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Home > Hiking


Hiking Supplies (I read a lot of reviews to find these):

The best portable USB battery pack for daily use - engadget.com, 6/26/15 - "The Anker 2nd Gen Astro 6400 ($20) is the best pocket-size USB battery for most people, because it comes closest to hitting the sweet spot for price, charging speed, capacity, and portability. Thanks to its smart-charging circuitry, it works well with any current smartphone, and it should be able to handle new models that come out in the next couple of years, too. It's sturdy enough for the daily grind and small enough for a pair of relaxed-fit jeans"

GPS Visualizer: Convert GPS files to plain text or GPX - Neat website to convert Google Maps into .gpx files for things like hiking with MotionX on your iPhone or iPad. Cut and paste the Google Maps URL into this website (the URL field) and it will generate the gpx file. To import a .gpx file into MotionX on your iPhone, cut and paste the code into notepad. Save the file to {name}.txt. Using File Explorer, rename the file to {name}.gpx. Send an email to gpsimport@motionx.com with {name}.gpx attached. They will automatically generate an email back with a link. Click on that link with your iPhone and it will import it into MotionX. See http://support.motionx.com/motionx-gps/importing-waypoints-or-tracks/


  • Here's an example to a hill near my home. Google Maps plotted the trial (you have to select "Hiking"). You also need to select "Google Hybrid" for the maps in MotionX.

How To Make The Business Bucket - YouTube