Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending
5/25/11. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any medications.
failure risk lower in women who often eat baked/broiled fish - Science
Daily, 5/24/11 - "In a large-scale analysis, women who
ate the most baked/broiled fish (five or more servings/week) had a 30 percent
lower risk of heart failure compared to women
who seldom ate it (less than one serving/month) ... dark fish (salmon, mackerel
and bluefish) were associated with a significantly greater risk reduction than
either tuna or white fish (sole, snapper and cod) ... eating fried fish was
associated with increased heart failure risk. Even one serving a week was
associated with a 48 percent higher heart failure risk"
Protean Manifestations of Vitamin D Deficiency, Part 1: Physiology of Vitamin D
- Medscape, 5/24/11 - "In conclusion, an epidemic of
vitamin D deficiency has developed in the last
20 years due mainly to a lack of exposure to the sun and the increase in
obesity. Vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy can have devastating effects.
Although historically, vitamin D deficiency is associated only with rickets and
osteomalacia, its effects are much more protean" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
What you body is missing when your diet goes all-veggie - The Daily, 5/24/11
- "The finding, recently published in the Journal of
Agriculture and Food Chemistry, point to the most prominent deficiencies
associated with vegan and vegetarian lifestyles:
iron, zinc, vitamin B12 and omega-3 acids. Andrew Weil, founder and director of
the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, said, “Inadequate intake of these
nutrients can set the stage for many disorders including anemia, osteoporosis
and neurologic problems, and lessens the effectiveness of the immune system,
increasing the risk of infections.” Moreover, these deficiencies often lead to
elevated blood levels of homocysteine and decreased levels of HDL, the “good”
form of cholesterol. Both are risk factors for heart disease."
The Body Odd - Want to catch a lady's eye? Don't smile, study says - MSNBC,
5/24/11 - "Women are actually less sexually attracted to
smiley, happy men, suggests a new University of British Columbia study,
published online today in the journal Emotion" - I just thought it was
dietary supplement can help overcome fat and sugar problems, study suggests
- Science Daily, 5/23/11 - "naringenin, the molecule
responsible for the bitter taste in grapefruits,
could potentially be used in the treatment of diabetes, arteriosclerosis and
hyper-metabolism ... a nano-complex of naringenin within a ring of sugar called
cyclodextrin. This complex increased the absorption of naringenin by 11 times
... a single dose of this complex, taken just before a high fat and high sugar
meal given to rats, was able to reduce the generation of VLDL (bad cholesterol)
by 42%, and increase insulin sensitivity by 64%" - See
naringenin at Amazon.com . Also, if you do an
iHerb search
of cyclodextrin, it is listed in several products but not as an active
food: Protein from probiotic bacteria may alleviate inflammatory bowel disorders
- Science Daily, 5/23/11 - "A protein isolated from
beneficial bacteria found in yogurt and dairy
products could offer a new, oral therapeutic option for
inflammatory bowel disorders (IBD) ... the protein
supports intestinal epithelial cell growth and function, and reduces
inflammatory responses that can cause intestinal cells to die. Importantly, the
investigators showed that oral consumption of p40 by mice in a protective
delivery system prevents and treats colitis in multiple models of the disease
... Many of the hundreds of bacterial species that live in our gut (known as the
"human microbiome") are helpful to us: they help us digest certain substances,
produce vitamins and fight off more dangerous bacteria. But miscommunication
between these bacteria and our gut lining can lead to conditions like ulcerative
colitis and Crohn's disease" - See
probiotics at Amazon.com .
caffeine can reduce fertility in women - Science Daily, 5/23/11 -
"Caffeine reduces muscle
activity in the fallopian tubes that carry eggs from the ovaries to the womb"
and EPA Have Differential Effects on LDL-Cholesterol - Medscape, 5/22/11 -
"EPA inhibited lipid hydroperoxide (LOOH) formation by
42% and 54% in vesicles with normal and elevated cholesterol levels,
respectively. DHA, on the other hand, inhibited LOOH by 28% in vesicles with
elevated cholesterol levels only. The separate effects of EPA, DHA, and EPA/DHA
were enhanced when used in combination with statin therapy, including
atorvastatin, atorvastatin metabolite, simvastatin, or rosuvastatin. The most
potent antioxidant capacity was observed with EPA and the active metabolite of
compound suppresses prostate tumors - Science Daily, 5/22/11 -
"A mushroom used in Asia for its medicinal benefits has
been found to be 100 per cent effective in suppressing prostate tumour
development in mice during early trials ... The compound, polysaccharopeptide
(PSP), which is extracted from the 'turkey tail' mushroom, was found to target
prostate cancer stem cells and suppress tumour
formation in mice ... The findings are quite significant ... Importantly, we did
not see any side effects from the treatment ... He said PSP had been previously
shown to possess anti-cancer properties, and 'turkey tail' mushrooms (known as
Coriolus versicolor or Yun-zhi) had
been widely used in Asia for medicinal benefits" - See
PSP supplement at Amazon.com .
bacteria may contribute to development of Parkinson's disease - Science
Daily, 5/22/11 - "Infection of late middle-aged mice
with a particular strain of the bacteria Helicobacter
pylori results in development of Parkinson's
disease symptoms after 3-5 months ... Our mouse model demonstrates a direct
effect of H. pylori infection on the development of Parkinson's disease. The
observation that not all H. pylori strains are equally able to cause symptoms
will allow us to investigate bacterial factors and/or immune response to H.
pylori infection that increase the risk for Parkinson's disease"
Controversial call to add
lithium to drinking water for mental health - The Daily, 5/22/11 -
"It's a provocative prospect that research suggests
might reduce rates of suicide, violent crime and hard drug use ... The idea
gained widespread traction in 2009, when researchers studying 18 communities in
Japan concluded that areas whose water supplies contained higher natural levels
lithium were significantly less vulnerable
to suicide ... A subsequent study published this month in the British Journal of
Psychiatry, surveying all 99 counties in Austria over five years, replicated the
findings and concluded that - conservatively - 4 to 15 percent of the country's
geographic variations in suicides was due to lithium content in regional water
supplies" - See
lithium supplement at Amazon.com .
Fountain of youth from the tap? Environmental lithium uptake promotes
longevity, scientists demonstrate in worms - Science Daily, 2/18/11 -
"A regular uptake of the trace element lithium can
considerably promote longevity ... even a low concentration of lithium leads
to an increased life expectancy in humans as well as in a model organism,
the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans ... the Jena scientists analyzed the
mortality rate in 18 adjacent Japanese municipalities in relation to the
amount of lithium contained in tap water from the respective regions. "We
found that the mortality rate was considerably lower in those municipalities
with more lithium in the drinking water," Ristow explains the key finding.
In a second experiment, the Jena scientists examined exactly this range of
concentration in the model organism C. elegans. The result was confirmed:
"The average longevity of the worms is higher after they have been treated
with lithium at this dosage," ... we know already that a higher uptake of
lithium through drinking water is associated with an improvement of
psychological well-being and with decreased suicide rates"
Dietary Supplement May Help Prevent Preeclampsia - WebMD, 5/19/11 -
"women who ate daily food bars containing the amino acid
L-arginine and antioxidant vitamins during
pregnancy had a much lower incidence of
preeclampsia than women who ate bars
containing the antioxidant vitamins alone or bars containing neither supplement
... far fewer of the women in the L-arginine plus vitamin group developed
preeclampsia (12.7%) than women in the vitamin-alone (22.5%) group and
no-supplement (30.2%) group" - See
L-arginine products at Amazon.com .
Swimmer's Ear Costs U.S. Half a Billion Yearly - WebMD, 5/19/11 - "Swimmer's
ear, known to doctors as acute otitis externa, is an inflammation of the
external ear canal. Bacterial infection is the typical cause. The symptoms
include pain, tenderness, redness, and swelling of the ear canal. There can also
be discharge from the ear" - Tell me about it. I run three times
per week and swim another three times per week. I just had this. I
get it about every year and a half.
phone use may reduce male fertility, Austrian-Canadian study suggests -
Science Daily, 5/19/11 - "Researchers in Austria and
Canada have found that while cell phone use appears to increase the level of
testosterone circulating in the body, it may also lead to low sperm quality and
a decrease in fertility ...
EMW may increase the number of cells in the testes
that produce testosterone; however, by lowering the levels of LH excreted by the
pituitary gland, EMW may also block the conversion of this basic circulating
type of testosterone to the more active, potent form of testosterone associated
with sperm production and fertility"
Eat a
protein-rich breakfast to reduce food cravings, prevent overeating later,
researcher finds - Science Daily, 5/19/11 - "eating
a healthy breakfast, especially one high in protein, increases satiety and
reduces hunger throughout the day. In addition, using functional magnetic
resonance imaging (fMRI) the researchers found that eating a protein-rich
breakfast reduces the brain signals controlling food motivation and
reward-driven eating behavior ... These findings suggest that a protein-rich
breakfast might be an effective strategy to improve
appetite control and prevent overeating in
young people"
compound improves effectiveness of head and neck cancer treatment, study finds
- Science Daily, 5/19/11 - "A primary reason that
head and neck cancer
treatments fail is the tumor cells become resistant to chemotherapy drugs. Now,
researchers at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center have found
that a compound derived from the Indian spice
curcumin can help cells overcome that resistance ... When researchers added
a curcumin-based compound, called FLLL32, to head and neck cancer cell lines,
they were able to cut the dose of the chemotherapy drug cisplatin by four while
still killing tumor cells equally as well as the higher dose of cisplatin
without FLLL32 ... Typically, when cells become resistant to cisplatin, we have
to give increasingly higher doses. But this drug is so toxic that patients who
survive treatment often experience long-term side effects from the treatment"
- See
curcumin products at Amazon.com .
rising PSA means prostate cancer is in patient's future - Science Daily,
5/18/11 - "A new study, however, shows nearly 70 percent
of men who had rising PSA levels and subsequent normal biopsies were eventually
diagnosed with prostate cancer"
Omega-3 may reduce depression symptoms in the elderly: Study - Nutra USA,
5/18/11 - "According to findings published in The
Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, depressed women who received daily
supplements containing 2.5 grams of
omega-3 experienced significant reductions in
their symptoms ... In addition, researchers from the University of Pavia also
report that omega-3 supplements providing a daily EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid)
dose of 1.67 grams and a daily DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) dose of 0.83 grams
reported improvements in the ‘quality of life’" - [Abstract]
- See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Science builds for attention boosting potential of Cognizin Citicoline -
Nutra USA, 5/18/11 - "Citicoline
has been shown to have a variety of cognitive-enhancing and neuroregenerative
properties in pre-clinical and clinical studies ... Our findings suggest that
citicoline may mitigate the
cognitive decline associated with normal aging
and may ameliorate attentional deficits associated with psychiatric disorders"
- See
citicholine at Amazon.com .
Abstracts from this week's
Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics
plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here
for the journals, the PubMed ones at the top):
Concentration of Bisphenol A in Highly Consumed Canned Foods on the US market
- J Agric Food Chem. 2011 May 20 - "Metal food and drink
cans are commonly coated with epoxy films made from phenolic polymers produced
from bisphenol A (BPA). It is well established that
residual BPA monomer migrates into can contents during processing and storage
... This study quantified BPA concentrations in 78 canned and 2 frozen food
products from the US market using an adaption of a previously reported liquid
chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method. The tested products represented
16 different food types which are from the can food classifications which
constitute approximately 65% of US canned food sales and canned food
consumption. BPA was detected in 71 of the 78 canned food samples, but was not
detected in either of the 2 frozen food samples. Detectable BPA concentrations
across all foods ranged from 2.6 to 730 ng g-1. Large variations in BPA
concentrations were found between different products of the same food type and
between different lots of the same product. Given the large concentration ranges
the only distinguishable trend was that fruits and tuna showed the lowest BPA
concentrations. Experiments with fortified frozen vegetables and brines as well
as higher BPA concentrations in canned food solids over liquid portions clearly
indicated that BPA partitions into the solid portion of foods"
Anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative and anti-atherosclerotic effects of
quercetin in human in vitro and in vivo models - Atherosclerosis. 2011 May 5
- "In cultured human endothelial cells,
quercetin protected against H(2)O(2)-induced
lipid peroxidation and reduced the cytokine-induced cell-surface expression of
VCAM-1 and E-selectin. Quercetin also reduced the transcriptional activity of
NFκB in human hepatocytes. In human
CRP transgenic mice (quercetin plasma
concentration: 12.9+/-1.3μM), quercetin quenched IL1β-induced CRP expression, as
did sodium salicylate. In ApoE*3Leiden mice, quercetin (plasma concentration:
19.3+/-8.3μM) significantly attenuated atherosclerosis by 40% (sodium salicylate
by 86%). Quercetin did not affect atherogenic plasma lipids or lipoproteins but
it significantly lowered the circulating inflammatory risk factors SAA and
fibrinogen. Combined histological and microarray analysis of aortas revealed
that quercetin affected vascular cell proliferation thereby reducing
atherosclerotic lesion growth. Quercetin also reduced the gene expression of
specific factors implicated in local vascular inflammation including IL-1R,
Ccl8, IKK, and STAT3 ...Quercetin reduces the expression of human CRP and
cardiovascular risk factors (SAA, fibrinogen) in mice in vivo. These systemic
effects together with local anti-proliferative and anti-inflammatory effects in
the aorta may contribute to the attenuation of atherosclerosis" - See
quercetin at Amazon.com .
25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and the metabolic syndrome in older persons. A
population-based study - Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2011 May 20 -
"Among the participants, the prevalence of the
metabolic syndrome was 37.0%. The mean
level was 53.3 nmol/l. 47.8% had 25OHD levels below 50 nmol/l. There was a
significantly increased risk for the metabolic syndrome in the subjects with
serum 25OHD levels below 50 nmol/l, compared to subjects with levels over 50
nmol/l [odds ratio (OR)=1.54; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.23-1.94]. After
adjustment for confounders, age, sex, season, years of education, alcohol use,
total activity, smoking and PTH the OR was 1.29 (95% CI 1.00-1.68). The
association between vitamin D deficiency and the metabolic syndrome was mainly
determined by the components low HDL and (high)
waist circumference" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Identification of a mechanism for increased cardiovascular risk among
individuals with low vitamin D concentrations - Menopause. 2011 May 17 -
"Plasma vitamin D3
concentration was positively associated with
high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C; P =
0.003). Monkeys in the high vitamin D3 group had a significantly greater plasma
HDL-C concentration (57.9 mg/dL) than did those in the low vitamin D3 group
(47.1 mg/dL; P = 0.001). Although the difference was not significant (P =
0.120), the monkeys in the high vitamin D3 group had a decreased total plasma
cholesterol-to-HDL-C ratio compared with those in the low vitamin D3 group (5.4
and 6.2, respectively), potentially putting them at lower risk of
atherosclerosis development" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
vegetable consumption is associated with a reduced risk of total and
cardiovascular disease mortality - Am J Clin Nutr. 2011 May 18 -
"Overall, fruit and vegetable intake was inversely
associated with risk of total mortality in both
women and men, and a dose-response pattern was particularly evident for
cruciferous vegetable intake. The pooled
multivariate hazard ratios (95% CIs) for total mortality across increasing
quintiles of intake were 1 (reference), 0.91 (0.84, 0.98), 0.88 (0.77, 1.00),
0.85 (0.76, 0.96), and 0.78 (0.71, 0.85) for cruciferous vegetables (P < 0.0001
for trend) and 0.88 (0.79, 0.97), 0.88 (0.79, 0.98), 0.76 (0.62, 0.92), and 0.84
(0.69, 1.00) for total vegetables (P = 0.03 for trend). The inverse associations
were primarily related to cardiovascular
disease mortality but not to cancer mortality"
Consumption and Prostate Cancer Risk and Progression in the Health Professionals
Follow-up Study - J Natl Cancer Inst. 2011 May 17 -
"Coffee contains many biologically active
compounds, including caffeine and phenolic acids, that have potent antioxidant
activity and can affect glucose metabolism and sex hormone levels ... The
average intake of coffee in 1986 was 1.9 cups per day. Men who consumed six or
more cups per day had a lower adjusted relative risk for overall prostate cancer
compared with nondrinkers (RR = 0.82, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.68 to
0.98, P(trend) = .10). The association was stronger for lethal
prostate cancer (consumers of more than six
cups of coffee per day: RR = 0.40, 95% CI = 0.22 to 0.75, P(trend) = .03).
Coffee consumption was not associated with the risk of nonadvanced or low-grade
cancers and was only weakly inversely associated with high-grade cancer. The
inverse association with lethal cancer was similar for regular and decaffeinated
coffee (each one cup per day increment: RR = 0.94, 95% CI = 0.88 to 1.01, P =
.08 for regular coffee and RR = 0.91, 95% CI = 0.83 to 1.00, P = .05 for
decaffeinated coffee). The age-adjusted incidence rates for men who had the
highest (≥6 cups per day) and lowest (no coffee) coffee consumption were 425 and
519 total prostate cancers, respectively, per 100 000 person-years and 34 and 79
lethal prostate cancers, respectively, per 100 000 person-years"
25-hydroxyvitamin D is inversely associated with body mass index in cancer -
Nutr J. 2011 May 16;10(1):51 - "Obese cancer patients
(BMI >=30 kg/m2) had significantly lower levels of serum 25(OH)D as compared to
non-obese patients (BMI <30 kg/m2). BMI should be taken into account when
assessing a patient's vitamin D status and more
aggressive vitamin D supplementation should be considered in obese cancer
Effect of
Vitamin D Nutritional Status on Muscle Function and Strength in Healthy Women
Aged over Sixty-Five Years - J Nutr Health Aging. 2011 -
"25OHD levels ≥20ng/ml
were found to be associated with better lower extremity muscle function and
strength. Forty- six % of participants had 25OHD levels ≥20ng/ml. Women with
25OHD levels ≥20ng/ml scored higher on the muscle function tests (11.2+/-0.9
vs.10.0+/-2.1; p<0.003) and had stronger knee extensor (13.4+/-2.7 vs.11.6+/-2.5
Kg.; p<0.03) and hip abductor (8.3+/-2.7 vs. 7.3+/-3.1 Kg; p<0.04) muscles;
strength of their hip flexors tended to be higher but did not reach
significantly different values (17.0+/-3.3 vs. 15.4+/-2.8 Kg.; 0.1>p>0.05).
Negative correlation was observed between iPTH and muscle function (r= -0.436;
p<0.02). Conclusion: 25OHD levels ≥20ng/ml are needed for a better muscle
function and strength. Assessing vitamin D nutritional status in adults aged ≥
65 years would allow correcting hypovitaminosis D and improve muscle function
and strength" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Neat Tech Stuff / "How To's":
Health Focus (Environmental
Alternative News:
Arecoline N-Oxide: Its Mutagenicity and Possible Role as Ultimate Carcinogen
in Areca Oral Carcinogenesis - J Agric Food Chem. 2011 Mar 3 -
"The areca nut is the most widely consumed
psychoactive substance in Taiwan, India, and Southeast Asia. It is
considered to be an environmental risk factor for the development of oral
submucous fibrosis and cancer. Arecoline, the major alkaloid of areca nut,
has been known to cause cytotoxicity and genotoxicity in various systems.
However, the active compound accounting for arecoline-induced damage in
normal human oral cells is still uncharacterized. The present study was
undertaken to identify the active metabolite of arecoline that might induce
damage in human oral tissues and cause mutagenicity in Salmonella
typhimurium tester strains TA 100 and TA 98. It is interesting to find that
the major metabolite of arecoline, arecoline N-oxide, is moderately
mutagenic to these Salmonella tester strains. This mutagenicity was potently
inhibited by sulfhydryl compounds, namely, glutathione, N-acetylcysteine,
and cysteine, whereas methionine is inactive in this inhibition. The
mutagenicity of arecoline N-oxide was strongly inhibited by the N-oxide
reducing agent titanium trichloride. The possible role of arecoline N-oxide
in the induction of oral carcinogenesis by areca nut chewing is discussed"
filters reduce cardiovascular health risks associated with air pollution,
study finds - Science Daily, 1/12/11 - "portable
HEPA filters reduced the average concentrations of fine particulates inside
homes by 60% and woodsmoke by 75%, and their use was associated with
improved endothelial function (a 9.4% increase in reactive hyperemia index)
and decreased inflammation (a 32.6% decrease in C-reactive protein)"
Antioxidants Can Reduce The Toxic Effects Of Lead, Study Suggests -
WebMD, 10/31/08 - "administering natural
antioxidants can reduce the effects of lead poisoning in animals during the
gestation and lactation periods"
Levels Of Toxic Metals Found In Herbal Medicine Products Sold Online -
Science Daily, 8/27/08 - "Overall, 20.7 percent of
Ayurvedic medicines contained detectable lead, mercury and/or arsenic. U.S.
and Indian manufactured products were equally likely to contain toxic
metals. Rasa shastra compared with non-rasa shastra medicines were more than
twice as likely to contain metals and had higher concentrations of lead and
mercury. Among products containing metals, 95 percent were sold by U.S. Web
sites and 75 percent claimed Good Manufacturing Practices or testing for
heavy metals. All metal-containing products exceeded one or more standards
for acceptable daily intake of toxic metals"
Oil Prevents Potentially Deadly Heart Rate Variability - Science Daily,
12/15/05 - "In this randomized controlled trial,
fish oil supplementation prevented the reduction in heart rate variability
associated with the same-day exposure to indoor particulate matter" -
See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Vitacost .
Air Cleaner Dust-up - WashingtonPost.com, 10/4/05 -
"Our air-cleaning tests show that the Ionic Breeze
with OzoneGuard does a poor job of removing smoke, dust and pollen particles
from the air when new and after 500 hours of continuous use"
- Asparagus
Fights Common Pesticide - WebMD, 9/23/04
- The Sticky Business
of Teflon? - Dr. Weil, 9/9/05
- Detox Diets:
Juice Up Your Health? - WebMD, 1/14/04
- Best Way to Clear the Air?
- Dr. Weil, 11/6/03 -
"The health benefits of these negative ion machines
are debatable because some may produce ozone as they operate ... Ozone is
beneficial in the upper atmosphere where it protects the Earth from the
damaging effects of ultraviolet light, but you don’t want it in your living
room or sleeping area"
- Sunscreen: Dangerous
Chemicals? - Dr. Weil, 7/17/03
- Is There Poison in
Potatoes? - Dr. Weil, 5/15/03
Michael Janson, M.D.: Newsletters - Dr. Janson, 6/02 -
"Dietary supplements are critical to the treatment
of metal overload. They not only promote excretion, but they decrease the
damaging effects. Extra
selenium and sulfur (in the form of methylsulfonyl methane, or
MSM, 2 to 6 gms), may be essential in addition to food sources.
Alpha lipoic acid (200 to 1000 mg) is both a sulfur source and an
excellent antioxidant for the brain, protecting against degenerative brain
disorders ... Vitamin C (2 to 6 gms) is not
only an antioxidant, but it is also a metal chelator, binding with metals
and removing them from the system and decreasing free-radical damage.
Magnesium and
calcium in food or supplements help to block toxic metal accumulation"
In The Health News - Dr. Janson, 4/02 -
"To reduce the consequences of pollution, and
arterial spasms, take antioxidants and arterial relaxants, such as vitamins
C and E, magnesium, ginkgo biloba, and arginine, and exercise regularly"
Detoxification for the Body & Mind - Nutrition Science News, 2/00
News & Research:
Poison Produce - The
Daily, 4/22/11 - See the chart on page 3.
pesticide exposure tied to lower IQ in children, study finds - Science
Daily, 4/21/11 - "every tenfold increase in measures of
organophosphates detected during a mother's pregnancy corresponded to a 5.5
point drop in overall IQ scores in the 7-year-olds. Children in the study with
the highest levels of prenatal pesticide exposure scored seven points lower on a
standardized measure of intelligence compared with children who had the lowest
levels of exposure"
makers: Coffee in capsules contains more furan than the rest - Science
Daily, 4/13/11 - "Coffee made in espresso makers, above
all that made from capsules, contains more furan -- a toxic, carcinogenic
compound -- than that made in traditional drip coffee makers, although the
levels are still within safe health limits ... The reason for these higher
levels is due to the fact that hermetically-sealed capsules prevent furan, which
is highly volatile, from being released, while the coffee makers used to brew
this coffee use hot water at higher pressures"
pollution significantly damages mouse brain - Science Daily, 4/7/11 -
"after short-term exposure to vehicle pollution, mice
showed significant brain damage -- including signs associated with memory loss
and Alzheimer's disease ... The mind-numbing toxin is not an exhaust gas, but a
mix of tiny particles from burning of fossil fuel and weathering of car parts
and pavement ... The freeway particles measured between a few dozen to 200
nanometers -- roughly one-thousandth the width ... You can't see them, but they
are inhaled and have an effect on brain neurons that raises the possibility of
long-term brain health consequences of freeway air ... Even an all-electric car
culture would not solve the problem on its own ... It would certainly sharply
decrease the local concentration of nanoparticles, but then at present
electrical generation still depends upon other combustion processes -- coal --
that in a larger environment contribute nanoparticles anyway"
to chemicals in environment associated with onset of early menopause -
Science Daily, 3/23/11 - "In this study of 25,957 women
aged 18 to 65 years, researchers ascertained menopausal status of participants
and then measured their serum concentration levels of PFCs and estradiol. They
found that there was an association between PFC exposure, decreased estradiol
and early menopause in women over age 42. There was also an inverse association
between PFC levels and estradiol in women of child bearing age but this
association was not statistically significant"
quality and counts worsening in Finland - Science Daily, 3/3/11 -
"A new study published in the International Journal of
Andrology reveals that semen quality has significantly deteriorated during the
last ten years in Finland, a country that previously was a region with high
sperm counts. At the same time, the incidence of testis cancer in the Finnish
population showed a remarkable increase, following the worrying trends observed
in several countries in Europe and the Americas ... The underlying cause for
these simultaneously occurring adverse trends remains unknown. However, the
rapid change strongly points to environmental reasons. Endocrine disrupting
compounds acting during development have been hypothesized to be a cause"
pesticides -- rotenone and paraquat -- linked to Parkinson's disease, study
suggests - Science Daily, 2/14/11 - "People who used
either pesticide developed Parkinson's disease approximately 2.5 times more
often than non-users"
insecticide used in homes associated with delayed mental development of young
children - Science Daily, 2/10/11 - "When the EPA
phased out the widespread residential use of chlorpyrifos and other
organophosphorus (OP) insecticides in 2000-2001 because of risks to child
neurodevelopment, these compounds were largely replaced with pyrethroid
insecticides ... scientists of the Columbia Center for Children's Environmental
Health at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health found a
significant association between piperonyl butoxide (PBO), a common additive in
pyrethroid formulations, measured in personal air collected during the third
trimester of pregnancy, and delayed mental development at 36 months ... While
the results demonstrate that a significant prenatal exposure to permethrin in
personal air and/or plasma was not associated with performance scores for the
Bayley Mental Developmental Index or the Psychomotor Developmental Index at 36
months, children who were more highly exposed to PBO in personal air samples
(≥4.34 ng/m3) scored 3.9 points lower on the Mental Developmental Index than
those with lower exposures ... This drop in IQ points is similar to that
observed in response to lead exposure"
99% of
pregnant women in US test positive for multiple chemicals including banned ones,
study suggests - Science Daily, 1/14/11
Study finds toxic chemicals in pregnant womens' bodies - USATODAY.com,
1/13/11 - "These chemicals include certain pesticides,
flame retardants, PFCs used in non-stick cookware, phthalates (in many
fragrances and plastics), pollution from car exhaust, perchlorate (in rocket
fuel) and PCBs, toxic industrial chemicals banned in 1979 that persist in the
environment ... BPA — an estrogen-like ingredient in plastic found in 96% of
pregnant women — affects the development of the brain, prostate and behavior in
children exposed both before and after birth. Lead and mercury are known to
cause brain damage ... some of these chemicals may act together to cause more
damage than they would alone"
studded winter tires may damage public health, as well as pavement - Science
Daily, 1/5/11 - "studded tires grind away at the road
surface, generating the kind of dust particles believed to contribute to heart
and respiratory disease when inhaled into the lungs ... In the new research, the
scientists pinpointed specific changes in proteins in cells related to the road
dust exposure. Dust exposure resulted in significant increases in three proteins
associated with increased inflammation and decreased levels of seven proteins,
including some involved in fighting inflammation and maintaining normal
Mercury Exposure May
Contribute to Alzheimer's Risk - Medscape, 12/.3/10
Long-term exposure to pesticides may be linked to dementia - Science Daily,
Dangerous levels of lead found in used consumer products - Science Daily,
Dangerous chemicals in food wrappers likely migrating to humans - Science
Daily, 11/8/10 - "PAPs are applied as greaseproofing
agents to paper food contact packaging such as fast food wrappers and microwave
popcorn bags ... We found the concentrations of PFOA from PAP metabolism to be
significant and concluded that the metabolism of PAPs could be a major source of
human exposure to PFOA, as well as other PFCAs ... In this study we clearly
demonstrate that the current use of PAPs in food contact applications does
result in human exposure to PFCAs, including PFOA. We cannot tell whether PAPs
are the sole source of human PFOA exposure or even the most important, but we
can say unequivocally that PAPs are a source and the evidence from this study
suggests this could be significant"
Tap Water’s
Lead Levels Rise in New York City Homes - NYTimes.com, 11/4/10 -
"New York City health and environmental officials on
Thursday advised residents to run their tap water for at least 30 seconds before
drinking or cooking with it after testing showed a rise in the percentage of
homes with elevated levels of lead ... about 14 percent — exceeded allowable
lead levels"
pollution linked to breast cancer, study suggests - Science Daily, 10/6/10 -
"We found a link between post-menopausal breast cancer
and exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO2), which is a 'marker' for traffic-related
air pollution ... Across Montreal, levels of NO2 varied between 5 ppb to over 30
ppb. We found that risk increased by about 25 per cent with every increase of
NO2 of five parts per billion. Another way of saying this is that women living
in the areas with the highest levels of pollution were almost twice as likely to
develop breast cancer as those living in the least polluted areas" -
Chemicals in indoor swimming pools may increase cancer risk - Science Daily,
9/13/10 - "Swimming in indoor chlorinated pools may
induce genotoxicity (DNA damage that may lead to cancer) as well as respiratory
effects, but the positive health effects of swimming can be maintained by
reducing pool levels of the chemicals behind these potential health risks"
used chemicals linked to ADHD in children - Science Daily, 7/20/10 -
"PFCs are highly stable compounds used in industrial and
commercial products like stain-resistance coatings, food packaging, and
fire-fighting foams. In a 2003-2004 survey, NHANES examined 2,094 blood samples
taken from the U.S. population and found more than 98 percent of the sample had
detectable serum levels of PFCs, according to the study. Once absorbed into the
body, it can take years for some types of PFCs to be partially eliminated ...
children with this outcome tend to have higher levels of PFCs in their blood."
Because the PFC measurements were collected at the same time as the parental
report of ADHD diagnosis, Hoffman said it is unknown whether children with ADHD
engage in behavior leading to increased PFC exposure or if higher serum PFC
levels in children result in ADHD"
cleaning products cause breast cancer? - Science Daily, 7/20/10 -
"Women who reported the highest combined cleaning
product use had a doubled risk of breast cancer compared to those with the
lowest reported use. Use of air fresheners and products for mold and mildew
control were associated with increased risk. To our knowledge, this is the first
published report on cleaning product use and risk of breast cancer"
at significantly increased risk of bladder cancer, study finds - Science
Daily, 7/19/10 - "Painters are at significantly
increased risk of developing bladder cancer ... plasterers, glaziers, wallpaper
hangers, artists and decorators were classified as "painters" in some studies"
Early-life exposure to BPA may affect testis function in adulthood - Science
Daily, 6/21/10 - "Exposure to environmental levels of
the industrial chemical bisphenol A, or BPA, in the womb and early life may
cause long-lasting harm to testicular function"
with polycystic ovary syndrome have higher BPA blood levels, study finds -
Science Daily, 6/21/10 - "Excessive secretion of
androgens -- masculinization-promoting hormones -- occurs in PCOS. The syndrome
raises the risk of infertility, obesity, Type 2 diabetes and heart disease ...
Blood levels of BPA, compared with those of controls, were nearly 60 percent
higher in lean women with PCOS and more than 30 percent higher in obese women
with the syndrome ... Additionally, as the BPA blood level increased, so did the
concentrations of the male sex hormone testosterone and androstenedione, a
steroid hormone that converts to testosterone"
Most cans
of food contain controversial BPA - MSNBC, 6/9/10 -
"BPA, or bisphenol A, is ubiquitous. Simply put, just about anything you eat
that comes out of a can — from Campbell's Chicken Soup and SpaghettiOs to Diet
Coke and BumbleBee Tuna — contains the same exact chemical ... The exposure to
BPA from canned food "is far more extensive" than from plastic bottles, said
Shanna Swan, a professor and researcher at the University of Rochester in New
York. "It's particularly concerning when it's lining infant formula cans.""
Increasing BPA levels in urine associated with worsening male sexual function,
study finds - Science Daily, 5/26/10 - "Increasing
urine BPA level is associated with decreased sexual desire, more difficulty
having an erection, lower ejaculation strength and lower level of overall
satisfaction with sex life" - See
stainless steel water bottles at Amazon.com.
Bisphenol A and other endocrine-disrupting chemicals pose cancer risk, study
suggests - Science Daily, 5/25/10 -
"endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) .. ample evidence already supports
changing public health and environmental policies to protect the public from
exposure to EDCs ... The strength and breadth of existing research on the
negative effects of EDCs, including bisphenol A, warrants immediate action to
reduce EDC exposure, particularly among the developing fetus and women of
reproductive age"
Canned Food May Expose People to BPA - WebMD, 5/18/10 -
"A study conducted by a coalition of consumer and food
safety groups found detectable levels of BPA in 46 of 50 grocery store cans
tested. The results suggest BPA routinely leaches from can linings into food ...
The highest BPA level detected was 1,140 parts per billion, found in a can of
Del Monte French Style Green Beans"
Pesticide exposure may contribute to ADHD, study finds - Science Daily,
Does Perfume Have Hidden Health Risks? - WebMD, 5/12/10 -
"The fragrance mixture itself can be comprised of
dozens, even hundreds, of individual chemicals, and those don't have to be
listed on the label"
Environmental Cancer Risk 'Grossly Underestimated'? - WebMD, 5/6/10 -
"The Panel urges you most strongly to use the power of
your office to remove the carcinogens and other toxins from our food, water, and
air that needlessly increase health care costs, cripple our nation's
productivity, and devastate American lives ... The presidential panel says this
greatly underestimates the problem because it does not fully account for
synergistic interactions between environmental contaminants, an increasing
number and amount of pollutants, and the fact that all avoidable causes of
cancer are not known ... Remove shoes before entering the house ... Filter home
tap or well water. Prefer filtered water to commercially bottled water ... Store
and carry water in stainless steel, glass, or BPA- and phthalate-free containers
Lung Cancer Risk in Painters: A Meta-Analysis - Medscape, 4/21/10 -
"Although there was not enough information in the
studies provided to assess the association of lung cancer with specific chemical
agents encountered in painting, the robustness of the estimates in the subgroup
analyses (by sex, region, study design, and controlling for smoking and other
occupational exposures) and the stronger associations seen in specific subgroups
(by duration of exposure) support the conclusion that occupational exposures in
painters are causally associated with the risk of lung cancer. Because several
million people are employed as painters worldwide and because lung cancer is the
most common cancer in painters, even a modest increase in the relative risk is
Reviewing Antibacterial Chemical Widely Used in Soaps and Body Washes -
Medscape, 4.12.10 - "In animal studies, triclosan has
been found to interfere with hormones crucial for normal brain development and
function and reproductive system development and function"
The Perils of Plastic - Environmental Toxins - Time Magazine, 4/1/10 -
"The levels observed are considered well below the
federal safety threshold of 50 micrograms per kg of body weight per day. But
that recommendation was made 22 years ago, and in the time since, scientists
have learned more about the effects of even a bit of BPA. In 1998, Patricia
Hunt, a geneticist at Washington State University, found that female mice dosed
with BPA had serious reproductive problems, including defective eggs. More
recently, she published a study showing that the offspring of mice exposed to
BPA while pregnant can end up with corrupted eggs, a situation that leads to
trouble for their offspring ... As a synthetic estrogen, BPA can mimic hormones,
those powerful chemicals, like testosterone and adrenaline, that run the body.
Tiny amounts of hormones produce immense biological and behavioral changes"
Stainless Steel Water Bottles at Amazon.com.

EPA: Bisphenol A Is a 'Chemical Concern' - WebMD, 3/31/10 -
"Some experts are concerned that exposure to BPA and
its weak estrogen-like effects during critical periods of human development may
be associated with a wide range of health problems, including behavioral
effects, reproductive problems, cancer, heart disease, and diabetes" -See
Stainless Steel Water Bottles at Amazon.com
Diesel exhaust associated with lethargy in offspring - Science Daily,
3/23/10 - "The researchers speculate that certain
components, such as ultrafine particles, in the diesel exhaust may be
translocated into the offspring of mice, disturbing the normal timetable of
development in offspring and leading to the behavioral and physiological
abnormalities seen in this study. Alternatively, or additionally, diesel
exhaust exposure may affect the mother's behavior toward the pups after
birth, which could also cause lethargy and altered brain chemistry"
BPA leached from 'safe' plastics may damage health of female offspring -
Science Daily, 2/25/10 - "Here's more evidence that
"safe" plastics are not as safe as once presumed: New research published
online in The FASEB Journal suggests that exposure to Bisphenol A (BPA)
during pregnancy leads to epigenetic changes that may cause permanent
reproduction problems for female offspring. BPA, a common component of
plastics used to contain food, is a type of estrogen that is ubiquitous in
the environment"
BPA Not Linked With Ill Effects in 2 Studies - WebMD, 2/19/10
Dry Cleaning Chemical 'Likely' Causes Cancer - WebMD, 2/9/10 -
"PERC is a chemical known as perchloroethylene or
tetrachloroethylene. It's the solvent used by about 85% of U.S. dry cleaners
... In 2008, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) suggested that PERC
be classified as a "likely human carcinogen." Moreover, the EPA found that
PERC's most dangerous noncancer toxicity is brain and nervous system damage
-- and set safe exposure levels well below levels that cause such damage"
FDA on BPA: 'Some Concern,' No Ban - WebMD, 1/15/10
BPA May Be Linked to Heart Disease Risk - WebMD, 1/12/10 -
"Nearly everyone in the U.S. carries the plastics
chemical BPA in their bodies ... high BPA levels were linked to a higher
risk of heart disease, diabetes, and elevated liver enzymes"
goo tracked from parking lots into homes - MSNBC, 1/11/10 -
"Chemicals in a cancer-causing substance used to
seal pavement, parking lots and driveways across the U.S. are showing up at
alarming levels in dust in homes, prompting concerns about the potential
health effects of long-term exposure" - Note: Another good reason to
be a no shoes house.
Small amounts of lead may damage children's kidneys - Science Daily,
Funeral industry workers exposed to formaldehyde face higher risk of
leukemia - Science Daily, 11/23/09
Common plastics chemicals -- phthalates -- linked to ADHD symptoms -
Science Daily, 11/19/09 - "Researchers found a
significant positive association between phthalate exposure and ADHD,
meaning that the higher the concentration of phthalate metabolites in the
urine, the worse the ADHD symptoms and/or test scores"
Phthalate exposure linked to less-masculine play by boys - Science
Daily, 11/16/09
Study: High Bisphenol A ( BPA) Linked to Sex Problems in Men - Science
Daily, 11/11/09 - "Compared to the unexposed factory
workers in the study, BPA-exposed workers were four times more likely to
report erectile dysfunction, low sexual desire, and less than optimal
satisfaction with their sex lives. They were seven times more likely to
report problems with ejaculation ... BPA has been used for more than three
decades to make plastic bottles and other products shatter resistant and
clear. It is also used in the lining of many canned foods and a wide range
of other commercial goods"
Insecticides May Raise Risk of Lupus, RA - WebMD, 10/20/09
Prenatal Exposure To BPA Might Explain Aggressive Behavior In Some
2-Year-old Girls - Science Daily, 10/6/09
On-the-job Pesticide Exposure Associated With Parkinson's Disease -
Science Daily, 9/14/09 - "Among the patients with
Parkinson's disease, 44 (8.5 percent) reported pesticide exposure compared
with 27 (5.3 percent) of controls, such that occupational pesticide exposure
was associated with an increased risk of the disease"
Daily Bathroom Showers May Deliver Face Full Of Pathogens, Says Study -
Science Daily, 9/14/09 - "increases in pulmonary
infections in the United States in recent decades from so-called
"non-tuberculosis" mycobacteria species like M. avium may be linked to
people taking more showers and fewer baths ... Water spurting from
showerheads can distribute pathogen-filled droplets that suspend themselves
in the air and can easily be inhaled into the deepest parts of the lungs ...
Symptoms of pulmonary disease caused by M. avium can include tiredness, a
persistent, dry cough, shortness of breath, weakness and "generally feeling
bad," ... mmune-compromised people like pregnant women, the elderly and
those who are fighting off other diseases are more prone to experience such
symptoms ... plastic showerheads appear to "load up" with more
pathogen-enriched biofilms, metal showerheads may be a good alternative"
Carbon Monoxide Linked To Heart Problems In Elderly - Science Daily,
Homes Pollute: Linked To 50 Percent More Water Pollution Than Previously
Believed - Science Daily, 8/19/09 - "scientists
are reporting some unsettling news about homes in the residential areas of
California. The typical house there — and probably elsewhere in the country
— is an alarming and probably underestimated source of water pollution ...
current models may underestimate the amount of pollution contributed by
homes by up to 50 percent ... Pollutants detected in outdoor runoff included
ant-control pesticide products"
Pesticide Exposure Test Too Short, Overlooks Long Term Effects, According To
Expert - Science Daly, 8/17/09
Popular Insect Repellent Deet Is Neurotoxic - Science Daily, 8/4/09 -
"The active ingredient in many insect repellents,
deet, has been found to be toxic to the central nervous system"
Pesticides May Raise Alzheimer's Risk - WebMD, 7/15/09
Pesticide Levels In Blood Linked To Parkinson's Disease - Science Daily,
Can Be Done About Micropollutants In Water Resources? - Science Daily,
Reproductive Health Effects Found From Low Doses Of Bisphenol-A -
Science Daily, 6/17/09
Individuals Who Apply Pesticides Are Found To Have Double The Risk Of Blood
Disorder - Science Daily, 6/12/09
Bisphenol A Exposure In Pregnant Mice Permanently Changes DNA Of Offspring
- Science Daily, 6/10/09
Bisphenol A (BPA) Found In Many Plastics May Cause Heart Disease In Women,
Research Shows - Science Daily, 6/10/09
Parkinson's Disease Associated With Pesticide Exposure In French Farm
Workers - Science Daily, 6/5/09 - "PD patients
had been exposed to pesticides through their work more frequently and for a
greater number of years/hours than those without PD. Among the three main
classes of pesticides (insecticides, herbicides, fungicides), researchers
found the largest difference for insecticides: men who had used insecticides
had a two-fold increase in the risk of PD"
Environmental Pollution Increases Risk Of Liver Disease, Study Finds -
Science Daily, 5/29/09
Chemical Used To Make Plastics, Found To Leach From Polycarbonate Drinking
Bottles Into Humans - Science Daily, 5/21/09 -
"The study is the first to show that drinking from polycarbonate bottles
increased the level of urinary BPA, and thus suggests that drinking
containers made with BPA release the chemical into the liquid that people
drink in sufficient amounts to increase the level of BPA excreted in human
Potentially Harmful Chemicals Found In Forest Fire Smoke - Science
Daily, 5/2/09
Household Chemicals May Show Up in Blood - WebMD, 5/1/09
Pesticide Exposure Found To Increase Risk Of Parkinson's Disease -
Science Daily, 4/22/09 - "In a new epidemiological
study of Central Valley residents who have been diagnosed with Parkinson's
disease, researchers found that years of exposure to the combination of
these two pesticides increased the risk of Parkinson's by 75 percent.
Further, for people 60 years old or younger diagnosed with Parkinson's,
earlier exposure had increased their risk for the disease by as much as
four- to six-fold"
Air Pollution Dangerous, but Deadly? - WebMD, 3/11/09 -
"the risk of dying from respiratory problems is more
than 30% greater in metropolitan areas with the highest ozone concentrations
than areas where ozone levels were the lowest ... ozone at ground level is
produced when exhaust from cars, power plants, and other sources reacts
chemically in sunlight ... ground-level ozone can irritate breathing,
decrease lung function, inflame airways, and worsen lung conditions such as
asthma and emphysema"
Widely Used Chemicals, Perfluorinated Chemicals, May Reduce Women's
Fertility - Science Daily, 1/28/09
Bisphenol A May Linger in Body - WebMD, 1/28/09 -
"Now there's evidence that BPA might be in our water as well as in our food,
and that it lingers in our fat tissues ... people with higher urinary BPA
levels have more medical disorders. Another intriguing study from 2008
showed that BPA -- at normal levels of exposure -- disrupts a hormone
involved in insulin sensitivity and diabetes. And a 2007 study showed that
obese people are much more likely to suffer insulin resistance if they have
high fat levels of organic pollutants ... Imagine if what we think is caused
by obesity is actually caused by persistent organics in the fat of obese
people ... If they don't have the organics, they don't have the diabetes.
That would be huge"
Questions Raised About Controversial Plastics Chemical Bisphenol A -
Science Daily, 1/28/09
Mercury in Some High Fructose Corn Syrup? - WebMD, 1/27/09 -
"we found detectable mercury in 17 of 55 samples, or
around 31%"
Life Expectancy Up, Thanks to Cleaner Air - WebMD, 1/21/09 -
"Americans were living 2.72 years longer, on
average, at the end of a two-decade study period. Up to five months of that
was because of reduced air pollution"
Declining Male Fertility Linked To Water Pollution - Science Daily,
1/18/09 - "The study
identified a new group of chemicals that act as ‘anti-androgens’. This means
that they inhibit the function of the male hormone, testosterone, reducing
male fertility. Some of these are contained in medicines, including cancer
treatments, pharmaceutical treatments, and pesticides used in agriculture.
The research suggests that when they get into the water system, these
chemicals may play a pivotal role in causing feminising effects in male
fish" - See
water distillers at Amazon.com
Workers Exposed To Lead Show More Cognitive Problems Later In Life -
Science Daily, 1/12/09
F.D.A. to
Reconsider Plastic Bottle Risk - NYTimes.com, 12/23/08
Hotel, Restaurant And Carpentry Trades Are Among Professions Posing Highest
Risks For Cancer Of The Esophagus - Science Daily, 12/17/08 -
"For the squamous cell variety, a significant
increase in risk was detected among those who worked in the hotel and
restaurant trade, mining (stone cutters) and wood-working workshops. With
the adenocarcinoma type, the risk rose among those working as carpenters or
animal handlers ...The study revealed a significant risk of squamous cell
cancer resulting from exposure to ionising radiation, and for adenocarcinoma
from serious exposure to volatile sulphur and lead compounds. Exposure to
other substances such as asbestos could also triple the overall risk of
oesophageal cancer, depending upon the level of exposure"
Mould Toxins More Prevalent And Hazardous Than Thought - Science Daily,
12/9/08 - "toxins produced by mould are more potent
than was previously thought. It has now been shown, for instance, that mould
toxins (mycotoxins) not only directly kill cells but can also affect immune
cells in a way that increases the risk of allergies. Even incredibly tiny
amounts of these toxins can do this, as little as a few picograms (a
picogram is one millionth of a millionth of a gram)"
Particulate Emissions From Laser Printers - Science Daily, 12/2/08
Household Exposure To Toxic Chemicals Lurks Unrecognized, Researchers Find
- Science Daily, 11/21/08
Hairspray Is Linked To Common Genital Birth Defect, Says Study - Science
Daily, 11/21/08
Hazardous Levels Of Metal Ions Found In Many Commercial Table Wines, Study
Suggests - Science Daily, 10/29/08 - "An
analysis of reported levels of metals in wines from sixteen different
countries found that only those from Argentina, Brazil and Italy did not
pose a potential health risk owing to metals"
Toxic Environmental Chemical DBT Affects The Immune System - Science
Daily, 10/29/08
Higher Urinary Levels Of Commonly Used Plastic Compound, BPA, Linked To
Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes - Science Daily, 9/16/08 -
"Higher levels of urinary Bisphenol A (BPA), a
chemical compound commonly used in plastic packaging for food and beverages,
is associated with cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and liver-enzyme
abnormalities ... Widespread and continuous exposure to BPA, primarily
through food but also through drinking water, dental sealants, dermal
exposure, and inhalation of household dusts, is evident from the presence of
detectable levels of BPA in more than 90 percent of the U.S. population ...
participants in the highest BPA concentration quartile had nearly three
times the odds of cardiovascular disease compared with those in the lowest
quartile. Similarly, those in the highest BPA concentration quartile had 2.4
times the odds of diabetes compared with those in the lowest quartile ...
higher BPA concentrations were associated with clinically abnormal
concentrations for three liver enzymes"
Rice bran contains high arsenic levels, study - Nutra USA, 8/26/08 -
"rice bran and rice bran solubles contain inorganic
arsenic levels of around 1mg/kg dry weight, which is around 10-20 times the
concentration found in bulk grain ... The tests were conducted on four bran
solubles, one defatted bran, one riceo-ex and three bran products ... Out of
the bran solubles, testing found the highest inorganic arsenic level of
0.86mg/kg in a sample from Holistic Enterprises, Santa Ana, USA. A sample
from NutraCea, USA was found to contain 0.82mg/kg. A sample from Pure Planet
Products, Long Beach, CA, USA, contained 0.71mg/kg and one from Integris,
RiSO Triene, USA, contained 0.61mg/kg ... The rice bran products tested were
from: General Dietary, UK & Eire; The Barry Farm, Ohio, USA; and Tsuno Rice
Fine Chemicals Co, Japan. They contained levels of 0.48, 0.64 and 1.65mg/kg
respectively ... The defatted bran and the riceo-ex products were again
sourced from Japan’s Tsuno Rice, and contained 1.16 and 1.88mg/kg
respectively" - That doesn't help me out much. I've been getting the
Tinkyada brown rice noodles at Henry's.
incense linked to respiratory cancers - MSNBC, 8/25/08 -
"Constant users were 80 percent more likely to
develop disease"
Moisturizers Up Skin Cancer in Mice - WebMD, 8/14/08 -
"Five days a week, for 17 weeks, the researchers
rubbed moisturizer into the animals' skin. The result: ... Dermabase
increased the total number of tumors by 69% ... Dermovan increased the total
number of tumors by 95% ... Eucerin increased the total number of tumors by
24% ... Vanicream increased the total number of tumors by 58%"
Air Pollution May Hurt the Heart - WebMD, 8/13/08 -
"Air pollution -- even at levels deemed "acceptable"
by the Environmental Protection Agency -- leads to short- and long-term
injury to the heart and blood vessels, increases rates of heart
disease-related hospitalizations, and can even cause death"
Fragrances May Emit Potential Toxins - WebMD, 7/25/08
Long-term Pesticide Exposure May Increase Risk Of Diabetes - Science
Daily, 6/4/08 - "Licensed pesticide applicators who
used chlorinated pesticides on more than 100 days in their lifetime were at
greater risk of diabetes, according to researchers from the National
Institutes of Health (NIH). The associations between specific pesticides and
incident diabetes ranged from a 20 percent to a 200 percent increase in
Diesel Particulates Cause Cardiovascular Disease - Science Daily, 6/4/08
Low Levels Of Air Pollution May Pose Stroke Risk - Science Daily,
5/29/08 - "Although the magnitude of elevated risk
of stroke/TIA due to PM2.5 exposure was relatively small, the vast majority
of the public is exposed to ambient air pollution at the levels observed in
this community or greater every day, suggesting a potentially large public
health impact" - SUVs!!!
Painters And Decorators Exposed To Fertility Damaging Chemicals, Study Shows
- Science Daily, 5/23/08 - "Men working as painters
and decorators who are exposed to glycol ethers are more likely to have poor
semen quality"
Chemicals In The Environment Affect Fertility? - Science Daily, 5/20/08
Air Pollution Increases Blood Clot Risk - WebMD, 5/12/08
Between Ozone Air Pollution And Premature Death Confirmed - Science
Daily, 4/22/08
Chemical In Plastic Bottles Raises Some Concern, According To New Report
- Science Daily, 4/22/08
Chemical Exposure May Increase Risk Of ALS, Study Shows - Science Daily,
Plastic Chemical BPA Nets Some Concern - WebMD, 4/15/08
Diesel Exhaust Exposure
Early in Life Doubles Asthma Risk - Medscape, 3/21/08
Diesel Exhaust Inhalation Stresses Your Brain - Science Daily, 3/11/08
Childhood Lead Exposure Linked To Alzheimer's Disease, Study Suggests -
Science Daily, 2/17/08
Baby Shampoo Awash in Chemicals? - WebMD, 2/4/08 -
"the strong association between use of the baby
products and higher phthalate levels suggests that the products may be an
important source of exposure ... We don't know the long-term health effects
of (phthalate) exposure, but if parents are concerned they need to decrease
their exposure to these products" - I worry about stuff like that so
much that I use vodka instead of deodorant on my arm pits after showering to
kill the bacteria. It might sound weird but it seems to work. I can get a
full day out of a shirt instead of half a day. There was a segment on CNN
where they tested one of the anchormen and found a huge about of chemicals
in his blood. They claimed it was probably from the studio makeup. He even
joked that it might be grounds for a lawsuit against CNN. - Ben
Carbon Monoxide May Cause Long-lasting Heart Damage - Science Daily,
Studies Link
Other Ills to Mercury, Too - New York Times, 1/23/08 -
"evaluated more than 100 patients who had vague,
unexplained symptoms. Of them, 89 percent had mercury in their blood that
exceeded the level considered acceptable by the Environmental Protection
Agency ... The symptoms included memory lapses, hair loss, fatigue,
sleeplessness, tremors, headaches, muscle and joint pain, trouble thinking,
gastrointestinal disturbances and an inability to do complex tasks"
High Mercury
Levels Are Found in Tuna Sushi - New York Times, 1/23/08 -
"Sushi from 5 of the 20 places had mercury levels so
high that the Food and Drug Administration could take legal action to remove
the fish from the market"
Wood Floor Finishes Are A Likely Source Of PCB Exposure - Science Daily,
Acrylamide In Food May Increase The Risk Of Breast Cancer - Science
Daily, 1/11/08 - "Acrylamide is a chemical formed
when frying, roasting, grilling or baking carbohydrate-rich foods at
temperatures above 120°C. Acrylamide is thus found in a number of foods,
such as bread, crisps, French fries and coffee. Tobacco smoking also
generates substantial amounts of acrylamide ... The risk of breast cancer
doubles with a tenfold increase in the acrylamide-haemoglobin level. A
tenfold increase in the acrylamide-haemoglobin level corresponds more or
less to the difference measured between the women with the lowest and
highest exposure"
Antibacterial Chemical Disrupts Hormone Activities, Study Finds -
Science Daily, 12/7/07
Low Lead Exposure Linked To ADHD - Science Daily, 12/5/07
Very Low Levels Of Lead Cause Brain Damage In Children - Science Daily,
Low Doses of Arsenic -- At Levels Found In Drinking Water -- Can Be Harmful
- Science Daily, 11/13/07 - "low doses of arsenic
disrupt the activity of a hormone critical in development. The finding is
further evidence that arsenic at low doses (at levels found in U.S. drinking
water in some areas) can be harmful"
- See
reverse osmosis systems at Amazon.com
Diesel Exhaust Associated With Higher Heart Attack, Stroke Risk In Men -
Science Daily, 11/6/07
Exposure to PCBs Worsens Cognition - Clinical Psychiatry News, 11/07
Expert Urges Congress to Lower Safe Lead Level - WebMD, 10/18/07
Pollution Cuts Life Expectancy, Threatens Child Development In Europe -
Science Daily, 10/10/07
Occupational Exposures May Be Linked To Death From Autoimmune Disease -
Science Daily, 9/28/07
Quality Study: Mercury and Formaldehyde Found In Houston, Texas Air -
Science Daily, 8/20/07
Air Pollution Hurts Young Hearts, Too - WebMD, 8/15/07
Pollution Causes 40 Percent Of Deaths Worldwide, Study Finds - Science
Daily, 8/13/07
Exposure to chemical much greater than thought - USA Today, 8/2/07
Laser Printers Emit Indoor Pollution - WebMD, 8/1/07
Pollution Linked To Early Death - Science Daily, 7/31/07 -
"The risk of an early death from respiratory disease
rose by almost 4% for every 10 ug/m3 increase in black smoke, and by 13% for
every 10 parts per billion increase in sulphur dioxide during 1982-98 ... n
1994-8, the comparable figures were more than 19% and almost 22%,
printers 'are health risk' - BBC News, 7/31/07 -
"Almost one-third were found to emit ultra-tiny particles of toner-like
material, so small that they can infiltrate the lungs and cause a range of
health problems from respiratory irritation to more chronic illnesses"
Pollution Linked To Clogged Arteries - Science Daily, 7/26/07 -
"the diesel particles and oxidized fats had worked
in tandem to activate the genes that promote cellular inflammation -- a
major risk factor for atherosclerosis"
Exposure to traffic emissions throughout life and risk of breast cancer: the
Western New York Exposures and Breast Cancer (WEB) study - Cancer Causes
Control. 2007 Jul 14 - "Higher exposure to traffic
emissions at the time of menarche was associated with increased risk of
premenopausal breast cancer (OR 2.05, 95% CI 0.92-4.54, p for trend 0.03);
and at the time of a woman's first birth for postmenopausal breast cancer
(OR 2.57"
Inhaling Pure Oxygen Can Damage Brain - Doctor's Guide, 5/22/07 -
"Several brain areas responded to 100% oxygen by
kicking the hypothalamus into overdrive ... The hypothalamus overreacted by
dumping a massive flood of hormones and neurotransmitters into the
bloodstream. These chemicals interfere with the heart's ability to pump
blood and deliver oxygen -- the opposite effect you want when you're trying
to resuscitate someone"
Occurring Gas A Leading Cause Of Cancer - cbs2chicago.com, 5/11/07
Red, processed meats linked to breast cancer - CNN, 4/17/07 -
"Women who ate the most red meat (2 or more ounces
per day) were 56 percent more likely to develop breast cancer than the women
who ate no red meat ... those who ate the most processed meat (more than
three quarters of an ounce per day) showed a 64-percent increase in their
risk of the disease"
Eating Cured Meats Frequently Can Lead To Lower Lung Function And Potential
COPD - Science Daily, 4/16/07 -
"Frequent consumption of cured meats results in
lower lung function test scores and increases the odds of developing chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)"
Air Pollution May Up Fatal Stroke Risk - WebMD, 2/15/07
Air Pollution Linked to Heart Deaths - WebMD, 1/31/07 -
"A resident of Birmingham, Ala., one of the
smoggiest cities included in the study, would have roughly a 76% increased
risk of dying from cardiovascular causes than someone living in Tucson,
Ariz., which was among the cities with the cleanest air"
Living by Freeways May Affect Kids' Lung Development - WebMD, 1/25/07
Silent Pandemic: Industrial Chemicals Are Impairing Brain Development Of
Children Worldwide - Science Daily, 11/9/06
Lead in Blood: 'Safe' Levels Too High? - WebMD, 9/18/06
Mercury Rising - Time Magazine, 9/11/06 -
"Researchers testing birds in the Northeast have found
creeping mercury levels in the blood of more than 175 once clean species.
Others have found the metal for the first time in polar bears, bats, mink,
otters, panthers and more"
- Cancer risks linked to
common pollutant - WebMD, 7/27/06
Air Fresheners Linked to Lung Damage - WebMD, 7/27/06
Pesticide Use Ups Parkinson's in Men - WebMD, 6/15/06
Environmental Chemicals Implicated In Cancer, Say Experts - Science
Daily, 3/21/06
Bad Air Days Send Elderly to Hospitals - WebMD, 3/7/06
Pesticides found in most rivers, streams - USA Today, 3/3/06
Board: Teflon chemical a likely carcinogen - USA Today, 2/15/06
Concerns Raised Over Teflon - cbs2chicago.com, 2/7/06
Insecticides: Potential Leukemia Risk - WebMD, 1/18/06
Household Insecticides Associated With Increased Risk of Childhood Leukaemia
- Doctor's Guide, 1/17/06 - "The risk of developing
acute leukaemia was almost twice as likely in children whose mothers said
that they had used insecticides in the home while pregnant and long after
the birth"
Study Finds Significant Independent Association Between Air Pollution And
Cardiovascular Risk - Science Daily, 12/22/05
Air Pollution May Raise Heart Disease - WebMD, 12/20/05
Chemists Detect Toxic Emissions Linked To Catalytic Converters In U.S. -
Science Daily, 12/6/05
PCBs, Furans May Factor In Risk Of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma - Science Daily,
Lipstick, Hair Dyes Raise Lupus Risk? - WebMD, 11/17/05
Air Pollution May Raise Risk of Stroke - WebMD, 10/27/05
Air Pollution's Health Risks Underestimated? - WebMD, 10/3/05 -
"The health risks associated with air pollution may
be nearly three times greater than previously thought ... for each increase
of 10 micrograms per cubic meter of fine particles in the neighborhood's
air, the overall risk of death rose 11% to 17%; heart-disease-related deaths
rose by 25% to 39% ... the risk of death from diabetes was more than two
times higher in areas of high air pollution"
New Car Smell
Could Be Dangerous - ABC News, 9/27/05
Pollution Linked To Heart Attack - Science Daily, 9/26/05
Pollution Found To Pose Greater Danger To Health Than Earlier Thought -
Science Daily, 9/21/05 - "When the epidemiologists
examined links between particle pollution and mortality within more than 260
Los Angeles neighborhoods, they found that pollution's chronic health
effects are two to three times greater than earlier believed"
Environmental Toxins Linked to Parkinson's - WebMD, 9/7/05
Engine Exhaust Linked to Childhood Cancers - WebMD, 8/10/05
Are our products our enemy? - USATODAY.com, 8/2/05
Manganese Inhaled From The Shower Represent A Public Health Threat? -
Science Daily, 7/4/05 - "The study is the first to
show the potential for permanent brain damage from breathing vaporized
manganese during a shower"
Study links hair dyes to cancer - BBC News, 6/8/05
Diabetics Susceptible To Compromised Cardiovascular Function From High
Levels Of Air Pollution - Science Daily, 6/8/05
Chronic Exposure To Tiny Levels Of Carbon Monoxide Damages Hearing In Young
Ears - Science Daily, 6/5/05
Toxins may pass down generations - BBC News, 6/3/05
Bladder Cancer Risk Increases for Residents Near Pollution Sites -
Doctor's Guide, 5/31/05
Living Near Heavy Traffic Linked to Asthma in Children - Doctor's Guide,
Noise And Carbon Monoxide Exposure Increases Hearing Loss In Workers
According To Université De Montréal Study - Science Daily, 5/23/05
Breast-cancer Risk Linked To Exposure To Traffic Emissions At Menarche,
First Birth - Science Daily, 4/30/05 -
"higher exposure around the time of first
menstruation to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), potential
carcinogens found in traffic emissions, was associated with increased risk
of premenopausal breast cancer"
Oxygen Level on Flights May Hit Danger Mark - Doctor's Guide, 4/27/05
Traffic Fumes May Harm DNA - WebMD, 3/21/05
- Air pollution
causes early deaths - BBC News, 2/21/05
- List of
Cancer-Causing Substances Grows - WebMD, 1/31/05
Most Childhood Cancers Linked to Prenatal Exposure to Pollutants
- Doctor's Guide, 1/18/05 -
"Most childhood cancers are "probably" down to
prenatal exposure to industrial and environmental pollutants, most likely to
have been inhaled by the mother during pregnancy"
- Is Teflon Chemical
Toxic? EPA Seeks Answers - WebMD, 1/13/05
Day-long Drivers At Risk Of Cardiovascular Problems As A Result Of Traffic
Pollution - Science Daily, 12/10/04
- Pollution a
Possible Heart Hazard for Police - WebMD, 12/9/04
- Study Raises
Concerns About Shampoo Safety - WebMD, 12/5/04
Study: Increase In Smog Can Add Deaths - Intelihealth, 11/17/04
- Ozone Levels
Tied to More Deaths in the U.S. - WebMD, 11/16/04
- Ozone More
Deadly in Summer - WebMD, 11/15/04
- Air Pollution
Tied to Heart Disease, Stroke - WebMD, 11/8/04
- Mercury Levels
in Most Women Safe - WebMD, 11/4/04
Pesticides May Promote Parkinson's Disease And Exercise May Offer
Protection, According To New Reports - Science Daily, 11/3/04 -
"chronic exposure to the “organic” pesticide rotenone can cause
Parkinson's-like pathology in monkeys. This finding builds upon their
previous study in which they demonstrated that rotenone, a commonly used
agricultural pesticide made from the extracts of tropical plants, can
reproduce parkinsonian features in rats"
Chemical Solvent, 1-Bromopropane, Has Neurotoxic Effects in Workplace
- Doctor's Guide, 10/7/04
Smog May Cause Lifelong Lung Deficits - Science Daily, 9/21/04
The Effect of Air Pollution on Lung Development from 10 to 18 Years of Age
- NEJM, 9/9/04
- Pollution
Retards Lung Development in Kids - WebMD, 9/8/04
- Benzene Linked
to Childhood Leukemia - WebMD, 8/18/04
Group: Home Products Have Toxic Chemicals - Intelihealth, 7/15/04
- Chlorine in
Pools May Cause Breathing Trouble - WebMD, 6/11/04
Group: Products have ugly side - USA Today, 6/7/04 - "One in three
personal-care products has at least one ingredient classified as a possible
- 'Safe' Levels
of Lead May Still Be Risky - WebMD, 6/7/04
- Air Pollution
Ups Heart Disease Risk, Deaths - WebMD, 6/1/04
- Common Weed
Killers Affect Developing Fetus - WebMD, 5/24/04
- Inherited
Mutations Linked to Air Pollution - WebMD, 5/13/04
Study: American Pesticide Levels Are High - Intelihealth, 5/11/04
- State of
America's Air? Potentially Dangerous - WebMD, 4/29/04
- Acrylamide in
Many Foods - WebMD, 3/26/04
- Four steps to cleaner indoor air
- MSNBC, 1/16/04
- Antiperspirant
Chemical Found in Breast Tumors - WebMD, 1/12/04
Scientists Measure Pollution In Humans - Intelihealth, 12/29/03
Long Time Urban Air Pollution Raises Lung Cancer Risk In Men
- Doctor's Guide, 12/9/03
Air Pollution May Up Lung Cancer Risk - WebMD, 12/3/03
- Carcinogens in
Playsets, Decks, Picnic Tables - WebMD, 11/14/03
- Air Pollution
Hurts Heart, Causes Asthma - WebMD, 11/11/03
Smoggy skies persist despite decade of work - USA Today, 10/16/03
Air Pollution Linked to Stroke - WebMD, 10/13/03
Beware The Air You Breathe At Home - CBS News, 9/16/03 -
"A study of 120 homes in Cape Code, Mass., reported in the Los Angeles
Times, found 67 contaminants ... Little is known about the chemicals that
have been shown to alter hormones in laboratory tests, including what
effects they have on humans or at what levels they pose a risk"
- Pesticides Tied
to Prostate Cancer - WebMD, 8/20/03
- Toxins From WTC
Disaster Harmed Fetuses - WebMD, 8/5/03
Acrylamide in Food Has No Negative Effect on Bowel, Kidney, Bladder Cancers
- Doctor's Guide, 7/15/03
A New Look At Birth Defects - CBS News, 7/11/03 -
"suggests exposure to common herbicides applied to
wheat could be responsible for the increased rate of birth defects"
We're far less exposed to dangers of dioxin - USA Today, 7/2/03
Study Links Early Exposure to Herbicides, Wood and Oil Smoke to Childhood
Asthma Risk - Doctor's Guide, 5/26/03
Link Eyed Between Beef And Cancer - CBS News, 5/21/03 -
"beef cattle are given growth hormones to make them fatter faster, to save
money ... questions are being raised about one of the most widely-used
hormones, Zeranol, a synthetic estrogen implanted in cattle. A series of
tests done for the Pentagon show a possible link between breast cancer and
- Car Pollution
May Damage Male Fertility - WebMD, 4/30/03 -
"Car exhaust lowers male fertility"
- Smog Report:
Half of U.S. Still Flunks - WebMD, 4/30/03 -
"Smog threatens the health of nearly half of all
Studies find disturbing amounts of chemical contamination in lettuce
- USA Today, 4/28/03 - "some of this winter lettuce
is contaminated with perchlorate, a pollutant that has found its way into
the groundwater in as many as 20 states, from the manufacture of rocket
fuel, flares and munitions and is known to contaminate the Colorado [river]
... U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has set a preliminary safety level
of one part per billion of perchlorate in water ... recent tests by The
Press-Enterprise newspaper of Riverside, Calif., found perchlorate in 18 of
18 lettuce samples, at an average of eight parts per billion ... Perchlorate
affects the thyroid gland and can disrupt hormone production"
Out of the frying pan, into a fire - USA Today, 4/23/03
Teflon Chemical Under Scrutiny - CBS News, 4/16/03
- A Little Lead
Can Lower Kids' IQ - WebMD, 4/16/03
Reining In Diesel Exhaust - CBS News, 4/15/03 0 -
"The Bush administration on Tuesday proposed
ordering reductions of more than 90 percent in non-highway diesel engine
pollution blamed for thousands of premature deaths, heart attacks and
respiratory ailments"
Report: C8 Poses Risk To Women, Girls - Intelihealth, 3/31/03
- Plastic Baby
Bottles: Do They Hold a Danger? - WebMD, 3/31/03
Low Blood Lead Levels Associated With Hypertension In Middle-Aged Women
- Doctor's Guide, 3/26/03 - "From a public health
prospective, the most important and troubling implication of these findings
is that lead appears to increase blood pressure in women at very small
increments above 1.0 (mu)g/dL, well below what is considered deleterious in
Something Fishy With Seafood? - CBS News, 2/25/03 -
"Studies show that mercury found in some fishes can be unhealthy and
dangerous for pregnant women. But experts say little has been done to warn
those at risk ... mercury in the body can result in impaired coordination,
blurred vision, tremors, irritability, memory loss and behavioral or
intellectual problems"
Playground Equipment May Pose Cancer Risk - Intelihealth, 2/10/03
- Lead Linked to
Male Infertility - WebMD, 2/6/03
American Children Carry Traces Of Pesticides, Industrial Chemicals And More
- Intelihealth, 2/3/03
What's Your Poison? - CBS News, 1/31/03
- CDC Measures
Pollution in Americans - WebMD, 1/31/03
- Snack Food
Cancer Risk Debunked - WebMD, 1/28/03
- Low-Level Lead
Exposure Harms Kidneys - Doctor's Guide, 1/22/03 -
"the progression of kidney failure was much slower
in patients who received
chelation therapy compared with those who
got the placebo"
- New reasons for eating
organic? - MSNBC, 12/18/02 -
"The study by researchers at the University of
Washington concluded that children fed a diet of
organic foods were exposed to far fewer — six to nine times less — toxic
pesticides than children fed a conventional diet ... What we do know is that
chronic exposures to low levels of pesticides could very well be significant
... Children exposed to high levels of organophosphate pesticides are at
risk for bone and brain cancer, neuroblastoma and childhood leukemia"
Study Looks At Pollution, Gene Mutations - Intelihealth, 12/10/02 -
"Exposure to air pollution from steel mills may
cause genetic mutations that are passed by fathers to their offspring ...
pairs of mice exposed for about 70 days to air pollution downwind from a
steel mill produced young that carried up to twice the number of genetic
mutation found in animals that lived in clean air"
Air Pollution-Medical Costs Linked - Intelihealth, 11/12/02 -
"The study found air pollution significantly
increases Medicare recipients' medical care needs, even after controlling
for region, population size, education, income, cigarette use and obesity"
Sperm Quality Lower in Farming Areas - WebMD, 11/12/02
- Rising breast cancer rate
fuels environmental concerns - MSNBC, 10/23/02 -
"Breast cancer jumped
by 72 percent among Marin [County, Calif.] women ages 46 to 64 during the
1990s ... Common pollutants, such as benzene, a compound found in car
exhaust, are linked to breast tumors, and people who move to industrialized
counties suddenly face a higher breast cancer risk within one generation ...
In the case of breast cancer, new diagnoses have, in fact, been growing at a
rate of .6 percent per year nationwide"
Study Records Elevated Mercury - Intelihealth, 10/19/02 -
"A study of Californians who loaded their lunch and
dinner menus with fish shows 89 percent wound up with elevated mercury
levels in their bodies ... Of that group, 63 people had blood mercury levels
more than twice the recommended level and 19 showed blood mercury levels
four times the level considered safe. Four people had mercury levels 10
times as high as the government recommends"
Cleaner Air: Longer Life - WebMD, 10/17/02
Toxins in 20% of U.S. Food Supply - WebMD, 10/14/02 -
"About 20% of the entire U.S. food supply is
contaminated with toxins from pesticide residue, and a recent study by an
anti-pesticide group estimates that the average American receives about 68
"exposures" to these substances each day ... We really don't know the
effects of exposure to all the pesticides, but we do know that the incidence
of certain diseases and conditions is increasing for unexplained reasons ...
This includes childhood leukemias, non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, and certain
types of breast cancer"
EPA: Diesel Exhaust May Cause Cancer - Intelihealth, 9/4/02
Arsenic-Treated Wood May Pose Risks - Intelihealth, 8/29/02
Scientists Look For Pollution Answers - Intelihealth, 8/26/02
Does green grass come with health risks? - CNN, 7/12/02
Calif. Adopts Pollution Standards - Intelihealth, 6/21/02
California Examines Micro-Pollution - Intelihealth, 6/20/02
Toxic Chemicals Seen Contributing To Increased Childhood Illness
- Intelihealth, 6/12/02 - "There are 85,000
chemicals registered with the Environmental Protection Agency for commercial
use in America ... Virtually all of them did not exist before the 1960s ...
There has been a 25 percent rise in the incidence of childhood leukemia
since the 1960s and a 21 percent increase in brain cancer ... In addition to
cancer-causing substances, Landrigan warned of "endocrine disrupting"
chemicals, which he said may be linked to premature puberty in girls,
growing numbers of testicular cancer in boys and penis malformation"
Solvent Exposure At Work An Important Issue - Doctor's Guide, 6/11/02 -
"Increasing exposure to organic solvents is linked
with increasing risk of cognitive impairment ... Solvent exposure and
reduction in grip strength were also found to be linked"
EPA OKs Safety Of Many Pesticides - Intelihealth, 6/11/02
California has the USA's worst air quality - USA Today, 5/1/02
Odds Are, You're Breathing Bad Air - WebMD, 5/1/02
Ozone Lowers Sperm Counts - WebMD, 4/24/02
Pool Water Risky During Pregnancy - WebMD, 4/8/02
- Is Soot in the Air a Lung
Cancer Threat? - Dr. Weil, 3/22/02 -
"The report you refer to, on results of a study
published in the March 6 issue of the Journal of the American Medical
Association, was somewhat alarming, particularly for city-dwellers like
yourself. The study found that with each 10-microgram increase in fine
particles of soot and sulfur dioxide-related pollution per cubic meter of
air, the risks of heart and lung diseases increase, including an 8 percent
increase in the risk of lung cancer"
Streams Contaminated with Drugs - WebMD, 3/13/02
The State of the Air Many Breathe Is a Sorry State - WebMD, 3/12/02 -
"It's not just L.A. any more. Three out of every
four Americans now breathe air so dirty it threatens the health of children,
the elderly, and even outdoor joggers ... The American Lung Association's
annual State of the Air report card gave an F in air quality to nearly 400
U.S. counties -- a 15% increase since the previous report"
Air Pollution Increases Lung Cancer Risk - WebMD, 3/5/02 -
"the strongest evidence to date that long-term
exposure to fine particulate air pollution common to many metropolitan areas
is an important risk factor for [death from heart disease] ... Significant
increases in lung cancer [deaths]" were also linked with air pollution ...
sulfur oxide pollution -- from automobile exhaust -- was significantly
associated with all deaths including heart disease and lung cancer"
Almost All In U.S. Exposed To Fallout Since 1951, Study Finds
- Intelihealth, 3/1/02
- Is Fluoride Safe for Kids?
- Dr. Weil, 2/28/02
Study Links Pollution, Asthma - Intelihealth, 2/25/02
Toxic Landfills May Boost Birth Defects - WebMD, 1/24/02
Scientists Suggest Arsenic Study Of Children - Intelihealth, 12/19/01
Australian Researchers Say New Car Interiors Emit Toxic Smells
- Intelihealth, 12/19/01 - "a new car could expose
occupants to levels of toxic emissions many times beyond limits established
by Australia's National Health and Medical Research Council, NHMRC.
Long-term exposure can be carcinogenic and may cause abnormalities in unborn
Study Links Air Pollution, Defects - Intelihealth, 12/16/01
Study finds lung damage in healthy kids - USA Today, 11/28/01
Car Solvent Can Cause Nerve Damage - Intelihealth, 11/16/01
Expert: Protect Kids From Lead - Intelihealth, 11/14/01
- Lead Poisoning Causes
Long-Term Clinical Effects - Doctor's Guide, 10/25/01
Workplace Chemicals Drop Sperm Count, Printers, Painters at Highest Risk
- WebMD, 9/13/01
Can On-the-Job Air Pollution Hurt the Heart? - WebMD, 8/27/01
Scientists Say Greenhouse Gases Have Immediate, Widespread Effect On Public
Health - Intelihealth, 8/16/01 -
"It is our best estimate that more people are being
killed by air pollution from traffic than from traffic crashes"
Report: Workers Often Not Warned About Toxic Metal Beryllium
- Intelihealth, 7/29/01
Brought Home the Bacon? Don't Fry It Up in a Nonstick Pan - WebMD,
Death And Disease Surround Toxic Sludge Site Known As Canada's Love Canal
- Intelihealth, 7/15/01
Asthma tracking urged - USA Today, 7/10/01 -
"Most states with large amounts of air pollutants
don't track the number of asthma cases in each community, preventing
researchers from determining which environmental toxins trigger the disease"
Toxic Playgrounds - Time, 7/16/01
Get Rid of Mercury: Start With the Thermometers - WebMD, 7/6/01
Wood Products to Include Arsenic Warning Label - WebMD, 7/3/01
Group draws a bead on dangers of mercury - USA Today, 7/2/01
Scientists identify new male infertility syndrome
- CNN, 7/2/01 - "Hormone disruptors, which are also
known as gender-bending chemicals, are compounds used in paints, pesticides
and detergents that can disrupt natural hormones in the body causing birth
defects and other problems in humans"
Candles might be polluting your home, EPA says - USA Today, 6/14/01
Smog Linked to Heart Attacks - WebMD, 6/11/01
High Levels of Dangerous Toxin Found in Some Lake Fish - WebMD, 6/8/01 -
"Although the new study focuses on fish from the
Great Lakes, where PCB levels are known to be high, PCBs exist everywhere,
and according to Schantz, "We are all getting exposed, mostly through foods
that we eat, like meat, dairy products, and fish.""
Lead Exposure May Increase Violent Behavior - WebMD, 5/29/01
Wood Playgrounds and Picnic Tables: Arsenic Danger Zones?, Consumers Will
Get More Safety Information - WebMD, 5/25/01
Concern grows over arsenic in playground wood - CNN, 5/23/01
Nearly 10% of Infant Deaths Linked to Air Pollution - WebMD, 5/23/01 -
"9% of [deaths] in infants aged 1-12 months may be
due to PM10 air pollution ... Considering that the overall infant mortality
rate in the U.S. is about 250 per 100,000 live births, that means up to 25
of those deaths may be pollution related"
Nasal Sprays: More There Than Meets the Nose?, Common Preservative Could Be
Causing Sinus Troubles - WebMD, 5/14/01 -
"A common ingredient found in nasal saline sprays be
may doing more harm than good"
- Drug Treatment of
Lead-Exposed Children Does Not Improve Psychological Test Scores -
Doctor's Guide, 5/10/01
Lead Poisoning a Lingering Problem for Nation's Kids, Therapy Gets the Lead
Out but Doesn't Prevent Brain Damage - WebMD, 5/9/01
The State of the Air Many Breathe Is a Sorry State, Smog Rising Across U.S.
Blamed for Health Ills - WebMD, 5/1/01 -
"Three out of every four Americans now breathe air
so dirty it threatens the health of children, the elderly, and even outdoor
Study: Lead Paint Affects Child IQ - Intelihealth, 5/1/01 -
"Children with a lead concentration of less than 10 micrograms per deciliter
of blood scored an average of 11.1 points lower on the Stanford-Binet IQ
test than the mean of children with a lead concentration of 1 microgram or
Study: 'Safe' levels of lead still harm IQ - CNN, 4/30/01
Expectant Moms, Can the Fish, Environmental Groups Expand FDA's List of
Unsafe Seafood - WebMD, 4/12/01 -
"Methylmercury is a toxic form of mercury that
gathers in fish tissue. Absorbed by the fish from pollution and from other
water creatures, it poses health threats to developing brains and nervous
systems of unborn babies"
Cancers haunt town, defy science - USA Today, 4/12/01 -
"Despite several suspected causes — among them the
highest arsenic levels in any U.S. municipal water supply — investigators
aren't close to solving the case"
Fish-mercury risk underestimated - CNN, 4/12/01 -
"millions of pregnant women and their fetuses are at
risk of serious health problems from exposure to mercury in fish ... shark,
swordfish, king mackerel and tilefish not be eaten by pregnant women and
women of childbearing age who might become pregnant. It also recommended
that nursing mothers and young children steer clear of these fish"
Pollutants? We're soaking in them - USA Today, 3/21/01 -
"Federal health researchers found measurable levels
of 27 environmental chemicals in the blood and urine of most of the 3,800
people tested in 12 U.S. regions"
Exposure To Questionable Chemical Higher Than Expected, Study Finds -
Intelihealth, 3/21/01 - "Americans' bodies harbor
surprisingly high amounts of a chemical used in soap and cosmetics ... the
chemical, diethyl phthalate, may disrupt normal hormone function and cause
birth defects"
American Bodies Harbor Some Suspicious Chemicals - WebMD, 3/21/01 -
"a chemical used in soap and cosmetics is
surprisingly prevalent"
FDA Issues Lead Warning To Dentists - Intelihealth, 3/14/01
Wood Type Leaks Arsenic - Intelihealth, 3/12/01
Report: Diesel school buses loaded with toxins - CNN, 2/13/01
Eighth Leukemia Case In Nevada - Intelihealth, 12/31/00
Food for Thought: Irradiation Is Dangerous, Group Insists, Debate Over the
Controversial Procedure Could Get Hot in the New Year - WebMD, 12/25/00
Deaths Increase as Air Pollution Levels Rise - WebMD, 12/13/00
List of Carcinogens Could Get Longer, Estrogen, Talc, Wood Dust May Be Added
- WebMD, 12/12/00
Group Cautions Women to Avoid Certain Cosmetics, Products Made with Chemical
Could Lead to Birth Defects, Group Says - WebMD, 11/29/00
Mercury Thermometer Threat - WebMD, 11/22/00
Groups Say Power Plants Help Kill Residents - Intelihealth, 10/30/00
Study Links Smog To Long-Term Lung Damage - Intelihealth, 10/20/00
Toxic Risks Near Projects - Intelihealth, 10/3/00
We're poisoning our kids, toxins report says - CNN, 9/11/00
Exposure to Solvents Can Raise Your Risk of Parkinson's - WebMD, 9/11/00
CDC Measures Exposure To Chemicals - Intelihealth, 9/5/00
Indoor Air Pollutants Can Harm Children's Health - WebMD, 7/14/00
Study Links Pollution With Deaths - Intelihealth, 6/29/00
Work Often Hazardous to Teens' Health - WebMD, 6/14/00
Smog May Induce Heart Attacks - Intelihealth, 6/6/00
Release Of PCBs Higher Than Thought - Intelihealth, 5/22/00
Diet, Dioxin Risk May Be Linked - Intelihealth, 5/18/00
Study Links Lead, Kids' Delinquency - Intelihealth, 5/16/00
Contradictory Findings: Fluoride Does Increase Risk Of Hip Fractures -
Doctor's Guide, 2/24/00
Natural disinfectants lack killer instinct, study shows - CNN, 1/31/00
Report: Gas Additive Can Be Harmful - Intelihealth, 7/27/99
Dioxin Exposure Linked to Cancer - Intelihealth, 5/5/99
- Chemical Contaminants May
Inhibit Cancer-Fighting White Blood Cells - Doctor's Guide, 4/1/99
No pathinfo