Thank you for taking the time to share all the information on your web site and keep it up to date. It has been my most complete source of hGH information. There are three aspects of starting hGH which are very important but not adequately explicated in the literature or your web site. 1. THE COST- All of the TV programs, newspaper and magazine articles about hGH, extravagantly overstate the cost of Recombinant Human Growth Hormone. I have heard and read that hGH costs as much as $8000 to $15,000/year. In reality, 12 I.U.s of Novo Nordisk's Norditropin cost me at my retail drug store here in Dallas only $294. To start with, no one needs to take more than 4 I.U.s/week, so my weekly cost is only $98. Annualized that comes to only $5096. I have friends here in Texas who regularly go to Mexico where they purchase hGH for $10/I.U. compared to my cost of $24.50/I.U.. 2. THE HUNGER-Because everyone gets really hungry when they start hGH (you start growing again) and because it takes a few months to get your IGF-1 count up to between 280 and 350 where your insulin stops storing fat, someone beginning hGH should realize that during at least the first two months, he/she will probably gain weight and it will not be all muscle. A lot of it will be fat. Dr. Klatz writes about the increased nutritional needs of anyone beginning hGH, but he fails to mention the hunger or the delay of months before your body stops storing fat. 3. THE HYPERTENTION POTENTIAL-Dr. Elmer Cranton mentions hypertension as an hGH side effect of water retention. (See "Resetting the Clock" p.82) He doesn't focus on high blood pressure or hypertention as a serious hGH side effect. When people begin hGH, they need to be advised to begin at no more than 4 I.U.s/week and to avoid showdowns, confrontations and trials. I have gotten hypertention headaches just driving in bad traffic. I am almost 55 years old. I have younger friends who claim to be taking (in my opinion unwisely) as much as 12 I.U.s/week without any negative side effects whatsoever. This may only be a problem for borderline old geezzers like me, but older people need to be warned. An older person with high blood pressure would need to start with 3 or 4 I.U.s/week and check their blood pressure weekly. If you could share this with the Internet, you would be even more appreciated. Medical Disclaimer: Information provided is for educational purposes only. The views represented are those of the participants. Body Wise International makes no claims or representation regarding treatment, cure, or mitigation of disease. If you are ill, we recommend you see a qualified health professional. |