Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending
7/6/11. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any medications.
natural vitamin E tocotrienol protects brain against stroke in 3 ways -
Science Daily, 7/5/11 - "This is one of the first
studies to provide evidence that a safe nutrient - a vitamin - can alter
microRNA biology to produce a favorable disease outcome ... Here, a natural
nutritional product is simultaneously acting on multiple targets to help prevent
stroke-induced brain damage. That is a gifted molecule" - See
Jarrow FamilE (contains all eight members of the vitamin E family, includes
Tocomin) at Amazon.com .
Preventive use of one form of natural vitamin E may reduce stroke damage -
Science Daily, 7/5/11 - "Vitamin
E occurs naturally in eight different forms, and this work led by Ohio State
University scientists is focused on the tocotrienol form, also known as TCT. The
commonly known form of vitamin E belongs to a variety called tocopherols. TCT is
not abundant in the American diet but is available as a nutritional supplement.
It is a common component of a typical Southeast Asian diet ... In the study, 24
hours after a
stroke, lesions indicating brain tissue damage
were about 80 percent smaller in dogs that received supplementation than were
the lesions in dogs that received no intervention. Imaging tests showed that the
treated animals' brains had better blood flow at the stroke site as compared to
untreated dogs' brains, a difference attributed to tiny collateral blood
vessels' ability to improve circulation in the brain when blood flow stopped in
more substantial vessels ... In the study, 20 dogs were randomly assigned to one
of two groups: those receiving a placebo pill, and those receiving 200
milligrams of mixed tocotrienols ... Additional examination of the affected
brain tissue showed that the TCT supplementation appeared to support
arteriogenesis, a process by which collateral arteries remodel themselves into
larger vessels so they can bypass the site of blockage" - See
Jarrow FamilE (contains all eight members of the vitamin E family, includes
Tocomin) at Amazon.com .
disease can increase the time it takes to become pregnant - Science Daily,
7/5/11 - "women with gum
disease took an average of just over seven months to
become pregnant -- two months longer than the
average of five months that it took women without gum disease to conceive ...
Prof Hart said that the reason why pregnancies in non-Caucasian women were more
affected by gum disease could be because these women appeared to have a higher
level of inflammatory response to the condition"
folate intake may reduce risk of colorectal cancer - Science Daily, 7/5/11 -
"We found that all forms and sources of
folate were associated with lower risk of
colorectal cancer ... A research team investigated the association between
folate intake and colorectal cancer among 99,523 participants in the Cancer
Prevention Study II Nutrition Cohort; a total of 1,023 participants were
diagnosed with colorectal cancer between 1999 and 2007 ... The study also
addressed concerns that the intake of high levels of folate frequently consumed
in the U.S. -- as a result of the recent increase in the use of
folate-containing supplements and mandatory folate fortification of food -- may
actually increase risk of cancer. No increased risk of colorectal cancer was
found for the highest intake levels, suggesting that the high levels of this
vitamin Consumed by significant numbers of Americans should not lead to
increased incidence rates of this cancer in the population" - See
folic acid products at Amazon.com .
Earlier the better for omega-3 benefits for brains & hearts? - Nutra USA,
7/4/11 -
"the older animals did benefit from fish oil
supplementation, but the benefits were limited to diastolic function, or the
filling of the heart with blood following contraction (systolic) ... The younger
animals had better spatial memory than the older animals, and the fish oil
supplements were not associated with any reversal of the age-related memory
deficits or increases in inflammation in the brain, wrote the researchers"
- [Abstract] - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
class of antiangiogenesis drugs: Natural plant compound blocks blood vessel
growth by interfering with cellular adhesion - Science Daily, 7/1/11 -
"One of two compounds identified by this process was
dehydro-alpha-lapachone (DAL), derived from Tabebuia avellanedae, a tree native
to Argentina and Brazil. Since DAL has structural similarities to another agent
with antitumor activities and did not appear to be toxic, it was chosen for
further investigation. The researchers first showed that DAL administration
interfered with blood vessel
formation in zebrafish, both during embryonic development and wound healing.
They then found that it reduced the vascular density of tumors implanted in mice
and, with daily treatment, significantly reduced tumor growth with no signs of
reduces infection risk by more than 40 per cent, experts say - Science
Daily, 7/1/11 - "Copper's rapid destruction of pathogens
could prevent mutational resistance developing and also help reduce the spread
of antibiotic resistance genes to receptive and potentially more virulent
organisms, as well as genes responsible for virulence. Additionally, copper
touch surfaces could have a key role in preventing the transmission of
healthcare-associated infections. Extensive laboratory tests have demonstrated
copper's antimicrobial efficacy against key organisms responsible for these
infections, and clinical trials around the world are now reporting on its
efficacy in busy, real-world environments ... the use of antimicrobial copper
surfaces in intensive care unit rooms resulted
in a 40.4% reduction in the risk of acquiring a hospital infection ... Data ..
demonstrated a 97% reduction in surface pathogens in rooms with copper surfaces,
the same level achieved by "terminal" cleaning: the regimen conducted after each
patient vacates a room"
performance follows a physiological law; Study suggests peak at 20-30 years of
age, then irreversible decline - Science Daily, 7/1/11 -
"The evolution of the
performances of an individual throughout his life follows an exponential
growth curve to a peak before declining irreversibly, following another negative
exponential curve. This peak is reached at the age of 26.1 years for the
disciplines studied: athletics (26.0 years), swimming (21.0 years) and chess
(31.4 years). For each data set, the evolution curve is representative of a
range of 91.7% of the variance at the individual level and 98.5% of the variance
in terms of sport events. Moreover, these cycles are observable in other
physiological parameters such as the development of lung function or cognitive
skills, but also at the level of cells, organisms and populations, reflecting
the fractal properties of such a law" - I'm sure everyone wanted to hear
Pre-pregnancy diet affects the health of future offspring, mouse study suggests
- Science Daily, 7/1/11 - "mice that were fed a low
protein diet for ten weeks before conception (but had a normal diet during
pregnancy) gave birth to offspring that had lower birth weights, showed catch-up
growth after weaning and increased insulin sensitivity ... There is also
evidence that male offspring are more likely to develop obesity ... If humans
respond in the same way as mice to pre-conception diet as well then women should
not only consider what they eat during pregnancy but also before pregnancy if
they want to reduce the risk of their future children acquiring lifestyle
wine: Exercise in a bottle? - Science Daily, 6/30/11 -
"a new research study published in the FASEB Journal,
suggests that the "healthy" ingredient in red wine,
resveratrol, may prevent the negative effects that spaceflight and sedentary
lifestyles have on people ... Scientists studied rats that underwent simulated
weightlessness by hindlimb tail suspension and were given a daily oral load of
resveratrol. The control group showed a decrease in soleus muscle mass and
strength, the development of insulin resistance, and a loss of bone mineral
density and resistance to breakage. The group receiving resveratrol showed none
of these complications ... This study also suggests that resveratrol may be able
to prevent the deleterious consequences of sedentary behaviors in humans"
- See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com .
Ingredients of happiness around the world - Science Daily, 6/29/11 -
"Our findings suggest that Maslow's theory is largely
correct. In cultures all over the world the fulfillment of his proposed needs
correlates with happiness ... However, an important departure from Maslow's
theory is that we found that a person can report having good social
relationships and self-actualization even if their basic needs and safety needs
are not completely fulfilled"
The Body Odd - Coffee buzz protects brain from Alzheimer's - MSNBC, 6/29/11
- "the equivalent of four to five cups of caffeinated
coffee every few days led to much improved
memories in the Alzheimer’s mice ... Earlier
research by Arendash and his colleagues showed that caffeine could at least
partially block the production of beta amyloid, the sticky protein that clogs
the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. They also found that a substance called
granulocyte-colony stimulating factor, or GCSF, sparked the production of new
axons, the communication cables that link nerve cells together, as well as new
nerve cells themselves"
Vitamin D, calcium combo may halve melanoma risk some women - USATODAY.com,
6/29/11 - "The supplements were 1,000 milligrams of
calcium and 400 IU of
vitamin D daily ... Over about seven years of
follow-up, the women taking the supplements who had had previous non-melanoma
skin cancer reduced their risk of developing
melanoma by 57 percent, compared with similar women not taking the supplements"
- See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Nearly Half of U.S. Teens Smoke, Drink Alcohol, or Use Drugs - WebMD,
6/29/11 - "Nearly half of all American high school
students smoke, drink alcohol, or use illicit drugs"
Vitamin E tocotrienols show cholesterol benefits for healthy adults: Study -
Nutra USA, 6/29/11 - "Daily supplements of a palm
product increased the ratio of HDL cholesterol to
total cholesterol – reported to be the most specific lipid risk factor for
cardiovascular disease (CVD) – by 14 percent in people over 50, compared to a
decrease of about 5 percent in the placebo group ... HDL cholesterol increases
of the magnitude observed in this study have been associated with a 22.5 percent
reduced risk of
cardiovascular events" - [Abstract]
- See
Jarrow FamilE (contains all eight members of the vitamin E family, includes
Tocomin) at Amazon.com .
Abstracts from this week's
Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics
plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here
for the journals, the PubMed ones at the top):
Effect of
Cholesterol on Mortality and Quality of Life up to a 46-Year Follow-Up - Am
J Cardiol. 2011 Jun 27 - "A strong and graded relation
was found between the cholesterol level and
total mortality, with the men with a
cholesterol level ≤4 mmol/L (154 mg/dl) having the lowest mortality. In all, the
men with the lowest cholesterol gained the most life years. However, no
association was found with the cholesterol level in 2000 (when 16% were using
statins) and subsequent mortality. The lowest (≤4 mmol/L) cholesterol value in
midlife also predicted a higher score in the physical functioning scale of
RAND-36 in old age. In conclusion, a low total cholesterol value in midlife
predicts both better survival and better physical functioning in old age"
for the management of patients at high cardiovascular risk - Curr Med Res
Opin. 2011 Jun 30 - "To date,
telmisartan is the only ARB
indicated to reduce CV morbidity in a broad CV high-risk population" -
See telmisartan at
Hemoglobin A1c, Fasting Plasma Glucose, and Two-Hour Postchallenge Plasma
Glucose Levels in Relation to Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in Chinese with
Normal Glucose Tolerance - J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Jun 29 -
intima-media thickness (CIMT) ... participants in the highest quartile of
HbA1c, as compared with those in the lowest
quartile, still conferred a 68% increased odds of elevated CIMT (≥0.70 mm)"
Vitamin D
Deficiency Is Associated With Subclinical Carotid Atherosclerosis: The Northern
Manhattan Study - Stroke. 2011 Jun 30 - "After
adjusting for cardiovascular risk factors and renal function, serum phosphorus
and calcium-phosphorus product were associated with a greater burden of
subclinical carotid atherosclerosis. Low 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels were
associated with increased intima-media thickness and maximal carotid plaque
thickness in those with plaque, and 25-hydroxyvitamin D contributed in a robust
manner to the variance in both. These results confirm and extend data on the
association of low
vitamin D levels with subclinical carotid
atherosclerosis" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Vitamin E {alpha}-Tocotrienol Protects Against Ischemic Stroke by Induction of
Multidrug Resistance-Associated Protein 1 - Stroke. 2011 Jun 30 -
"α-Tocotrienol (TCT) represents the most potent
neuroprotective form of natural
vitamin E that is Generally Recognized As Safe
certified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ... This work recognizes MRP1
as a protective factor against stroke. Furthermore, findings of this study add a
new dimension to the current understanding of the molecular bases of α-TCT
neuroprotection in 2 ways: by identifying MRP1 as a α-TCT-sensitive target and
by unveiling the general prospect that oral α-TCT may regulate miR expression in
stroke-affected brain tissue" - See
Jarrow FamilE (contains all eight members of the vitamin E family, includes
Tocomin) at Amazon.com .
Between Insulin Resistance and Lean Mass Loss and Fat Mass Gain in Older Men
without Diabetes Mellitus - J Am Geriatr Soc. 2011 Jun 30 -
"Greater lean mass loss and lower fat mass gain occurred
in insulin-resistant men without diabetes
mellitus than in insulin-sensitive men. Insulin resistance may accelerate
age-related sarcopenia"
Green tea
intake lowers fasting serum total and LDL cholesterol in adults: a meta-analysis
of 14 randomized controlled trials - Am J Clin Nutr. 2011 Jun 29 -
"We performed a comprehensive literature search to
identify relevant trials of
green tea beverages and extracts on lipid
profiles in adults ... The analysis of eligible studies showed that the
administration of green tea beverages or extracts resulted in significant
reductions in serum
TC and
concentrations, but no effect on HDL cholesterol was observed" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com .
Induces p53-Independent, XIAP-Mediated Bax Oligomerization on Mitochondria to
Initiate Cytochrome c Release and Caspase Activation - J Biol Chem. 2011 Jun
28 - "Together, our findings characterize the molecular
mechanisms of resveratrol-induced caspase
activation, and subsequent apoptosis in cancer cells"
promotes osteogenesis of human mesenchymal stem cells by up-regulating RUNX2
gene expression via SIRT1/FOXO3A axis - J Bone Miner Res. 2011 Jun 28 -
"Taken together, our results describe a novel mechanism
of resveratrol on promoting osteogenesis of
human mesenchymal stem cells by up-regulating RUNX2 gene expression via
SIRT1/FOXO3A axis"
Effect of Pycnogenol® on Ovariectomy-induced Bone Loss in Rats - Phytother
Res. 2011 Jun 28 - "The results indicated that orally
PYC can decrease the bone turnover rate in OVX
rats, resulting in positive effects on the biomechanical strength of bone and
bone mineral density" - See
Pycnogenol at Amazon.com .
Low serum
magnesium concentrations predict cardiovascular and all-cause mortality -
Atherosclerosis. 2011 Jun 12 - "Low serum
magnesium (Mg(++)) levels are associated with
future development of left ventricular hypertrophy independently of common
cardiovascular risk factors, as recently demonstrated in the five-year follow-up
of the population-based Study of Health in Pomerania (SHIP). As left ventricular
hypertrophy has significant prognostic implications, we hypothesized that serum
Mg(++) levels are associated with
cardiovascular mortality ... median
duration of mortality follow-up was 10.1 years ... During the follow-up, 417
deaths occurred. Mortality in subjects with Mg(++)≤0.73mmol/l was significantly
higher for all-cause deaths (10.95 death per
1000 person years), and cardiovascular deaths (3.44 deaths per 1000 person
years) in comparison to higher Mg(++) concentrations (1.45 deaths from all-cause
per 1000 person years, 1.53 deaths from cardiovascular cause per 1000 person
years). This association remained statistically significant after adjustment for
multiple cardiovascular risk factors, including arterial hypertension, and
antihypertensive therapy including diuretics (log-rank-test p=0.0001 for
all-cause mortality, and p=0.0174 for cardiovascular mortality)" - See
magnesium supplements at Amazon.com .
of Advanced Glycation End Products Improves Insulin Resistance in Human Type 2
Diabetes: Potential role of AGER1 and SIRT1 - Diabetes Care. 2011
Jul;34(7):1610-6 - "AGE
restriction may preserve native defenses and insulin sensitivity by maintaining
lower basal OS"
AGE Content of Foods - InHuman Experiment, 9/1/09
Overexpression of hepatic 5α-reductase and 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type
1 in visceral adipose tissue is associated with hyperinsulinemia in morbidly
obese patients - Metabolism. 2011 Jun 23 - "11-β-Hydroxysteroid
dehydrogenase type 1 (11β-HSD1) converts cortisone to
cortisol, mainly in the liver and visceral
adipose tissue (VAT), and has been implicated in several metabolic disorders.
The absence of systemic hypercortisolism in central obesity could be due to
increased inactivation of cortisol to its tetrahydrometabolites by the hepatic
enzymes 5α- and 5β-reductases ... Forty-one patients were recruited (age, 41.8
+/- 10.6 years; body mass index, 42.1 +/- 6.6 kg/m(2); 71% women). The
expression of hepatic 5α- and 5β-reductases was positively correlated (r =
+0.53, P = .004), and their expression levels were correlated with hepatic
11β-HSD1 expression (r = +0.61, P < .001 for 5α-reductase and r = +0.50, P <
.001 for 5β-reductase). Hepatic 5α-reductase was associated with insulin (r =
+0.34, P = .015). Visceral adipose tissue 11β-HSD1 expression was associated
with glucose (r = +0.37, P = .025) and insulin (r = +0.54, P = .002). Our
results showed that 5α-reductase and VAT 11β-HSD1 expressions were associated
with insulinemia. These findings suggest that overexpression of 5α-reductase,
through a higher inactivation of cortisol in the liver, could have a protective
role in preserving hepatic sensitivity to insulin. The overexpression of liver
reductases in obesity could be an adaptive response to an increase in cortisol
production by the liver and visceral 11β-HSD1 to avoid systemic
High serum
25-hydroxyvitamin D is associated with low incidence of stress fractures - J
Bone Miner Res. 2011 Jun 22 - "There was approximately
half the risk of stress fracture in the top
compared to bottom quintile of serum 25(OH)D
concentration (OR = 0.51, 95% CI 0.34-0.76, p < 0.01). The range of serum
25(OH)D in the lowest quintile was 1.5-19.7 (Mean 13.9) ng/ml, while in the
highest it was 39.9-112 (Mean 49.7) ng/ml" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Vitamin D
supplementation during pregnancy: Double blind, randomized clinical trial of
safety and effectiveness - J Bone Miner Res. 2011 Jun 27 -
"Vitamin D
supplementation of 4,000 IU/day for pregnant women
was safe and most effective in achieving sufficiency in all women and their
neonates regardless of race while the current estimated average requirement was
comparatively ineffective at achieving adequate circulating 25(OH)D, especially
in African Americans" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Serum 25
hydroxyvitamin (OH)D and clinical fracture risk in a multiethnic Cohort of
women: The Women's health initiative (WHI) - J Bone Miner Res. 2011 Jun 27 -
"In multivariable models, higher 25(OH)D levels as
compared with levels <20ng/mL were associated with a lower risk of fracture in
White women: (20- < 30 ng/mL), OR = 0.82; (0.59, 1.16) and (>30.0 ng/mL),
OR = 0.55; (0.34, 0.89), p trend = 0.02. In contrast, higher 25(OH)D (>20 ng/mL)
as compared with levels <20ng/mL were associated with a higher risk of fracture
in Black women, OR = 1.45; (1.06, 1.98), p trend = 0.043. Higher 25(OH)D
(>30.0 ng/mL) was associated with higher fracture risk in Asian women after
adjusting for DBP, OR = 2.78; (0.99, 7.88), (p trend = 0.04). There was no
association between 25(OH)D and fracture in Hispanic or American Indian women.
Our results suggest divergent associations between 25(OH)D and fracture by
race/ethnicity. The optimal level of 25(OH)D for skeletal health may differ in
White and Black women"
Vitamin A
Decreases Pre-receptor Amplification of Glucocorticoids in Obesity: Study on the
Effect of Vitamin A on 11beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1 Activity in
Liver and Visceral Fat of WNIN/Ob Obese Rats - Nutr J. 2011 Jun 23;10(1):70
- "11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1
(11beta-HSD1) catalyzes the conversion of inactive glucocorticoids to active
glucocorticoids and its inhibition ameliorates
obesity and metabolic syndrome. So far, no
studies have reported the effect of dietary vitamin
A on 11beta-HSD1 activity in visceral fat
and liver under normal and obese conditions. Here, we studied the effect of
chronic feeding of vitamin A-enriched diet (129mg/kg diet) on 11beta-HSD1
activity in liver and visceral fat of WNIN/Ob lean and obese rats ... Control
groups received stock diet containing 2.6mg vitamin A/kg diet, where as
experimental groups received diet containing 129mg vitamin A/Kg diet for 20
weeks ... Vitamin A supplementation significantly decreased body weight,
visceral fat mass and 11beta-HSD1 activity in visceral fat of WNIN/Ob obese
rats. Hepatic 11beta-HSD1 activity and gene expression were significantly
reduced by vitamin A supplementation in both the phenotypes. CCAAT/enhancer
binding protein alpha(C/EBPalpha), the main transcription factor essential for
the expression of 11beta-HSD1, decreased in liver by vitamin A fed-obese rats,
but not in lean rats. Liver X receptor alpha (LXR alpha), a nuclear
transcription factor which is known to downregulate 11beta-HSD1 gene expression
was significantly increased by vitamin A supplementation in both the phenotypes"
- Note: See my 11beta-HSD1 page.
11beta-HSD1 goes hand in hand with cortisol.
Oleate-enriched diet improves insulin sensitivity and restores muscle protein
synthesis in old rats - Clin Nutr. 2011 Jun 21 -
"Twenty-four 25-month-old rats were fed either a control diet (OC), an
oleate-enriched diet (HFO) or a palmitate-enriched diet (HFP) for 16 weeks. MPS
using labeled amino acids and mTOR activation were assessed after AA and insulin
anabolic stimulation to mimic postprandial state ... IR and systemic and adipose
tissue inflammation (TNFα and IL1β) were improved in the HFO group. Muscle genes
controlling mitochondrial β-oxidation (PPARs, MCAD and CPT-1b) were up-regulated
in the HFO group. AA and insulin-stimulated MPS in the HFO group only, and this
stimulation was related to activation of the Akt/mTOR pathway ... The
age-related MPS response to anabolic signals was improved in rats fed an
oleate-enriched diet. This effect was related to activation of muscle oxidative
pathways, lower IR, and a decrease in inflammation"
- Oleate -
dictionary.com - "a salt or ester of oleic acid"
- Note: Oleic acid is omega-9
like in olive oil.
Palmitate definition - medterms.com - "An
antioxidant and a vitamin A compound that is added to low-fat and fat-free
milk to replace the vitamin Content lost through the removal of milk fat.
Palmitate (more formally known as retinyl palmitate) contains palmitic acid,
a 16-carbon saturated fatty acid, which is the major fatty acid found in
palm oil. The palmitic acid is attached to the alcohol form of vitamin A,
called retinol, to make vitamin A stable in milk. The name "palmitate" comes
from the French "palmitique" from palmite, the pith of the palm tree"
circumcision and penile cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis -
Cancer Causes Control. 2011 Jun 22 - "Men circumcised in
childhood/adolescence are at substantially reduced risk of invasive penile
Neat Tech Stuff / "How To's":
Tattoo Footswitch Floor Pedal
- Neat switch. I rigged one to flush my toilet if you have one that has an
electric switch. Click here for the video.
There a lot of things it can be used for. Need a foot switch for the garage
door for when you are carrying groceries? For the Kohler Power Lite toilets
it's the black and blue wires for #1 or the black and white wires for #2.
Health Focus (Chronic
Related Topics:
Popular Supplements:
Alternative News:
Acai juice shows joint health potential: Monavie study - Nutra USA, 4/13/11
- "At the end of the study, results showed a decline in
pain measures, as well as improvements in the range of motion in the spine and
other extremities" - [Abstract]
- See
acai berry products at iHerb.
Alexander Technique: A Balm For Back Pain? - NPR, 3/28/11 -
"The people who had 24 lessons had gone down from about
21 days of pain that the usual care group reported to about 3 days in pain ... A
summary of the results of a major back pain study published in the British
Medical Journal in 2008. The study showed that the Alexander Technique was
highly effective in treating back pain" - [Abstract1]
[Abstract2] [Abstract3]
[YouTube video]
Antinociceptive Effects of Docosahexaenoic Acid against Various Pain Stimuli in
Mice - Biol Pharm Bull. 2010;33(6):1070-2 - "DHA
administration dose-dependently exerted an antinociceptive effect against
thermal and chemical stimulation in comparison to the control olive oil
administration ... These findings suggest that DHA has opiod receptor-mediated
pain control activities, and may provide valuable information towards an
advanced therapeutic approach for pain control" - See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
Spirulina extract may reverse pain sensitivity - Nutra USA, 6/2/09 -
"Both doses of C-phycocyanin were found to
“significantly attenuate carrageenan-induced” inflammation ... Markers of
inflammation, including inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS),
cyclooxygeanase-2 (COX-2), and the formation of nitrate, tumour necrosis
factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and prostaglandin E2, were also measured ... induction
of both iNOS and COX-2 was suppressed by the compound, and this was accompanied
by an inhibition of the nitrate, PGE, and TNF-alpha formation" - [Abstract]
- See
spirulina at Amazon.com
Antiinflammatory and antihyperalgesic activity of C-phycocyanin - Anesth
Analg. 2009 Apr;108(4):1303-10 - "Pre- or
posttreatment with C-PC (30 or 50 mg/kg, IP) significantly attenuated
carrageenan-induced inflammatory nociception and the induction of iNOS and
COX-2 at the late phase, (4 h) accompanied by an inhibition of the formation
of TNF-alpha, prostaglandin E(2), nitrate and myeloperoxidase activity ...
Based on these results, it is suggested that the inhibition of NO and
prostaglandin E(2) over-production through suppressing iNOS and COX-2
induction and attenuation of TNF-alpha formation and neutrophil infiltration
into inflammatory sites by C-PC may contribute, at least in part, to its
antihyperalgesic activity" - See
spirulina at Amazon.com
Comfrey Root Eases Back Pain - WebMD, 5/21/09 -
"The placebo users saw their pain intensity drop 38% during the study
period, while comfrey root ointment users had a 95% reduction in pain. Back
pain at rest was reduced 97% in the comfrey root group and 40% in the
placebo group. The comfrey root ointment seemed to take effect in less than
an hour" - See
comfrey root products at iHerb.
consumption and mortality after acute myocardial infarction: The Stockholm
Heart Epidemiology Program - Am Heart J. 2009 Mar;157(3):495-501 -
"Self-reported coffee consumption at the time of
hospitalization for myocardial infarction was inversely associated with
subsequent postinfarction mortality in this population with broad coffee
Inadequate Vitamin D Levels Linked To High Use Of Narcotic Medication By
Patients In Chronic Pain - Science Daily, 3/20/09 -
"Mayo Clinic research shows a correlation between
inadequate vitamin D levels and the amount of narcotic medication taken by
patients who have chronic pain ... Physicians who care for patients with
chronic, diffuse pain that seems musculoskeletal — and involves many areas
of tenderness to palpation — should strongly consider checking a vitamin D
level ... many patients who have been labeled with fibromyalgia are, in
fact, suffering from symptomatic vitamin D inadequacy" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Exercise Effective In Preventing Low-back Problems, Review Suggests -
Science Daily, 3/1/09 - "Strong and consistent
evidence finds many popular prevention methods to fail while exercise has a
significant impact, both in terms of preventing symptoms and reducing back
pain-related work loss"
Study: Cymbalta May Cut Chronic Low Back Pain - WebMD, 8/26/08
Pain 'linked with low vitamin D' - BBC News, 8/11/08 -
"Low levels of the sunshine vitamin, vitamin D, may
contribute to chronic pain among women ... If I had chronic pain I would
certainly check I was getting enough vitamin D" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Associations Between Vitamin D Status and Pain in Older Adults: The
Invecchiare in Chianti Study - J Am Geriatr Soc. 2008 Mar 5 -
"Lower concentrations of 25(OH)D are associated with
significant back pain in older women but not men. Because vitamin D
deficiency and chronic pain are fairly prevalent in older adults, these
findings suggest it may be worthwhile to query older adults about their pain
and screen older women with significant back pain for vitamin D deficiency"
- See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Vitamin D deficiency linked to greater pain - Nutra USA, 10/15/07 -
"Of these patients, 26 per cent had vitamin D
inadequacy and needed almost twice the dose of morphine of the group with
adequate vitamin D levels" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Than A Pill: Complementary Medicine Can Help With Chronic Pain - Science
Daily, 10/9/07
5 fixes to help you stand up to back pain - CNN, 4/17/07
Herbal Medicine May Be Effective for Low Back Pain - Medscape, 1/16/07 -
"Short-term treatments with certain herbal medicines
(including Devil's claw and willow bark) are effective for relief of acute
low back pain" - See
claw products
White willow
bark products
at iHerb.
Antioxidants: New Kid On The Block For Pain Relief? - Science Daily,
3 Herbal Medicines
May Ease Back Pain - WebMD, 4/18/06 -
"A 60-milligram daily dose of devil's claw also
appeared to cut back pain as much as a 12.5-milligram daily dose of Vioxx, a
painkiller no longer on the market due to a rise in the risk of
cardiovascular events -- such as heart attackheart attack and strokestroke
-- in some patients"
omega-3 Fatty acids (fish oil) as an anti-inflammatory: an alternative to
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for discogenic pain - Surg Neurol.
2006 Apr;65(4):326-31 - "were asked to take a total
of 1200 mg per day of omega-3 EFAs (eicosapentaenoic acid and
decosahexaenoic acid) found in fish oil supplements ... Our results mirror
other controlled studies that compared ibuprofen and omega-3 EFAs
demonstrating equivalent effect in reducing arthritic pain. omega-3 EFA fish
oil supplements appear to be a safer alternative to NSAIDs for treatment of
nonsurgical neck or back pain in this selective group" - See Mega
Twin EPA at
Herbal Therapies
to Relieve Pain: Efficacy and Adverse Effects - Medscape, 1/13/06
High-Dose Omega-3 Oils Used to Treat Non-Surgical Neck and Back Pain -
Doctor's Guide, 4/20/05 - "this could be the answer
to the adverse effects seen with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs), including cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitors, which have been
associated with potentially catastrophic adverse effects ... 88% percent
said they were pleased enough with the outcomes that they planned to
continue using the fish oils" - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Vitacost .
- Glucosamine Ups
Ibuprofen's Pain Relief - WebMD, 1/9/04 -
"While the NSAID
administered alone had pain-relieving effects,
glucosamine administered alone produced no
pain-relieving effect ... But when glucosamine was combined with an NSAID,
pain relief was more pronounced" - See
ibuprofen at Amazon.com
glucosamine products.
- Lack of Vitamin
D Linked to Pain - WebMD, 12/10/03
People with Undetermined Muscle/Bone Pain May be Vitamin D Deficient -
Doctor's Guide, 12/10/03 -
"Research conducted at the University of Minnesota
found that 93 percent of all subjects with non-specific musculoskeletal pain
vitamin D deficient"
- Vitamin D Effective
Treatment for Chronic Low Back Pain - New Hope Natural Media, 5/1/03 -
"new study in Spine (2003;28:177–9) ... All
participants with
vitamin D deficiency reported improvement in
their back pain after taking vitamin D, whereas 69% of those with normal
vitamin D levels improved"
B-Vitamins Prove Effective In Relieving Chronic Pain - Intelihealth,
4/10/03 -
"B-vitamins, such
as thiamin (B1), pyridoxine (B6), and cyanocobalamin (B12), have been proven
to be clinically effective in treating various painful conditions such as
lumbago, sciatica, trigeminal neuralgia, facial paralysis and optic neuritis
as acting as an analgesia (pain reliever)"
- Magnet Therapy
Effective for Chronic Pelvic Pain - New Hope Natural Media, 3/28/03 -
"The authors point out that successful treatment
depends on using
magnets with proper intensity and polarity. In
the studies that showed no benefit with magnets, the intensity of the
magnets used was too weak to have any meaningful effect on the body"
- Soothing Sciatica? - Dr.
Weil, 7/23/02
- Soy Fights Pain
- WebMD, 3/15/02
Willow Bark Cheap Alternative To Pain Killers For Low Back Pain -
Intelihealth, 1/31/02 -
"Noting that willow bark is roughly 40% less
expensive than
rofecoxib [Vioxx],
the researchers conclude that willow bark and rofecoxib are equally safe and
effective in the treatment of low back pain, but that
willow bark extract "has the current
advantage of being cheaper than rofecoxib.""
Can Laughter Relieve Pain And Help Us Heal? Researchers Seek An Answer -
Intelihealth, 9/5/01
Enzymes Can Hasten Pain Relief - Nutrition Science News, 2/01 -
"Enzymes work not by stopping or blocking
inflammation, but by supporting and quickening the process . . . By the
third day after the operation, levels of C-reactive protein—a measure of
inflammation—were threefold higher in the control group"
The Chemistry of Pain - Nutrition Science News, 2/01
Natural COX-2 Inhibitors: The Future of Pain Relief - Nutrition Science
News, 8/00
Persistent Pain - Nutrition Science News, 10/99
Chronic Joint Pain - Nutrition Science News, 1/99
Other News:
Outpatient disc treatment gives long-term back pain relief - Science
Daily, 12/2/09
Effectively Managing Pain With Depression - Science Daily, 5/29/09
Aching Back? Cholesterol Medication Might Help - Science Daily, 3/3/09 -
"A new study finds that using statins may be useful
in treatment for degenerative discA new study finds that using statins may
be useful in treatment for degenerative disc ... Lovastatin increased the
synthesis of collagen II, a protein that makes up moveable joints, and
decreased the synthesis of collagen I, a protein that is related to fibrosis
(the formation or development of excess fibrous connective tissue)" -
Note: Lovastatin is the one that red yeast
rice is high in.
Motor Control Exercises Reduce Persistent Low-back Pain, Study Shows -
Science Daily, 1/28/09
Minimally Invasive Back Surgery Shows Promising Results, Physicians Report
- Science Daily, 1/2/08
Acute Back Pain: Spine Therapy No Help - WebMD, 11/7/07
And APS Issue Comprehensive Guidelines For Treating Low-back Pain -
Science Daily, 10/1/07
Low Back Pain: Many Options for Relief - WebMD, 10/1/07
Shoulder Pain Treatment Is Effective, Study Suggests - Science Daily,
Two Fixes for Bad Backs - Time Magazine, 6/21/07
best new pain cures, with a focus on women - CNN, 6/21/07
Surgery Better For Spinal Stenosis And Slipped Vertebra, According to Second
SPORT Study - Science Daily, 5/30/07
Treatment Offers Relief From Chronic Back Pain - Science Daily, 5/18/07
Procedure Allows Diagnosis Of Lower Back Pain Cause - Science Daily,
Morphine Makes Lasting -- And Surprising -- Change In The Brain -
Science Daily, 4/24/07
Alpharma Receives FDA Approval for Kadian(R) (Morphine Sulfate) 80mg
Capsules - Doctor's Guide, 10/31/06
FDA OKs New Cancer Pain Drug - WebMD, 9/27/06
Cephalon Receives Approvable Letter for Fentora(TM) (fentanyl buccal tablet)
for Management of Breakthrough Pain in Patients with Cancer - Doctor's
Guide, 6/30/06
Penwest Announces That Endo Reports Receiving Final FDA Approval for
Oxymorphone ER - Pain Relief Product Expected to Be Commercially Available
in the U.S. in the Coming Weeks Under Trade Name Opana(R) ER - Doctor's
Guide, 6/23/06
Synera, a New Topical Anesthetic Patch Developed by ZARS Pharma, is Launched
- Doctor's Guide, 6/20/06
ALZA Corporation Receives FDA Approval for Ionsys (Fentanyl Iontophoretic
Transdermal System) - Doctor's Guide, 5/23/06
Some Anti-Depressants Ease Pain as Well as Opioids, Review Shows -
Doctor's Guide, 5/23/06
Once Daily Ultram ER Extended-Release Tablets Now Available in the United
States - Doctor's Guide, 2/21/06
Comorbid Addiction and Chronic Pain - Clinical Psychiatry News, 10/05
Biovail's Tramadol ER Receives FDA Approval - Doctor's Guide, 9/9/05
New Research Suggests Oxycodone May be More Effective Than Morphine in
Treatment of Visceral Pain - Doctor's Guide, 8/25/05
Surgery No Better Than Rehabilitation For Low Back Pain - Doctor's
Guide, 5/23/05
FDA Issues Approval Letter For Tramadol ODT, for Moderate to Severe Pain
- Doctor's Guide, 5/6/05
Pregabalin Cuts Pain in Tough-To-Treat Patients With Neuropathic Pain and
Fibromyalgia Syndrome - Doctor's Guide, 4/13/05
- FDA Approves New
Pain Reliever - WebMD, 1/3/05
- FDA Approves New
Drug for Severe Pain - WebMD, 12/29/04
FDA Approves Prialt (Ziconotide Intrathecal Infusion) for Severe Chronic
Pain - Doctor's Guide, 12/29/04
- FDA approves new drug for
severe pain - MSNBC, 12/28/04
Single-Shot Epidural DepoDur (Morphine Sulfate Extended-Release Liposome
Injection) Now Available in US - Doctor's Guide, 12/6/04
FDA Approves Combunox (Oxycodone HCl and Ibuprofen) Tablets for Short-Term
Treatment Of Acute, Moderate to Severe Pain - Doctor's Guide, 11/29/04
- Chronic Back
Pain May Shrink the Brain - WebMD, 11/22/04
Low-Dose Oxymorphone Effective for Pain Relief - Doctor's Guide,
Kadian (Morphine Sulfate) Pain Medication Safe, Effective for the Elderly
- Doctor's Guide, 3/5/04
Issues in Perioperative Pain Management - Physician's Weekly, 1/19/04
Anti-Epileptic Drug Levetiracetam May Relieve Pain With Minimal Side Effects
- Doctor's Guide, 12/30/03
New Treatment Guide Provides Simplified, Diagnostic Approach To Acute Low
Back Pain Treatment - Doctor's Guide, 10/22/03
The Face of Untreated Pain - Physician's Weekly, 10/20/03
- Warding Off
Ulcers Due to Painkillers - WebMD, 10/15/03
FDA Approves Darvocet A500 (Propoxyphene Napsylate And Acetaminophen) For
Mild To Moderate Pain - Doctor's Guide, 9/11/03
Amitriptyline Supplementation Offers Added Benefit to Corticosteroid
Injections in Patients with Low Back Pain - Doctor's Guide, 9/10/03
New Data Confirms Expanded Role for Fentanyl Transdermal System in Treatment
of Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lower Back Pain - Doctor's
Guide, 9/4/03
Available Treatment Options for Pain in Elderly Cancer Patients -
Doctor's Guide, 9/3/03
New Oxycodone/Acetaminophen Dosage Effective in Low Back Pain Treatment
- Doctor's Guide, 8/14/03
New Formulation Of Actiq (Oral Transmucosal Fentanyl Citrate) Approved By
FDA - Doctor's Guide, 8/7/03
Lidocaine 5% Patch Safe, Effective for Low Back Pain - Doctor's Guide,
Intradiscal Injection Has Potential In Treatment Of Low Back Pain -
Doctor's Guide, 7/4/03
Conversion From Transdermal To Intravenous Fentanyl Safely, Effectively
Treats Acute Cancer Pain - Doctor's Guide, 7/3/03
- MRI Shows
People Feel Pain Differently - WebMD, 6/23/03
- Radiographs as Good
as MRI for Most Patients With Low Back Pain - Medscape, 6/3/03
- Spinal Manipulation
Better Than Sham Therapies for Low Back Pain - Medscape, 6/3/03
- Body Pain
Linked to Higher Cancer Rates - WebMD, 6/2/03
Aceclofenac More Tolerable, Similar Efficacy to Diclofenac for Acute Back
Pain - Doctor's Guide, 6/2/03
- Resistance
Training Best for Neck Pain - WebMD, 5/20/03
Tramadol/Acetaminophen Effective in Elderly Patients with Chronic Back Pain
- Doctor's Guide, 5/20/03
Add Lidocaine Patch to Gabapentin for Pain Relief - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 5/03
Computed Tomography-Guided Interventional Procedures Promising In Treating
Back Pain - Doctor's Guide, 5/6/03
- New
Antidepressants Target Aches and Pains, Too - Psychiatric News, 4/18/03
Lower Dose Flexeril (Cyclobenzaprine) Relieves Acute Painful Muscle Spasm
With Less Sedation Than Higher Dose - Doctor's Guide, 4/14/03
Opioid Use Suggested for Pain Management - Doctor's Guide, 4/7/03
New Electrical Therapy May Relieve Low Back Pain - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 4/03
- Painkillers
Work Best on Redheads - WebMD, 3/28/03
Oral Opioid Treatment Curbs Chronic Neuropathic Pain - Doctor's Guide,
- Chronic Pain:
Opioids Effective for Nerve Pain - WebMD, 3/26/03
- Gabapentin Plus
Valacyclovir Effective for Management of Acute Zoster Pain - Medscape,
- Lower Back
Pain: New Treatments Coming Soon - WebMD, 3/24/03
- Continuous Heat
Effectively Reduces Lower Back Pain - WebMD, 3/21/03
Keppra (Levetiracetam) Helps Alleviate Pain, Reduce Narcotic Use In Cancer
Patients - Doctor's Guide, 3/20/03
Keppra (Levetriacetam) Relieves Pain From Variety Of Pain Syndromes -
Doctor's Guide, 3/20/03
Widely Used Questionnaire Spots Depression in Chronic Pain Patients -
Doctor's Guide, 2/25/03
Lidocaine Patch Enhances Chronic Pain Therapy - Doctor's Guide, 2/25/03
Extended Release Morphine Formulations Improve Sleep in Osteoarthritis -
Doctor's Guide, 2/25/03
Constipation Appears Common in Chronic Pain Patients on Controlled-Release
Oxycodone - Doctor's Guide, 2/21/03
Chronic Painful Physical Conditions [CPPCs] Strongly Associated With Major
Depression - Doctor's Guide, 2/19/03 -
"A diagnosis of major
depressive disorder was made in 4% of
participants, and 43.4% of those with major depression had at least one
CPPC. The researchers point out this was four times the rate in people
without major depressive disorder"
Bupivacaine With Epinephrine Relieves Children's Post-Surgical Pain -
Doctor's Guide, 2/14/03
FDA Approves Lower Dose Flexeril (Cyclobenzaprine) For Treatment Of Muscle
Spasm - Doctor's Guide, 2/4/03
Depression And Chronic Pain Linked, May Influence Diagnosis, Treatment -
Doctor's Guide, 1/16/03 -
"A new study finds that people who have major
depression are more than twice as likely
to have chronic pain when compared to people who have no symptoms of
depression" - See
substance P.
Leave Spouse Alone During Back Pain - Intelihealth, 11/4/02
Functional Improvement in Chronic Low Back Pain Seen With Etoricoxib Study
- Doctor's Guide, 10/29/02
Lower-Back and Fibromyalgia Pain Linked, Possible Source Identified -
Doctor's Guide, 10/28/02
- 'No-Cause' Back
Pain Really Hurts - WebMD, 10/28/02
Preoperative Ketorolac More Effective Post-Operatively, Vioxx (Rofecoxib)
More Effective After Patient Discharge - Doctor's Guide, 10/15/02
Pamidronate May Help Improve Back Pain - Doctor's Guide, 10/14/02
Opioids Should Be Considered For Relief Of Chronic Lower Back Pain -
Doctor's Guide, 10/3/02
- Opioids
Recommended for Back Pain - WebMD, 10/3/02
- Is Pain
Misunderstood? - WebMD, 9/20/02
Single Dose of Dexketoprofen Trometamol Effectively Controls Pain Associated
with Renal Colic - Doctor's Guide, 8/23/02
Buprenorphine Transdermal System Effective for Cancer/Non-Cancer Pain with
Minimal Side Effects - Doctor's Guide, 8/23/02
Oral Methadone Effective as First-line Opioid Treatment for Chronic
Non-Cancer Pain - Doctor's Guide, 8/23/02
Oral Contraceptives May Reduce Pain in Women with Temporomandibular Disorder
- Doctor's Guide, 8/22/02
Long-term Opioid Use for Non-Cancer Pain Not Associated with Cognitive
Decline - Doctor's Guide, 8/22/02
Long Term Use of Transdermal Fentanyl by Non-Cancer Pain Patients Does Not
Impair Driving Ability - Doctor's Guide, 8/22/02
Single Pre Surgery Dose of Parecoxib Followed by Valdecoxib for Seven Days
Post Surgery Effective for Laparoscopic Cholescystectomy Pain - Doctor's
Guide, 8/22/02
Gabapentine Effective for Severe Back Pain and Restless Leg Syndrome
Associated with Rapid Opioid Detoxification - Doctor's Guide, 8/21/02
Lamotrigine Effective in Refractory Neuropathic Pain - Doctor's Guide,
Patient Controlled Analgesia with IV Morphine Safe and Effective in Elderly
Patients - Doctor's Guide, 8/21/02
Acetylsalicylic Acid (ASA) Effective for Pain Associated with Common Cold
- Doctor's Guide, 8/21/02
Etoricoxib Superior to Oxycodone/Acetaminophen for Acute Pain - Doctor's
Guide, 8/21/02
Intrathecal Clonidine Effective for Treatment of Intractable Non-Malignant
Pain - Doctor's Guide, 8/21/02
Alvimopan is Well Tolerated and Effective for Reversal of Opioid-Induced
Bowel Dysfunction - Doctor's Guide, 8/21/02
Gabitril (Tiagabine) Demonstrates Efficacy as Augmenting Agent for Treatment
of Chronic Pain with Comorbid Anxiety Disorders - Doctor's Guide,
Subarachnoid Chromaffin Cell Allograft is Effective Analgesic in Patients
with Terminal Cancer Pain - Doctor's Guide, 8/20/02
Buprenorphine TDS Demonstrates Long Term Pain Relief and Good Tolerability
in Cancer and Chronic Pain - Doctor's Guide, 8/20/02
Novel Parenteral Opioid CJC-1008 Demonstrates Safety and Staying Power in
Preliminary Studies - Doctor's Guide, 8/20/02
Strontium 89 Offers Effective Pain Relief for Patients with Bony Metastases
- Doctor's Guide, 8/16/02
Shedding Light on Pain Management - Healthscout.com, 8/13/02
Normal Activity Can Be As Good As Bed Rest In Acute Low Back Pain Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 7/29/02
Intrathecal Clonidine Effective, Tolerable in Long-Term Treatment of Pain
- Doctor's Guide, 7/11/02
- Shock Wave Helps
Tennis Elbow - WebMD, 7/3/02
- Cancer Pain Relief
- WebMD, 5/29/02
Low-Level Heat Wrap More Effective Than Oral Analgesics For Acute Low Back
Pain - Doctor's Guide, 5/28/02
Pioneering Durogesic (Transdermal Fenatyl) Skin Patch: A Clear Choice In
Chronic Pain Which Is Difficult To Treat - Doctor's Guide, 5/27/02
- Heat Wraps Beat
Low-Back Pain - WebMD, 5/22/02
Implantable Drug Delivery Systems Improve Survival, Reduce Pain and Drug
Toxicity in Cancer Patients with Refractory Pain - Doctor's Guide,
Implantable Pain Pumps Improve Cancer Patients' Quality Of Life, May
Increase Survival Rate - Doctor's Guide, 5/21/02
- Hands-on Approach
Best for Neck Pain - WebMD, 5/20/02
Electrothermal Therapy Significantly Reduces Chronic Low Back Pain -
Doctor's Guide, 5/15/02
- New Guidelines for
Pain Control in Older Patients - Medscape, 5/14/02
- 'Pain Relief Ball'
Cuts Opioid Use After Gynecologic Surgery - Medscape, 5/9/02
Study Finds New Pain Relief Treatment Cuts Morphine Use After Surgery By
More Than 40 Percent In Women Undergoing Cesarean Sections - Doctor's
Guide, 5/8/02
Low-dose Morphine Does not Cause Neurological Injury in Preterm Infants
- Doctor's Guide, 5/7/02
- Intradiscal
Electrothermal Therapy Benefits Low Back Pain - Medscape, 5/6/02
- Heat Treatment
Soothes Chronic Back Pain - WebMD, 5/1/02
- Easing Back Pain
After Fracture - WebMD, 4/12/02
Pain Perception By Older People Is Affected By Age, Sex And Cognitive
Function - Doctor's Guide, 4/11/02
Dexketoprofen May Improve Pain, Reduce Morphine Use After Hip Arthroplasty
- Doctor's Guide, 4/3/02
FDA Approves Once-Daily Avinza (Extended Release Morphine) For Chronic,
Moderate-To-Severe Pain - Doctor's Guide, 3/21/02
JCAHO Standard for Pain Scoring Lacks Power in ED - Doctor's Guide,
Cancer Patients with Breakthrough Pain Prefer Actiq Treatment - Doctor's
Guide, 3/18/02
Chronic Low-Back Pain Responds to Etoricoxib - Doctor's Guide, 3/15/02
Tramadol and Acetaminophen Combination Relieves Back Pain - Doctor's
Guide, 3/15/02
Actiq (Oral Transmucosal Fentanyl Citrate) Provides Option for Breakthrough
Cancer Pain - Doctor's Guide, 3/15/02
Study Suggests that Ultracet (tramadol/ acetaminophen) Provides Rapid Relief
of Oral Surgery Pain - Doctor's Guide, 3/11/02
Pethidine Should Be Used For Acute But Not Chronic Pain - Doctor's
Guide, 3/6/02
- Managing Pain:
What's Next, What Works - WebMD, 2/22/02
The Pitfalls of Opioids for Chronic Nonmalignant Pain - Medscape, 2/02
Bextra (Valdecoxib) Offers Effective, Morphine-Sparing Pain Relief After
Knee Surgery - Doctor's Guide, 2/12/02
- New Drug Fights
Osteoarthritis Flare-Ups - WebMD, 11/27/01
- FDA Approves New
Percocet Strengths With Lower Acetaminophen Doses - Doctor's Guide,
- New Drug
Relieves Troubling Side Effect of Cancer Painkillers - WebMD, 10/31/01
- Transdermal
Administration of Fentanyl Effective in Postsurgical Pain - Doctor's
Guide, 10/17/01
- FDA Approves Ultracet
(Tramadol/Acetominophen) For Acute Pain - Doctor's Guide, 8/20/01
- Massage May Be
Best Approach for Back Pain, Combination of Treatments Often Necessary -
WebMD, 5/31/01
- Botulinum Toxin
Injections May Ease Low Back Pain - Doctor's Guide, 5/22/01
Botox could help back pain - CNN, 5/22/01
- Wonder-Poison
Spells Relief for Low Back Pain, Researchers Find Yet Another Use for Botox
- WebMD, 4/21/01
- Lidoderm (Lidocaine
Patch) Relieves Post-Herpetic Neuralgia Pain - Doctor's Guide, 5/15/01
- Electrical
Spine Stimulation Relieves Pain Even When Cause Is Unknown - WebMD,
- Once Daily Vioxx
(Rofecoxib) Significantly Reduces Chronic Low Back Pain - Doctor's
Guide, 4/23/01
- Two-Step Titration Helps
Switch Cancer Pain Patients From Intravenous To Transdermal Fentanyl -
Doctor's Guide, 4/22/01 - "Slowly switching cancer patients from intravenous
to transdermal fentanyl in a two-step approach prevents pain crises"
- Rofecoxib Better Than
Combination Acetaminophen/Codeine For Acute Pain Control - Doctor's
Guide, 4/22/01 -
"Rofecoxib [Vioxx] was superior to the narcotic
combination in total pain relief over six hours, in peak pain relief, in the
patient's own assessment of pain relief and in the time required to take
rescue medication"
Parecoxib Appears As
Effective As Ketorolac, Morphine In Reducing Knee Surgery Pain -
Doctor's Guide, 4/22/01 - "40 mg of intravenous
parecoxib provides equivalent pain relief for up to 24 hours as did
ketorolac, the only available intravenous (IV) non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drug ... In addition, parecoxib, an investigational
cyclooxygenase (COX-2) inhibitor, was statistically significantly more
effective in controlling pain than 4 mg of morphine, 20 mg of parecoxib and
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