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A Glass Of Wine A Day May Boost Life Expectancy By Five Years - Science
Daily, 4/29/09 - "light long term alcohol
consumption of all types—up to 20 g a day— extended life by around two extra
years compared with no alcohol at all. Extended life expectancy was slightly
less for those who drank more than 20 g ... men who drank only wine, and
less than half a glass of it a day, lived around 2.5 years longer than those
who drank beer and spirits, and almost five years longer than those who
drank no alcohol at all"
Drinking Wine May Increase Survival Among Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Patients
- Science Daily, 4/21/09 - "those who drank wine had
a 76 percent five-year survival compared with 68 percent for non-wine
drinkers. Further research found five-year, disease-free survival was 70
percent among those who drank wine compared with 65 percent among non-wine
Wine May Cut Risk of Esophageal Cancer - WebMD, 3/2/09 -
"Esophageal cancer rates have increased over the
last three decades, due to a more than 500% increase of a subtype of the
cancer linked to acid reflux disease, known as esophageal adenocarcinoma ...
drinking as little as one glass of wine a day was associated with a 56%
decrease in the risk for developing Barrett's esophagus ... About 5% of the
U.S. population is estimated to have Barrett's, but most are never
diagnosed. People with the condition have about a 30- to 40-fold higher risk
of developing esophageal adenocarcinoma than the general population ... Wine
is high in antioxidants and other studies have shown that people who eat
plenty of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables are less likely to have
Barrett's esophagus and esophageal cancer"
Little Wine Boosts Omega-3 In The Body: Novel Mechanism For A Healthier
Heart Found - Science Daily, 12/5/08 - "moderate
alcohol drinking acts like a 'trigger', boosting the amount of omega-3 fatty
acids in our body ... the association was stronger between wine drinking and
omega-3 fatty acids levels. This suggests that components of wine other than
alcohol is associated with omega-3 fatty acids concentration. We may guess
this effect can be ascribed to polyphenols"
Hazardous Levels Of Metal Ions Found In Many Commercial Table Wines, Study
Suggests - Science Daily, 10/29/08 - "An
analysis of reported levels of metals in wines from sixteen different
countries found that only those from Argentina, Brazil and Italy did not
pose a potential health risk owing to metals"
Wine May Lower Lung Cancer Risk - Science Daily, 10/7/08 -
"there was on average a two percent lower lung
cancer risk associated with each glass of red wine consumed per month ...
Red wine is known to contain high levels of antioxidants. There is a
compound called resveratrol that is very rich in red wine because it is
derived from the grape skin. This compound has shown significant health
benefits in preclinical studies" - See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com
Tummy's Taste For Red Wine With Red Meat - Science Daily, 6/30/08
Israeli Study: Drinking Red Wine May Improve Meat's Healthfullness -
Science Daily, 6/27/08 - "The rats that had eaten
the turkey meat without the wine had high levels of chemicals that promote
oxidation, which has been linked to cancer, atherosclerosis, and other
serious disease ... the rats that got the turkey meat and the red wine had
less of those oxidation chemicals in their stomach and blood after their
Low-dose resveratrol may slow ageing: for mice at least - Nutra USA,
6/4/08 - "animals in the calorie-restriction and
low-dose resveratrol groups had altered gene expression profiles in 90 and
92 per cent, respectively, in the heart ... In short, a glass of wine or
food or supplements that contain even small doses of resveratrol are likely
to represent "a robust intervention in the retardation of cardiac ageing,""
- See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com
Substance In Red Wine, Resveratrol, Found To Keep Hearts Young -
Science Daily, 6/4/08 - "Resveratrol is active in
much lower doses than previously thought and mimics a significant fraction
of the profile of caloric restriction at the gene expression level ... In
animals on a restricted diet, 90 percent of those heart genes experienced
altered gene expression profiles, while low doses of resveratrol thwarted
age-related change in 92 percent. The new findings, say the study's authors,
were associated with prevention of the decline in heart function associated
with aging" - See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com
Red wine keeps liver healthy, suggests new study - Nutra USA, 5/22/08 -
"People who drank up to one glass of wine a day saw
the risk of liver disease due to Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
cut in half ... In contrast, compared with wine drinkers, people who
reported modest consumption of beer or spirits had over four times the odds
of having suspected NAFLD"
May Protect Against Dementia, Study Suggests - Science Daily, 4/10/08 -
"among those women who reported that they drank wine
a considerably lower proportion suffered from dementia, whereas this
correlation was not found among those who had reported that they regularly
drank beer or liquor"
Wine, Tea, May Help Regulate Blood Sugar In Type 2 Diabetics, Research
Suggests - Science Daily, 4/2/08 - "Both red and
white wines were tested in the laboratory using in vitro enzyme studies to
determine how well they could inhibit the activity of a target enzyme called
alpha-glucosidase, responsible for triggering the absorption of glucose by
the small intestine. Red wine was the winner, able to inhibit the enzyme by
nearly 100 percent. Values for white wine hovered around 20 percent ... red
wine contains roughly ten times more polyphenolics than white wine"
Moderate Alcohol Consumption In Middle Age Can Lower Cardiac Risk, Study
Shows - Science Daily, 3/7/08 - "After 4 years
of follow-up, new moderate drinkers had a 38% lower chance of developing
cardiovascular disease than did their non-drinking counterparts ... When
comparing non-drinkers to wine-only drinkers, drinkers of other types of
alcohol, and heavy drinkers, the wine-only drinkers had the most significant
reduction in cardiovascular events"
Chemical In Red Wine, Fruits And Vegetables May Stop Cancer, Heart Disease,
Depending On The Dose - Science Daily, 10/30/07 -
"very high doses of antioxidant polyphenols shut
down and prevent cancerous tumors by cutting off the formation of new blood
vessels needed for tumor growth ... the same polyphenols play a beneficial
role for those with diseased hearts and circulatory systems by facilitating
blood vessel growth ... the amount of polyphenols necessary to obtain an
anti-cancer effect is the equivalent of drinking about a bottle of red wine
each day" - See
grape seed extract at Amazon.com
Glucose Benefits of Wine in Diabetics - Medscape, 9/21/07 -
"At the end of three months, 91 subjects remained in
the study; those in the alcohol-intervention group experienced a
statistically significant drop in fasting plasma glucose, from a mean of
139.6 mg/dL to 118 mg/dL"
Wine Protects The Prostate - Science Daily, 5/25/07 -
"men who drink an average of four to seven glasses
of red wine per week are only 52% as likely to be diagnosed with
prostate cancer as those who do not drink red wine ... when white wine
was compared with red, red had the most benefit ... But much of the
speculation focuses on chemicals—including various
flavonoids and
resveratrol—missing from other alcoholic beverages"
Wine Drinkers May
Live Longer - WebMD, 2/28/07 - "Men who drink
about half a glass of wine a day over decades may outlive teetotalers by
four years on average ... Light alcohol intake may boost HDL ("good")
cholesterol and help prevent blood clots"
Red Wine vs. Colon
Cancer - WebMD, 10/24/06 - "3% of red wine
drinkers had such abnormal growths, compared with nearly 9% of white wine
drinkers and almost 10% of teetotalers ... they suggest that a compound
found in grapes and red wine – the antioxidant resveratrol -- may cut the
odds of getting abnormal colon growths that can become cancerous"
Resveratrol in red wine could cut colorectal cancer risk - Nutra USA,
10/23/06 - "Drinking more than three glasses of red
wine a week could cut the risk of colorectal cancer by almost 70 per cent
... the active component in wine that may be behind the apparent benefits is
most likely resveratrol"
Red Wine May Prevent Alzheimer's - WebMD, 9/20/06 -
"After seven months of sipping their designated drinks,
the mice individually were placed in a maze and challenged to find their way
out ... Those in the red wine group performed best. The mice in the ethanol
group weren't better at mastering the maze than the teetotalers ... The mice
in the red wine group were quicker to adapt to that change"
White Wine as Good
for Heart as Red? - WebMD, 8/11/06
Refutes Heart Health Benefits of Wine - CBS 2 Chicago, 6/16/05
Moderate Red Wine Drinking Reduces Risk for Cataract - Medscape, 5/5/05
- "Five-year incidence of cataract was 22% in
drinkers and 32.2% in nondrinkers. Based on alcohol consumption, cataracts
occurred in 23% of beer drinkers, 19% of spirit drinkers, and 13% of wine
Both Beer, Red Wine Raise Blood Pressure - WebMD, 4/18/05 -
"Compared with the men who did not drink any
alcohol, the red wine drinkers had a nearly a 2.5 point jump in their
systolic blood pressure. Beer drinkers' blood pressure rose nearly two
Red Wine Protects The Heart - Science Daily, 3/30/05 -
"His laboratory found polyphenols, minus the
alcohol, are powerful anti–oxidants. Polyphenols also are found in fruit,
particularly berries, as well as green tea and chocolate. Anti–oxidants slow
cell deterioration. The polyphenols also help prevent the build up of plaque
on the smooth muscle cells, as well as inhibit platelet formation, which can
lead to blood clotting"
Wine Keeps Women's Hearts Beating Healthily - Science Daily, 2/22/05 -
"HRV was highest in women who drank 5 or more grams
of alcohol a day, equivalent to more than half a standard unit, and lowest
in those who drank no alcohol at all"
- Screw
Tops Are Wine Bottles Of The Future - CBS Chicago, 1/7/05 -
"Roughly one in every 20 bottles of wine is ruined
because of a tainted cork. Bacteria in the cork can pass into the wine and
spoil the aroma and flavor"
- Red Wine May
Guard Against Lung Cancer - WebMD, 10/27/04
Study Says What's Good for the Heart May Be Good for the Bones -
Doctor's Guide, 10/7/04 -
"The study demonstrated a gain of up to 5% in bone
mineral density (BMD) at the hip in postmenopausal women who drank 2 or
fewer glasses of wine daily, and up to 7% in men who drank 1 or 2 beers
- Red Wine
Protects Prostate - WebMD, 9/23/04
Daily Glass of Red Wine May Cut Risk of Developing Prostate Cancer -
Doctor's Guide, 9/23/04 -
"men who consumed four or more glasses of red wine
per week reduced their risk of prostate cancer by 50 percent ... That
compound, Stanford and colleagues believe, may be an antioxidant called
resveratrol, which is abundant in the skins of red grapes but much less so
in the skins of white grapes"
- Wine Eases
Blood Pressure Risks - WebMD, 9/17/04 -
"moderate wine drinkers at every level of blood
pressure were significantly less likely to die from any cause during a 13-
to 21-year follow-up period ... more than 60 grams of alcohol a day from
wine or a combination of wine and beer was not associated with any reduction
in death risks"
- Red Wine Beats
Gin for Heart Health - WebMD, 8/13/04 -
"40 healthy men consumed 30 grams of ethanol either
in the form of two glasses (about 10 ounces) of red wine (Merlot) or 3.3
ounces of gin with dinner each day for 28 days ... Both groups had lower
levels of fibrinogen ... those who drunk red wine also had lower levels of
C-reactive protein and two other inflammatory markers"
Wine beneficial in old age - Nutra USA, 5/3/04
- Cancer Claims
for Red Wine Supplement Suspect - WebMD, 4/21/04 -
"resveratrol, an antioxidant found in grape skins,
wine, and peanuts, barely enters the human bloodstream when taken by mouth"
- Q&A: Is a glass of wine (or two)
good for you? - MSNBC, 4/19/04
- Sherry Shares
Wine's Health Benefits - WebMD, 3/19/04
Sherry Joins Ranks of Heart-Friendly Drinks - HealthDay, 3/19/04
Wine after carb-heavy meal causes drop in vital hormone - HealthDay,
“Grape Expectations”: Lengthen Lifetime with Red Wine? - Physician's
Weekly, 9/15/03 -
"Resveratrol, a molecule that exists naturally in
grapes and red wine, was shown to extend the life span of yeast cells
(polyphenols) by up to 80%. The researchers plan to examine resveratrol's
effect in multi-cellular organisms such as worms, fruit flies, and
eventually humans"
- New Healthy
Ingredient Found in Red Wine - WebMD, 9/9/03 -
"red wines are a significant source of
saponins, which are believed to promote heart health by binding to
cholesterol and preventing the absorption of cholesterol in the blood. The
plant compounds are also thought to play a role in inflammation, which could
have beneficial effects in reducing heart disease and cancer risks ... Of
the wines tested, red zinfandel had the highest saponin levels" - See
grape seed extracts.
More Signs That Red Wine May Cut Cholesterol - HealthDay, 9/9/03
- Red Wine
Counteracts Cigarette Smoking - WebMD, 9/4/03 -
"Drinking two glasses of red wine for every
cigarette smoked is not a wise idea ... However, red wine contains
antioxidants -- phenols -- so powerful that
they can counteract something so harmful as smoking. That's his message"
- See
grape seed extracts.
Toast Red Wine for a Ripe Old Age? - HealthDay, 8/27/03
- Drinking Red
Wine May Slow Aging - WebMD, 8/25/03
One Glass of Wine Per Day Improves Arterial Elasticity - Doctor's Guide,
5/15/02 -
"Modest alcohol intake
was defined as no more than one glass of wine or beer, or less than 30 mL of
hard alcohol daily ... All drinkers, particularly wine drinkers,
demonstrated increased
elasticity in both small and large arteries, as well as lower heart
rates, compared with nondrinkers ... The only negative effect associated
with moderate drinking was a slight increase in systolic and diastolic blood
pressure. Beer drinkers showed the highest blood-pressure elevations ...
moderate wine drinking is associated with higher arterial elasticity, lower
pulse rate, and higher stroke volume"
Wine List for Heart Health Narrows - HealthDay, 2/7/03
- Some Red Wine
Better for You Than Others - WebMD, 2/4/03 -
"They found that some of the wines were able to
increase both the amount and activity of an enzyme that helps protect blood
vessels from hardening (atherosclerosis), a process that can lead to high
blood pressure and heart disease. This enzyme, called endothelial nitric
oxide synthase (eNOS), increases levels of nitric oxide, which helps lower
blood pressure and slow plaque formation among other benefits"
- Wine Drinkers
Stay Sharp Longer - WebMD, 11/12/02
- Wine Causes
Liver Damage, Too - WebMD, 11/11/02
- Here's a Twist:
Red Wine Bad for Heart - WebMD, 9/30/02 -
"Red wine, says Raghvendra Dubey, PhD, may actually
be heart "un-healthy" for women because a component of the wine works at a
cellular level to block the beneficial effects of estrogen"
- The Lungs Favor
White Wine - WebMD, 5/20/02 -
"those studies have shown that a daily dose of 1 to
3 glasses of red wine can improve
cardiovascular health ... We found that white wine intake was strongly
associated with better [lung] function ... One glass of wine per day equaled
a 1.5% higher lung function, adding one or two more years to the person's
lifetime; 3 glasses a day improved lung capacity by 3% ... He speculates
that white wine drinkers have higher levels of vitamin
antioxidants in their blood" - Also see
grape seed extract/Pycnogenol.
Red Wine
Protects against Ethanol-Induced Oxidative Stress in Rat Liver - J Agric
Food Chem. 2009 Jun 23 - "Red wine (RW) is rich in
polyphenolic antioxidants, often reported as hepatoprotective agents ...
Six-month-old Wistar rats were treated with RW or EtOH; controls were
pair-fed. EtOH increased 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine and decreased reduced
and oxidized glutathione. These animals also displayed stimulated superoxide
dismutase, catalase, and glutathione reductase activities. RW treatment
decreased malondialdehyde and reduced glutathione levels.
Glutathione-S-transferase and selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase
activities were stimulated and glutathione reductase activity was inhibited
by RW intake. No modifications were detected in nuclear factor-kappa B or
alkaline phosphatase activities. EtOH consumption induced fibrosis in portal
spaces and hepatocyte lipid accumulation that were absent with RW treatment.
This paper highlights the importance of RW nonalcoholic components and the
relevance of biological matrix in the study of EtOH oxidative effects"
The effect of chronic consumption of red wine on cardiovascular disease risk
factors in postmenopausal women - Atherosclerosis. 2005 Aug 8 -
"chronic consumption of RW significantly reduced
fasting LDL cholesterol concentrations by 8% and increased HDL cholesterol
concentrations by 17% in hypercholesterolaemic postmenopausal women ...
Collectively, regular consumption of full-complement red wine reduces CVD
risk by improving fasting lipid levels in hypercholesterolaemic
postmenopausal women"
Relation between homocysteine concentrations and the consumption of
different types of alcoholic beverages: the French Supplementation with
Antioxidant Vitamins and Minerals Study - Am J Clin Nutr. 2003
Aug;78(2):334-338 -
"Wine consumption may increase
concentrations, whereas beer consumption seems to have no effect (or even an
inverse effect) on tHcy"