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Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending 7/20/11. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any medications. Note: There hasn't been many abstracts for about five days. When that happens it seems like about 900 per day show up for about three days straight. I'm trying to figure out whether that's caused by some government worker taking a few days off then putting them through all at once or whether something causes a hang-up in their RSS feeds. Another danger of secondhand smoke -- hearing loss - 7/18/11 - "teenagers exposed to smoke performed worse across every sound frequency tested, especially mid-to-high frequencies important for understanding speech. In addition, teenagers with higher cotinine levels, indicating greater exposure, were more likely to have one-sided-or unilateral-low-frequency hearing loss. Overall, the researchers conclude that their findings indicate that "tobacco smoke is independently associated with an almost 2-fold increase in the risk of hearing loss among adolescents."" Telomere length linked to emphysema risk - Science Daily, 7/15/11 - "in mice that have short telomeres, there was a significant increased risk of developing emphysema after exposure to cigarette smoke" - That's something I guessed before I read the article. Short telomeres seems to leave you more susceptible to most diseases.
Whey Protein May Be Helpful for Weight Loss - WebMD, 7/15/11 -
"Researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture's
Human Nutrition Research Center randomly assigned 90 overweight and obese
middle-aged adults to one of three groups. The first group was asked to add
protein drinks made with whey to their normal diets,
the second group drank protein drinks made with soy protein, and the third group
drank carbohydrate drinks ... the drinks, which were drunk twice daily, at
breakfast and dinner, had the same number of calories: 200. They also all had
had 52 grams per packet, for a daily total of 104 grams of added protein or
carbs ... After six months, people drinking the carbohydrate shakes had gained a
little bit of weight, about 2 pounds, which appeared to be mainly added fat ...
People drinking the soy shakes had stayed about the same weight as where they
started ... But people drinking the whey protein had lost a little bit of
weight and body fat, about 2 pounds.
Additionally, while the other groups saw little change in the size of their
waists, the whey protein group lost about an inch around the middle ... a couple
of things may help to explain the weight and fat loss seen with whey protein ...
People in the whey protein group had significantly lower blood levels of the
hormone ghrelin than people eating the soy protein or carbohydrate ... And
though researchers really can't explain why this happened or what it means, they
found that people drinking the whey protein had cut back on their carbohydrate
intake by the end of the study, even though they weren't eating fewer total
calories and didn't know what kind of supplement they were getting ...
researchers advise picking a whey product that is also low in calories and fat"
- See
whey protein at Amazon.com High Folate Intake Linked to Better Grades in Swedish Teens - Medscape, 7/15/11 - "Sweden is a country that does not allow foods to be fortified ... We have a poor intake of folate compared to people in the US, our intake is below what is recommended daily. We do not achieve the recommended daily intake in Sweden ... Blood samples were obtained and assayed for total homocysteine, a biomarker for folate intake, and mutations in the methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene, which is known to raise levels of homocysteine ... teens in the lowest tertile of dietary folate intake had the poorest academic performance" - Note: I believe that tumor claim he's talking about was colon cancer. That goes back and forth but the latest study says it prevents it:
Scientists discover new role for vitamin C in the eye and the brain -
Science Daily, 7/15/11 - "cells in the retina need to be
'bathed' in relatively high doses of vitamin C,
inside and out, to function properly ... Because the retina is part of the
central nervous system, this suggests there's likely an important role for
vitamin C throughout our brains, to a degree we had not realized before ... The
findings could have implications for other diseases, like
glaucoma and epilepsy. Both conditions are
caused by the dysfunction of nerve cells in the retina and brain that become
over excited in part because
GABA receptors may not be functioning properly"
- See
vitamin C products at Amazon.com
chemical found in grapes may protect against Alzheimer's disease - Science
Daily, 7/16/11 - "grape
seed polyphenols -- a natural antioxidant -- may help prevent the
development or delay the progression of
Alzheimer's disease ... This is the first
study to evaluate the ability of grape-derived polyphenols to prevent the
generation of a specific form of β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide, a substance in the
brain long known to cause the neurotoxicity associated with Alzheimer disease
... administered grape seed polyphenolic extracts to mice genetically determined
to develop memory deficits and Aβ neurotoxins similar to those found in
Alzheimer's disease. They found that the brain content of the Aβ*56, a specific
form of Aβ previously implicated in the promotion of Alzheimer's disease memory
loss, was substantially reduced after treatment" - See
grape seed extract at Amazon.com Going Swimming? Guard Your Teeth - ABC News, 7/15/11 - "39 percent of competitive swimmers suffered from dental enamel erosion. In this recent paper, dentists from the New York University College of Dentistry analyzed the case of a 52-year-old man who complained of sensitive teeth, dark tooth staining, and enamel loss that came on quickly and had lasted for just five months. The only logical explanation for these sudden changes the researchers could pinpoint was his newly adopted, 90-minutes-per-day swimming routine ... Damage to tooth enamel occurs when the pH balance of swimming pool water drops too low, or becomes too acidic" Which Foods Can Help Your Skin Look Better - CBS Chicago, 7/14/11 - "Experts say that what you eat has a big effect on how you look ... people who switched to a hypoglycemic – or low sugar – diet for three months reduced their pimples by 20 percent ... So what should we eat to prevent or even get rid of wrinkles? ... What you want to do is build up the collagen and there’s certain collagen builders, such as Vitamin C and Vitamin E ... To avoid dry, flaky skin or eczema, increase your omega 3s ... There’s less scientific proof about cellulite, but many nutritionists also feel you can reduce the appearance of those unsightly bulges by eating dark red and purple foods, which help rid the body of toxins – things like cranberry juice, blueberries, cherries and radicchio lettuce ... If you’re looking for a cure-all for nearly any skin problem, it’s extra virgin olive oil. It helps reduce inflammation, and can help everything from psoriasis to eczema to acne .. dairy, even skim-milk, seems to make nearly every skin problem worse" Unsolved mystery of kava toxicity - Science Daily, 7/14/11 - "A major new review of scientific knowledge on kava -- a plant used to make dietary supplements and a trendy drink with calming effects -- has left unsolved the mystery of why Pacific Island people can consume it safely, while people in the United States, Europe, and other Western cultures sometimes experience toxic effects ... Their review of 85 scientific studies on kava toxicity found no consensus on kava toxicity, despite several theories that have emerged over the years. Culprits include methods for preparing kava, the particular species of kava used, the possible toxicity of substances produced by the body when kava is digested and genetic differences among consumers. "To date, there remains no indisputable reason for the increased prevalence of kava-induced hepatotoxicity in Western countries," the researchers say"
reduces anxiety and inflammation in healthy students, study suggests -
Science Daily, 7/13/11 - "A new study gauging the impact
of consuming more fish oil showed a marked
reduction both in inflammation and,
surprisingly, in anxiety among a cohort of healthy young people ... The
supplement was probably about four or five times the amount of fish oil you'd
get from a daily serving of salmon ... But the psychological surveys clearly
showed an important change in anxiety among the
students: Those receiving the omega-3 showed a 20 percent reduction in anxiety
compared to the placebo group ... We saw a 14 percent reduction in the amounts
of IL-6 among the students receiving
the omega-3." Since the cytokines foster inflammation, "anything we can do to
reduce cytokines is a big plus in dealing with the overall health of people at
risk for many diseases,""
- See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com Some Aluminum Water Bottles Leach BPA - WebMD, 7/12/11 - "In a carefully controlled test, where researchers stored ultra-pure water in several different kinds of containers for five days, they found that some aluminum bottles released up to five times the amount of BPA that was shed by the older, polycarbonate bottles ... If you pick up an aluminum bottle from your super-cheap discount retailer, you can’t be so sure what’s in it ... Especially aluminum, because they do require a lining of some sort ... Sometimes, that sprayed-on liner is made with an epoxy resin that contains BPA" Popular TV shows teach children fame is most important value, psychologists report; Being kind to others fell dramatically in importance over 10 years - Science Daily, 7/12/11 - "If you believe that television reflects the culture, as I do, then American culture has changed drastically .. The rise of fame in preteen television may be one influence in the documented rise of narcissism in our culture ... Popular television shows are part of the environment that causes the increased narcissism, but they also reflect the culture. They both reflect it and serve as a powerful socialization force for the next generation ... The study is published in the July issue of Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, a peer-reviewed journal featuring psychosocial research on the impact of the Internet on people and society ... If you have 400 or more Facebook friends, which many high school and college students do, you are on stage ... It's intrinsically narcissistic" - Matt Dillon on Gunsmoke and Zoro, who were always fighting evil has been replaced by narcissism. Great, just great!!! I’m being facetious for anyone that doesn’t know me. Abstracts from this week's Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here for the journals, the PubMed ones at the top):
Association of Docosahexaenoic and Eicosapentaenoic Acids With Carotid
Intima-Media Thickness - Stroke. 2011 Jul 14 -
"Japanese compared to U.S. whites had significantly lower
IMT (mean+/-SD, 618+/-81 and 672+/-94 μm for Japanese and whites,
respectively; P<0.001) and had >2-fold higher levels of
DHA and EPA. DHA, but not EPA, had an inverse
association with IMT in both Japanese and U.S. whites. The inverse association
remained only in Japanese men after adjusting for risk and other factors. The
significant difference in multivariable-adjusted IMT became nonsignificant after
further adjusting for DHA (mean difference, 17 μm; 95% CI, -8 to 43; P=0.177)
but not EPA. In this multivariable-adjusted model, DHA but not EPA was a
significant predictor of IMT (P=-0.032 versus 0.863, respectively) ... These
data suggest that DHA may have a more potent antiatherogenic effect than EPA,
especially in levels observed in the Japanese, independent of risk factors"
- See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com Risk of endometrial cancer in relation to individual nutrients from diet and supplements - Public Health Nutr. 2011 Jul 14:1-13 - "endometrial cancer (EC) ... There existed little evidence of an association with EC for the majority of macronutrients and micronutrients examined. We observed a statistically significant increased risk associated with the highest, compared with the lowest, quartile of intake of dietary cholesterol (multivariable-adjusted OR = 1.51, 95 % CI 1.08, 2.11; P for trend = 0.02). Age-adjusted risk at the highest level of intake was significantly reduced for Ca from food sources (OR = 0.73, 95 % CI 0.54, 0.99) but was attenuated in the multivariable model (OR = 0.82, 95 % CI 0.59, 1.13). When intake from supplements was included in Ca intake, risk was significantly reduced by 28 % with higher Ca (multivariable-adjusted OR = 0.72, 95 % CI 0.51, 0.99, P for trend = 0.04). We also observed unexpected increased risks at limited levels of intakes of dietary soluble fibre, vitamin C, thiamin, vitamin B6 and lutein/zeaxanthin, with no evidence for linear trend"
Consumption in Healthy Adults Is Associated with Decreased Circulating
Biomarkers of Endothelial Dysfunction and Inflammation during a 6-Year Follow-Up
- J Nutr. 2011 Jul 13 - "endothelial dysfunction (ED)
and low-grade inflammation (LGI) ... consumption of fish (per 100 g/wk), but
none of the other food groups, was inversely associated with changes in ED [β
(95%CI) = -0.06 (-0.10; -0.02); P = 0.003] and LGI [-0.05 (-0.09; -0.003); P =
0.036]. Additionally, EPA+DHA intake was inversely associated with changes in ED
[β (95%CI) = -0.13 (-0.19; -0.07); P ≤ 0.001] and LGI [-0.09 (-0.16; -0.02); P =
0.013] and explained 83 and 40% of the association between fish and changes in
ED and LGI. In conclusion, fish consumption,
but not fruit, vegetable, alcoholic beverage, or dairy product consumption, was
associated with decreased ED and LGI in healthy adults" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Low 25(OH)D3
levels are associated with total adiposity, metabolic syndrome, and hypertension
in Caucasian children and adolescents - Eur J Endocrinol. 2011 Jul 13 -
"Higher 25(OH)D3 was
significantly associated with a reduced presence of
MetS. Obesity, central obesity, hypertension,
hypertriglyceridemia, low HDL cholesterol, IR, and MetS were all associated with
an increased odds of having low 25(OH)D3 levels, after adjustment for age, sex,
and Tanner stage. After additional adjustment for SD score (SDS)-BMI, elevated
blood pressure and MetS remained significantly associated with low vitamin D
status. The adjusted odds ratio (95% confidence interval) for those in the
lowest (< 17 ng/mL) compared with the highest tertile (> 27 ng/mL) of 25(OH)D3
for hypertension was 1.72 (1.02-2.92), and for MetS it was 2.30 (1.20-4.40). A
similar pattern of association among 25(OH)D3, high blood pressure and MetS was
observed when models were adjusted for waist circumference. No correlation was
found between 25(OH)D3 concentrations and either FMD or cIMT. Conclusions: Low
25(OH)D3 levels in Caucasian children are inversely related to total adiposity,
MetS and hypertension" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com Adolescent dairy product consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes in middle-aged women - Am J Clin Nutr. 2011 Jul 13 - "Compared with women in the lowest quintile of high school dairy product intake, those in the highest quintile (2 servings/d) had a 38% lower risk of T2D (RR: 0.62; 95% CI: 0.47, 0.83; P-trend = 0.0006), after adjustment for high school risk factors. After adjustment for adult risk factors, the association persisted (RR: 0.73; 95% CI: 0.54, 0.97; P-trend = 0.02) but was attenuated after adjustment for adult dairy product consumption. In a multivariate joint comparison of dairy product consumption by adults and high school adolescents, compared with women with consistently low intakes, those with consistently high intakes had the lowest risk of T2D (RR: 0.57; 95% CI: 0.39, 0.82) ... Our data suggest that higher dairy product intake during adolescence is associated with a lower risk of T2D. Some of the benefit of dairy product intake during high school may be due to the persistence of the consumption pattern during adulthood" Hemoglobin level in older persons and incident Alzheimer disease: Prospective cohort analysis - Neurology. 2011 Jul 13 - "When compared to participants with clinically normal hemoglobin (n = 717), participants with anemia (n = 154) had a 60% increased hazard for developing AD (95% CI 1.02-2.52), as did participants with clinically high hemoglobin (n = 10, HR 3.39, 95% CI 1.25-9.20). Linear mixed-effects models showed that lower and higher hemoglobin levels were associated with a greater rate of global cognitive decline (parameter estimate for quadratic of hemoglobin = -0.008, SE -0.002, p < 0.001). Compared to participants with clinically normal hemoglobin, participants with anemia had a -0.061 z score unit annual decline in global cognitive function (SE 0.012, p < 0.001), as did participants with clinically high hemoglobin (-0.090 unit/year, SE 0.038, p = 0.018) ... In older persons without dementia, both lower and higher hemoglobin levels are associated with an increased hazard for developing AD and more rapid cognitive decline"
and lipid-lowering effects of Bifidobacterium spp. in high fat diet-induced
obese rats - Lipids Health Dis. 2011 Jul 12;10(1):116 -
"Recent studies have reported the preventive effects of
probiotics on obesity. Among commensal bacteria, bifidobacteria is one of the
most numerous probiotics in the mammalian gut and are a type of lactic acid
bacteria. The aim of this study was to assess the antiobesity and lipid-lowering
effects of Bifidobacterium spp. isolated from healthy Korean on high fat
diet-induced obese rats. Methods: Thirty-six male Sprague-Dawley rats were
divided into three groups as follows: (1) SD group, fed standard diet; (2) HFD
group, fed high fat diet; and (3) HFD-LAB group, fed high fat diet supplemented
with LAB supplement (B. pseudocatenulatum SPM 1204, B. longum SPM 1205, and B.
longum SPM 1207; 108 ~ 109 CFU). After 7 weeks, the body, organ, and fat
weights, food intake, blood serum levels, fecal LAB counts, and harmful enzyme
activities were measured. Results: Administration of LAB reduced body and fat
weights, blood serum levels (TC, HDL-C, LDL-C, triglyceride, glucose, leptin,
AST, ALT, and lipase levels), and harmful enzyme activities (beta-glucosidase,
beta-glucuronidase, and tryptophanase), and significantly increased fecal LAB
counts. Conclusion: These data suggest that Bifidobacterium spp. used in this
study may have beneficial antiobesity effects"
- See
probiotics at Amazon.com
Mediates Therapeutic Induction of Autophagy to Apoptosis in Melanoma Cells -
Nutr Cancer. 2011 Jul 11 - "Zyflamend,
a unique multiherbal extract preparation, is a promising antiinflammatory agent
that has also been suggested to regulate multiple pathways in cancer
progression. As Zyflamend contains ingredients that can suppress tumor cell
proliferation, invasion,
angiogenesis, and
metastasis through regulation of inflammatory pathway products, we hypothesized
that this preparation might inhibit melanoma
proliferation. To test this hypothesis, we studied the effect of Zyflamend on
melanoma proliferation. Here, we present that Zyflamend inhibits melanoma growth
by regulating the autophagy-apoptosis switch. Based on the responsible molecular
mechanisms of Zyflamend, our study highlights the importance of the use of
herbal preparations for the prevention and treatment of cancer" - See
Zyflamend at Amazon.com Influence of telmisartan on insulin response after glucose loading in obese patients with hypertension: ARB Trial of hypertension in obese patients with hyperinsulinemia assessed by oral glucose tolerance test (ATHLETE) - Adv Ther. 2011 Jul 6 - "In patients with hypertension and obesity showing insulin resistance, treatment with telmisartan significantly improved the hyperinsulin response to glucose loading. Telmisartan may therefore be beneficial in these patients" - See telmisartan at OffshoreRx1.com. Health Focus (Too much phosphorus?): News & Research:
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