Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending
6/29/11. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any medications.
It's not
an apple a day after all -- it's strawberries: Flavonoids could represent
two-fisted assault on diabetes and nervous system disorders - Science Daily,
6/27/11 - "fisetin, a naturally-occurring flavonoid
found most abundantly in strawberries and to a
lesser extent in other fruits and vegetables, lessens complications of diabetes.
Previously, the lab showed that fisetin promoted survival of neurons grown in
culture and enhanced memory in healthy mice ... Mice fed a fisetin-enriched diet
remained diabetic, but acute kidney enlargement-or hypertrophy-seen in untreated
mice was reversed, and high urine protein levels, a sure sign of kidney disease,
fell. Moreover, fisetin ingestion ameliorated anxiety-related behaviors seen in
diabetic mice ... blood and brain levels of sugars affixed to proteins known as
advanced glycation
end-products-or AGEs-were reduced in fisetin-treated compared to untreated
Akita mice. These decreases were accompanied by increased activity of the enzyme
glyoxalase 1, which promotes removal of toxic AGE precursors ... substantial
evidence implicates high blood AGE levels with many if not most diabetic
complications ... excessively high AGE levels also correlate with inflammatory
activity thought to promote some cancers. In fact, studies published by others
confirm that fisetin decreases tumorigenicity of prostate cancer cells both in
culture and in animal models ... humans would have to eat 37 strawberries a day
... Rather than through diet, Maher envisions that fisetin-like drugs could be
taken as a supplement"
Waistlines in people, glucose levels in mice hint at sweeteners' effects:
Related studies point to the illusion of the artificial - Science Daily,
6/27/11 - "In the constant battle to lose inches or at
least stay the same, we reach for the diet soda.
Two studies presented June 25 and 27 at the American Diabetes Association's
Scientific Sessions in San Diego suggest this might be self-defeating behavior
... diet soft drink consumption is associated with
increased waist circumference in humans, and a second study that found
aspartame raised fasting glucose (blood sugar) in diabetes-prone mice ... The
average follow-up time was 9.5 years ... Diet soft drink users, as a group,
experienced 70 percent greater increases in waist circumference compared with
non-users. Frequent users, who said they consumed two or more diet sodas a day,
experienced waist circumference increases that were 500 percent greater than
those of non-users ... In the related project ... One group of the mice ate chow
to which both aspartame and corn oil were added; the other group ate chow with
the corn oil added but not the aspartame. After three months on this high-fat
diet, the mice in the aspartame group showed elevated fasting glucose levels but
equal or diminished insulin levels, consistent with early declines in pancreatic
beta-cell function"
fiber strikes a blow to belly fat - Science Daily, 6/27/11 -
"All fat is not created equal. Unsightly as it is,
subcutaneous fat, the fat right under the skin, is not as dangerous to overall
health as visceral fat, the fat deep in the
belly surrounding vital organs ... the way to zero in and reduce visceral fat is
simple: eat more soluble fiber from vegetables,
fruit and beans, and engage in moderate activity ... for every 10-gram increase
in soluble fiber eaten per day, visceral fat was reduced by 3.7 percent over
five years. In addition, increased moderate activity resulted in a 7.4 percent
decrease in the rate of visceral fat accumulation over the same time period ...
a higher rate of visceral fat is associated with high blood pressure, diabetes
and fatty liver disease ... Ten grams of soluble fiber can be achieved by eating
two small apples, one cup of green peas and one-half cup of pinto beans;
moderate activity means exercising vigorously for 30 minutes, two to four times
a week"
BPA-exposed male deer mice are demasculinized and undesirable to females, new
study finds - Science Daily, 6/27/11 - "The latest
research from the University of Missouri shows that BPA
causes male deer mice to become demasculinized and behave more like females in
their spatial navigational abilities, leading scientists to conclude that
exposure to BPA during human development could be damaging to behavioral and
cognitive traits that are unique to each sex and important in reproduction ...
In the study, female deer mice were fed BPA-supplemented diets two weeks prior
to breeding and throughout lactation. The mothers were given a dosage equivalent
to what the U.S. Food and Drug Administration considers a non-toxic dose and
safe for mothers to ingest"
Higher Vitamin D Levels Linked to Lower Diabetes Risk - Medscape, 6/25/11 -
"The mean follow-up of the 2039-person cohort was 3.2
years ... Participants with vitamin D levels in
the highest tertile (median concentration, 30.1 ng/mL) had a hazard ratio of
0.74 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.59 to 0.93) for developing
diabetes, compared with those with vitamin D levels in the lowest tertile
(median concentration, 12.8 ng/mL)" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
D supplements found to be safe for healthy pregnant women - Science Daily,
6/24/11 - "Dr Hollis' team monitored the
pregnancies of 350 women, from a variety of
ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds, who were all between 12 and 16 weeks into
gestation. The women were randomly assigned to one of three groups. One group
received 400 IU of vitamin D per day, the
second group received 2,000 IU per day and the third received 4,000 IU daily ...
women who received the highest level of supplementation (4,000 IU per day) were
more likely to achieve and sustain the desired level of circulating levels of
vitamin D throughout their pregnancy. Moreover, the researchers found that
pregnant women who received lower levels of vitamin D supplementation did not
attain the threshold circulating level of the vitamin" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
profoundly prevents brain damage associated with Parkinson's disease, mouse
study suggests - Science Daily, 6/24/11 - "lithium
has recently been suggested to be neuroprotective in relation to several
neurodegenerative conditions including
Alzheimer's disease,
Huntington's disease and amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis and has been touted for its anti-aging properties in simple animals"
- See Nutrient Carriers
Incorporated, Advanced Research, Lithium Orotate, 120 mg, 200 Tablets at iHerb.
Explosive Rise in HPV Throat Cancer; Panel Mulls Vaccinating Boys - WebMD,
6/23/11 - "oropharyngeal
(OP) cancer ... If current trends continue, OP cancer in men will pass
cervical cancer in 2025 ... And HPV is to blame. Only a few decades ago, the
major risk factors for throat cancer were smoking and alcohol. Not any more. In
the five-year period of 1984-1989, only 16% of OP cancers were linked to HPV. By
2000-2004, HPV was behind 75% of OP cancers ... What are the risk factors? Not
all are known, but HPV-related throat cancer risk goes up with increased oral
sex and kissing ... Husbands of women with cervical cancer have a threefold
higher risk of tonsil cancer. And people who have anal cancer have a fourfold to
sixfold higher risk of tonsil cancer ... These findings are tipping the ACIP in
favor of recommending routine HPV vaccination
for boys"
Drug use involved in 25% of fatal crashes, study finds - USATODAY.com.
6/23/11 - "Among drivers who tested positive for drugs,
22% were positive for marijuana, 22% for
stimulants and 9% for narcotics"
Pine bark extract plus CoQ10 shows benefits for heart failure patients -
Nutra USA, 6/23/11 - "12 weeks of daily supplementation
with 350 milligrams of
CoQ10 (Kaneka) and 105 milligrams of the branded
pine bark extract Pycnogenol
... recruited 53 heart failure
patients aged between 54 and 68 were randomly assigned to receive either the
PycnoQ10 supplement or placebo for 12 weeks ...
systolic and diastolic blood pressure
decreased following the CoQ10-pine bark combination, from 139.2 to 133.2 mmHg
and 82.3 to 77.3 mmHg, respectively. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure
decreased from 140.3 to 139.5 mmHg and 83.4 to 81.2 mmHg, respectively, in the
placebo group ... In addition to increases in the amount of blood pumped by the
heart, the researchers also reported improvements in heart rate were also
observed in the PycnoQ10 supplement group from 78.4 to 74.2 beats per minute,
compared with a decrease from 79.1 to 78.4 in the placebo group" - [Abstract]
- See
Pycnogenol at Amazon.com
ubiquinol products at Amazon.com .
Potatoes bad, nuts good for staying slim, Harvard study finds - The
Washington Post, 6/22/11 - "But is a serving of boiled
potatoes really much worse than a helping of nuts? Is some white bread as bad as
a candy bar? Could yogurt be a key to staying
slim? ... The answer to all those questions is yes, according to the provocative
revelations produced by a big Harvard project that for the first time details
how much weight individual foods make people put on or keep off ... Although
calories remain crucial, some foods clearly cause people to put on more weight
than others, perhaps because of their chemical makeup and how our bodies process
them ... starches and refined carbohydrates such as potatoes cause blood sugar
and insulin to surge, which makes people feel less satisfied and eat more as a
result ... Researchers will surely scramble to try to explain why yogurt appears
so helpful. It may be because of subtle shifts of microbes in the digestive
tract, or perhaps because people who eat more yogurt also tend to do other
healthy things"
You don’t want fries with that - The Washington Post, 6/22/11 - It's the
full graphic from the above article. A must see.
Study: Some foods help shed pounds, others help pack them on - The
Washington Post, 6/22/11 - It's a nine slide slideshow on the above
article. It's a little confusing. You need to select "Autoplay" plus read
what is says on the right.
To Keep Off Pounds: Pass The Nuts, Hold The Chips - NPR, 6/23/11 - NPR
article on the same study.
Harvard Study Measures Four-Year Weight Gain Associated With One More Daily
Serving of Potato Chips, French Fries - WSJ.com, 6/23/11 -
"An additional daily serving of certain foods was
associated with weight loss over a four year period ... Yogurt -0.82 pounds
... Nuts -0.57 pounds ... Fruits -0.49 pounds ... Whole grains -0.37 pounds
... Vegetables -0.22 pounds ... Source: NEJM"
- See my yogurt recipe at the top of my Yogurt
Page. I practically live on that stuff because I have trouble
swallowing after my throat cancer
surgery six and a half years ago. See
way to identify patients at risk of dysphagia after head and neck cancer
treatment - Science Daily, 2/25/11 - "Dysphagia
may be acute (starting in direct association with treatment) or late
(starting months to years after treatment). Risk factors for developing
severe acute dysphagia were large tumours, spreading of cancer cells to the
lymph nodes"
leucine may fight pre-diabetes, metabolic syndrome: Study shows improvements in
animals with amino acid in diet - Science Daily, 6/22/11 -
"mice who had been on a high-fat diet and who also
received twice the usual intake of
leucine, an amino acid found in protein, showed
reductions in their prediabetic conditions with lower blood sugars and less fat
in their livers, two of the collection of medical problems associated with
insulin resistance that make up what is known as metabolic syndrome ... Their
glucose tolerance tests improved ... Their bodies responded to insulin better
than they would have before they got the leucine. It improved their ability to
metabolize sugar and fats. It markedly improved their pre-diabetic condition.
metabolic syndrome also improved" - See
leucine products at Amazon.com .
‘Level 1’ evidence that probiotics boost ‘transit time’: Danisco & Fonterra
- Nutra USA 6/22/11 - "the benefits were “at least
equivalent to that of
dietary fiber” ... The researchers recruited 100
healthy people with an average age of 44 and randomly assigned them to receive
high or low daily doses of
B. lactis HN019, or placebo for 14 days. High dose
was defined as 17.2 billion colony forming units (CFU), while the low dose was
1.8 billion CFU ... At the end of the study results showed an improvement in
transit time in the high dose group of 33 percent, and 25 percent in the low
dose group. There was no change in the placebo group, added the researchers"
- [Abstract] - See
probiotics at Amazon.com .
Phys Ed: To Stretch or Not to Stretch - nytimes.com, 6/22/11 -
"So there you have the state of the science on
stretching. Hockey goalies, gymnasts, cheerleaders and dancers should be
stretching before workouts or performances. The rest of us are unlikely, the
latest findings show, to sustain any harm from brief spurts of static stretching
— but equally unlikely to gain much advantage" - So lets see, if you
stretch for less than 30 seconds, its not going to harm you but you're not
getting any benefit. If you stretch for more than that it does more harm
then good. So what's the point in stretching? They've been saying
that since the '70's but people still do it.
Nutritional Supplement Boosts Cognition in Healthy Women - Medscape, 6/21/11
- "Citicoline, a
naturally occurring substance found in the brain and liver and marketed as a
nutritional supplement, enhanced aspects of
cognition in healthy women and may have a role in
mitigating the cognitive decline associated with normal aging ... It may also
improve the attention deficits associated with psychiatric disorders ... The
women were divided into 3 groups of 20 and randomly assigned to receive a daily
oral citicoline dose of 250 mg (low dose) or 500 mg (high dose) or placebo for
28 days ... participants who received low- or high-dose citicoline showed
improved attention, demonstrating fewer commission and omission errors on the
CPT-II compared with the placebo group" - See
citicholine at Amazon.com .
Abstracts from this week's
Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics
plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here
for the journals, the PubMed ones at the top):
acid inhibits growth and metastasis of human colorectal cancer in orthotopic
mouse model by downregulating inflammatory, proliferative, invasive, and
angiogenic biomarkers - Int J Cancer. 2011 Jun 23 -
"We found that the oral administration of AKBA (50-200 mg/kg) dose-dependently
inhibited the growth of
CRC tumors in mice, resulting in decrease in tumor
volumes than those seen in vehicle-treated mice without significant decreases in
body weight. In addition, we observed that AKBA was highly effective in
suppressing ascites and distant metastasis to the liver, lungs, and spleen in
orthotopically-implanted tumors in nude mice. When examined for the mechanism,
we found that markers of tumor proliferation index Ki-67 and the microvessel
density CD31; were significantly downregulated by AKBA treatment. We also found
that AKBA significantly suppressed NF-κB activation in the tumor tissue and
expression of pro-inflammatory (COX2), tumor survival (bcl-2, bcl-xL, IAP-1,
survivin), proliferative (cyclin D1), invasive (ICAM-1, MMP-9) and angiogenic
(CXCR4 and VEGF) biomarkers. When examined for serum and tissue levels of AKBA,
a dose-dependent increase in the levels of the drug was detected, indicating its
bioavailability. Thus, our findings suggest that this
boswellic acid analogue can inhibit the growth
and metastasis of human CRC in vivo through downregulation of cancer-associated
biomarkers" - See
boswellia at Amazon.com .
length and cardiovascular risk in hypertensive patients with left ventricular
hypertrophy: the LIFE study - J Hum Hypertens. 2011 Jun 23 -
"Short telomeres are
associated with aging and age-related diseases ... At baseline, short mean
telomere length was associated with coronary artery disease in males (odds ratio
(OR) 0.61, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.39-0.95), and transient ischemic
attack in females (OR 0.62 95% CI 0.39-0.99). Proportion of short telomeres
(shorter than 5 kb) was associated with Framingham risk score (r=0.07, P<0.05),
cerebrovascular disease (OR 1.18, 95% CI 1.01-1.15) and type 2 diabetes in men
(OR 1.07, 95% CI 1.02-1.11). During follow-up, proportion of short telomeres was
associated with combined cardiovascular mortality, stroke or angina pectoris
(hazard ratio 1.04, 95% CI 1.01-1.07). Telomere length was not associated with
smoking, body mass index, pulse pressure or self-reported use of alcohol. Our
data suggest that reduced leukocyte telomere length is associated with
cardiovascular risk factors and diseases as well as type 2 diabetes, and is a
predictor of cardiovascular disease in elderly patients with hypertension and
Environmental Factors, and Lifestyle Underlie the High Prevalence of Vitamin D
Deficiency in Healthy Adults in Scotland and Supplementation Reduces the
Proportion That Are Severely Deficient - J Nutr. 2011 Jun 22 -
"In regions with low UVB exposure, dietary and
supplement intake may be much more important than previously thought and
consideration should be given to increasing the current recommended dietary
allowance of 0-10 μg/d for adults in Scotland" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Low Serum
Vitamin D Is Associated with High Risk of Diabetes in Korean Adults - J
Nutr. 2011 Jun 22 - "Compared to individuals with a
serum 25(OH)D
concentration ≥75 nmol/L, the OR (95% CI) for
diabetes mellitus were 1.73 (1.09-2.74), 1.30 (0.91-1.84), and 1.40
(0.99-1.98) for serum 25(OH)D concentrations <25, 25 to <50, and 50 to <75
nmol/L, respectively, after multiple adjustments (P-trend < 0.0001).
Furthermore, the serum 25(OH)D level was inversely associated with HOMA-IR (β =
-0.061; P = 0.001) and positively associated with QUICKI (β = 0.059; P = 0.001)
in overweight or obese participants. In conclusion, a low serum vitamin D
concentration is associated with a high risk of diabetes mellitus in Korean
adults and the concentration is inversely associated with insulin resistance in
those who are overweight or obese" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Effect of
functional yogurt NY-YP901 in improving the trait of metabolic syndrome -
Eur J Clin Nutr. 2011 Jun 22 - "This study was aimed to
assess the beneficial effects on metabolic syndrome
of functional yogurt NY-YP901 (Namyang Dairy
Product Co. Ltd and Nutra R&BT Inc., Seoul, Korea) supplemented with mixture of
Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium infantis
and extra-ingredients containing Bifidobacterium breve (CBG-C2), Enterococcus
faecalis FK-23, fibersol-2 and so on ... In the treatment group consuming
NY-YP901, statistically significant beneficial changes were observed in body
weight (treatment group vs control group=-0.24+/-1.50 vs +0.64+/-1.39 kg,
P<0.05), BMI (-0.10+/-0.58 vs +0.24+/-0.50 kg/m(2), P<0.05 ) and low-density
lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol (-7.71+/-14.14 vs -0.43+/-15.32 mg/dl, P<0.05)
after 8 weeks. The change in other parameters was not different between the
treatment and the control groups.Conclusions:The functional yogurt NY-YP901
reduced LDL-cholesterol, body weight and BMI in the subjects at a 300-ml
consumption daily for 8 weeks. From these findings, regular intake of functional
yogurt NY-YP901 may be consequently related to improve metabolic syndrome"
- So how does that compare as far as active culture to what you actually be able
to buy in a local store in the U.S.:
Activia Ingredients - livestrong.com - "Activia
has Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus and Bifidobacteria
lactis, also known as Bifidobacteria regularis"
ferritin levels are associated with metabolic syndrome in postmenopausal women
but not in premenopausal women - Menopause. 2011 Jun 18 -
"postmenopausal women
with ferritin levels in the third tertile had an increased risk of having
metabolic syndrome (odds ratio, 1.62; 95% CI,
1.04-2.81) compared with postmenopausal women with levels in the first quartile.
No such association was detected in premenopausal women"
Neat Tech Stuff / "How To's":
Blank Corrugated Sign, 20" x 24"
- I had a hard time finding something as simple as it. I got it to put a
sign for a karaoke party on my lawn.
Tervis 16 oz. 4-pc. Clear Tumbler Set CLEAR 4 Pc Set
- These glasses got 5 stars with 52 review. That’s rare. They are freezer
safe, dishwasher safe, microwave safe, can be used for both hot and cold,
insulated so you don’t need a coaster and basically unbreakable plus they
have the optional lids. There are also several designs.
Health Focus (Osteoporosis):
Popular Medications:
Popular Supplements:
Alternative News:
levels of vitamin D needed for bone density drugs to work, study shows -
Science Daily, 6/6/11 - "To fully optimize a drug
therapy for osteoporosis and low bone mineral density (BMD), patients should
maintain vitamin D levels above the limits recently recommended by the Institute
of Medicine (IOM) ... maintaining a circulating vitamin D level above 33 ng/ml
is associated with a seven-fold greater likelihood of having a more favorable
outcome with bisphosphonate therapy" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Before you start bone-building meds, try dietary calcium and supplements,
experts urge - Science Daily, 5/2/11 - "For many
people, prescription bone-building medicines should be a last resort ...
adults who increase their intake of calcium and vitamin D usually increase
bone mineral density and reduce the risk for hip fracture significantly ...
I suspect that many doctors reach for their prescription pads because they
believe it's unlikely that people will change their diets ... prescription
bone-building medications are expensive, and many have side effects,
including ironically an increase in hip fractures and jaw necrosis. They
should be used only if diet and supplements don't do the trick ... For bone
health, the researchers also encourage consuming adequate protein, less
sodium, and more magnesium and potassium"
Belly fat puts women at risk for osteoporosis, study finds - Science
Daily, 11/30/10
High-Protein Diet Limits Bone Resorption - Doctor's Guide, 10/19/10 -
"The clinical takeaway message is that if you are a
postmenopausal woman and dieting, if you can take 24% of your total calories as
protein, and have adequate calcium and vitamin D, you can prevent the bone loss
that is typically associated with weight loss"
prevents RANKL induced osteoclast differentiation of murine osteoclast
progenitor RAW 264.7 cells through inhibition of ROS production - Biochem
Biophys Res Commun. 2010 Sep 16 - "The bone protective
effects of resveratrol have been demonstrated in several osteoporosis models
while the underlying mechanism is largely unclear ... We postulate that the
direct inhibitory effects of resveratrol on osteoclastogenesis are mediated via
inhibition of ROS generation" - See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com
Science strengthens for olive extract’s bone benefits - Nutra USA, 9/14/10 -
“Our data suggest that oleuropein, highly abundant in
olive tree products included in the traditional Mediterranean diet, could
prevent age-related bone loss and osteoporosis" - [Abstract]
- See
olive leaf extract at Amazon.com
Oleuropein enhances osteoblastogenesis and inhibits adipogenesis: the effect on
differentiation in stem cells derived from bone marrow - Osteoporos Int.
2010 May 21 - "Our data suggest that oleuropein, highly
abundant in olive tree products included in the traditional Mediterranean diet,
could prevent age-related bone loss and osteoporosis" - See
olive leaf extract at Amazon.com
Acid diet
(high-meat protein) effects on calcium metabolism and bone health - Curr
Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2010 Aug 16 - "Increased
potential renal acid load resulting from a high protein (intake above the
current Recommended Dietary Allowance of 0.8 g protein/kg body weight) intake
has been closely associated with increased urinary calcium excretion. However,
recent findings do not support the assumption that bone is lost to provide the
extra calcium found in urine. Neither whole body calcium balance is, nor are
bone status indicators, negatively affected by the increased acid load. Contrary
to the supposed detrimental effect of protein, the majority of epidemiological
studies have shown that long-term high-protein intake increases bone mineral
density and reduces bone fracture incidence. The beneficial effects of protein
such as increasing intestinal calcium absorption and circulating IGF-I whereas
lowering serum parathyroid hormone sufficiently offset any negative effects of
the acid load of protein on bone health"
T3 affects
expression of collagen I and collagen cross-linking in bone cell cultures -
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2010 Aug 10 - "T3 increased
mRNA expressions of procollagen-lysine-1,2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase 2 (Plod2)
and of lysyloxidase (Lox), both genes involved in post-translational
modification of collagen. Moreover, it stimulated mRNA expression of BMP-1, the
processing enzyme of the lysyloxidase-precursor and of procollagen. An increase
in the collagen cross-link-ratio Pyr/deDHLNL indicates, that T3 modulated
cross-link maturation in the MC3T3-E1 culture system. These results demonstrate
that T3 directly regulates collagen synthesis and collagen cross-linking by
up-regulating gene expression of the specific cross-link related enzymes, and
underlines the importance of a well-balanced concentration of thyroid hormones
for maintenance of bone quality" - See
T3 at International Anti-aging Systems.
calcium intake linked with increased risk of osteoporosis and hypertension in
postmenopausal women - Science Daily, 6/18/10 - "a
significantly increased proportion of women (35.4%) who consumed a lower amount
of calcium through intake from dairy sources, had a concurrent diagnosis of both
hypertension and osteoporosis, compared with women who consumed a higher amount
of calcium (19.3% p<0.001) ... Further statistical analyses revealed that a
lower calcium intake was associated with an increased risk of developing
hypertension or osteoporosis over time when compared with controls (Odds Ratio
(OR) hypertension: 1.43; 95%CI: 1.12-1.82, osteoporosis: OR 1.46; CI:
1.15-1.85). Women who consumed a lower amount of calcium were shown to be most
likely to develop both conditions over time compared with women consuming a
higher amount of calcium (OR 1.60; CI: 1.09-2.34)"
Vitamin D
deficiency and frailty in older Americans - J Intern Med. 2010 Apr 28 -
"Nationally representative survey of
noninstitutionalized US residents collected between 1988 and 1994. Results.
25-Hydroxyvitamin D deficiency, defined as a serum concentration <15 ng mL(-1),
was associated with a 3.7-fold increase in the odds of frailty amongst whites
and a fourfold increase in the odds of frailty amongst non-whites. This
association persisted after sensitivity analyses adjusting for season of the
year and latitude of residence, intended to reduce misclassification of persons
as 25-hydroxyvitamin D deficient or insufficient. Conclusion. Low serum
25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations are associated with frailty amongst older
adults" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
protein may reduce hip fractures in the elderly - Science Daily, 5/5/10 -
"individuals who were in the lowest 25 percent of
dietary protein intake had approximately 50 percent more hip fractures than
those who consumed greater amounts of dietary protein (all within normal
intakes). Those who suffered hip fractures consumed less than the 46 grams of
dietary protein per day recommended for adults"
studies find omega-3 may help reduce bone loss - Science Daily, 5/10/10 -
"In a series of cell-based studies, scientists
documented that adding a specific omega-3 fatty acid to cells would inhibit the
activation of factors that lead to bone breakdown. This was true in both typical
cell cultures and those designed to mimic weightlessness. The inhibited factor
is known as "nuclear factor kappa B" or NFκB. NFκB is involved in immune system
behavior and the inflammation process. The activation of NFκB in different
tissues can lead to bone and muscle loss" - See Nutra USA article below.
It was DHA, not EPA that worked. See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
Omega-3 linked to healthier, stronger bones: Rat study - Nutra USA, 5/7/10 -
"According to findings of a new study with rats, DHA
“appears to be a vital constituent of marrow” and enhances bone mineral content
(BMC). The findings did not extend to EPA, however ... Scientists from NASA
recently reported in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research that the omega-3
EPA may protect against bone loss during space flight" - [Abstract]
- See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
who exercise when young have stronger bones when they grow old - 5/3/10 -
"those who actively did sports, and also those who used
to do sports, had greater bone density than those who had never done sports ...
men who had stopped training more than six years ago still had larger and
thicker bones in the lower leg than those who had never done sport ... The bones
respond best when you're young, and if you train and load them with your own
bodyweight during these years, it has a stimulating effect on their development"
mineral content is positively correlated to n-3 fatty acids in the femur of
growing rats - Br J Nutr. 2010 Apr 27:1-12 - "DHA
accumulates in the osteoblast-rich and nerve-abundant periosteum of femur; DHA
but not EPA appears to be a vital constituent of marrow and periosteum of
healthy modelling bone; and both DHA and total n-3 PUFA strongly correlate to
BMC" - See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
Beer is
a rich source of silicon and may help prevent osteoporosis - Science Daily,
2/8/10 - "Silicon is present in beer in the soluble form
of orthosilicic acid
(OSA), which yields 50% bioavailability,
making beer a major contributor to silicon intake in the Western diet. According
to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), dietary silicon (Si), as soluble
OSA, may be important for the growth and development of bone and connective
tissue, and beer appears to be a major contributor to Si intake. Based on these
findings, some studies suggest moderate beer consumption may help fight
osteoporosis, a disease of the skeletal system characterized by low bone mass
and deterioration of bone tissue" - See
Jarrow BioSil at iHerb
(it says "Reduces Fine Lines and Wrinkles by 19%"). I put ten drops of it in my
coffee every morning.
of calcium and vitamin D in preventing fractures confirmed - Science Daily,
1/14/10 - "both calcium and vitamin D supplements on a
daily basis reduces the risk of bone fractures, regardless of whether a person
is young or old, male or female, or has had fractures in the past, a large study
of nearly 70,000 patients from throughout the United States and Europe has
found" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Vitamin D:
What is an adequate vitamin D level and how much supplementation is necessary?
- Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol. 2009 Dec;23(6):789-95 -
"Vitamin D modulates fracture risk in two ways: by decreasing falls and
increasing bone density. Two most recent meta-analyses of double-blind
randomised controlled trials came to the conclusion that vitamin D reduces the
risk of falls by 19%, the risk of hip fracture by 18% and the risk of any
non-vertebral fracture by 20%; however, this benefit was dose dependent. Fall
prevention was only observed in a trial of at least 700IU vitamin D per day, and
fracture prevention required a received dose (treatment dose*adherence) of more
than 400IU vitamin D per day. Anti-fall efficacy started with achieved
25-hydroxyvitamin D levels of at least 60nmoll(-1) (24 ngml(-1)) and
anti-fracture efficacy started with achieved 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels of at
least 75nmoll(-1) (30ng ml(-1)) and both endpoints improved further with higher
achieved 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels. Founded on these evidence-based data
derived from the general older population, vitamin D supplementation should be
at least 700-1000IU per day and taken with good adherence to cover the needs for
both fall and fracture prevention. Ideally, the target range for
25-hydroxyvitamin D should be at least 75nmoll(-1), which may need more than
700-1000IU vitamin D in individuals with severe vitamin D deficiency or those
overweight" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Evidence That Green Tea May Help Improve Bone Health - Science Daily,
9/16/09 - "The scientists exposed a group of cultured
bone-forming cells (osteoblasts) to three major green tea components —
epigallocatechin (EGC), gallocatechin (GC), and gallocatechin gallate (GCG) —
for several days. They found that one in particular, EGC, boosted the activity
of a key enzyme that promotes bone growth by up to 79 percent. EGC also
significantly boosted levels of bone mineralization in the cells, which
strengthens bones. The scientists also showed that high concentrations of ECG
blocked the activity of a type of cell (osteoclast) that breaks down or weakens
bones. The green tea components did not cause any toxic effects to the bone
cells, they note" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Higher sea
fish intake is associated with greater bone mass and lower osteoporosis risk in
postmenopausal Chinese women - Osteoporos Int. 2009 Aug 6 -
"After adjusting for the potential confounders, we
observed dose-dependent relations between sea fish intake and BMDs, BMCs, and
osteoporosis risk; the mean BMDs were 3.2-6.8% higher, and BMCs 5.1-9.4% higher
in the top quintile groups (Q5) of sea fish intake than in the bottom quintile
(Q1) at the whole body and hip sites (p < 0.05); the odds ratios (95% confidence
interval (CI)) for osteoporosis (T-score < -2.5) in Q5 were 0.23 (0.08-0.66),
0.12 (0.03-0.59), and 0.06 (0.01-0.44) compared with those in Q1 at the whole
body, total hip, and femur neck, respectively. No independent association
between consumption of freshwater fish or shellfish and bone mass was observed
... Higher intake of sea fish is independently associated with greater bone mass
and lower osteoporosis risk among postmenopausal Chinese women" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Green tea extracts linked to healthier bones: Study - Nutra USA, 8/6/09 -
"EGC was found to stimulate bone mineralisation, while
simultaneously inhibiting the formation of osteoclasts. The other catechins were
found to have a significantly weaker effect ... “The present study illustrated
that the tea catechins, EGC in particular, had positive effects on bone
metabolism through a double process of promoting osteoblastic activity and
inhibiting osteoclast differentiations" - [Abstract]
- See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Effects of
Tea Catechins, Epigallocatechin, Gallocatechin, and Gallocatechin Gallate, on
Bone Metabolism - J Agric Food Chem. 2009 Aug 4 -
"The present study illustrated that the tea catechins, EGC in particular, had
positive effects on bone metabolism through a double process of promoting
osteoblastic activity and inhibiting osteoclast differentiations" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Deficiency Reduces Bone Mineral Density in the Spine of Young Adult Rats: A
Pilot Study - Ann Nutr Metab. 2009 Jun 9;54(3):218-226 -
"These findings indicate that severe zinc deficiency
initiated during adolescence may have important implications for future bone
health, especially with regards to bone consolidation in the spine"
Review supports vitamin K's fracture reducing power - Nutra USA, 5/20/09 -
"The most important findings in this review are that
although supplementation with lower doses of vitamin K may be sufficient to
reduce serum ucOC levels, supplementation with higher doses may be required for
optimal bone health" - [Abstract]
- See
vitamin K at Amazon.com
High-dose vitamin K supplementation reduces fracture incidence in postmenopausal
women: a review of the literature - Nutr Res. 2009 Apr;29(4):221-8 -
"randomized controlled trials (RCTs) ... The review of
the reliable literature confirmed the effect of vitamin K(1) and vitamin K(2)
supplementation on the skeleton of postmenopausal women mediated by mechanisms
other than bone mineral density and bone turnover" - See
vitamin K at Amazon.com
Stronger Backbone: DHEA Hormone Replacement Increases Bone Density In Older
Women - Science Daily, 5/17/09 - "Taking a DHEA
supplement combined with vitamin D and calcium can significantly improve spinal
bone density in older women ... The effects of the treatment differed for men
and women. After the first year, women in the test group experienced an
approximate 2 percent increase in bone density, while women in the control group
did not see an increase. After the second year when both groups took the DHEA
supplement, women in the test group experienced an additional 2 percent increase
for a total of approximately 4 percent, while women who switched from placebo to
DHEA also experienced an approximate 2 percent increase ... The same treatment,
however, did not offer similar benefits for older men" - See
DHEA at Amazon.com
Nonvertebral Fracture Prevention With Vitamin D May Be Dose-Dependent -
Medscape, 3/31/09 - "A dose-response relationship
between vitamin D and fracture reduction is supported by epidemiologic data
showing a significant positive trend between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D
concentrations and hip bone density and lower extremity strength"
Vitamin D Supplements Associated With Reduced Fracture Risk in Older Adults
- Doctor's Guide, 3/23/09 - "The authors then pooled the
results of only the 9 trials in which participants received doses of more than
400 international units per day. At this dosage, vitamin D supplements reduced
non-vertebral fractures by 20% and hip fractures by 18% ... A greater reduction
in risk was also seen among trial participants whose blood levels of
25-hydroxyvitamin D achieved a greater increase" - [Science
Daily] - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Alcohol Intake Associated With Bone Protection - Science Daily, 3/3/09 -
"In an epidemiological study of men and post-menopausal
women primarily over 60 years of age, regular moderate alcohol intake was
associated with greater bone mineral density (BMD). Researchers at the Jean
Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging (USDA HNRCA) at Tufts
University found associations were strongest for beer and wine and, importantly,
BMD was significantly lower in men drinking more than two servings of liquor per
Strong Bones: Running May Provide More Benefits Than Resistance Training, Study
Finds - Science Daily, 2/27/09 - "both resistance
training and high-impact endurance activities increase bone mineral density.
However, high-impact sports, like running, appear to have a greater beneficial
combined with low-dose estrogen therapy preserves bone tissue in ovariectomized
rats - Menopause. 2009 Jan 29 - "Flaxseed + low-dose
estrogen therapy resulted in the highest bone mineral density and peak load at
the lumbar vertebrae, with no effect on bone mineral density or strength in the
tibia and femur. Flaxseed and flaxseed + low-dose estrogen therapy resulted in
significantly higher relative levels of alpha-linolenic acid and
eicosapentaenoic acid and lower levels of linoleic acid, arachidonic acid, and
n-6/n-3 ratio in the lumbar vertebrae and tibia compared with all other groups"
- See
flax seed at Amazon.com
Supports Bone Health Over Time - Science Daily, 1/20/09 -
"The results suggest there is a protective effect of
carotenoids, particularly of lycopene,
against bone loss in older adults. The researchers concluded that carotenoids
may explain, in part, the previously observed protective effects of fruit and
vegetable consumption on bone mineral density" - See
Jarrow Lyco-Sorb (contains Lyco-O-Mato) at Amazon.com
Genistein Safely Improves Bone Formation in Osteopenic, Postmenopausal Women
- Medscape, 1/14/09 - "Usually, the drugs used in the
management of osteopenia/osteoporosis have been classified as predominantly
'antiresorptive agents' or as 'bone-forming agents' but, on the basis of our
results, genistein might represent the first therapy that overcomes this
classification by combining a powerful bone-forming as well as an antiresorptive
activity ... All postmenopausal women with bone loss would be ideal candidates
for genistein aglycone treatment ... Genistein aglycone has a good safety
profile, and in addition it is effective against climacteric syndrome (i.e., hot
flushes and night sweats)"
And Vitamin D May Not Be The Only Protection Against Bone Loss - Science
Daily, 12/3/08 - "Diets that are high in protein and
cereal grains produce an excess of acid in the body which may increase calcium
excretion and weaken bones ... When fruits and vegetables are metabolized they
add bicarbonate, an alkaline compound, to the body ... bicarbonate had a
favorable effect on bone resorption and calcium excretion ... 171 men and women
aged 50 and older were randomized to receive placebo or doses of either:
potassium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate, or potassium chloride for three
months. Researchers found that subjects taking bicarbonate had significant
reductions in calcium excretion, signaling a decrease in bone resorption"
Drinking May Help Preserve Hip Structure in Elderly Women - Medscape,
10/29/08 - "The cross-sectional analysis revealed that
mean total hip aBMD was 2.8% greater in tea drinkers ... Compared with non–tea
drinkers, tea drinkers had a significantly higher aBMD at the total hip and
trochanter sites but not at the femoral neck and intertrochanter sites" -
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Vitamin C linked to Reduced Bone Loss in Older Men - WebMD, 9/19/08 -
"If you don't have enough vitamin C, you don't make
bones right. Collagen is the principal protein of bones, accounting for nearly
half the volume. What the collagen does is prevent bones from coming apart"
- See
vitamin C products at Amazon.com
Calcium With or Without Vitamin D May Help Prevent Osteoporosis - Medscape,
8/27/08 - "For best therapeutic effect, we recommend
minimum doses of 1200 mg of calcium, and 800 IU of vitamin D (for combined
calcium plus vitamin D supplementation)"
Vitamin K good for young bones, too: study - Nutra USA, 7/17/08 -
"These findings suggest that improvement in vitamin K
status, and thus in the amount of active osteocalcin, might significantly
improve bone health in children, even in those with arthritis" - See
vitamin K at Amazon.com
Alone Does Not Reduce Hip Fracture Risk - Science Daily, 6/29/08 -
"a recent analysis of several studies found no reduction
in risk of hip fracture with calcium supplementation ... Future studies of
fracture prevention should focus on the best combination of calcium plus vitamin
D, rather than on calcium supplementation alone"
Choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid supplementation as an adjunct to
Calcium/Vitamin D3 stimulates markers of bone formation in osteopenic females: a
randomized, placebo-controlled trial - BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2008 Jun
11;9(1):85 - "There were no ch-OSA related adverse
events observed and biochemical safety parameters remained within the normal
range ... Combined therapy of ch-OSA and Ca/Vit D3 had a potential beneficial
effect on bone collagen compared to Ca/Vit D3 alone which suggests that this
treatment is of potential use in osteoporosis" - See
Jarrow BioSil at Amazon.com
. I take about 9
drops per day of it with my orange juice.
Vitamin D status and response to treatment in post-menopausal osteoporosis -
Osteoporos Int. 2008 Jun 13 - "The adjusted odds ratio
for incident fractures in vitamin D deficient as compared to vitamin D repleted
women was 1.77 ... Optimal vitamin D repletion seems to be necessary to maximize
the response to anti-resorbers in terms of both BMD changes and anti-fracture
efficacy" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Vitamin D Recommendations Fraction Of Safe, Perhaps Essential Levels For
Children - Science Daily, 5/27/08 - "The current
recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin D for children is 200 International
Units (IUs), but new research reveals that children may need and can safely take
ten-times that amount ... Only children given the equivalent of 2,000 IUs a day
of vitamin D increased 25-OHD levels from the mid-teens to the mid-thirties
(ng/ml)--the level considered optimal for adults. None of the children in either
trial showed any evidence for vitamin D intoxication" - Seevitamin D at Amazon.com
. I've gone to the
vitamin D 2000 IU at Amazon.com . If you're worried about
that being to high, just skip a day or two per week which most do anyway just by
forgetting to take them.
Relationship of sex steroid hormones with bone mineral density in a
nationally-representative sample of men - Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2008 May 14
- "Men in the lowest quartile of free estradiol had 70%
increased odds (OR=1.69, 95% CI 0.95-2.98) of osteopenia compared with men in
the highest quartile. Men in the lowest quartile of free testosterone had nearly
four times the odds of osteopenia than those in the highest quartile (OR=3.82;
95% CI 1.87-7.78). Lower concentrations of SHBG appeared protective against
osteopenia (p-trend=0.01). Neither total testosterone nor total estradiol was
associated with BMD, although men with clinically low estradiol (<20 ng/l) had
lower BMD (0.930 g/cm(2), 95% CI 0.88-0.98) than men with normal-range estradiol
(1.024 g/cm(2), 1.01-1.04; p=0.004"
Aggressive Vitamin D Treatment for Osteoporosis - Medscape, 5/19/08 -
"Singh called the findings "alarming" and said that
although many physicians believe vitamin D deficiency is not a problem, with 41%
of study patients found to have a vitamin D level of less than 30 ng/mL, "most
likely that is not true," he said" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Vitamin D, calcium combo may cut exercise-related stress fractures - Nutra
USA, 4/25/08 - "randomly assigned the recruits to
receive daily supplements of 2,000 mg of calcium and 800 IU of vitamin D, and
the other group received a placebo ... Women receiving the vitamin-mineral
combination were 20 per cent less likely to experience the fractures" - [Abstract]
Calcium and vitamin d supplementation decreases incidence of stress fractures in
female navy recruits - J Bone Miner Res. 2008 May;23(5):741-9 -
"randomized them to 2000 mg calcium and 800 IU vitamin
D/d or placebo ... found a 21% lower incidence of fractures in the supplemented
versus the control group" - [Nutra
Effects of
conjugated linoleic acid and exercise on bone mass in young male Balb/C mice
- Lipids Health Dis. 2006 Mar 23;5:7 - "Conjugated
Linoleic Acid (CLA) has been reported to lower body fat mass. However, weight
loss is generally associated with negative effects on bone mass, but CLA is
reported to have beneficial effects on bone ... a combination therapy of CLA and
EX on bone health has not been studied ... although CLA decreased gain in body
weight by 35%, it however increased bone mass by both reducing bone resorption
and increasing bone formation. EX also decreased gain in body weight by 21% and
increased bone mass; but a combination of CLA and EX, however, did not show any
further increase in bone mass" - See
conjugated linoleic acid at Amazon.com
Better Bone Density Test - Dr. Weil, 1/14/08 - "If
you’re a woman at risk for osteoporosis, I strongly recommend that you have a
DEXA scan ... In addition, I recommend that all women supplement with 500 to 700
mg of calcium citrate in two divided doses taken with meals ... For men, I now
suggest aiming for 500 mg from all sources. (Because higher amounts have been
linked to increased risks of prostate cancer, men generally should avoid
supplemental calcium.) I also recommend that both men and women take 1,000 IU of
vitamin D3"
Effect of dehydroepiandrosterone supplementation on bone mineral density, bone
markers, and body composition in older adults: the DAWN trial - Osteoporos
Int. 2007 Dec 15 - "Among older healthy adults, daily
administration of 50 mg of DHEA has a modest and selective beneficial effect on
BMD and bone resorption in women, but provides no bone benefit for men"
Soy isoflavone intake increases bone mineral density in the spine of menopausal
women: Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials - Clin Nutr. 2007 Dec 4
- "Isoflavone intervention significantly attenuates bone
loss of the spine in menopausal women. These favorable effects become more
significant when more than 90mg/day of isoflavones are consumed. And soy
isoflavone consumption for 6 months can be enough to exert beneficial effects on
bone in menopausal women"
Optimal vitamin d status for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis -
Drugs Aging. 2007;24(12):1017-29 - "Vitamin D deficiency
[as defined by a serum 25(OH)D level of <50 nmol/L (<20 ng/mL)] is pandemic.
This deficiency is very prevalent in osteoporotic patients. Vitamin D deficiency
causes osteopenia, osteoporosis and osteomalacia, increasing the risk of
fracture. Unlike osteoporosis, which is a painless disease, osteomalacia causes
aching bone pain that is often misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia or chronic pain
syndrome or is simply dismissed as depression. Vitamin D deficiency causes
muscle weakness, increasing the risk of falls and fractures, and should be
aggressively treated with pharmacological doses of vitamin D. Vitamin D
sufficiency can be sustained by sensible sun exposure or ingesting at least
800-1000IU of vitamin D(3) daily" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Tea drinking is associated with benefits on bone density in older women
- Am J Clin Nutr. 2007 Oct;86(4):1243-1247 - "In the
cross-sectional analysis, total hip aBMD was 2.8% greater in tea drinkers
(x: 806; 95% CI: 797, 815 mg/cm(2)) than in non-tea drinkers (784; 764, 803
mg/cm(2)) (P < 0.05). In the prospective analysis over 4 y, tea drinkers
lost an average of 1.6% of their total hip aBMD (-32; -45, -19 mg/cm(2)),
but non-tea drinkers lost 4.0%" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Drinking Tea May Slow Bone Loss - WebMD, 10/8/07 -
"A new study shows elderly women who drank tea had
higher bone density in their hips and less bone loss than women who didn't
drink tea ... Previous studies have suggested that phytochemicals in tea,
such as flavonoids, may be responsible for the protective effect against
bone loss due to their estrogen-like properties"
New Proof of Genistein's Efficacy and Safety for Osteopenia and Osteoporosis
Published in Annals of Internal Medicine - Doctor's Guide, 7/16/07 -
"85% of the women taking genistein showed a gain in
bone density ... In addition, women taking genistein with calcium and
vitamin D achieved a gain in bone density of approximately 3% per year over
baseline and 6% per year over those taking the placebo"
Soy Compound May Bolster Women's Bones - WebMD, 6/18/07 -
"After two years, the DEXA scans showed increases in
bone mineral density in women taking genistein"
Two-year randomized controlled trial of vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) and
vitamin D3 plus calcium on the bone health of older women - J Bone Miner
Res. 2007 Apr;22(4):509-19 - "women who took
combined vitamin K and vitamin D plus calcium showed a significant and
sustained increase in both BMD and BMC at the site of the ultradistal
Not just calcium and vitamin d: other nutritional considerations in
osteoporosis - Curr Rheumatol Rep. 2007 Feb;9(1):85-92 -
"Other nutritional considerations include nutrients
such as vitamin B-12 and vitamin K that may reduce fracture risk by
increasing bone mineral density as well as the improvement of bone
microarchitecture. Diets high in fruits and vegetables contribute nutrients
such as magnesium associated with bone health and may also produce an
alkaline environment, reducing calcium excretion and thus improving bone
Soy isoflavone intake inhibits bone resorption and stimulates bone formation
in menopausal women: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials - Eur
J Clin Nutr. 2007 Mar 28 - "Isoflavone intervention
significantly inhibits bone resorption and stimulates bone formation"
n-3 Fatty acids are positively associated with peak bone mineral density and
bone accrual in healthy men: the NO2 Study - Am J Clin Nutr. 2007
Mar;85(3):803-7 - "The results showed that n-3 fatty
acids, especially DHA, are positively associated with bone mineral accrual
and, thus, with peak BMD in young men" - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
or Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Vitamin K(2) supplementation improves hip bone geometry and bone strength
indices in postmenopausal women - Osteoporos Int. 2007 Feb 8 -
"Vitamin K(2) helps maintaining bone strength at the
site of the femoral neck in postmenopausal women by improving BMC and FNW,
whereas it has little effect on DXA-BMD" - See
vitamin K at Amazon.com
- Beware of Bone
Boosters? - Dr. Weil, 2/8/07 -
"I also worry about using bisphosphonates on a
long-term basis because of new evidence showing that they can lead to very
serious problems. Dentists have been observing that some patients on these
drugs are at risk of developing an untreatable condition called
osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ). Osteonecrosis means death of bone tissue.
ONJ can cause chronic pain and disfigurement. Symptoms include toothache,
jaw pain, loosening of teeth, recurrent infection of the soft tissue of the
jaw, and exposed bone"
Vitamin link to bone loss probed - BBC News, 11/14/06 -
"Increased amounts of homocysteine in the blood may
increase the risk of developing osteoporosis ... Individuals who have a poor
dietary intake of B-vitamins tend to have high homocysteine levels"
Potassium citrate supplements linked to thicker bones - Nutra USA,
10/12/06 - "Taking potassium citrate supplements could
boost bone mineral density by similar amounts as observed with pharmaceuticals
... At the end of the study, women taking the potassium citrate supplement are
reported to have a significant, one per cent increase in BMD in the vertebrae of
the lower back (lumbar spine), compared to baseline ... However, the bone
mineral density of the lumbar spine of women taking the potassium chloride
supplement (none alkaline) was found to have significantly decreased after one
year of supplementation, by about one per cent" - See
potassium citrate products.
CLA continues to offer possibilities for bone health - Nutra USA,
10/2/06 - "After 10 weeks of either diet, it was
found that the CLA-fed mice had higher bone mineral density (BMD) in
specific bone regions than corn oil (CO)-fed mice. This increased BMD was
tied to a reduced activity of pro-inflammatory cytokines (such as tumor
necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), and interleukin-6 (IL-6)) ... the CLA-fed
mice also had significantly lower fat mass and increased muscle mass,
compared to CO-fed mice"
- See CLA products at
Study Suggests Vitamin K Deficiency as an Osteoporosis Risk Factor -
Doctor's Guide, 9/22/06 - "one of the early effects
of declining estrogen is the impairment of vitamin K function in bone even
before any bone loss that could be attributed to menopause can be measured
... Our study suggests that the generally accepted level of vitamin K in
healthy women is inadequate to maintain bone health just at the onset of
menopause" - See
vitamin K products.
- Soy Isoflavones
Protect Postmenopausal Women From Bone Loss - Medscape, 7/14/06 -
"There was a significant, linear dose-related response for isoflavones vs
placebo in terms of bone density at the lumbar spine and femoral neck, but
not at the trochanter"
Strong support for vitamin K’s bone health benefits - Nutra USA, 6/27/06
- "Supplementation of vitamin K (MK-4) resulted in
reductions in hip fractures of 77 per cent, vertebral fracture of 60 per
cent, and all non-vertebral fractures of 81 per cent"
Increasing Dietary and Supplemental Calcium - Medscape, 6/16/06 -
"Postmenopausal women, as reported in many studies,
tend to have average serum 25(OH)D values ranging from 50 to 55 nmol/L (20
to 22 ng/mL)[8,10] and are therefore absorbing the calcium they ingest with
reduced efficiency ... raising serum 25(OH)D from the typical postmenopausal
range up to 75 nmol/L resulted in a 33% reduction in all osteoporotic
fractures combined"
Soy isoflavones attenuate bone loss in early postmenopausal Chinese women :
A single-blind randomized, placebo-controlled trial - Eur J Nutr. 2006
Jun 8 - "There is a significantly dose-dependent
effect of soy isoflavones on attenuating bone loss at the spine and femoral
neck possibly via the inhibition of bone resorption in non-obese
postmenopausal Chinese women with high Kuppermann Scale"
Evaluating vitamin D status. Implications for preventing and managing
osteoporosis and other chronic diseases - Joint Bone Spine. 2006 Feb 17
- "recent review articles indicate that current
reference ranges for serum 25-OH-vitamin D are too low. An appropriate lower
normal limit may be between 50-100 nmol/l (20-40 ng/ml). Standard supplement
dosages may fail to provide concentrations above this range" - See
vitamin D products.
Vitamin K treatment for postmenopausal osteoporosis in Indonesia - J
Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2006 Apr;32(2):230-4 -
"After 48 weeks of treatment, the mean percentage
change of lumbar BMD in the vitamin K(2) group was significantly higher (P <
0.05) than that of the control group" - See
vitamin K products.
- Women with
Osteoporosis May Need More Vitamin D - Healthwell, 3/16/06 -
"More than half of American women receiving drug
therapy for osteoporosis are deficient in vitamin D ... The new research
suggests that many women with osteoporosis are using drugs to treat a
problem that could be helped simply by getting sun more often or by taking a
nutritional supplement"
Bone care: It's still basic - USA Today, 3/5/06 -
"the postmenopausal women in the study weren't
typical. Most who were assigned to take supplements also got lots of calcium
and vitamin D in their diets, so adding pills didn't make much difference.
And many who were assigned placebos also took supplements on their own,
something researchers allowed ... It's not surprising there was a blunted
response ... The National Osteoporosis Foundation saw nothing in the study
to change its endorsement of calcium and vitamin D"
Calcium Plus Vitamin-D Supplementation Does An Older Body Good - Science
Daily, 2/24/06 - "The older the woman, the more
likely it is that consistent use of calcium and vitamin-D supplements will
play a role in reducing her risk for osteoporosis"
Study Finds Calcium Supplements Don't Prevent Broken Bones - New York
Times, 2/15/06 - "the participants were randomly
assigned to take 1000 milligrams of calcium and 400 international units of
vitamin D a day ... When they looked only at the women who took 80 percent
of their pills, the supplements reduced hip fractures by 29 percent. The
annual rate of hip fractures in adherent women taking the supplements was 10
per 10,000, compared with 14 per 10,000 in adherent women taking placebos"
Calcium, Vitamin
D: Help Women's Hips? - WebMD, 2/15/06 -
"Calcium and vitamin D supplements may help protect
some older women's hips -- but only when taken regularly"
Magnesium Prevents Osteoporosis - Healthwell, 2/9/06 -
"a higher magnesium intake was associated with
greater whole-body bone mineral density, after adjusting for calcium and
vitamin D intake, level of exercise, use of estrogen medication, and other
factors known to be related to bone health"
Strategies for Preventing Osteoporosis in Men
- Life Extension Magazine, 1/06 -
"For men, maintaining good bone health starts with
regular doctor visits to screen for bone mineral density and prostate
cancer. Other essentials are regular, weight-bearing exercise, healthy,
moderate-protein diets, and supplements including vitamin D, calcium,
magnesium, and isoflavones to help prevent bone mineral losses"
Dietary Magnesium Could Lead to Stronger Bones
- Doctor's Guide, 12/21/05 -
"For every 100 milligram per day increase in magnesium
intake, data showed a 1% increase in bone density ... this link was only true
for the older white men and women" - See
magnesium products.
Magnesium could reduce osteoporosis risk - Nutra USA, 12/8/05 -
"Higher Mg intake through diet and supplements was
positively associated with total-body [bone mineral density] BMD in older
white men and women. For every 100 mg per day increase in Mg, there was an
approximate 2 per cent increase in whole-body BMD"
Interventions in Osteoporosis - Medscape, 12/1/05 -
"For adults over 50 years of age, the DASH diet
emphasizing fruit and vegetables as well as dairy products and whole grains
and beans, together with a calcium and a vitamin D supplement, will provide
dietary defense against osteoporosis"
Silicon may boost calcium/vitamin D bone benefits - Nutra USA, 11/23/05
- "Jarrow Formulas ... The effect was particularly
pronounced in the PINP, the most sensitive bone formation marker. In the
groups receiving six and 12mg of silicon, the improvements were
“significant”" - See
Jarrow BioSil at iHerb.
Leading Osteoporosis Experts Reach Consensus on Role of Vitamin D in Bone
Health in Americans Over 50 - Doctor's Guide, 11/22/05 -
"over 70% of women ages 51-70 and nearly 90% of
women over 70 are not getting the recommended adequate intake of
vitamin D ... The roundtable panelists expressed concern that current
recommendations do not provide for optimal bone health and recommended that
intake levels be increased to 800-1,000 IU per day for patients over age 50"
- See
vitamin D products.
Adequate Vitamin D Status Appears More Important than High Calcium Intake
for Maintaining Calcium Metabolism - Doctor's Guide, 11/8/05 -
"vitamin D sufficiency may be more important than
high calcium intake in maintaining desired values of serum PTH ... Vitamin D
supplements are necessary to ensure adequate vitamin D status for most of
the year in northern climates" - See
vitamin D products.
Most Postmenopausal Women Are Vitamin D Deficient - Doctor's Guide,
9/29/05 - "64% of postmenopausal women with
osteoporosis have a vitamin D deficiency" - See
vitamin D products.
Prevalence of Vitamin D Inadequacy Among Postmenopausal North American Women
Receiving Osteoporosis Therapy - Obstet Gynecol Surv. 2005
Oct;60(10):658-659 - "An adequate intake of vitamin
D and calcium is viewed as a necessary part of treating osteoporosis ... At
a cutoff point of 30 ng/mL, the prevalence of inadequacy was 63% in women
taking less than 400 IU daily and 45% in those taking 400 IU or more"
- See
vitamin D products.
Potassium, The Hidden Bone Guardian - betterbones.com, 9/29/05
Women Need More
Calcium, Say Experts - WebMD, 9/28/05
Postmenopausal Women Falling Far Short of Calcium Goals: Presented at ASBMR
- Doctor's Guide, 9/28/05 - "A study finds that 85% of
postmenopausal women do not consume enough calcium every day, and on average
consume about 500 mg less than the US government's recommended daily intake
Silicon May Play Important Role in Bone Health - Doctor's Guide, 9/27/05
- "Silicon, taken as choline-stabilized orthosilicic
acid (ch-OSA) supplementation, might help improve bone health and type I
collagen synthesis ... the benefits were especially apparent when evaluating
changes in PINP, the most sensitive bone formation marker, and resulted in
significant improvements after 12 months amongst the subjects in the six and
12 mg silicon groups"
- See
Jarrow BioSil at iHerb.
After Menopause: Eating Soy May Help Bones - WebMD, 9/12/05 -
"Within 10 years of menopause, the 20% who ate the
most soy foods reported half as many fractures as the 20% who ate the least
soy ... The highest level of consumption among Chinese women was about 13
grams of soy protein a day. A cup of soy milk contains about 6.6 grams"
Taking A Break From Fractures: A Closer Look At Vitamin D - Science
Daily, 8/11/05 - "The researchers concluded, though,
that higher daily doses, in the range of 700 to 800 IU, may reduce the risk
of fracture by approximately 25 percent ... only subjects receiving higher
doses of vitamin D supplementation had significantly fewer fractures than
did subjects in the comparison groups"
- See
vitamin D products.
Balance of Essential Fats May Prevent Bone Loss After Menopause -
Doctor's Guide, 7/13/05 -
"After 12 weeks, rats with the lowest ratio of omega-6
to omega-3 fatty acids in their diet experienced significantly less bone loss
than rats in the other dietary groups ... A 5-to-1 dietary ratio of omega-6 to
omega-3 fatty acids led to a conservation of bone mineral content that we didn't
see with a 10-to-1 ratio"
- See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Vitacost .
Omega-6 Fatty Acids Can Affect Bone Loss - CBS 2 Chicago, 7/12/05 -
"eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids -- found
in walnuts and salmon -- may prevent bone thinning. While excess amounts of
omega-6 -- found in grains and beef -- may actually promote bone loss ... a
low ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 appears to be best"
Vitamin D
Deficit: Women's Silent Bone Threat - WebMD, 5/20/05 -
"The study included 1,554 postmenopausal U.S. women
being treated for osteoporosis ... More than half of the women (52%) had
less-than-optimal levels of vitamin D ... Doctors need to pay more attention
to vitamin D status"
Fracture prevention with vitamin D supplementation: a meta-analysis of
randomized controlled trials - JAMA. 2005 May 11;293(18):2257-64 -
"Oral vitamin D supplementation between 700 to 800
IU/d appears to reduce the risk of hip and any nonvertebral fractures in
ambulatory or institutionalized elderly persons. An oral vitamin D dose of
400 IU/d is not sufficient for fracture prevention"
Homocysteine and vitamin b(12) status relate to bone turnover markers,
broadband ultrasound attenuation, and fractures in healthy elderly people
- J Bone Miner Res. 2005 Jun;20(6):921-9 -
"High Hcy and low vitamin B(12) concentrations were
significantly associated with low BUA, high markers of bone turnover, and
increased fracture risk"
Osteoporosis: the role of micronutrients
- Am J Clin Nutr. 2005 May;81(5):1232S-9S - "Calcium
has been shown to have beneficial effects on bone mass at all ages, although
the results are not always consistent. Higher doses than the current US
recommendation (600 IU) of vitamin D in the elderly (age >/= 65 y) may
actually be required for optimal bone health (800-1000 IU/d) ... The other
micronutrient needs for optimizing bone health can be easily met by a
healthy diet that is high in fruits and vegetables to ensure adequate
intakes for magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin K, and other
potentially important nutrients"
Fight Osteoporosis: Bone Up On B12 - Science Daily, 4/23/05 -
"This study suggests adequate vitamin B12 intake is
important for maintaining bone mineral density"
Folate and Vitamin B12 Prevent Hip Fracture in Stroke Patients -
Medscape, 3/25/05 - "The magnitude of benefit is
similar to that found in trials of alendronate and raloxifene, with
considerably less potential risk. The fact that BMD did not change suggests
the benefit derives from quality, rather than quantity, of bone"
Onions May Fight Osteoporosis - WebMD, 4/8/05
Aerobic Exercise, Weights Boost Bone Strength - WebMD, 4/4/05
- Calcium Supplements:
Benefits and Risks - Medscape, 1/26/05 -
"Perhaps the most effective method of preventing
osteoporosis is ingestion of adequate
calcium. Experts suggest the daily
requirement for calcium is 1,300 mg for people ages 9 to 18, 1,000 to 1,200
mg for adults 19 to 50, and 1,500 mg for people over 50 ... You should take
only the amount of calcium recommended. Ingesting high doses of calcium each
day can be harmful and can cause kidney stones"
- Got Fruit?
Bones Need More Than Milk - WebMD, 10/26/04 -
"Most people eat a diet that generates acids ...
This increase in acid levels is thought to reduce bone strength ... Eating
foods that buffer the acidic foods builds strong bones ... Nutrients found
in fruits and vegetables may be protective for bone health ... The teenage
girls who ate a large amount of fruit had the strongest bones"
Study Says What's Good for the Heart May Be Good for the Bones
- Doctor's Guide, 10/7/04 -
"The study demonstrated a gain of up to 5% in bone
mineral density (BMD) at the hip in postmenopausal women who drank 2 or
fewer glasses of wine daily, and up to 7% in men who drank 1 or 2 beers
Vitamin K, bone turnover, and bone mass in girls - Am J Clin Nutr. 2004
Oct;80(4):1075-80 -
"Better vitamin K status was associated with
decreased bone turnover in healthy girls consuming a typical US diet"
Vitamin D Inadequacy Highly Prevalent Among Women Treated for Osteoporosis
in North America - Doctor's Guide, 10/4/04 -
"More than half of women currently treated for
osteoporosis have suboptimal levels of vitamin D"
- Got Exercise?
Workouts Better for Bone Health - WebMD, 6/11/04
Vitamins May Lower Osteoporosis Fractures - Intelihealth, 5/13/04 -
"B vitamins are known to reduce levels of
homocysteine ... high levels of homocysteine at least double the risk of
osteoporosis-related fractures"
High protein promotes bone health - Nutra USA, 4/5/04
- Low B-12 Levels
Linked to Increased Rate of Bone Loss
- Medscape, 3/19/04 - "The results of this study
raise the possibility that supplementation with vitamin B-12 or, for some
elderly women, dietary assessment and modification may slow rates of bone
loss" - See
Vitamin B12 products.
Vitamin B12 levels linked to bone loss - Nutra USA, 3/4/04 -
"after adjusting for age, weight and clinic site,
women with the lowest levels of B12 (below 280 pg/ml) experienced
significantly more rapid hip bone loss than women with higher levels of B12"
Best Ways To Fight Osteoporosis - CBS News, 9/18/03 -
"64 percent of women don't know how much calcium
they need every day ... women from 19- to 50-years-old should consume 1,000
mg; and women over 50-years-old should consume 1,200 mg ... a high calcium
intake will not protect a person against bone loss caused by estrogen
deficiency, physical inactivity, smoking, alcohol abuse or various medical
disorders or treatments" - See
drugstore.com/GNC calcium products
- Vitamin D
Supplementation and Fracture Prevention
- Medscape, 9/11/03 -
"Bottom line: Vitamin D
supplementation is absolutely critical to bone health in the aging
population. Although a number of research questions still need to be
addressed, there is currently sufficient evidence to show that all women,
living in areas of Northern Latitude, should be taking a vitamin D (and
calcium) supplement"
- 60-Minute
Workout Stops Bone Loss - WebMD, 9/5/03 -
"Postmenopausal women who work out for 60 minutes,
three times a week -- and take calcium -- can stop bone loss ... calcium
alone isn't enough -- you also need vitamin D"
- Exercise Prevents Bone
Loss in Early Post-Menopausal Women
- New Hope Natural Media, 8/14/03
Vitamin D and Calcium Supplementation Effective for Prevention and Treatment
of Osteoporosis - Doctor's Guide, 7/18/03 -
vitamin D and
intake is essential to the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. The
Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommends 200 IU/day of vitamin D for women
aged 50 or younger years, 400 IU/day for those aged 51-70 years, and 600
IU/day for those older than 70 years ... In women over the age of 65, there
is increased risk of osteoporotic fracture of the hip and non-vertebral
sites. Daily vitamin D intake between 800 and 900 IU and 1200-1300 mg of
calcium for this population results in increased bone density, decreased
bone turnover, and decreased non-vertebral fractures ... Studies have linked
vitamin D supplementation to a decrease in body sway, suggesting that
vitamin D supplementation may protect against fracture by preventing falls"
- See
drugstore.com/GNC calcium plus vitamin D supplements
Effects on bone mineral density of calcium and vitamin D supplementation in
elderly women with vitamin D deficiency - Joint Bone Spine. 2003
Jun;70(3):203-208 -
"bone mass in older women with vitamin D deficiency
increases significantly at the lumbar spine, femur, trochanter, and whole
body after calcium and vitamin D supplementation for 1 year, and
concomitantly bone markers improved as vitamin D levels returned to normal"
Protein intake: effects on bone mineral density and the rate of bone loss in
elderly women - Am J Clin Nutr. 2003 Jun;77(6):1517-25 -
"The highest quartile of protein intake (: 72 g/d) was associated with
higher BMD in elderly women at baseline only when the calcium intake
exceeded 408 mg/d"
Calcium Supplementation and Exercise Improves Bone Mineral Status in
Adolescent Girls - Doctor's Guide, 4/10/03
- Vitamin D Plus
Calcium Supplements Boosts Calcium Absorption
- WebMD, 4/1/03 -
"We need calcium for
good bones, but
vitamin D is equally important -- it helps
the body with calcium absorption. In fact, calcium supplements plus vitamin
D can increase calcium absorption by up to 65%"
- Vitamin K Builds
Strong Bones - New Hope Natural Media, 3/28/03 -
"Without adequate
vitamin K, osteocalcin cannot be produced, and bone formation becomes
impaired ... when women with osteoporosis take supplemental vitamin K, the
urinary excretion of calcium falls by about 50%, suggesting that less
calcium is being leached from the bones ... Some research, however, suggests
that the optimal level of intake may be higher, as much as 400 mcg per day.
A typical western diet contains 80 to 150 mcg per day" - See
vitamin K products.
Remember Sodium? We're Still Getting Too Much - Intelihealth, 3/14/03 -
"High sodium levels also raise the risk of
osteoporosis and
kidney problems ... In the case of osteoporosis,
potassium appears to offset calcium losses from excessive sodium ...
postmenopausal women with diets high in salt lost higher amounts of bone
mineral. Eating potassium-rich foods such as bananas, tomatoes and orange
juice helped stem the calcium loss"
Interaction of Dietary Calcium and Protein in Bone Health in Humans - J.
Nutr. 133:852S-854S, 3/03 - "Protein
has both positive and negative effects on
balance, and the net effect of dietary protein on bone mass and fracture
risk may be dependent on the dietary calcium intake. In addition to
providing substrate for bone matrix, dietary protein stimulates the
production of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), a factor that promotes
osteoblast-mediated bone formation. Protein also increases urinary calcium
losses, by several proposed mechanisms. Increasing calcium intake may offset
the negative impact of dietary protein on urinary calcium losses, allowing
the favorable effect of protein on the IGF-1 axis to dominate"
Vitamin D Can Prevent Fractures In Older People - Intelihealth, 2/28/03
- Vitamin D Helps
Elderly Avoid Fractures - WebMD, 2/27/03
Calcium, vitamin D, milk consumption, and hip fractures: a prospective study
among postmenopausal women - Am J Clin Nutr. 2003 Feb;77(2):504-11 -
"Women consuming 12.5 µg
vitamin D/d from food plus supplements had a 37% lower risk of
hip fracture (RR = 0.63; 95% CI: 0.42, 0.94) than did women consuming <
3.5 µg/d. Total calcium
intake was not associated with hip fracture risk (RR = 0.96; 95% CI: 0.68,
1.34 for 1200 compared with < 600 mg/d). Milk
consumption was also not associated with a lower risk of hip fracture (P for
trend = 0.21)"
Vitamin K intake and bone mineral density in women and men - Am J Clin
Nutr. 2003 Feb;77(2):512-6 -
"Low dietary
vitamin K intake was associated with low BMD
in women ... In contrast, there was no association between dietary vitamin K
intake and BMD in men"
Walking Your Way to Better Bones - WebMD, 11/13/02
Low Vitamin D Levels Not Restricted To High-risk Groups
- Doctor's Guide, 9/23/02 - "Vitamin
D insufficiency is far more common than is generally assumed and is not
necessarily restricted to high-risk groups such as the elderly ... Low
vitamin D levels were found across diagnostic categories and were identified
in 88 percent of patients with hip fractures; 67 percent of patients with
wrist fractures; 50 percent of patients with vertebral fractures, and 52
percent of patients with other fractures ... This study demonstrates the
high frequency of hypovitaminosis D in a UK specialist bone clinic setting
and the clear need for vitamin D therapy may not [be] appreciated without
[taking] vitamin D measurements"
Low Bone Mineral Density and Quantitative Ultrasound in Men Associated with
Low Vitamin K Status - Doctor's Guide, 9/23/02 -
vitamin K status is associated with low
quantitative ultrasound (QUS) and low bone mineral density (BMD) of the
femoral neck and trochanter ... What we did was measure the amount of
vitamin K in circulation and use the more sensitive measures of vitamin K
status which was % undercarboxylated osteocalcin ... We corrected for
triglycerides because vitamin K is transported in the blood by
triglyceride-rich lipoproteins ... What we found was that the higher the
amounts of vitamin K in the plasma, the higher the BMD" - So does
that mean that if your triglycerides are in check you may need extra vitamin
K? See
vitamin K products. - Ben
Treating & Preventing Osteoporosis - Life Extension Magazine, 9/02 -
"From systematic research the best external evidence
is available for a supplementation with calcium
vitamin D and a therapy with the bisphosphonates
alendronate or
risedronate, as well as the selective estrogen receptor modulator
raloxifene (Evista)."
People Living In Higher Latitudes Require Fall, Winter Vitamin D Supplements
- Doctor's Guide, 6/10/02 - "Given that almost every
person in our sample had serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] levels below 80
nmol/L at one point in the year, and that more than one-third of subjects
had levels below the most conservative definition of
vitamin D
insufficiency, our findings support a recommendation for more aggressive
vitamin D supplementation, particularly for elderly people and especially
during the fall and winter months ... Low levels of vitamin D metabolites
are associated with malabsorption of calcium, which results in bone loss"
Soy Isoflavone May Improve Bone Metabolism in Perimenopausal Women -
Doctor's Guide, 5/27/02 -
"The isoflavone group (n=12) received daily capsules
of soy isoflavone extract (61.8 mg of
isoflavones) ... Excretion of bone resorption markers was reduced
significantly in the isoflavone group"
Getting Calcium On Young Girls' Radar - Intelihealth, 5/23/02 -
"Ninety percent of girls ages 9 to 12 don't get enough
in their diets ... Ninety to 98 percent of your skeletal system is developed
by age 20, so it's important that these bone-healthy activities are done
early. After that, you're either going to maintain the bone density or
you're going to lose it"
- Long-Time Tea
Drinking Builds Strong Bones - WebMD, 5/14/02
Calcium and Vitamin D3 Effective and Cost-Saving in Preventing Hip Fracture
in Elderly European Women - Doctor's Guide, 5/13/02 -
"simple dietary supplementation with calcium
vitamin D not only helps prevent hip fracture in institutionalized
elderly women, it also saves up to 711,000 Euros (some US $640,000) per 1000
treated ... One group received elemental 1200 mg/day calcium plus 800 IU/day
vitamin D3, while the other received a placebo. After three years, 25
percent fewer hip fractures were found among members of the supplemented
group ... The savings may even be greater than this: remember, this study
only takes into account hip fractures, but supplementation could prevent
many other types of fracture as well"
Tea May Strengthen Bones - Intelihealth, 5/13/02
Aging Bone Mineral Density Better With High Protein Diet Plus Extra Calcium,
Vitamin D - WebMD, 4/1/02
- High-Protein Diet
Could Repair Bone Loss - WebMD, 3/25/02 - "The
supplement group -- particularly those who ate a diet high in protein -- had
significantly better bone mass density -- an accurate measure of
bone loss. Those who took the placebo, however, had less
calcium absorbed into their bloodstream when they consumed more protein"
Does High Intake of Vitamin A Pose a Risk for Osteoporotic Fracture? -
JAMA. 2002 Mar 20;287(11):1396-7 -
"the evidence relating to a possible relationship
between moderately high retinol intake and possible adverse effects on bone
health remains inconclusive"
Curbing Caffeine May Benefit Bones - HealthandAge, 1/11/02
- Kids Plagued by
'Calcium Crisis' - WebMD, 12/14/01 - "Only 14%
of girls and 36% of boys age 12 to 19 in the U.S. are getting the
recommended amounts of calcium, according to the U.S. Department of
Agriculture ... Close to 90% of adult bone is established by the end of the
teen years. So if kids are off to a bad start in getting enough calcium,
says the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD),
down the road, they are at serious risk of developing the brittle-bone
disease osteoporosis as well as other bone diseases"
Calcium, Keep What You Take - Life Extension Magazine, 3/99
- Vitamin K Deficiency
Linked to Low Bone Mineral Density in Women
- Doctor's Guide, 10/15/01
Vitamin K Cuts Hip Fractures - Nutrition Science News, 9/01
- Vitamin E May
Help Prevent Menopause Bone Loss - WebMD, 6/28/01 -
"Treating these rats with vitamin E at a dose comparable to 400 IU in humans
was just as good as estrogen treatment in restoring bone density and weight"
Study Relates Jogging And Strong Bones - Intelihealth, 6/28/01 -
"Young men who jog regularly build strong bones and may be less likely to
develop the brittle bone disease osteoporosis ... For couch potatoes, men
who do little or no exercise, the bone density of joggers was almost 8
percent better"
Not for Ladies Only: Soy May Also Help Men at Risk for Osteoporosis -
WebMD, 4/2/01 - "research suggests that a diet
enriched with soy protein, which some research has shown can help preserve
women's bones, may be able to do the same thing for men ... The group
consuming soy protein had significantly more of this growth factor"
PUFAs (omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids) for Bone Growth and Repair -
Nutrition Science News, 3/01
Vitamin C May Help Ward Off Osteoporosis - WebMD, 2/8/01 -
"Researchers have found that postmenopausal women
who took vitamin C supplements had a higher bone density than those who
didn't. The highest bone densities were also found in the women who were
taking more than 1,000 mg/d."
Other News:
Facial Wrinkles Linked to Lower Bone Density - WebMD, 6/7/11 -
"Researchers measured the number and depth of facial
wrinkles and the skin firmness of 114 women who were within three years of
their last menstrual period ... Women who had worse wrinkles also had lesser
bone density ... Pal thinks the connection may be a protein called type 1
collagen, a building block of skin and bone tissue, which is lost with age.
It is thought that this loss may be accelerated during menopause, when
hormone levels drop ... The strongest association of the facial wrinkles
with the bone was between the eyebrows ... When we looked at the effects of
sun exposure on skin, we did not see that women who had more sun exposure
had worse skin wrinkles"
bone mineral density is associated with a decreased risk of colorectal
adenomas - Int J Cancer. 2010 Oct 14 - "patients
in the highest tertile of total body BMD (>1.294 g/cm(2)) and in the middle
tertile (≥1.167 to ≤1.294 g/cm(2)) compared to those with a total body BMD
in the lowest tertile (<1.167 g/cm(2)) had a lower risk of colorectal
adenomas (highest vs. lowest tertile: OR=0.29 (0.10-0.84); middle vs. lowest
tertile: OR=0.26 (0.08-0.80); p-trend=0.02)"
term use of oral bisphosphonates may double risk of esophageal cancer, study
finds - Science Daily, 9/2/10 - "Typically,
oesophageal cancer develops in one per 1000 people at age 60-79 over five
years. Based on their findings, the authors estimate that with five years'
use of oral bisphosphonates this would increase to two cases per 1000 people
taking bisphosphonates over five years"
High-protein diets may cause bone loss in older women, study - Nutra
USA, 7/8/10 - "Study 1 ... on average, all women
lost around 19 pounds, but those who ate the higher-protein, meat-containing
diet also lost bone mineral density by about 1.4 percent ... Study 2 ... All
women lost weight, but the groups that consumed the higher-protein
meat-containing diets again also lost bone mineral density by up to 1.4
percent compared to the control group ... In the first study, all the
participants con­sumed calcium supplements to achieve calcium intakes of
2,000mg per day. In the second study, about half of the participants
con­sumed calcium supplements ... However, in neither case were the
supplements found to impact the loss of bone density"
Many Psychotropic Medications May Be Bad for Bones - Medscape, 5/27/10 -
"osteoporosis was found to be associated with the
use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), mood stabilizers
other than lithium, and benzodiazepines. Use of tricyclic antidepressants
was protective"
Diabetes Weakens Your Bones - Science Daily, 9/28/09 -
"They observed increased levels of inflammatory
molecules, including TNF-α during fracture healing. The diabetic animals had
rapid loss of cartilage in the healing bones, which was due to increased
numbers of osteoclasts, cells that remove bone and cartilage. Factors that
stimulate osteoclast formation were regulated by both TNF-α and a downstream
mediator, FOXO1. These results suggest that diabetes-mediated increases in
TNF-α and FOXO1 may underlie the impaired healing of diabetic fractures"
Hormones Associated With Broken Bones In Older Men - Science Daily,
8/3/09 - "Low levels of estradiol or high levels of
sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) are associated with an increased risk of
osteoporotic fracture in older men"
Popular Class Of Diabetes Drugs Doubles Risk Of Fractures In Women -
Science Daily, 12/10/08 - "We knew going into this
study that there was an association between
thiazolidinediones and fracture risk ... these agents double the risk of
fractures in women with type 2 diabetes"
Adiponectin Is A Metabolic Link Between Obesity And Bone Mineral Density
- Science Daily, 11/25/08 - "adiponectin, a protein
secreted from adipocytes, is a metabolic link that can explain, in part, the
known positive relationship between obesity and both bone mineral density
and reduced susceptibility to fractures ... In summary, elevated circulating
adiponectin was associated with lower bone mass and weaker bones in growing
mice compared to control animals" - See my
adiponectin page for ways to increase it.
- Ben
Angiotensin II type 2 receptor blockade increases bone mass - J Biol
Chem. 2008 Nov 11 - "Treatment with
AT2 receptor blocker
significantly enhanced the levels of bone mass and this effect was based on
the enhancement of osteoblastic activity as well as the suppression of
osteoclastic activity in vivo" - That might be another good reason
for telmisartan as a
first line treatment for hypertension. See telmisartan at
Too Much Body Fat Bad for Bones? - WebMD, 10/31/08 -
"postmenopausal women with a higher proportion of
body fat tend to have lower bone mineral content"
Guidelines for Osteoporosis Treatment - WebMD, 9/15/08
New Test for Osteoporosis Fracture Risk - WebMD, 6/24/08
Testosterone Replacement Theraphy Beneficial In Men 60 And Older, Study
Suggests - Science Daily, 4/7/08 - "These
preliminary data show beneficial effects of testosterone therapy on bone
turnover markers in older men with low-to-normal testosterone concentrations
using both continuous and monthly cycled testosterone replacement"
Testosterone Levels Associated With Risk Of Fracture In Men Over 60 -
Science Daily, 1/14/08 - "Although low levels of
estradiol and testosterone were associated with a higher risk of fracture in
men over 60, only the effect of testosterone was independent of other risk
factors, the authors conclude"
Chocolate consumption and bone density in older women - Am J Clin Nutr.
2008 Jan;87(1):175-80 - "Higher frequency of
chocolate consumption was linearly related to lower bone density and
strength (P < 0.05). Daily (>/=1 times/d) consumption of chocolate, in
comparison to <1 time/wk, was associated with a 3.1% lower whole-body bone
density; with similarly lower bone density of the total hip, femoral neck,
tibia, and heel; and with lower bone strength in the tibia and the heel"
Many Osteoporosis Medications Prevent Fractures, but None Is Proven Best
- Doctor's Guide, 12/18/07
Associated With Low Bone Mineral Density - Medscape, 12/3/07 -
"The novelty of this study is the fact that these
women were not severely depressed ... Depression is considered a disease of
chronic stress, Dr. Cizza said, with attendant increases in the stress
hormone cortisol, and cytokines produced by the immune system. "Those
substances are helpful to fight stress, but if there is too much cortisol or
cytokines, there are side effects," he said. "One of the side effects is
bone loss, so it was obvious to ask the question, 'do women with depression
have low bone mass?'""
New Diabetes Drugs Bad for Bones - WebMD, 12/3/07 -
"The diabetes drug Avandia promotes osteoporosis not
only by slowing bone growth but also by speeding up bone loss. Actos, the
only other drug in the same class, likely does this as well"
Depression Linked To Bone-thinning In Premenopausal Women - Science
Daily, 11/26/07 - "The researchers found that 17
percent of the depressed women had thinner bone in a vulnerable part of the
hip called the femoral neck, compared with 2 percent of those who were not
Just Being Naturally Thin May Raise Risk of Osteoporosis in Women -
Doctor's Guide, 11/8/07
The association of sex hormone levels with quantitative ultrasound, bone
mineral density, bone turnover and osteoporotic fractures in older men and
women - Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2007 Jun 6 -
"oestradiol (E2) and testosterone (T) ... Low levels of bioE2 and bioT were
found to be associated with high bone turnover, low QUS and BMD and high
risk of osteoporotic fractures in both men and women"
Antidepressant Use May Boost Fracture Risk - Science Daily, 5/29/07 -
"people ages 50 and over who regularly took
antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) had
double the rate of fractures as people not using such medications"
Once-a-year Drug Reduces Fractures From Osteoporosis - Doctor's Guide,
Relation of Cortisol Levels and Bone Mineral Density Among Premenopausal
Women With Major Depression - Medscape, 5/4/07 -
"a lower BMD and increased bone resorption were
found in women with mild depression. Major depression had important effects
on BMD and bone turnover markers. Depression should be considered among risk
factors for osteoporosis in premenopausal women, therefore it may be useful
to assess BMD values of MDD patients, and to treat them in cases of lower
BMD values"
Warned Of Osteoporosis Problems - Science Daily, 1/31/07 -
"Statistically, one in three men die following a
fracture, compared to one in five women, possibly because of underlying
health problems such as heart disease which make it difficult for them to
cope with a fracture that could involve hip surgery, prolonged bed rest and
Study Says Depression May Weaken Bones - WebMD, 10/30/06 -
"After four weeks, the depressed mice had lost bone
density, the study shows. The problem: They had a drop in bone-building
cells called osteoblasts ... When the depressed mice drank water laced with
imipramine, their depression eased and their bone loss stopped"
Study Links Cola to Bone Loss in Women - WebMD, 10/6/06 -
"drinking cola soft drinks on a regular basis was
associated with lower bone mineral density in the hip"
Low Bone Density May Predict Cognitive Impairment - Doctor's Guide,
5/5/06 - "Low bone mineral density (BMD) in
postmenopausal women may be associated with cognitive impairment, and
estrogen metabolism may be the cause"
Elderly Men Who Fall Should Be Screened for Osteoporosis - Doctor's
Guide, 5/5/06
Low Estrogen May Up Men’s Hip Fracture - WebMD, 5/3/06
Lack of Estrogen Linked to Hip Fractures in Men - Intelihealth, 5/1/06 -
"men who have lost bone mass should take calcium and
vitamin D supplements to help reverse bone loss and reduce the risk of hip
fractures ... This is an interesting paper and tends to confirm that among
men, estradiol (estrogen) levels may be more important to bone strength than
is testosterone"
FDA Approves Once-a-Week Osteoporosis Hormone Therapy Patch Climara Pro
(Estradiol/Levonorgestrel) - Doctor's Guide, 1/4/06 -
"the FDA has approved the hormone therapy patch,
Climara Pro® (estradiol/levonorgestrel transdermal system), for the
prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis"
Women Over 50 Likely to Have Both Low Bone Mineral Density and Elevated
Cholesterol - Doctor's Guide, 10/4/05 -
"17.3 million (43%) of women over 50 years had
osteopenia, and 4.8 million (12%) had osteoporosis, while 18.2 million
(45%) had normal BMD"
Treating Osteoporosis: What Works Best? - WebMD, 8/10/05 -
"Treatment with parathyroid hormone increases bone
density. But women who took parathyroid hormone for a year progressively
lost bone density afterward unless they took Fosamax"
- What's Best for
Bones? - Dr. Weil, 5/13/05
Bone Fracture Rates Significantly Reduced Over Just Two Years in Patients
Who Consistently Stayed on Bisphosphonate Therapy for Osteoporosis -
Doctor's Guide, 4/7/05 - "We found that women with
postmenopausal osteoporosis who faithfully continued to take their
prescribed bisphosphonate medication reduced their risk for fractures
substantially more - about 25% - than women who did not"
Newer Antiepileptics May Increase Risk of Osteoporosis - Clinical
Psychiatry News, 4/05
Few Patients Exposed to High-Dose Corticosteroids Receive Osteoporosis
Education - Doctor's Guide, 3/28/05
Osteoporosis Seen With Raw Foods Diet - WebMD, 3/28/05
Osteoporosis and Bone Health - Physician's Weekly, 3/21/05 -
"half of all Americans older than 50 will be at risk
for fractures from osteoporosis and low bone mass by 2020 if no immediate
actions are taken ... Calcium and vitamin D intakes are far below
recommended levels for all ages, sexes, and races in the United States"
Dental X-Rays Could Be First Step in Osteoporosis Screening
- Doctor's Guide, 12/1/04
- Osteoporosis
Drugs May Prevent Knee Arthritis - WebMD, 11/4/04
Four Osteoporosis Drugs Show No Difference in Impact on Endothelial Function
- Doctor's Guide, 10/11/04
Ultra-Low Dose Estradiol Good for Bone Health, and Appears to Have No Impact
on Endometrium - Doctor's Guide, 10/11/04 -
"14 mcg of estradiol patch ... By the end of 2 years,
there was a 2.6% increase in bone mineral density of the lumbar spine over
baseline, and a 0.4% increase in BMD at the hip. By comparison in the
placebo group, the increase in BMD of the spine was 0.6% and there was a
loss in BMD at the hip of 0.8% ... These ultra-low doses of estradiol should
be sufficient to preserve bone health in women over the age of 60 years"
Declining Estradiol Levels More Predictive of Fracture Risk Than Low
Testosterone in Aging Men - Doctor's Guide, 10/8/04 -
"While low levels of free testosterone are a predictor of hip-bone loss,
declines in estradiol levels play a stronger role than testosterone"
Exercise More Critical Than Calcium For Adolescent Bones
- Doctor's Guide, 6/9/04 -
"Exercise is more influential than calcium intake in
determining bone strength in young women ... attaining optimal bone mass and
bone strength in adolescence may offer the best protection possible against
osteoporosis - bone loss in post-menopausal women and the elderly"
- New Fracture
Risk: High Homocysteine - WebMD, 5/12/04
Postmenopausal Women Show Significantly Reduced Incident Fracture Risk While
on Hormone Therapy - Doctor's Guide, 5/12/04 -
"We found a significantly reduced risk of fracture a year or so after women
had started using hormone therapy, with the risk decreasing further with
increasing duration of use"
- Ultra-Low Dose
Estrogen Patch Helps Bones - WebMD, 5/4/04
- Ultra-Low-Dose
Estradiol Patch Stops Bone Turnover, Increases Bone Density
- Medscape, 5/4/04 -
"The patch dose is "roughly one fourth of the
standard 0.625-mg dose usually prescribed for menopause symptoms ... That
minimal increase translated into a "3% increase in BMD at the spine compared
to placebo and a 1.5% increase at the hip compared to placebo ... All women
received 800 mg calcium and 400 IU vitamin D daily"
Peak Bone Mass, Size Appear Almost Fully Attained by Late Adolescence
- Doctor's Guide, 4/6/04
- Few Treated for
Osteoporosis; Many at Risk - WebMD, 3/26/04 -
"Researchers say recent advances in the prevention
and treatment of osteoporosis not only slow the bone-thinning disease, but
they can also help rebuild your bones ... The problem is, only a fraction of
those at risk for the disease are ever screened for osteoporosis"
- Inhaled
Steroids: More Evidence of Bone Loss - WebMD, 3/26/04
Inverse Relationship Observed Between Statin Treatment and Risk of Hip
Fracture - Doctor's Guide, 3/12/04 -
"The risk of hip fracture decreased as the number of
statin prescriptions increased ... 0.72 ... for subjects who redeemed more
than 3 statin prescriptions"
- Statins May
Help Prevent Bone Fractures - WebMD, 1/26/04 -
"statin users had a 38%-81% lower risk of hip bone fractures and a 5%-51%
lower risk of nonspinal fractures ... statin use was associated with a 57%
reduction in the number of hip fractures reported and a 31% reduction in
nonspinal fractures"
Human Parathyroid Hormone Appears Effective, Safe in Increasing Bone Mineral
Density in Postmenopausal Osteoporosis - Doctor's Guide, 11/20/03
Is Low Bone Mass in Men an Underdiagnosed Disease State?
- Doctor's Guide, 10/31/03 - "The leading three risk
factors from the questionnaire for predicting bone loss were history of
smoking, no calcium supplementation, and difficulty maintaining an erection
... 62.5% showed evidence of either osteopenia (> -1.0 SD of bone mass
density [BMD]) or osteoporosis"
- More Awareness of
Guidelines to Prevent Corticosteroid-Induced Osteoporosis
- Medscape, 10/27/03
- Few Get
Osteoporosis Drugs After Falls - WebMD, 10/2/03 -
"only 22% of elderly men and women who had a major
bone fracture filled a prescription for an osteoporosis drug within six
months after their injury ... that's despite the fact that people who have
suffered one fracture from osteoporosis are up to five times more likely so
suffer another one, and use of osteoporosis drugs can reduce that risk of by
as much as 60%"
Statins Used to Treat High Cholesterol and Osteoporosis
- Doctor's Guide, 9/30/03 -
"simvastatin acts as a double therapeutic weapon by
blocking the conversion of HMG-CoA to mevalonate. Not only does this action
increase new bone formation via the stimulation of osteoblasts, but it also
prevents the production of cholesterol"
- Men Present With More
Severe Osteoporosis Than Women - Medscape, 9/25/03
Most Postmenopausal Women With Fractures Not Prescribed Osteoporosis
Medications - Doctor's Guide, 9/26/03
Postmenopausal Women with Fracture are Under-Treated
- Doctor's Guide, 9/24/03 -
"The majority of postmenopausal women with low
trauma fracture are not being treated with osteoporosis medications"
- Regular Cola
Consumption Linked to Lower Bone Density in Women
- Medscape, 9/22/03 - "Among the female subjects,
regular cola drinkers had decreased BMD compared with the infrequent
drinkers. BMD was 2.3% lower in the trochanter, 3.3% lower in the femoral
neck, and 5.1% lower in Ward's area ... When
phosphoric acid comes packaged with other nutrients, it's absorbed
normally and everything is in balance. We think the problem with cola is
that you're getting those doses of phosphoric acid without any calcium. It's
not balanced, and that extra phosphorus binds with calcium and prevents it
from being absorbed"
Cessation of Hormone Replacement Results in Rapid Increase in Bone Turnover,
Bone Loss - Doctor's Guide, 9/2/03 -
withdrawal was followed by significant bone loss, with an annual rate ranging
from -0.7 to -1.6% ... These findings have important implications for women
who are given HRT for preventing the risk of osteoporosis"
Peak Bone Mineral Density Has Greatest Influence on Onset of Osteoporosis
- Doctor's Guide, 8/27/03
Low-Dose Oestrogen Increased Bone Density in Older Women Without Increasing
Oestrogen-Associated Adverse Effects - Doctor's Guide, 8/26/03 -
"They randomised 167 women, older than 65 years of
age, to receive either 0.25 mg/day micronized
17beta-estradiol or placebo for 3 years ...
patients treated with low-dose estradiol showed bone mineral density
increases of 2.6% at the femoral neck, 3.6% of the total hip, 2.8% at the
spine, and 1.2% in total body measurements. Similar bone mineral density
changes were seen between those who received and did not receive
Male Master Cyclists at Potential High-Risk for Developing Osteoporosis
- Doctor's Guide, 7/24/03 - "Of the master cyclists,
15% met the World Health Organisation's criteria for having osteoporosis and
52% for having osteopaenia at either the spine or hip or both. This compares
to 0% of the non-athletes who met the criteria for osteoporosis and 42% who
met the criteria for osteopaenia ... The authors recommend that cyclists
supplement their training with weight-bearing exercise, receive periodic BMD
screening, and include adequate levels of dietary calcium and vitamin D"
- See
OS-Cal Plus at drugstore.com
Osteoporosis Linked to Joint Destruction in Postmenopausal Rheumatoid
Arthritis - Doctor's Guide, 7/21/03 -
"Up to 56% of postmenopausal women with rheumatoid
arthritis (RA) who are not treated with hormone replacement therapy
(HRT) or bisphosphonates develop osteoporosis"
Low Bone Mineral Density Is Associated With Future Dementia - Clinical
Psychiatry News, 7/03
Menopausal Estrogen-Related Bone Loss Much Greater than Age-Related Bone
Loss - Doctor's Guide, 6/25/03 -
"In middle-aged women, age-related bone loss has a
minor impact on the metabolic activity of bone compared to the impact of
estrogen loss that accompanies menopause, which affects metabolic
activity and bone density to a larger degree"
Too Much or Too Little Vitamin A Raises Hip-Fracture Risk in Post-Menopausal
Women - Doctor's Guide, 6/24/03 -
"the highest and lowest quintiles were at twice the
risk of hip fracture compared to the middle quintile ... without knowing the
vitamin A status of an individual, eliminating vitamin A supplements
could actually increase the number of vitamin A-deficient individuals, which
would put them at risk not only of hip fractures, but also for other health
risks associated with low vitamin A"
Children on Frequent Oral Corticosteroids Should Maintain a Lifestyle that
Wards Off Osteoporosis - Doctor's Guide, 6/20/03
Ulnohumeral Arthroplasty Improves Pain and Function in Elbow Osteoarthritis
- Doctor's Guide, 5/26/03
Anti-hip Fracture Efficacy Lost with Estrogen Cessation
- Doctor's Guide, 4/29/03 -
"We found a statistically significant correlation
between ending
estrogen and increased risk of hip fracture ... Among this sub-group,
the current users showed a statistically significant reduced tendency toward
hip fracture over never-users (0.10% of 67,973 vs. 0.28% of 53,737"
Stronium Ranelate Potential New Option for Postmenopausal Osteoporosis
- Doctor's Guide, 4/28/03
Simvastatin Enhances Bone Formation And Augments Bone Mineral Density
- Doctor's Guide, 4/24/03 - "After a year's
treatment with
simvastatin the increases in bone mineral
density at the lumbar spine, femoral neck and femur were 2.8, 1.0 and 0.8%
respectively. In contrast, lumbar spine, femoral neck and femur bone mineral
density declined by 1.6, 1.4, and 1.2% in the control group" - Note:
Red yeast rice is a non-prescription statin
but you should still check with your physician. See
iHerb or
red yeast rice products.
- Boosting Bone
Mineral Density Without Hormones - WebMD, 3/25/03 -
"experts urge women who discontinued their hormones to get a bone mineral
density test and discuss new treatments for osteoporosis with their doctor
... The statistics are staggering. One in two postmenopausal women has
osteoporosis, 25% will sufferer a spine fracture, and 15% will sustain a hip
fracture as a result ... Depending on the results of the test, your doctor
can prescribe one of several drugs including
Actonel, Evista,
the nasal spray Miacalcin, and the newest drug on the block,
Forteo, an injectable form of human parathyroid hormone"
Growth Hormone Increase Bone Content In Osteoporotic Postmenopausal Women
- Doctor's Guide, 3/12/03 - "80 osteoporotic
postmenopausal women, aged between 50 and 70, who were using oestrogen
therapy (HRT), were randomised to receive
either recombinant human growth hormone
(GH), 1.0 U or 2.5 U/day, subcutaneous, or placebo. Calcium (750 mg) and
vitamin D (400 U) were given to all patients as well ... At 3 years, when GH
was discontinued, total body and femoral neck bone mineral content had
increased in both GH-treated groups, and differences were not significant
... At the fourth year of follow-up, total body boner mineral content had
increased 5% and lumbar spine bone mineral content increased 14% among women
who received GH 2.5 U, and compared with placebo. Femoral neck bone mineral
density increased 5% and bone mineral content 13% for women taking GH 2.5 U
compared with those taking GH 1.0 U"
Parathyroid Hormone [hPTH] May Increase Vertebral Bone Strength In Some
Postmenopausal Women - Doctor's Guide, 2/14/03
PTHrP Leads To Significant Increase In Bone Mineral Density
- Doctor's Guide, 2/5/03
- Long-Distance
Runners Risk Bone Loss - WebMD, 1/27/03
News - Inhaled Corticosteroids Do Not Affect Bone Density
- Doctor's Guide, 1/24/03
Daily Clodronate Prevents Early Postmenopausal Bone Loss
- Doctor's Guide, 1/8/03
Oral Contraceptive Use May Preserve Bone Density in Some Women
- Doctor's Guide, 12/24/02
Bone Loss Accelerated After Solo Estrogen Withdrawal For Some Postmenopausal
Women - Doctor's Guide, 12/10/02 -
"An acceleration of bone loss is seen after
withdrawal of
oestrogen therapy
but not after withdrawal of alendronate alone or combination therapy with
Several Bone Metabolism Factors Affect Hip Fracture Risk in Postmenopausal
Women - Doctor's Guide, 12/5/02
- Micro-CT Scans
Provide 3-D Proof of Estrogen's Bone Benefit
- Medscape, 12/3/02 -
"A three-dimensional glimpse of bone
micro-architecture suggests that
estrogen replacement is an effective
treatment for osteoporosis because it "protects and retains bone structure,
rather than laying down new bone,""
Bone Loss in Men with Steroid Induced Osteoporosis May Be Due to Low
Oesetradiol Levels - Doctor's Guide, 11/18/02
Men With Hip Fracture Seldom Osteoporosis Therapy
- Doctor's Guide, 11/13/02
- Light Exercise
Won't Make Bones Strong - WebMD, 11/1/02 - "The
fittest people were at just the same risk for brittle bones as those who
gasped for breath after a short time on the treadmill"
- Osteoporosis Not
Just for Women - WebMD, 10/28/02
Fracture Treatment Differs - Intelihealth, 10/28/02 -
"Thirty-two percent of the men died within a year of their fractures. Many
deaths were likely from ailments linked to the weakened condition of being
immobilized by the fractures, which may have been preventable with treatment
for osteoporosis or underlying conditions that can cause it ... In men, low
testosterone levels, alcoholism and excessive use of steroid medicines can
cause low bone density and can often be treated"
Hormone Therapy Plus Alendronate Better for Bone Density than Hormone
Therapy Alone - Doctor's Guide, 10/8/02
Testosterone supplementation provides additional BMD gains in hypogonadal
men following cardiac transplantation - Doctor's Guide, 9/23/02 -
"hypogonadal men who received additional
supplementation showed the largest increases in BMD [bone mineral density]"
Height Loss Good Index for Ruling Fracture Risk Out in General Practice
Setting - Doctor's Guide, 9/23/02
Secondary Causes of Osteoporosis Higher in Fracture Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 9/23/02 -
"The most common cause of secondary osteoporosis is
corticosteroid excess, whereas others include malignancy, gastric
surgery, alcoholism, and anticonvulsant therapy use. Prior studies have
shown that as many as 30 percent of postmenopausal women exposed to
corticosteroids demonstrate causes of secondary osteoporosis"
Bisphosphonates Safe in Renally Impaired Osteoporosis Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 9/23/02
Osteoporosis Under-Recognized at Time of Admission to Nursing Home
- Doctor's Guide, 9/23/02 -
"New data confirm that few patients in nursing homes
are on osteoporosis-related treatments despite the known high prevalence of
osteoporosis in this population"
Low Bone Mineral Density Common in Elderly Black Women
- Doctor's Guide, 9/23/02 -
"New findings document that 60 percent of elderly
African-American women have a low bone mineral density (BMD)"
Primary Care Residents Don't Screen for Osteoporosis
- Doctor's Guide, 9/23/02 -
"Primary care residents assess women who are at risk
for postmenopausal osteoporosis at a rate far below that for other common
health conditions ... She also pointed out that the results are regrettable
since osteoporosis is a prevalent chronic health problem with associated
morbidity and mortality outcomes on a par with other chronic illnesses such
hypercholesterolemia, and diabetes.
Also, the disease is preventable"
Secondary Causes of Osteoporosis Higher in Fracture Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 9/23/02 -
"The most common cause of secondary osteoporosis is
corticosteroid excess, whereas others include malignancy, gastric
surgery, alcoholism, and anticonvulsant therapy use. Prior studies have
shown that as many as 30 percent of postmenopausal women exposed to
corticosteroids demonstrate causes of secondary osteoporosis"
Low-Carbohydrate, High-Protein Diets Increase Risk Of Kidney Stones And May
Raise Bone Loss Risk - Doctor's Guide, 8/1/02 -
"acid excretion - a marker for the acid load in the blood - increased as
much as 90 percent while subjects were on
diets that severely restricted
carbohydrates. Levels of urinary citrate, which inhibits
kidney stones, fell by almost 25 percent in the group during the
six-week study ... People may lose weight on this diet, but this study shows
that this is not a healthy way to lose weight ... there was an increased
risk of developing kidney stones and a possible increase in the risk of bone
Relation of Statin Use and Bone Loss: A Prospective Population-Based Cohort
Study in Early Postmenopausal Women - Doctor's Guide, 7/15/02
Osteoporosis in Elderly Men Underestimated - Doctor's Guide, 6/24/02 -
"As many as 30 percent of men over 65 years old may have osteoporosis ...
The serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), although normal, was slightly
lower in men with osteoporosis, an average of 1.57+/-0.74 in comparison to
an average of 2.34+/-1.93 in men with no osteoporosis ... Because both
groups of men have low-normal 25-OH vitamin D,
and low urinary
calcium, the investigators suggest that
patients in their situation, could benefit from enhancing their nutritional
Epilepsy Drugs Are Risk Factors For Osteoporosis - Doctor's Guide,
6/20/02 -
"Epilepsy and its
therapies - older or modern - are both risk factors for low bone density,
irrespective of
vitamin D levels"
Daily Oral Pamidronate Effective, Safe In Established Osteoporosis
- Doctor's Guide, 6/17/02
Triple Combination Incorporating Hormone Replacement May Protect Against
Osteoporotic Fractures - Doctor's Guide, 6/7/02
Irregular Periods In Young Women Could Be Warning Sign For Later
Osteoporosis - Doctor's Guide, 5/29/02 -
"Irregular menstrual periods in young women may be a
warning sign of a
hormonal shortage that could lead to osteoporosis"
Effect of Lower Doses of Conjugated Equine Estrogens With and Without
Medroxyprogesterone Acetate on Bone in Early Postmenopausal Women -
JAMA. 2002 May 22-29;287(20):2668-76
Vivelle-Dot (Estradiol Transdermal System) Now Approved In New, Low Dose For
Postmenopausal Osteoporosis Prevention - Doctor's Guide, 5/21/02 -
"Vivelle-Dot is now approved in the 0.025 mg/day
dosage strength, providing among the lowest effective
dosage strengths available in the U.S. for the prevention of postmenopausal
Nandrolone Decanoate Increases Bone Mineral Density in Elderly Patients with
Osteoporosis - Doctor's Guide, 5/15/02
Strontium Ranelate Reduces Vertebral Fracture Risk in Postmenopausal
Osteoporosis - Doctor's Guide, 5/15/02
Teriparatide (Parathyroid Hormone) Increases Vertebral Bone Mineral Density
in Men Irrespective of Osteoporosis Secondary Cause Factors
- Doctor's Guide, 5/15/02
Strontium Ranelate Reduces Vertebral Fracture Risk in Postmenopausal
Osteoporosis - Doctor's Guide, 5/14/02
Intermittent Oral Ibandronate Reduces Fracture Risk in Postmenopausal Women
- Doctor's Guide, 5/14/02
Reduction in Bone Turnover Markers Convenient, Practical Way to Monitor
Osteoporosis Therapy - Doctor's Guide, 5/14/02
FDA Approves New Indication, Strength of Alora (Estradiol Transdermal
System) for Prevention of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis
- Doctor's Guide, 4/9/02 -
"These approvals add a new indication, prevention of
postmenopausal osteoporosis, and a new strength, 0.025mg/day, to the Alora
Protein [Runx or core binding factor A] May Help Bone Growth
- Intelihealth, 4/8/02
Investigation Of Bone Loss After Discontinuation Of Hormone Replacement
- Doctor's Guide, 4/5/02
Bone Mass Response to Discontinuation of Long-term Hormone Replacement
Therapy: Results From the Postmenopausal Estrogen/Progestin Interventions
(PEPI) Safety Follow-up Study - Arch Intern Med. 2002 Mar
25;162(6):665-72 - "Rates of BMD loss among women
who stopped HRT during or after the PEPI-RCT [Postmenopausal
Estrogen/Progestin Interventions randomized controlled trial] did not differ
significantly from those of women who did not undergo HRT, who lost bone at
a rate of approximately 1% yearly during the first year of the PEPI-RCT and
about half that rate afterward. Women who continued HRT after the PEPI-RCT
did not show additional BMD gains"
Bone Loss Resumes at Normal Rate When Hormone Replacement Therapy is Stopped
- Doctor's Guide, 3/25/02
Risk of Fracture Reduced in Women Using Statins - Doctor's Guide,
3/19/02 - "Fracture risk is reduced by 60 percent in
women using 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitors
(statins) ... This substantial risk reduction is greater than might be
anticipated from increases in bone mineral density (BMD) alone"
Estradiol Via Matrix Patch Reverses Bone Loss - Doctor's Guide, 3/12/02
- "Transdermal estradiol delivered by matrix patch
reversed bone loss in hysterectomized, post-menopausal women and produced
few side effects"
Statin Use, Bone Mineral Density, and Fracture Risk: Geelong Osteoporosis
Study - Arch Intern Med. 2002 Mar 11;162(5):537-40 -
"The substantial 60% reduction in fracture risk
associated with statin use is greater than would be expected from increases
in BMD alone"
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