Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending
3/10/10. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any medications.
Anti-depressants bring higher risk of developing cataracts - Science Daily,
3/8/10 - "patients taking
SSRIs were overall 15 per cent more
likely to be diagnosed with cataracts or to
have cataract surgery"
D crucial to activating immune defenses - Science Daily, 3/7/10 -
"Vitamin D is crucial
to activating our immune defenses and that
without sufficient intake of the vitamin, the killer cells of the immune system
-- T cells -- will not be able to react to and fight off serious infections in
the body" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
boosts learning by increasing brain plasticity - Science Daily, 3/7/10 -
boosts both of these cognitive abilities by increasing the activity of the
neurotransmitter dopamine deep inside the brain.
Neurotransmitters are the chemical messengers neurons use to communicate with
each other. They release the molecule, which then docks onto receptors of other
neurons. The research demonstrated that one type of dopamine receptor aids the
ability to focus, and another type improves the learning itself"
levels of vitamin D linked to muscle fat, decreased strength in young people
- Science Daily, 3/6/10 - "A ground-breaking study
published in the March 2010 Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
found an astonishing 59 per cent of study subjects had too little
Vitamin D in their blood. Nearly a quarter of the group had serious
deficiencies (less than 20 ng/ml) of this important vitamin. Since Vitamin D
insufficiency is linked to increased body fat, decreased muscle strength and a
range of disorders, this is a serious health issue ... The study by Dr. Kremer
and co-investigator Dr. Vincente Gilsanz, head of musculoskeletal imaging at the
Children's Hospital Los Angeles of the University of Southern California, is the
first to show a clear link between Vitamin D levels and the accumulation of fat
in muscle tissue -- a factor in muscle strength and overall health" - [Nutra
USA] -See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
sugar-sweetened beverages daily linked to diabetes - Science Daily, 3/6/10 -
"Using the Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) Policy Model, a
well-established computer simulation model of the national population age 35 and
older, researchers estimate that the increased consumption of
sugar-sweetened beverages between 1990 and 2000
contributed to 130,000 new cases of diabetes,
14,000 new cases of coronary heart disease (CHD), and 50,000 additional
life-years burdened by coronary heart disease over the past decade"
Pine bark extract may benefit blood pressure-related kidney health - Nutra
USA, 3/5/10 - "55 hypertensive patients to participate
in the randomized, controlled study. Subjects were assigned to receive Ramipril
ACE inhibitor] (10 mg
per day), and 29 of these people were randomly selected to also receive
Pycnogenol (150 mg per day) ... After six
months in the Ramipril-only group the
albumin levels decreased by 26 per cent
to 64 mg per 24-hour period, while additional Pycnogenol produced levels that
averaged 39 mg per 24-hour period, equivalent to a 57 per cent decrease ...
Statistically significant decreases in patients’
blood pressure were also observed, with systolic and diastolic blood
pressures dropping by more than 30 and 8 per cent, respectively in the
Ramipril-only group, and by a further 3 to 6 per cent in the combination group
... Diastolic and systolic blood flow improved by 8 and 12 per cent, in the
combination group"
- [Abstract] - See
Pycnogenol at Amazon.com .
Good Diet May Aid Ovarian Cancer Survival - WebMD, 3/4/10 -
"five years, 75% of the women who ate less than one
serving a week of yellow vegetables were alive,
compared to about 82% of those who had three or more servings of yellow
vegetables a week ... When the researchers looked at red
meat lovers vs. avoiders, "we found almost a threefold risk of dying for
those women who ate four or more servings of red meat a week compared to those
who ate less than one serving per week over the 11-year study period"
Red clover may counter depressive symptoms in older women - Nutra USA,
3/4/10 - "by the time you reach 61 tests, there's a 95
percent chance that you'll get a significant result at random. And, let's face
it—researchers want to see a significant result, so there's a strong,
unintentional bias towards trying different tests until something pops out ...
Symptoms of
depression and anxiety were reduced by about 80 per cent following 90 days
of supplements containing 80 milligrams of red
clover isoflavones" - [Abstract]
- See
Trinovin at Amazon.com
red clover at Amazon.com .
We're so good at medical studies that most of them are wrong -
arstechnica.com, 3/3/10 - "we simply have to recognize
the problem and communicate it with the public, so that people don't leap to
health conclusions each time a new population study gets published. Medical
researchers recognize the value of replication, and they don't start writing
prescriptions based on the latest gene expression study—they wait for the
individual genes to be validated. As we wait for any sort of reform to arrive,
caution, and explaining to the public the reasons for this caution, seems like
the best we can do"
Hemoglobin A1c outperforms fasting glucose for risk prediction - Science
Daily, 3/3/10 - "Measurements of
hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) more accurately identify
persons at risk for clinical outcomes than the commonly used measurement of
fasting glucose ... people with HbA1c levels between 5.0 to 5.5 percent were
identified as being within "normal" range ... With each incremental HbA1c
increase, the study found, the incidence of
diabetes increased as well; those at a level of 6.5 percent or greater are
considered diabetic, and those between 6.0 and 6.5 percent are considered at a
"very high risk" (9 times greater than those at the "normal" range) for
developing diabetes"
D lifts mood during cold weather months, researchers say - Science Daily,
3/3/10 - "A daily dose of
vitamin D may just be what people in northern
climates need to get through the long winter ... This nutrient lifts mood during
cold weather months when days are short and more time is spent indoors ...
Vitamin D deficiency continues to be a problem despite the nutrient's widely
reported health benefits" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Apple fibres may boost immune health: Study - Nutra USA, 3/3/10 -
"fed low-fat diets supplemented with either soluble (pectin,
10 per cent of the diet) or insoluble fibre
(cellulose, 5 or 10 per cent of the diet) for six weeks. At the end of this
period the mice were challenged with an endotoxin to induce sickness ... Two
hours after [entotoxin] injection, the mice fed soluble fibre were only half as
sick as the other group, and they recovered 50 per cent sooner. And the
differences between the groups continued to be pronounced all the way out to 24
hours" - [Abstract]
Daily] - See
pectin supplements at Amazon.com .
Omega-3 may boost lung function during sport - Nutra USA, 3/3/10 -
"Amateur Iranian wrestlers, and not the Hulk Hogan kind,
experienced improvements in numerous measures of
lung capacity, including lung volume [forced vital capacity (FVC)] and
airflows [forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1)], and found significant
improvements following 12 weeks of supplementation and training ... At the end
of the study, improvements in FEV1 of 41 per cent and FVC of 53 per cent, in the
omega-3 supplements and training group as well as four other measures,
compared to the other groups" - [Abstract]
- See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Generic Drug for Enlarged Prostate Approved - WebMD, 3/2/10 -
"The first generic version of
Flomax, a medication to
treat the signs and symptoms of an enlarged prostate gland, has won the approval
of the FDA"
associated with reduced risk of hospitalization for heart rhythm disturbances
- Science Daily, 3/2/10 - "those who reported drinking
four or more cups of coffee each day had an 18
percent lower risk of hospitalization for heart rhythm disturbances. Those who
reported drinking one to three cups each day had a 7 percent reduction in risk"
Abstracts from this week's
Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics
plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here
for the journals, the PubMed ones at the top):
Propionyl-L-carnitine Modulates Lipid Peroxidation and Nitric Oxide in Human
Subjects - Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 2009 May;79(3):131-141 -
"Nitric oxide was
increased (p<0.05) from pre- to post-intervention with 3 g
GPLC (21.34+/-2.27 vs. 29.46+/-3.61
micromol.L (-1))" - Note: (29.46 - 21.34) / 21.34 = 38% increase in
nitric oxide. See
GPLC at Amazon.com .
intake associated with lung function, breathlessness and the prevalence of
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - Asia Pac J Clin Nutr.
2010;19(1):103-9 - "The COPD
patients had significantly lower habitual intake of
folate (mean 231, SD 90 mug/day) than control
subjects (mean 261, SD 110 mug/day), p<0.001. Lung function measures were found
to be positively associated with dietary folate level. Reductions in prevalence
of COPD and especially breathlessness were observed, the respective adjusted
odds ratio (OR) being 0.74 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.35 to 1.58) and 0.43
(95% CI 0.21 to 0.91) for the highest versus lowest quartile of folate intake.
The corresponding tests for linear trend were also significant (p<0.05). In
conclusion, an inverse association was evident between dietary folate intake and
the prevalence of breathlessness for Japanese adults, together with a
significant dose-response relationship for the COPD risk. Moreover, increased
folate intake might be beneficial to lung function"
Kidney flow and function in hypertension: protective effects of pycnogenol in
hypertensive participants--a controlled study - J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther.
2010 Mar;15(1):41-6 - "evaluated the effects of
Pycnogenol as an adjunct to
enzyme (ACE)-inhibitor ramipril treatment of hypertensive patients
presenting with early signs of renal function
problems. One group of 26 patients was medicated with 10 mg ramipril per day
only; a second group of 29 patients took Pycnogenol in addition to the ACE
inhibitor over a period of 6 months ... Urinary albumin decreased from 87 +/- 23
to 64 +/- 16 mg/d with ramipril only. Additional Pycnogenol lowered albumin
significantly better from 91 +/- 25 to 39 +/- 13 mg/day (P < .05). In both
groups, serum
creatinine was lowered; however, only
in the combination treatment group did the effect reached statistical
significance. In both groups, CRP
levels decreased from 2.1 to 1.8 with ramipril and from 2.2 to 1.1 with the
ramipril-Pycnogenol combination; the latter reached statistical significance.
Kidney cortical flow velocity was investigated by Doppler color duplex
ultrasonography. Both systolic and diastolic flow velocities increased
significantly after 6 months medication with ramipril. The addition of
Pycnogenol to the regimen statistically significantly further enhanced kidney
cortical flow velocities, by 8% for diastolic flow and 12% for systolic flow,
relative to values found for the group taking ramipril only" - See
Pycnogenol at Amazon.com .
vitamin D with the largest meal improves absorption and results in higher serum
levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D - J Bone Miner Res. 2010 Feb 8 -
"Taking vitamin D with
the largest meal improves absorption and results in about a 50% increase in
serum levels of 25OHD"
Improvement of postmenopausal depressive and anxiety symptoms after treatment
with isoflavones derived from red clover extracts - Maturitas. 2010
Mar;65(3):258-61 - "assigned to receive two daily
capsules of MF11RCE (80mg
red clover isoflavones, Group A) or placebo of
equal appearance (Group B) for a 90-day period ... After receiving the MF11RCE
compound the total HADS (anxiety and depression
subscale scores also) and the total SDS scores decreased significantly. This
effect was equivalent to a 76.9% reduction in the total HADS score (76% for
anxiety and 78.3% for depression) and an 80.6% reduction in the total SDS score.
After placebo, total HADS (anxiety and depression subscale also) and total SDS
scores also decreased significantly in comparison to baseline but only
equivalent to an average 21.7% decline. CONCLUSION: Red clover derived
isoflavones (MF11RCE) were effective in reducing depressive and anxiety symptoms
among postmenopausal women" - See
Trinovin at Amazon.com
red clover at Amazon.com .
Iron excess
in recreational marathon runners - Eur J Clin Nutr. 2010 Mar 3 -
"Iron deficiency was
defined either as a plasma ferritin (PF) concentration <15 mug/l (iron
depletion) ... iron overload was defined as PF >200 mug/l ... Median PF among
males was 104 mug/l"
Sickness behavior induced
by endotoxin can be mitigated by the dietary soluble fiber, pectin, through
up-regulation of IL-4 and Th2 polarization - Brain Behav Immun. 2010 Feb 6 -
"We show that a diet rich in soluble
fiber protects mice from endotoxin-induced
sickness behavior by polarizing mice Th2 when compared to a diet containing only
insoluble fiber. Mice fed soluble fiber became less sick and recovered faster
from endotoxin-induced sickness behaviors than mice fed insoluble fiber ...
These data show that a diet rich in soluble fiber protects against
endotoxin-induced sickness behavior by polarizing mice Th2 and promoting
alternative activation of macrophages" - See
pectin supplements at Amazon.com .
effects of omega-3 supplementation on pulmonary function of young wrestlers
during intensive training - J Sci Med Sport. 2010 Mar;13(2):281-286 -
"consuming omega-3
during 12 weeks training had a significantly positive effect on pulmonary
variables such as FEV1, FVC, VC, MVV, FEF25-75, FIV1 (p=0.001), but no
significant changes were observed in FEV1% (p=0.141) and FIV1% (p=0.117). The
results of the present study suggest that consuming omega-3 during intensive
wrestling training can improve pulmonary function of athletes during and in
post-exercise" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Health Focus (Adiponectin):
Specific Recommendations:
Alternative News:
Dietary supplementation of n-3 PUFA reduces weight gain and improves
postprandial lipaemia and the associated inflammatory response in
the obese JCR:LA-cp rat - Diabetes Obes Metab. 2009 Nov 16 -
"n-3 PUFA treatment resulted in a
significant improvement (i.e. decrease) in the postprandial response
for triglyceride (45%) (p < 0.05), apoB48 (45%) (p < 0.03) and LBP
(33%) (p < 0.05) compared to controls (measured as area under the
clearance curve). In contrast, we observed a significant elevation
in postprandial haptoglobin (165%) (p < 0.001) in obese rats
supplemented with 10% n-3 PUFA. Treatment with 5% n-3 PUFA in the
JCR:LA-cp obese animals resulted in a complementary decrease in
total body weight gain (6%) (p < 0.001) and an increase (i.e.
improvement) in adiponectin (33%) (p < 0.05) compared to controls,
without a concomitant reduction in food intake" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Trans-10, cis-12-conjugated linoleic acid reduces the hepatic
triacylglycerol content and the leptin mRNA level in adipose tissue
in obese Zucker fa/fa rats - Br J Nutr. 2009 Mar 19:1-13 -
"Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomers have
been reported to reduce body weight and beneficially affect glucose
metabolism in animals, but the results are inconsistent and seem to
depend on animal model and type of CLA isomer. In the present study,
feeding male Zucker fa/fa rats diets supplemented with 1 % trans-10,
cis-12-CLA for 10 d reduced the liver TAG content without improving
the overall adiposity, and enhanced hepatic mitochondrial and
peroxisomal beta-oxidation ... The present results suggest that
dietary supplementation with trans-10, cis-12-CLA may increase the
catabolism of lipids in liver and adipose tissue. Moreover, we
provide new data suggesting that trans-10, cis-12-CLA modulates the
expression of resistin and adiponectin inversely in adipose tissue.
Hence, the present results suggest that trans-10, cis-12-CLA may
have some beneficial effects on lipid metabolism and adiposity but
possibly reduces insulin sensitivity" - See
CLA products at iHerb.
Conjugated Linoleic Acid Supplementation Enhances Antihypertensive
Effect of Ramipril in Chinese Patients With Obesity-Related
Hypertension - Am J Hypertens. 2009 Mar 19 -
"Participants were randomized to a daily
dose of 4.5 g/day CLA (nine 0.5-g capsules; a 50:50 isomer blend of
c 9,t 11 and t 10,c 12 CLA) with 37.5 mg/day ramipril (group 1) or
placebo with 37.5 mg/day ramipril (group 2) for 8 weeks ...
Treatment with CLA significantly enhanced the reduction effect of
ramipril on systolic BP and diastolic BP (P < 0.05). It also
increased plasma adiponectin concentration (P < 0.05) and decreased
plasma concentrations of leptin and angiotensinogen (P < 0.05);
however, significant change was not observed in ACE activity"
- See
CLA products at iHerb.
Grape polyphenols may protect against obesity: Study - Nutra USA, 3/18/09 -
"animals fed a high-fat diet but supplemented with the
grape seed extract had adiponectin levels 61 per cent higher than animals only
fed the high fat diet. Adiponectin is a protein hormone linked to various
metabolic processes, and levels are inversely related to body fat levels"
- [Abstract] - See
grape seed extract at Amazon.com
Chardonnay grape seed procyanidin extract supplementation prevents high-fat
diet-induced obesity in hamsters by improving adipokine imbalance and oxidative
stress markers - Mol Nutr Food Res. 2008 Nov 26 -
"GSE prevented in part these effects, reducing insulinemia and leptinemia by
16.5 and 45%, respectively, whereas adiponectin level increased by 61% compared
with obese controls. GSE lowered glycemia and HOMA-IR and strongly prevented
cardiac production of superoxide by 74% and NAD(P)H oxidase expression by 30%.
This is the first time that chronic consumption of grape phenolics is shown to
reduce obesity development and related metabolic pathways including adipokine
secretion and oxidative stress" - See
grape seed extract at Amazon.com
Red Wine's Resveratrol May Help Battle Obesity - Science Daily,
6/16/08 - "resveratrol inhibited the pre-fat
cells from increasing and prevented them from converting into mature
fat cells. Also, resveratrol hindered fat storage. Most interesting,
according to Fischer-Posovszky, was that resveratrol reduced
production of certain cytokines (interleukins 6 and 8), substances
that may be linked to the development of obesity-related disorders,
such as diabetes and clogged coronary arteries. Also, resveratrol
stimulated formation of a protein known to decrease the risk of
heart attack. Obesity decreases this substance, called adiponectin"
- [WebMD]
- See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com
News & Research:
Adiponectin definition - Medterms.com - "Low
levels of adiponectin are found in people who are obese (and who are at
increased risk of a heart attack)"
ameliorates hyperglycemia and metabolic profile in nonobese Cohen-Rosenthal
diabetic hypertensive rats via peroxisome proliferator activator receptor-gamma
activation - Metabolism. 2010 Jan 12 - "adiponectin
was significantly (60%, P < .01) increased by telmisartan ... The
telmisartan-induced increase in adiponectin was most probably associated with a
decrease in glucose and tumor necrosis factor alpha levels. Therefore, in
addition to its hypotensive effect, telmisartan demonstrated beneficial
thiazolidinedione-like effects" - See telmisartan at
Pioglitazone Reduces ER Stress in the Liver: Direct Monitoring of in vivo ER
Stress Using ER Stress-activated Indicator Transgenic Mice - Endocr J. 2009
Sep 29 - "8 weeks of
pioglitazone treatment
reduced the accumulation of fat droplets in the liver and attenuated the
development of insulin resistance. In the liver of the ERAI transgenic mice,
ERAI fluorescence activity was clearly reduced as early as after 4 weeks of
pioglitazone treatment, preceding the improvement of insulin resistance. In
addition, after the pioglitazone treatment, serum free fatty acid and
triglyceride levels were decreased, and serum adiponectin levels were increased.
These data indicate that pioglitazone treatment suppresses ER stress in the
liver which may explain, at least in part, the pharmacological effects of
pioglitazone to reduce insulin resistance"
Levels Of A Certain Protein Associated With Lower Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes -
Science Daily, 7/15/09 - "Persons with higher levels of
adiponectin, a protein that is produced by fat cells and that has
anti-inflammatory and insulin-sensitizing properties, have an associated lower
risk of type 2 diabetes"
Study Links a Protein With Diabetes Risk - WebMD, 7/7/09
Higher Levels of Adiponectin Associated With Lower Risk of Type 2 Diabetes -
Doctor's Guide, 7/7/09 - "Although these epidemiologic
studies cannot establish causality, the consistency of the association across
diverse populations, the dose-response relationship, and the supportive findings
in mechanistic studies indicate that adiponectin is a promising target for the
reduction of risk of type 2 diabetes"
pioglitazone increases serum high molecular weight adiponectin and improves
glycemic control in Japanese patients with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes
- Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2009 Jun 20 - "7.5mg/day of
pioglitazone ... adiponectin increased markedly from 5.2 (2.4, 8.6)mug/ml at
baseline to 9.8 (4.1, 12.6)mug/ml" - See pioglitazone at
Improves Endothelial Function with Increased Adiponectin and High-density
Lipoprotein Cholesterol Levels in Type 2 Diabetes - Endocr J. 2009 Jun 9 -
"After treatment, HbA1c levels equally decreased in both
groups, but PIO-treated group had significantly increased high-density
lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels, and decreased triglyceride, fasting
insulin levels and HOMA-R. After treatment, increases in %FMD, plasma HDL-C and
adiponectin (APN) levels were significantly greater in PIO-treated group than
those in control group. Changes of %FMD showed significant positive correlations
with those of plasma APN and HDL-C levels. In conclusion, the present study
showed that treatment of T2DM improved endothelial function with greater
increases in %FMD, APN and HDL-C levels in PIO-treated group than those in
control group, suggesting the beneficial effect of PIO on endothelial function
in T2DM" - See pioglitazone at
Efficacy and
safety of therapy with metformin plus pioglitazone in the treatment of patients
with type 2 diabetes: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial -
Curr Med Res Opin. 2009 Mar 23 - "Mean HbA(1c) was
reduced by 0.67% in patients receiving pioglitazone plus metformin versus an
increase of 0.25% in those receiving metformin alone (p < 0.0001). After 8
weeks' treatment and until the end of the study, HbA(1c) was significantly lower
with pioglitazone plus metformin and more patients in this group achieved an
HbA(1c) < 6.5% (38.6% vs. 8.1%; p < 0.0001). FBG was also reduced by a
significantly greater amount in patients receiving pioglitazone plus metformin
compared with metformin monotherapy (-20.5 vs. 1.9 mg/dl; p < 0.0001).
Combination therapy was associated with significantly increased HDL-cholesterol,
total cholesterol, and adiponectin, and significantly decreased levels of
fasting insulin, free fatty acids, and homeostasis model assessment insulin
resistance (HOMA-R) compared with metformin monotherapy" - See
pioglitazone at
Adiponectin Is A Metabolic Link Between Obesity And Bone Mineral Density -
Science Daily, 11/25/08 - "adiponectin, a protein
secreted from adipocytes, is a metabolic link that can explain, in part, the
known positive relationship between obesity and both bone mineral density and
reduced susceptibility to fractures ... In summary, elevated circulating
adiponectin was associated with lower bone mass and weaker bones in growing mice
compared to control animals"
Of Key Hormone During First Trimester Of Pregnancy Could Lead To Earlier
Diagnosis Of Gestational Diabetes - Science Daily, 10/7/08 -
"New research shows women who develop diabetes during
pregnancy (gestational diabetes mellitus) have reduced levels of an
insulin-sensitive hormone, adiponectin, as early as nine weeks into the
Adiponectin May Be a Marker for Type 2 Diabetes - Medscape, 9/3/08 -
"Adiponectin levels were associated with a significantly
lower risk for type 2 diabetes in multivariate models that adjusted for body
mass index (BMI). For the highest quintiles vs the lowest quintiles, odds ratio
(OR) was 0.17 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.12 - 0.25) for total adiponectin
and 0.10 (95% CI, 0.06 - 0.15) for high-molecular-weight adiponectin. Even after
adjustment for total adiponectin, a higher ratio of high-molecular-weight
adiponectin to total adiponectin was associated with a statistically
significantly lower risk for type 2 diabetes (OR, 0.45; 95% CI, 0.31 - 0.65) "
Adiponectin Levels Indicative of Diabetes Risk - Medscape, 4/29/08 -
"Baseline levels of adiponectin are inversely related to
diabetes risk in subjects at high risk for developing the condition"
Hormone May Contribute To Longevity - Science Daily, 11/21/07 -
"long-lived Snell dwarf mice burn less glucose and more
fatty acids during periods of fasting, and as a result produce fewer free
radicals ... The key to this switch may be adiponectin, a hormone produced by
fat cells that helps lower glucose production and stimulates cells to use fat
for energy instead. The researchers found that Snell mice had three times as
much adiponectin in their blood as control mice" - Something that was
also in today's abstracts (see below) was
pioglitazone, which
increased adiponectin 156%.
Hormone Protects Obese Mice From Diabetes - WebMD, 8/23/07 -
"The high levels of adiponectin, however, made the mice
physiologically skinny ... This discovery also suggests that in people who have
low adiponectin levels fat cells don't send the signal that they're ready to
accept fat, Dr. Scherer said. Instead, the fat is stored in dangerous places --
liver, heart and muscle tissues -- where it can cause inflammation and pave the
way for disease"
Pioglitazone Treatment Increases Concentrations of Adiponectin in Plasma -
Doctor's Guide, 11/16/06 - "Results showed there was a
6.9 mcg/mL mean increase in adiponectin levels in the pioglitazone group while
in non-pioglitazone patients it decreased by 0.42 mcg/mL"
Adiponectin Level Found to be Independent Risk Factor for Endometrial Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 3/34/05 - "The investigators found
that mean serum adiponectin levels were significantly lower among patients
with endometrial cancer than among controls"
Pioglitazone, but not metformin, reduces liver fat in Type-2 diabetes mellitus
independent of weight changes - J Diabetes Complications. 2009 Jul 3 -
"metformin (Met) ... Pio plus the American Diabetes
Association diet (Pio+ADA) ... Pio plus a portion control weight loss diet
(Pio+PC) ... The Pio+ADA group gained (mean+/-S.E.M.) 2.15+/-1.09 kg, while
Pio+PC and Met+ADA group lost -2.59+/-1.25 and -3.21+/-0.7 kg, respectively.
Pio-treated groups (Pio+ADA and Pio+PC) significantly decreased hepatic fat as
indicated by increased liver density on CT scan [10.1+/-2.4: 11.4+/-1.0
Hounsfield units (HU)], compared with Met+ADA group (-2.4+/-3.1 HU). The Pio
groups demonstrated significantly increased serum adiponectin, (8.6+/-1.5;
7.4+/-1.6 mug/ml) independent of weight change, compared to Met+ADA (-0.14+/-0.6
mugm/ml) group which lost weight. Serum hs-CRP decreased in groups showing
weight loss (Pio+PC, -3.1+/-1.7 mg/l; Met+ADA, -1.5+/-1.2 mg/l) compared to
Pio+ADA (1.8+/-3.0 mg/l) group that gained weight" - Note: This is just
one of the many reasons I take pioglitazone even though I don't have diabetes.
See pioglitazone at pioglitazone at
Regulates Arterial Calcification - J Bone Miner Res. 2009 Mar 3 -
"adiponectin inhibited osteoblastic differentiation of
CVSMCs via AdipoR1/p38 signaling pathway ... Our findings firstly demonstrated
that Adiponectin(-/-) mice developed arterial calcification, and this could be
attributed to the loss of inhibitory action of adiponectin on osteoblastic
differentiation of CVSMCs. It suggested that adiponectin play a protective role
against arterial calcification"
Effect of
drinking on adiponectin in healthy men and women: A randomised intervention
study of water, ethanol, red wine and beer with or without alcohol -
Diabetes Care. 2009 Feb 24 - "Among females adiponectin
significantly increased after with red wine (29,8% p<0.05), among men after
ethanol solution (17.4%, p<0.05) and beer (16.1%, p<0.05)"
Adiponectin Concentrations Are Associated with Body Composition and Plant-Based
Dietary Factors in Female Twins - J Nutr. 2008 Dec 23 -
"A significant relationship between adiponectin and 3
derived dietary patterns (F&V, dieting, traditional English), carbohydrate,
protein, trans fat, and alcohol intake was also observed. Strong inverse
associations with adiponectin were observed for BMI (-10.72%; 95% CI: -13.78,
-7.55), total (-6.89%: 95% CI: -10.34, -3.30; P < 0.05), and central fat mass
(-12.50%; 95% CI: -15.82, -9.05; P < 0.05); these relationships were significant
both when twins were analyzed as individuals and when characteristics were
contrasted within-twin pairs, suggesting a direct effect. We observed modest
associations between dietary factors and adiponectin in female twins,
independent of adiposity, and report strong inverse associations with body
composition. These data reinforce the importance of weight maintenance and
increasing consumption of diets rich in plant-based foods to prevent CVD and
type 2 diabetes"
Effects of
Telmisartan and Ramipril on Adiponectin and Blood Pressure in Patients with Type
2 Diabetes - Am J Hypertens. 2008 Oct 30 - "There
was a significant increase in adiponectin levels in the telmisartan (0.68 (95%
confidence interval (CI), 0.27 to 1.10) microg/ml, P < 0.01) but not in the
ramipril group"
Anti-inflammatory and cardioprotective effects of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty
acids and plant sterols in hyperlipidemic individuals - Atherosclerosis.
2008 Sep 27 - "The combination of n-3 PUFA and plant
sterols reduced several inflammatory markers. High sensitivity C-reactive
protein (hs-CRP) was reduced by 39% (P=0.009), tumor necrosis factor-alpha
(TNF-alpha) by 10% (P=0.02), interleukin-6 (IL-6) by 10.7% (P=0.009),
leukotriene B(4) (LTB(4)) by 29.5% (P=0.01) and adiponectin was increased by
29.5% (P=0.05). Overall cardiovascular risk was reduced by 22.6% (P=0.006) in
the combination group. CONCLUSION: We have demonstrated, for the first time that
dietary intervention with n-3 PUFA and plant sterols reduces systemic
inflammation in hyperlipidemic individuals. Furthermore, our results suggest
that reducing inflammation provides a potential mechanism by which the
combination of n-3 PUFA and plant sterols are cardioprotective"
- See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Adiponectin prevents
atherosclerosis by increasing cholesterol efflux from macrophages - Biochem
Biophys Res Commun. 2008 Aug 11
Relation of dietary and other lifestyle traits to difference in serum
adiponectin concentration of Japanese in Japan and Hawaii: the INTERLIPID Study
- Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Aug;88(2):424-30 - "The
significantly higher mean serum adiponectin concentration in Japan than in
Hawaii may be attributable largely to differences in BMI"
adiponectin concentrations are associated with the metabolically healthy obese
phenotype - J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Aug 5 -
"Certain obese individuals have adiponectin levels similar to those found in
normal BMI subjects; this is associated with the metabolically healthy obese
Adiponectin, but not leptin or high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, is
associated with blood pressure independently of general and abdominal adiposity
- Hypertens Res. 2008 Apr;31(4):633-40 - "all three
markers were significantly correlated with systolic blood pressure (negative
correlation for adiponectin and positive correlations for leptin and hs-CRP)"
Telmisartan but not candesartan affects adiponectin expression in vivo and in
vitro - Hypertens Res. 2008 Apr;31(4):601-6 - "the
changes in serum adiponectin and plasma glucose over 3 months were significantly
greater in the telmisartan group than in the candesartan group. In vitro,
although the protein level of adiponectin was not significantly elevated, the
mRNA expression of adiponectin was elevated 1.5-fold by telmisartan in 3T3-L1
adipocytes. Our findings suggest that telmisartan may have beneficial effects in
type 2 diabetes beyond its antihypertensive effect" - I've been saying
that telmisartan should be the
first line treatment for
hypertension for some time now if natural methods such as coenzyme Q10 don't
Acarbose Treatment Increases Serum Total Adiponectin Levels in Patients with
Type 2 Diabetes - Endocr J. 2008 May 15 - "Treatment
with acarbose and pioglitazone decreased HbA1c values by 0.49 % and 0.63 %,
respectively. Pioglitazone, as expected, increased serum levels of total
adiponectin by 2.1 fold and its high molecular weight isoform by 3.6 fold. We
found that acarbose also caused a small but significant increase in serum
concentrations of total adiponectin. However, in contrast to pioglitazone, no
appreciable changes were observed in the levels of high molecular weight
Telmisartan treatment decreases visceral fat accumulation and improves serum
levels of adiponectin and vascular inflammation markers in Japanese hypertensive
patients - Hypertens Res. 2007 Dec;30(12):1205-10 -
"telmisartan treatment was associated with an improvement of vascular
inflammation, reductions in visceral fat and increases in serum adiponectin"
Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor gamma agonism modifies the effects of
growth hormone on lipolysis and insulin sensitivity - Clin Endocrinol (Oxf).
2008 Mar 10 - "Adiponectin levels almost doubled during
pioglitazone treatment " - See pioglitazone at
Adiponectin Levels are Associated with Atherogenic Dyslipidemia and Lipid-Rich
Plaque in Non-Diabetic Coronary Arteries - Br J Nutr. 2008 Feb 6;:1-8 -
"Low adiponectin levels are associated with atherogenic
lipoproteins (elevated triglycerides, small dense LDL cholesterol, low HDL
cholesterol), increased plaque volume, lipid-rich plaque, and ID-pathological
intimal thickening in the total cohort which was driven by the non-diabetic
population, suggesting an anti-atherogenic role in the early stages of lesion
Effect of green tea on kidney tubules of diabetic rats - Br J Nutr. 2008 Feb
6;:1-8 - "It has been documented that
green tea (GT) and its catechin components improve renal failure and inhibit
the growth of mesangial cells ... GT treatment significantly (P < 0.01) reduced
the serum glucose, glycosylated protein, serum creatinine and blood urea N
levels by 29.6 (sem 3.7), 22.7 (sem 5.2), 38.9 (sem 10) and 41.7 (sem 1.9) %,
respectively ... the GT-treated group showed a significant 44 (sem 10.8) %
higher creatinine clearance (Ccr) ... GT reduced the urea N, creatinine, glucose
and protein excretion rates by 30 (sem 7.6), 35.4 (sem 5.3), 34.0 (sem 5.3) and
46.0 (sem 13.0) % compared with the 12 weeks diabetic group. Administration of
GT to 12 weeks diabetic rats significantly (P < 0.001) prevented (99.98 (sem
0.27) % less) the accumulation of glycogen in the kidney tubules. These results
indicate that in STZ diabetes, kidney
appears to be improved with GT consumption which also prevents glycogen
accumulation in the renal tubules, probably by lowering blood levels of glucose.
Therefore, GT could be beneficial additional therapy in the management of
diabetic nephropathy" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Increased total and high-molecular weight adiponectin after extended-release
niacin - Metabolism. 2008 Mar;57(3):404-9 - "at
least part of the cardioprotective benefits of niacin may be attributed to a
shift in the HMW/LMW adiponectin ratio in obese men with the metabolic syndrome"
Adiponectin, Change in Adiponectin, and Progression to Diabetes in the Diabetes
Prevention Program - Diabetes. 2008 Jan 11 -
"Adiponectin is a powerful marker of diabetes risk in subjects at high risk of
diabetes, even after adjustment for weight. An increase in adiponectin in
lifestyle and placebo was associated with a reduction in diabetes risk. However,
these changes in adiponectin were comparatively small and less strongly related
to diabetes outcome than baseline adiponectin levels"
Coffee consumption is associated with higher plasma adiponectin concentrations
in women with and without type 2 diabetes: a prospective cohort study -
Diabetes Care. 2007 Dec 10 - "High consumption of
caffeine-containing coffee is associated with higher adiponectin and lower
inflammatory marker concentrations"
Dietary lipoic acid-dependent changes in the activity and mRNA levels of hepatic
lipogenic enzymes in rats - Br J Nutr. 2007 Dec 7;:1-9 -
"Lipoic acid profoundly decreased serum and liver
concentrations of TAG, and also lowered serum concentrations of phospholipid and
NEFA, and the concentration of cholesterol in the liver. A hypoglycaemic effect
of this compound was also observed. Lipoic acid dose-dependently decreased the
activity and mRNA levels of fatty acid synthase, ATP-citrate lyase, glucose
6-phosphate dehydrogenase, malic enzyme and pyruvate kinase in the liver despite
that reductions were considerably attenuated in the NADPH-producing enzymes.
This compound also dose-dependently lowered the mRNA levels of spot 14,
adiponutrin, stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1, and Delta5- and Delta6-desaturases. In
addition, lipoic acid dose-dependently lowered serum concentrations of insulin
and leptin, but increased those of adiponectin. Lipoic acid appeared to reduce
hepatic lipogenesis and hence decreases serum and liver lipid levels.
Alterations in serum concentrations of insulin and (or) adiponectin may trigger
this consequence" - See
alpha lipoic acid at Amazon.com
Adiponectin, the controversial hormone - Public Health Nutr. 2007
Oct;10(10A):1145-50 - "Considering the anti-inflammatory
properties of adiponectin and the fact that it is negatively associated with
adiposity, this cytokine could be one of the links between obesity and
inflammation. The main mechanisms of action of adiponectin are directed to a
protective role against atherogenic and insulin resistance processes. Research
has revealed interesting new functions far beyond metabolism, such as immunity,
cancer and bone formation. Contrary to all adipose-related proteins, adiponectin
decreases with obesity. Most of the contradictory data surrounding adiponectin
are related to plasma values and their relationship with body fat, gender
differences and insulin resistance"
High-molecular weight adiponectin is independently associated with the extent of
coronary artery disease in men - Atherosclerosis. 2007 Nov 14 -
"HMW adiponectin and the HMW/total-adiponectin ratio
inversely correlate with the extent of CAD. HMW adiponectin in particular seems
to be a better marker for CAD extent than total adiponectin"
Pioglitazone improves myocardial blood flow and glucose utilization in
nondiabetic patients with combined hyperlipidemia a randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled study - J Am Coll Cardiol. 2007 Nov 20;50(21):2051-8 -
"myocardial glucose utilization (MGU) and blood flow
(MBF) in nondiabetic patients with familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCHL) ...
in the pioglitazone group HDL cholesterol (+28%; p = 0.003) and adiponectin
(+156.2%; p = 0.0001) were increased and plasma insulin (-35%; p = 0.017) was
reduced ... In patients with FCHL treated with conventional lipid-lowering
therapy, the addition of pioglitazone led to significant improvements in MGU and
MBF, with a favorable effect on blood lipid and metabolic parameters"
Nutritional intervention to reduce the n-6/n-3 fatty acid ratio increases
adiponectin concentration and fatty acid oxidation in healthy subjects -
Eur J Clin Nutr. 2007 Aug 15 - "Dietary intervention
was associated with significant reductions in TNF-alpha (baseline: 2.2 (s.d.
0.3), post-intervention: 1.5 (s.d. 0.3) pg/ml, P=0.01) and low-density
lipoprotein-cholesterol (baseline: 2.5 (s.d. 0.2), post-intervention: 2.3
(s.d. 0.1) mmol/l, P=0.03) and increased adiponectin (baseline: 6.5 (s.d.
0.7), post-intervention: 7.6 (s.d. 0.6) mug/ml, P=0.02). Fasting lipid
oxidation was increased (baseline: 0.7 (s.d. 0.1), post-intervention: 0.9
(s.d. 0.1) mg/kg.min, P=0.01), whereas glucose oxidation decreased in both
fasting (baseline: 1.6 (s.d. 0.1), post-intervention: 1.3 (s.d. 0.1)
mg/kg.min, P=0.02) and hyperinsulinaemic conditions (baseline: 3.6 (s.d.
0.1), post-intervention: 3.3 (s.d. 0.1) mg/kg.min, P=0.04). Insulin
sensitivity was not affected by the intervention. Conclusion: A decreased
n-6/n-3 PUFA ratio can be achieved with simple dietary counselling,
resulting in multiple, potentially favourable effects on the metabolic and
inflammatory profiles"
The effect of thiazolidinediones on adiponectin serum level: a meta-analysis
- Diabetes Obes Metab. 2007 Jul 21 - "The results
clearly reveal an increase of endogenous serum adiponectin levels by intake
of TZDs and may point to a potential new option to manage obesity-related
Low serum adiponectin is associated with high circulating oxidized
low-density lipoprotein in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and
coronary artery disease - Metabolism. 2007 Jul;56(7):881-886 -
"low adiponectin concentration indicates increased
oxidative state in the arterial wall, which further supports previous data
on the role of adipose tissue in atherogenesis"
The Differential Effects of Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Blockers on
Microalbuminuria in Relation to Low-Grade Inflammation in Metabolic
Hypertensive Patients - Am J Hypertens. 2007 May;20(5):565-72 -
"There was a significant increase in high molecular
weight adiponectin in the telmisartan group ... The reductions of
microalbuminuria and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) were
significant in the telmisartan group"
Adiponectin in health and disease - Diabetes Obes Metab. 2007
May;9(3):282-9 - "Adiponectin is an important
adipokine because of its beneficial effects on glucose and lipid metabolism.
Low levels of adiponectin are associated with disease states such as
diabetes and cardiovascular disease ... Adiponectin levels in humans can be
increased through indirect methods such as weight loss or treatment with
Adiponectin accelerates reverse cholesterol transport by increasing high
density lipoprotein assembly in the liver - Biochem Biophys Res Commun.
2007 May 15 - "APN might protect against
atherosclerosis by increasing HDL assembly through enhancing ABCA1 pathway
and apoA-1 synthesis in the liver"
Do low levels of circulating adiponectin represent a biomarker or just
another risk factor for the metabolic syndrome? - Diabetes Obes Metab.
2007 May;9(3):246-58 - "The metabolic syndrome is
currently defined by various combinations of insulin resistance, obesity,
dyslipidaemia and hypertension. The tendency for these risk factors to
appear simultaneously suggests a single aetiologic basis. A low level of
circulating adiponectin is associated with the appearance of each metabolic
syndrome risk factor ... An association between the metabolic syndrome and
low adiponectin supports the view that the development of the metabolic
syndrome may be triggered by a single underlying mechanism. Clinical studies
in the future may show that a low level of circulating adiponectin is a
primary biomarker for a specific cluster of metabolic syndrome risk factors
rather than all the possible combinations of risk factors currently used to
identify the metabolic syndrome"
Decreased Plasma Adiponectin is Associated with Insulin Resistance and HDL
Cholesterol in Overweight Subjects - Endocr J. 2007 May;54(2):221-6 -
"In overweight subjects, adiponectin levels
negatively correlated with body weight (r = -0.35, P<0.001), body mass index
(BMI) (r = -0.28, P<0.006), systolic blood pressure (r = -0.21, P<0.04),
fasting insulin (r = -0.19, P<0.01) and HOMA-IR (r = -0.20, P<0.01) and
positively with high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) (r = 0.27,
P<0.009). Overweight subjects with low HDL-C levels had significantly
decreased plasma adiponectin levels compared to those with high HDL-C levels
... findings may suggest that circulating adiponectin is associated with
insulin resistance and HDL-C levels independent from BMI in overweight
Raised alanine transaminase and decreased adiponectin are features of the
metabolic syndrome in patients with type 2 diabetes - Diabetes Obes
Metab. 2007 May;9(3):438-40 - "Mean ALT was
significantly higher in patients with the MS and higher ALT was associated
with lower adiponectin levels. As the number of features of MS increased,
ALT increased and adiponectin decreased independent of glycaemic control"
The effect of testosterone replacement therapy on adipocytokines and
C-reactive protein in hypogonadal men with type 2 diabetes - Eur J
Endocrinol. 2007 May;156(5):595-602 - "Testosterone
treatment reduced leptin (-7141.9 +/- 1461.8
pg/ml; P=0.0001) and adiponectin levels"
Lower plasma adiponectin is a marker of increased intima-media thickness
associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus and with male gender - Eur J
Endocrinol. 2007 Mar;156(3):387-94 - "Increased IMT
in type 2 diabetes may in part be explained by lower plasma adiponectin and
higher triglycerides, but not by leptin, resistin, and TNF-alpha"
Effect of antihypertensive agents on plasma adiponectin levels in
hypertensive patients with metabolic syndrome - Nephrology (Carlton).
2007 Apr;12(2):147-53 - "Ramipril and valsartan
increased the plasma adiponectin levels significantly higher than the other
Rosiglitazone treatment increases plasma levels of adiponectin and decreases
levels of resistin in overweight women with PCOS: a randomized
placebo-controlled study - European Journal of Endocrinology, Vol 156, Issue
2, 263-269 - "Rosiglitazone
had beneficial effects on serum levels of adiponectin and resistin, suggesting
that these adipocytokines may contribute to the improvement in insulin
sensitivity observed during the treatment"
Comparison of the effects of pioglitazone and metformin on insulin resistance
and hormonal markers in patients with impaired glucose tolerance and early
diabetes - Hypertens Res. 2007 Jan;30(1):23-30 - "pioglitazone
was superior to metformin for the improvement of insulin resistance and
adiponectin "
Telmisartan improves lipid metabolism and adiponectin production but does
not affect glycemic control in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes
- Adv Ther. 2007 Jan-Feb;24(1):146-53 - "Triglyceride
levels were significantly decreased, however, and adiponectin levels
were significantly increased"
Effect of PPAR-gamma agonist on adiponectin levels in the metabolic
syndrome: lessons from the high fructose fed rat model - Am J Hypertens.
2007 Feb;20(2):206-10 - "rosiglitazone increased
plasma levels of adiponectin fourfold from 4.3 +/- 0.1 to 18.4"
The effects of irbesartan and telmisartan on metabolic parameters and blood
pressure in obese, insulin resistant, hypertensive patients - J
Endocrinol Invest. 2006 Dec;29(11):957-61 - "Group A
(23) was submitted to irbesartan 150 mg/day, Group B (23) to telmisartan 80
mg/day for 6 months ... Both irbesartan or telmisartan reduced blood
pressure and ameliorated the insulin sensitivity, with increased adiponectin
values; in Group B, the amelioration of metabolic parameters was greater
than in Group A"
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