.18), and participants who had diabetes mellitus, OR
5.09 (95% CI 1.30, 19.98)"
Fish intake
and type 2 diabetes in Japanese men and women: the Japan Public Health
Center-based Prospective Study - Am J Clin Nutr. 2011 Jul 20 -
"During the 5-y period, 971 new cases (572 men and 399
women) of type 2 diabetes were self-reported.
In men, fish intake was significantly
associated with a decreased risk of type 2 diabetes; multivariable-adjusted ORs
of type 2 diabetes for the highest compared with the lowest quartile of intake
were 0.73 (95% CI: 0.54, 1.00; P-trend = 0.04) for total fish and seafood and
0.68 (95% CI: 0.50, 0.92; P-trend = 0.016) for small and medium fish (horse
mackerel and sardine, saury and mackerel, and eel). Additional analysis by fat
content of fish did not detect any significant association for each category. In
women, fish intake was not appreciably associated with type 2 diabetes risk"
- See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
adults' cognitive performance after daily supplementation with antioxidant
vitamins and minerals at nutritional doses: a post hoc analysis of the
Supplementation in Vitamins and Mineral Antioxidants (SU.VI.MAX) trial - Am
J Clin Nutr. 2011 Jul 20 - "This study included 4447
French participants aged 45-60 y who were enrolled in the SU.VI.MAX study
(1994-2002), which was a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial.
From 1994 to 2002, participants received daily vitamin C (120 mg), β-carotene (6
mg), vitamin E (30 mg), selenium (100 μg), and zinc (20 mg) in combination or as
a placebo. In 2007-2009, the cognitive performance
of participants was assessed with 4 neuropsychological tests (6 tasks).
Principal components analysis (PCA) was performed to identify cognitive-function
summary scores. Associations between antioxidant supplementation and cognitive
functions, in the full sample and by subgroups, were estimated through ANOVA and
expressed as mean differences and 95% CIs. Subgroup analyses were performed
according to baseline characteristics ... Subjects receiving active
antioxidant supplementation had better
episodic memory scores (mean difference: 0.61; 95% CI: 0.02, 1.20). PCA
indicated 2 factors that were interpreted as showing verbal memory and executive
functioning. Verbal memory was improved by antioxidant supplementation only in
subjects who were nonsmokers or who had low serum vitamin C concentrations at
fiber intake and risk of breast cancer: a meta-analysis of prospective cohort
studies - Am J Clin Nutr. 2011 Jul 20 - "We
identified 10 prospective cohort studies of dietary
fiber intake and risk of breast cancer
involving 16,848 cases and 712,195 participants. The combined RR of breast
cancer for the highest compared with the lowest dietary fiber intake was 0.89
(95% CI: 0.83, 0.96), and little evidence of heterogeneity was observed. The
association between dietary fiber intake and risk of breast cancer did not
significantly differ by geographic region, length of follow-up, or menopausal
status of the participants. Omission of any single study little changed the
combined risk estimate. Dose-response analysis showed that every 10-g/d
increment in dietary fiber intake was associated with a significant 7% reduction
in breast cancer risk. Little evidence of publication bias was found"
high-sugar foods and risk of endometrial cancer - a population-based cohort
study - Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2011 Jul 15 -
"During 18.4 years of follow-up, 729 participants were
diagnosed with incident endometrial cancer.
Total sucrose intake and consumption of sweet buns and cookies was associated
with increased risk of endometrial cancer. RRs (with 95% CIs) for consuming more
than 35 grams of sucrose/day and consuming sweet buns and cookies more than 3
times/week were 1.36 (1.04-1.77) and 1.42 (1.15-1.75) as compared to less than
15 grams of sucrose/day and consuming sweet buns and cookies less than 0.5
times/week, respectively. RRs for consuming more than 15 grams of
sucrose/day as compared to 15 grams or less
were 1.97 (1.27-3.04) among obese women and 1.56 (1.20-2.04) among women with
low fat intake"
Effect of
Dietary Protein Supplementation on Blood Pressure: A Randomized, Controlled
Trial - Circulation. 2011 Jul 18 - "The trial
participants were assigned to take 40 g/d soy protein,
milk protein, or carbohydrate supplementation each
for 8 weeks in a random order. A 3-week washout period was implemented between
the interventions. Three BPs were measured at
2 baseline and 2 termination visits during each of 3 intervention phases with a
random-zero sphygmomanometer. Compared with carbohydrate controls, soy protein
and milk protein supplementations were significantly associated with -2.0 mm Hg
(95% confidence interval -3.2 to -0.7 mm Hg, P=0.002) and -2.3 mm Hg (-3.7 to
-1.0 mm Hg, P=0.0007) net changes in systolic BP, respectively. Diastolic BP was
also reduced, but this change did not reach statistical significance. There was
no significant difference in the BP reductions achieved between soy or milk
protein supplementation"
subclinical thyroid disorders, physical and cognitive function, depression and
mortality in older individuals - Eur J Endocrinol. 2011 Jul 18 -
"To what extent endogenous subclinical thyroid disorders
contribute to impaired physical and cognitive function, depression and mortality
in older individuals remains a matter of debate ... Participants with overt
thyroid disease or use of thyroid medication were excluded ... Sixty-four (5.3%)
individuals had subclinical hypothyroidism
and 34 (2.8%) had subclinical hyperthyroidism.
As compared to euthyroidism (n=1121), subclinical hypo- and hyperthyroidism were
not significantly associated with impairment of physical or cognitive function,
or depression. On the contrary, participants with subclinical hypothyroidism did
less often report more than one activity limitation (odds ratio 0.44, 95%
confidence interval (CI) 0.22 to 0.86). After a median follow-up of 10.7 years
601 participants were deceased. Subclinical hypo- and hyperthyroidism were not
associated with increased overall mortality risk (hazard ratio 0.89 , 95% CI
0.59 to 1.35 and 0.69, 95% CI 0.40 to 1.20, respectively). Conclusions. The
present study does not support disadvantageous effects of subclinical thyroid
disorders on physical or cognitive function, depression or mortality in an older
Effect of
Dietary Fish Oil on Atrial Fibrillation After Cardiac Surgery - Am J
Cardiol. 2011 Jul 13 - "Two hundred patients were
randomized to receive fish oil
(providing 4.6 g/day of long-chain ω-3 fatty acids) or a control oil starting 3
weeks before surgery; 194 subjects completed the study, with 47 of 97 subjects
in the control group and 36 of 97 subjects in the fish oil group developing
(odds ratio 0.63, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.35 to 1.11). There was a
nonstatistically significant delay in time to onset of AF in the fish oil group
(hazard ratio 0.66, 95% CI 0.43 to 1.01). There was a significant decrease in
mean length of stay in the intensive care unit in the fish oil group (ratio of
means 0.71, 95% CI 0.56 to 0.90). In conclusion, in a mixed cardiac surgery
population, supplementation with dietary fish oil did not result in a
significant decrease in the incidence of postsurgical AF. However, there was a
significant decrease in time spent in the intensive care unit" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Neat Tech Stuff / "How To's":
Health Focus (Pregnancy):
Alternative News:
Pre-pregnancy diet affects the health of future offspring, mouse study suggests
- Science Daily, 7/1/11 - "mice that were fed a low
protein diet for ten weeks before conception (but had a normal diet during
pregnancy) gave birth to offspring that had lower birth weights, showed catch-up
growth after weaning and increased insulin sensitivity ... There is also
evidence that male offspring are more likely to develop obesity ... If humans
respond in the same way as mice to pre-conception diet as well then women should
not only consider what they eat during pregnancy but also before pregnancy if
they want to reduce the risk of their future children acquiring lifestyle
Vitamin D
supplementation during pregnancy: Double blind, randomized clinical trial of
safety and effectiveness - J Bone Miner Res. 2011 Jun 27 -
"Vitamin D supplementation of 4,000 IU/day for pregnant
women was safe and most effective in achieving sufficiency in all women and
their neonates regardless of race while the current estimated average
requirement was comparatively ineffective at achieving adequate circulating
25(OH)D, especially in African Americans" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
D supplements found to be safe for healthy pregnant women - Science Daily,
6/24/11 - "Dr Hollis' team monitored the pregnancies of
350 women, from a variety of ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds, who were all
between 12 and 16 weeks into gestation. The women were randomly assigned to one
of three groups. One group received 400 IU of vitamin D per day, the second
group received 2,000 IU per day and the third received 4,000 IU daily ... women
who received the highest level of supplementation (4,000 IU per day) were more
likely to achieve and sustain the desired level of circulating levels of vitamin
D throughout their pregnancy. Moreover, the researchers found that pregnant
women who received lower levels of vitamin D supplementation did not attain the
threshold circulating level of the vitamin" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Undernourishment in pregnant, lactating females found key to next generation's
disease - Science Daily, 6/13/11 - "when mothers are
even moderately undernourished while pregnant and breastfeeding, their offspring
are consistently found to be prediabetic before adolescence. It is the first
time that diabetes has been shown to have prenatal origins in a primate model
... We pass more biological milestones before we are born and in the early weeks
of life than at any other time ... Poor nutrition at critical periods of
development can hinder growth of essential organs such as the pancreas, which
sees a significantly decrease in its ability to secrete insulin ... A fetus may
also receive fewer nutrients due to teenage pregnancy, where the growing mother
competes with her offspring for resources; in pregnancies complicated by
maternal vascular disease, which may occur in women who become pregnant later in
their reproductive life; and when placental problems exist"
vitamins in mother's diet reduce colorectal cancer risk in offspring, animal
study suggests - Science Daily, 6/9/11 - "Using a
mouse model of naturally occurring colorectal cancer, the USDA HNRCA scientists
examined whether a mothers' B vitamin intake impacts her offspring's cancer
risk. Mothers were fed diets containing supplemental, adequate or mildly
deficient quantities of vitamins B2, B6, B12 and folate prior to conception
through weaning after which all of the offspring received the same adequate diet
... Although the tumor incidence was similar between offspring of deficient and
adequate mothers, 54% of tumors in the deficient offspring were advanced and had
invaded surrounding tissue while only 18% of tumors in the offspring of adequate
mothers displayed these aggressive properties" - See
prenatal supplements at Amazon.com
cancer research: Mammary gland development of blueberry-fed lab animals studied
- Science Daily, 6/7/11 - "several indicators of rat
mammary gland health were improved in the offspring (pups) of mothers (dams)
that had been fed 5 percent blueberry powder in their rations during pregnancy
and during the weeks that they nursed their pups ... In their analysis of
several biochemical indicators, the team found, for instance, that the level of
the tumor-suppressing protein PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted in
chromosome 10) was significantly higher in mammary tissues of offspring of dams
on the 5 percent regimen. That's a plus, because PTEN is thought to help protect
against cancer" - See
blueberry extract at Amazon.com
acid given to mother rats protects offspring from colon cancer - Science
Daily, 5/26/11 - "Folic acid supplements given to
pregnant and breast-feeding rats reduced the rate of colon cancer in their
offspring by 64 per cent" - See
folic acid products at Amazon.com
diet during pregnancy programs child for future diabetes, study suggests -
Science Daily, 5/26/11
who start prenatal vitamins early are less likely to have children with autism,
study finds - Science Daily, 5/25/11 - "Women who
reported not taking a daily prenatal vitamin immediately before and during the
first month of pregnancy were nearly twice as likely to have a child with an
autism spectrum disorder as women who did take the supplements -- and the
associated risk rose to seven times as great when combined with a high-risk
genetic make-up ... The authors postulate that folic acid, the synthetic form of
folate or vitamin B9, and the other B vitamins in prenatal supplements, likely
protect against deficits in early fetal brain development. Folate is known to be
critical to neurodevelopment and studies have found that supplemental folic acid
has the potential to prevent up to 70 percent of neural tube defects, the
authors said"
Dietary Supplement May Help Prevent Preeclampsia - WebMD, 5/19/11 -
"women who ate daily food bars containing the amino acid
L-arginine and antioxidant vitamins during pregnancy had a much lower incidence
of preeclampsia than women who ate bars containing the antioxidant vitamins
alone or bars containing neither supplement ... far fewer of the women in the
L-arginine plus vitamin group developed preeclampsia (12.7%) than women in the
vitamin-alone (22.5%) group and no-supplement (30.2%) group" - See
L-arginine products at Amazon.com
Low Vitamin D at Birth Linked to Lung Infections - WebMD, 5/10/11 -
"At birth, more than a quarter of the infants had low
vitamin D -- serum levels of less than 20 ng/mL. During their first year of
life, these kids had a sixfold higher risk of RSV lung infection than did the
46% of kids whose vitamin D levels at birth were at least 30 ng/mL ... It's not
just the Netherlands. Other Western nations, including the U.S., have similar
rates of low vitamin D ... U.S. researchers reported in 2010 that at a single
Boston hospital, 58% of infants and 36% of mothers had low vitamin D levels
(under 20 ng/mL). Severe vitamin D deficiency (defined as lower than 15 ng/mL)
was seen in 38% of the infants and in 23% of the mothers" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Omega-3 status in pregnancy linked to childhood obesity: Study - Nutra USA,
5/6/11 - "A higher ratio of cord plasma omega-6 to
omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) was associated with higher
subscapular and triceps [skinfold thicknesses] and odds of obesity ... around
one fifth expectant mothers ate more than 2 fish meals per week at
mid-pregnancy, however only about half of these women achieved the recommend
intake of DHA of 200 mg per day ... Only three per cent of pregnant women in the
study were found to consume the recommended intake of 200 mg/day of DHA in the
last month of pregnancy ... this is the time when large amounts of DHA are
transferred from the mother to the infant to support brain development ... the
odds of obesity in 3-year-olds were between two and four times higher when cord
blood had a high ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids ... In contrast, the
odds of obesity were 32 per cent lower when maternal consumption of omega-3s was
high or if the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 was at close to recommended levels"
- [Abstract] - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Prenatal DHA
Status and Neurological Outcome in Children at Age 5.5 Years Are Positively
Associated - J Nutr. 2011 Apr 27 - "Healthy pregnant
women from Spain, Germany, and Hungary were randomly assigned to a dietary
supplement consisting of either fish oil (FO) (500 mg/d DHA + 150 mg/d EPA), 400
μg/d 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, both, or placebo from wk 20 of gestation until
delivery ... We conclude that higher DHA levels in cord blood may be related to
a better neurological outcome at 5.5 y of age" - See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
of a DHA-containing functional food during pregnancy is associated with lower
infant ponderal index and cord plasma insulin concentration - Br J Nutr.
2011 Apr 27:1-5 - "DHA consumption during pregnancy may
be advantageous with respect to infant body composition at birth and insulin
sensitivity" - See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
consumed during pregnancy curbs risk for postpartum depression symptoms -
Science Daily, 4/12/11 - "maternal consumption of
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; a prominent omega-3 fatty acid) during pregnancy
gives infants a developmental advantage even 9 months after they are born. These
findings prompted her to consider the benefits that DHA could holistically have
on the maternal-infant dyad ... randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
dietary intervention trial in which 52 pregnant women took either a placebo
(corn oil) or a fish oil capsule containing 300 milligrams of DHA 5 days each
week from 24-40 weeks of pregnancy ... Although the study did not have enough
women to investigate if fish oil consumption resulted in a lower incidence of
diagnosable postpartum depression, women in the treatment group had
significantly lower total Postpartum Depression Screening Scale scores, with
significantly fewer symptoms common to postpartum depression" - See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
Bacteria supplements may affect weight gain: Rat study extends
microflora-obesity link - Nutra USA, 4/12/11 -
"Early exposure to bacterial strains during pregnancy, breast feeding, and early
life has a profound impact on weight gain in the offspring, says a new study
with rats ... supplementation of a high-energy-dense diet with the bacterial
strain Lactobacillus plantarum resulted in less weight gain, compared to rats
fed only the high energy diet ... animals fed the high energy diet and
supplemented with less friendly Escherichia coli bacteria experienced
significantly higher levels of body fat, compared to the control animals ... the
L. plantarum supplemented animals had significantly lower weight gain than both
the control and E. coli-supplemented groups. This difference was observed at
birth (indicating a potential influence of the mother’s diet) with the L.
plantarum pups having an average birth weight of 7.5 grams, compared with 8.2
and 9.6 grams for the control and E.coli animals, respectively ... After six
months, a similar trend was observed, with L. plantarum animals having an
average weight of 304 grams, compared with 340 and 352 grams for the control and
E.coli animals, respectively" - [Abstract]
- See
probiotics at Amazon.com
histological changes in young mice submitted to diets with different ratios of
n-6/n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids during maternal pregnancy and lactation
- Clin Nutr. 2011 Apr 1 - "N-3 polyunsaturated fatty
acids (n-3 PUFAs) are essential for brain development and function, but the
appropriate quantity of dietary n-3 PUFAs and ratio of n-6/n-3 PUFAs have not
been clearly determined ... The feeding regimens began two months before mouse
conception and continued throughout lactation for new pups. As compared with the
n-3 PUFA-deficient diet, both the flaxseed oil n-3 PUFA diets and the
flaxseed/fish oil n-3 PUFA diets significantly increased the expression levels
of brain neuron-specific enolase, glial fibrillary acidic protein and myelin
basic protein, somewhat dose-dependently, in new pup mice at 21 d and 42 d of
age. The expression of PPAR-γ in the brains of pup mice was increased only at 7
d of age with the n-3 PUFA diet, and no changes in the expression of PPAR-α and
PPAR-β were found among all the diet groups. These results suggest that the
higher intake amount of n-3 PUFAs with a low ratio of n-6/n-3 PUFAs at about
1-2:1, supplied during both maternal pregnancy and lactation, may be more
beneficial for early brain development, and PPAR-γ may act in one of the
pathways by which n-3 PUFAs promote early brain development" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
hard work pays off with big brains for their babies - Science Daily, 3/28/11
- "brain growth in babies is determined by the duration
of pregnancy and how long they suckle"
Neurophysiologic and neurobehavioral evidence of beneficial effects of prenatal
omega-3 fatty acid intake on memory function at school age - Am J Clin Nutr.
2011 Mar 9 - "The beneficial effects of prenatal and
early postnatal intakes of omega-3 (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) on
cognitive development during infancy are well recognized. However, few studies
have examined the extent to which these benefits continue to be evident in
childhood ... Repeated-measures analyses of variance revealed that children with
higher cord plasma concentrations of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which is an
important n-3 PUFA, had a shorter FN400 latency and a larger LPC amplitude; and
higher plasma DHA concentrations at the time of testing were associated with
increased FN400 amplitude. Cord DHA-related effects were observed regardless of
seafood-contaminant amounts. Multiple regression analyses also showed positive
associations between cord DHA concentrations and performance on neurobehavioral
assessments of memory ... To our knowledge, this study provides the first
neurophysiologic and neurobehavioral evidence of long-term beneficial effects of
n-3 PUFA intake in utero on memory function in school-age children" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
may ease early iron deficiency damage - Science Daily, 2/2/11 -
"When children are deprived of iron at any point during
the last trimester of pregnancy or the first six months of life -- a critical
period of brain development -- they suffer brain damage at least through early
adulthood, and possibly beyond. In particular, their motor function can be
impaired as well as their ability to focus ... Iron-deficient adults often have
restless leg syndrome. People who become iron deficient after three years of age
can recover by taking iron supplements ... iron deficiency has a major hit on
dopamine systems" - See
Slow Fe Slow Release Iron Tablets 90-Count Box at Amazon.com.

Study: You Are What Your Dad Ate - Time Magazine, 12/27/10 -
"placed male mice on a low-protein diet from the time
they were weaned until they reached sexual maturity. They then studied the
offspring those males produced and found some striking changes: the
second-generation mouse pups had hundreds of genetic mutations — particularly in
the liver — and this had a severe impact on their metabolic functioning. One
gene that changed in offspring, for example — known as Ppara — is essential in
cholesterol management and the liver's role in converting lipids ... Previous
research has suggested that it is this third tier of a family that is most
affected by epigenetic changes — or those alterations in a genome that
accumulate throughout an animal's life"
with low vitamin D levels at increased risk for respiratory infections -
Science Daily, 12/27/10
Effect of a
low glycaemic index diet on blood glucose in women with gestational
hyperglycaemia - Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2010 Nov 19 -
"Diet GI on control (58, 95% CI: 56,60) was
significantly higher than on low-GI (49, 95% CI: 47,51; p=0.001). Glycaemic
control improved on both diets, but more postprandial glucose values were within
target on low-GI (58.4% of n=1891) than control (48.7% of n=1834; p<0.001). SMBG
post-breakfast was directly related to pre-pregnancy BMI in the control, but not
the low-GI group (BMI*diet interaction; p=0.021). Participants accepted the
study foods and were willing to consume them post-intervention ... A low-GI diet
was feasible and acceptable in this sample and facilitated control of
postprandial glucose. A larger study is needed to determine the effect of a
low-GI diet on maternal and infant outcomes"
consumption during pregnancy and risk of preterm birth: a meta-analysis
- Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 Sep 15 - "In this
meta-analysis, we observed no important association between caffeine intake
during pregnancy and the risk of preterm birth for cohort and case-control
Effects of Prenatal Omega-3 Fatty Acid Intake on Visual Function in
School-Age Children - J Pediatr. 2010 Aug 25 -
"This study demonstrates beneficial effects of DHA intake during gestation
on visual system function at school age. DHA is particularly important for
the early development and long-term function of the visual parvocellular
pathway" - See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
Probiotics use in mothers limits eczema in their babies - Science Daily,
7/20/10 - "compared mothers who drank one glass of
probiotic milk a day to women who were given a placebo. Use of the probiotic
milk -- which the mothers drank beginning at week 36 in their pregnancy up
through to three months after birth -- reduced the incidence of eczema by 40
percent in children up to age two, the researchers found"
Probiotics in pregnancy could have diabetes benefits: Study - Nutra USA,
7/16/10 - "those women who had taken probiotics had
a reduced frequency of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM): 13 percent for
the diet/probiotics group, compared to 36 percent for the diet/placebo group
and 34 percent for the control group ... In addition, the dietary counseling
during pregnancy reduced the risk of fetal overgrowth, which is thought to
predispose to later obesity" - [Abstract]
- See
probiotics at Amazon.com
Impact of maternal probiotic-supplemented dietary counselling on pregnancy
outcome and prenatal and postnatal growth: a double-blind, placebo-controlled
study - Br J Nutr. 2010 Jun;103(12):1792-9 -
"Firstly, probiotic intervention reduced the frequency of gestational diabetes
mellitus (GDM); 13 % (diet/probiotics) v. 36 % (diet/placebo) and 34 %
(control); P = 0.003. Secondly, the safety of this approach was attested by
normal duration of pregnancies with no adverse events in mothers or children. No
significant differences in prenatal or postnatal growth rates among the study
groups were detected. Thirdly, distinctive effects of the two interventions were
detected; probiotic intervention reduced the risk of GDM and dietary
intervention diminished the risk of larger birth size in affected cases; P =
0.035 for birth weight and P = 0.028 for birth length. The results of the
present study show that probiotic-supplemented perinatal dietary counselling
could be a safe and cost-effective tool in addressing the metabolic epidemic. In
view of the fact that birth size is a risk marker for later obesity, the present
results are of significance for public health in demonstrating that this risk is
modifiable" - See
probiotics at Amazon.com
Supplement may prevent alcohol-related brain, skull defects - Science Daily,
5/27/10 - "The dietary supplement CDP-choline, sold as a
brain-boosting agent and under study for stroke and traumatic brain injury, may
block skull and brain damage that can result from alcohol consumption early in
pregnancy ... 25 percent of mouse embryos exposed to alcohol during that
critical period had defects in the fibrous joints that connect the skull ...
When they added ceramide-neutralizing CDP-choline to the mouse cells, cell death
and ceramide levels were reduced" - See
citicholine at Amazon.com
Folate prevents alcohol-induced congenital heart defects in mice, study
finds - Science Daily, 5/24/10 - "A new animal
study has found that high levels of the B-vitamin folate (folic acid)
prevented heart birth defects induced by alcohol exposure in early
Researchers discover additional benefit of vitamin A - Science Daily,
5/12/10 - "Children of mothers who received vitamin A
supplementation before, during and after pregnancy had significantly improved
lung function when compared to those whose mothers received beta-carotene
supplementation or placebo"
pregnant women not getting enough vitamin D: Prenatal vitamins help, but are not
enough for everyone - Science Daily, 5/11/10 - "out
of every ten pregnant women in the United States are not getting enough
Vitamin D" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Vitamin D Deficiency in Urban Massachusetts Newborns and Their Mothers -
Pediatrics. 2010 Mar 22 - "Overall, 58.0% of the infants
and 35.8% of the mothers were vitamin D deficient" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Probiotics for mum during pregnancy may cut obesity in child: Study -
Nutra USA, 2/16/10
Vitamin D for Mom May Lower Baby’s MS Risk - WebMD, 2/9/10 -
"We also found the risk of MS among daughters whose
mothers were in the top 20% of vitamin D intake during pregnancy was 45%
lower than daughters whose mothers were in the bottom 20% for vitamin D
intake during pregnancy" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Pomegranate extract stimulates uterine contractions - Science Daily,
Maternal folic acid may slash heart problems in children - Nutra USA,
12/3/09 - "Children of women who took additional
folic acid, defined as a daily single supplement or as a multivitamin Containing a folic acid dose of at least 400 micrograms, were found to have
an 18 per cent lower risk of CHDs" - [Abstract]
Protective effect of periconceptional folic acid supplements on the risk of
congenital heart defects: a registry-based case-control study in the
northern Netherlands - Eur Heart J. 2009 Dec 1 -
"Our results support the hypothesis that additional periconceptional folic
acid use reduces CHD risk in infants. Use of periconceptional folic acid
supplements was related to approximately 20% reduction in the prevalence of
any CHD. Given the relatively high prevalence of CHD worldwide, our findings
are important for public health"
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity Problems Associated With Low Folate Levels
In Pregnant Women - Science Daily, 10/28/09 - "A
study published in an upcoming issue of The Journal of Child Psychology and
Psychiatry finds that low maternal folate levels is linked to the
development of attention-deficit/hyperactivity problems in children at age
seven to nine years"
Eating Licorice In Pregnancy May Affect A Child's IQ And Behavior -
Science Daily. 10/6/09 - "Expectant mothers who eat
excessive quantities of licorice during pregnancy could adversely affect
their child's intelligence and behavior ... They were also more likely to
have poor attention spans and show disruptive behavior such as ADHD
(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) ... It is thought that a
component in licorice called glycyrrhizin may impair the placenta, allowing
stress hormones to cross from the mother to the baby"
Supplementing Babies' Formula With DHA Boosts Cognitive Development, Study
Finds - Science Daily, 9/15/09 - "children who
were breast fed as infants have superior cognitive skills compared to those
fed infant formula, and it's thought that this is due to an essential fatty
acid in breast milk called docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) ... because infants
who display superior performance on the means-end problem-solving task tend
to have superior IQ and vocabulary later in childhood, it's possible that
the beneficial effects of DHA extend well beyond infancy"
Vitamin C Deficiency Impairs Early Brain Development, Guinea Pig Study Finds
- 9/4/09 - "guinea pigs subjected to moderate
vitamin C deficiency have 30 per cent less hippocampal neurones and markedly
worse spatial memory than guinea pigs given a normal diet. Like guinea pigs,
human beings are dependent on getting vitamin C through their diet, and Jens
Lykkesfeldt therefore speculate that vitamin C deficiency in pregnant and
breast-feeding women may also lead to impaired development in foetuses and
new-born babies"
Choline Levels In Pregnant Women Raise Babies' Risk For Brain And
Spinal-cord Defects, Study Shows - Science Daily, 8/16/09 -
"Choline, an essential nutrient found in egg yolks,
soy, wheat germ and meats, was the only nutrient measured whose blood levels
were linked to risk of neural tube defects" - See
citicholine at Amazon.com
Exercise Is Healthy For Mom And Child During Pregnancy, Report States -
Science Daily, 8/3/09
Vitamin C deficiency in early postnatal life impairs spatial memory and
reduces the number of hippocampal neurons in guinea pigs - Am J Clin
Nutr. 2009 Jul 29 - "Our data show that vitamin C
deficiency in early postnatal life results in impaired neuronal development
and a functional decrease in spatial memory in guinea pigs. We speculate
that this unrecognized effect of vitamin C deficiency may have clinical
implications for high-risk individuals, such as in children born from
vitamin C-deficient mothers"
Folic acid in pregnancy
better than thought - MSNBC, 6/1/09 -
"Baby-protecting folic acid is getting renewed attention: Not only does it
fight spina bifida and some related abnormalities, new research shows it
also may prevent premature birth and heart defects"
Vitamin D Insufficiency Linked To Bacterial Vaginosis In Pregnant Women
- Science Daily, 5/21/09 - "Bacterial vaginosis (BV)
is the most common vaginal infection in US women of childbearing age, and is
common in pregnant women. BV occurs when the normal balance of bacteria in
the vagina is disrupted and replaced by an overgrowth of certain bacteria
... Overall, women with BV had lower serum 25(OH)D concentrations than those
without BV (P < 0.01). The prevalence of BV decreased as vitamin D
concentration increased to 80 nmol/L (P < 0.001). Compared with 75 nmol/L,
serum 25(OH)D concentrations of 20 nmol/L and 50 nmol/L were associated with
65% and 26% increases, respectively, in the likelihood of BV. In summary,
these findings suggest that vitamin D insufficiency is associated with BV in
the first 4 mo of pregnancy. Further, poor vitamin D status may contribute
to the strong racial disparity in the prevalence of BV in US women" -
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Preconceptional Folic Acid Supplements Are Associated With Reduced Risk Of
Premature Birth - Science Daily, 5/11/09
Study In Pregnant Women Suggests Probiotics May Help Ward Off Obesity -
Science Daily, 5/7/09 - "One year after giving
birth, women were less likely to have the most dangerous kind of obesity if
they had been given probiotics from the first trimester of pregnancy, found
new research that suggests manipulating the balance of bacteria in the gut
may help fight obesity ... Central obesity, where overall obesity is
combined with a particularly fat belly, is considered especially unhealthy
... We found it in 25% of the women who had received the probiotics along
with dietary counselling, compared with 43% in the women who received diet
advice alone" - See
probiotics at Amazon.com
Deficiency In Womb May Delay Brain Maturation In Preemies - Science
Daily, 5/4/09
D deficiency and insufficiency in pregnant women: a longitudinal study -
Br J Nutr. 2009 Mar 31:1-6 - "Women reporting use of
vitamin D-containing supplements had higher vitamin D status, however,
vitamin D insufficiency was still evident even in the face of supplement
use. Given the potential consequences of hypovitaminosis D on health
outcomes, vitamin D supplementation, perhaps at higher doses than currently
available, is needed to improve maternal vitamin D nutriture" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Levels Of Vitamin B12 May Increase Risk For Neural Tube Defects -
Science Daily, 3/2/09
Prenaatal Vitamins Should Contain Only Potassium Iodide, Not Other Sources
Of Iodine, Scientists Urge - Science Daily, 2/25/09
Supplements During Pregnancy May Counteract Damage From Early Alcohol
Exposure - Science Daily, 2/2/09 - "Animal
research has shown that binge drinking – even just once – during early
pregnancy can cause numerous problems for the fetus, including early
postnatal death. Fetal zinc deficiency may explain some of the birth defects
and neurodevelopmental abnormalities associated with alcohol exposure. New
rodent findings are the first to show that dietary zinc supplements
throughout pregnancy can reduce some alcohol-related birth defects"
Genetic Study Shows Direct Link Between Vitamin D And MS Susceptibility
'Gene' - Science Daily, 2/5/09 - "The research
suggests that vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy and the early years may
increase the risk of the offspring developing MS later in life"
Study: DHA supplements may help premature baby girls - USATODAY.com,
1/13/09 - "premature girls given the high-DHA diet
scored about 5 points higher on a 100-point test, which translates to a 55%
reduction in the proportion of girls with a "mild mental delay" and an 80%
reduction in the proportion of girls with "significant" mental delay"
- See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
Vitamin D Deficiency Associated With Greater Rates Of Cesarean Sections
- Science Daily, 12/23/08 - "pregnant women who are
vitamin D deficient are also at an increased risk for delivering a baby by
caesarean section as compared to pregnant women who are not vitamin D
deficient ... 28 percent of women with serum 25(OH)D less than 37.5 nmol/L
had a caesarean section, compared to only 14 percent of women with 25(OH)D
greater than 37.5 nmol/L"
Why Iron
Deficiency Is Important in Infant Development - J Nutr. 2008
Dec;138(12):2534-2536 - "Rodent studies also show
effects of iron deficiency during gestation and lactation that persist into
adulthood despite restoration of iron status at weaning. These studies
indicate that gestation and early lactation are likely critical periods when
iron deficiency will result in long-lasting damage"
Canola Oil May Affect Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 11/18/08 -
"Could the type of oil a woman consumes during
pregnancy influence her daughter's breast cancer risk years later? ...
pregnant women may be better off choosing canola oil over most other
vegetable oils ... Corn oil has 50% omega-6 and almost no omega-3, while
canola oil has 20% omega-6 and 10% omega-3,""
More fish during pregnancy boosts child development: Study - Nutra USA,
9/22/08 - "The children of mothers who had higher
intakes of fish during pregnancy were found to have higher development
scores than children of women with low fish intake" - [Abstract]
- See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Associations of maternal fish intake during pregnancy and breastfeeding
duration with attainment of developmental milestones in early childhood: a
study from the Danish National Birth Cohort - Am J Clin Nutr. 2008
Sep;88(3):789-96 - "Higher maternal fish intake and
greater duration of breastfeeding were associated with higher child
developmental scores at 18 mo [odds ratio: 1.29 (95% CI: 1.20, 1.38) for the
highest versus the lowest quintile of fish intake, and 1.28 (1.18, 1.38) for
breastfeeding for > or =10 mo compared with breastfeeding for < or =1 mo].
Associations were similar for development at 6 mo. ... Maternal fish intake
during pregnancy and the duration of breastfeeding are independently
associated with better early child development. Future research and
consumption guidelines, incorporating nutritional benefits as well as
contaminant risks, should consider the overall effect of prenatal fish
consumption on child development"
- See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Eating Fish While Pregnant, Longer Breastfeeding Lead to Better Infant
Development - Doctor's Guide, 9/10/08 - "Both
higher fish consumption and longer breastfeeding are linked to better
physical and cognitive development in infants" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Eating Fish While Pregnant, Longer Breastfeeding, Lead To Better Infant
Development, Research Finds - Science Daily, 9/9/08
Calcium During Pregnancy Reduces Harmful Blood Lead Levels, Study Finds
- Science Daily, 9/9/08
Vitamin D deficiency and supplementation during pregnancy - Clin
Endocrinol (Oxf). 2008 Sep 2 - "180 women (Indian
Asian, Middle Eastern, Black and Caucasian) were recruited at 27 weeks
gestation and randomised into three treatment groups: a single oral dose of
200,000 IU vitamin D, a daily supplement of 800 IU vitamin D from 27 weeks
until delivery and a no treatment group ... The final maternal
25-hydroxyvitamin D levels were significantly higher in the supplemented
group (daily dose (median) 42 (IQR 31-76) nmol/l, stat dose (median 34 (IQR
30-46) nmol/l vs. median 27 (IQR 27-39) nmol/l in the no treatment;
p<0.0001) and significantly fewer women with secondary hyperparathyroidism
in the supplemented group ... Single or daily dose improved
25-hydroxyvitamin D levels significantly. However, even with
supplementation, only a small percentage of women and babies were vitamin D
sufficient. Further research is required to determine the optimal timing and
dosing of vitamin D in pregnancy" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
HbA1C, but not serum
glycated albumin, is elevated in late pregnancy due to iron deficiency -
Diabetes Care. 2008 Jul 3 - "HbA(1C) levels were
elevated in late pregnancy due to iron deficiency. Serum GA may offer a
better index for monitoring glycemic control in pregnancy"
Vitamin D Status During Pregnancy Affects Baby's Dental Health - [Science
Daily] - Doctor's Guide, 7/3/08 - "Low maternal
vitamin D levels during pregnancy may affect primary tooth calcification,
leading to enamel defects, which are a risk factor for early childhood tooth
Babies, Tots Low on Vitamin D - WebMD, 6/2/08 -
"Forty percent of those kids had suboptimal blood levels of vitamin D,
including 12% who had vitamin D deficiency. And X-rays showed that a third
of kids with vitamin D deficiency had bone demineralization, a sign of
thinner bones ... Breastfed babies were particularly likely to be low in
vitamin D"
Women's awareness of the importance of long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated
fatty acid consumption during pregnancy: knowledge of risks, benefits and
information accessibility - Public Health Nutr. 2008 May 29:1-8 -
"Pregnant women lack knowledge of LC n-3 PUFA and
health-care services do not provide pregnant women with adequate information
on the importance of eating foods high in LC n-3 PUFA during pregnancy"
Vitamin D Important In Brain Development And Function - Science Daily,
4/21/08 - "there is ample biological evidence to
suggest an important role for vitamin D in brain development and function,
and that supplementation for groups chronically low in vitamin D is
warranted" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com

Nutrition Starts Before Conception: Maternal Diet Critical To Health Of
Offspring - Science Daily, 4/14/08
Omega-3 Intake During Last Months Of Pregnancy Boosts An Infant's Cognitive
And Motor Development - Science Daily, 4/9/08 -
"Tests conducted on these infants at 6 and 11 months revealed that their
visual acuity as well as their cognitive and motor development were closely
linked to DHA concentration in the umbilical cord blood at the time of their
birth ... These results highlight the crucial importance of prenatal
exposure to omega-3s in a child's development" - See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
fish intake may boost child's brain power - MSMBC, 4/1/08 -
"Preschoolers whose mothers regularly ate
low-mercury fish during pregnancy may have sharper minds than their peers
... Oily fish such as tuna, salmon and sardines contain omega-3 fatty acids,
which are important in fetal and child brain development. The problem is
that fatty fish are more likely to be contaminated with mercury, a metal
that is toxic to brain cells, particularly in fetuses and young children"
Vitamin D Deficiency May Be To Blame For Soft Bones In Baby's Skull -
Science Daily, 3/26/08 - "Softening of the skull
bones in normal-looking babies might reflect vitamin D deficiency during
Vitamin D requirement during pregnancy and lactation - J Bone Miner Res.
2007 Dec;22 Suppl 2:V39-44 - "Current research has
shown that the actual dietary requirement during pregnancy and lactation may
actually be as high as 6000 IU/d" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Essential n-3 fatty acids in pregnant women and early visual acuity
maturation in term infants - Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Mar;87(3):548-57 -
"More infant girls in the placebo than in the DHA
intervention group had a visual acuity below average (P = 0.048). Maternal
red blood cell ethanolamine phosphoglyceride docosatetraenoic acid was
inversely related to visual acuity in boys (rho = -0.37, P < 0.05) and girls
(rho = -0.48, P < 0.01)" - See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
Typical North American Diet Is Deficient In Omega-3 Fatty Acids -
Science Daily, 3/7/08 - "the typical North American
diet of eating lots of meat and not much fish is deficient in omega-3 fatty
acids and this may pose a risk to infant neurological development ... the
women who ate lots of meat and little fish were deficient in omega-3 fatty
acids, and their babies didn't do as well on eye tests as babies from
mothers who weren't deficient. The results were noticeable as early as two
months of age" - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Low Vitamin B12 in Pregnancy Linked to Insulin Resistance in Offspring -
Medscape, 2/15/08 - "Low plasma vitamin B12 in the
first trimester and high folate levels in the second trimester of pregnancy
predispose offspring to insulin resistance ... An imbalance in the vitamin
B12 and folic acid levels produces the "undesirable effects,""
CDC to Young Women: Take Folic Acid - WebMD, 1/10/08 -
"All women, especially younger women ages 18-24
years, need to consume 400 micrograms of folic acid daily through
supplements, fortified foods, or both in addition to a folate-rich diet to
prevent serious birth defects"
Antioxidant Level May Damage Fetal Neurons - Science Daily, 12/20/07 -
"Fetal neurons that have low levels of a vital
antioxidant, glutathione, are the first to die when exposed to alcohol in
cell culture and possibly in the living brain"
Getting More Glutathione? - Dr. Weil, 8/29/02 -
"To my knowledge, the only supplement that effectively raises
glutathione levels in the body is N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC).
My colleague Kathleen Johnson, a dietician here at the Program in
Integrative Medicine, tells me that other glutathione supplements are
ineffective because they’re digested before they can get into the
bloodstream" - See
n-acetyl cysteine at Amazon.com
Maternal omega-3 consumption boosts offspring's coordination - Nutra
USA, 12/20/07 - "Our results suggest that prenatal
DHA availability, which can be influenced by maternal dietary DHA intake
during pregnancy, can have an effect on quality of movement in later life"
- [Abstract]
- See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
Relationship between long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids at birth and
motor function at 7 years of age - Eur J Clin Nutr. 2007 Dec 19 -
"Our results suggest that prenatal DHA availability,
which can be influenced by maternal dietary DHA intake during pregnancy, can
have an effect on quality of movement in later life" - See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
Embryos Regulate Vitamin A Derivatives: Too Much Or Too Little Linked To
Birth Defects - Science Daily, 11/19/07
Folic Acid in Preconceptual Period May Have a Preventive Effect on
Congenital Heart Disease - Doctor's Guide, 11/6/07 -
"The recent increase in folic acid intake has
resulted in a decrease in the prevalence of infants born with severe
congenital heart disease (CHD), supporting the idea that folic acid taken
preconceptually may prevent CHD"
Is it justifiable to administrate vitamin A, E and D for 6 months in the
premature infants? - Arch Pediatr. 2007 Oct 24 -
"We recommend to increase oral administration of vitamin A to 5000 IU/day,
at least for the first month of life and, thereafter to administer 3000 IU
for 5 months. As for vitamin E and vitamin D, the doses used in this study
are sufficient but should be administered for 6 months"
Formula WIth Fish Oil Added May Help Infants - Science Daily, 10/11/07 -
"The researchers noticed that in the piglets that
were fed the control formula, fewer proteins were produced in their body
over time and, at the same time, their insulin became less effective at
lowering blood sugar levels. But piglets that drunk the test formula showed
increased protein production and their insulin was as effective at using the
proteins in the test formula for their growth as when they were born"
Is vitamin D deficiency to blame for the asthma epidemic? - J Allergy
Clin Immunol. 2007 Oct 3 - "higher vitamin D intake
by pregnant mothers reduces asthma risk by as much as 40% in children 3 to 5
years old" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Coalition splits over fish guideline for pregnant women - USATODAY.com,
10/10/07 - "Clearly, when these studies come out
that are funded by industry that completely dismiss the potentially harmful
effects of mercury on mothers and fetus, one certainly has to question the
validity of their findings"
Milk consumption during pregnancy is associated with increased infant size
at birth: prospective cohort study - Am J Clin Nutr. 2007
Oct;86(4):1104-1110 - "gestational age (SGA) ...
large-for-gestational age (LGA) ... Milk intake in pregnancy was associated
with higher birth weight for gestational age, lower risk of SGA, and higher
risk of LGA"
FDA Fish Recommendations Challenged - WebMD, 10/4/07
Scientists to Advise Pregnant Women to Eat Fish - washingtonpost.com,
New Reasons to Watch What You Eat - US News and World Report, 9/22/07
Omega-3 Can Prevent Blindness In Premature Mice: Hospital Treatment Soon?
- Science Daily, 8/18/07 - "Mice that ate omega-3
initially lost fewer blood vessels in their retinas than mice that ate
omega-6, and they evinced only half as much abnormal vessel growth. Their
retinas also showed lower inflammatory activity"
Correlation between vitamin D(3) deficiency and insulin resistance in
pregnancy - Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2007 Jul 2 -
"Total prevalence of vitamin D deficiency (<25
nmol/L) was found in 70.6% of pregnant women ... These results show that a
positive correlation of 25(OH) vitamin D concentrations with insulin
sensitivity and vitamin D deficiency could be a confirmative sign of insulin
Pregnancy Diet May Affect Kids' Asthma - WebMD, 5/21/07
Eating Apples And Fish During Pregnancy May Protect Against Childhood Asthma
And Allergies - Science Daily, 5/20/07
Vitamin pills prevent low-weight babies - CNN, 4/4/07
Vitamin D Deficiency Widespread During Pregnancy - Doctor's Guide,
3/1/07 - "Our study shows that current vitamin D
dietary intake recommendations are not enough to meet the demands of
pregnancy" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Current vitamin D levels not enough in pregnancy, study - Nutra USA,
Prenatal Vitamins May Prevent Common Childhood Cancers - Doctor's Guide,
2/22/07 - "prenatal supplementation of multivitamins
containing folic acid is associated with a 47% protective effect for
neuroblastoma, 39% for leukemia and 27% protective effect for brain tumours"
Flip-Flopping Fish Advice - washingtonpost.com, 2/20/07
Fish Diet in Pregnancy May Hone Kids' IQ - Intelihealth, 2/16/07
Folate levels in young American women fall, could lead to rise in birth
defects - USA Today, 1/4/07 -
"But a CDC study released Thursday found an 8% to
16% decline in folate levels in U.S. women of childbearing age, according to
large blood-drawing surveys done between 1999 and 2004"
Fish Oil for Moms
May Benefit Babies - WebMD, 12/21/06 -
"children of mothers who took fish oil supplements
scored significantly higher on tests of hand-eye coordination than those who
took olive oil supplements" - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Vitacost .
Dietary intake of B-vitamins in mothers born a child with a congenital heart
defect - Eur J Nutr. 2006 Nov 21 -
"The CHD risk doubled if vitamin B(12) intake in
these mothers reduced by 50%"
Mom's Diet May
Affect Generations - WebMD, 11/13/06 -
"supplements given to pregnant mice not only
affected the coloring of their offspring, but their offspring's offspring as
Supplementation of n-3 fatty acids during pregnancy and lactation reduces
maternal plasma lipid levels and provides DHA to the infants - J Matern
Fetal Neonatal Med. 2006 Jul;19(7):397-406 -
"Maternal supplementation with n-3 fatty acids
during pregnancy and lactation provides more DHA to the infant and reduces
maternal plasma lipid levels compared to supplementation with n-6 fatty
Planning a
Pregnancy? Eat Your Fiber - WebMD, 9/27/06
Moms' Vitamins
Cuts Kids' Brain Tumors - WebMD, 9/22/06 -
"Women who take multivitamins before and during
pregnancy may be less likely to have children who develop brain tumors by
age 5 years"
Pregnancy Diet May
Affect Kids' Asthma - WebMD, 9/1/06
Recommended Iron Levels for Pregnant Women Found to Be too High -
Doctor's Guide, 5/31/06
Expectant Moms
Need Milk's Vitamin D - WebMD, 4/24/06 -
"by not drinking milk, mothers got far too little
vitamin D. And data analysis shows that it was vitamin D -- not calcium or
any other milk-related nutrient -- that accounted for the infants' lower
Kids' Asthma Linked to Maternal Nutrition - HealthDay, 3/4/06 -
"expectant mothers who take higher amounts of
vitamin D may decrease their child's risk for asthma ... Vitamin D
deficiency is common in areas where asthma is also widespread, raising the
suspicion that the two are linked"
Oily fish makes 'babies brainier' - BBC News, 1/20/06 -
"mothers with the lowest intake of the essential
fatty acid had children with a verbal IQ six points lower than the average
... Low intake of the crucial fatty acid also appeared to lead to more
problems of social interactions - such as an inability to make friends"
- See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Vitacost .
Pregnant? Vitamin
D May Aid Baby's Bones - Doctor's Guide, 1/6/06
L-Carnipure supplements may help reduce diabetes during pregnancy -
Nutra USA, 8/29/05
Embryos Need A Good Diet - Science Daily, 5/12/05 -
"People's protein intake has decreased since humans
evolved, meaning that carbohydrate and fat intake must have increased to
compensate. The resulting deficit of important amino acids as well as more
starch and fat could lead to poorer health in offspring who develop under
those conditions"
2 Diabetes May Begin With Grandma's Diet - Science Daily, 5/12/05 -
"the insulin resistance typical of type 2 diabetes
can be "programmed" across two generations by poor nutrition during a
grandmother's pregnancy and lactation"
Omega-3 Boosts Mood Throughout Pregnancy - Clinical Psychiatry News,
5/05 - "In a small, open-label, flexible-dose study
of 15 patients using doses up to 2.8 g/day of the omega-3 fatty acids
eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, patients showed a mean
decrease on the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) of 39% and a
mean decrease of 34% on the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression"
- See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Vitacost .
Breast Cancer Protection Starts in the Womb - WebMD, 4/20/05 -
"Mothers who choose foods packed with omega-3 fatty
acids during pregnancy and while nursing and then feed their kids such a
diet after weaning may reduce the risk of breast cancer in their daughters
by nearly 90%, early research in mice indicates"
Vitamin C Supplementation May Reduce Rate of Premature Rupture of Membranes
- Medscape, 4/15/05
Fatty Acids DHA and ARA Significantly Aid Infant Development, Two New
Studies Show - Doctor's Guide, 4/15/05 -
"The groups receiving supplemental DHA and ARA also
had higher mental and psychomotor development scores at 118 weeks ... women
who are breastfeeding can take a DHA dietary supplement to ensure adequate
levels of DHA in their breast milk. This is particularly important because
pregnant and nursing women in the U.S. do not typically receive enough DHA
through their diets to pass on the necessary amount to their developing
Essential fatty acids, DHA and human brain - Indian J Pediatr. 2005
Mar;72(3):239-42 - "It is recommended that the
pregnant and nursing woman should take at least 2.6g of omega-3 fatty acids
and 100-300 mg of DHA daily to look after the needs of her fetus and
suckling infant. The follow-up studies have shown that infants of mothers
supplemented with EFAs and DHA had higher mental processing scores,
psychomotor development, eye-hand coordination and stereo acuity at 4 years
of age. Intake of EFAs and DHA during preschool years may also have a
beneficial role in the prevention of attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD) and enhancing learning capability and academic performance"
- See
DHA products. My favorite is
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Dietary assessment of pregnant women--vitamin and mineral
supplementation--justified or not? - Przegl Lek. 2004;61(7):769-75 -
"The results of the study support the need of
supplementation in the pregnant women diets with microelements and vitamins"
Green tea mechanism urges caution for pregnant women - Nutra USA,
Dietary intake of vitamin C and vitamin E and the development of
hypertensive disorders of pregnancy - Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol.
2005 Mar 1;119(1):67-71 - "Low vitamin E intake was
associated with a significant increase in the risk of hypertensive disorders
of pregnancy"
Poor Prenatal Nutrition Permanently Damages Function Of Insulin-producing
Cells In The Pancreas - Science Daily, 3/3/05
N-3 fatty acids and pregnancy outcomes
- Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2005 Mar;8(2):161-166 -
"Children whose mothers received docosahexaenoic
acid supplementation during pregnancy and lactation scored better in mental
processing tests carried out at 4 years than children whose mothers received
placebo" - See
DHA products. My favorite is
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Research Studies Effects Of Soy Baby Formula On Intestinal Development -
Science Daily, 12/27/04 -
"Two studies by University of Illinois food science
and human nutrition professor Sharon Donovan show that the soy isoflavone
genistein, in amounts present in commercial soy infant formulas, may inhibit
intestinal cell growth in babies"
Soy formula may inhibit intestinal development in babies
- Nutra USA, 12/22/04 -
"in newborn piglets fed a formula supplemented with
genistein at the level found in soy formula, the number of proliferating
cells in the intestine was 50 per cent lower than in piglets fed cow's milk
formula alone"
Maternal diet impacts leukaemia risk in child?
- Nutra USA, 8/23/04
Vitamin B12 may also prevent birth defects
- Nutra USA, 8/19/04
Antioxidants During Pregnancy May Help Prevent Birth Defects Tied To Alcohol
- Science Daily, 6/21/04
Eating Oily Fish in Pregnancy May Protect Child Against Asthma -
Doctor's Guide, 5/26/04
DHA from mother boosts infant development, further findings
- Nutra USA, 5/5/04
Research Links Nutrient in Eggs to Improved Memory
- WebMD, 3/12/04
Pregnant & Nauseous? Try Ginger - WebMD, 1/9/04
Early Pregnancy Risk With Ginseng - WebMD, 9/24/03
- Acupuncture Reduces
Pain During Labor - New Hope Natural Media, 8/21/03
Early Infant Mortality Reduced with Vitamin A Supplementation Within 24
Hours of Birth - Doctor's Guide, 8/4/03
Optimal Nutrition During Pregnancy
- Dr. Murray's Natural Facts, 7/2/03
Hormone [progesterone] Reduces Preterm Deliveries
- WebMD, 6/11/03
Probiotic At Birth May Decrease Risk Of Atopic Eczema In Early Childhood
- Doctor's Guide, 5/29/03 -
"Children receiving the
probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus around the
time of birth have been found to be 40% less likely to develop atopic
eczema at 4 years of age, compared with
Fish May Fight Pregnancy Depression Risks
- Intelihealth, 5/21/03 -
"the more
omega-3 fatty acids a woman consumed in
seafood during the third trimester, the less likely she was to show signs of
major depression at that time and for up to eight months after the birth"
Multivitamin Supplements Reduce Risk of Birth Defects in Offspring of
Diabetic Mothers - Doctor's Guide, 5/9/03 -
"Results show that infants of women with diabetes
had an increased risk of having selected birth defects only if the mother
did not use multivitamins during the periconception period"
Pregnant African American Teens Need More Calcium For Healthy Fetal Bone
Development - Doctor's Guide, 5/5/02
- Pelvic Exercises
During Pregnancy Prevent Urinary Incontinence
- New Hope Natural Media, 4/24/03
Folic Acid May Fight Down Syndrome
- WebMD, 4/17/03 -
"there might be a link between the Down syndrome and
neural tube defects, and
folic acid
supplements may be an effective way to prevent both" - See
folic acid products.
- Wetter, Better Births?
- Dr. Weil, 4/16/03
Maternal Diuretics In Pregnancy May Be Linked To Schizophrenia In Offspring
- Doctor's Guide, 3/14/03
- Ginger Effective for
Pregnancy Morning Sickness - New Hope Natural Media, 10/31/02
- Low Folic Acid
Linked to Miscarriage - WebMD, 10/15/02
- Prenatal
Vitamins Cut Child's Tumor Risk - WebMD, 8/30/02
Prenatal Zinc May Impair Infant Mental Development
- Doctor's Guide, 7/25/02
- Biotin Supplement
Needed During Pregnancy - New Hope Natural Media, 6/20/02
- Women Unaware
of Folic Acid Benefits - WebMD, 6/4/02 -
"only 31% of women between the ages of 18 and 45
take a
folic acid
supplement every day, despite the fact that the vitamin has been shown to
dramatically reduce the risk of serious birth defects ... In fact, only 10%
of women realize that the B vitamin folic acid must be taken prior to
pregnancy to prevent birth defects of the brain and spine known as neural
tube defects ... it takes about a month for the vitamin to provide the
maximum benefit"
- Light May Lift
Pregnancy Depression - WebMD, 4/22/02
- Ginger Gets to
the 'Root' of Morning Sickness - WebMD, 4/18/02 -
"experts say
ginger is a highly effective antinausea
agent. And a new study shows it's strong enough to combat even nasty cases
of morning sickness in pregnant women"
Exercise Encouraged During Pregnancy
- Intelihealth, 3/4/02
Fish Oil Consumption May Prevent Pre-Term Birth
- Doctor's Guide, 2/21/02 -
"Low consumption of fish oils appears a strong risk
factor for pre-term delivery and low birth weight ... A study among 8,729
pregnant Danish women indicates that long chain omega n.3 fatty acids in
amounts above 2 g a day may delay spontaneous delivery and prevent
recurrence of pre-term delivery"
- Pregnancy
Vitamins Cut Leukemia in Kids - WebMD, 12/6/01 -
"Moms who used both folic acid and iron supplements
in pregnancy were 60% less likely to have a child develop leukemia"
- Folic Acid
Doesn't Increase Miscarriage Risk - WebMD, 9/6/01
Pharmaceutical Drugs Deplete Folic Acid - Nutrition Science News, 9/01
- Many Women
Still Don't Take Folic Acid Before Conception
- WebMD, 9/5/01
- Doctors to
Pregnant Women: Be Cautious With Herbs
- WebMD, 8/31/01
Ginger Gets to the 'Root' of Morning Sickness, Study Shows Spice Calms
Nausea and Vomiting - WebMD, 4/18/01
Folic Acid Strikes
Again, Study Shows Vitamin Protects Against Birth Defects Linked to Common
Drugs - WebMD, 11/29/00
Low Calcium May Equal High Lead Levels in Pregnant Women - WebMD,
Folic Acid Reduces Defects - Intelihealth, 10/3/00
Couples Seeking to Conceive Should Avoid St. John's Wort and Others -
WebMD, 8/9/00
Acupuncture Helps Relieve Pregnancy's Low Back Pain - WebMD, 7/6/00
Prenatal Nutrition - Nutrition Science News, 2/00
Eat right before pregnancy and boost your baby's health
- CNN, 11/29/99
Folic Acid May Fight Down Syndrome - Intelihealth, 9/29/99
Exercise during pregnancy: Should you or shouldn't you? - CNN, 5/18/99
Eating right before, during, and after pregnancy - CNN, 5/17/99
A Smart Start - Nutrition Science News, 3/99
Zinc Found to Reduce Infant Mortality Risk - Intelihealth, 4/26/99
- Folate May Not Be
Recommended In Women Taking Anti-Epileptics - Doctor's Guide, 4/23/99 -
"Expectant mothers who were taking more than one
anti-epileptic drug -- valproate and carbamazepine in particular -- had a 22
percent risk of having a child with birth defects"
March of
Dimes promotes B vitamin to curb birth defects - CNN, 1/28/99
- Folic Acid During
Pregnancy Does Not Cause Multiple Births - Doctor's Guide, 1/22/99
- Early Nutrition In Babies
May Have Long-Term Effects On The Brain - Doctor's Guide, 11/26/98
- Report Urges Supplemental
Folic Acid For Women of Childbearing Age - Doctor's Guide, 4/8/98
- ZENATE Prenatal
Multivitamin Now Available - Doctor's Guide, 8/26/96
Other News:
Harmful effects of hypothyroidism on maternal and fetal health drive new
guidelines for managing thyroid disease in pregnancy - Science Daily,
Sleep apnea may increase the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes -
Science Daily, 6/13/11
Fetal exposure to BPA changes development of uterus in primates, study
suggests - Science Daily, 6/7/11 - "The new
study used the rhesus monkey, a species that is very similar to humans in
regard to pregnancy and fetal development, said Williams, a study co-author
... During a period that represented the third trimester of human pregnancy,
the investigators gave BPA to 12 pregnant monkeys, each carrying a single
female fetus ... In the first year of the experiment, six monkeys received
BPA orally in a fruit treat, at a dose of 400 micrograms per kilogram of
body weight daily, the researchers reported. During the second year, six
additional pregnant monkeys received BPA through capsules implanted
subcutaneously (below the skin), for a daily dose of 100 micrograms per
kilogram. Both forms of BPA resulted in a BPA level in the blood that is
close to levels normally found in adult women, according to the authors'
abstract ... The investigators analyzed the uterus of each offspring for
gene expression. Oral BPA altered expression of HOX and WNT genes that are
critical for uterine development, they found. They are still analyzing the
data for the animals that received subcutaneous BPA"
high-fat diet during pregnancy increases risk of stillbirth - Science
Daily, 6/2/11
Highest reported BPA level in pregnant woman and associated abnormalities in
infant - Science Daily, 5/11/11 - "Pregnant
women are often exposed to BPA in their daily lives ... At 27 weeks of
pregnancy, the mother had the highest reported urinary BPA concentration of
anyone in the general population. She reported consuming canned foods and
beverages, and using and microwaving plastic food storage containers
consistently during this pregnancy time period. All of these exposures could
have led to her extremely high BPA concentration. Her infant had a normal
newborn neurobehavioral exam but had many neurobehavioral abnormalities at
the one-month study visit including: increased muscle tone, tremors, and
abnormal movements. The child went on to have normal neurobehavioral
assessments yearly from one to five years of age ... This case study
confirms previous studies documenting multiple sources of BPA exposure in
humans. Additionally, it highlights the need for medical providers to be
aware of the harmful effects of BPA exposures so they may counsel families
appropriately about prevention. The study also identifies potential sources
of BPA exposure that can be targeted to reduce exposures in the future.
"Families can decrease their exposure to BPA by eating fresh fruit and
vegetables (as opposed to processed and canned foods) and by decreasing use
of plastic food storage containers," said Sathyanarayana. "Check the
recycling code of your plastics on the bottom. If it shows #7, then the
plastic may contain BPA"
A Study Shows Connections Between Maternal Exposure to BPA and Childhood
Asthma - Time Magazine, 5/2/11 - "At 6 months
old, infants whose mothers had high levels of BPA were twice as likely to
show wheezing as babies whose mothers who had low levels"
Prenatal pesticide exposure tied to lower IQ in children, study finds -
Science Daily, 4/21/11 - "every tenfold increase in
measures of organophosphates detected during a mother's pregnancy
corresponded to a 5.5 point drop in overall IQ scores in the 7-year-olds.
Children in the study with the highest levels of prenatal pesticide exposure
scored seven points lower on a standardized measure of intelligence compared
with children who had the lowest levels of exposure"
Extra iron doesn't help many pregnant women, study suggests - Science
Daily, 3/11/11
Brain function linked to birth size; Study sheds light on mental health
problems later in life - Science Daily, 2/18/11 -
"children who were born small, with relatively large
placentas, showed more activity on the right side of their brains than the
left. It is this pattern of brain activity that has been linked with mood
disorders such as depression"
Mouth Rinse Reduces Preterm Birth in Women With Periodontal Disease -
Science Daily, 2/16/11 - "the incidence of preterm
birth at less than 35 weeks was 6.1% in the rinse group and 21.9% in the
control group (P = .01). In the intent-to-treat analysis, the relative risk
for preterm birth was 0.26 in the rinse group. The mean gestational age in
the rinse group was significantly higher than in the control group (38.4 vs
36.8 weeks; P < .011). The analysis also showed that the mean birth weight
in the rinse group was significantly higher than in the control group (3087
vs 2633 g; P < .001)"
Common insecticide used in homes associated with delayed mental development
of young children - Science Daily, 2/10/11 -
"When the EPA phased out the widespread residential use of chlorpyrifos and
other organophosphorus (OP) insecticides in 2000-2001 because of risks to
child neurodevelopment, these compounds were largely replaced with
pyrethroid insecticides ... scientists of the Columbia Center for Children's
Environmental Health at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public
Health found a significant association between piperonyl butoxide (PBO), a
common additive in pyrethroid formulations, measured in personal air
collected during the third trimester of pregnancy, and delayed mental
development at 36 months ... While the results demonstrate that a
significant prenatal exposure to permethrin in personal air and/or plasma
was not associated with performance scores for the Bayley Mental
Developmental Index or the Psychomotor Developmental Index at 36 months,
children who were more highly exposed to PBO in personal air samples (≥4.34
ng/m3) scored 3.9 points lower on the Mental Developmental Index than those
with lower exposures ... This drop in IQ points is similar to that observed
in response to lead exposure"
Study finds toxic chemicals in pregnant womens' bodies - USATODAY.com,
1/13/11 - "These chemicals include certain
pesticides, flame retardants, PFCs used in non-stick cookware, phthalates
(in many fragrances and plastics), pollution from car exhaust, perchlorate
(in rocket fuel) and PCBs, toxic industrial chemicals banned in 1979 that
persist in the environment ... BPA — an estrogen-like ingredient in plastic
found in 96% of pregnant women — affects the development of the brain,
prostate and behavior in children exposed both before and after birth. Lead
and mercury are known to cause brain damage ... some of these chemicals may
act together to cause more damage than they would alone"
Increased BPA exposure linked to reduced egg quality in women - Science
Daily, 12/15/10 - "As blood levels of BPA in the
women studied doubled, the percentage of eggs that fertilized normally
declined by 50 percent ... Given the widespread nature of BPA exposure in
the U.S., even a modest effect on reproduction is of substantial concern"
Mercury in Tuna Still a Concern, Consumer Reports Says - Medscape,
12/8/10 - "A woman of childbearing age who ate 2.5
ounces of any of the samples would be over the intake deemed safe by the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)"
Pregnant mother's diet impacts infant's sense of smell, alters brain
development - Science Daily, 12/1/10
Heavy smoking during pregnancy linked to kids becoming repeat offenders as
adults - Science Daily, 11/16/10
of mild painkillers in pregnancy linked to increased risk of male
reproductive problems, new evidence shows - Science Daily, 11/8/10
Light drinking during pregnancy: Harmful to child's behavioral or
intellectual development? - Science Daily, 10/5/10
Early-life exposure to BPA may affect testis function in adulthood -
Science Daily, 6/21/10 - "Exposure to environmental
levels of the industrial chemical bisphenol A, or BPA, in the womb and early
life may cause long-lasting harm to testicular function"
Diesel exhaust associated with lethargy in offspring - Science Daily,
3/23/10 - "The researchers speculate that certain
components, such as ultrafine particles, in the diesel exhaust may be
translocated into the offspring of mice, disturbing the normal timetable of
development in offspring and leading to the behavioral and physiological
abnormalities seen in this study. Alternatively, or additionally, diesel
exhaust exposure may affect the mother's behavior toward the pups after
birth, which could also cause lethargy and altered brain chemistry"
Sugary cola drinks linked to higher risk of gestational diabetes -
Science Daily, 11/30/09
Alcohol in pregnancy linked to child behavior problems - Science Daily,
Vaccine Given To Women During Pregnancy Keeps Infants Out Of The Hospital,
Study Suggests - Science Daily, 11/2/09 -
"Infants born to women who received influenza vaccine during pregnancy were
hospitalized at a lower rate than infants born to unvaccinated mothers ...
vaccinating mothers during pregnancy was 80 percent effective in preventing
hospitalization due to influenza in their infants during the first year of
life and 89 percent effective in preventing hospitalization in infants under
six months of age"
High Fat Diet During Pregnancy Can Lead To Severe Liver Disease In Offspring
- Science Daily, 10/12/09
Prenatal Exposure To BPA Might Explain Aggressive Behavior In Some
2-Year-old Girls - Science Daily, 10/6/09
Smoking During Pregnancy Puts Children At Risk Of Psychotic Symptoms -
Science Daily, 10/1/09
Antidepressants Linked to Birth Defect - WebMD, 9/24/09 -
"the risk is greatest when moms-to-be take more than
one selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant or switch
SSRIs early in pregnancy ... babies born to women who had filled
prescriptions for more than one SSRI had a fourfold increase in septal heart
defects -- a malformation of the wall that divides the left and right sides
of the heart"
Fish Intake in Maternal
Diet, Mercury Exposure May Affect Fetal Growth - Medscape, 9/14/09 -
"small for gestational age (SGA) ... Compared with
mothers who consumed less than 1 portion of canned tuna per month, those
consuming 2 or more portions per week had newborns who weighed more (P for
trend = .03) and had a lower risk of having infants who were SGA for weight"
Gestational Diabetes: Link to Sugary Drinks? - WebMD, 6/8/09 -
"Compared to women who reported drinking less than
one sugar-sweetened beverage per month, women who reported drinking five or
more sugar-sweetened beverages per month were 22% more likely to report
gestational diabetes. Colas were the only sugar-sweetened beverages linked
to gestational diabetes"
Institute of Medicine Issues New Guidelines on Pregnancy Weight Gain -
WebMD, 5/28/09
Prenatal Cocaine Exposure May Compromise Neurocognitive Development -
Science Daily, 5/1/09
Effects Of Maternal Exercise On Fetal Breathing Movements - Science
Daily, 4/17/09
Differences Among Exercisers And Nonexercisers During Pregnancy -
Science Daily, 4/17/09
Epilepsy Drug Linked to Babies' Lower IQ - WebMD, 4/15/09 -
"Women with epilepsy who took the drug valproate (
Depakote) during pregnancy gave birth to children whose IQ at age 3 averaged
up to 9 points lower than the scores of children exposed to other epilepsy
Prenatal Methamphetamine Exposure Linked To Abnormal Brain Development -
Science Daily, 4/15/09
Evidence Of Periodontal Disease Leading To Gestational Diabetes -
Science Daily, 4/4/09 - "Gestational diabetes is
characterized by an inability to transport glucose -- the main source of
fuel for the body -- to the cells during pregnancy. The condition usually
disappears when the pregnancy ends, but women who have had gestational
diabetes are at a greater risk of developing the most common form of
diabetes, known as Type 2 diabetes, later in life ... In addition to its
potential role in preterm delivery, evidence that gum disease may also
contribute to gestational diabetes suggests that women should see a dentist
if they plan to get pregnant, and after becoming pregnant"
Oral Health Is Connected To Your Overall Health - Science Daily, 4/4/09
- "While treatment of mothers with mild periodontal
disease usually does not have an effect on infant prematurity, the greatest
effect has been reported by scientists to be observed in mothers with
generalized severe periodontal disease"
Older Fathers, Lower IQ in Kids? - WebMD, 3/9/09
Dose Of Caffeine When Pregnant May Damage Heart Of Offspring For A Lifetime
- Science Daily, 12/16/08 - "the equivalent of one
dose of caffeine (just two cups of coffee) ingested during pregnancy may be
enough to affect fetal heart development and then reduce heart function over
the entire lifespan of the child"
Consuming Small Amounts Of Caffeine When Pregnant May Affect Growth Of
Unborn Child - Science Daily, 11/3/08
Statins May Prevent Miscarriages, Study Suggests - Science Daily,
Levels Of Key Hormone During First Trimester Of Pregnancy Could Lead To
Earlier Diagnosis Of Gestational Diabetes - Science Daily, 10/7/08 -
"New research shows women who develop diabetes
during pregnancy (gestational diabetes mellitus) have reduced levels of an
insulin-sensitive hormone, adiponectin,
as early as nine weeks into the pregnancy"
Premature Children Four Times More Likely To Have Behavioral Disorders -
Science Daily, 9/8/08
Caesarean Babies More Likely To Develop Diabetes - Science Daily,
Mom's High Fat Diet During Pregnancy May Be Key To Child's Weight Issues
- Science Daily, 6/18/08
Cannabis 'can harm foetal brain' - BBC News, 6/16/08 -
"Now we demonstrate the extent of this signalling
system and that complex network of neurons - the backbones of higher
cognitive functions - do not develop normally when endocannabinoid
signalling is disturbed ... babies born to mothers who took cannabis while
they were pregnant went on to experience problems with physical activity"
Drinking Tap Water Disinfected With Chlorine May Harm Fetus, Study Suggests
- Science Daily, 6/2/08
Cell Phones Risky during Pregnancy? - WebMD, 5/21/08
Maternal Exposure To Persistent Organic Pollutants Linked To Urologic
Conditions In Boys - Science Daily, 5/15/08
Pregnancy: High Normal Blood Sugar Risky - WebMD, 5/7/08
Periodontal Disease Can Lead To Gestational Diabetes, Study Shows -
Science Daily, 3/24/08 - "Inflammation associated
with periodontal disease is believed to play a role in the onset of
gestational diabetes, perhaps by interfering with the normal functioning of
insulin, the hormone that regulates glucose metabolism"
Pregnancy Stress, Schizophrenia Linked? - WebMD, 2/4/08
Caffeine Is Linked To Miscarriage Risk, New Study Shows - Science Daily,
Sleep Key to Pitching Pregnancy Pounds - WebMD, 11/19/07
Prenatal Exposure to Alcohol and Conduct Problems: a Clearer Link -
Doctor's Guide, 11/5/07
Caesarean Births Pose Higher Risks For Mother And Baby - Science Daily,
Low Maternal Total
Cholesterol Linked to Preterm Delivery - Medscape, 10/1/07
Drug May Help Pregnant Women with Insulin Resistance - Doctor's Guide,
9/6/07 - "metformin, the most commonly prescribed
anti-diabetes drug, could potentially improve pregnancy outcomes in women
with insulin resistance"
Gestational Diabetes Ups Child Obesity - WebMD, 8/28/07
Non-Stick Chemicals Linked To Low Birth Weight - Science Daily, 8/23/07
Study Links Blood Sugar to Newborn Risks - Intelihealth, 6/25/07 -
"The higher a pregnant woman's level of blood sugar,
the greater the risk to her newborn -- whether the mother has diabetes or
Smoking During Pregnancy Can Increase Risk Of ADHD In Child - Science
Daily, 5/23/07
Prenatal Nicotine Exposure Can Lead To Cardiac Function Reprogramming In
Adult Offspring - Science Daily, 5/1/07
Pregnancy Weight Linked to Heavy Kids - WebMD, 4/2/07
Study Links Beef to Lower Sperm Count - WebMD, 3/27/07 -
"men whose mothers ate lots of beef during pregnancy
may have lower sperm counts than other men ... residues of hormones given to
beef to promote growth may be a factor, but that's not certain"
Maternal Fish Consumption, Mercury Levels, and Risk of Preterm Delivery
- Medscape, 3/12/07 - "fish consumption is a major
source of mercury exposure for pregnant women ... The greatest fish source
for mercury exposure appeared to be canned fish, both because it was
consumed more and, per meal, it was among the fish categories associated
with the highest levels of mercury in maternal hair. The observed
relationship between elevated mercury levels and increased risk of very
preterm delivery is a new finding and requires caution in interpretation"
- Pregnant women warned
about Paxil - MSNBC, 11/30/06
Gaining Weight Between Babies Risky - WebMD, 9/28/06
Iron Overload Risks for Pregnant Women - Doctor's Guide, 6/16/06
Canned Tuna: Avoid if Pregnant? - WebMD, 6/5/06
Pregnancy Spacing Affects Outcome - WebMD, 4/18/06
Panel Finds Insufficient Evidence to Recommend For or Against
Maternal-Request Caesarean Delivery - Doctor's Guide, 3/30/06
Pregnancy Now 39 Weeks, Not 40 - WebMD, 3/23/06
Advisory - Newer Antidepressants Linked to Serious Lung Disorder in Newborns
- Doctor's Guide, 3/10/06
Antidepressant Use During Pregnancy Appears Associated with Withdrawal
Symptoms in Newborns - Doctor's Guide, 2/16/06
UCSD/Boston University Find Antidepressants May Affect Fetus - Doctor's
Guide, 2/9/06
Infants and Antidepressant Withdrawal - WebMD, 2/6/06
Periodontitis Associated With Pregnancy Complications - Doctor's Guide,
Bladder Woes Often Fade - WebMD, 2/2/06
Depression May Return During Pregnancy - WebMD, 1/31/06
Smoking While Pregnant Causes Finger, Toe Deformities - Science Daily,
Coaching Barely Shortens Labor - WebMD, 12/30/05
Periodontal Therapy May Reduce Incidence of Preterm Births and Low
Birthweight Infants - Doctor's Guide, 11/22/05
New Guidelines Say Vaginal Birth Should Be Offered Despite Prior Cesarean
- Doctor's Guide, 10/11/05
High Blood Glucose Levels in Early Pregnancy May Deprive Embryo of Oxygen
and Lead to Birth Defects, Joslin Diabetes Center Study Shows - Doctor's
Guide, 10/4/05
Smoking During Pregnancy May Double ADHD Risk - WebMD, 8/2/05
Energy Bars Help Moms-To-Be - CBS 2 Chicago, 7/12/05
Antidepressant Drug Exposure Affects Infants - WebMD, 5/17/05
- Vast majority of
episiotomies unnecessary - MSNBC, 5/3/05
Breast-cancer Risk Linked To Exposure To Traffic Emissions At Menarche,
First Birth - Science Daily, 4/30/05 -
"higher exposure around the time of first
menstruation to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), potential
carcinogens found in traffic emissions, was associated with increased risk
of premenopausal breast cancer"
Pregnant Women With Epilepsy Face Dilemma: Continue Treatment And Risk Birth
Defects? - Science Daily, 4/23/05
Contaminated Corn Can Create Risks For The Unborn - Science Daily,
Pregnant Women Should Exercise To Keep Depression Away - Science Daily,
Epilepsy Drug Linked to Birth Defects, Low IQ - WebMD, 3/21/05
Mother's diet linked to foetal liver health, adult disease
- Nutra USA, 1/20/05
Most Childhood Cancers Linked to Prenatal Exposure to Pollutants
- Doctor's Guide, 1/18/05 -
"Most childhood cancers are "probably" down to
prenatal exposure to industrial and environmental pollutants, most likely to
have been inhaled by the mother during pregnancy"
- Controlling Asthma
Important for Pregnant Women - WebMD, 1/11/05
- Once a C-section, always a
C-section? - MSNBC, 12/27/04
Antiseizure Drug Depakote Under Fire - WebMD, 12/7/04 -
"The antiseizure drug Depakote has been linked to
birth defects and lower IQs among children exposed to it in the womb"
High Protein, Low-Carb Diet During Pregnancy Improved Triglycerides, Fat
Metabolism In Offspring - Science Daily, 11/26/04
- When Are You
Too Old for Pregnancy? - WebMD, 11/3/04
- Pain After
Childbirth Common, Often Untreated - WebMD, 11/3/04
- Excess Weight
Can Prolong Childbirth - WebMD, 10/29/04
- Pregnancy Has
Little Effect on Sexual Function - WebMD, 10/22/04
- C-section May
Increase Kids Allergy Risks - WebMD, 10/20/04
New Research Suggests Link Between Maternal Diet And Childhood Leukemia Risk
- Science Daily, 9/9/04
- C-Section No
Cure-All for Problem Births - WebMD, 9/2/04
- Too Much
Thyroid Hormone Can Harm Fetus - WebMD, 8/10/04
- Giving Birth
After Age 35 Cuts Cancer Risk - WebMD, 7/16/04
- Anxiety During
Pregnancy Increases ADHD Risk - WebMD, 7/16/04
- Taking Thyroid
Hormone? Take More if Pregnant - WebMD, 7/14/04
- Study Ups
Options for Difficult Births - WebMD, 7/1/04
- Experts
Concerned Over SSRI Use in Pregnancy - WebMD, 6/9/04
- Fish May Boost
Fetal Growth - WebMD, 5/12/04
Depression Undertreated During Pregnancy - Doctor's Guide, 5/4/04
- Seizure
Medication [Depakote] Linked to Birth Defects
- Doctor's Guide, 4/30/04
- Prozac in
Pregnancy Toxic to Fetus - WebMD, 4/28/04
Use of Antidepressants in Late Pregnancy Associated With Increased Risk of
Neonatal Anomalies - Doctor's Guide, 4/6/04
- Mom's Mood
Affects Baby's Birth Risk - WebMD, 3/31/04
- Airborne
Cancerous Agents Can Reach Fetus - WebMD, 3/29/04
- FDA Issues New
Tuna Limits for Women - WebMD, 3/19/04
Heavy Alcohol Consumption During Pregnancy may Result in Babies with
Permanent Nerve Damage - Doctor's Guide, 3/9/04
- Antidepressant
Use May Harm Fetus - WebMD, 2/2/04
- C-Section May
Affect Future Fertility - WebMD, 1/14/04
- Sexual Problems
Common After Childbirth - WebMD, 12/11/03
- FDA to Warn
Pregnant Women to Limit Tuna - WebMD, 12/11/03
- Late
Pregnancies Put Mom and Baby at Risk - WebMD, 11/7/03
- New Guidelines
to Prevent Premature Birth - WebMD, 11/7/03
- Pasteurized
Soft Cheese OK in Pregnancy - WebMD, 11/5/03
- Women In Denial
About Folic Acid Benefit - WebMD, 9/3/03
Prenatal Use of Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs Significantly Increases
Risk of Miscarriage - Doctor's Guide, 8/14/03
A Short-term Interval Between Pregnancies Is A Risk Factor for Preterm Birth
and Neonatal Death - Doctor's Guide, 8/12/03
- Close
Pregnancies Increase Risks - Doctor's Guide, 8/7/03
Paternal Smoking Before Conception Increases Risk of Childhood Leukemia in
Offspring - Doctor's Guide, 7/17/03
- Taking SSRIs in
Pregnancy Affects Infant - WebMD, 7/14/03
Extra Checks For Breast Cancer In Pregnancy Needed
- Doctor's Guide, 6/20/03
- Weekend Birth
No Riskier Than Weekday - WebMD, 6/10/03
Maternal Lifestyle Factors in Pregnancy Risk of Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder and Associated Behaviors - Am J Psychiatry
160:1028-1040, 6/03 -
"Exposure to tobacco smoke in utero is suspected to
be associated with ADHD and ADHD symptoms in children. Other maternal
lifestyle factors during pregnancy may also be associated with these
disorders. Further studies are needed to reach conclusions"
- Is It a Boy or
Girl? Your Appetite Knows - WebMD, 6/5/03
- How Stress
Causes Miscarriage - WebMD, 6/5/03
- Smoking During
Pregnancy Leads to Signs of Drug Withdrawal in Babies
- WebMD, 6/2/03
Newborns of Obese Women at Increased Risk of Birth Defects
- Doctor's Guide, 5/26/03
- Pregnancy
Depression Often Not Treated - WebMD, 5/20/03
Many Pregnant Women May Have Depression, But Few Getting Treatment
- Doctor's Guide, 5/20/03
Mercury From Ocean Fish Does Not Appear To Impair Neurodevelopment
- Doctor's Guide, 5/15/03 - I've seen so many conflicting studies on a wide
variety of things and I wouldn't bet my infants brain on just one study. -
Sperm Sorter Allows Parents To Pick Baby Gender -
thesandiegochannel.com, 5/14/03
- Mom's Voice Is
Distinguished in Womb - WebMD, 5/14/03
- Season of Birth
Linked to Infant Weight - WebMD, 5/7/03
Prenatal Magnesium Sulfate May Be Neuroprotective for Very Preterm Infants
- Doctor's Guide, 5/7/03
Acne Drug [Accutane] Not For Pregnant Women - CBS News, 5/5/03
Obesity Ups Risk Of Birth Defects - Intelihealth, 5/5/03
- Pros and Cons of
Cesarean on Demand Debated - Medscape, 5/1/03
Elective Cesarean Sections Prevent Postpartum Stress Urinary Incontinence
- Doctor's Guide, 5/1/03
High-Dose Vaginal Misoprostol Shortens Interval to Delivery for
Mid-Trimester Inductions - Doctor's Guide, 5/1/03
Subcutaneous Metoclopramide Therapy Plus Hydration Controls Pregnancy Nausea
and Vomiting - Doctor's Guide, 5/1/03
Teflon Chemical Under Scrutiny - CBS News, 4/16/03
Study: Atkins Harmful During Pregnancy - Intelihealth, 4/10/03
- Depressed Mother,
Depressed Child - Medscape, 4/9/03
Report: C8 Poses Risk To Women, Girls - Intelihealth, 3/31/03
- Underfed Babies
Face Less Adult Disease Risk - WebMD, 3/27/03
- Memory Lapses
During Pregnancy, Lack of Concentration Common, But Unfounded
- WebMD, 3/21/03
Treating Asymptomatic Vaginal Infections Can Reduce Miscarriage/Pre-Term
Delivery - Doctor's Guide, 3/20/03
- Inhaled
Steroids Safe During Pregnancy - WebMD, 3/11/03
Higher Birth Weight Associated With Adolescent Obesity
- Doctor's Guide, 3/10/03
Study Confirms Value of Second Trimester Serum Down's Symdrome Screening
Over Use of Maternal Age Alone - Doctor's Guide, 3/6/03
- Childbirth and
Urinary Stress Incontinence - WebMD, 3/5/03
- More Women Opt
for Cesarean Delivery; Some Experts Say it's a Woman's Right
- WebMD, 3/5/03
- Anti-Epileptic Drugs
Linked to Fetal Malformations
- Medscape, 3/3/03
Amoxicillin Not Linked To Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes
- Doctor's Guide, 2/27/03
Something Fishy With Seafood? - CBS News, 2/25/03 -
"Studies show that mercury found in some fishes can be unhealthy and
dangerous for pregnant women. But experts say little has been done to warn
those at risk ... mercury in the body can result in impaired coordination,
blurred vision, tremors, irritability, memory loss and behavioral or
intellectual problems"
- Maternity
Seat Belt Keeps Moms-To-Be Safe - NBCSanDiego.com, 2/12/03
- Low
Birth-Weight Babies' Language Skills, Intelligence Normal by Age 8
- WebMD, 2/11/03
Progesterone May Reduce Premature Births - Intelihealth, 2/6/03
Binge Drinking In Pregnancy Linked to SIDS - Clinical Psychiatry News,
- Premature
Births: Top Obstetric Problem - WebMD, 1/30/03
- Mom's Vegan
Diet May Put Baby at Risk - WebMD, 1/30/03
Even Minor Risk Of Oxygen Deprivation May Place Premature Babies At Greater
Risk For Cognitive And Language Problems - Doctor's Guide, 1/28/03
- Boys Cause More
Birth Complications - WebMD, 1/16/03
- Umbilical Cord
Care: Soap May Be Risky - WebMD, 1/8/03
- Episiotomy
During Childbirth Too High - WebMD, 1/3/03
No Negative Effects From Epidural Analgesia In Spontaneous Vaginal
Deliveries - Doctor's Guide, 12/12/02
Third-Trimester Paroxetine Exposure Related to Neonatal Complications
- Doctor's Guide, 12/9/02
Caesarean Section Tied To Chronic Pelvic Pain - Doctor's Guide, 12/6/02
- Antidepressants
Linked to Premature Birth - WebMD, 12/3/02
- Beware Third
Trimester Exposure to Paroxetine - Medscape, 11/21/02
Booze and babies: How much danger? - USA Today, 11/20/02
FDA Clears Childbirth Infection Test - Intelihealth, 11/19/02
- Women After 50 Can
Have Safe Pregnancy - WebMD, 11/12/02
Rate of Antidepressant Discontinuation During Pregnancy Cause for Concern
- Doctor's Guide, 11/5/02
Caesarean Can Prevent Most Second Twin Delivery Deaths
- Doctor's Guide, 10/31/02
Foetal Drug Exposure Produces Central And Autonomic System Signs In Infants
- Doctor's Guide, 10/22/02
Flu Vaccine Underused in Pregnant Women - Doctor's Guide, 10/22/02
Vaginal Birth Following C-Section Birth May Increase Urinary Incontinence
and Sexual Function - Doctor's Guide, 10/18/02
- The Occasional
Drink Could Hurt Fetus - WebMD, 10/15/02
- Drugs in Pregnancy
Linked to Cancer - WebMD, 10/11/02
- Celebrex Stops
Preterm Labor - WebMD, 9/30/02 -
"Celebrex was found
to work just as well as the most common preterm labor drug, but was much
safer for mother and baby"
Aspirin Before Bed May Reduce Risk For Preterm Delivery, Gestational
Hypertension And Preeclampsia - Doctor's Guide, 9/27/02
- Bedtime Aspirin
Lowers Pregnancy Trouble - WebMD, 9/26/02
Celebrex May Be Safe For Preterm Labor, Preliminary Study Finds
- Doctor's Guide, 9/24/02
- Non-Stop Labor
Support Questioned - WebMD, 9/17/02
Budesonide Poses no Apparent Risk in Pregnancy, START Study Reveals
- Doctor's Guide, 9/16/02
Third Trimester Exposure to Pollen Puts Infants at Risk of Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 9/16/02
- Twins Born to
Older Moms Do Just Fine - WebMD, 9/13/02
- Nicotine's Link to
SIDS Uncovered - WebMD, 9/9/02
Links To Postpartum Urinary Retention Identified - Doctor's Guide,
Risk of Preterm Low Birth Weight in Women With Periodontal Disease Reduced
By Periodontal Therapy - Doctor's Guide, 9/2/02
Brain Damage in Infants Not Always Tied to Delivery
- Doctor's Guide, 8/20/02
Epidurals, other approaches help manage labor pain
- USA Today, 8/13/02
Cervicovaginal Fibronectin Test Can Predict Spontaneous Preterm Birth Risk
- Doctor's Guide, 8/12/02
Reports Probe Safety Of Water Births - Intelihealth, 8/5/02
Women Being Induced Prefer Oral To Sublingual Misoprostol
- Doctor's Guide, 8/1/02
- Pregnant? 2 Cans
of Tuna Per Week OK - WebMD, 7/31/02
Pregnant women urged to get Group B screening - USA Today, 7/24/02
- rhEPO Reduces Anemia
in Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants
- Medscape, 7/22/02
- Pregnancy Linked
to Heart Disease - WebMD, 7/18/02 - "Women who experience complications
during pregnancy may be at increased risk for heart disease"
Women Who Refuse To See Stillborn May Be Psychologically Better Off
- Doctor's Guide, 7/11/02
- Should Mom See Her
Stillborn Baby? - WebMD, 7/11/02
Intrathecal Fentanyl Supplementation of Bupivacaine in Cesarean Delivery
Superior to IV Fentanyl Supplementation - Doctor's Guide, 7/2/02
Multiple Births - Their Risks And How To Prevent Them
- Doctor's Guide, 7/1/02
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) Could Save Women From The Agony Of
Repeated Miscarriages - Doctor's Guide, 7/1/02
Most Women Have Back Pain In Pregnancy - Doctor's Guide, 7/1/02
Technique, Suture Type Can Relieve Perineal Pain After Delivery
- Doctor's Guide, 6/28/02
Edinburgh Scale Effectively Spots Postpartum Depression Risk
- Doctor's Guide, 6/26/02
Maternal Smoking Compromises Foetal IGF-1 Concentrations and Reduces Birth
Weight - Doctor's Guide, 6/24/02
No Benefit on Fetal Outcome Observed from Prophylactic Ephedrine in Cesarean
Delivery - Doctor's Guide, 6/24/02
Hypertension In Pregnancy Associated With Greater Adverse Outcomes For Type
1 Diabetics - Doctor's Guide, 6/20/02
Physiotherapy Helps Reduce Post-Partum Incontinence
- Doctor's Guide, 5/27/02
- Asthma Should Be
Treated Aggressively in Pregnancy - Medscape, 5/22/02
Labour After Previous Caesarean Raises Risk Of Perinatal Death
- Doctor's Guide, 5/22/02
- Vaginal Birth
After C-Section: Risk Low - WebMD, 5/21/02
Repeat Caesareans Safest - Intelihealth, 5/21/02
New Research On Childbirth Prompting Calls For More Attention To Alternative
Pain-Relief Methods - Intelihealth, 5/21/02
Expectant Mother's Asthma and Hay Fever May Cause Newborn Eczema
- Doctor's Guide, 5/20/02
Birth Defects Not Linked To Timing Of Intercourse
- Doctor's Guide, 5/9/02
- Timing of Sex Not
Linked to Birth Defects - WebMD, 5/9/02
- Episiotomy Rates
Drop Sharply - WebMD, 5/9/02
Ondansetron Appears Safe And Effective for Pregnant Women With Nausea and
Vomiting - Doctor's Guide, 5/8/02
- Gaining the Right
Pregnancy Weight - WebMD, 5/7/02
Rofecoxib As Effective As Magnesium Sulfate For Arresting Preterm Labor
- Doctor's Guide, 5/7/02
- Smoking Decreases
Chances It'll Be a Boy - WebMD, 4/18/02
- Working While
Pregnant May Be Risky - WebMD, 4/17/02
Mother Nature, Not Folk Remedies, "Best Obstetrician," Researcher Says
- Doctor's Guide, 4/12/02
Acne drug program targets birth defect prevention
- CNN, 4/10/02 - "Accutane also can cause severe birth defects"
C-Section Often Best for Breech Babies - WebMD, 4/9/02
- Labor-Inducing
Myths Abound - WebMD, 4/9/02
Excess Weight Gain During Pregnancy Increases Risk of Postmenopausal Breast
Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 4/9/02
- Pool Water Risky
During Pregnancy - WebMD, 4/8/02
Lower Birthweight Associated With Greater Adult Subcutaneous Fatness
- Doctor's Guide, 4/1/02
Delaying Childbirth May Have Long-Term Health Consequences for Mother
- Doctor's Guide, 3/26/02
Hormone Replacement Promotes Development In Extremely Premature Baby Girls
- Doctor's Guide, 3/13/02
Maternal Environmental Risk Factors Influence Foetal Immune System
- Doctor's Guide, 3/12/02
- Latest Pregnancy
Threat: Gum Disease - WebMD, 3/8/02 - "Gum disease is as big a threat to
pregnancy as alcohol and smoking"
Strong Link Found Between Mother's Gum Disease and Premature Birth, Low
Birth Weight - Doctor's Guide, 3/7/02
- Older Moms, Dads
Put Baby at Risk - WebMD, 3/5/02
Asthmatic Women Who Smoke Have High Rate of Abnormal Births
- Doctor's Guide, 3/3/02
Older moms' babies at health risk, study finds - USA Today, 3/3/02
- Diabetes Drug
[Glucophage] Helps Prevent Miscarriage
- WebMD, 3/1/02
FDA fish warning criticized - USA Today, 2/28/02
Low Seafood Consumption Linked To Pregnancy Complications
- Intelihealth, 2/28/02
Metformin Shows Promise in Preventing Miscarriage in Polycystic Ovary
Syndrome - Doctor's Guide, 2/27/02
- Pregnancy and
Flu: Behind the Warnings - WebMD, 2/27/02
- Pre-Pregnancy
Pounds Put Mom, Baby at Risk - WebMD, 2/25/02
New Report Links Birth Defects, Premature Birth To Being Overweight Before
Pregnancy - Intelihealth, 2/25/02
Depression Hits During, Not After, Pregnancy - Clinical Psychiatry News,
Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Affects Function And Structure of Brain
- Doctor's Guide, 1/29/02
- Predicting
Premature Delivery - WebMD, 1/23/02
FDA OKs Saliva-Based Ovulation Test - Intelihealth, 1/19/02
- Thyroid Disease
Increases Birth Defects - WebMD, 1/18/02
Mother's Diet During Pregnancy May Influence Child's Blood Pressure Later In
Life - Intelihealth, 1/17/02 -
"Pregnant women who consume a diet rich in animal
protein and low in carbohydrates may be more likely to have children with
elevated blood pressure later in life"
- Thyroid Disease Raises
Risk of Birth Defects - Doctor's Guide, 1/15/02
Drug Use, Criminality In Both Genders Tied To Maternal Prenatal Smoking
- Doctor's Guide, 1/10/02
Study Links Air Pollution, Defects - Intelihealth, 12/16/01
- Birth Weight
Linked to Obesity - WebMD, 12/10/01
- Possible Risk of
Miscarriage Suspected with Antidepressants
- Doctor's Guide, 11/29/01
All Pregnant Women Should Be Screened for Depression
- Doctor's Guide, 11/9/01
- Drop in Stress Hormones
May Set Stage for Arthritis/Multiple Sclerosis After Pregnancy -
Doctor's Guide, 10/30/01
Scientists Find Simple Way Of Identifying The Likeliest Days To Conceive
- Intelihealth, 10/26/01
- Smoking During Pregnancy
May Indicate Need For Psychiatric Testing
- Doctor's Guide, 10/22/01
- 10 Ways to
Prevent Back Pain After Delivery - WebMD, 10/17/01
- Mother's
Well-Being Has Large Impact on Child's Health, Depression, Stress in Mom
Lead to More TV Time in Kids - WebMD, 10/9/01
- High-dose Diclofenac Used
to Treat Post-Caesarean Section Pain
- Doctor's Guide, 9/20/01
Cervix And Premature Birth Linked - Intelihealth, 9/19/01
- Birth Defects
Still Happening With Accutane - WebMD, 8/17/01
- Smoking During
Pregnancy May Increase Colic - WebMD, 8/8/01 -
"smoking during pregnancy may increase the chances that you'll have a very
cranky baby"
- Just Say No to
Alcohol in Pregnancy - WebMD, 8/9/01
Study: Depression As Common During Pregnancy As After Childbirth
- Intelihealth, 8/2/01
- The Lasting
Trauma of Stillbirth - WebMD, 7/24/01
- When Bed Rest Is
Best - WebMD, 7/6/01
Labor Risky After Caesarean - Intelihealth, 7/5/01
Traveling for Two: Advice for Pregnant Vacationers - WebMD, 7/6/01
- Insulin Lispro Controls
Diabetes In Pregnant Women - Doctor's Guide, 6/25/01
- Pattern of
Corticotrophin-Releasing Hormone Increase Signifies Fetal Distress
- Doctor's Guide, 6/21/01 - "The most plausible
hypothesis is that stress leads to an increase in cortisol levels in the
fetus and this then stimulates the placenta to make more CRH"
- Choosing a
Disease-Free Baby - WebMD, 6/18/01
Food Tastes May Pass From Mother to Baby During Pregnancy and Nursing -
WebMD, 6/6/01
Pregnant Women Need a Balanced Diet That's 'Just Right' - WebMD, 6/1/01
- "Women given supplements containing large amounts
of protein actually had babies that were smaller on average than women who
did not take the supplements. That led the government, which sets the
Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA), to lower its recommended level of daily
protein for pregnant women from 74 grams per day to 60 grams"
Massage Not Effective for Preventing Tearing During Labor, Technique Isn't
Harmful, But Shows No Overwhelming Benefit - WebMD, 5/24/01
- Treatment Of
Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension A Three-Step Process - Doctor's Guide,
Kegel Exercises Help Incontinence After Pregnancy, Simple Contractions Keep
Pelvic Muscles Toned - WebMD, 5/21/01
- A Mother's
Dilemma: Using Antidepressants During Pregnancy, It May Be Dangerous Not to
Treat, Doctors Say - WebMD, 5/17/0
Many moms lie about drinking during pregnancy - USA Today, 4/24/01 -
"Only about one in 20 women who drink during
pregnancy admits it on her child's birth certificate"
Tips for the Ever-Increasing Group of Women Having Babies in Their 30s, 40s
- WebMD, 4/20/01
Expectant Moms, Can the Fish, Environmental Groups Expand FDA's List of
Unsafe Seafood - WebMD, 4/12/01 -
"Methylmercury is a toxic form of mercury that
gathers in fish tissue. Absorbed by the fish from pollution and from other
water creatures, it poses health threats to developing brains and nervous
systems of unborn babies"
Study Addresses Schizophrenia Link - Intelihealth, 4/12/01 -
"men who fathered children at ages 45 to 49 were
twice as likely as those under 25 to have schizophrenic children, and men 50
and older were three times more likely"
Seizure Drugs Linked to Birth Defects, Newer Drugs May Reduce Risk of
Defects - WebMD, 4/11/01 - "21% who took one
antiseizure drug and 28% who took two antiseizure drugs had babies born with
a major or minor birth defect, compared with 8.5% of women who did not have
epilepsy. On the other hand, mothers who had epilepsy but took no
antiseizure drugs had a rate of birth defects similar to that of women who
did not have epilepsy"
Stressed Moms May Deliver Early - WebMD, 4/6/01 -
"when traumatic or emotional situations occur,
levels of the body's stress hormones, including
cortisol, increase ... stressful events in the first few weeks of
pregnancy may put them at risk for having a baby with birth defects of the
face, lips, or heart"
Pain drugs linked to risk of lung defect - USA Today, 3/7/01 -
"pregnant women who took aspirin, ibuprofen or
naproxen, all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, were far
more likely to deliver newborns with persistent pulmonary hypertension, or
Some Over-the-Counter Pain Drugs Linked to Severe Newborn Illness, If
Pregnant, Remember to Use Medications With Caution - WebMD, 3/5/01
Blood Pressure, Older Mothers Studied - Intelihealth, 3/4/01 -
"Babies born to older mothers tend to have
significantly higher than usual blood pressure"
No pathinfo