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Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending 5/19/10.  You should consult your doctor if you are taking any medications.

High TSH Levels Associated With Frailty in Older Women - Medscape, 5/18/10 - "Women with thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels greater than 5 mU/L have a higher risk of incident frailty ... When we looked at participants according to their TSH levels, we could clearly see that the individuals with TSH between 3 and 5 [mU/L] and individuals with TSH greater than 5 [mU/L] had higher incidence rates than [those with] TSH between 1 and 3 [mU/L] [85.7% and 92.9% vs 55.2%]," he told Medscape Internal Medicine. Ultimately, those numbers translated into a hazard ratio of 1.76 in the group with THS greater than 5 [mU/L]. After the hazard ratio was adjusted for confounders, it actually rose to 2.28 for THS greater than 5 [mU/L]"

Lowering Systolic BP in Midlife Reduces the Risk of Late-Life Dementia - Medscape, 5/17/10 - "17.7% of cases could be attributed to prehypertension (systolic BP 120 to <140 mm Hg), regardless of treatment status, or 11 excess cases per 1000"

Eating processed meats, but not unprocessed red meats, may raise risk of heart disease and diabetes, study finds - Science Daily, 5/17/10 - "eating processed meat, such as bacon, sausage or processed deli meats, was associated with a 42% higher risk of heart disease and a 19% higher risk of type 2 diabetes. In contrast, the researchers did not find any higher risk of heart disease or diabetes among individuals eating unprocessed red meat, such as from beef, pork, or lamb"

Caffeine may slow Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, restore cognitive function, according to new evidence - Science Daily, 5/17/10 - "Key findings ... Multiple beneficial effects of caffeine to normalize brain function and prevent its degeneration ... Caffeine's neuroprotective profile and its ability to reduce amyloid-beta production ... Caffeine as a candidate disease-modifying agent for Alzheimer's disease ... Positive impact of caffeine on cognition and memory performance ... Identification of adenosine A2A receptors as the main target for neuroprotection afforded by caffeine consumption ... Confirmation of data through valuable meta-analyses presented ... Epidemiological studies corroborated by meta-analysis suggesting that caffeine may be protective against Parkinson's disease"

Long-term use of vitamin E may decrease COPD risk, study finds - Science Daily, 5/16/10 - "Long-term, regular use of vitamin E in women 45 years of age and older may help decrease the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) by about 10 percent in both smokers and non-smokers" - See Jarrow FamilE (contains all eight members of the vitamin E family, includes Tocomin) at Amazon.com.

Unhealthy patterns of innate oral bacteria may cause bad breath - Science Daily, 5/16/10 - "Poor oral hygiene resulting in bacterial overgrowth is a known cause of bad breath and while treatment with antibacterials generally provides short-term relief, the malodor-causing bacteria quickly return. Bacteria attributed to bad breath are considered members, not imposters, of the oral microbial ecosystem suggesting that an overall shift in the structure of bacterial populations may be necessary to completely cure bad breath ... The results of this investigation clearly demonstrate that oral malodor is a symptom based on the characteristic occupation of indigenous oral bacterial populations, rather than solely on bacterial overgrowth due to poor oral hygiene" - SmartMouth Alcohol-Free Mouthwash, Fresh Mint, 16-Ounce Box (Pack of 2)

Middle-aged men: Could dwindling testosterone levels decrease sleep? - Science Daily, 5/14/10 - "In young men, deep sleep represents 10 to 20 percent of total sleep. By age 50, it decreases to five to seven percent. For men over 60, it can disappear altogether ... Because deep sleep requires great synchronization ... Low levels of testosterone intensify the lack of synchronization and can explain 20 percent of men's inability to experience deep sleep ... Sekerovic suggests dwindling testosterone levels are what impact sleep, not vice-versa, as other studies have suggested ... If Sekerovic is right, his findings could re-ignite the hormone therapy debate. "The loss of deep sleep is a serious problem that could be treated with testosterone. That would be tremendous progress,""

Cardiac procedure significantly reduces risk of Alzheimer's disease and stroke, researchers find - Science Daily, 5/13/10 - "patients with atrial fibrillation treated with catheter ablation are less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia, and have a significantly reduced risk of stroke and death compared to A-fib patients with who are not treated with ablation"

Calcium in early life may prevent obesity later - Science Daily, 5/13/10 - "not getting enough calcium in the earliest days of life could have a more profound, lifelong impact on bone health and perhaps even obesity than previously thought"

Researchers discover additional benefit of vitamin A - Science Daily, 5/12/10 - "Children of mothers who received vitamin A supplementation before, during and after pregnancy had significantly improved lung function when compared to those whose mothers received beta-carotene supplementation or placebo"

Does Perfume Have Hidden Health Risks? - WebMD, 5/12/10 - "The fragrance mixture itself can be comprised of dozens, even hundreds, of individual chemicals, and those don't have to be listed on the label"

Many pregnant women not getting enough vitamin D: Prenatal vitamins help, but are not enough for everyone - Science Daily, 5/11/10 - "out of every ten pregnant women in the United States are not getting enough Vitamin D" - See vitamin D at Amazon.com.

Treatment of gum disease may lower blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes - Science Daily, 5/12/10 - "Current belief is that, when bacteria infect the mouth and cause inflammation, the resulting chemical changes reduce the effectiveness of insulin produced in the body, thus making it more difficult for diabetics to control their blood sugar"

Abstracts from this week's Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here for the journals, the PubMed ones at the top):

Coffee and tea consumption and endometrial cancer risk in a population-based study in New Jersey - Cancer Causes Control. 2010 May 14 - "There was a moderate inverse association with coffee consumption, with an adjusted OR of 0.65 (95% CI: 0.36-1.17) for women who reported more than two cups/day of coffee compared to none. Tea consumption appeared to increase risk (OR: 1.93; 95% CI: 1.08-3.45), but after including the variables sugar/honey and cream/milk added to tea in the model, the risk estimate was attenuated and no longer statistically significant (OR: 1.77; 95% CI: 0.96-3.28 for those consuming more than one cup/day of tea compared to nonusers). There was a suggestion of a decreased risk associated with green tea, but the confidence interval included one (adjusted OR for one or more cups/week vs. none: 0.75; 95% CI: 0.48-1.18). We found an association with adding sugar/honey to tea, with those adding two or more teaspoons/cup having an OR of 2.66 (95% CI: 1.42-4.98; p for trend <0.01) after adjusting for relevant confounders. For sugar/honey added to coffee the corresponding OR was 1.43 (95% CI: 0.81-2.55). Our results indicate that sugars and milk/cream added to coffee and tea should be considered in future studies evaluating coffee and tea and endometrial cancer risk"

The Effect of Short-term Dutasteride Intake in Early-stage Prostate Cancer: Analysis of 148 Patients Who Underwent Three-dimensional Prostate Mapping Biopsy - Urology. 2010 May 14 - "transperineal three-dimensional mapping (TP-3DM) biopsy ... We observed a 24.3% decrease in the proportion of upstaging and/or upgrading of prostate cancer in men who received dutasteride at least 3 months before 3D prostate TP-3DM biopsy. Thus, the effect of dutasteride on prostate cancer may have implications for its potential use as a secondary chemoprevention agent" - See dutasteride at OffshoreRx1.com.

Effects of a 1-year dietary intervention with n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid-enriched olive oil on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease patients: a preliminary study - Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2010 May 13 - "Consumption of olive oil enriched with n-3 PUFA demonstrated a significant improvement of liver echo-texture and of the Doppler Perfusion Index after 12 months (after: 0.19 +/- 0.02 vs. pre: 0.15 +/- 0.03; P < 0.05), whereas no significant changes were seen at the end of follow-up in controls. Moreover, patients who consumed the olive oil enriched with n-3 PUFA showed a significant amelioration of liver enzymes, and of triglycerides (post: 132.8 +/- 63.7 vs. pre: 164.5 +/- 85.5 mg/dl; P = 0.04) in a general linear model adjusted for age and gender. Interestingly, patients reported to have a significant increase of adiponectin levels (post: 1,487.9 +/- 96.7 vs. pre: 1,143 +/- 24.8 mug/ml; P = 0.04)"

Muscle Strength in Elderly Adults with Growth Hormone (GH) Deficiency after Ten Years of GH Replacement - Eur J Endocrinol. 2010 May 12 - "Ten years of GH replacement therapy in elderly GHD adults resulted in a transient increase in isometric knee flexor strength and provided protection from most of the normal age-related decline in muscle performance and neuromuscular function"

Resveratrol regulates human adipocyte number and function in a Sirt1-dependent manner - Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 May 12 - "Taken together, our data suggest that resveratrol influences adipose tissue mass and function in a way that may positively interfere with the development of obesity-related comorbidities. Thus, our findings open up the new perspective that resveratrol-induced intracellular pathways could be a target for prevention or treatment of obesity-associated endocrine and metabolic adverse effects" - See resveratrol products at Amazon.com.

The impact of alcohol consumption on the risk of cancer among men: A 20-year follow-up study from Finland - Eur J Cancer. 2010 May 3 - "About 6.7% of the cancer cases in this cohort were due to alcohol consumption"

Neat Tech Stuff :

  • Hard Candy Cases Street Skin for Apple iPad - The only one I've seen that got 5 stars at Amazon.com.
  • Incipio Destroyer OVERKILL for Apple iPad - Looks like the best iPad cover at Amazon.com
  • To convert .tivo files to .mpg, download at Dsd0.1.1424.0.msi http://www.dvd-ripping.biz/downloads/Dsd0.1.1424.0.msi.  It only works with Framework 1.1 (an old version).  Click here for the download.  After you install Framework, install Dsd0.1.1424.0.msi.  You might want to save both while they are still available.  I save all software before I run them plus I keep a list of activation keys.  It saves a lot of heartburn if you have to re-install your operating system.  Also, If you use your computer a lot, if you back up your data and re-install the operating system every couple years it's like a new computer again.
  • Click here for next weeks section on mouse support and a full sized keyboard for the iPad.

Health Focus (Cruciferous Vegetables):

News & Research:

  • indole-3-carbinol at Amazon.com / diindolylmethane at Amazon.com / sulforaphane at Amazon.com
  • Broccoli component limits breast cancer stem cells, study finds - Science Daily, 5/4/10 - "In the current study, researchers took mice with breast cancer and injected varying concentrations of sulforaphane from the broccoli extract. Researchers then used several established methods to assess the number of cancer stem cells in the tumors. These measures showed a marked decrease in the cancer stem cell population after treatment with sulforaphane, with little effect on the normal cells. Further, cancer cells from mice treated with sulforaphane were unable to generate new tumors. The researchers then tested sulforaphane on human breast cancer cell cultures in the lab, finding similar decreases in the cancer stem cells"
  • Broccoli-extract may protect skin from harmful UV - Nutra USA, 4/9/10 - "Hairless mice developed 25 per cent fewer skin tumours following exposure to UV radiation and fed a the broccoli extract for 13 weeks, compared with mice receiving a standard protective agent ... In addition, the tumours the broccoli-fed mice did develop were 70 per cent smaller" - [Abstract]
  • Antioxidant found in vegetables has implications for treating cystic fibrosis - 11/20/09 - "a dietary antioxidant found in such vegetables as broccoli and cauliflower protects cells from damage caused by chemicals generated during the body's inflammatory response to infection and injury. The finding has implications for such inflammation-based disorders as cystic fibrosis (CF), diabetes, heart disease, and neurodegeneration ... the antioxidant thiocyanate normally existing in the body protects lung cells from injuries caused by accumulations of hydrogen peroxide and hypochlorite, the active ingredient in household bleach. These potentially harmful chemicals are made by the body as a reaction to infection and injury. In addition, thiocyanate also protects cells from hypochlorite produced in reactions involving MPO, an enzyme released from germ-fighting white blood cells during inflammation"
  • Broccoli extract’s heart health benefits pinpointed? - Nutra USA, 9/7/09 - "Researchers from Imperial College London (ICL) report that sulforaphane, a compound most widely associated with broccoli, may activate a protein called Nrf2 in arteries ... the natural compound sulforaphane reduced inflammation at the high-risk areas by 'switching on' Nrf2 ... Atherosclerosis, known as hardening or furring of the arteries is a key risk factor for cardiovascular disease, the cause of over 50 per cent of deaths in Europe and the US ... When these cells were exposed to sulforaphane, a re-activation of Nrf2 in the disease-prone regions of the artery was observed. This indicated that the cells’ ability to protect themselves from becoming inflamed was restored" - [Abstract] - See sulforaphane at Amazon.com.
  • Naturally Occurring Compounds Selectively Deplete Mutant P53 In Tumor Cells - Science Daily, 4/20/09 - "This study demonstrates for the first time that phenethyl isothiocyante (PEITC), a naturally-occurring compound, can selectively deplete mutant p53. The authors also made an intriguing observation that the depletion of mutant p53 in human cancer cells is accompanied by restoration of the wild type p53. PEITC is a member of the isothiocyanate family compounds found in cruciferous vegetables, such as watercress, broccoli and cabbage. PEITC has been shown to have cancer preventive activity"
  • Broccoli May Help Protect Against Respiratory Conditions Like Asthma - Science Daily, 3/2/09 - "a naturally occurring compound found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables may help protect against respiratory inflammation that causes conditions like asthma, allergic rhinitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ... sulforaphane, a chemical in broccoli, triggers an increase of antioxidant enzymes in the human airway that offers protection against the onslaught of free radicals that we breathe in every day in polluted air, pollen, diesel exhaust and tobacco smoke" - See sulforaphane at Amazon.com.
  • Broccoli And Cabbage-based Drug Could Inhibit Melanoma - Science Daily, 3/1/09 - "We have developed drugs from naturally occurring compounds that can inhibit the growth of tumors in mice by 50 to 60 percent with a very low dose ... Robertson and his colleagues previously showed the therapeutic potential of targeting the Akt3 protein in inhibiting the development of melanoma. The search for a drug to block the protein led them to a class of compounds called isothiocyanates ... These naturally occurring chemicals found in cruciferous vegetables are known to have certain cancer-fighting properties ... Selenium deficiency is common in cancer patients ... the selenium-enhanced compounds significantly reduced the production of Akt3 protein and shut down its signaling network"
  • How Certain Vegetables Combat Cancer - Science Daily, 12/23/08 - "Breast cancer, the second leading cause of cancer deaths in women, can be protected against by eating cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage and near relatives of cabbage such as broccoli and cauliflower ... Our paper focuses on the anti-cancer activity of one of these compounds, called sulforaphane, or SFN ... SFN inhibits the proliferation of human tumor cells by a mechanism similar to the way that the anticancer drugs taxol and vincristine inhibit cell division during mitosis ... SFN, like the more powerful anticancer agents, interferes with microtubule functioning during mitosis in a similar manner to the more powerful anticancer drugs ... SFN may be an effective cancer preventive agent because it inhibits the proliferation and kills precancerous cells"
  • Broccoli May Help Smokers' Lungs - WebMD, 11/18/08 - "asked 948 lung cancer patients and 1,743 people without lung cancer about their smoking history and consumption of fruits, cruciferous vegetables, and other vegetables ... Among smokers -- and especially among former smokers -- higher intake of cruciferous vegetables was linked to lower risk of lung cancer"
  • Unpopular veggies vital for cancer protection: Study - Nutra USA, 10/7/08 - "Significant inhibition of all the cancer cell lines tested – stomach, lung, breast, kidney, skin, pancreas, prostate, and brain – was observed for all the extracts from cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts, and curly cabbage, and vegetables of the genus Allium, such as garlic ... These chemopreventive effects are likely related to the formation of organosulfur compounds following mechanical disruption of these vegetables, namely isothiocyanates from cruciferous and a series of allyl sulfur molecules from Allium vegetables"
  • COPD? Eat Your Veggies - Science Daily, 9/12/08 - "Sulforapane has been shown to be able to restore antioxidant gene expression in human epithelial tissue in which DJ-1 has been reduced. Isothicyanate compounds such as that found in broccoli inhibit KEAP1, and thus prevent it from degrading NRF2"
  • Broccoli Could Reverse The Heart Damaging Effects Of Diabetes - Science Daily, 8/26/08 - "Our study suggests that compounds such as Sulforaphane from broccoli may help counter processes linked to the development of vascular disease in diabetes"
  • Broccoli can reverse diabetic heart damage, say researchers - Nutra USA, 8/8/08 - "Our study suggests that compounds such as Sulforaphane from broccoli may help counter processes linked to the development of vascular disease in diabetes ... Published in the journal Diabetes Care, the epidemiological study of 71,346 female nurses found for every additional serving of green leafy vegetables, the risk of developing diabetes may be reduced by almost 10 per cent" - [Abstract]
  • Activation of NF-E2-related factor-2 reverses biochemical dysfunction of endothelial cells induced by hyperglycemia linked to vascular disease - Diabetes. 2008 Aug 4 - "Sulforaphane (SFN) is an activator of transcription factor NF-E2-related factor-2 (nrf2) that regulates gene expression through the promoter antioxidant response element (ARE). Nrf2 regulates the transcription of a battery of protective and metabolic enzymes ... We conclude that activation of nrf2 may prevent biochemical dysfunction and related functional responses of endothelial cells induced by hyperglycemia in which increased expression of transketolase has a pivotal role" - [Nutra USA]
  • Broccoli May Cut Prostate Cancer Risk - WebMD, 7/1/08 - [Science Daily] - "men who regularly ate broccoli showed more changes in gene expression suggestive of a reduced risk of cancer"
  • Veggies, Exercise May Cut Cancer Risk - WebMD, 4/15/08 - "Foods rich in plant chemicals called isothiocyanates and quercetin appeared to offer the best protection against lung cancer ... Isothiocyanates are found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, and turnips"
  • Could foods prevent ovarian cancer? - MSNBC, 3/14/08 - "Kaempferol — a flavonoid found in tea, broccoli, kale and spinach — and luteolin — which is provided by peppers, carrots, cabbage and celery — were both identified as cancer protective. Women who consumed the most of these two flavonoids were 40 percent and 34 percent less likely, respectively, to develop ovarian cancer compared to women who consumed the least ... A 2007 study published in the British Journal of Nutrition linked greater consumption of carotenoid phytochemicals with a 67 percent lower risk of ovarian cancer. This included not only beta-carotene, the oft-cited carotenoid in deep-orange vegetables and fruits, but also alpha-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein and zeaxanthin — carotenoids found in a wide range of red, orange, yellow and green vegetables" - See Jarrow Formulas, CarotenALL, Mixed Carotenoid Complex at Amazon.com.
  • Broccoli May Help Boost Aging Immune System - Science Daily, 3/6/08 - "As we age, the ability of the immune system to fight disease and infections and protect against cancer wears down as a result of the impact of oxygen radicals on the immune system ... our study shows that a chemical present in broccoli is capable of stimulating a wide range of antioxidant defense pathways and may be able to interfere with the age-related decline in immune function ... The UCLA team not only found that the direct administration of sulforaphane in broccoli reversed the decline in cellular immune function in old mice, but they witnessed similar results when they took individual immune cells from old mice, treated those cells with the chemical outside the body and then placed the treated cells back into a recipient animal"
  • Extract Of Broccoli Sprouts May Protect Against Bladder Cancer - Science Daily, 2/28/08 - "A concentrated extract of freeze dried broccoli sprouts cut development of bladder tumors in an animal model by more than half" - [WebMD]
  • Finding the Right Prostate Cancer Diet - WebMD, 2/15/08 - "poultry and eggs double the risk of prostate cancer progression ... orange and yellow vegetables, such as squash, yams, and carrots, and cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cut the risk of recurrence by about half ... If you eat chicken or poultry, eat it without the skin ... the men's overall PSA doubling time was nearly four times slower after they began drinking pomegranate juice"
  • Vegetables- and antioxidant-related nutrients, genetic susceptibility, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma risk - Cancer Causes Control. 2008 Jan 17 - "For the GSTM3 3-base insertion and higher total vegetable intake, the risk was 0.56 (0.35-0.92, p interaction = 0.03); for GSTP1 A114V and higher cruciferous vegetable intake, the risk was 0.52 (0.34-0.81, p interaction = 0.02); for OGG1 S326C and higher daily zinc intake, the risk was 0.71 (0.47-1.08, p interaction = 0.04) and for XRCC3 T241M and higher green leafy vegetable intake, the risk was 0.63"
  • Broccoli Good for the Heart - WebMD, 1/18/08 - "The rats that had eaten the broccoli extract had three heart advantages over the other rats: ... Better blood-pumping ability ... Less heart damage during oxygen deprivation ... Higher levels of heart-health chemicals during oxygen deprivation ... Broccoli's key nutrients include selenium and sulforaphane, which may also curb cancer"
  • Is There an Anticancer Diet? - WebMD, 12/6/07 - "Raw cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, broccoli sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower seem to reduce bladder cancer risk by about 40%"
  • Natural Chemical Found In Broccoli Helps Combat Skin Blistering Disease - Science Daily, 8/20/07
  • Broccoli May Help Cut Prostate Cancer - WebMD, 7/24/07 - "Men who reported eating cauliflower more than once per week were 52% less likely to be diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer than men who reported eating cauliflower less than once a month ... Men who reported eating broccoli more than once per week were 45% less likely to be diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer than men who reported eating broccoli less than once a month"
  • Eat Your Broccoli: Study Finds Strong Anti-Cancer Properties In Cruciferous Veggies - Science Daily, 5/17/07 - "if you’re at all worried about cancer or at high risk of cancer, especially of prostate or colon cancer, then increasing your dietary intake of broccoli and other vegetables could be a good idea"
  • Boiling Broccoli Ruins Its Anti-cancer Properties, According To Study - Science Daily, 5/15/07 - "Boiling appeared to have a serious impact on the retention of those important glucosinolate within the vegetables. The loss of total glucosinolate content after boiling for 30 minutes was: broccoli 77%, Brussel sprouts 58%, cauliflower 75% and green cabbage 65%"
  • Nutrients In Certain Vegetables May Provide Cancer-fighting Benefit - Science Daily, 4/17/07 - "Dr. Singh's study is based on phytochemicals, called isothiocyanates (ITCs), found in several cruciferous vegetables and generated when vegetables are either cut or chewed. His laboratory has found that phenethyl-ITC, or PEITC, is highly effective in suppressing the growth of human prostate cancer cells at concentrations achievable through dietary intake"
  • Worried About Prostate Cancer? Tomato-broccoli Combo Shown To Be Effective - Science Daily, 1/16/07 - "fed a diet containing 10 percent tomato powder and 10 percent broccoli powder to laboratory rats that had been implanted with prostate cancer cells ... The tomato/broccoli combo outperformed all other diets in shrinking prostate tumors ... The only treatment that approached the tomato/broccoli diet's level of effectiveness was castration ... To get these effects, men should consume daily 1.4 cups of raw broccoli and 2.5 cups of fresh tomato, or 1 cup of tomato sauce, or ½ cup of tomato paste"
  • Broccoli, Cauliflower May Fight Cancer - WebMD, 5/19/06
  • Broccoli, Cauliflower And Genetic Cancer - Science Daily, 5/18/06 - "cruciferous vegetables ... are abundant in sulforaphane (SFN) ... those mice fed with an SFN-supplemented diet developed significantly fewer and smaller tumors"
  • Crunchy Veggies Fight Cancer - WebMD, 4/5/06 - "focused on a substance found in cruciferous vegetables called phenethyl-ITC, or PEITC ... After 31 days of treatment, the size of the tumors in the treated animals was about half that of the untreated animals"
  • Curry And Cauliflower Could Halt Prostate Cancer - Science Daily, 1/15/06 - "The bottom line is that PEITC and curcumin, alone or in combination, demonstrate significant cancer-preventive qualities in laboratory mice, and the combination of PEITC and curcumin could be effective in treating established prostate cancers"
  • Eat Your Veggies and Fight Cancer, Too - WebMD, 10/31/05
  • Broccoli May Protect Some Against Lung Cancer - WebMD, 10/27/05 - "consumption of cruciferous vegetables was associated with a 33%-37% reduction in lung cancer risk among people with an inactive form of one of the two genes. Among those with an inactive form of both genes, the reduction in risk provided by eating cruciferous vegetables was doubled to more than 70%"
  • Broccoli May Fight Lung Cancer - WebMD, 9/15/05
  • Compounds Found In Cruciferous Vegetables Block Lung Cancer Progression - Science Daily, 9/15/05 - "A family of compounds found in cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, and watercress, blocked lung cancer progression in both animal studies and in tests with human lung cancer cells"
  • Broccoli Ingredient May Fight Bladder Cancer - WebMD, 8/3/05
  • Broccoli Packs Powerful Punch To Bladder Cancer Cells - Science Daily, 7/29/05 - "men who ate two or more half-cup servings of broccoli per week had a 44 percent lower incidence of bladder cancer compared to men who ate less than one serving each week ... The plant's kin, which include cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and kale, may all contain similar disease-fighting phytochemicals"
  • Cruciferous veg, chili could slow or stop cancer cell growth - Nutra USA, 4/20/05
  • Maximizing The Anti-Cancer Power Of Broccoli - Science Daily, 4/5/05 - "For the consumer, who cannot readily hold the temperature as low as 140 degrees, that means the best way to prepare broccoli is to steam it lightly about 3 or 4 minutes--until the broccoli is tough-tender"
  • Ward off cancer with a Japanese diet - MSNBC, 12/17/04 - "Cruciferous vegetables make a unique contribution to good health. They contain natural substances called glucosinolates that break down in the body to form indoles and other compounds that fight cancer development in several different ways"
  • An Apple a Day for Cancer Prevention - WebMD, 10/18/04 - "Those who ate both green leafy and cruciferous vegetables got "particularly strong" cancer prevention protection"
  • Crunchy Veggies May Crush Breast Cancer - WebMD, 9/3/04
  • Anti-cancer Compound In Vegetables Found To Block Late-stage Breast-cancer Cell Growth - Science Daily, 9/1/04 - "The compound, in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables ... sulforaphane (SUL) ... We were surprised and pleased to find that SUL could block the growth of breast cells that were already cancerous ... SUL's actions appear similar to a group of anticancer drugs currently in use, such as Taxol"
  • Broccoli compound may protect against AMD - Nutra USA, 7/15/04
  • Broccoli May Prevent Blindness - WebMD, 7/13/04 - "sulforaphane, the naturally occurring antioxidant in broccoli and broccoli sprouts, protects the eye from damage caused by the sun's ultraviolet light"
  • Cabbage to fight cancer? - Nutra USA, 5/11/04
  • Broccoli Blocks Prostate Cancer Cells - WebMD, 5/20/03
  • New Broccoli Compound Appears Promising Against Breast Cancer - Intelihealth, 8/19/02 - "Called oxomate, the synthetic compound works like its natural counterpart, sulforaphane, which was recently identified as a cancer-preventive agent in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables (such as cabbage and Brussels sprouts). Both compounds boost the body's production of phase II enzymes, which can detoxify cancer-causing chemicals and reduce cancer risk ... But the natural broccoli compound, sulforaphane, can be toxic in high doses ... It is also difficult and expensive to synthesize ... oxomate was seven times less toxic than sulforaphane ... In tests on female rats, those that were fed oxomate after exposure to cancer-inducing chemicals had up to a 50 percent reduction in the number of breast tumors"
  • Broccoli Pill Prevents Breast Cancer - WebMD, 8/19/02
  • Broccoli Beats Ulcers, Cancer - WebMD, 5/28/02
  • Broccoli Tea: Can't Find Enough Of A Good Thing - Natural Foods Merchandiser, 5/02
  • Broccoli Finally Gets Respect - Intelihealth, 2/4/02
  • New research shows how broccoli beats cancer - Life Extension Magazine, 11/01 - "Sulforaphane is most highly concentrated in broccoli, as well as in other cruciferous vegetables, such as Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower ... animal studies to date have shown that sulforaphane can dramatically reduce the number of malignant tumors, reproduction, growth rate and size, as well as delay cancer onset"
  • Veggies Not Created Equal In Fighting Cancer - Intelihealth, 1/18/01 - "But the Agriculture Department studied 71 types of broccoli plants and found a 30-fold difference in the amounts of glucoraphanin. Some had virtually none of it."
  • One More Reason To Eat Your Broccoli, Chemical Compounds Found to Prevent Lung Cancer - WebMD, 8/25/00
  • Prostate Cancer and Cruciferous Vegetables - Life Extension Magazine, 7/00
  • Phytochemicals: Nutrients Whose Time Has Come - Nutrition Science News, 7/00
  • Betting on Broccoli - WebMD, 4/3/00
  • Fruits & Vegetables Slash Strokes - Nutrition Science News, 1/00
  • Can Cirrhosis be Prevented? - Nutrition Science News, 1/99


  • Effects of phenylethyl isothiocyanate and its metabolite on cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis in LNCaP human prostate cancer cells - Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2010 May;11(7):324-36 - "Cruciferous vegetable consumption is associated with decreased risk of several cancers, including prostate cancer. Gluconasturtiin, one of the predominant glucosinolates in cruciferous vegetables, is hydrolyzed to yield phenylethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC). PEITC absorption and metabolism in humans involves glutathione conjugation followed by conversion via the mercapturic acid pathway to an N-acetylcysteine (NAC) conjugate that is excreted in the urine. We observed an inhibitory effect of PEITC and its metabolite, NAC-PEITC, on cancer cell proliferation, cell-cycle progression, and apoptosis in LNCaP human prostate cancer cells. PEITC and NAC-PEITC suppressed LNCaP cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner, and exposure to 5 microM PEITC or NAC-PEITC reduced cell proliferation by 25% and 30%, respectively. Cell-cycle analysis revealed that cells treated with 5 microM PEITC or NAC-PEITC arrested at the G(2)/M phase. In addition, the percentage of cells in the S phase decreased from 46% to 25% following 48 h of incubation with PEITC or NAC-PEITC. The G(2)/M-phase cell-cycle arrest of LNCaP cells grown in the presence of PEITC or NAC-PEITC is correlated with the downregulation of Cdk1 and cyclin B(1) protein expression. Apoptosis was observed at the later stages of 24-h and 48-h treatments with 5 microM PEITC and NAC-PEITC. In conclusion, PEITC and NAC-PEITC are potential chemopreventive/chemotherapeutic agents against LNCaP human prostate cancer cells"
  • Activation of Nrf2 in Endothelial Cells Protects Arteries From Exhibiting a Proinflammatory State - Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2009 Sep 3 - "Treatment with sulforaphane, a dietary antioxidant, activated Nrf2 and suppressed p38-VCAM-1 signaling at the susceptible site in wild-type but not Nrf2(-/-) animals, indicating that it suppresses EC activation via Nrf2 ... Nrf2 prevents ECs at the atheroprotected site from exhibiting a proinflammatory state via the suppression of p38-VCAM-1 signaling. Pharmacological activation of Nrf2 reduces EC activation at atherosusceptible sites and may provide a novel therapeutic strategy to prevent or reduce atherosclerosis" - See sulforaphane at Amazon.com.
  • Indole-3-carbinol Inhibits Sp1-Induced Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 Expression To Attenuate Migration and Invasion of Breast Cancer Cells - J Agric Food Chem. 2008 Dec 5 - "Indole-3-carbinol (I3C), a major indole metabolite in cruciferous vegetables, has been shown to inhibit invasion of breast cancer cells ... Migration, invasion, and MMP-2 activity of MCF-7 breast cancer cells were dose-dependently inhibited by I3C. In addition, the MMP-2 mRNA level was also reduced by I3C ... In addition, I3C inhibited the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) signaling pathway in MCF-7 cells. The results suggest that I3C inhibits MMP-2 expression by blocking the ERK/Sp1-mediated gene transcription to attenuate migration and invasion of breast cancer cells" - See indole-3-carbinol at Amazon.com.
  • Consumption of Raw Cruciferous Vegetables is Inversely Associated with Bladder Cancer Risk - Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2008 Apr;17(4):938-44 - "We observed a strong and statistically significant inverse association between bladder cancer risk and raw cruciferous vegetable intake (adjusted OR for highest versus lowest category = 0.64; 95% CI, 0.42-0.97), with a significant trend (P = 0.003); there were no significant associations for fruit, total vegetables, or total cruciferous vegetables ... These data suggest that cruciferous vegetables, when consumed raw, may reduce the risk of bladder cancer, an effect consistent with the role of dietary isothiocyanates as chemopreventive agents against bladder cancer"
  • Broccoli: A Unique Vegetable That Protects Mammalian Hearts through the Redox Cycling of the Thioredoxin Superfamily - J Agric Food Chem. 2007 Dec 29 - "the results of the present study indicate that the consumption of broccoli triggers cardioprotection by generating a survival signal through the activation of several survival proteins and by redox cycling of thioredoxins"
  • Cruciferous vegetables, genetic polymorphisms in glutathione s-transferases m1 and t1, and prostate cancer risk - Nutr Cancer. 2004;50(2):206-13 - "two or more servings per month of cruciferous vegetables may reduce risk of prostate cancer"
  • Breast Cancer Risk in Premenopausal Women Is Inversely Associated with Consumption of Broccoli, a Source of Isothiocyanates, but Is Not Modified by GST Genotype - J Nutr. 2004 May;134(5):1134-1138 - "These data indicate that cruciferous vegetables may play an important role in decreasing the risk of premenopausal breast cancer"

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