Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending
2/17/10. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any medications.
levels of vitamin D in older people can reduce heart disease and diabetes -
Science Daily, 2/16/10 - "Researchers looked at 28
studies including 99,745 participants across a variety of ethnic groups
including men and women. The studies revealed a significant association between
high levels of
vitamin D and a decreased risk of developing
cardiovascular disease (33% compared to low levels of vitamin D), type 2
diabetes (55% reduction) and
metabolic syndrome
(51% reduction)" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Fox segment on halitosis,
recommends SmartMouth brand, just in time for Valentine's (video) - 2/13/10
- See
SmartMouth Alcohol-Free Mouthwash, Fresh Mint, 16-Ounce Box (Pack of 2)
SmartMouth Toothpaste, 6-Ounce Tubes (Pack of 3) at Amazon.com.
formula that maintains youthful function into old age - Science Daily,
2/12/10 - "Using bagel bits soaked in the supplement to
ensure consistent and accurate dosing, the formula maintained youthful levels of
locomotor activity into old age whereas old mice that were not given the
supplement showed a 50 per cent loss in daily movement, a similar dramatic loss
in the activity of the cellular furnaces that make our energy, and declines in
brain signaling chemicals relevant to locomotion. This builds on the team's
findings that the supplement extends longevity, prevents cognitive declines, and
protects mice from radiation ... Ingredients consists of items that were
purchased in local stores selling vitamin and health supplements for people,
including vitamins B1, C, D, E, acetylsalicylic acid, beta carotene, folic acid,
garlic, ginger root, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, green tea extract, magnesium,
melatonin, potassium, cod liver oil, and flax seed oil" - Sounds like
most of what I'm already taking. - Ben
About ten years ago I did a lot of reading on Dr. Judah
Folkman and Angiostatin,
Endostatin & other anti-angiogenesis drugs and started that webpage on it.
What really caught my eye with Dr, Folkman's research was a picture of a mouse
with a tumor the size of it's head that was fully cured by angiostatin.
They had problems duplicating it in humans though. Someone sent these
articles and they seem to be picking up research on it again:
TED 2010: Halting Blood Vessels Key to New Cancer Treatment; Possibly
Obesity - wired.com, 2/10/10 - "What he found
was that nature has laced a large number of foods, beverages and herbs with
naturally occurring inhibitors of angiogenesis ... He and his researchers
built a simulator to test the effect different foods (see list of foods at
right) would have on blood vessels at concentrations that are available
through eating, rather than concentrated, encapsulated forms. The tests
showed that an extract of resveratrol, found in red grapes and red wine,
would inhibit abnormal angiogenesis by 60 percent. Extracts from
strawberries and soybeans had similar benefits ... They also tested four
teas — a Chinese jasmine tea, Japanese sencha, Earl Gray and a blend of the
Chinese jasmine and Japanese sencha teas. The teas varied in their
potencies. The Chinese Jasmine and Japanese sencha teas were each less
potent than the Earl Grey tea. But when they combined the two teas, the
combination was more potent than either one alone or than the Earl Grey tea.
This means there’s food synergy, Li said,
and that foods likely work best in combination to create benefits"
Highlights from TED 2010, Wednesday: "We can eat to starve cancer" -
boingboing.net, 2/10/10 - "Angiogenesis means the
growth of blood vessels. Your body usually knows how to regulate the growth
of blood vessels, but sometimes there are defects in blood growing and
pruning. Too little angiogenesis can lead to things like wounds that won't
heal, heart attack, and other diseases. Too much angiogenesis leads to other
bad things such as blindness, arthritis. It's is a common denominator of
many diseases. It's also the "hallmark of every type of cancer." ... In
autopsies of people who died in car accidents, doctors have found
microscopic cancers in 40% of woman (breast) and 40% of men (prostate).
Something like 70% of older people have microcancers in their thyroid. But
the cancer is harmless -- "cancer without disease." If you block
angiogenesis the cancer can't grow. "It's a tipping point between harmless
cancer and deadly one.""
- Angiogenesis Foundation
Dog's tale of survival opens door in cancer research - USA Today,
7/24/02 - "The treatment is a cocktail of so-called
anti-angiogenic drugs, which have been widely researched for more than a
decade and work by starving tumors of their blood supply. Researchers say
the three-drug combination, which Haber mixed into Navy's regular dog food,
targets the
cancer from many
angles ... When researchers heard that Navy was cancer-free after receiving
a cocktail of drugs already approved by the Food and Drug Administration —
tamoxifen (sold
as Nolvadex) and
doxycycline — the treatment became known
as the Navy Protocol ... Navy's treatment, though experimental, cost $2,000"
How to Live 100 Years - Time Magazine, 2/15/10
Living Long and Living Well (Dr. Oz) - Time Magazine, 2/15/10 -
"Insufficient vitamin D is our most important vitamin
deficiency and is possibly a factor in our high levels of cancer, autoimmune
ailments and heart disease" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
DHA omega-3 may improve chemotherapy outcomes: Study - Nutra USA, 2/10/10 -
"Our data show for the first time that a dietary
intervention targeted on
DHA is a feasible approach that has potential to
substantially increase survival in metastatic breast
cancer patients treated with
chemotherapy ... the overall survival of
women was 22 months, and reached 34 months in women with the highest DHA levels
in their blood" - [Abstract]
- See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Dry Cleaning Chemical 'Likely' Causes Cancer - WebMD, 2/9/10 -
"PERC is a chemical known as perchloroethylene or
tetrachloroethylene. It's the solvent used by about 85% of U.S. dry cleaners ...
In 2008, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) suggested that PERC be
classified as a "likely human carcinogen." Moreover, the EPA found that PERC's
most dangerous noncancer toxicity is brain and nervous system damage -- and set
safe exposure levels well below levels that cause such damage"
Abstracts from this week's
Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics
plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here
for the journals, the PubMed ones at the top):
effects contributing to prostate health - Nutr Cancer. 2009 Nov;61(6):775-83
- "Epidemiological evidence links
lycopene consumption with decreased
prostate cancer risk ... Lycopene modulates
several of the aforementioned pathways, providing a promising rationale for
prostate cancer risk reduction by lycopene: In many experimental setups,
lycopene reduced inflammatory signals, prevented oxidative DNA damage, modulated
the expression or activity of IGF axis members, of Wnt/beta-catenin and androgen
signalling, and enhanced gap junctional communication. Lycopene's influence on
these pathways likely contributes to the observed cell growth inhibition and
apoptosis induction by lycopene. A substantial part of the lycopene effects can
be explained by its antioxidant action, but other mechanisms might also be
involved" - See
lycopene at Amazon.com .
Lycopene in
the prevention of gastrointestinal toxicity of radiotherapy - Nutr Cancer.
2009 Nov;61(6):784-8 - "The rats receiving
RT only had significantly higher weight loss
rate compared to the lycopene plus RT group
(P = 0.001). Plasma TBARS levels after RT were also significantly higher in the
RT only group compared to lycopene plus RT group (P = 0.001). In conclusion,
lycopene supplementation significantly reduced the weight loss and prevented
oxidative stress in rats treated with abdominopelvic radiation" - See
lycopene at Amazon.com .
role of curcumin with current therapeutics in colorectal cancer: minireview
- Nutr Cancer. 2009 Nov;61(6):842-6 - "Despite the use
of surgical resection and aggressive chemotherapy, nearly 50% of patients with
colorectal carcinoma
develop recurrent disease, highlighting the need for improved therapies.
Curcumin (diferuloylmethane), the major active
ingredient of turmeric (curcuma longa) with no discernable toxicity, has been
shown to inhibit the growth of transformed cells and colon carcinogenesis at the
initiation, promotion, and progression stages in carcinogen-induced rodent
models. In a Phase I clinical trial, curcumin has been found to be extremely
well tolerated and effective ... Existing data suggest that curcumin in
combination with chemotherapy is a superior strategy for treatment of
gastrointestinal cancer" - See
curcumin products at Amazon.com .
Zinc in
cancer prevention - Nutr Cancer. 2009 Nov;61(6):879-87 -
"Zinc not only improves
cell mediated immune functions but also functions as an antioxidant and
anti-inflammatory agent. Oxidative stress and chronic inflammation have been
implicated in development of many cancers. In patients with
head and neck cancer, we have shown
that nearly 65% of these patients were zinc deficient based on their cellular
zinc concentrations. Natural killer (NK) cell activity and IL-2 generation were
also affected adversely ... Zinc status also correlated with number of hospital
admissions and incidences of infections. NF-kappa B is constitutively activated
in many cancer cells, and this results in activation of antiapoptotic genes,
VEGF, cyclin DI, EGFR, MMP-9 and inflammatory cytokines. Zinc inhibits NF-kappa
B via induction of A-20. Thus, zinc supplementation should have beneficial
effects on cancer by decreasing angiogenesis and induction of inflammatory
cytokines while increasing apoptosis in cancer cells. Based on the above, we
recommend further studies and propose that zinc should be utilized in the
management and chemoprevention of cancer" - See
Jarrow Zinc Balance at Amazon.com .
Treatment of Severe Hypertriglyceridemia with a Formula Diet Rich in Omega-3
Fatty Acids and Medium-Chain Triglycerides - Ann Nutr Metab. 2010 Feb
12;56(3):170-175 - "Patients with highly increased
triglyceride levels are at risk of
developing serious complications such as pancreatitis, coronary heart disease
and stroke. Therefore it is important to rapidly decrease plasma triglyceride
levels. A sufficient control of triglyceride levels with drugs like fibrates,
statins or nicotinic acid can usually only be attained after a couple of weeks.
Plasma exchange appears to be a fast but expensive method to reduce triglyceride
levels. In this study we describe the use of a new
omega-3 fatty acid and medium-chain
triglyceride-rich formula diet as a therapeutic concept to reduce plasma
triglyceride levels fast and effectively ... Thirty-two patients with severe
hypertriglyceridemia were treated with the especially composed formula diet for
a period of 7 days. Results: Within this period of time, plasma triglycerides
decreased from 1,601 (402-4,555) to 554 (142-2,382) mg/dl (p < 0.05). Total
cholesterol levels were reduced from 417 (211-841) to 287 (165-457) mg/dl (p <
0.001). Fasting glucose and uric acid levels also slightly decreased (-8%;
-12%). The formula diet as a 1-week treatment was well tolerated and accepted by
the patients" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Docosahexaenoic Acid Deficiency and Prefrontal Cortex Neuropathology in
Recurrent Affective Disorders - J Nutr. 2010 Feb 10 -
"Increasing evidence suggests that docosahexaenoic acid
[DHA, 22:6(n-3)], the principal (n-3) fatty acid in brain gray matter, has
neurotrophic and neuroprotective properties. Preliminary clinical evidence also
suggests that the perinatal accrual, and the subsequent dietary maintenance of,
cortical DHA is positively associated with cortical gray matter volumes. The
pathophysiology of recurrent affective disorders, including unipolar and bipolar
depression, is associated with (n-3) fatty acid deficiency, DHA deficits,
impaired astrocyte mediated vascular coupling, neuronal shrinkage, and
reductions in gray matter volume in the prefrontal cortex (PFC). Preclinical
studies have also observed neuronal shrinkage and indices of astrocyte pathology
in the DHA-deficient rat brain. Together, this body of evidence supports the
proposition that DHA deficiency increases vulnerability to neuronal atrophy in
the PFC of patients with affective disorders" - See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
a Different Angiotensin II Receptor Blocker Protecting a Different Population?
- J Int Med Res. 2009;37(6):1662-1679 - "Telmisartan
has a unique profile among ARBs, with a high affinity for the angiotensin II
type 1 receptor, a long duration of receptor binding, a high lipophilicity and a
long plasma half life. This leads to sustained and powerful blood pressure
lowering when compared with the first marketed ARBs, such as losartan and
valsartan. Some pharmacological properties of telmisartan clearly distinguish it
from other members of the ARB class and may contribute to the clinical effects
seen with telmisartan. A class effect for ARBs cannot be assumed. To date,
telmisartan is the only ARB that has been shown to reduce cardiovascular risk in
at-risk cardiovascular patients"
- Click here for
reasons to consider telmisartan as a first line treatment for hypertension.
See telmisartan at
Survival in Patients with End-stage Cancer Treated with Coenzyme Q(10) and Other
Antioxidants: a Pilot Study - J Int Med Res. 2009;37(6):1961-1971 -
"This pilot study evaluated the survival of patients
with end-stage
cancer who received supplements of
coenzyme Q(10) and a mixture of other antioxidants (e.g. vitamin C,
selenium, folic acid and beta-carotene) ... Median predicted survival was 12
months (range 3 - 29 months), whereas median actual survival was 17 months (1 -
120 months), which is > 40% longer than the median predicted survival. Mean
actual survival was 28.8 months versus 11.9 months for mean predicted survival.
Ten patients (24%) survived for less time than predicted, whereas 31 (76%)
survived for longer. Treatments were very well tolerated with few adverse
effects" - See
ubiquinol products at Amazon.com .
Improving outcome of
chemotherapy of metastatic breast cancer by docosahexaenoic acid: a phase II
trial - Br J Cancer. 2009 Dec 15;101(12):1978-85 -
"The objective response rate was 44%. With a mean follow-up time of 31 months
(range 2-96 months), the median TTP was 6 months. Median OS was 22 months and
reached 34 months in the sub-population of patients (n = 12) with the highest
plasma DHA incorporation. The most common grade 3 or 4 toxicity was neutropaenia
(80%). CONCLUSION: DHA during chemotherapy was devoid of adverse side effects
and can improve the outcome of chemotherapy when highly incorporated. DHA has a
potential to specifically chemosensitise tumours" - See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Red clover
extract: a source for substances that activate peroxisome proliferator-activated
receptor alpha and ameliorate the cytokine secretion profile of
lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophages - Menopause. 2010 Feb 5 -
"In lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophages, red
clover extract and its compounds reduced the secretion of proinflammatory
cytokines, interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor alpha, increased the
secretion of the anti-inflammatory interleukin-10, and/or reduced the expression
of nuclear factor-kappaB, inducible nitric oxide synthase, and/or cyclooxygenase
2. Tumor necrosis factor alpha production was most efficiently reduced by
biochanin A and genistein. Interleukin-6 levels were most efficiently reduced by
genistein and equol. CONCLUSIONS:: Owing to its PPARalpha activation and
modulation of the secreted cytokine profile, red clover extract is a putative
candidate for preventing atherosclerosis and, thus, cardiovascular disease"
- See
Trinovin at Amazon.com .
Neat Tech Stuff :
- Garmin came out with a GPS with a 5 inch screen.
It's also tells you what lane you need to be in to make exits. It sounds
like it's got some software bugs but that can be updated. See:
Supplement Focus (Green
News & Research:
green tea extract at Amazon.com
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Drinking Tea May Trim Men's Waistlines - WebMD, 1/29/10 -
"In men, the use of sugar in tea was associated with
a nearly 1-inch smaller waist measurement, but the use of artificial
sweeteners was linked to a nearly 2-inch larger waistline ... Among women,
the use of milk in tea was associated with a two-thirds-of-an-inch smaller
waistline. But women who used artificial sweeteners had an average of nearly
an inch larger waistline"
Green Tea Extract May Treat Uterine Fibroids - WebMD, 1/26/10 -
"In test tube studies with rodent fibroid cells,
cells treated with EGCG grew more slowly and were smaller after 48-72 hours.
EGCG also prompted fibroid cell death. The researchers write that it is
"highly encouraging that, in our work, a relatively modest dose of EGCG ...
that was delivered in drinking water was successful in inducing a dramatic
and sustained reduction in fibroid tumor size up to eight weeks after
treatment." ... The researchers say their study suggests that EGCG "might be
particularly useful for long-term use in women with a low fibroid tumor
burden to arrest tumor progression and avoid the development of severe
symptoms that necessitate major surgery"
Green Tea May Cut Smokers' Lung Cancer Risk - WebMD, 1/12/10 -
"Overall, the smokers and nonsmokers who didn't
drink green tea had a more than five times greater risk of lung cancer
compared to those who had at least a cup of green tea"
Green Tea Drinking in Elderly Linked to Lower Risk for Depression -
Medscape, 12/29/09 - "Compared with green tea
consumption of 1 or less cup per day, odds ratios for mild and severe
depressive symptoms were 0.96 for 2 to 3 cups (95% confidence interval [CI],
0.66 - 1.42) and 0.56 for 4 or more cups of green tea per day (95% CI, 0.39
- 0.81; P for trend = .001), after adjustment for confounding factors.
Similar associations were seen for severe depressive symptoms"
Coffee, Tea May Stall Diabetes - WebMD, 12/14/09 -
"researchers found each additional cup of coffee drunk per day was
associated with a 7% lower risk of diabetes. People who drank three to four
cups per day had about a 25% lower risk than those who drank two or fewer
cups per day ... The study also showed that people who drank more than three
to four cups of decaffeinated coffee per day had about a one-third lower
risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who didn’t drink any ... Tea
drinkers who drank more than three to four cups of tea per day had about a
one-fifth lower risk of diabetes than those who didn’t drink tea" - [Science
Green tea chemical combined with another may hold promise for treatment of
brain disorders - Science Daily, 12/3/09 -
"Scientists at Boston Biomedical Research Institute (BBRI) and the
University of Pennsylvania have found that combining two chemicals, one of
which is the green tea component EGCG, can prevent and destroy a variety of
protein structures known as amyloids. Amyloids are the primary culprits in
fatal brain disorders such as Alzheimer's, Huntington's, and Parkinson's
Green Tea May Prevent Kidney Stones - WebMD, 11/20/09 -
"The results showed that as the amount of green tea
extract applied increased, the calcium oxalate crystals became flatter and
flatter ... Researchers say flatter crystals form less stable kidney stones
that break up more easily"
Antifibrotic effects of green tea - Science Daily, 11/18/09 -
"The researchers drew a conclusion that green tea
may protect liver cells and reduce the deposition of collagen fibers in the
liver. Green tea provides a safe and effective strategy for improving
hepatic fibrosis"
Green Tea Shows Promise As Chemoprevention Agent For Oral Cancer -
Science Daily, 11/5/09 - "Green tea extract has
shown promise as cancer prevention agent for oral cancer in patients with a
pre-malignant condition known as oral leukoplakia ... more than half of the
oral leukoplakia patients who took the extract had a clinical response ...
The extract's lack of toxicity is attractive"
Evidence That Green Tea May Help Improve Bone Health - Science Daily,
9/16/09 - "The scientists exposed a group of
cultured bone-forming cells (osteoblasts) to three major green tea
components — epigallocatechin (EGC), gallocatechin (GC), and gallocatechin
gallate (GCG) — for several days. They found that one in particular, EGC,
boosted the activity of a key enzyme that promotes bone growth by up to 79
percent. EGC also significantly boosted levels of bone mineralization in the
cells, which strengthens bones. The scientists also showed that high
concentrations of ECG blocked the activity of a type of cell (osteoclast)
that breaks down or weakens bones. The green tea components did not cause
any toxic effects to the bone cells, they note"
Green tea slashes heart disease death - Nutra USA, 9/8/09 -
"Compared to people who drank less than one cup a
day, seven or more cups of green tea a day may reduce the risk of dying from
heart disease by a whopping 75 per cent ... Additionally, a reduction in the
risk of colorectal cancer mortality of 31 per cent was observed for people
who drank more than seven cups of green a day, compared to people who frank
less than three cups a day" - [Abstract]
Tea consumers may have younger biological age - Nutra USA, 8/25/09 -
"The study’s findings are based on the telomere
lengths of 976 Chinese men and 1,030 Chinese women aged over 65. The
participants’ dietary habits were evaluated using a food frequency
questionnaire ... Overall, only tea consumption was associated with telomere
length. The highest intakes, three cups or 750 millilitres per day, was
associated with significantly longer telomere lengths, compared to people
who drank 70 millilitres per day or less, said the researchers" - [Abstract]
- See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
White Tea Could Keep You Healthy And Looking Young - Nutra USA, 8/10/09
Green tea extracts linked to healthier bones: Study - Nutra USA, 8/6/09
- "EGC was found to stimulate bone mineralisation,
while simultaneously inhibiting the formation of osteoclasts. The other
catechins were found to have a significantly weaker effect ... “The present
study illustrated that the tea catechins, EGC in particular, had positive
effects on bone metabolism through a double process of promoting
osteoblastic activity and inhibiting osteoclast differentiations" - [Abstract]
Green tea may protect against blood cell cancer - Nutra USA, 7/31/09 -
"Drinking five or more cups of green tea per day may
reduce the risk of blood- and lymph-based cancers by about 50 per cent ...
Compared to people who drank only one cup per day, five cups of green tea a
day were associated with a 42 per cent reduction in hematologic
malignancies, and a 48 per cent risk reduction in lymphoid neoplasms"
- [Abstract]
Green Tea May Slow Prostate Cancer Progression - Science Daily, 6/19/09
- "According to results of a study published in
Cancer Prevention Research, a journal of the American Association for Cancer
Research, men with prostate cancer who consumed the active compounds in
green tea demonstrated a significant reduction in serum markers predictive
of prostate cancer progression ... Findings showed a significant reduction
in serum levels of HGF, VEGF and PSA after treatment, with some patients
demonstrating reductions in levels of greater than 30 percent"
Green Tea Extract Shows Promise In Leukemia Trials - Science Daily,
5/26/09 - "We found not only that patients tolerated
the green tea extract at very high doses, but that many of them saw
regression to some degree of their chronic lymphocytic leukemia ... majority
of individuals who entered the study with enlarged lymph nodes saw a 50
percent or greater decline in their lymph node size"
Green Tea's EGCG Molecule Blocks HIV Infection - WebMD, 5/18/09
White Tea: Solution To Obesity Epidemic? - Science Daily, 5/7/09 -
"After treating lab-cultured human pre-adipocytes
with the tea extract, the authors found that fat incorporation during the
genesis of new adipocytes was reduced ... The extract solution induced a
decrease in the expression of genes associated with the growth of new fat
cells, while also prompting existing adipocytes to break down the fat they
contain ... It is less processed than the other teas and contains more of
the ingredients thought to be active on human cells, such as methylxanthines
(like caffeine) and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) – which the authors
believe to be responsible for many of the anti-adipogenic effects
demonstrated in their study"
For The Treatment Of Type-2 Diabetes - Science Daily, 5/5/09 -
"The research subjects drank 750ml of tea each day.
The cure appears to differentiate itself from other current type-2 diabetes
treatments because the tea does not initially affect the sugar content of
the blood. But after four months of treatment with tea we can, however, see
a significant increase in glucose tolerance ... 'n the patient group who
drank the tea, the number of polyunsaturated fatty acids increased. That is
good for the body's cells because the polyunsaturated fat causes the cell
membranes to be more permeable, which results in the cells absorbing glucose
better from the blood"
Study: Drinking Too-Hot Tea May Raise Esophageal Cancer Risk - WebMD,
3/26/09 - "hot tea drinkers were twice as likely as
warm or lukewarm tea drinkers to have esophageal cancer"
Drink Green Tea For Healthy Teeth And Gums - Science Daily, 3/5/09 -
"those who regularly drank green tea had superior
periodontal health than subjects that consumed less green tea ... Green
tea's ability to help reduce symptoms of periodontal disease may be due to
the presence of the antioxidant catechin. Previous research has demonstrated
antioxidants' ability to reduce inflammation in the body, and the indicators
of periodontal disease measured in this study, PD, CAL and BOP, suggest the
existence of an inflammatory response to periodontal bacteria in the mouth"
Green, Black Tea Can Reduce Stroke Risk, Research Suggests - Science
Daily, 3/4/09 - "By drinking three cups of tea a
day, the risk of a
was reduced by 21 percent. It didn't matter if it was green or black tea ...
the effect appears to be linear ... researchers have speculated that the
antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) or the amino acid
may be what helps. Antioxidants are believed to help prevent coronary artery
disease ... we do know that theanine is nearly 100-percent absorbed .... It
gets across the blood-brain barrier and it looks a lot like a molecule
that's very similar to
glutamate, and
glutamate release is associated with stroke" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
and theanine at Amazon.com .
Green tea may protect against breast cancer: Study - Science Daily,
1/27/09 - "Regular consumption of the beverage was
associated with a “slightly decreased risk for breast cancer” of 12 per
cent" - [Abstract]
Green tea catechins linked to weight loss: Study - Nutra USA, 1/26/09 -
"The subjects were randomly assigned to receive
either 500ml per day of a beverage providing 625mg catechins, or a control
beverage ... 12-week study period ... people in the catechin group were
found to have lost more body weight compared to the control group ... both
total abdominal fat area (P = 0.013) and abdominal subcutaneous fat area (P
= 0.019) had decreased more in the catechin group" - [Abstract]
Hibiscus Tea May Cut Blood Pressure - WebMD, 11/10/08 -
"Overall, drinking hibiscus tea blends lowered
systolic blood pressure -- the top number in the blood pressure reading --
by an average of 7 points. That was significantly more than the 1-point drop
observed in people who were given a placebo in the form of hibiscus-flavored
Tea Drinking May Help Preserve Hip Structure in Elderly Women -
Medscape, 10/29/08 - "The cross-sectional analysis
revealed that mean total hip aBMD was 2.8% greater in tea drinkers ...
Compared with non–tea drinkers, tea drinkers had a significantly higher aBMD
at the total hip and trochanter sites but not at the femoral neck and
intertrochanter sites"
Green Tea May Delay Onset Of Type 1 Diabetes - Science Daily, 10/23/08 -
"EGCG modulates several important genes, so it
suppresses the abnormality at the molecular level in the salivary gland. It
also significantly lowered the serum autoantibodies, reducing the severity
of Sjogren's syndrome-like symptoms ... Autoantibodies are antibodies the
body makes against itself ... Both type 1 diabetes and Sjogren's syndrome
are autoimmune diseases, which cause the body to attack itself"
Flavonoids’ heart health benefits in the blood vessels: Study - Nutra
USA, 10/10/08 - "A daily dose of quercetin or
(-)-epicatechin led to improvements in endothelial function, a key marker of
cardiovascular health" - [Abstract]
Head And Neck Cancer Risks Evolve, More Treatment Options Emerge -
Science Daily, 9/10/08 - "a compound from green tea
enhances the effects of a FDA-approved drug (erlotinib) against head and
neck cancer cells in animals, suggesting that it could work similarly in
humans. The results are published in the September issue of International
Journal of Cancer ... More than two-thirds of patients come to doctors with
locally and regionally advanced disease, and their prognoses are dismal ...
But head and neck cancers are potentially curable when diagnosed at an early
stage" - Note: I took about 8 capsules of green tea extract per day
when I had
my neck cancer. Maybe that's one
of the things that save me.
Tea Drinking May Help Protect Against Cognitive Impairment and Decline -
Medscape, 7/14/08 - "Independent of other risk
factors, total tea intake was significantly associated with a lower
prevalence of cognitive impairment, defined as an MMSE score of 23 or less.
Compared with ORs for rare or no tea intake, ORs for low, medium, and high
levels of tea intake were 0.56 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.40 - 0.78),
0.45 (95% CI, 0.27 - 0.72), and 0.37 (95% CI, 0.14 - 0.98), respectively"
Green tea's heart benefits gain support - Nutra USA, 7/7/08 -
"Regular consumption of green tea may improve the
function of endothelial cells - cells lining the walls of blood vessels -
and boost cardiovascular health, according to new research from Greece"
- [Abstract] - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Benefits Of Green Tea In Reducing An Important Risk Factor For Heart Disease
- [WebMD]
- Science Daily, 7/2/08 - "More evidence for the
beneficial effect of green tea on risk factors for heart disease has emerged
in a new study. The study found that the consumption of green tea rapidly
improves the function of (endothelial) cells lining the circulatory system;
endothelial dysfunction is a key event in the progression of
Dietary Agents for Chemoprevention of Prostate Cancer -
oncologystat.com, 6/16/08 - "In this review, we have
summarized the findings from clinical and preclinical studies on dietary
agents including green tea, pomegranate, lupeol, fisetin, and delphinidin
that are currently being investigated in our laboratory for their
chemopreventive potential against CaP" -
Click here
for the review but it is 172 pages in the .pdf format.
Green Tea Compounds Beat Obstructive Sleep Apnea-related Brain Deficits,
Study Shows - Science Daily, 5/15/08 - "green
tea polyphenols (GTP) ... intermittent hypoxia (IH) ... The IH-rats that
received the green tea-treated water performed significantly better in a
water maze than the rats that drank plain water. "GTP-treated rats exposed
to IH displayed significantly greater spatial bias for the previous hidden
platform position, indicating that GTPs are capable of attenuating
IH-induced spatial learning deficits ... GTPs "may represent a potential
interventional strategy for patients" with sleep-disordered breathing"
Green tea's Alzheimer protection gets more support - Nutra USA, 4/25/08
- "Polyphenon E (PE) ... The animals receiving the
green tea extract should significantly decreased beta-amyloid-induced
changes to the reference and working memory, while levels of reactive oxygen
species (ROS) were 42 per cent less than the controls animals infused with
the protein ... a person (with a body weight of 50 kg) would have to drink
about three litres of PE per day to get similar effects ... However, humans
consume antioxidants (including vitamins A, B, C and E as well as
polyphenols, etc.) from various food sources everyday. Therefore, a lower
amount (less than three litres) of 0.5 per cent PE-mixed water volume intake
may be effective in humans to ensure the similar effects" - [Abstract]
Extracts From Reishi Mushroom And Green Tea Shows Synergistic Effect To Slow
Sarcoma - Science Daily, 4/8/08 - "Both the
reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum; Lingzhi) and green tea have long held a
place in traditional medicine in China and other Asian countries, for the
general promotion of health and long life and for the treatment of specific
diseases. More recent scientific studies have confirmed that both enhance
the body¹s immune functions and hold the potential for treatment and
prevention of many types of cancer" - See
reishi at Amazon.com
green tea extract at Amazon.com .
Green Tea Ingredient, EGCG, Significantly Inhibits Breast Cancer Growth In
Female Mice - Science Daily, 4/7/08 - [WebMD]
- "Green tea is high in the antioxidant EGCG
(epigallocatechin-3- gallate) which helps prevent the body’s cells from
becoming damaged and prematurely aged ... At the end of the five week period
the researchers found that oral consumption of EGCG caused significant
decreases in TCSA (66%), tumor weight (68%), IM density 155+/-6 vs.111+/-20
IM#mm^2) and VEGF protein levels (59.0+/-3.7 vs. 45.7+/-1.4 pg/mg) in the
breast tumors vs. the control mice, respectively (N=8; P<0.01). Further,
VEGF plasma levels were lower in EGCG mice than in control mice (40.8+/-3.5
vs. 26.5+/-3.8 pg/ml P< 0.01)" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Green Tea Helps Beat Superbugs, Study Suggests - Science Daily, 3/30/08
- "drinking green tea helps the action of important
antibiotics in their fight against resistant superbugs, making them up to
three times more effective"
foods prevent ovarian cancer? - MSNBC, 3/14/08 -
"Kaempferol — a flavonoid found in tea, broccoli, kale and spinach — and
luteolin — which is provided by peppers, carrots, cabbage and celery — were
both identified as cancer protective. Women who consumed the most of these
two flavonoids were 40 percent and 34 percent less likely, respectively, to
develop ovarian cancer compared to women who consumed the least ... A 2007
study published in the British Journal of Nutrition linked greater
consumption of carotenoid phytochemicals with a 67 percent lower risk of
ovarian cancer. This included not only beta-carotene, the oft-cited
carotenoid in deep-orange vegetables and fruits, but also alpha-carotene,
beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein and zeaxanthin — carotenoids found in a wide
range of red, orange, yellow and green vegetables" - See
Jarrow Formulas, CarotenALL, Mixed Carotenoid Complex at Amazon.com
Black tea may slash Parkinson's disease risk - Nutra USA, 2/22/08 -
"Drinking at least 23 cups of black tea a month, or
about three-quarters of a cup a day, may slash the risk of developing
Parkinson's disease by a whopping 71 per cent ... Green tea contains between
30 and 40 per cent of water-extractable polyphenols, while black tea (green
tea that has been oxidized by fermentation) contains between 3 and 10 per
cent. Oolong tea is semi-fermented tea and is somewhere between green and
black tea ... A key difference between black tea and green tea lies in the
types and amounts of flavonoids. Green teas contain more of the simple
flavonoids called catechins. But when black tea is made, the catechins
undergo oxidation resulting in the generation of more complex varieties,
called thearubigins and theaflavins" - [Abstract]
Green tea extract's Janus Effect on stomach health: study - Nutra USA,
2/12/08 - "The green tea polyphenol
(-)-epicatechin-3-gallate (ECG) may slash the risk of gastric cancer among
women by 75 per cent"
Green Tea May Ward Off Weight Gain - WebMD. 1/23/08 -
"Here's what those preliminary lab tests in mice
show: ... Less weight and fat gain. Among mice with an obesity gene, those
that ate chow laced with green tea extract gained less weight and less fat
... Less fat in the liver. There was less sign of "fatty liver" disease in
the mice with the obesity gene that ate chow laced with green tea extract
... Lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels in mice with the obesity gene
that ate the chow laced with green tea extract, compared to other mice with
the same obesity gene" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Green tea shows benefits against fatty liver - Nutra USA, 1/22/08 -
"the obese mice fed the GTE-supplemented diets had
23 to 25 per cent less body than the obese mice fed the non-supplemented
diet. Moreover, the lean mice fed the GTE-supplemented diets had 11 to 20
per cent less body than their lean counterpart on the non-supplemented diet
... Measurements of the blood enzymes alanine aminotransferase and aspartate
aminotransferase, used as markers of liver damage, showed that
GTE-supplementation was associated with 30 to 41 per cent and 22 to 33 per
cent lower activities, respectively" - [Abstract]
- Note: Alanine aminotransferase is the "ALT" you see on blood tests and
aspartate aminotransferase is the "AST" you see on blood tests.
Chemical In Red Wine, Fruits And Vegetables Counters Unhealthy Effects Of
High-fat Foods - Science Daily, 1/2/08 -
"consuming polyphenols (natural compounds in red wine, fruits, and
vegetables) simultaneously with high-fat foods may reduce health risks
associated with these foods"
Green tea may cut prostate cancer risk - USATODAY.com, 12/20/07 -
"those who drank five or more cups of green tea a
day reduced their risk of having progressive prostate cancer by half,
compared with those who drank a cup or less"
Green Tea May Protect Brain Cells Against Parkinson's Disease - Science
Daily, 12/13/07 - "green tea polyphenols protect
dopamine neurons that increases with the amount consumed. They also show
that this protective effect is mediated by inhibition of the ROS-NO pathway,
a pathway that may contribute to cell death in Parkinson's"
Green Tea Shown To Possess Antitumor Effect In Breast Cancer - Science
Daily, 12/8/07 - "green tea has antitumor effect in
breast cancer cells ... Dr. Maheshwari’s study observed that green tea can
inhibit the invading capacity of these breast cancer cells and have also
identified the mechanisms involved in death inducing and invasion inhibiting
effects of green tea"
Chemoprevention, Naturally: Findings On Plant-derived Cancer Medicines -
Science Daily, 12/6/07 - "rats fed a diet containing
Polyphenon E, a standardized green tea polyphenol preparation, are less than
half as likely to develop colon cancer ... After 34 weeks, rats that
received Polyphenon E developed 55 percent fewer tumors compared to the
control rats that did not receive Polyphenon E. Moreover, the tumors were 45
percent smaller in rats treated with green tea extract"
Citrus Juice, Vitamin C Give Staying Power To Green Tea Antioxidants -
Science Daily, 11/13/07 - "catechins are relatively
unstable in non-acidic environments, such as the intestines, and less than
20 percent of the total remains after digestion ... Ascorbic acid, or
vitamin C, used to increase shelf life in ready-to-drink products, increased
recovered levels of the two most abundant catechins by sixfold and 13-fold,
Green Tea Proves A Powerful Medicine Against Severe Sepsis In the Lab -
Science Daily, 11/8/07 - "Survival jumped from 53
percent in those who didn't receive the green tea substance to 82 percent in
those who did. "Clinically, even if we could save five percent of patients,
that would be huge," ... In this study, we saved 25 percent more animals
with the green tea"
Green tea may halve prostate cancer risk - Nutra USA, 10/12/07 -
"Drinking five or more cups a day was associated
with a 48 per cent reduction in advanced prostate cancer risk, compared to
drinking less than one cup per day"
Drinking Tea May Slow Bone Loss - WebMD, 10/8/07 -
"A new study shows elderly women who drank tea had
higher bone density in their hips and less bone loss than women who didn't
drink tea ... Previous studies have suggested that phytochemicals in tea,
such as flavonoids, may be responsible for the protective effect against
bone loss due to their estrogen-like properties"
Put the kettle on: Tea is steeped in health benefits - USATODAY.com,
10/7/07 - "Tea polyphenols, compounds with
antioxidant activity, may protect against heart disease and a variety of
cancers ... green and black tea, when substituted for drinking water,
inhibits the growth of human prostate cancer cells implanted in mice ...
compounds in green tea positively affect genes involved in cancer
susceptibility and DNA repair"
Are You Easily Distracted? Try Some Tea - US News and World Report,
10/8/07 - "the amino acid theanine, which is found
in green, black, and oolong teas, causes a decrease in the brain's "alpha
rhythms" when people perform complex attention tasks, causing them to pay
closer attention. His ongoing research, funded by the food and beverage
conglomerate Unilever, suggests that theanine and caffeine together improve
performance more than either substance alone ... in mice, at least—tea's
main antioxidant shows an ability to curb brain cell death and encourage
neurons to repair themselves" - See
theanine at Amazon.com
Warning? High-fructose Corn Syrup Linked To Diabetes, New Study Suggests
- Science Daily, 8/23/07 - "high-fructose corn syrup
(HFCS) ... Chi-Tang Ho, Ph.D., conducted chemical tests among 11 different
carbonated soft drinks containing HFCS. He found 'astonishingly high' levels
of reactive carbonyls in those beverages. These undesirable and
highly-reactive compounds associated with "unbound" fructose and glucose
molecules are believed to cause tissue damage ... Ho estimates that a single
can of soda contains about five times the concentration of reactive
carbonyls than the concentration found in the blood of an adult person with
diabetes ... adding epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a compound in tea,
significantly reduced the levels of reactive carbonyl species in a
dose-dependent manner when added to the carbonated soft drinks studied. In
some cases, the levels of reactive carbonyls were reduced by half"
Green tea may cut oral cancer risk - study - Nutra USA, 8/22/07 -
"women who consumed five or more cups of green tea
per day had an associated risk reduction of 70 per cent, compared to women
who consumed between one and two cups per day" - [Abstract]
Green Tea Boosts Production Of Detox Enzymes, Rendering Cancerous Chemicals
Harmless - Science Daily, 8/10/07 - "In a study
of 42 people, the concentrate -- composed of chemicals known as green tea
catechins in amounts equal to that found in 8-16 cups of green tea --
boosted production of the enzymes, which belong to the glutathione
S-transferase (GST) family, by as much as 80 percent in some participants
... GST enzymes are believed to be crucial to the body's defense against
cancer-causing chemicals and other toxins, according to the study's lead
investigator, H.-H. Sherry Chow, Ph.D., a research associate professor at
the University of Arizona. They modify the cancer-causing molecules that
would otherwise damage cellular DNA, thus rendering them inert"
Green Tea Holds Promise As New Treatment For Inflammatory Skin Diseases
- Science Daily, 8/7/07 - "Green tea could hold
promise as a new treatment for skin disorders such as psoriasis and dandruff
... Animal models treated with green tea also showed reduced levels of
proliferating cell nuclear antigen, a gene expressed when skin cells
multiply. In psoriasis, the gene is over-expressed and speeds production of
skin cells"
Green Tea May Protect Bladder From Becoming Inflamed - Science Daily,
5/20/07 - "catechins found in green tea protected
both normal and cancerous bladder cells from inflammation when we exposed
the cells to hydrogen peroxide ... these results indicate herbal supplements
from green tea could be a treatment option for various bladder conditions
that are caused by injury or inflammation"
Green Tea Extract Protects Against Brain Damage In New Mouse Model Of
HIV-related Dementia - Science Daily, 5/1/07 -
"epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), the major
antioxidant derived from green tea ... The green tea compound inhibited the
ability of the cytokine to act with the HIV proteins to cause death and
damage of the neurons"
Green Tea vs. Rheumatoid Arthritis - WebMD, 4/30/07
Green Tea Compound, EGCG, May Be A Therapy For People With Rheumatoid
Arthritis - Science Daily, 4/29/07 -
"the compound -- called epigallocatechin-3-gallate
(EGCG) -- inhibited the production of several molecules in the immune system
that contribute to inflammation and joint damage in people with rheumatoid
Tea 'could cut skin cancer risk' - BBC News, 4/19/07 -
"Those who drank two or more cups a day had a 65%
lower risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma"
Green Tea And EGCG May Help Prevent Autoimmune Diseases - Science Daily,
4/19/07 - "The group treated with green tea had
significantly fewer lymphocytes, Dr. Hsu says. Their blood also showed lower
levels of autoantibodies, protein weapons produced when the immune system
attacks itself, he says"
Report: Green Tea - Natural Support For Healthy Weight Control - Life
Extension Magazine, 4/07 - "Strong scientific
evidence suggests that green tea confers critical cardiovascular benefits,
may protect against a variety of deadly cancers, reduces the risk of
diabetic complications, and may mitigate the effects of various autoimmune
disorders ... If these broad-spectrum benefits were not reason enough for
health-conscious adults to consider adding green tea to their daily
supplement regimen, emerging research that confirms green tea’s effects in
facilitating fat burning, weight management, and optimal body composition
surely is"
Green Tea And COX-2 Inhibitors Combine To Slow Growth Of Prostate Cancer
- Science Daily, 3/1/07 - "In mice that were not
treated with either substance, the tumor volume averaged 1,300 cubic
millimeters, whereas mice given either the tea or celecoxib had tumors
averaging 835 cubic millimeters and 650 cubic millimeters, respectively.
Tumors taken from mice given both agents, however, measured on average a
volume of 350 cubic millimeters"
Get the diet scoop: 6 promising supplements, 6 to avoid - CNN, 2/16/07 -
"promising ...
Caffeine ...
Chromium ...
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) ...
5-HTP ... L-dopa
Of Green Tea To Keep The Bacteria Away - Science Daily, 1/16/07 -
"A cup of green tea contains up to 200 mg of
catechins, whose biological activity has been mainly attributed to its
antioxidant activity ... green tea catechins inhibit essential bacterial
enzyme DNA gyrase, which is the target of several existing clinically used
Eliminates Cardiovascular Health Benefits Of Tea, Researchers Warn -
Science Daily, 1/9/07 - "black tea significantly
improves the ability of the arteries to relax and expand, but adding milk
completely blunts the effect"
More evidence for tea’s anticancer potential - Nutra USA, 12/21/06
Extracts Help Treat Damaged Skin In Cancer Patients - Science Daily,
11/1/06 - "tea extracts reduce the duration of
radiation-induced skin damage by up to 10 days in patients who received
radiation treatment"
- Confused about green tea?
- MSNBC, 11/10/06
- Is Coffee or Tea
Good for Your Liver? - Medscape, 10/2/06 -
"The consumption of coffee and tea is associated
with a reduced risk of CLD"
Green Tea for Long Life? - WebMD, 9/12/06 -
"Women who drink five or more 3.4-ounce cups of
green tea every day cut their risk of heart disease by 31% compared with
women who drink one or fewer 3.4-ounce cups. Men who drink this much green
tea cut their heart disease risk by 22%"
Tea linked to lower risk of bile stones and cancer - Nutra USA, 7/10/06
Green Tea And The 'Asian Paradox' - Science Daily, 6/6/06 -
"one theory is that the average 1.2 liters of green
tea consumed daily by many people in Asia offers the anti-oxidant protective
effects of the polyphenolic EGCG. EGCG may prevent LDL oxidation, which has
been shown to play a key role in the pathophysiology of arteriosclerosis.
EGCG also reduces the amount of platelet aggregation, regulates lipids, and
promotes proliferation and migration of smooth muscle cells, which are all
factors in reducing cardiovascular disease"
Tea May Fight Ovarian, Breast Cancers - WebMD, 4/5/06 -
"women who increase their consumption of kaempferol,
a type of flavonoid, can lower their risk of ovarian cancer by nearly 40%
... women who consume a diet rich in other types of flavonoids -
specifically, flavones, flavan-3-ols, and lignans -- can reduce their chance
of developing breast cancer by 26% to 39%"
Green tea may reduce, but black tea may increase breast cancer risk -
Nutra USA, 2/21/06 - "Drinking five cups of green
tea a day can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 22 per cent ... No such
protective effect was found for black tea. Indeed, the results were
contradictory: the cohort studies showed a small increased risk of breast
cancer, while the case-control studies showed a small decreased risk"
Green Tea May Do Wonders for the Brain - WebMD, 2/17/06 -
"Those who reported drinking the most green tea were
least likely to show cognitive impairment, based on their test scores ...
Drinking at least two daily cups of green tea was tied to the lowest risk of
cognitive impairment"
Drinking Tea Associated With Lower Risk Of Ovarian Cancer - Science
Daily, 1/3/06 - "We observed a 46 percent lower risk
of ovarian cancer in women who drank two or more cups of tea per day
compared with non-drinkers"
Mayo Clinic Reports Some Chronic Leukemia Patients May Improve By Taking An
Extract Of Green Tea - Science Daily, 12/13/05 -
"In the small case study, the researchers report on four
patients who appeared to have an improvement in the clinical state of their
disease after starting over-the-counter products containing epigallocatechin
gallate (EGCG), an extract of green tea. Three of the four patients met the
standard criteria used to define a response treatment for clinical trials.
These same investigators had previously shown that EGCG kills leukemia cells
from patients with CLL in the test tube"
Tea May Cut Ovarian Cancer Risk - WebMD, 12/12/05 -
"Women who drank at least 2 cups of tea per day had
a 46% lower risk of ovarian cancer compared with nontea drinkers; each
additional cup of tea was associated with an 18% lower risk of ovarian
Coffee and Tea Can Reduce Risk of Chronic Liver Disease - Doctor's
Guide, 12/2/05 - "people at high risk for liver
injury may be able to reduce their risk for developing chronic liver disease
significantly by drinking more than two cups of coffee or tea daily. This
preventative effect was only seen in people at higher risk for liver disease
due to heavy alcohol intake, being overweight or having diabetes or iron
Does Green Tea Ingredient Protect Against Alzheimer’s? - Physician's
Weekly, 11/28/05 - "The results suggest that an EGCG
dietary supplement may help in preventing the disease in the future"
Can Green Tea Protect Against Prostate Cancer?
- Life Extension Magazine, 11/05 - "Thirty-two
subjects received 200 mg of green tea catechins (50% EGCG) three times
daily, while the other 30 men received a placebo. Biopsies were conducted at
six months and one year later. Remarkably, only one man in the treatment
group was diagnosed with prostate cancer, compared to nine men in the
control group who developed the disease"
Green Tea Ingredient Prevents Alzheimer's-like Brain Damage In Mice -
Science Daily, 9/29/05
Antioxidant in Green Tea May Fight Alzheimer's - WebMD, 9/20/05 -
"high doses of the green tea ingredient -- known as
epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) -- significantly reduced the formation of
beta-amyloid proteins in the brains of mice that were altered to develop
Alzheimer's disease"
- Green tea may benefit some
more than others - MSNBC, 9/2/05 -
"Since it is a powerful antioxidant, EGCG may help
prevent both heart disease and cancer. It helps to stabilize highly reactive
molecules known as free radicals that can damage blood vessels and increase
the risk of heart disease, or alter the DNA in our genes, promoting
cancerous changes. In addition, EGCG may protect against cancer development
by increasing the self-destruction of cancer cells and by affecting enzymes
and the signals between cells, slowing the growth and multiplication of
cancer cells"
FDA Rejects Green Tea Cancer Claims - WebMD, 7/5/05
Green tea could fight autoimmune disorders - Nutra USA, 6/16/05
Does a New
Pill Contain the Fountain of Youth? - ABC News, 6/2/05 -
"It is a combination of five plant ingredients. Two
of them are pretty commonplace — green tea and turmeric, a spice used in
Indian cooking"
While On Trail Of Dioxin, Scientists Pinpoint Cancer Target Of Green Tea
- Science Daily, 5/20/05 - "EGCG binds to HSP90 ...
When the two bind, HSP90 no longer turns on the AH receptor, stopping the
cascade of events that would lead to the activation of several harmful
Black Tea Has Both Positive and Negative Vascular Effects - Doctor's
Guide, 5/18/05 - "The caffeine in black tea causes
the stiffening of arteries ... The flavonoids in black tea produce the
relaxation of the arteries"
Mechanism for green tea's anti-cancer action revealed - Nutra USA,
5/17/05 - "It turns out that those researchers are
trying to duplicate what green tea does naturally"
Purified Green Tea Polyphenol Capsules Taken Daily Appear to Substantially
Reduce Prostate Cancer in High Risk Patients - Doctor's Guide, 4/22/05 -
"researchers reported a 90% decrease in the rate of
prostate cancer in men who received 200 mg doses of the polyphenol capsules
three times a day for 1 year"
Black Tea, Green Tea Good for Diabetes - WebMD, 4/20/05 -
"Black and green tea represent a potentially
inexpensive, nontoxic, and, in fact, pleasurable [blood-sugar-lowering]
May Help Prevent Diabetes And Cataracts - Science Daily, 4/19/05 -
"At levels that would be equivalent to less than
five cups of tea per day for a human, both teas significantly inhibited
cataract formation relative to a control group which did not get tea, they
say. The researchers found that both teas decreased glucose levels, which in
turn affects other biochemical pathways that accelerate diabetic
complications such as cataracts"
Tea Ingredient Fights Leukemia - WebMD, 4/4/05 -
"Tea extracts shut down leukemia cells but help
normal cells fight cancer and infection"
Green tea mechanism urges caution for pregnant women - Nutra USA,
Component Of Green Tea Protects Injured Livers In Mice - Science Daily,
- Green tea 'may
protect the heart' - BBC News, 2/28/05 - "a
major chemical component of green tea known as epigallocatechin-3-gallate
(EGCG) can reduce cell death after a heart attack or stroke ... EGCG also
appears to speed up the recovery of heart cells"
Green Tea Extract Shows Potential As An Anti-cancer Agent
- Science Daily, 2/23/05 -
"green tea extract interrupts a process that is
crucial in allowing bladder cancer to become invasive and spread to other
areas of the body"
- See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
- Green Tea Helps
Reduce Red in Rosacea - WebMD, 2/23/05 -
"Women treated with the green tea extract cream had
a 70% improvement in rosacea compared with women treated with a placebo"
- Green Tea's
Record Against Cancer Grows - WebMD, 2/15/05 -
"In effect, the green tea extract may keep the cancer cells confined and
localized, where they are easier to treat and the prognosis is better ...
you should drink four cups a day. Green tea supplements are also available,
and at least one study has shown that you may actually get more powerful
antioxidants from supplements than from drinking tea"
Green Tea Extract Boosts Exercise Endurance 8-24%, Utilizing Fat As Energy
Source - Science Daily, 1/31/05 -
"over 10 weeks, endurance exercise performance was
boosted up to 24% with 0.5% GTE [green tea extract] supplementation, and 8%
with 0.2% by-weight addition to food ... We estimate that an athlete
weighing 75 kilograms (165 pounds) would have to drink about four cups (0.8
liter) of green tea daily to match the effect in our experiments"
- Green Tea: The
Next Performance Enhancer? - WebMD, 1/28/05 -
"Ten weeks of green tea supplements plus strenuous exercise made mice swim
longer and stronger than mice that swam their laps without performance
enhancement ... The mice got stronger because the green tea made them burn
fat more efficiently ... the amount of green tea eaten by the mice would
work out to about 4 cups of green tea a day for a 165-pound human athlete"
- Green Tea Fights
Fat - WebMD, 1/26/05 -
"the first group drank a bottle of oolong tea
fortified with green tea extract containing 690 milligrams of catechins, and
the other group drank a bottle of oolong tea with 22 milligrams of catechins
... After three months, the study showed that the men who drank the green
tea extract lost more weight (5.3 pounds vs. 2.9 pounds) and experienced a
significantly greater decrease in BMI, waist size, and total body fat"
- See
green tea products.
- Harmful
Fluoride Levels Found in Instant Tea - WebMD, 1/25/05
- Green tea for a healthy
prostate? - MSNBC, 1/21/05 -
"phytochemicals called polyphenols attack growth
factors and proteins, interrupting processes that increase the size of
tumors, thus preventing them from spreading to other parts of the body ...
green tea in mice with an aggressive form of cancer can decrease the spread
or metastasis of prostate cancer to liver, bone and other sites ... the
phytochemicals in green tea could inhibit the early stages of prostate
cancer development"
Green Tea - Life Extension Magazine, 1/05 -
"A powerful source of antioxidants, green tea may
help to prevent cancer, protect the cardiovascular system, promote healthy
blood sugar levels, and alleviate the neurological effects of aging"
Green Tea - Delicious Living, 1/05
- Green Tea Capsules
Loaded With Antioxidants - WebMD, 12/15/04 -
"Green and black tea polyphenols have been extensively studied as cancer
chemopreventive agents ... Green tea supplements produced the highest levels
of antioxidants in the blood compared with liquid black or green tea"
Green Tea Polyphenols Thwart Prostate Cancer Development At Multiple Levels
- Science Daily, 12/15/04 - "The polyphenols present
in green tea help prevent the spread of prostate cancer by targeting
molecular pathways that shut down the proliferation and spread of tumor
cells, as well as inhibiting the growth of tumor nurturing blood vessels"
Capsules better delivery form for tea benefits than beverage
- Nutra USA, 12/10/04 -
"Our observations suggest that green tea extract
supplements retain the beneficial effects of green and black tea and may be
used in future chemoprevention studies to provide a large dose of tea
polyphenols without the side effects of caffeine associated with green and
black tea beverages"
- Green Tea May
Stall Prostate Cancer Growth - WebMD, 12/1/04 -
"the green tea antioxidant appeared to stall cell growth by decreasing
production of several proteins that promote cell survival. In addition, it
reduced the production of proteins that are known to be associated with the
spread of cancer cells ... the study also suggests that the antioxidant in
green tea appeared to starve prostate cancer
tumor cells by inhibiting the formation of blood vessels, thereby
suppressing the flow of nutrients to the cancerous cells" - See
green tea products.
- Black, Green
Tea May Slow Alzheimer's Disease - WebMD, 10/27/04
- Tea Drinkers
Reap Blood Pressure Benefits
- WebMD, 7/26/04 - "Those who drank at least a
half-cup of moderate strength green or oolong tea per day for a year had a
46% lower risk of developing hypertension than those who didn't drink tea"
- See
green tea products.
- Green Tea Protects
Against Cervical Cancer - Healthwell Exchange Daily News, 7/1/04
- Tea Slows
Prostate Cancer - WebMD, 4/20/04
Tea polyphenols to combat prostate cancer - Nutra USA, 4/20/04
Green tea action on leukaemia - Nutra USA, 4/1/04 -
"The active component in green tea, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG),
already shown to fight several types of cancer, also appears to kill cells
of the most common form of leukaemia"
Sleep easy with green tea - Nutra USA, 3/16/04
- Green Tea's
Cancer-Fighting Target Found - WebMD, 3/15/04 -
"the antioxidant, known as EGCG, binds to a protein found on tumor cells and
dramatically slows their growth ... the antioxidant required to produce
these anticancer effects was equivalent to those found in the body after
drinking only two to three cups of green tea"
Green Tea Boosts Metabolism Without Increasing Heart Rate - Clinical
Psychiatry News, 3/04 -
"Patients took two 375-mg capsules twice daily, for a
total daily epigallocatechin gallate dose of 270 mg ... By week 12, body
weight decreased by a mean of 4.6% and waist circumference by 4.48%"
- Does tea really fight
cancer? - MSNBC, 11/21/03 -
"A new study of the potential link of green tea
consumption with lower risk of breast cancer does suggest a protective
benefit. Asian-American women who averaged at least three six-ounce cups of
green tea per week were about half as likely to develop breast cancer as
those who drank none ... One of the strengths of this study is that
researchers statistically adjusted for the effects of many other influences
on breast cancer risk"
- Hot Cocoa May
Prevent Heart Disease - WebMD, 11/6/03 - "Hot
cocoa has more disease-fighting antioxidants than tea or red wine ... black
tea, green tea, red wine, and cocoa are "major" sources of antioxidants
called phenols and
flavonoids -- antioxidant chemicals found naturally in foods that can
help prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer" -
Yeah, but what about the sugar and calories. See
green tea products.
- Some Herbs May
Fight Cancer - WebMD, 10/28/03
Research Finds Tumor Preventive Qualities, Damage Reversal, In Green Tea
- Intelihealth, 10/29/03 - "EGCG
(epigallocatchin-3-gallate) is the most abundant and active chemopreventive
agent in green tea, and has been associated with reduced risk of breast,
pancreatic, colon, esophageal and lung cancers in humans ... At the same
time, we see the value of green tea polyphenols in reducing excretion of
8-OHdG. All of this is good news for the prevention and early detection of
liver cancer"
- See
green tea products.
- Tea Good for
Heart Disease, Cancer - WebMD, 10/1/03
- Is Decaf Tea Less
Protective? - Dr. Weil, 9/30/03
- Green Tea
Lotion May Prevent Skin Cancer - WebMD, 9/8/03 -
"a protein called JNK-2 appears to be directly related to the development of
skin cancer and that this protein can be block blocked by the application of
polyphenols. After the skin is exposed to UV light, levels of this protein
rise and remain high ... green tea polyphenols reduce levels of JNK-2 in the
skin and block the reaction that causes tumors to form ... a person would
have to drink as many as ten cups of green tea a day in order to build up
enough polyphenol molecules in the skin to produce any benefit"
- Enriched Green Tea
Extract Lowers Cholesterol - New Hope Natural Media, 8/14/03
- Tea Extract Can
Lower Cholesterol - WebMD, 6/23/03
Green Tea Boosts Antimicrobial Properties Of Toothpaste
- Intelihealth, 5/21/03 - "green tea extracts (GTE)
and polyphenol (PP) have an adverse effect on bacteria that cause strep
throat, dental caries, and other infections"
- Tea Fights Bad
Breath, Mouth Bacteria - WebMD, 5/20/03
Green Tea Gives Skin Healthy Glow - HealthDay, 5/15/03 -
"Green tea contains compounds called
polyphenols, which help eliminate free radicals. These free radicals can
cause cancer by altering DNA. Polyphenols also protect healthy cells while
promoting the death of cancer cells ... Cells that migrate toward the
surface of the skin normally live about 28 days, and by day 20 they
basically sit on the upper layer of the skin getting ready to die. But EGCG
reactivates them ... EGCG may offer potential benefits for skin conditions
including psoriasis,
rosacea, wrinkles
and wounds"
Steeped In Health - Time, 5/5/05 -
"The researchers found that drinking 20 oz. of
every day for at least two weeks doubled or tripled the
immune system's output of an infection-fighting substance called
interferon gamma. The coffee drinkers, by contrast, registered no difference
in interferon-gamma production. Apparently the body metabolizes the tea into
molecules that mimic the surface proteins of bacteria, jump-starting the
immune system so that when real bugs show up, they can more easily be
dispatched ... Green tea has more of the chemically simpler antioxidants
called catechins, whereas black tea contains more complex antioxidants
called theaflavins and thearubigins"
- Health Benefit
of Tea: Add Immune Boost That Helps Fight Germs
- WebMD, 4/21/03
- Green Tea
Supplement May Delay Diabetes - WebMD, 4/16/03
A Derivative Of The Green Tea Leaf May Help With Metabolic Syndrome X, A
Potentially Deadly Disorder - Intelihealth, 4/10/03 -
"A new weapon might eventually be added to the arsenal: consumption of
Tegreen, a tea polyphenols product containing in excess of 65 percent tea
catechins, derived from the green tea leaf ... oral administration of
Tegreen is capable of improving glucose and lipid metabolisms in an obese
rat model induced by a high-calorie diet ... Tegreen intervention can
significantly decrease
visceral fat depot and increase the
insulin's sensitivity, presumably touching one of the pathological root
causes of this potentially deadly syndrome" - See
green tea products.
- Green Tea
Doesn't Help Prostate Cancer - WebMD, 3/5/03
Herb Mix Nixes Prostate Cancer in Lab - WebMD, 12/13/02 -
"A number of recent studies point to COX-2 as an
important factor in cancer-cell growth. In the Columbia studies, Zyflamend
decreased COX-2 activity about as well as a potent COX-2-inhibiting drug ...
The herbal mix is called Zyflamend, from New Chapter Inc., and has 10 herbs:
holy basil, turmeric,
ginger, green tea, rosemary, hu zhang, Chinese goldthread, barberry,
oregano, and Scutellaria biacalensis"
- More Good News on
Tea - WebMD, 9/27/02 -
"The latest studies suggest tea might lower
cholesterol, improve
heart health, prevent rectal cancer in
women, and reduce cell damage in smokers"
- Green Tea,
Allergy Fighter? - WebMD, 9/24/02
Green Tea May Fight Allergies - Intelihealth, 9/19/02 -
"Researchers in Japan identified a compound in green
tea that, in laboratory tests, blocks a key cell receptor involved in
producing an
allergic response ... Researchers in Japan identified a compound in
green tea that, in laboratory tests, blocks a key cell receptor involved in
producing an allergic response ... Although similar compounds in green tea
have previously been shown to be anti-allergenic, this particular compound
appears to be the most potent"
Green Tea Cancer Benefits Detailed - USA Today, 7/9/02 -
"polyphenols in green tea help eliminate free radicals ... Hsu discovered
the polyphenols actually separate healthy cells containing the P-57 protein
cancer cells, which lack the protein. While the healthy cells are sent
to safety, the polyphenols attack the cancer cells ... The polyphenols go
after the cancer cells' mitochondria, the main energy source in cells. The
destruction of the mitochondria weakens the cancer cells, and eventually
leads to their death" - See
green tea products.
- Long-Time Tea
Drinking Builds Strong Bones - WebMD, 5/14/02
Habitual Tea Drinking Improves Adult Bone Mineral Density
- Doctor's Guide, 5/13/02
Tea May Strengthen Bones - Intelihealth, 5/13/02
Drinking Tea May Help Prevent Heart Attacks - Doctor's Guide, 5/9/02 -
"Drinking more tea and increasing flavonoid
intake may help primary prevention of ischaemic heart disease ... The intake
of the dietary flavonoids quercetin,
kaempferol and myricetin was significantly associated inversely with fatal
myocardial infarction only in upper tertiles of intake"
- Tea Prolongs
Survival After Heart Attack - WebMD, 5/6/02 -
"Researchers say the findings add to a growing notion that the
found in black and green teas prevent
heart disease. But this is the first study to suggest that drinking tea
can actually protect the heart after damage has already occurred"
- Tea Lowers Risk of
Ischemic Heart Disease - Medscape, 4/29/02
- Tea Drinking Good
for the Heart - WebMD, 4/25/02
- Green Tea May Aid
Liver Disease Patients - WebMD, 4/23/02 -
"survival rate was bumped up to 77% for rats that received a fatty liver
bathed in green tea extract"
A Green Tea Extract Could Help Alleviate Shortage Of Livers Available For
Transplant - Intelihealth, 4/22/02 -
"Polyphenols are efficient free radical and single
oxygen scavengers, and green tea extracts inhibit lipid peroxidation in
experimental animals and humans. Green tea contains high levels of
polyphenols including catechin, epicatechin, gallocatechin,
epigallocatechin, epicatechin gallate and gallocatechin gallate.
Considerable epidemiological and experimental evidence shows beneficial
effects of green tea extract in reducing the risk of heart disease and
cancer, most likely due to the antioxidant property of polyphenols"
- Green Tea
Protects Against Parkinson's - WebMD, 4/16/02 -
"In a mouse study, the researchers found that polyphenol blocks MPP+ -- a
substance that is known to kill brain cells and cause
in mice -- from entering these brain cells ... if you want to try it and
don't care for the taste of green tea, concentrated polyphenol capsules are
- Common Foods Help
Prevent Cancer - WebMD, 4/10/02 - "found that
regular green tea drinking cut
risk in half ... men who ate more than two servings of
tomato sauce per week had a 23% lower risk of
prostate cancer than men who ate less than one serving a week"
- How to
Stay Healthy in 2002, Green Tea - Time Magazine, 1/21/02
Green tea polyphenols inhibit prostate cancer in mouse model - Life
Extension Magazine, 12/01 -
"According to study findings published in the August
28, 2001 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [PNAS
2001 Aug;98(18):10350-10355], green tea polyphenols—the equivalent found in
about six cups of green tea per day in humans—helped to significantly reduce
the risk of prostate cancer in a mouse model"
- Green Tea,
Glycine May Slow Tumor Growth - WebMD, 11/2/01 -
"polyphenols reduced the level of Bcl-XL protein in prostate cancer cell
lines. Bcl-XL has been shown to protect cancer cells from death -- known
scientifically as apoptosis ... The higher the concentration [of
polyphenols] the more apoptosis"
question regarding your new cholesterol-lowering supplement, Policosanol
- Life Extension Magazine, 11/01 -
"Green tea also has been shown to elevate levels of
HDL while lowering serum triglyceride levels"
Does Green Tea Aid in Cancer Prevention? - Life Extension Magazine,
Tea leaves may foretell health benefits - CNN, 7/10/01
- Tea Time? Black
Tea May Help Heart - WebMD, 7/9/01 - "drinking
black tea may improve functioning of cells lining blood vessels in the heart
and elsewhere-- known as endothelial cells -- which help regulate flow of
blood. Abnormal functioning of these endothelial cells has been shown to be
a key step on the path to the artery hardening disease atherosclerosis,
which causes coronary artery disease"
Tea Up Before Heading Out, Researchers Find Green Tea May Prevent Skin
Cancer - WebMD, 12/22/00
Research suggests tea might be good for the heart - CNN, 11/14/00
Tea May Be Heart-Healthy - Intelihealth, 11/14/00
Research Reveals Soy, Niacin, and Tea Offer Protection From Heart Attack and
Stroke - WebMD, 11/13/00
Green Tea Could Be Good for Your Skin, Study Finds - WebMD, 8/17/00
Green tea may help prevent skin cancer - CNN, 8/15/00
Tea's reputation as a healthy brew increasing - CNN, 6/19/00
There's Something to Be Said for Having 'Tea Bones' - WebMD, 4/14/00
Researchers Suggest Daily Tea May Fortify Bones Of Elderly Women -
Intelihealth, 4/7/00
Green Tea Could Promote Weight Loss - Nutrition Science News, 4/00
Green Tea Lowers Cholesterol - Nutrition Science News, 10/99
Part I: Anti-carcinogenic properties of green tea - Life Extension
Magazine, 6/99
Part II: Cardio-protective properties of green tea - Life Extension
Magazine, 6/99
Tea: Steeped in Anticancer Properties - Nutrition Science News, 3/99
Study: Tea may be key to protecting against some cancers - CNN, 9/15/98
The right cup of tea for good health? - CNN, 9/11/97
2,3-Dioxygenase, an Immunomodulatory Protein, Is Suppressed by
(-)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate via Blocking of gamma-Interferon-Induced
JAK-PKC-delta-STAT1 Signaling in Human Oral Cancer Cells - J Agric Food
Chem. 2009 Nov 24 - "In this study,
(-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), the major constituent of green tea, is
found to significantly inhibit the expression of IDO in human oral cancer cell
lines ... This study indicates that EGCG is a potential drug for immune and
target therapy to enhance cancer therapy by increasing antitumor immunity"
Green tea
consumption is associated with depressive symptoms in the elderly - Am J
Clin Nutr. 2009 Oct 14 - "A more frequent consumption of
green tea was associated with a lower prevalence of depressive symptoms in the
community-dwelling older population"
Green tea
consumption and the risk of liver cancer in Japan: the Ohsaki Cohort study -
Cancer Causes Control. 2009 Sep 19 - "Over 9 years of
follow-up, among 325,947 accrued person-years, the total incidence of liver
cancer was 247 cases. We found that green tea consumption was inversely
associated with the incidence of liver cancer. In men, the multivariate-adjusted
HRs (95% CIs) for liver cancer incidence with different green tea consumption
categories were 1.00 (reference) for <1 cup/day, 0.83 (0.53-1.30) for 1-2
cups/day, 1.11 (0.73-1.68) for 3-4 cups/day, and 0.63 (0.41-0.98) for >/=5
cups/day (p for trend = 0.11). The corresponding data among women were 1.00
(reference), 0.68 (0.35-1.31), 0.79 (0.44-1.44), 0.50 (0.27-0.90)"
Coffee and
tea consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes - Diabetologia. 2009 Sep 1 -
"After adjustment for potential confounders, coffee and
tea consumption were both inversely associated with type 2 diabetes, with hazard
ratios of 0.77 (95% CI 0.63-0.95) for 4.1-6.0 cups of coffee per day (p for
trend = 0.033) and 0.63 (95% CI: 0.47-0.86) for >5.0 cups of tea per day (p for
trend = 0.002). Total daily consumption of at least three cups of coffee and/or
tea reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes by approximately 42%"
Chinese tea
consumption is associated with longer telomere length in elderly Chinese men
- Br J Nutr. 2009 Aug 12:1-7 - "In men, only Chinese tea
consumption was significantly associated with TL after adjustment for
demographics and lifestyle factors (P = 0.002). Mean difference in TL for those
in the highest quartile of Chinese tea consumption (>3 cups/d or >750 ml/d) as
compared with those in the lowest quartile of Chinese tea consumption ( </= 0.28
cups/d or </= 70 ml/d) was 0.46 kb, corresponding to approximately a difference
of 5 years of life"
Green Tea
(-)-Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate Inhibits {beta}-Amyloid-Induced Cognitive
Dysfunction through Modification of Secretase Activity via Inhibition of ERK and
NF-{kappa}B Pathways in Mice - J Nutr. 2009 Aug 5 -
"Compared with untreated mutant PS2 AD mice, treatment with EGCG enhanced memory
function and brain alpha-secretase activity but reduced brain beta- and
gamma-secretase activities as well as Abeta levels. Moreover, EGCG inhibited the
fibrillization of Abeta in vitro with a half maximal inhibitory concentration of
7.5 mg/L. These studies suggest that EGCG may be a beneficial agent in the
prevention of development or progression of AD"
Effects of
Tea Catechins, Epigallocatechin, Gallocatechin, and Gallocatechin Gallate, on
Bone Metabolism - J Agric Food Chem. 2009 Aug 4 -
"The present study illustrated that the tea catechins, EGC in particular, had
positive effects on bone metabolism through a double process of promoting
osteoblastic activity and inhibiting osteoclast differentiations"
Tea Consumption and Hematologic Malignancies in Japan: The Ohsaki Study - Am
J Epidemiol. 2009 Jul 29 - "Risk of hematologic
malignancies was inversely associated with green tea consumption. The
multivariate-adjusted hazard ratio of hematologic malignancies for 5 cups/day or
more compared with less than 1 cup/day of green tea was 0.58 (95% confidence
interval: 0.37, 0.89). The corresponding risk estimate was 0.52 (95% confidence
interval: 0.31, 0.87) for lymphoid neoplasms and 0.76 (95% confidence interval:
0.32, 1.78) for myeloid neoplasms"
Tea Consumption and Mortality among Japanese Elderly People: The Prospective
Shizuoka Elderly Cohort - Ann Epidemiol. 2009 Oct;19(10):732-739 -
"The multivariate HRs and 95% confidence intervals (CIs)
for CVD mortality compared those who consumed seven or more cups per day with
those who consumed less than one cup per day, were 0.24 (0.14-0.40), 0.30
(0.15-0.61), and 0.18 (0.08-0.40) for total participants, men, and women,
respectively. Although green tea consumption was not inversely associated with
cancer mortality, green tea consumption and colorectal cancer mortality were
inversely associated with a moderate dose-response relationship"
Green Tea
(-)-Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate Reduces Body Weight with Regulation of Multiple
Genes Expression in Adipose Tissue of Diet-Induced Obese Mice - Ann Nutr
Metab. 2009 Apr 22;54(2):151-157 - "Experimental diets
supplemented with EGCG resulted in reduction of body weight and mass of various
adipose tissues in a dose-dependent manner. EGCG diet also considerably lowered
the levels of plasma triglyceride and liver lipid. In the epididymal white
adipose tissue of EGCG diet-fed mice, the mRNA levels of adipogenic genes such
as peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPAR-gamma), CCAAT
enhancer-binding protein-alpha (C/EBP-alpha), regulatory element-binding
protein-1c (SREBP-1c), adipocyte fatty acid-binding protein (aP2), lipoprotein
lipase (LPL) and fatty acid synthase (FAS) were significantly decreased.
However, the mRNA levels of carnitine palmitoyl transferase-1 (CPT-1) and
uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2), as well as lipolytic genes such as hormone
sensitive lipase (HSL) and adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL), were
significantly increased ... These results suggest that green tea EGCG
effectively reduces adipose tissue mass and ameliorates plasma lipid profiles in
high-fat diet-induced obese mice. These effects might be at least partially
mediated via regulation of the expression of multiple genes involved in
adipogenesis, lipolysis, beta-oxidation and thermogenesis in white adipose
prevents endothelial dysfunction in the prediabetic stage of OLETF rats by
reducing vascular NADPH oxidase activity and expression - Atherosclerosis.
2009 Feb 3 - "studies have indicated that regular intake
of green tea reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. This study examined
whether catechin prevents endothelial dysfunction and hyperglycemia in the
prediabetic stage of a type 2 diabetic (T2D) rat ... Catechin significantly
reduced blood pressure (OLETF vs. Catechin-OLETF; 138+/-16mmHg vs. 126+/-16mmHg,
p=0.013), fasting sugar (129+/-11mg/dL vs. 118+/-9mg/dL, p=0.02) and the insulin
level (2.13+/-1.29ng/mL vs. 0.53+/-0.27ng/mL, p=0.004). In the aorta of
Catechin-OLETF at 25 weeks, endothelium-dependent relaxations were significantly
improved and NADPH oxidase activity in aortic rings was markedly decreased
compared with those of OLETF. Catechin reduced vascular reactive oxygen species
formation in the aorta and suppressed the expression of p22phox and p47phox
NADPH oxidase subunits"
Green Tea Extract Lowers Plasma and Hepatic Triglyceride and Decreases the
Expression of Sterol Regulatory Element-Binding Protein-1c mRNA and Its
Responsive Genes in Fructose-Fed Ovariectomized Rats - J Nutr. 2009 Feb 4 -
"Fructose elevated plasma TG and cholesterol compared
with the S group. GT at 0.5 and 1.0% markedly lowered plasma and liver TG.
Fructose increased the expression of SREBP-1c, fatty acid synthase, and
stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 mRNAs in the liver, whereas GT decreased the
expression of these lipogenic genes. Similarly, fructose increased the abundance
of hepatic 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase mRNA, whereas GT
significantly decreased its expression ... the lipid-lowering effect of GT is
mediated partly by its inhibition of hepatic lipogenesis involving SREBP-1c and
its responsive genes without affecting lipoprotein assembly"
Drinking green tea modestly reduces breast cancer risk - J Nutr. 2009
Feb;139(2):310-6 - "Compared with nondrinkers, regular
drinking of green tea was associated with a slightly decreased risk for breast
cancer (OR, 0.88; 95% CI, 0.79-0.98)"
tea catechin consumption enhances exercise-induced abdominal fat loss in
overweight and obese adults - J Nutr. 2009 Feb;139(2):264-70 -
"for 12 wk ... There was a trend (P = 0.079) toward
greater loss of body weight in the catechin group compared with the control
group ... Percentage changes in fat mass did not differ between the catechin
[5.2 (-7.0, -3.4)] and control groups [-3.5 (-5.4, 1.6)] (P = 0.208). However,
percentage changes in total abdominal fat area [-7.7 (-11.7, -3.8) vs. -0.3
(-4.4, 3.9); P = 0.013], subcutaneous abdominal fat area [-6.2 (-10.2, -2.2) vs.
0.8 (-3.3, 4.9); P = 0.019], and fasting serum triglycerides (TG) [-11.2 (-18.8,
-3.6) vs. 1.9 (-5.9, 9.7); P = 0.023] were greater in the catechin group. These
findings suggest that green tea catechin consumption enhances exercise-induced
changes in abdominal fat and serum TG"
Green tea,
black tea consumption and risk of lung cancer: A meta-analysis - Lung
Cancer. 2009 Jan 5 - "For green tea, the summary RR
indicated a borderline significant association between highest green tea
consumption and reduced risk of lung cancer (RR=0.78, 95% CI=0.61-1.00).
Furthermore, an increase in green tea consumption of two cups/day was associated
with an 18% decreased risk of developing lung cancer (RR=0.82, 95%
CI=0.71-0.96). For black tea, no statistically significant association was
observe through the meta-analysis (highest versus non/lowest, RR=0.86, 95%
CI=0.70-1.05; an increment of two cups/day, RR=0.82, 95% CI=0.65-1.03). In
conclusion, our data suggest that high or an increase in consumption of green
tea but not black tea may be related to the reduction of lung cancer risk"
Green tea
drinking, high tea temperature and esophageal cancer in high- and low-risk areas
of Jiangsu Province, China: A population-based case-control study - Int J
Cancer. 2008 Nov 6 - "Results showed that ever drinking
green tea elevated OR in both counties (Dafeng OR = 1.2, 95% CI = 0.9-1.5;
Ganyu: OR = 1.9, 95% CI = 1.4-2.4). Drinking tea at high temperature was found
to increase cancer risk in both areas (Dafeng: OR = 1.9, 95% CI = 1.2-2.9; Ganyu
OR = 3.1 95% CI = 2.2-4.3). However, after further adjustment for tea
temperature, ever drinking tea was not related to cancer in either county
(Dafeng: OR = 1.0, 95% CI = 0.7-1.3; Ganyu: OR = 1.3, 95% CI = 0.9-1.7). For
dose-response relationships, we observed positive relationship with monthly
consumption of tea (p for trend = 0.067) and tea concentration (p for trend =
0.006) after further adjustment for tea temperature. In conclusion, green tea
drinking was not inversely associated with esophageal cancer in this study.
However, drinking tea at high temperatures significantly increased esophageal
cancer risk. There was no obvious difference of green tea drinking between low-
and high-risk areas"
consumption and risk of breast cancer - Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev.
2009 Jan;18(1):341-5 - "Tea consumption was not related
to breast cancer risk overall (P for trend = 0.18). However, when stratified by
age, an inverse association was observed among women less than 50 years: those
consuming three or more cups per day had a 37% reduced breast cancer risk when
compared with women reporting no tea consumption (age and study site-adjusted
odds ratios, 0.63; 95% confidence intervals, 0.44-0.89; P = 0.01) with a
significant test for trend (P = 0.01). The inverse association noted among
younger women was consistent for in situ and invasive breast cancer, and for
ductal and lobular breast cancer ... We observed evidence to support a potential
beneficial influence for breast cancer associated with moderate levels of tea
consumption (three or more cups per day) among younger women. Further research
is needed to confirm this association"
Neuroprotective Effects of (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate on Aging Mice Induced
by D-Galactose - Biol Pharm Bull. 2009 Jan;32(1):55-60 -
"aim of the present study was to investigate the
protective effects of (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), the main
polyphenolic constituent of green tea ... Oral administration of EGCG (2 mg/kg
or 6 mg/kg) for 4 weeks significantly improved the cognitive deficits in mice
and elevated T-SOD and GSH-Px activities, decreased MDA contents in the
hippocampus, and reduced the cell apoptosis index and expression of cleaved
caspase-3 in the mouse hippocampus. The results suggest that EGCG has potent
neuroprotective effects on aging mice induced by D-gal through antioxidative and
antiapoptotic mechanisms, indicating that EGCG is worthy of further study in
regular coffee and tea consumption is associated with reduced endometrial cancer
risk - Int J Cancer. 2008 Oct 30 - "Compared to
nondrinkers, we observed a nonsignificant negative association with endometrial
cancer risk among women who reported >2 cups/d regular coffee (OR 0.71, 95% CI
0.49-1.03), a significant inverse association with >2 cups/d black tea (OR 0.56,
95% CI 0.35-0.90) and a significant inverse association with >4 cups/d combined
coffee and tea consumption (OR 0.47, 95% CI 0.28-0.80). These findings suggest
coffee and tea may be important in reducing endometrial cancer risk"
Green Tea
Catechin Consumption Enhances Exercise-Induced Abdominal Fat Loss in Overweight
and Obese Adults - J Nutr. 2008 Dec 11 - "percentage
changes in total abdominal fat area [-7.7 (-11.7, -3.8) vs. -0.3 (-4.4, 3.9); P
= 0.013], subcutaneous abdominal fat area [-6.2 (-10.2, -2.2) vs. 0.8 (-3.3,
4.9); P = 0.019], and fasting serum triglycerides (TG) [-11.2 (-18.8, -3.6) vs.
1.9 (-5.9, 9.7); P = 0.023] were greater in the catechin group. These findings
suggest that green tea catechin consumption enhances exercise-induced changes in
abdominal fat and serum TG"
intakes of mushrooms and green tea combine to reduce the risk of breast cancer
in Chinese women - Int J Cancer. 2008 Oct 1 -
"Compared with nonconsumers, the Odds ratios (Ors) were 0.36 (95% CI =
0.25-0.51) and 0.53 (0.38-0.73) for daily intake of >/=10 g fresh mushrooms and
>/=4 g dried mushrooms, based on multivariate logistic regression analysis
adjusting for established and potential confounders. There were dose-response
relationships with significant tests for trend (p < 0.001). The inverse
association was found in both pre- and postmenopausal women. Compared with those
who consumed neither mushrooms nor green tea, the ORs were 0.11 (0.06-0.20) and
0.18 (0.11-0.29) for daily high intake of fresh and dried mushrooms combined
with consuming beverages made from >/=1.05 g dried green tea leaves per day"
Green tea
extracts for the prevention of metachronous colorectal adenomas: a pilot study
- Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2008 Nov;17(11):3020-5 -
"The incidence of metachronous adenomas at the end-point
colonoscopy was 31% (20 of 65) in the control group and 15% (9 of 60) in the GTE
group (relative risk, 0.49; 95% confidence interval, 0.24-0.99; P < 0.05). The
size of relapsed adenomas was also smaller in the GTE group than in the control
group (P < 0.001). No serious adverse events occurred in the GTE group.
CONCLUSION: GTE is an effective supplement for the chemoprevention of
metachronous colorectal adenomas"
of androgen receptor signaling and prostate specific antigen expression by
(-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate in different progression stages of LNCaP prostate
cancer cells - Cancer Lett. 2008 Oct 31 - "EGCG
suppressed cell proliferation, prostate specific antigen (PSA) expression, and
AR transcriptional activity in the different LNCaP sublines. Intraperitoneal
administration of EGCG also suppressed the growth of relapsing R1Ad tumors and
decreased tumor-derived serum PSA. Effects of EGCG on tumor PSA expression have
the potential to affect accurate monitoring of patient tumor burden by serum PSA
Green Tea Consumption Decreases Body Mass, Induces Aromatase Expression, and
Changes Proliferation and Apoptosis in Adult Male Rat Adipose Tissue - J
Nutr. 2008 Nov;138(11):2156-2163 - "Green tea (GT) ...
These results suggest new mechanisms for GT on body weight and highlight its
potential benefit to
prevent or treat obesity
and the
metabolic syndrome"
Green Tea
Protects Rats against Autoimmune Arthritis by Modulating Disease-Related Immune
Events - J Nutr. 2008 Nov;138(11):2111-2116 -
"polyphenolic compounds from green tea (PGT) possess antiinflammatory properties
... Interestingly, PGT-fed rats had a lower concentration of the proinflammatory
cytokine interleukin (IL)-17 but a greater concentration of the immunoregulatory
cytokine IL-10 than controls. PGT feeding also suppressed the anti-Bhsp65
antibody response. Thus, green tea induced changes in arthritis-related immune
responses. We suggest further systematic exploration of dietary supplementation
with PGT as an adjunct nutritional strategy for the management of RA"
Pure dietary
flavonoids quercetin and (-)-epicatechin augment nitric oxide products and
reduce endothelin-1 acutely in healthy men - Am J Clin Nutr. 2008
Oct;88(4):1018-25 - "Dietary flavonoids, such as
quercetin and (-)-epicatechin, can augment nitric oxide status and reduce
endothelin-1 concentrations and may thereby improve endothelial function"
tea and cardiovascular disease: from molecular targets towards human health
- Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2008 Nov;11(6):758-65 -
"Consumption of green tea has been inversely associated
with the development and progression of cardiovascular diseases and
cardiovascular risk factors. Mechanisms that have been suggested as being
involved in the antiatherosclerotic effects of green tea consumption primarily
entail antioxidative, antiinflammatory, antiproliferative, and antithrombotic
properties, as well as beneficial effects on endothelial function. Moreover,
evidence exists for myocardial effects of tea constituents, including positive
inotropic and antihypertrophic effects, and beneficial impact in myocardial
ischaemia-reperfusion injury"
Epigallocatechin-3-gallate inhibits IL-6 synthesis and suppresses transsignaling
by enhancing soluble gp130 production - Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Sep
16 - "Results from in vivo studies using a rat
adjuvant-induced arthritis model showed specific inhibition of IL-6 levels in
the serum and joints of EGCG-treated rats by 28% and 40%, respectively, with
concomitant amelioration of rat adjuvant-induced arthritis. We also observed a
marked decrease in membrane-bound gp130 protein expression in the joint
homogenates of the EGCG-treated group. In contrast, quantitative RT-PCR showed
that the gp130/IL-6Ralpha mRNA ratio increased by approximately 2-fold,
suggesting a possible mechanism of sgp130 activation by EGCG. Gelatin zymography
results showed EGCG inhibits IL-6/soluble IL-6R-induced matrix
metalloproteinase-2 activity in RA synovial fibroblasts and in joint
homogenates, possibly via up-regulation of sgp130 synthesis. The results of
these studies provide previously undescribed evidence of IL-6 synthesis and
transsignaling inhibition by EGCG with a unique mechanism of sgp130
up-regulation, and thus hold promise as a potential therapeutic agent for RA"
The major green tea
polyphenol, (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate, inhibits obesity, metabolic
syndrome, and Fatty liver disease in high-fat-fed mice - J Nutr. 2008
Sep;138(9):1677-83 - "In mice fed a high-fat diet (60%
energy as fat), supplementation with dietary EGCG treatment (3.2 g/kg diet) for
16 wk reduced body weight (BW) gain, percent body fat, and visceral fat weight
(P < 0.05) compared with mice without EGCG treatment ... EGCG treatment
attenuated insulin resistance, plasma cholesterol, and monocyte chemoattractant
protein concentrations in high-fat-fed mice (P < 0.05). EGCG treatment also
decreased liver weight, liver triglycerides, and plasma alanine aminotransferase
concentrations in high-fat-fed mice (P < 0.05). Histological analyses of liver
samples revealed decreased lipid accumulation in hepatocytes in mice treated
with EGCG compared with high-fat diet-fed mice without EGCG treatment. In
another experiment, 3-mo-old high-fat-induced obese mice receiving short-term
EGCG treatment (3.2 g/kg diet, 4 wk) had decreased mesenteric fat weight and
blood glucose compared with high-fat-fed control mice (P < 0.05). Our results
indicate that long-term EGCG treatment attenuated the development of obesity,
symptoms associated with the metabolic syndrome, and fatty liver. Short-term
EGCG treatment appeared to reverse preexisting high-fat-induced metabolic
pathologies in obese mice. These effects may be mediated by decreased lipid
absorption, decreased inflammation, and other mechanisms"
Green tea reduces LDL
oxidability and improves vascular function - J Am Coll Nutr. 2008
Apr;27(2):209-13 - "The mean diameter of the brachial
artery following the post-compression hyperaemia phase rose significantly (p <
0.0001) after treatment with green tea extract. Flow-mediated brachial artery
vasodilation ranged from 5.68% for the placebo phase to 11.98% after the green
tea extract (p = 0.02). The consumption of green tea extract was associated with
a significant 37.4% reduction in the concentration of oxidized LDL (TBARS) (p =
0.017). The levels of anti-oxidized LDL IgM antibodies fell significantly after
treatment (p = 0.002) ... This study found that consumption of green tea extract
by women for five weeks produced modifications in vascular function and an
important decrease in serum oxidizability"
(-)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) inhibits HGF-induced invasion and
metastasis in hypopharyngeal carcinoma cells - Cancer Lett. 2008 Jul 14 -
"Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) has recently attracted a
considerable amount of attention as a stromal-derived mediator in tumor-stromal
interactions, particularly because of its close involvement in cancer invasion
and metastasis, and (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) can modulate the cell
signaling associated with angiogenesis, metastasis, and migration of cancer
cells ... EGCG at physiologically relevant concentration (1muM) suppressed
HGF-induced tumor motility and MMP-9 and uPA activities, and the suppression of
Akt and Erk pathway by EGCG was one of the downstream mechanisms to facilitate
EGCG-induced anti-invasion effects. These results suggest that EGCG may serve as
a therapeutic agent to inhibit HGF-induced invasion in hypopharyngeal carcinoma
patients" - I took six capsules per day of green tea extract when I had
my neck cancer. Maybe that's what
saved me. See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
consumption and cognitive impairment and decline in older Chinese adults -
Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Jul;88(1):224-31 - "Total tea
intake was significantly associated with a lower prevalence of cognitive
impairment, independent of other risk factors. Compared with the ORs for rare or
no tea intake, the ORs for low, medium, and high levels of tea intake were 0.56
(95% CI: 0.40, 0.78), 0.45 (95% CI: 0.27, 0.72), and 0.37 (95% CI: 0.14, 0.98),
respectively (P for trend < 0.001). For cognitive decline, the corresponding ORs
were 0.74 (95% CI: 0.54, 1.00), 0.78 (95% CI: 0.55, 1.11), and 0.57 (95% CI:
0.32, 1.03), respectively (P for trend = 0.042). These effects were most evident
for black (fermented) and oolong (semi-fermented) teas, the predominant types
consumed by this population"
acute effect of green tea consumption on endothelial function in healthy
individuals - Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil. 2008 Jun;15(3):300-5 -
"Flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) ... FMD increased
significantly with tea (by 3.69%, peak at 30 min, P<0.02), whereas it did not
change significantly with caffeine (increase by 1.72%, peak at 30 min, P=NS) ...
Green tea consumption has an acute beneficial effect on endothelial function,
assessed with FMD of the brachial artery, in healthy individuals. This may be
involved in the beneficial effect of tea on cardiovascular risk"
Effects of aqueous green tea extract on activities of DNA turn-over enzymes in
cancerous and non-cancerous human gastric and colon tissues - Altern Ther
Health Med. 2008 May-Jun;14(3):30-3 - "Our data suggest
that green tea may support the medical treatment of stomach and colon cancer"
tea catechins prevent cognitive deficits caused by Abeta(1-40) in rats - J
Nutr Biochem. 2008 Feb 14 - "Polyphenon E (PE) .. PE
administration for 26 weeks significantly decreased the Abeta-induced increase
in the number of reference and working memory errors, with a concomitant
reduction of hippocampal lipid peroxide (LPO; 40%) and cortico-hippocampal
reactive oxygen species (ROS; 42% and 50%, respectively). Significantly reduced
levels of LPO in the plasma (24%) and hippocampus (25%) as well as those of ROS
in the hippocampus (23%) and cortex (41%) were found in the PE+Vehicle group as
compared with the Vehicle group ... long-term administration of green tea
catechins provides effective prophylactic benefits against Abeta-induced
cognitive impairment" - [Nutra
Coffee, tea,
colas, and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer - Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers
Prev. 2008 Mar;17(3):712-6 - "Neither caffeinated nor
decaffeinated coffees were associated with ovarian cancer risk; also, we
observed no association of total caffeine with risk using a combined index that
summed intake from coffee, tea, and carbonated soft drinks. Among teas, neither
herbal/decaffeinated nor black teas were associated with risk; however, women
who reported drinking >/=1 cup/d of green tea had a 54% reduction in risk"
Effect of tea catechins on body fat accumulation in rats fed a normal diet -
Biomed Res. 2008 Feb;29(1):27-32 - "The administration
of 0.5% catechins decreased the accumulation of body fat and the serum levels of
cholesterol and bile acids. These results indicate that tea catechins modulate
lipid metabolism not only in obese subjects, but also in the non-obese"
Differential Effects of Black versus Green Tea on Risk of Parkinson's Disease in
the Singapore Chinese Health Study - Am J Epidemiol. 2007 Dec 20 -
"Black tea, a caffeine-containing beverage, showed an
inverse association with Parkinson's disease risk that was not confounded by
total caffeine intake or tobacco smoking (p for trend = 0.0006; adjusted
relative risk for the highest vs. lowest tertile of intake = 0.29"
Weight gain and psychiatric treatment: Is there a role for green tea and
conjugated linoleic acid? - Lipids Health Dis. 2007 May 3;6:14 -
"Here we report on four cases of social anxiety disorder
treated with the atypical antipsychotic quetiapine. Self-administration of
conjugated linoleic acid and green tea extract may have influenced objective
anthropomorphic measurements; each patient had an unexpected decrease in total
body fat mass, a decrease in body fat percentage and an increase in lean body
mass. Since weight gain is a common and undesirable side-effect with psychiatric
medications, our observation strongly suggests the need for controlled clinical
trials using these agents" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
conjugated linoleic acid at Amazon.com .
Effect of green tea on kidney tubules of diabetic rats - Br J Nutr. 2008 Feb
6;:1-8 - "It has been documented that green tea (GT) and
its catechin components improve renal failure and inhibit the growth of
mesangial cells ... GT treatment significantly (P < 0.01) reduced the serum
glucose, glycosylated protein, serum creatinine and blood urea N levels by 29.6
(sem 3.7), 22.7 (sem 5.2), 38.9 (sem 10) and 41.7 (sem 1.9) %, respectively ...
the GT-treated group showed a significant 44 (sem 10.8) % higher creatinine
clearance (Ccr) ... GT reduced the urea N, creatinine, glucose and protein
excretion rates by 30 (sem 7.6), 35.4 (sem 5.3), 34.0 (sem 5.3) and 46.0 (sem
13.0) % compared with the 12 weeks diabetic group. Administration of GT to 12
weeks diabetic rats significantly (P < 0.001) prevented (99.98 (sem 0.27) %
less) the accumulation of glycogen in the kidney tubules. These results indicate
that in STZ diabetes, kidney function appears to be improved with GT consumption
which also prevents glycogen accumulation in the renal tubules, probably by
lowering blood levels of glucose. Therefore, GT could be beneficial additional
therapy in the management of diabetic nephropathy"
Tea Extract Protects Leptin-Deficient, Spontaneously Obese Mice from Hepatic
Steatosis and Injury - J Nutr. 2008 Feb;138(2):323-331 -
"Histologic evaluation showed a significant reduction in
hepatic steatosis in GTE-fed obese mice only and histologic scores were
correlated with hepatic lipid concentration (r = 0.84; P < 0.05), which was
reduced dose dependently by GTE. GTE protected against hepatic injury as
suggested by 30-41% and 22-33% lower serum alanine aminotransferase and
aspartate aminotransferase activities, respectively" - Note: Alanine
aminotransferase is the "ALT" you see on blood tests and aspartate
aminotransferase is the "AST" you see on blood tests.
The combination of epigallocatechin gallate and curcumin suppresses
ERalpha-breast cancer cell growth in vitro and in vivo - Int J Cancer. 2007
Dec 20 -
"Tumor volume in the EGCG + curcumin treated mice
decreased 49% compared to vehicle control mice (p < 0.05), which correlated with
a 78 +/- 6% decrease in levels of VEGFR-1 protein expression in the tumors.
Curcumin treatment significantly decreased tumor protein levels of EGFR and Akt,
however the expression of these proteins was not further decreased following
combination treatment. Therefore, these results demonstrate that the combination
of EGCG and curcumin is efficacious in both in vitro and in vivo models of
ERalpha- breast cancer and that regulation of VEGFR-1 may play a key role in
this effect"
Effects of green tea on insulin sensitivity, lipid profile and expression of
PPARalpha and PPARgamma and their target genes in obese dogs - Br J Nutr.
2007 Dec 6;:1-9 - "At 12 weeks in the green tea group,
mean insulin sensitivity index was 60 (sem 11) % higher (P < 0.05) and TAG
concentration 50 (sem 10) % lower (P < 0.001), than baseline ... These findings
show that nutritional doses of green tea extract may improve insulin sensitivity
and lipid profile and alter the expression of genes involved in glucose and
lipid homeostasis"
Prevention of hypertension, cardiovascular damage and endothelial dysfunction
with green tea extracts - Am J Hypertens. 2007 Dec;20(12):1321-8 -
"green tea extract (GTE) ... The GTE prevented
hypertension and target organ damage induced by a high Ang II dose, likely by
prevention or scavenging of superoxide anion generation"
Chronic green tea extract supplementation reduces hemodialysis-enhanced
production of hydrogen peroxide and hypochlorous acid, atherosclerotic factors,
and proinflammatory cytokines - Am J Clin Nutr. 2007 Nov;86(5):1539-47 -
"Catechins reduce hemodialysis-induced production of
hydrogen peroxide and hypochlorous acid, atherosclerotic disease risk factors,
and proinflammation"
Tea drinking is associated with benefits on bone density in older women - Am
J Clin Nutr. 2007 Oct;86(4):1243-1247 - "In the
cross-sectional analysis, total hip aBMD was 2.8% greater in tea drinkers (x:
806; 95% CI: 797, 815 mg/cm(2)) than in non-tea drinkers (784; 764, 803
mg/cm(2)) (P < 0.05). In the prospective analysis over 4 y, tea drinkers lost an
average of 1.6% of their total hip aBMD (-32; -45, -19 mg/cm(2)), but non-tea
drinkers lost 4.0%"
Green Tea Consumption and Prostate Cancer Risk in Japanese Men: A Prospective
Study - Am J Epidemiol. 2007 Sep 29 - "The
multivariate relative risk was 0.52 (95% confidence interval: 0.28, 0.96) for
men drinking 5 or more cups/day compared with less than 1 cup/day (p(trend) =
0.01). Green tea may be associated with a decreased risk of advanced prostate
Can EGCG Reduce Abdominal Fat in Obese Subjects? - J Am Coll Nutr. 2007
Aug;26(4):396S-402S - "heart rate (HR) ... Moderate
consumption of EGCG can improve the health status of overweight individuals
undergoing regular exercise by reducing HR and plasma glucose concentrations.
Loss of body fat, however, may require a higher intake of EGCG, other catechins
or addition of metabolic stimulants"
The effects of epigallocatechin-3-gallate on thermogenesis and fat oxidation in
obese men: a pilot study - J Am Coll Nutr. 2007 Aug;26(4):389S-95S -
"These findings suggest that EGCG alone has the
potential to increase fat oxidation in men and may thereby contribute to the
anti-obesity effects of green tea"
Synergic Anticandidal Effect of Epigallocatechin-O-gallate Combined with
Amphotericin B in a Murine Model of Disseminated Candidiasis and Its
Anticandidal Mechanism - Biol Pharm Bull. 2007 Sep;30(9):1693-6
A Prospective Study of Green Tea Consumption and Oral Cancer Incidence in Japan
- Ann Epidemiol. 2007 Jun 30 - "For women, the HRs of
oral cancer for green tea consumption of 1-2, 3-4, and 5 or more cups per day
were 0.51 (95% CI: 0.10-2.68), 0.60 (95% CI: 0.17-2.10), and 0.31 (95% CI:
0.09-1.07), respectively, compared with those who drank less than one cup per
day (p for trend, 0.08). For men, no such trends were observed"
Inhibition Of Tumorigenesis in Apc(Min/+) Mice by a Combination of
(-)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate and Fish Oil - J Agric Food Chem. 2007
Aug 16 - "The effect of a combination of
(-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) with fish oil on intestinal
tumorigenesis in Apc (Min/+) mice fed a high-fat diet was investigated in
the present study. The combined treatment of EGCG and fish oil for 9 weeks
reduced the tumor number by 53% as compared to controls while neither agent
alone had a significant effect. Apoptosis was significantly increased in all
treatment groups"
Green tea selectively targets initial stages of intestinal carcinogenesis in
the AOM-ApcMin mouse model - Carcinogenesis. 2007 Jul 17 -
"green tea specifically targets initial stages of
colon carcinogenesis; the time of administration of green tea is pivotal for
effective chemoprevention. Beverage levels of GT are not likely to inhibit
the progress of any large adenomas or adenocarcinomas existing prior to the
tea administration"
Protective Effect of (-)-Epigallocatechin Gallate against Advanced Glycation
Endproducts-Induced Injury in Neuronal Cells - Biol Pharm Bull. 2007
Aug;30(8):1369-73 - "Advanced glycation endproducts
(AGEs) are believed to be secondary factors in the selective neuronal injury
associated with several neurodegenerative disorders. In this study, we
investigated the protective effects of (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG),
a major monomer of green tea polyphenols, against AGEs-induced damage in
neuron cells. The results showed that EGCG treatment protected against
glyceraldehyde-derived AGE-induced neurotoxicity"
Intakes of coffee, tea, milk, soda and juice and renal cell cancer in a
pooled analysis of 13 prospective studies - Int J Cancer. 2007 Jun 21 -
"Coffee consumption was associated with a modestly
lower risk of renal cell cancer (pooled multivariate RR for 3 or more 8 oz
(237 ml) cups/day versus less than one 8 oz (237 ml) cup/day = 0.84 ... Tea
consumption was also inversely associated with renal cell cancer risk
(pooled multivariate RR for 1 or more 8 oz (237 ml) cups/day versus
nondrinkers = 0.85"
Randomized controlled trial for an effect of green tea-extract powder
supplementation on glucose abnormalities - Eur J Clin Nutr. 2007 Jun 6 -
"consumed a packet of green tea-extract powder
containing 544 mg polyphenols (456 mg catechins) daily ... A significant
reduction in hemoglobin A1c level and a borderline significant reduction in
diastolic blood pressure were associated with the intervention"
Prospective cohort study of green tea consumption and colorectal cancer risk
in women - Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2007 Jun;16(6):1219-23 -
"The multivariate relative risk of CRC was 0.63 (95%
confidence interval, 0.45-0.88) for women who reported drinking green tea
regularly at baseline compared with nonregular tea drinkers" - I read
that as a 37% reduction in risk. - Ben
Acute EGCG Supplementation Reverses Endothelial Dysfunction in Patients with
Coronary Artery Disease - J Am Coll Nutr. 2007 Apr;26(2):95-102 -
"epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a major catechin
in tea ... EGCG acutely improves endothelial function in humans with
coronary artery disease, and may account for a portion of the beneficial
effects of flavonoid-rich food on endothelial function"
Tea and lycopene protect against prostate cancer - Asia Pac J Clin Nutr.
2007;16 Suppl:453-7 - "The protective effect of
green tea was significant (odds ratio 0.14, 95% CI: 0.06-0.35) for the
highest quartile relative to the lowest after adjusting for total vegetables
and fruits intakes and other potential confounding factors. Intakes of
vegetables and fruits rich in lycopene were also inversely associated with
prostate cancer risk (odds ratio 0.18 ... habitual drinking tea and intakes
of vegetables and fruits rich in lycopene could lead to a reduced risk of
prostate cancer in Chinese men. Together they have a stronger preventive
effect than either component taken separately"
Tea consumption and basal cell and squamous cell skin cancer: Results of a
case-control study - J Am Acad Dermatol. 2007 Jan 26 -
"Our findings support the existence of an inverse
association between tea consumption and skin carcinogenesis"
Green Tea Consumption and Mortality Due to Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer,
and All Causes in Japan: The Ohsaki Study - JAMA, 9/13/06 -
"Green tea consumption is associated with reduced
mortality due to all causes and due to cardiovascular disease but not with
reduced mortality due to cancer"
Green tea consumption and cognitive function: a cross-sectional study from
the Tsurugaya Project 1
- Am J Clin Nutr. 2006 Feb;83(2):355-61 -
"A higher consumption of green tea is associated
with a lower prevalence of cognitive impairment in humans"
Tea consumption and ovarian cancer risk in a population-based cohort -
Arch Intern Med. 2005 Dec 26;165(22):2683-6 -
"Each additional cup of tea per day was associated
with an 18% lower risk of ovarian cancer"
Ingestion of a tea rich in catechins leads to a reduction in body fat and
malondialdehyde-modified LDL in men - Am J Clin Nutr. 2005
Jan;81(1):122-9 -
"Body weight, BMI, waist circumference, body fat
mass, and subcutaneous fat area were significantly lower in the green tea
extract group than in the control group"
Plasma-kinetic characteristics of purified and isolated green tea catechin
epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) after 10 days repeated dosing in healthy
volunteers - Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 2004 Jul;74(4):269-78 -
"Ten days' repeated administration of oral doses of
EGCG of up to 800 mg per day were found to be safe and very well tolerated"
Bioavailability and antioxidant activity of tea flavanols after consumption
of green tea, black tea, or a green tea extract supplement
- Am J Clin Nutr. 2004 Dec;80(6):1558-64 -
"Flavanol absorption was enhanced when tea
polyphenols were administered as a green tea supplement in capsule form and
led to a small but significant increase in plasma antioxidant activity
compared with when tea polyphenols were consumed as black tea or green tea.
All 3 interventions provided similar amounts of
Effects of green tea intake on the development of coronary artery disease
- Circ J. 2004 Jul;68(7):665-70 - "the more green
tea patients consume, the less likely they are to have CAD"
The Protective Effect of Habitual Tea Consumption on Hypertension - Arch
Intern Med. 2004;164:1534-1540
VEGF Receptor Phosphorylation Status and Apoptosis is Modulated by a Green
Tea Component, Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) in B cell Chronic
Lymphocytic Leukemia
- Blood. 2004 Mar 2
Antioxidant effects of tea: evidence from human clinical trials
- J Nutr. 2003 Oct;133(10):3285S-92S -
"tea flavonoids are potent antioxidants that are
absorbed from the gut after consumption. Tea consumption consistently leads
to a significant increase in the antioxidant capacity of the blood.
Beneficial effects of increased antioxidant capacity in the body may be the
reduction of oxidative damage to important biomolecules. The scientific
support is strongest for the protection of DNA from oxidative damage after
black or green tea consumption"
Mechanisms of cancer prevention by tea constituents
- J Nutr. 2003 Oct;133(10):3262S-7S -
"Consumption of tea (Camellia sinensis) has been
suggested to prevent cancer, heart disease and other diseases. Animal
studies have shown that tea and tea constituents inhibit carcinogenesis of
the skin, lung, oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, liver, prostate and other
organs. In some studies, the inhibition correlated with an increase in tumor
cell apoptosis and a decrease in cell proliferation"
Tea Intake Is Inversely Related to Blood Pressure in Older Women
- J Nutr. 2003 Sep;133(9):2883-2886 -
"Tea is rich in polyphenols, which have activities
consistent with
blood pressure-lowering potential ... Higher tea intake and higher
4-O-methylgallic acid excretion were associated with significantly lower
systolic (P = 0.002 and P = 0.040, respectively) and diastolic (P = 0.027
and P < 0.001, respectively) blood pressures. A 250 mL/d (1 cup) increase in
tea intake was associated with a 2.2 (0.8, 3.6) mm Hg lower systolic blood
pressure and a 0.9 (0.1, 1.7) mm Hg lower diastolic blood pressure"
- See
green tea products.
Cholesterol-Lowering Effect of a Theaflavin-Enriched Green Tea Extract -
Arch Intern Med. 2003;163:1448-1453 -
"randomly assigned to receive a daily capsule
containing theaflavin-enriched green tea extract (375 mg) or placebo for 12
weeks ... After 12 weeks, the mean +/- SEM changes from baseline in total
cholesterol, LDL-C, HDL-C, and triglyceride levels were -11.3% +/- 0.9% (P =
.01), -16.4% +/- 1.1% (P = .01), 2.3% +/- 2.1% (P = .27), and 2.6% +/- 3.5%
(P = .47), respectively"
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