Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending
6/8/11. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any medications.
on it’ is sound, science-based advice, study suggests - Science Daily,
6/7/11 - "Subjects who got to
sleep between the game's brief introduction and the longer play session
showed both superior behavioral outcome, that is, more advantageous draws, and
superior rule understanding when asked to explain them at the end, than those
who did not sleep between sessions"
Magnesium supplements may ease hot flashes for breast cancer patients -
Nutra USA, 6/6/11 - "400 mg per day of
magnesium oxide for 4 weeks was associated
with a 41.4 percent reduction in the frequency of
hot flashes ... The intensity of the hot
flashes was also reduced as a result of magnesium supplementation by about 50
percent" - [Abstract]
- See
magnesium supplements at Amazon.com .
levels of vitamin D needed for bone density drugs to work, study shows -
Science Daily, 6/6/11 - "To fully optimize a drug
therapy for
osteoporosis and low bone mineral density
(BMD), patients should maintain
vitamin D levels above the limits recently
recommended by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) ... maintaining a circulating
vitamin D level above 33 ng/ml is associated with a seven-fold greater
likelihood of having a more favorable outcome with bisphosphonate therapy"
- See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Supplement found to improve quality of life for female cancer survivors -
Science Daily, 6/6/11 - "Interested in quality of life
issues for female
cancer survivors, Kathryn M. Greven, M.D., a
radiation oncologist at Wake Forest Baptist, first learned of the supplement,
called ArginMax for WomenTM, from a small study
conducted at Stanford University that found that it improved sexual function.
Sexual dysfunction is prevalent in female cancer survivors, so Greven set out to
see if the supplement could produce the same benefit in this population. She
found that, while taking the supplement did not result in any improvement in
sexual function for female cancer survivors, the supplement did improve their
overall quality of life ... The FACT-G questionnaire measures overall quality of
life and has been used in research of all cancer types. It evaluates physical,
emotional, social and functional well-being ... the study findings did reveal an
across-the-board boost in measures of overall quality of life for the patients
who were randomized to take ArginMaxTM. The FACT-G questionnaires showed
improvements in both physical and functional well being among the participants
taking the supplement ... Bothersome symptoms such as lack of energy, pain,
nausea, and sleeplessness were all improved, as were measures of functional
well-being, for example the ability to perform normal activities at home or
work. Simply, they reported a greater enjoyment of life, without any additional
side effects from the supplement ... ArginMaxTM is made from a patented formula
containing a proprietary blend of L-arginine, ginseng, ginkgo, and 14 vitamins
and minerals noted for boosting energy and circulation and optimizing hormonal
balance. A separate Men's formula also is available" - See
ArginMax products at Amazon.com .
Bisphenol A (BPA) accumulates more rapidly within the body than previously
thought - Science Daily, 6/6/11 - "In previous
studies examining the effects of BPA, mice were
exposed to BPA only through a one-time administration. Following the exposure
through the diet, a significantly greater increase in the active form of BPA,
which is the greatest threat as it is the form that can bind to sex steroid
receptors and exert adverse effects, was absorbed and accumulated in the animals
... People are primarily and unknowingly exposed to BPA through the diet because
of the various plastic and paper containers used to store our food are
formulated with BPA ... We know that the active form of BPA binds to our steroid
receptors, meaning it can affect estrogen, thyroid and testosterone function. It
might also cause genetic mutations. Thus, this chemical can hinder our ability
to reproduce and possibly cause behavioral abnormalities that we are just
beginning to understand ... We believe that these mouse model studies where the
BPA exposure is through the diet is a more accurate representation of what
happens to BPA as the human body attempts to processes this toxic substance"
marijuana smoking affects brain chemistry, molecular imaging shows - Science
Daily, 6/6/11 - "With this study, we were able to show
for the first time that people who abuse cannabis have abnormalities of the
cannabinoid receptors in the brain ... Results of the study show that receptor
number was decreased about 20 percent in brains of
cannabis smokers when compared to healthy control subjects with limited
exposure to cannabis during their lifetime. These changes were found to have a
correlation with the number of years subjects had smoked. Of the original 30
cannabis smokers, 14 of the subjects underwent a second PET scan after about a
month of abstinence. There was a marked increase in receptor activity in those
areas that had been decreased at the outset of the study, an indication that
while chronic cannabis smoking causes downregulation of CB1 receptors, the
damage is reversible with abstinence"
Protean Manifestations of Vitamin D Deficiency, Part 3 - Medscape, 6/6/11 -
"Nutritionally, vitamin D
can be derived from dairy foods and fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and
tuna. However, 20 minutes of sunshine or five to seven minutes in a tanning bed
generate five times more vitamin D3 than that obtained from eating 3 ½ ounces of
salmon.[50] Exposure to sunlight also increases the risk of skin malignancies,
so that various recommendations for the prudent use of sunscreen such as leaving
the arms and legs free of sunscreen or delaying use of sunscreen for 20 minutes
after exposure have been advocated. However, oral supplementation with either
vitamin D2 or vitamin D3 is probably a safer but less physiological way to
normalize vitamin D levels. Proponents of cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) claim
that D3 is 3- to 10-fold more effective in raising 25-OH vitamin D levels, has a
higher affinity for the vitamin D binding protein, results in more 25-OH vitamin
D generation, and has a greater affinity for the vitamin D receptor. Proponents
of D3 also claim that vitamin D3 but not vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol, a synthetic
vitamin D product) has been shown to prevent bone fractures. However, most
clinicians believe that there is little if any difference between
supplementation with D3 and D2 and because D2 is more readily available, it is
the most prescribed vitamin D replacement therapy ... When vitamin D deficiency
is diagnosed, doses of 50,000 to 100,000 U weekly dependent upon the 25-OH
vitamin D level are recommended. After three months if the 25-OH vitamin D level
is in the sufficiency range, the weekly dose that resulted in the correction of
the 25-OH vitamin D level should be administered on a monthly basis or more
frequently depending on monitoring of 25-OH vitamin D levels.[1,51] In severe
cases of vitamin D deficiency such as those that occur after gastric bypass
surgery, higher and more frequently administered doses may be necessary"
- See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Cut down
on 'carbs' to reduce body fat, study authors say - Science Daily, 6/5/11 -
"Subjects received either a standard lower-fat diet or a
diet with a modest reduction in
carbohydrates, or "carbs," but slightly
higher in fat than the standard diet. The moderately carb-restricted diet
contained foods that had a relatively low glycemic index, a measure of the
extent to which the food raises blood glucose levels. This diet consisted of 43
percent calories from carbohydrates and 39 percent calories from fat, whereas
the standard diet contained 55 percent of calories from carbohydrates and 27
percent from fat. Protein made up the other 18 percent of each diet ... After
the weight maintenance phase, subjects who consumed the moderately
carb-restricted diet had 11 percent less deep abdominal fat than those who ate
the standard diet. However, when the researchers analyzed results by race, they
found it was exclusive to whites. Whites have more deep abdominal fat than
Blacks even when matched for body weight
or percent body fat, and may benefit from loss of this metabolically harmful
depot" - Note the phrase “slightly higher in fat” which gave them 11%
less belly fat. If that's valid it's a good plug for my olive oil mayonnaise
recipe last week.
lowers male fertility, mouse study finds - Science Daily, 6/4/11 -
"Mice that received daily BPA
injections for two months had lower sperm counts and testosterone levels than
those of mice that received saline injections without BPA ... Compared with
untreated controls, mice exposed to BPA produced litters that were 50 percent
smaller ... We are being exposed to BPA in our daily lives at a level much
higher than the safe recommended exposure ... this study, we are trying to
explore what the outcome can be if we are continuously exposed to BPA in our
routine life ... BPA-exposed mice received a dose that was twice the daily upper
limit of safe exposure recommended by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and
the Environmental Protection Agency ... At a BPA dosage of 100 micrograms per
kilogram of body weight daily, the mice also had structural defects in their
testicles and were considered subfertile. If the same dose had been given longer
than two months, Singh speculated that it might lead to
deprivation therapy for prostate cancer may raise diabetes risk - Science
Daily, 6/4/11 - "androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) ...
Men in the ADT group had a twofold increased probability of having diabetes
after ADT, compared with the non-ADT group, Rivera-Arkoncel reported. According
to the data, the prevalence of diabetes was 42 percent in the ADT group and 19
percent in the other group. In addition, the group receiving ADT had a higher
prevalence of the metabolic syndrome than the non-ADT group did: 37 percent
versus 28 percent, respectively"
Exemestane reduces breast cancer in high-risk women, researchers show -
Science Daily, 6/4/11 - "The study showed that in
postmenopausal women at increased risk of breast cancer, but who have not
previously been diagnosed with
breast cancer, the aromatase inhibitor called
Aromasin, made by Pfizer, reduces this risk by 65 percent compared with placebo"
- Note: If you go the the abstract is says "Funded by Pfizer and others" and
like it says,
Aromasin (exemestane)
is made by Pfizer. I've always thought of Aromasin (exemestane) as being
cheaper and less effective than
Femara (letrozole)
which is made by Novartis. A good study would have included Femara.
Femara (letrozole) at
Vitamin D: A Contributor to Mental Disorders in Children? - Medscape, 6/2/11
- "Children with severe
mental health disorders, including
psychosis, have twice the rate of vitamin
D insufficiency as mentally healthy children ... 21% of children with severe
psychiatric symptoms requiring residential care had serum
25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) levels lower than
20 ng/mL (the American Academy of Pediatrics [AAP] minimum recommended level)
compared with 14% of children who were participants in the National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey III (NHANES III), a population-based study designed
to assess the health and nutritional status of children and adults in the United
States" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Review Concludes: No Cancer Risk With ARBs - Medscape, 6/2/11 -
"An FDA review launched in the wake of a controversial
2010 meta-analysis by DrIlkeSipahi (University Hospitals Case Medical Center,
Cleveland, OH) et al [1] suggesting an increased risk of cancer among patients
taking angiotensin-receptor blockers
(ARBs) has concluded that the drugs do not pose a cancer risk to patients"
- Note: I made the comment some time ago that I felt stopping ARBs because
one study showed a 15% increased risk of cancer was over reacting when you have
processed meat with an increased risk of 500%.
Mechanism discovered for health benefit of green tea, new approach to autoimmune
disease - Science Daily, 6/2/11 - "Pharmaceutical
drugs are available that perform similar roles and have been the subject of much
research, scientists say, but they have problems with toxicity. A natural food
product might provide a long-term, sustainable way to accomplish this same goal
without toxicity ... OSU scientists did experiments with a compound in green
tea, a polyphenol called EGCG, which is believed to be responsible for much of
its health benefits and has both anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer
characteristics. They found it could cause a higher production of regulatory T
cells. Its effects were not as potent as some of those produced by prescription
drugs, but it also had few concerns about long-term use or toxicity ...
Laboratory studies done with mice, Ho said, showed that treatment with EGCG
significantly increased the numbers and frequencies of regulatory T cells found
in spleen and lymph notes, and in the process helped to control the immune
response" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com .
C-reactive protein levels predict breast cancer survival rates, study finds
- Science Daily, 6/1/11 - "The five-year survival
decreased from 90% for low CRP to 74% for high levels of
CRP, disease-free survival reduced
from 87% to 74%, and deaths from breast cancer
increased from 11% to 20% ... The five-year survival decreased from 90% for low
CRP to 74% for high levels of CRP, disease-free survival reduced from 87% to
74%, and deaths from breast cancer increased from 11% to 20% ... While measuring
CRP levels gives a general indication of health and longevity, measuring CRP
levels for breast cancer patients seems to be an easy way to predict the
severity of the patient's disease. This may allow clinicians to alter their
treatment tactics and improve cancer survival rates"
Frying Your Brain - The Daily, 6/1/11 - "Experts are
especially concerned that cellphone radiation
contributes to glioma, a rare and deadly form of brain cancer ... those who's
spent 30 minutes on a cellphone every day for 10 years - had a 40 percent
increased risk of developing glioma"
Blueberry's effects on cholesterol examined in lab animal study - Science
Daily, 6/1/11 - "all the hamsters that were fed
blueberry-enhanced rations had from 22 to 27 percent lower total plasma
cholesterol than hamsters fed rations that didn't contain
blueberry juice byproducts ... Levels of VLDL (very low density
lipoprotein-a form of "bad" cholesterol) were about 44 percent lower in the
blueberry-fed hamsters" - See
blueberry extract at Amazon.com .
How the
brain processes faces: Neural system responsible for face recognition discovered
- Science Daily, 6/1/11 - "For the study, participants
were shown images of faces while in a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner.
Their task was to recognize different facial identities with varying facial
expressions. Using dynamic multivariate mapping, the research team examined the
functional MRI (fMRI) data and found a network of fusiform and anterior temporal
regions that respond with distinct patterns to different identities.
Furthermore, they found that the information is evenly distributed among the
anterior regions and that the right fusiform region plays a central role within
the network" - I just thought it was interesting and explains why I have
trouble with unfamiliar faces. I'm good on logic tests and that's the left
Brain Glossary - Neuroscience and Brain Terminology -
"In most people, the left brain handles words and
logic, and the right brain is better at art, music, and intuition"
vitamins and minerals may prevent age-related diseases - Science Daily,
5/31/11 - "Severe deficiency of the vitamins and
minerals required for life is relatively uncommon in developed nations, but
modest deficiency is very common and often not taken seriously. A new research
published online in the FASEB Journal, however, may change this thinking as it
examines moderate selenium and vitamin K deficiency to show how damage
accumulates over time as a result of vitamin and mineral loss, leading to
age-related diseases ... If the principles of the theory, as demonstrated for
vitamin K and selenium, can be generalized to other vitamins and minerals, this
may provide the foundation needed ... They discovered a highly sophisticated
array of mechanisms at cellular and tissue levels that, when selenium is
limited, protect essential selenium-dependent proteins at the expense of those
that are nonessential. They also found that mutations in selenium-dependent
proteins that are lost on modest selenium deficiency result in characteristics
shared by age-related diseases including cancer, heart disease, and loss of
immune or brain function"
Abstracts from this week's
Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics
plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here
for the journals, the PubMed ones at the top):
Effect of
essential amino acid supplementation on quality of life, Amino acid profile and
strength in institutionalized elderly patients - Clin Nutr. 2011 May 31 -
"Oral supplementation with essential
amino acids improved several determinants of quality
of life in institutionalized elderly patients,
including depressive symptoms, nutrition, muscle function and daily life
activity" - See
BCAA products at Amazon.com .
Another amino acid study:
Amino acid supplement makes mice live longer - Science Daily, 10/5/10 -
"leucine, isoleucine, and valine extend the life
span of single-celled yeast ... Animals that were given the extra amino
acids over a period of months lived longer, with a median life span of 869
days compared to 774 days for untreated control animals, the researchers
report. That's an increase of 12 percent ... The findings in older mice
suggest that the supplementary mixture may be specifically beneficial for
those who are elderly or ill"
Effect of a
traditional Mediterranean diet on apolipoproteins B, A-I, and their ratio: A
randomized, controlled trial - Atherosclerosis. 2011 May 6 -
"Apolipoprotein (Apo)B,
ApoA-I, and their ratio could predict
coronary heart disease (CHD) risk more accurately than conventional lipid
measurements. Our aim was to assess the effect of a traditional
Mediterranean diet (TMD) on
apolipoproteins ... Participants assigned to a low-fat diet (control) (n=177),
or TMDs (TMD+virgin olive oil (VOO), n=181 or TMD+nuts, n=193) received
nutritional education and either free VOO (ad libitum) or nuts (dose: 30g/day).
A 3-month evaluation was performed ... Both TMDs promoted beneficial changes on
classical cardiovascular risk factors. ApoA-I increased, and ApoB and
ApoB/ApoA-I ratio decreased after TMD+VOO, the changes promoting a lower
cardiometabolic risk. Changes in TMD+VOO versus low-fat diet were -2.9mg/dL (95%
CI, -5.6 to -0.08), 3.3mg/dL (95% CI, 0.84 to 5.8), and -0.03mg/dL (-0.05 to
-0.01) for ApoB, ApoA-I, and ApoB/ApoA-I ratio, respectively ... Individuals at
high-cardiovascular risk who improved their diet toward a TMD pattern rich in
virgin olive oil, reduced their Apo B and ApoB/ApoA-I ratio and improved ApoA-I
concentrations" - The question is; is it the polyphenols or the
omega-9 or both in the virgin olive oil responsible for the benefit? See
olive leaf extract at Amazon.com .
Tinnitus is
Associated With Increase in the Intima-Media Thickness of Carotid Arteries in
Japanese Undergoing a Brain Screening Program - Am J Med Sci. 2011 Jun 2 -
"Increased intima-media thickness was observed in 53.1%
overall (in 57.6% of men and in 46.2% of women), with significant associations
with tinnitus (odds ratio, 1.62; 95% confidence interval, 1.19-2.22), age, male
gender and hypertension. The tinnitus link
persisted after adjustment for the confounding factors"
Reticulum Stress Caused by Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Rats: Effects of
Telmisartan - Am J Med Sci. 2011 Jun 2 - "Studies
have revealed that excessive endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress leads to
apoptosis. Although cardiomyocytes apoptosis contributes to the transition from
left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) to heart failure, it is unknown whether ER
stress participates in the pathologic process. The authors first induced
coarctation of the abdominal aorta in rats to induce LVH and then investigated
the effect of
telmisartan on the resulting ER
stress ... Telmisartan significantly reduced LVH and interstitial fibrosis and
improved left ventricular function compared with AAC alone. Cardiac markers of
ER stress such as GRP78, C/EBP homologous protein, caspase-12 and phospho c-Jun
NH2-terminal kinase were significantly increased in rats with AAC, and
telmisartan significantly blunted these changes. Rats that received both
telmisartan and AAC had less apoptosis due to ER stress" - See
telmisartan at OffshoreRx1.com.
Use Is Associated With Improved Relapse-Free Survival in Patients With
Triple-Negative Breast Cancer - J Clin Oncol. 2011 May 31 -
"pathologic complete response (pCR) rates ...
relapse-free survival (RFS), and overall survival (OS) ... Patients who used
BBs (n = 102) were
compared with patients (n = 1,311) who did not. Patients receiving BBs tended to
be older and obese (P < .001). The proportion of pCR was not significantly
different between the groups (P = .48). After adjustment for age, race, stage,
grade, receptor status, lymphovascular invasion, body mass index, diabetes,
hypertension, and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor use, BB intake was
associated with a significantly better RFS (hazard ratio [HR], 0.52; 95% CI,
0.31 to 0.88) but not OS (P = .09). Among patients with triple-negative
breast cancer (TNBC; n = 377), BB intake was
associated with improved RFS (HR, 0.30; 95% CI, 0.10 to 0.87; P = .027) but not
OS (HR, 0.35; 95% CI, 0.12 to 1.00; P = .05). CONCLUSION In this study, BB
intake was associated with improved RFS in all patients with breast cancer and
in patients with TNBC"
Blockers and Breast Cancer Mortality: A Population-Based Study - J Clin
Oncol. 2011 May 31 - "Propranolol users were
significantly less likely to present with a T4 (odds ratio [OR], 0.24, 95% CI,
0.07 to 0.85) or N2/N3/M1 (OR, 0.20; 95% CI, 0.04 to 0.88) tumor compared with
matched nonusers. The cumulative probability of breast cancer-specific mortality
was significantly lower for propranolol users compared with matched nonusers
(hazard ratio, 0.19; 95% CI, 0.06 to 0.60). There was no difference in T4 or
N2/N3/M1 tumor incidence or breast cancer-specific mortality between atenolol
users and matched nonusers. CONCLUSION The results provide evidence in humans to
support preclinical observations suggesting that inhibiting the
β(2)-adrenergic signaling
pathway can reduce breast cancer progression and
Effects of
canola and corn oil mimetic on Jurkat cells - Lipids Health Dis. 2011 Jun
1;10(1):90 - "The Western diet is high in omega-6 fatty
acids and low in omega-3 fatty acids. Canola oil
contains a healthier omega-3 to omega-6 ratio than corn oil ... There was a
significant difference in the lipid profiles of the cells after treatment.
Differential action of the oils on inflammatory molecules, following treatment
at non-cytotoxic levels, indicated that canola oil mimetic was anti-inflammatory
whereas corn oil mimetic was pro-inflammatory. Significance: These results
indicate that use of canola oil in the diet instead of corn oil might be
beneficial for diseases promoted by inflammation"
Anti-inflammatory and anti-angiogenic effect of long chain n-3 polyunsaturated
fatty acids in intestinal microvascular endothelium - Clin Nutr. 2011 May 30
- "DHA led to a decreased
VCAM-1, TLR4, cyclooxygenase-2 and VEGFR2 expression and a decreased production
of IL-6, IL-8 and GM-CSF and a reduced production of PGE(2) and LTB(4) (p <
0.001) in IL-1β-induced HIMEC. Similarly, dietary intervention with fish oil
rich in EPA and DHA significantly decreased colon production of PGE(2) and
LTB(4,) endothelial VCAM-1 and VEGFR2 in rats with
colitis ... Data obtained from in vitro and in
vivo studies reveal a potential anti-angiogenic role of
long chain n-3 PUFA in intestinal endothelial cells. This protective effect
of long chain n-3 PUFA may partly explain the observed benefit of dietary intake
of long chain n-3 PUFA in IBD development" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Neat Tech Stuff / "How To's":
The Original Cooking Thermometer/Timer by ThermoWorks
- I got it to pasteurize eggs before making mayonnaise. Unlike the ones
that transmit to the receiver on your belt, this one works.
Fogless Shower Mirror with Squeegee by ToiletTree Products. Guaranteed Not
to Fog, Designed Not to Fall
- Number one in the shower mirror category at Amazon.com plus a 5 star
rating with 403 reviews is impressive.
Health Focus (l-arginine):
Specific Recommendations:
News & Research:
Dietary Supplement May Help Prevent Preeclampsia - WebMD, 5/19/11 -
"women who ate daily food bars containing the amino
acid L-arginine and antioxidant vitamins during pregnancy had a much lower
incidence of preeclampsia than women who ate bars containing the antioxidant
vitamins alone or bars containing neither supplement ... far fewer of the
women in the L-arginine plus vitamin group developed preeclampsia (12.7%)
than women in the vitamin-alone (22.5%) group and no-supplement (30.2%)
- The Effects of
L-Arginine and Yohimbine on Sexual Arousal in Postmenopausal Women with FSAD
- University of Texas at Austin Dept. of Psychiatry
Research identifies the herbal supplements that are effective in treating
anxiety - Science Daily, 10/6/10 - "A systematic
review of research into the use of nutritional supplements for the treatment
of anxiety disorders has found strong evidence for the use of extracts of
passionflower or kava and combinations of L-lysine and L-arginine ... We
found mixed results -- while passionflower or kava and L-lysine and
L-arginine appeared to be effective, St John's Wort and magnesium
supplements were not"
Nutritional and herbal supplements for anxiety and anxiety-related
disorders: systematic review - Nutr J. 2010 Oct 7;9(1):42 -
"based on this systematic review, strong evidence
exists for the use of herbal supplements containing extracts of
passionflower or kava and combinations of L-lysine and L-arginine as
treatments for anxiety symptoms and disorders. Magnesium-containing
supplements and other herbal combinations may hold promise, but more
research is needed before these products can be recommended to patients. St.
John's wort monotherapy has insufficient evidence for use as an effective
anxiolytic treatment"
Arginine Discovery Could Help Fight Human Obesity - Science Daily,
2/12/09 - "arginine, an amino acid, reduces fat mass
in diet-induced obese rats and could help fight human obesity ... dietary
arginine supplementation shifts nutrient partitioning to promote
skeletal-muscle gain ... The findings were published recently in the Journal
of Nutrition ... arginine supplementation for a 12-week period decreased the
body fat gains of low-fat and high-fat fed rats by 65 percent and 63
percent, respectively. The long-term arginine treatment did not have any
adverse effects on either group ... funded by the American Heart
Pine bark extract boost for blood flow and heart health - Nutra USA,
10/18/07 - "Acetylcholine stimulates the cells of
arteries to produce NO from L-arginine faster ... In turn, the NO causes the
muscle surrounding arteries to relax, which results in an increase of blood
vessel diameters. When subjects had taken Pycnogenol the relaxation of
arteries was increased by 42 per cent as compared to the group taking
placebo tablets" - See
Pycnogenol at Amazon.com
citicholine at Amazon.com .
Statins' Effect on Endothelial Function Enhanced by L-arginine in Some
Patients - Doctor's Guide, 6/11/07 -
"endothelium-dependent dilation (EDD) ...
simvastatin had no appreciable effect on EDD (6.2+/-1.2% vs. 6.1+/-0.9%) in
subjects with elevated ADMA. However, the addition of L-arginine to
simvastatin significantly improved EDD (9.8+/-1.5% vs. 5.3+/-0.8%; P <.01).
There were also significant improvements in EDD in response to L-arginine
Restoring Sexual Potency? - Dr. Weil, 5/4/06 -
"Arginine ... Ginkgo biloba ... Ashwaganda"
Don't Take
L-Arginine for Heart Attack - WebMD, 1/3/06 -
"All six deaths were among the 78 heart attack
patients who added L-arginine to their normal medical treatment regimen.
There were no deaths among the 75 heart attack patients who did not receive
The high five for hypertension - Functional Foods & Nutraceuticals,
12/04 - "Co-enzyme Q10
Omega-3 fatty acids ...
Garlic ... L-arginine ... Calcium"
- OTC Cream
Improves Blood Flow in Feet - WebMD, 1/8/04 -
"arginine does increase blood flow, but it is not yet clear if this
translates into fewer foot ulcers or better healing of ulcers"
Nitric Oxide Now -- Ask Me How - WashingtonPost.com, 10/6/03 -
"In the arteries, the innermost layer of cells releases
nitric oxide to signal smooth muscle cells to dilate (increase the
diameter of) the arteries. This allows blood to flow more freely,
particularly during exercise ... By the 1990s, many scientists saw nitric
oxide as the next great weapon for treating heart disease, impotence and
even bacterial infections ... Niteworks has L-arginine and also
L-citrulline, which recycles spent L-arginine by resupplying it with
atoms it lost producing nitric oxide ... "Ninety dollars a month? That's
obscene," Murad said. "You can probably get [vitamin] C and E for pennies a
day. You can probably get arginine for about a dollar a day"" - See
L-citrulline at Amazon.com
- Arginine Supplements
May Help Treat Pulmonary Hypertension in Sickle Cell
- Medscape, 6/30/03
- Protecting
Blood Vessels From Stress - WebMD, 1/15/03 -
"vitamins can improve blood flow and prevent the long-term development of
atherosclerosis -- or
hardening of the arteries -- when
given in combination with an amino acid known as L-arginine ... antioxidants
might work together with L-arginine to prevent
inflammation in the branch areas of blood vessels ... although
antioxidants may not reverse or repair pre-existing damage within blood
vessels, they may slow the long-term progression of atherosclerosis"
L-Arginine Minimises Stroke Damage in Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathy with
Lactic Acidosis and Stroke-like Episodes - Doctor's Guide, 10/16/02
- Natural Remedy for
Erectile Dysfunction - New Hope Natural Media, 9/5/02 -
"received three separate treatments for two weeks each, in random order: (1)
3.25 grams of arginine plus 6 mg of
yohimbine, (2)
yohimbine alone and (3) placebo ... Combination treatment was considered
successful by 40% of the participants, compared with 28.9% with yohimbine
alone and 17.8% with placebo ... Arginine is available in health food stores
without a prescription, but yohimbine can be obtained only with a doctor's
prescription. Although the herb yohimbe is sold in health food stores, it
contains much less yohimbine than the amount used in the new study" -
arginine products.
Yohimbine Plus L-Arginine Potential Therapy For Mild To Moderate Erectile
Dysfunction - Doctor's Guide, 7/31/02 -
"randomly assigned 45 men with
erectile dysfunction to treatment with 6 mg
of L-arginine glutamate combined with 6 mg of
hydrochloride, to 6 mg of yohimbine hydrochloride alone, or to placebo ...
They took the drugs orally one to two hours before intended sexual
intercourse ... Changes in this score [Index of Erectile Function (IIEF)]
were significantly greater among patients taking yohimbine plus L-arginine
compared to those taking placebo" - Note: That "6 mg of L-arginine
glutamate" has to be a misprint. It probably should have been 6 grams as in
U. of Texas study on
postmenopausal women.
Arginine and Fish Oil May Help Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy -
Life Extension Magazine, 7/02
L-Arginine Application Speeds Healing of Anal Fissure
- Doctor's Guide, 6/10/02
- Concepts and
Controversies in Nutrition, Immune-Enhancing Formulas
- Medscape, 3/21/02 -
"Immune-enhancing formulas (IEFs), also known as
immune-modulating formulas, include arginine,
glutamine, nucleic acids, and omega-3
fatty acids"
The Wizard is Oz - Life Extension Magazine, 11/01 -
"Best-selling author and nutritional guru to the
rich and famous, Oz Garcia is singing the praises of the Life Extension
Foundation and its products in his newest book,
Healthy High Tech Body, published in September 2001 ... Supplements at
the top of Garcia's list of recommendations ...
DHA ... NADH ...
Alpah Lipoic Acid
... Acetyl-L-Carnitine ... An expanded list of
his recommendations includes lycopene,
gamma tocopherol, vinpocetine, SAMe,
folic acid, carnosine,
glutathione, DMAE, Huperzine A,
probiotics, MSM,
arginine pyroglutamate,
bioflavonoid formulas and
grape skin/seed extracts"
Nutritional Supplement Boosts Immune Function In Surgery Patients
- Intelihealth, 9/13/01 - "A new study published in
the journal Lancet suggests that people who are at high risk of infection
after heart surgery may benefit from taking a nutritional supplement
containing L-arginine and omega-3 fatty acids"
- Quinopril and L-Arginine
Improves Endothelial Function In Hypertensive Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 6/21/01
Study: Supplement Can Help Take the 'Dys' Out of Female Sexual Dysfunction,
Researchers Promote Idea of 'Sexual Wellness' - WebMD, 6/5/01 -
"ArginMax -- a
dietary cocktail consisting of ginseng, ginkgo, B vitamins, calcium, folic
acid, and other vitamins and minerals -- is being heralded as one component
of a lifestyle that improves sexual performance and helps prevent problems
associated with intimacy"
Want a love potion? What to know before you try - CNN, 6/15/00 -
"a study of 21 men with "mild to moderate" impotence
taking a supplement called
ArginMax (3,000 milligrams per day) found big
improvements in erection and sexual satisfaction."
- Two Amino Acids
Boost Immune System During Illness
- WebMD, 8/1/00
Exercise-Supplement Combo May Help a Failing Heart - WebMD, 3/1/00
Growth Hormone Enhancer - Nutrition Science News, 1/00
Immune-Enhancing Therapy Shortens Hospital Stays By Three Days -
Doctor's Guide, 12/23/99 - "The trials, conducted at
medical centers in the U.S. and Europe, compared patients receiving standard
enteral nutrition with patients who received commercially available
immune-enhancing therapies containing arginine and
glutamine (naturally occurring amino acids), nucleotides (found in
yeast), and omega-3 fatty acids (found in
fish oil) ... Our study shows that immunonutrition can make a significant
contribution to reducing the number of infections and length of hospital
stay in critically ill patients"
Women and Sex Drive - Life Enhancement Magazine, 12/99 -
"Because the amino acid arginine is the precursor to
nitric oxide, its ingestion and concomitant elevation in the serum
accomplish much the same goal as Viagra, as several studies have borne out"
Arginine for Muscles, Memory, Sex and More - Life Enhancement Magazine,
12/99 - "Arginine is the primary source of the
nitrogen that results in production of the important biomolecule
nitric oxide (NO) ... NO helps defend
the body against invading bacteria2 and parasites. In the brain, where it is
formed in nerve cells, it diffuses in all directions, activating all cells
in the vicinity, thus modulating many functions, including behavior and
gastrointestinal transit flow. The release of NO is absolutely essential for
motor learning in the cerebellum (coordination), and it also appears to be
necessary for long-term potentiation in the brain, which is the mechanism
involved in long-term memory. NO is now also thought to be important in our
olfactory (smelling) sensations and our capacity to identify different
scents ... Free arginine has been shown to help prevent a destructive
process known as
cross-linking, which is associated with accelerated aging. Excessive
cross-linking reactions inevitably damage the kidneys, necessitating
dialysis in advanced age"
Study finds new therapy for impotence - CNN, 10/27/99 -
"Nitric oxide is the messenger, if you will, the
signaling molecule, and without that signal you can't get that signal from
the brain to the penis for the erectile process ... An amino acid call
L-argenine produces nitric oxide in the body"
Be All That You Can Be - Life Enhancement Magazine, 7/99 -
"the erections were harder and longer-lasting and so
forth when they were using L-arginine. The two studies I have in mind used
2,800 mg and 2,500 mg of arginine, respectively"
Viagra anniversary sees herbal competitors by the dozens - CNN, 3/26/99
- "Since the main problem in impotence is actually a
problem with circulation of the blood vessels in the penis, l-arginine holds
great promise for men with physical impotence"
- Prosexual
Enhancement - Life Enhancement Magazine, 3/97 -
"According to numerous anecdotal reports from highly
satisfied arginine users since the early 1980s, dietary L-arginine can give
men erections that are bigger, harder, more frequent, and longer lasting.
Some men also report that L-arginine gives them greater endurance. In women,
L-arginine has been reported to increase the intensity of sensation during
sex. One highly athletic 30-something woman tells about the time she told
her doctor about her L-arginine use. "My doctor almost fell off his chair
when I told him how many times a night I do it - six-times," she said. "He's
definitely taking arginine now, too.""
Assessment of a Supplement of Pycnogenol® and l-arginine in Japanese Patients
with Mild to Moderate Erectile Dysfunction - Phytother Res. 2011 May 27 -
"Subjects were instructed to take a supplement
(Pycnogenol® 60 mg/day, l-arginine 690 mg/day and aspartic acid 552 mg/day) or
an identical placebo for 8 weeks, and the results were assessed using the
five-item erectile domain (IIEF-5) of the International Index of Erectile
Function. Additionally, blood biochemistry, urinalysis and salivary testosterone
were measured. Eight weeks of supplement intake improved the total score of the
IIEF-5. In particular, a marked improvement was observed in 'hardness of
erection' and 'satisfaction with sexual intercourse'. A decrease in blood
pressure, aspartate transaminase and γ-glutamyl transpeptidase (γ-GTP), and a
slight increase in salivary testosterone were observed in the supplement group.
No adverse reactions were observed during the study period. In conclusion,
Pycnogenol® in combination with l-arginine as a dietary supplement is effective
and safe in Japanese patients with mild to moderate erectile dysfunction"
- See
Pycnogenol at Amazon.com
L-arginine products at Amazon.com
l-aspartic acid at Amazon.com .
L-citrulline supplementation improves erection hardness in men with mild
erectile dysfunction - Urology. 2011 Jan;77(1):119-22 -
"L-arginine supplementation improves nitric
oxide-mediated vasodilation and endothelial function; however, oral
administration has been hampered by extensive presystemic metabolism. In
contrast, L-citrulline escapes presystemic metabolism and is converted to
L-arginine, thus setting the rationale for oral L-citrulline supplementation as
a donor for the L-arginine/nitric oxide pathway of penile erection ... A total
of 24 patients, mean age 56.5 +/- 9.8 years, were entered and concluded the
study without adverse events. The improvement in the erection hardness score
from 3 (mild ED) to 4 (normal erectile function) occurred in 2 (8.3%) of the 24
men when taking placebo and 12 (50%) of the 24 men when taking L-citrulline (P <
.01). The mean number of intercourses per month increased from 1.37 +/- 0.93 at
baseline to 1.53 +/- 1.00 at the end of the placebo phase (P = .57) and 2.3 +/-
1.37 at the end of the treatment phase (P < .01). All patients reporting an
erection hardness score improvement from 3 to 4 reported being very satisfied"
- See
citrulline malate at Amazon.com
Perioperative arginine-supplemented nutrition in malnourished patients with head
and neck cancer improves long-term survival - Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 Sep 29 -
"Plasma arginine concentrations are lower in patients
with cancer, which indicates that arginine metabolism may be disturbed in these
patients. Arginine supplementation has been associated with positive effects on
antitumor mechanisms and has been shown to reduce tumor growth and to prolong
survival. Furthermore, the prognosis of patients with head and neck cancer
remains disappointing. Insufficient intake frequently leads to malnutrition,
which contributes to high morbidity and mortality rates ... The group receiving
arginine-enriched nutrition had a significantly better overall survival (P =
0.019) and better disease-specific survival (P = 0.022). Furthermore, the
arginine-supplemented group had a significantly better locoregional
recurrence-free survival (P = 0.027). No significant difference in the
occurrence of distant metastases or occurrence of a second primary tumor was
observed between the groups"
Effect of
Long-Term L-Arginine Supplementation on Arterial Compliance and Metabolic
Parameters in Patients with Multiple Cardiovascular risk Factors: Randomized,
Placebo-Controlled Study - J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2010 Jun 7 -
"large artery elasticity index (LAEI) ... Although large
artery elasticity index (LAEI) did not differ significantly between the groups
at baseline (10.64.3 vs.11.64.5 ml/mm HgX100, p=0.346), at the end of the study
LAEI was significantly greater in patients treated with L-arginine than in the
placebo group (12.73.4 vs. 8.02.8 ml/mm HgX10, p<0.0001). Systemic vascular
resistance was significantly lower in patients treated with L-arginine than in
the placebo group after 6 months. Small artery elasticity index (SAEI) did not
differ significantly between the groups at baseline or at the end of the study.
Serum aldosterone decreased significantly in Group 1 from 10.76.3 to 8.45.0
ng/ml (p=0.008), but did not change in the placebo group. CONCLUSION::
L-arginine supplementation improves LAEI in patients with multiple
cardiovascular risk factors. This improvement was associated with a decrease in
systolic blood pressure, peripheral vascular resistance as well as a decrease in
aldosterone levels. The results suggest that long term L-arginine
supplementation has beneficial vascular effects in pathologic disease states
associated with endothelial dysfunction"
effects of resveratrol in mice with indomethacin-induced gastric ulcers are
reversed by l-arginine - Br J Pharmacol. 2010 Jan 8 -
"Although resveratrol is currently being evaluated in
pre-clinical studies as a potential cancer chemopreventive agent and
cardiovascular stress-releasing compound, treatment with resveratrol severely
delays healing of pre-existing gastric ulcers. Resveratrol treatment can also
induce endothelial NOS (eNOS) expression ... Resveratrol significantly
aggravated damage from indomethacin-induced gastric ulcers, and delayed healing,
as shown by increased DS and MPO activity. The mRNA for cyclooxygenase (COX)-1,
but not that for COX-2, was inhibited by resveratrol treatment, with reduced
synthesis of PGE(2) by gastric tissue. However, resveratrol treatment induced
eNOS gene expression and shifted the eNOS/iNOS balance. l-Arginine given before
resveratrol in mice with indomethacin-induced ulcers significantly increased
tissue NO synthesis and improved ulcer healing" - See
L-arginine products at Amazon.com
of nitric oxide production in health and disease Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab
Care. 2009 Oct 16 - "The role of the cofactor
tetrahydrobiopterin in nitric oxide production and its relation with arginine
availability is indicated as an important explanation for the arginine paradox.
This offers potential for nitric oxide regulation by dietary factors such as
arginine or its precursors and vitamin C. Because diets with a high saturated
fat content induce high plasma fatty acid levels, endothelial nitric oxide
production is often impaired due to a reduction in nitric oxide synthase 3
phosphorylation. Increasing the arginine availability by arginine therapy or
arginase inhibition was, therefore, proposed as a potential therapy to treat
hypertension. Recent studies in septic patients and transgenic mice models found
that inadequate de-novo arginine production from citrulline reduces nitric oxide
production. Citrulline supplementation may, therefore, be a novel therapeutic
approach in conditions of arginine deficiency" - See
L-arginine products at Amazon.com
l-citrulline at Amazon.com .
Supplementation of L-Arginine and Conjugated Linoleic Acid Reduces
Retroperitoneal Fat Mass and Increases Lean Body Mass in Rats - J Nutr. 2009
May 13 - "We conclude that CLA and arginine modulated
adipose tissue metabolism by separate, but not additive, effects. Also, CLA and
arginine may have depressed muscle protein turnover" - See
conjugated linoleic acid at Amazon.com
L-arginine products at Amazon.com .
L-Arginine Supplementation Reduces White Fat Gain and Enhances Skeletal Muscle
and Brown Fat Masses in Diet-Induced Obese Rats - J Nutr. 2008 Dec 23 -
"l-arginine-HCl ... Despite similar energy intake,
absolute weights of white fat pads increased by 98% in control rats over a 12-wk
period but only by 35% in arginine-supplemented rats. The arginine treatment
reduced the relative weights of white fat pads by 30% and enhanced those of
soleus muscle by 13%, extensor digitorum longus muscle by 11%, and brown fat by
34% compared with control rats ... arginine treatment resulted in lower serum
concentrations of leptin, glucose, triglycerides, urea, glutamine, and
branched-chain amino acids, higher serum concentrations of nitric-oxide
metabolites, and improvement in glucose tolerance. Thus, dietary arginine
supplementation shifts nutrient partitioning to promote muscle over fat gain and
may provide a useful treatment for improving the metabolic profile and reducing
body white fat in diet-induced obese rats" - See
arginine products at Amazon.com
Addition of 2.5g l-arginine in a fatty meal prevents the lipemia-induced
endothelial dysfunction in healthy volunteers - Atherosclerosis. 2008
Nov 6 - "2.5g l-arginine, but not phenyalanine or
leucine, is able to prevent the lipemic dysfunction of the endothelium"
Kidney damage after renal ablation is worsened in endothelial nitric oxide
synthase (-/-) mice and improved by combined administration of L-arginine
and antioxidants - Nephrology (Carlton). 2008 Jun;13(3):218-27 -
"A combination of L-arginine and antioxidant
ameliorated renal damage"
Long Term N-Acetylcysteine and L-Arginine Administration Reduces Endothelial
Activation and Systolic Blood Pressure in Hypertensive Patients with Type 2
Diabetes Mellitus - Diabetes Care. 2008 Feb 11 -
"The NAC+ARG administration seems to be a potential well-tolerated
antiatherogenic therapy since it improves the endothelial function in
hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes by improving NO bioavailability
via reduction of the oxidative stress and increase of NO production. Our
study's results give prominence to its potential use in the primary and
secondary cardiovascular prevention in these patients"
Pharmacokinetics of arginine and related amino acids - J Nutr. 2007
Biomarkers of arginine and lysine excess - J Nutr. 2007
Jun;137(6):1662S-8S - "Arginine supplementation is
used in several disease states. In arginine-deficient states,
supplementation is a logical choice of therapy. However, the definition of
an arginine-deficient state is complex. For example, plasma arginine levels
could be within normal range but intracellular arginine levels could be
reduced because of membrane transport problems. Lysine competes with
arginine for transport into the cell. In these situations, arginine
supplementation of higher than required levels is proposed. Arginine has
several important functions in metabolism as it is a precursor of
metabolically active components such as nitric oxide (NO), ornithine,
creatine, and polyamines"
Oral treatment with L-lysine and L-arginine reduces anxiety and basal
cortisol levels in healthy humans - Biomed Res. 2007 Apr;28(2):85-90 -
"the treatment with L-lysine and L-arginine
decreased the basal levels of salivary cortisol and chromogranin-A (a
salivary marker of the sympatho-adrenal system) in male subjects"
l-Arginine, the substrate for NO synthesis: An alternative treatment for
premature atherosclerosis? - Int J Cardiol. 2006 Jul 20 -
"l-arginine administration may be useful in patients
with premature atherosclerosis"
Treatment with supplementary arginine, vitamin C and zinc in patients with
pressure ulcers: A randomised controlled trial
- Clin Nutr. 2005 Nov 14;24(6):979-987 - "In this
small set of patients, supplementary arginine, vitamin C and zinc
significantly improved the rate of pressure ulcer healing"
Effects of vitamin C on intracoronary L-arginine dependent coronary
vasodilatation in patients with stable angina - Heart. 2005
Oct;91(10):1319-23 - "L-arginine dependent coronary
segment vasodilatation was augmented by the antioxidant vitamin C in
patients with coronary artery disease. Thus, vitamin C may have beneficial
effects on nitric oxide bioavailability induced by L-arginine"
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